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s Hernandez resigns Mo desto Ortiz ought to make a satisfactory 0. 0. P. candidate. riunrNE-nnzES. Vnl. it. No. , GERMANY English Official Statement BERLIN ANNOUNCES SUPREME CLASH IS STILL TO E Greatest Battle of the Ages Appears to Have Been Won by the Allies but German Annies Remain Intact. ADMITTED GERMANS MAY REGAIN POSITIONS Present Week Expected to See Even More Desperate Encounters Than Those Re suiting in Xaiser's Retreat. IMriu. Sept. II (:!. a. Ml.) Tlu retreat of thr arnilcit of l.itn-raU Vihi KliM-b mul Voii ItlH lIW ItllllllllCll al lu4 bc. oniita wlili iiuislih-i-ublr rapid ity. Tlie only 0IM1 iul i omiliriil lnt iilitlil wan llml' Ih allien Mi ri' keeping In nMuaii wllli iIm rnrnir ami ImiiI iiuwhI IIii- nter Atom. I.omloii. Kept. II (I: HI a. in.) In a ill-HMHrti Imm l.licnt tli corir-ujMjiiilriil of Hie loil) aaya iluii mar two ilaya ut lutex ligation hi Imh eotillroicil Mm atuleuii ill llial ltulan rMM arf III IlliatOtM. I.ond Sril. II I 2 . m l Thr lnl aliiao of thr lialllr of Ihr U n nr. wlinh from tne iiuiti Iwia of MmitlliR no n i iikiiKiiI, III rui It of III I Ilr of Imllln Ulul I ho lerrifh' alauxhlrr, U urrhaia roi l n't y ilui Urrd "aa ha rrii rl uiilllr of lha uarn." a. crura tu Inivr Iihvii on by lha KrrlW'h and Kiltixh arinira, but Ihr inuln (ifrman army la : ill Intiirl and the vui'iriitr U)i la Hill to iiiim'. Tha irra lit ll may tvm inula drn-iuta viti oiinlvra than any hlrh hava )el tukrn ilar. Mrln, ihr r.ltal of l.orrul ir, and Ihr rhiiln of forla Ihrnra til lilrdrnhoff. oil th' Mnarllr. 7 ml'.ra north of Mela, form a atrong I'lvot for thr Urnnan Irft, hllr Iho rlirr ruurar anil Ihr drtiaa lorrata on t lie frolinrr tokrtlirr with Ihr I.IIIIHHII' ro.iila Klva tho lirimnn iirmy of mifaaion. now In rrirrtit. a ai'lriiilld o'ortuiiity for drfrnalvr anion, ahould lha Krrnrh iiiirpult rutrnrt llila fnr. Mllitmy nbarrra forrarr all kin la :if prri lrXllK I.OHmlitlllU-a In Ihr avrnl of ihr lirrnmna ra- (itUUu- Ihr iolttona thry hrld iirfora thry atnrtrd thr ruh of l.r.uu.uni) nirn on !'a.-:. iir!lc tilarly ahould thry aw"rrd In Inking biirk any largo portions of thrir !iir. Il.trhra from many aotirora. In cluill'i Vlrnna. Indifiiird Ihut th AuHtrlan unny In (iull.'ln U In aoie at nil l, hut th alnry of li romtilrle (liMlrui linn la evidently rxasarrulrd, a lha liilrat nuaalan rrporta indirala that Ornrral KuxyU'a fori'ra af anil mr.'1'.tla with ornanlwd rrnlatanra. It la evident, however, from Ihr dlapo aition of Ihr ronihmania. thm lha Auairian i-enlra w crumpled up while the left wins waa hurlrd hark. Into the ntiiiMhea i.f tha river Han. Thla left ihk, comr ord of the flower of thr Auatrlun troop, may lr rutikht In a trap, making uni ondiltoiml aur-m-ndrr the only altrrnatlve to dr at run Ion. Th otllrinl atulrmrnt Klvrn out In IXroxrdd aaya that llenrral Itrniien kaninf In Kual 1'r.iaaia. la al uhhoriily relit in before a auprrlor for .il..... ihan ri-k Ihn turiilna of hia lell Hank lv Ihr llrrmana. Tha Hrlmun mobile loir, baa r- COM ALL YOU DEMOCRATS GET OUT TO THE HER turned in Im Aiitucrii bum n it h : ,mi explanation ihnt ii 1iim wnvil 1 piirpiiati in previ'iiltng Hi rinan le-j Infupi cmenta from joining Ihr nrmv I In France. Thla fur.