Newspaper Page Text
RATE DECISIS III FAVOR OF STATE EXPECTED SOOII butrar ituungs itegrara as Forerunner of Verdict on New Mexico General Case Before Interstate Comniis- sion. i Tlmt llu- miKiir rti dor Ihiuii. low rritiH (lie cum nf chipping- Iroin fnl iloiiiiii iiinl i .. prnd ji Imr poinln in thla c Ity, t, olily u . .rerun t.t-r nf early iJi-ftpfniiH favnruidp l New Mi-kIih hy. the IiiIitkIjIii r"in tnrree eniiimlrttiloti, lit I ha. mivli tt9 f I ho Now JAi'xn-n Main i ..rpoialloo r tun in imii hi. Much Y mlnnm. iiiHiir t-hairtttatt f the Hinle enintnlHPinik, hua it i ll lull In Ihi' 't.inmeri htl tilth rKi'ilniK ti New Mexta o t am, Cull' III)' fl.l I 11'IIU I llllllllllHHl.lll, mill III.- new miliar ruia-K ua folpivti: "1'i.miiieri.lnl I'luh, ' A 1 1 ii i 1 1-1 j u, N. M. "iienHa'iii''ii Hi In mi in thp mi. 1 1 r nf nur i ape tin pending I" lull the inler bIhIp loinm. i . i aimmlHHloii, Intolv Iiik priu in ally nil I In- inter, tale iuIph llTTei-titiif. I ll. Plate- of New Mi'Xlro. Ilpnll Willi ll Ml- t-Xpatt to rereltp H ilii ii-iun during tin firnt part nf month: 'Thi aiua-Ftiott nf the rnle on miuuf fruiii I '.i 1 1 1 1 1 r ii in ploilu. Ilm polnta to nil Ht.itioM.i in Xi Mixi'u wiih In- - I In, leal tn Ihul rum; IhiI, luuHi..uah iih I In- mhi ml main i r puMur rate nf-l,-tmn pi ii Hi Mlly Ihr entita wl MHH la-, -emit papa it llMin I'V I hl 11 t, iHiato enmim-riip onim'taton, h U -i imi-ii wan iti-di r nth Kxl mi Hint inn - titular i iiiiiiiiinlii in .air I.H.I-; .null Huh Ih In iiiInipi- thill. i-ffe, live mi Xiim niiii r 1 j ni'XI, Uu- lule (nun I .1 lll'TIIM .lillHinU lllll III A I'm apia r,Ua- Will In- ''O I In, the Ha me uu in Trim. lad. In addition Ihrri'tu. iIm rati' lr.nn ni!itili prixiui inn poinm will in 4 J e i ill. Ihi' hame h Ik II I'umi. In other wiinln, Ihn Ih n tutor ah- ili'i im'iii i far hh tin-' ImiR iiinl -.hurt haul iLium- ih rnu-j urinal, Hn tno f-iltrul i " in ii i ihbI hi I Ii.ik riilnl l hit l Ihr i.iii'n in l.l rn mi 1 1 on taniilhliiiiiiiil li.ifilr. mill lo Trmt-1 l.iil. .MisM.uii riv.r ininiii ,iml Amu-! rillu i iiiiln.i lie rxi i i ih .1 In poinln In New M.xli.i on tiniiliiioiiiiil irultle. 'Thm wa halta-ia- ih merely u fore rutinrr ol il'o hi iii ilirni'in nhli h i xin'i t to rii i-n,. .tut i ii i Hi,- tirM l'rl of ih-ioiirr. iik ulati'il. mid whh h now ni'irii will l' I'liiinlv l.iiiir' iihli. to Mm- miI' of Ni-w Mi'Xiin. "VVi' j'.ri' civ li'K you IIiih Bilvancr InfoitiMilHill uu Ihul ou tuny hi) biI- i.M il i to i hi- U'il" llir in v rule will tliotll iffil'tlVI;. "Vl ly rri. rlflllly. f 'r tk i i:i' i:atii '. i'u.mmik- .-Ii x. "Itv lluuh II. WilliiiiiiM. .VtniK ''hair loan " Soecia During September 'C Reduction ON ALL FANCY Mandell (I i t rr- I i V The Live Clothier V v I- rYU mm. mmm ats I1 ul AQ0IQT1IMT niiiM rnniin noT iinMrPTrinrnn inrinnrniTnnn n n 1 1 rr n r jw .. KM I 1 1 r H .1 . 