Newspaper Page Text
TWO THE IVENIUO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, 3T. M.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1914. CHINA ONLY Ufl E Ahropation of Extra-Territor-ial Rights by Germany Leave Chinese Alone Un der Supervision. Washington. Sept. 14- -'Vim thi ,iI.i..i..iIi.mi of the '. i-i. it .tonal ,i t t k il Aincil'iins In Tut k . then MiiiiOiiK only imp big ..mniiv Mi witch Hi,- I mli'il SliifK. i icanon i.t i hi- diversity of lawn, i iiI"mi. iiml Ii - I-1 1 t Volll Insist I i I .11 t xt'li IKIHK j'ulii ml fund ions, niiiuclv In China Tin- spread ilimiiirliiiiil llii' "ilil in nil hi of t'hrlntian .Ivllirii in. n li.ii wiped from t lie- ml i.f ri. mi tiii in which I lip I'lnn-d State i iin'iil m ii li right .lupim Korea. M.i.l;iim- hi . I In- ."tiiiiiiiHii ibIiiiuIii n'"l ji p.irt t.f I'i-ikIii llcmdep -hlfin. Ilif I'lliliil Stl ten Mill cllllllllllp In mi'- li.,. extra - territorial rmhtn nf Hi'' .i kind In ."In m mil llimli'il l.-lil in Moio. it, Tunln. Alulr-ri mid in tin-" il iiimin in I'emlii .l.iiniii linn (irinitcd extrn-tcrritorlnl in-Ill In lh.. I'tilted State liy treutv i.iM i'lv nnl lr"K:ttfcl thr iii-lits Wy iinnihpT treaty, rffectivn n is1.' 'i. In thin respect, li I claimed. .ii behalf of Turkey, thut Inn hi . mr.i ti irlii.ihil right within It dominion may mill differ from Unit pursued by Jupiin. Turkey claims iliu! these right wlihln It li.inlpm wri- luiw-i largely upon undent cii l.iiii iiml lunrp nlirosHllon might well ... Iy u uuibiU-iul ilc ismn distend or In treaty. A mi xullnn of Maduiiim.-nr I'V Flame woiked i-n of ex 1 1 -i-I. i i Hi. rial right there, kimI Fiance Im now euggesting that It" .-III 1 1. 1 in Mormon I Kllllll i. nl to jii-iitv t Iip lulled State In wllh .liaHliig extra-l.-rrltnriMl rlw li'n froir. A nit-1 l.i. ii In Unit country FOR BALLOT Carload of Suffrage Speaker! Off for Chicago and Vari ous Stateg Where Suffrage Campaigns Are under way. WiixhliiKlon, S pi. 1 1 lii-n 1 1 ii ic Uip nmloiinl anil xtiffriixe t'olor. a K -1 1 1 inr riirryuiK woim-h i-mniulKii i-.t-:i kirn lift li-r nvtr tli r.-iniyl-i.iu.i lu'l.iy for tin- 1 1 1 1 I i I sl. ArnviiiK ut i Im "(in Hip miy ill ili . ml lor mloim pi ilin wht-ri-pull iii:.- t iiniiiuiKim urc In inn wmn il. 'l h.. .'iiiniiulKii Ih to lit- i uiiiliiri. 'l iiii.Lt Hip HUpiil.t-ii of Hi., roiucrt-- union for woinpn .iiul Im to li .1 ii.-ii ! uiiuiinit "II lii-m. .iriitl.- '.'un'M for roiiier..H In Hip iiIiip piiuhI Mill mi-p H(al.-M mini haw ..pininpil llo iimivi mi-ill fur ii fpilprul aiin iuliin iit u Uip i-onmllulloii t-xtPinliiiif the IliiMi tnw lu wi'lm u. "The I'lnn." ili-ilarptl Minn Aid I'mil, i liHirinmi of thp union, loln la for Uip koiiipm of Un- pnitt to ' litiil In In woin. li tuli-ia ol the wpM i.i wlilihoM tlit-lr miiiorl from Hi- null., im I li.-nio.ruU.' imrty until Ihal liaity (uh.m lu klnK the inilloinn t nil i uKt.- luitPiidmplil." SERIOUS EARTHQUAKES SHAKING PERU l.lin.'i. I'pru, Hi-iit. 14 Thp mrth- iii:ikt- In I In- d. iurln."nt of Ai."iil Im .uiitlniip. ViHlt-riliiy Uilrty-livH jlii.iitH, pomp vpry Molpnl. wpip ip inill hi I'urnv.ll. piioyiil a;t p.k. Thp lrinorii ion iiii'i.. tinluy. Hrraia (11(114. nt I Una I tlmra I H. A. Ktihrinun, Hip .imiii tuniT, In Hip t lly. I'liona Hul. Just Received A new khipment of Writing De&ks in Fumed Oak, and in the newest styles. We would be pleased to have you call and look them over. Strong 2IH) AND COPI'EH WHERE WE W JUDIC AL POWER WOMEN START Of BIG CAK,j TODAY'S GAMES. NATIONAL LEAGUE Ni-h iHk, I : l lilliiil. I-lil. J. First Kiiini Now lulu . 