- operated fur lour riaya in the KruaHela, Lmivnin ; and Mull tie I rlanulo. forcing lhi i Hfrmii n In nhnudon much nf that! portion of Hi I urn ni It connection J with thin movi-nii-m l la reported ihr ItfUliinu arc run In it Herman' commniiicntlona. in her ilr. rim liiat the Helgl.-itia were rum-' pel led lit mum liei-miao the I li-muma ' wore atrnuaiy reinforced from Liegw. I Thr retiiement Is mini nlu In have been expedited by a threat 1 bnnrj r.mtla. (:ir of ihr mom I n tor ! inn minora! coming rut nf lit'lkium la n report In ! n I'arla nrwepapcr Unit thr Hrrmini1 governor of the on iipied llelnian trr-' n'ory entered Antwerp unlir nn agreement of aufr conduct In n frull- j lira attempt to come to an agreement i with Mm lii'lKlnn Kn rninint. Iliily la ait tit prt-m rv i-ig neutrality hut luia joined the triple entiiue nni ImmoiiI. I In a preterit ugiiinal Ihr r v. nation of the cnpiiiit.iitnna l.y Tur key. Aualrla evidently ft-nra hnatllr n' tlon un thr part of Italy. arrotilliiK to nwainrr rrmrta from for fi.orUh rfforla arc hfin nimlr to lortify TrU-ain ainlnat tttturk anil Ihv ronat In thul vh Hilly la ht-lim Inlncd. i . r.HITIsll OlMt lVI. HTVTI MI T III M It I III H I.KKVT M III 1.1.1 I. I doll. Kept. 14 II 41 p. Ill ) 'I'lie otth Iul prra UurrrtU thla altertioon la aurd the followln4 alnUIll' ll: "All day yealerduy Ihr rtteniy a'uh bornly UiHpuled th piiwuir of the Alane by our trim pa, but In apltr ol Ilia illlti. uliy of lull ing the river tlie lure ol a Htiona oppoallloii nearly all Ihr criKOlnica wrr .mured b ael. "iin our 1 Km nnd left the Kren U troopa were votirnieil with a aiinl lur tuak In whU'.i, Ilka oiiraelvea, they wei.j kiicvciaful. Many inor, r'-n. ti er i wer. taken. "I la reiortrtl from Ihr !"r..i-h hi'i It that the liermin iiowii liiiii.f i l in had been dtlve.i lark an I lint h- Una moved hla he ..pj teri. troin S. Menrhould, !oi.t- "I'rrpared to Imu.ra the llillUU aa j uelim ilroi'il out ol the tlitht, I hey I weie inliiullng an effort to atta. k lee lift Hank of the main French artni, whlrh atrei, lied In a long curved line Ironi our rtijht towurda thr eua. and o to carry out umiiimt It alone un etivelopmeiit alilrh an fur had faib-d aaaluat the loinbliied forci-a of the alltea. , "On tfaturduy lha Sth, lhl move ment, o.-t lh purt uf the ilrrmaiia waa i-onlltiued nnd lurKv advanrr .ur lle croMted the M.irtie aoiilhwiird at Trilpurl, Sammeron, Uierte amta Jourre and t'hnuleau Thelrry. There wua roiiMl.l. rablr Hunting na th the French fifth army on the Kren.h lelt winch Oil ba.k from tta poeltion aoiith uf Ihv . .Murne. toward the Peine. "(in Fundiy Inrire hovtlle for.