1 1 . 1 1 u i i I I K 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 LI W I 1 1 1 1 1 11 ! r t I r U 1 1 r h n uhr.llrrnUMm,i I.IIIJ h I K iuu uu iiwuiu 1 1 ii 1 1 i 1 1 II 1 1 i I M II II 11 Mi I IIUIilLU IUIULUU HIIL Ul LllillUIIU UU1II LN "0FIBUOUfl0U 0iillH IL riLIlL C. M. Botts, Carlsbad Lawyer Appointed With Headquart ers in' Albuquerque Under Capt. W. C. Reid. In .iinnirtion with llio appoint" int-iil i.r W. Id-lil of llotiwrll. lo hi" Killrrul aUnltlry lor thu Hitlllti Kt rnllroiiil in Ni-w MiXli-, 'H i ii' l.iu Juiltii II. L. Wuldn, J n.l whii li will li.-ioiii). cf(i'i iii- Jaiitinry IhI, II la mi imiiiih i-il iri Carl-omil tht C. M. Iliilln. a wi ll known lawyer nf that town ha Ix'ill nii"iuU( umkibU'ii attorney lot tin. lailroHil wllli In ml i t rn In Al- 1-iiqUi rin-, UiIh vMoiiiliui'iit Hlmi tu take i ll' ' I Janu.ity lnl. The I .il li-hail ArKUK of K.iturra f.ivn of I he Mioin ineiit : Woiil h.m been re-l ived in furlH tud that Jii'Uf C. M. Ilnlln. Juinoi inenilu-r of the law firm of Ai iiinimhR V Ho lift or ."arlntiuil huil rnelveil Hie iiim. tit jruiiKi it lit attorney ol the Ha n l a r rall.i niteiii, with iH'.ul.iiarli rj ln Alhiiiij'riiie, lion. V I'. Ili iil ol K.iHwi ll. In-1 it k the K II- i la ouiiKi l of ihu wynli'lii. VV lulu i In- appoiiilineiit U not wholly efl'-. I ie mini January 1. l'Jlo. hihI Mr. Ilulla will not make Iuh html iUHi 1. 1 in AlliuiUi-riUu u hi tl thai time, he will mii'inl the Iiili-rvi-nliiK molithri In I inilui rixiiiit liiiimelf wuh loinlliloiin, ami part of din lime Mill In- pi nl a May from hl.i holliu In I'.ulril.a.l, hut on January In Mr. llnim Mill niuw tun family tn Hie I mat- I'lly. Thu i. I'l'oinl llieiil Ih a very Hal inf. o' t.ry one, iu)i li JihIkii Holtit lliln m If ami In hoist nf frlenilK in thu IVi uj i u. ley In 'Rent-ral ami l-M'ly ounly In paitlculur. ami Hit- Santa Ke rmlwiiy la to he iiiiijinliiliilt cl up on Hi ihuh'c of u-.Hoii.iiii u It i in a for II h.iH aeli-i teil a youiiK attorney who raiikn hmh In thu legal f rnii-riuly nl New Mexi' n. J ml u v IJo.ta iHiiio to Xi'M .Mixin. a-nl ialily eolllily lltllt yi-arrl tiliu In. in t'urthiiRe. IIIiiioIk. ami Kittle. I Ml Hi. I.e. Mh.ilv ho liiri until time Iphii Kko, when he iiiiiii- lo I'arldl.a.l an. I rnHHKvd In th pruithr ol law Hlili J lulu,. J. V. ArniHtioiiK, anil no law III III Hi the l'ei on valley atanili luahrr with the and the eniirta Ilia II lli.i that nf AllllHlrnllg Ac 111. lis. Ilelore ionilnw In I'arliihad Mr. Ilotln nTH'll MM I'll, ltd Statin I ii l.h r ai l .MliiUelit i.r Ju.lg Win. H. I'ope, aiirl wan rtdmllieil to the at- the Hlaie Hhotlly after Ii In roiiiiiiu In furUhad. Il roeelvnl hi early eil uiHllon in tlu honlH of I'arl liaue. Ill h.iliie (own, ninl Hi udied for the I ruli'M-tnii lie now honora (in tme hi i. Mil txpti-Miinn) in