1-hll.i.l.lphui limn i H II J . . noil mi j ki'i . nun "i'i mni 1)' ami 10 1 S 2 M Tin, up nml limns. ItriMikltn, i; II. Kroi klyn (nil (mil -.'no 3 1 Id. hi., li Inill I' 4 II Ill'X I " I; ii i i i i.ii 'r.(T.-r, limiiiii. Allpn and M i'.iim. I(iiiiii mi., I ii.. wily. i- York. ; llilliiil. Ipltl. 10. Hpi oiol mi It. II. I Vf or ....nun li-Jli 112 ill riiiiui. ti'iiui ii in I'll i tux iu i'i i linll.tic H'T'iiili. .lorinsnn mni Mi I .run; Wagner and I loom. AMERICANLEAGUE lltmllill. I; W ll-lillmtoll. H. Find game: It. II. R Itonton mm iimi 01 I ? Washington . .:inl 4IHI iiux-.x 11 Hull, i les : Shore nml Thome; Johnson. :iikIi. nml Alnnmlth. ifliiM. 2: - ViMk. I. K. ..IP It. II K. I 'Ii 1 1 utl-1 I'll la, .."I'i mni (ml . . Vmk ... linn mni I mi 1 i;uitprlp: Slnmkiy hikI Klxli.-r mni Hft-ipy. 4 -1 4 X TODAY IN CONGRESS. M N 'l K. Mit III II M. 111. Thp IIMIiustt-r on Hip river hiirtior lull will rt'iiiiiit'il. and ikm si;, Mil ill noun. Ilt foip I hp iiirli'iilliirl roin-iiilltt-p Imvld I.niiln iiilvm nti il iiuHotinl iniirkPlinii ytiin for luimlllnK f.irin i.r.nlui t. tin thp floor lupirlrl of I'ti liiinliln l..(tmlntli.i mil iiclmtpd. (('tiniliiiip.1 from I'UKC l)np.) rpinovpil her firm IHip ol lroom rroin Uip Itnlimi Ironii.r. fniieiliilly from ir-nx.'liiil'ii. Tho r.iiniiinlPi of their Alpine nhut imliootei ure iippiI- I iikiiIiiM the Kimxiuna, but Dip)' luive prepureU u iI. I.-iihup f.nvo coii- hIhiiiik or K.niliH in.i. and ri-BtrvlMln of Iliu lanilwehr. IiphiiIi-m I'uttniK nil lh.. roa.lH with dllt-hm elKht feet wide nml ten fi't-l deep. The p.inpiIiIp InliillliK of a IiuhIiIp furt-n ut Trlente. uhlrh Im iinfortllied IliiH lirt-n provided for by t-lllrelli'h nix lh.. inn u ii t u Inn nyprlookliiK t'ne lon mid ulna by bin' khuuw h built around Ihe Uiilf of Trl.Mti-. The re niMlndei- of Ihe i-oiipI of ImIiI.i Ulid 1 it I in n I hi has been mined. TKKMI MMH H H TItlKT Ol' rntiriHM in rinttH.itAii Iindon. Hint. It 1 10.3U 1 lll. I etroicrad illppuli h In til IViiirnl Npwh ilpxi-rlln-M it mi-lie of Irenipn- il'ina i-iithiiPiiiHin on Hit- II rut nlKht ot Ihe linperliil Kr.ind tipem m-iiioii when ii bull. tin ileHi-rlblntf lh df- Ktrtirtlini of tin- Aumrlnn iirmy hp- iw.pii th liver Him and lmlPMter V. a read III the middle ol the per fiiriiiiuire. The Itinwlun hymn win mint oM-r nml mir imilii mid Un- u.itlomil mi Hit inn of the allieit were mime, while the umluiHPiidiirH and of thoMP loiintrleN buued from their boiieii. 1'iiiiiultuoiiH d.-moiiMtraUoiiM took place In the hIH . Ib, the ( rowd l nnail IIkIiIiiik to net ihe neMpiiperM. The liUKHlim minuter of t-ommerip and Induxtry him dlxpul' hi l u eom- mlpMinner of piikiih r to Hip town ' HtryJ., whiih IniM been re- rentlv fwt-iipied by the HiiKniun with .1 view of BtuilvinK tht reHotirei-i of pi-trolfum In AUNlrin to meet ir.r iit.iKe of inptha In ItiiKflii. (Ctinllnurd from rage One.) m unni Hie line of Orru. and the ad vance of the Hrltlnh placed their llanklnK niovetiient In i'onlderuble ila .Ki r of beiiiK l iken III the rear and ilu il(fbl flank the Herman on Ihln ib.y t ommeiiced In letle toward lit-- nun hviini. Tbl the find ninn that Ihene t r ' -1 - had turned back inc their atiii.'K at Muni a rnltnlKIU Injure and friiin report received thp order to i when ho clow, to I'arl wan a bitter diapilniiiient. 