-ea rroriird thr Maine und puahed through t'uiilllmmera and I'tiat the rliiah right further to tha enal. They were altarked at night by Ihr French llfth army, whhh captured Ihrre vlllagea ut the point of bayoneta. "(ill Monday. Hepirnitur 7. there wua a (eiicrHl a .1 vane on the part ol thr allien. In thla ou.irier of the lleld our force, which hud now been n ln forcrd, puahed on In a nort henalerlr direction In co-oprratloii with the advanrr of the French h"h nriuy to the noith and of the French atxlh army to the eaatwurd again! thr Oermun rvr cuurd along the river Ourcu. "1'iMwllily weakened by the ilrluch men! of troopa to the eaatern theater of operation and reululna that the action of thr amh army (CuuilJituil on I'airr Two.) vpll & iii J Jf i ml ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1914. EMES DEFEAT D A Admits Kaisers Forces Intact and That VICTORY Summary of Today's War News Tin' rif?!it mill rcnliT of lli CScriimti nrinv c-f Ihviimihi lit ' Fiiiiiri' i jfniiln:i'lv witlilniviii mul I In' loft w jtiir in sNMiily rciMiiii ln iiIviiiki of tin' itllii-4, iiccr'lintr I he U -i l t :i 1 n 11 1 i)ifnriiiiilii tmliiv. Tin' (it riniin crown jirliicf aiM-nM to Ik- hulilin Ki-i own in tliu vicinity of Vcnlmi. TIk ciiturv liv the ( fiTiii:iii of a fortified mihii imt tit Invest of Vcrilnti mul ti liattlc In Iwii-n I'arii mxl tin- river Mnrnc, lc wriU'il in ii rcairt from the (icnn.iii ln;iiimirlciH, luivc lain )io(h ciirlii-r in prca lc.ntcics. .'J lie vliitcincnt ri- ii-WH the ih of (lie l! in l-'rain'c from Si itcm1cr 1 to 10, Imt ivvmU tiotltinj; m w. An officiitl i 1 1 1 in n ti i'jt i i i oi iKsttcl nt 1'iiria itt. IJ o'rli-k tlii nft'Tiiooii (l'ari time) l hi ro- tlmt tlic (Scriiiiiiin or "retreat i nyr evervwlii re." Tlicy nre, it i saiM, "iiluiiiloniu nil the h Hitioiia wlijeli tliev e-tnlili-liil to cover n jh-i1i' n-tri'iit." KcjNirt- cotiii-riiins tlie liplitinjr in Iiuiaii l'oluii'l mul (5n ' liiein are 'iitllft iiiir. It iiM':ir tlmt tlie AiwtriaiH have nut m-rioiw reveries Imt eoniintiml .xtriiiiyle" eitaMilt tlnil tliev linve Hot Ixi'll coiti1etclv overwlielincil lv tlie KtiHsiniw. Still lti is tlelinitelv known of the iriMTHtioiiH in K-it Tnis-iia. AivonliiiiT to a .li-iialrli from 1'etroriiil, n Itrtti urntv i la- fore llie cupital, Kociiij'-lK r'j, Imt official alviees two ilavs iijjo f)ntel tlint Ikiis-.iaii force were Imiiilnirilitif; Koenii.'slM'rfi. Accorilinj' to !ritili r .rts, tlie initi:tl tucci-- of (icneral iriiileiila-r!r iii Kant I'l'iiK-ia, which ha Ixi n inliiiiltcil In I'eln prnl, wim followeil hv further (ierinan triunih" to the south of K"K'tiii;liei;. The IS.'luian ji nn y o)Mratin from Antwerp I rcpreni'nteil n-t hnrasiiit: tlie (!i riuans in that vicinity to prevent the two Her man finny eorm there inovinrr xinitli to tlnvniil of the (Senium innin line. 1 limi official rcmrN lulmit that their foree were ihliir!''