the "I'tiiver-aty of Hard Kiior-m, Willi nni- fool on Ihi'! ii.i.I unit the other In the ileptliM of a laM hook." I -I other word, lie in ' u m il -made attorney, hut the HUei etui I Mill. Ii haa riiine t linn Hln.e hi ad-J InlsKion to the liar .cak.i ioiiieii( iy ior the thnrouuhiieHa of hiN m houilnK. JiiiIkp I tul I h Man inarr.i-d rhorlly after loliiiiiK lu Xe' M. xiio, and huN a family nf two ehildren, and tin nnly I ii' Hunt i ..nne. ti .l ulth hi apliointnienl Ih the f.n t that Carlk'.aid will loa,. Huh Mplendld taiiuly a res nli n h of our tow a. tiioi: Kiniii v tmv.i:s ' Hrhm huffi-rlinr In Many all Alhii. iiii-riiii' Ui-nilrr. I I'alll lM naltirr HUllal of dlMlreKH. A war'tl'iu tml to he ln..leil. 1 TlioM' h.iri twuiuea in lh hark I Tin. Be ktlddell, kluh liku pains when. KtoopllIK ' i Arr fricjuilit alum nf kidney) 1 tro utile. I To remove kidtiry lmlim. otl muni i awilit Ihr, kldneya. I'm. a tented and proven kl.llieyj I remedy. . N'.iin nior hl.Thly cndomeil than Iioiin'a Kidney rills. i:mlortil ahmud rndoraed al home. lU-.iil Alhii'tueniiip lexUmony. J. J. Ityun. 3J X. Ilrnadway. Al l.ii.tHT.iii', iiiyi: "I had ..r oriic time that my kidneiM Violen t a.lliiK at they Hhould. The Jar nl rnliini mi a m ic-.ii mid heavy Itfllnit MiMki -ied them. I had aliarp iMinuei In thu mall nf my l.a. k. My he id Hi-hed and I hud ill.v Hpella. I Mot l-oali'ii Kidney 1'llln after a lillxlil'ur had Kiveii a;- ntatement. tilliiiR how they hud eured Mm of kidney cniiiplaiiiU Hue hx w.ih all I nie.l ed for a peraianent elite." 1'rh (i Dm', at Mil dealer". Imn'l i-linply ak for a kidney remedy ei lioan'a.Kliliuy J'IHb the name that Mr. hud. KiiMier-Milhurn I'" . I'ropa., Iluffah.," N. V. I'hon I. fted liarn. Ill W. Cnpiwr for nmt-clriNi hark and arrlaga W. U Trlmbla Co. Try IV-ccnt Herald want ad. Venn (ircuii'i pereenlaite 'J Mel'T-i.-a Ii.ih Imm-ii I'-aii rohiiHt wlih the nerotid-ila(e fax than with laM plan I'leiii liindn." New Mexico Beer & Liquor Company 1300 S. Third St JACK M'QRAW, Mgr. All l-inillnif ItramU f Ikvr, Inn ami l.hpior. SOLD TOR LESS IimmU IX-liieiil ITro. to All l"tia t tti Ujr. , Phone 553 THE EVENINQ HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M MONDAY, ah wmm DISCOVERY Professor Nelson of American Museum of Natural History Ships Complete Skeletons and Valuable Pottery. THREE DISTINCT CIVILIZATIONS Two Prehistoric Periods Dis tinctly Traced in Tier on Tier of Dwellings Now Be ing Unearthed. That the pnliixtoiii mum in Tl Rrs laiijon, mll. K from A tni.u. i - line on Hie Kan IVdro ruiid. lit hli h l'r"f. NelH t'. Xelsoll of the A 1111 It' a i .MilHi-llin of Xutiirnl hiMtoi), .ew Vol hiiH liei ii exi u nl inti ..r Home linii- luiNt lire mi Important un lw ill.