1'rom teller fiuiiiil . n dead aobliein there I iloulil there wan u Ke11er.1l linprc mhL'11 muoiiK the 1 neiny'M troop that they were ubout to .-liter I 'a lie "(in Tuenday, S.ptpmber . thp Cirniun nnrt heant ward uu i iml Inued. Tin ir rear iiuard on lbu aoiith of thp Maine were bi-lnii prenned back lo that river by our In. i.p and by the French on our lixht, Uip hitler tupliirliK three VII I.iKpm after a hand to hand tluht and I tie Infill Hon of eer Ion on the enemy. 1 The flahtlnir along the urPi en- tinned on thi day and nil of the mont vaniuliiurv churnilcr, for the (Sermon niinood a Krent of ar S TUATION WAR tillery along Uil line. Very few 01 their Infantry Ha at-en by thu ! remh. "Tli Krei'-h flth army ulwi made fierce attack on the Hermann In Moii inlrall rpKalnliiK that place. "fin W ednend.iy, Hpptember IhP bnttlp between thti rem h nlnii army and wliut v now tha tlt-rnian flank Kiiard ntuiiaT Ihp iur- fontiniled. "Tha liniinh t-wrpa, ovprcomlna; 'imp renlMtanee on Ihe I'elit Moriu. cn.pHed the Maine In pur.1111 of the (ierniiii win. n.iw were hllly re trrutinir northward. tin of "r corpa w delayed by n o.n.tliia( de fpnne made by a wrong rear guard with niachlna jtun at I -a Ktrle .ii Joiinrre. where tin. bliil. been deptroM-d. 'On Thurn.l.iy. K.-plembpr 10 Ihe I'rrni h mixiIi army t oiiilnupd Ita prpMur on I ha m while thp fifth army by furi-ed manhea reached lh I 1 1 tip of t'limilpaii Thi'-iry nnil I r liuiim, on Hip M.iiip. i"lnr lr'0tj nl. 1 1. Iiimin 0 I lip .iliiilt on Dip nHlt o! I hp l.i(t-r rivpi nml nfit-r n .'oimnli-i-nblp Hinnii ii or llnhtlni u.liirpil turnip ljim .r i.iii.i , four k ii iif. nin m.u liiii,. Klin-, mni tl'ly tliiiinl'ort iik.iii. ' .ln n v of inn piiptny prp klllpil or roiin.lil mill Hw niiiiiiroim ihlik iti.otli. lAlil.h dot Hip rulllilry notlh ol Hip M inn ut rn kk li-ii., half ,.rp IIIImI in i Hi tlprmim M...I tin-in iiiitr to miiliiiiit fur in IpiikI I wo diiv. "Iiid.t-il. In Ihln nr.-n of the n prn liim. Hip lieMiniim in In Iip iIp iin.ri.ili il mid I'n lined in mirrpndpr In xlii,. 1 1 Ion l .- and Hit- Himrul nlt- iialioti n Mi. ut p In lit- inot fm.irnblp to the Milieu. Minh Uiiii.iI nn.l neimeliMM ibtm- .1 kp him Iippii il.ttie In Ihe vlllnKin oi iiil.d by Hie inetny. property h i" been wh itolilv tlPHlroyptl. iU'turpM III li.iteaim have be in ripped nml Iioiihph K.-li.-i.'iMy hnip bet-n ptlltmpd. It In MtHted on unlmpparltn bp lul- Ihnriiy Hi hi that Uip In'niblti.niM Iihnp been linn Ii 111 Irenli il. "Illterplttll Im Iilelltll hnve orrlir. red ilutlnit Uip (luhlinn (in the tenth of Heplember part ol our neetntl army orpM inn I hit inti. thp'h, loimd HtM-lf mart hi iik i . i . 1 1 I with miothcr Infantry Ion p hi mnnp hill.' dlHiaiirt' away. At flit II w n thoimht Him wan ntnither I!iiiinli unit. After inmii tmiP. hoWeM-r, It wan i!!m overed thai It wan a In mI v of Hermann ret r.