! to retire afier n counter nttiick ly the (ieriiiau. The Servian .claim continue! miccc- itoaint. the AustriHii the prenler part of whoc iinuii H mi' en-iaireil with the I!iiinii to the north. I T MEMBERS OF (LLFATED III U. S. Revenue Cutter Bear Reaches Alaskan Port To day With Survivors of Stef ansson Expedition. EIGHT MEMBERS ARE GIVEN UP FOR DEAD Two Died and One Was Ac cidently Shot While Sur vivors Waited on Wrangell Island for Rescue Launch. Nome, Al iHku. Hrpt 1.1 ( lrly"l In I The I'iiIokI rstali'a levenur cutter llrar arrived here I" dny with eleven anrvOora of the crew of the Meli.imm.ll eXior'n4 ahip Kar luk. who were readied from Wrnn- gell laland hy the K-"ine lauin h King ami Winge and tnuiHfeired to tha Hear. The aiuvlvora ure: wili.iam i.Atttn McKtvt.ry, magnrlliinn, of I'lyde Hunk, !ol l.iliil. JnllN MiNlt'K. chief engineer. HKHT WILLI A. MM, arcoiid engi neer. ItollKttT TKMI'LFMAV, alewurd C'IIA.K, aaali-Uiiit atew- FUN KMT ard FIlKO V. KKAMAN MAI'ltKK, fireman. II A I U K V. I'.kkliiio mall, wile, two cblblren. O.Miigr HteMiirt M.ialorh, krologixt, of Hamilton, Out , nod Oeorge lii' i- ly, a fireman, died of ai nrvy on Ihr Uland and Wcrii burled there. mm crew III HOME PRIMARIES TONIGHT, THIS MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS MIES BY LEFT lllaine Maiiiili. iiiint.inl topou ra pier nnd ki'oIokIhI. of ChtiHtiunu, Norway a. i nl.illy mIi.'I nii'l killed hnnxrll u.ih hla own aim. He waa bulled on the ialaml. Kinht memliera of thr expedition ure inlMHinn uud are given up lor dead. They are: Al. x.'iioli r Andrrai'tt, tliat inutr. I'harlif Hurler, ai" ond nmte. John Hioily. aeamail. II King. Hen ma n Thee foiir men Irft thr wreck of the Kurluk eighty nulra from Wran eell Inland and weir never aeen HK'iln. Aliater Korbea Ma. kay, aurgemi. of Kdiuhurgli. rtroilan.l. Jumea Murray, . eanogrnpher of Foxm-hl. Hunt.-. Km Henri II. an. haii', of I'arla. Thomaa Morria. a. Th.-nr four ula 1. the Kurluk. never t inland und iniint h.o land, aiithiiipiil"!' - noon. ;i Ihr wreik "f i Mi lled Willi. i:. !1 M'itrhed. JAPANESE ADMIRAL GETS FOUR YEARS IN JAIL FOR GRAFTING Toklo. Kept. 14. Vice Admlrul Koii In brllu-ry Fujil, who oa nrruaed In cnniie. lion it II Ii ihr naval corruption cuae ol Ii.m year. Iiaa been aeiiteuced to ImpriHi'innent tor a term of four yrara nnd nv imntllia. FnJll wua at our time naval attain.- ul lli-rlili. II" hu) uldrrrd be fore a court in Felnuary of thia year. Il nil alb-ged that hr receliTd II- llrll commiaxloiia I t influencing thr ailotmeiit of a.lin.r.,;i v coiitrui'la in I n or of a liri ni..ti I it in. PROSPECTS OF EARLY END TO WAR CAUSE OF SLUMP IN WHEAT (.'hli ago. rVpt. 14 lir.M.rted Im pel Hint Vtetolter of till' Ulliek, Ur iel led by the gram Hade (la lending lo ahorten the win. cuuaed uu ex treme decline of i't cciiia In the pit. r of wheat on the bouid of trade at thr opening l.nliy. The extreme diop wna In wheat for delivery next .May. Thla option at the climax of Ihr war l-Xi-llellienl up lo II 3.'. 1'hiH no. ruing tin' pmr dr. lined lo II IJVj. IS FIXE WEATHER FOB liefilfi BEFORE WING UNDER CROWN PRINCE SITUATION ON RUSSIAN FRONTIER Petrograd Admits Reverses in East Prussia Ifnder Weight, cf "Strong German Rein forcements." SUCCES3 IN GALICIA GOES ON UNBROKEN Austrian Reverses Admitted to have been Terrible but Surrender of Main Forces is Denied. I'nrl. Sifd. II CJ I.V p. A HaiHH nuti I ilupnli h in.) from IVlnutrad Hint I lie (.-rmau are m-iuIIiiu liiiM.iMnl riinforii--liienia to tin foiireM of Mcniel Hie ii"riliiinmot town of llie 4.ernuiii empire on tin Ibiltl '. 72 llllltK iMM-lien4 of KiM'iil;licru ) wlib Ii thrisiieiw I ll-It. The lUiHsiun lniM'rial eoiim II in exaniiiiuDc tlw !.' for I'M' ailinlii iMirulbui on eompu'ri'il I'rii'-Hliiii ami AiiMillan Kirllnry. Msli. M-vln. Situ. II (ln lainiloii. S.1U. II. Ill , ill 'I folloMliMt oil. ial aiati'iiicul nil l an. il tmlav: "tin our iiorllu-ril fmnl. after Inking Senilln. our lriNia Mill eolilliiiie aiircewftilty to purHiie I lie olTriiHlM'. The I. nri ilr. Uirlure of Hm enemy al Senilin can bfl rwllinateil by ibe iiiunlliv of r.illii. ciiiliiii in, ami" and ammunition ami oilier war mulei-lul looiol In the t..n. Ilur lriai im itselnNl with luil.-x i ll.alilo ciiIIiiikIiiiii Iii Seni lin. " coiilllllliHei artillery duel la tukliur Idn.v Hie northern Intnl." MmIi, K.rlii. Sept. II (Via I'ail. 2:Hl p. ni.) lite Servian o(l.'lile ne'iriiirol i tiiiilinie hiiii iiw-fully on lite o ft bunU or IIm- Save. No liittxtrlHiil ilcxclop m. nl-i nbiiiii llie limit Urina liute la-en n'M.ricil kIiii-c llie serilan hir on s.-pleiiib-r . I'nri. s-pt. II (HI: 1.1 a. HI.) In il ill-ipiiti II from I'elnn.riiil the .-..rn m mileiil if tlie lln:e. nut-m ny il Inia Ihii un it. .hoi cil In li e i:uiitii ciipiial Hial a l!i'-"lan army U now Im'. fore Hoi'itighii g, I nal l"rii.i. IU ssl MiMl ls SI T II k IN i:sT I'ltl'M I'ari .-.Pt I I t I 34 p. III. I II. d la pal i Ii In. in 1 1 ..m ini to the 1 lax an a Nero), ,i liurcn Ih il ri.toiutinu'at ion tie iiiiea"( in nuitig. :i. in r.'lr.mtail a ua ilir (lallc-la nr.- " Tn ill.-ra l followa: "Thla olti. i . ..uiinllPl. lit inn in t il alaff loila; . v t" turn iitti'itiim it in lialii lu wheri .it ..iir hui'i i-na con pri ill I no- we have ri pi .i ung ii aulll- given out by tin " 'H la llerera In the thru trr ol the deVrlopmelil UnliK. I'i .i tht been prevented cleiit force in Kaa'.rtn Initio the In viimnii m, 'I il' M.l to I "II begun happily T thrir. It waa for Una le im-l Ih.o that trciiKiiry drparl tiinil onii luia the nrmy under ili nrral It. ntirn- had recoinou mled a lax of to centa I. a in PIT halted along HP' bur from ' a gallon. lieidauen (in F.aat I'mam-i. 4') inili'a Among numrroua aubatltulea for tolillirart of Kuril lgebl-1 " l..l'."l' : til" I . HI) 111 II Ire a plan wna one pre (ierinan troopa on rVpli tulu-r look I arnie.l to.liiy liy Senator Hoblnaon ol up a uffenaivv iii.ivr tnnir ugaiiiat Una army, exwutlug u.l ;iiu r ni.ivi uie it ti.warda our aoiiihern frontier. It la Ullhi ull on nr. i.uni ot the geogtaphii'Hl nlwlrurlia In Him Irrrtlory to know exactly how mail) DEMOCRATS. IT OF Main Conflict Is to Come of the i n. ii. wi le riiK iKril. It wna li. .1 iinlii Sept. t when Ihr Krrat nllaik on 111.' I tl wiliM of lli'll rrnl Iti'lnlirllk.illipn'M :i I lll WtlM lltadr that the Hlllirl Ii a I 1 1. lit 111 of tin iii my vaa r' .