-at inn 'Meiinurej werp priim ot Iv liken In lieitd off the Piiemy, who wprp pur lounded mid trapped In a nuiiken mini, whftp over 4ml men nur rendered. (in September in n nni.ill party under a iion-rommlfMlimed 1.11b er wim cut off imd nurroiintlt'tl. After n den pprate renlHtancp It wan decided In on Im lit inw tn the end. Kliially the nnn-coin m It'll I unci man only were left oltU'pr and one Imth of them hf- I11K woilniled. "Thp rierinnnn camp up ml nhmit-t-d to them lily down your nrnin. Tim Herman commander, however, MlKltatled to them tn keep their urniN and then nnked permlMKinn tn nhake hatubt Willi thp wounded non-com-mlnHione.1 who watt carried off on hin Hi until r with bin rifle Py hii nnle. "The arrival of tmd the cm Inui'il mlviuice have deliKhtcd our tiouim, who nra full of xeal 11 ml nnxloun to prenn on, "Oli of the fealureM of the cam plilkn on tnir ldp Ik Uip Mile k on l.unp.l by the royul Ityinit eorpn. In rettiird to the of n.tori-11-tlon. It U ImpoHMlhle eillier In iiMald Inn much praiM- to our a.l.r n lor lh way Ihoy have carried n..t their ill.llcn or P. iiM-rentlmiilP . iio ulut if Hip l-ilelliueticp (1. lie. led, m ire 1 -pecbilly durliiK the recent ii'ivau "In due cniirn.. certain example ol w hat ban been cfTei ted may bp nppt I fit' J and the fur reuchlnK nature of the f-nult full-- explained, but that time him not arrived. " the nervk-ea of our flying lorp which tin really been on trial, lire fully 11 pprcrlnted by our allien In pi..(. 11 FJ (.im. .i.,n..ip iiM , i.i.i : n rf.l.1,;,,.ftnflrt,i. tn rl.n.f ..f the IPrpncli 11 run. H received September Hth by r'leld Marnluil lyurd Kil'bener: "'The preclBion, exactitude mid rPKularily of the newn brouant In by ItH in. lnliern are pVldencp nf their per fect orKuniKalmn and nlnii nf the per fect tralliiHK oT the pllotii ami (Iip uli Kprvern.' "To give a rouith Idea of the amount of work curried nut, it in nuf II. lent lo menlmn that durliiK a per iod of twenty ila up In Ihe l"lh of S. pleniui r a dally aM rime .if more than nine rpt-onnoixancp HiKbtH of over lmi mile, each rom bet n maiii t. tiled. " t.I UMWK lllsMtiTI l IV OHUr K Ttl Kl-Tltl'. T Imdon, Kept. 14 (2:45 p. ml Important detail of the operation of thp HrltlMh army In Frame ure cnotiiined In a report which the war ollli e Innued thin aftprnoon. When tho Herman army began Im punt ward movement to cut thp French epiiter, in-cording to (leiiernl French, It wan IgimrliiK (be llritieh u a fac tor In the fight. The allien bemin a general advunce on Heptember 1 iiKilnnt Hi.. Herman rear guard of their right nvlng, which hud been left along thp river tmrcip The llritlnh army wn relnrorced. The Herman begun a retirement on their right on the "th. It wan the Aral time they had turned back nlnce the battle of Ciscd Sufferers Want to Knevs The light b Turned n to Subject of Darkneta. Tba autre fe that I. the fmout hla-i purifier, drive tint d!ie-n In a world ttn-y, a topic of poavcrnatlia wlirr eyer uiea get tng'tlier. They w.iDib-r why, (Imply bpriaee m..t r.-airdl'- are niritllli-d and put tn-f irp ilirm n "" Til fart ire I lull an pi? tou aiu.b allpotiua tu fx-lli:!li;it and Out foougu In real, buoieniiua a. . u::ipl!b mmt. a. M. H. I a reined) of uu. fuibrr. It linn a blitoiy tbt I r:u.u .1. -iiiy ta iu-a B.lmui tteiauat It has d' Be Ibu aurb. Orlvi'B nut dep tted d.Kitr. rrrltid li'te, iut the O. K. no nt't'i-aranr and rlninied duaa Hk'bt u 'Hurt of germn tu get lb upper band Any aurp put en lb abln I aa luuni'diai.' dnnaud fur H H. 8. line toe Urni prlurlplp 0 II1I1 r.ioiut rtttn-dy I ti slrlko ot.t f r ta. ea i f Thin li a .lirli.l.l. ! fart and H. H. K. I true tu the working uf our body, i;el a U'tll (f K . R. ti-daj at bay flruKtint d tngla IhxA health. It will aiaalrr any blmd diaee nd do It la any lo euipl ! II Inniuare. And I' you w.tul'l like deflnit adrlr write TI pwlft tie.'lllr Co. litt Hwlfl llldg.. Allan', i.a. Tlielr oit-dual aViwrtaieal I slirre pit'le Dial betb adrk' tbtt ut lueui in lb atratfbl roi. MILLINERY SECTION-SECOND FLOOR They are copies of model hats from some big Paris alcliers, and they arc so Very dif ferent jrom present shapes that we know women will be interested in hearing of them. Most are broad-brimmed or else the very small toque, and brim is apt to flare at an eccentric angle, and though black and white seems still a favorite combination, black and colors are creeping into notice. Silver braid, too, is competing with feathers and flowers as trimmings, very rich and military looking this combination. Fall Dress Goods at Special Prices Don't Forget, wc are offering some very special Values in Dress Goods for this week only. An extraordinary opportunity. Where Quality Meets Price Mnnn. According to letlprn found on prln iiiirrn they h(il t-Kpecl.-d In enter I'tirl In a few day. The order lo retreat wan a bitter dlnnpp.ilntmi'nt. The llrltiPh croupe. Hie river Marnp on Ihe Hth with the French and on the lmh captured I'd", men. four brent gunn, m machine gun ami lirty tram-port wngoii. Thp Herman of the right army MPemi'd deuiurulitPrt. They were with out nmniuultloii ami nurremb-rpd readily according to the lirillnh ad- K en. The rnntlniled ndvnnt'e, Heneral French na.K, ha dellghled the troop, who with Ihe reinforcement receiv ed, are IIIIp.I with el and nnxbni to prenn on. nCF.XI'll ilTKUMHIX ktti-:mi:t ii:ioitTs VIITIIIIV lOMI'l-FTF Pari. 8ept. 14 J:t p. m ) It ' ofllcially announced thin ufleninon that th llprinun atlll are retiring pverywhpre. They ure abundoiiiti all Ihe piiHltlonn wlllih they erected In rover a Htaiul retreat. The tilllelhl atiilemeiit follow: Flrat 1 in r.ur left wing the eneny hud prepared tu the north of A lime lut ween I'otnpelKiip and rtolnnnnn, a line of tlefeiiMa w hich It waa forced to Abandon. Home detachments which it had held ut Anniens now have retired tin rrrnne and Ht. tjoenlin. "SpcoiuI tin Ihe center the Her mann hue.- taken up a def.-iiMlve lb.11 b. hiiitl IthelniM, but werp unalile In hold P. In the Argonne region they turned buck toward th north beyond thp fore' of Uelnouno and upyonil Triiinfour. "tin Hi.- right wing Ihe retrentlng movement of hp Henna , I general from Nam y lo Vongea. Yealerduy evening l-'rench territory In hl vicin ity had l.e.-n fnmpletely evneuuted." I HIM II lAirASsV HI ItlltT I IIM IKHS At. I.I I W hl l ( i:sK . Ii.nnu.n, Kept. 14. (llllclal (Un pac h today lo Hi" French emhaany frmn I!, au elaborate on prevlou i.liurt of the vlctorlou a.hanee til 1 he allien. " Jnrrre letl Ihe gnvern inpnt that our vb-tory I bet-omlng tnnrt. and more eojnplPte and bril liant." nay ihe report. The enemy ta in full retreat, and 1 abandoiiinf wmindpd prlniiner, gun and ammunition. "After an herok effort during the formidable lnttle that ti.itetl from the fifth tu the twelfth, the army I piiiniiing the enemy In a way unpar allelpd by ll extenclon and Ita intun I'.y. "On our left we hnve emmed the rlver'AIne iielnw Holwoitm. Valen- hi. lie and