-nb-il. Tin v Mere found to he auprrlor to our for.r Ii l along thih line Hint the battle no.i riiKra.' " III I TI It H III I'llllTI ITI Iti: Ol- Vll VIMItlW Alt Ml IS London. S.-pt. M (l'l l"i n. m i -A ill; p:il. h from I'arla to Iteulor'a Trle kimiii iiiiiip.iny Hua: "A trli-Kium from Ti-lrournd to Ihi- V ni in Hint.' thul prrnixleiil ru mors nro rurrenl there that tbr l.irxi-r port ol the Auntrliin nrioiea rn pit '1 la t ri yeHtcrdiiy. The I'ikiii'o talb' nltenilon to the fart that It.iiv, diH.laviii t fur the Hint time Iut il. tiirhin. iit from thi triple o 1 1 hi in -. handed to the portc a prole! iiainxt the proioaed nnoli tlou of the i .ipltiiliillntlt. iltuwll up In trrma till, al to Hume of thr triple etllenlr powl'I'H. "The llg.iro nnnotitirea that Oen- eral on iiolln, governor of thr er upted ItclKian ii.lted Anl Ii li. proV'lleil Willi II ailfr li.tlllill t. n p. I made pi'.ipoaaln to the ll'lgmn Kovrrniiient with a view to rnn hing nn ngreeiiient. The gi.vern nient rcfiiM'd to vonaldvr thrar pro ioHilla." I'Wic i vn:x WIIK.X sI VII IX M I VI I. is HI IIIIITI H London. Sept. II l:i!i n m l A disp.ilrh to the Central Nrwa from I'etrogi ad. dated Sunday, ray a it la reported from I Ho haieat that n panic orriirred In V'lcnnn on receipt of the nrwa of the (apture ol Henilln by the Seriiioia. und that tlniiiMiml of un riiiplord are parading the at reel a of the capltul. The nillitury alorr und even the aloi-k of uniforina proved I" be in-iiflli-lrnt nnd na a reatilt the tliml levy .if reaervlKta lire going t the liontler Ih civilian nltire. Itiishiana to the number of ;Mnl liberated from rnptivity lit Oeimiinv hiiir arrhed In I'eii'ograd via Fin land. Il ia aimed that he reiiaon for thin Ik that Ih" Herman I K II. .,m r la lull ilrplrted 111 Ildlllll ot their liring kept. M STICIV MO I s I. VST I IVi: III' I IK Mil's I HUM II VIA Home, Mi-pl. I I I K. p. in . via I'uria. fept. It t ' 17 it. in I- The Ol ,ii ii. Or d'ltalia aiivn that A unit la hax (Ciiniliiui-il on fagn Twit.) PROPOSED TAX ON FREIGHT LIKELY TO BE MOPPED Not Believed that President will Endorse Suggested Revenue Measure Against Democratic Opposition. WualiiiiKtoii. Sept. It - I'reHidrnl Wili-.n proh.ildy will not eiulora. " fleu ht I ix III Ih." war revenue bill In Ihr la... of party oppo n ( 'ha it nn. ti t 'u.lerw ooil of thr wa and lllrallK I olllliilllee called olf ( Hurting i.f Ibe rooiiiilUeo tod ''. pending; the preaidnifa rrliirn t" W.mhluuton. "I'uleaa thr iireaidriit any a lo iiy Hum we ii i ii -t hnve tbla frrlirht lax." Kiilil Mr. 1'iidrrw I, " will drop It lUllllrlliati'lV. We puna il with. .ut the preabl.-nt'a r.iU'-at." Heverul iroti..ta againn. the pro poned .'u-retit lax on domi-Hlti- winra wi're rrri-ivrd today from I'uiifornia wine grow era' inni'lal lona, v h. ililnliud it would put Hi.' grower' nil of litiaineaa. T ho i orninllter hio heard from on,, of the wtrrn uao il.ilu.liH that it would not protest aauinsi u lax of li rent a giil"ti I (lit the other lined, it w in lenrned ' ArkatiMia. It won , ;,u unn ar II n In d tax blll'imobllra rae power; ir it ii i ii aoil.i I. .unt. nn ri 1 1 ii k a I" nil" a gal lon: beer nn u.ldilioiiiil ' tenia a hirrel und an udilitioiial l..x on civ il ret tea. U reliably rcytrir! thai C'4, W. H. llo.MnrcIt will weave pink allk lltflMa In tin Kilt' lllllvlH'la. J THE KVENTVO IIKHAM1 VOL. 4. NO IU. PARIS BERLIN DENIES mUkJliall First Official Statement for Many Days Claims Victory for Intrepid Forces Stand ing Firm at Verdun. DECLARES FRESH BATTLE FAVORABLE TO GERMANY Brief But Specific Denial of Reported Victory for Allies Sent from Paris and Lon don. Merlin. Kept. 14 ( Hy Wir' leaa to the Aaaoctuled I'r.aa by way of Snyville. L. I. Tha hruditiartt'ia of the German in my In llrrlln todny gave out the following oftlrlnl report: "The Herman crown prima baa rn pi ii .eil the eiumy'a forti lieil p. .pill. in aouthweat of ' -iluii and la now bombarding with heavy Hitillery the outer foita lying to the aouth. "A buttle ia in progreaa be tween I'arla und the river Atarna over u front of 'lt kilometera, Mlreti hing from Nanteuil in tha weat. wln re thr F.nglleh for. ea lire, to Vilry The crow u priilcr'a urin yia from the main battle by the foreat uf Argoiine. "The .irnib'a cf tlie crown prime of lluvitrla and Oeiierul von ll.'.-rlmri n arf In a foimal battle near ttir upper Moaclla "Jamea W. I'.rrnid. the Amer ican MiiiliuiMidor lo (ii-rmuny, luia given out un Interview to. the plena di tivltiit p. rnintrnt reporta Hint the t uited waa pre p.nitig to join tliu ullloa; that Mr. Whit I.. i k. the Ainerh un iiiiuiHter ut HiunioIh. hud uttaillr.l tha mayor f i:ruela to bia alaff; Hint the Ann i i. an flag bad been ruined ut ".hint: that Hie Turk i rioii mi l b ut wua unfl i. n.liy l im. ri in i 0 -ii agalnat ilrrtiiaiiy .'lid Ih it lie Ik udvlmiii Am. ri tana to hurry uway briaiine the I nili il Klateg waa le-lrg to wur. "t.rm-ial 1 1 llliirlll.rrg Iiaa de fr.lted the l'.lP-.l.ln. h.ll rronHi'il Hie H-cniau trotiiiri unii ni lo Ho preient ti'lii' Ills l.lkrll Ill.Uilll prin.iiiria ..Iul iptiirrd S" guua nnd titiiiiv m.l. hltie giiui und art'. plan. " A in.t hi i' oltu ial ri port inaued I . .I.i) . 'The g.irrU.m ut Antwerp ha pern i I'l'iiin...!. "The crown pi uu r'H iirmy la now n tia. k lug h.- folia l.t-laeeii . 'i.l. in an. I Toulon both HllleM. "I'rinic J. allium nirivrd today in i'.riiiu and luia bren liKlged in lalleview palace. "Iini nUhl a oltl. lnl drlttila of the buttle to Ihv nod i.f I'm ia clinnol et new battle up to Hie orulile to porta from a Orrmuii he made pulilir. A i In proKieaa whb h pn a. ill hiia beep fu Ihe lierniana. Itr I'nrla und Loudon uf drfrut are deviated unit ii-. "The ri treat of the lluaklun army In Karl I'ruaala appear a t br rteveloping into flight und da liaornllaailon. llenrral llniden burg the cuplura of I ill kunn and l.rtvxrrn JiJ.UOU and III, unit priaom-ra. "Ihr l.ndon Tlinea iHiiifeaaea that thr all. nipla nt recruiting ill Irel.illd have fulled" Aim