Aniletn have been avaf natpd. At Ihe ci-atPr our army I notth of ihe river Mrnp In Hie Ar gonne. The enemy left It'-ngny, but nil hold I-oon. "In the ennl we hVe occupied Ht. Hie. Ilnon. I.etnpe. Iluciarat, Uune vlllp, and ItemeaenvlllP. "In Uaiicla, lha buttle begun 17 dnya bgu haa ended wlih u great llu Hlan victory. Autrlunn ate withdraw ing on-th whola front." HIFAt'll HMllT 1'INIV Ol'l im ioMi ninKNIIIH" lAiinlon, Hept. 14 I J p. in.) The jRosemwaWs 0IH1 Ial pre bureau Innued He fol low lug nl.ileiuent thir afii-rnoon: "The following report I rompllf'l from Intorinatmn nenl from the head, iiuariern t.f Field Ma mini I Sir John French, commandpr In thief or Uip llrillnh expeditionary fun en 011 the r.iiiluipnt, iiniler duiu of September II A nummary of the .iptratlonn of thp llrillnh army In Fri.ncp kit IhihiviI by ihp war .iftlcp on thp nixtb Inntaut and olip i.cci.llnl Mti.te.l lo l.p Ulc.tmnl.'tp. ( nf further operation wan Innued from the bureau on .-'utiirday nlaht. the 1 went ii i h Inntant Today It I pun i.lhp to M'vp moep p.iHltlvp muvemrnt of the llritinh force und thp French nrmie In Immedlnte tntii h with It. Thin account 1 rom piled from (lata received from the from mid t-urrle the operation from hp fourth to the tenth ttf September, both day Inclun he. "It will bp rcmemuered thnt Ihe gent-raj pomtion of our troop un Sunday, September alxth wa atated to bp south of the river Murnit, with the Frenrh force In line on our right and left. "I'rm tb ally there hn h-en no ( hange lui e Raturdav, Spptember i. which marked the end of our army long retirement from the Itelglan frontier through northern France. "1 in Friduy, Si ptember 4, It beruine appurpnl that there wa an alteration in the advance ol 1. 1 111 on t the whole of Ihe firm Herman army. That army since the battle near Mnnn. on the I' 3rd of Augunt hud bet n playing II part In a olowuil ntrategeilc pniienvnr to create a Sedan for Uip ullle liy out. Hanking and enveloping Hie left of th.-lr whole line no u to encrcp and drive both the llrillnh and French lo the Mouth. "There wa now n chance in Ita ob jective and It wa obnervp.l ihat the Herman fori pa opponlln Ihe Krlllnh were oeiilptilng to move III a aouili euMtt rly direction Innlead of r.inlui ulng noutliwpHt 011 to the capital, l-uiing a ktrotig rear guard along the line of Ui river (lur.. (which How south of and Join the Mnrne l.iry -nur-( nir. q 1 In keep off the Fn ni h lxth ormy which by then had been formed und wn tn the north went of farm. Thpy were evidently executing what amounted tn a liana march In the country n rose our front." HKItM ilU V. I III. Mill M ItK.-lVFHUt :n London, H.-pl. 14 (:f.O a. m ) An Antwerp dlnputoh I'i the New dated Sunday biiya thai the il.rmiin force agaliiHl whb'h the Helglan hnve been operating, hue bepn heav ily reinlon-Pd. particularly with gun. It I believed thut reinforcement came from lrge. wtirre a ihoUnMru. Herman murinea are reported 10 have arrived. The Hi Itlan relirrment la aald lu be due lo the feur that Ihe Uermuna would burn llrunncl. Kondun, Sept. 14 4 U i. m.) Dm;. at. hen from Antwerp relate lhal the lighting by the llelglun force whbh weiu nut from Antwerp lal Friday lasted for three day and night. Therp waa a heavy engage ment along Ihe rulna of Louwiln, tba llt'U'luii pelielrelllig twice Iti III ren ter of Ihe city. Yi'btei'dav, the liel- PI LiVI La irlali delivered a fierce attack on the Hemum at luiiln. l'arl. Sept. 14 i:.:ti a. m l A chuulTeur who conducted IW'ti nlllnrn to the front Mituenae.l Hip kIi kp of a' bppt iiiKiir rellnery w here i.iuiil Her- mnnn had taken refuge dining the 1 ut 1 1 It- of the Marnp. It wan Impnnflhlp, hp say, for thp' Inl.intry In dl.-lodgp them and their lire wa ery damaging. Finally a baitery of the funnui "7r' look po sition and at the third salvo frmn I Ihene gunn the building nml it lie- pendencies wan seen lo Pp on Hrp. The how l coming from the r. flliu-ry wan audible even In the din of cnnnniiiid - lug. The Herman lumped from the windows an l were hot ns they f.-ll by the Infantry. Munv Biirrendereil and a few escaped, perhaps 2 nil or lu". The rent perished In thr refinery and It tiutbulbllnia. C.l:HM H M 1.ITTI.F. l'IV.i: TO FlTltl. THWNH tjindon, Sept. 14. A high 0llbi.1l returned rroni the northern region uf r'rance, aaya a diapatch tu Iteuler' Tplpgram rompuny from 1'ari. given detail of the advance uf the Her man through France before Ihry were repulsed. lie any the enemy panned through Toiicoing. lluubaix. Lille Ilnual. Arrus and Amlenn with unliy wan Itelng made. Hp aawnled extreme rapidity and met with IHIleJlo the euggeption made that, wllh a reaintulicp. w hich explain the len- view of ap. urlng greatpr credence of l. ncy dhtplayed Inward those town In any report uu th icibj.-ct which the thp mailer of war levvlng. I llrillnh rtovernnipnl might lenue, the Kverywhere the Herman pieab'd American and roimulale lo the civil auUiorltit-s. pn. mining tow.iuld be cniiimunh-iited wllh, with rpnipet lh live of Dip Inhabitant f Ihp object nf gelling them In publish mi act of hostility wa . ouiinl'tcil I the full fa cm. Westerh Union service is the fastest service to the greatest number of places. Supplemented by Day Letters, Eight Letters, Cable Letters and liloneygrams it offers the most complete and effective facilities for tele graphic communications of every conceivable kind. THE WESTERN UfilON TELEGRAPH CO. Full information gladly given at any office. BY L3 Where Quality Meets Price BIniwwn,i..niur(n,nn-nna , . nr"lw name 'Um" 'mm1 ... mil1 ' Sl n aiiainm their nolili.rn. They armed In Mil.- on Spptetniirr 2 nml b-ft on Uip fifth. The department of the Alsne tif fered heavily enpeclally In Ihe north, violent engagements occurring at lllr stiii, WunnlKny, lloh.iln and Vermin. Hutnp Wii:t etiiirelv ilpvantaletl after thr.-e tparalp ntiat k, dtitlng wblcli IJ.nm) nhellK fell into thp tow II. St. (JUi iitln NiifTpred heavily nml lmtl al mi renlried mid ili luyed the enemy a utlv.mcp lo SoImmoii. Cnmpplgup has nnt lieen damaMetl and the ft .rent of t'ompelgne In nut burned down. The allie burned a iiiuniiiy of petrol iii prpvpnt It from j fulling Inlli thp hamls uf thp enemy, nn, thp heavy blin k smoke there: rom lllailp Uip people wa on fire. belipvp the ft. rent S4J ITH II S Ml ( ()l IIMI TKIN IM KF.ItlltTFIl IHlllMiKS I-nmlnll. Hppt. 11 11 "1 i. m ) 1'remler Antiuilh told Hip hnune of cnimi 11 Inday that tin omclal In fiirmatlnn hud reacb.-d the mlninlry ttf war toniernlng the repented tor le that Herman aoldlerr had nbuned the le. fro flag k"'ed and mblpipd the Wounded and killed women and children. He lidded that till tih)ec wa under consideration mid thut an In