-., ovily and thai they an likely in li.'i.niir ii n Important poini of m ieiiiun ini.n;.i mill iiiM-xtiKaimn lo Mr this ilit, h indliuted hy repoitH I'l ill; lit In Hie elt i.y a parly of Al hii.iieroii.,, who iimioit-il o lh. iuiiih yeklerdiiy, npi--iliiiM he uy III mimic over the pi.hmUi.ih under the Kunl.iiue o( 'ioleHx,or Ni l-.-n mid Ii.h wiTp. in tin- paitj ,rii Mr. Mini Mim. J. A. II ii l.l.j, prof, and Mm. h. IIi.iUIn. M i, Hut. ..a ami 1 1 . t ,.;. lern, Mhlle a nunilxr nf other iiuio Inol.lle pari l.. made IripH to thu lllllln VeKter.lay urn n I i-hiiI nf Inli.l mat ion KUen I.y the Herald S ril.l). hx In Ulli exleni nf the work heilla done. rroft-KHnr Xi-Ihoii. who In nne of .he Mtel.ui m-ii'iiiil.'L ixploiei of Hie kieul Xi m Voik in uk u in nan heen t 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . i i . a lori r of lilleiii lo IMeiity me i in n ex- avatioiiH. An uidp .ilinu nf llio exlelit nf .he woln hit dotie, I'roleHHor .NelMin, m hn Ih iiom piepuniiK to return lo .Vim Yolk, ltaH ahippid nine imnplete HHeleioiiH nf prehit.lorii' min and mo iik ii, keieral imhih nf rale polttiy Hid Implt menu all ld. nl tiled mh In -luiml-iK t" pri hlHlorie peopl.H, h ih mud a uoruplulF map of :ln- exti n.-.-li- luliu and han Irated dehiillelv in the tlera nf iiuiIiIiiiKh Mhl.h he han vxpiiHi d lhiet. dn-timt n rlodn i f ih -iiipullon, Iwu of Mhii h aiw 1 leh k torie. Thr iIihi nvery id HieM- ruinn an lout, tn Allil.Uer.Ul' all. I lo he u il'.l. ed hy faMl, liooil lllllolilohile ioail.i. arc nf eoiiMileiMidi. Uiiportain u from lh H-.inilpi.inl of their allraetion In fii'iitii.1. u id Iouiihih. if any further t-Matatiiiu I'mfrM-nr Nil-. ill Will iln Hill Ili'i H ill terillllied. Tier after tu-r of am. ill rei laiiKinar ronton li.ii. hfi'ti opeiieit up. Hit- ioii Hlrui'tioll heliiK of adi.he and nl hoiii. Mi.h pound mlohe. The ri m, Millie Mllall. halt III i' pl. i h. uhii.iI)' Hi Ihe i enter with Htoiie a nl H'loi." .hiUeH. pottery Mink in the Hooih. i. ldeiiily for Hloiane ol Maler and Klaiii, und the Mooih ale lnivlil. p..l ihIii d, many or l ie pi IiuIihik hIi.ihh ll.lMIlM In en fnlllid. an well as Ihe ii. elate and oilier Main Kti id.iiK in itruini ntn nf stone. Mawin of pol ler) of rare und uiiumi,.) ilenin have hi , ll Ulual thetl; inurl of u in ala- I di.ilmi Mlth nu 011 nHiomil dexiuii In led Mild hiue. Mmh of the point., haa Hie hiailliliil Klaxe whih Lie pr. f i'li day Iniiiaii poliuy maker Ii ' h oHt the art T.iu I i at p. . 1 1 t ;. Hpei i liielia, iinpleiiii nlH. elt ., ami o . ntn-pleii- HiiileioiiH of men, Moint-ii and iliihlri n, 1' XcUon Hluppid Nf Voi from A! IihI Week. In it hi n Kit' loom the pelleelly preMi.iJ rkeh toiiH i f a man. woman und thild Heir lou'i.l. The limin mo lit. i red with t hat ri d t orn hu.-kM and in pl-oiH Ihr lianka an- lound Im m ddeil In r... k whii h appeals tu have hi i ii llui. I.y inlensi heat. A pinn tno nipper hihi Ui r mid f riixmeiitH ol eopper mailer have heen expoxiil; Inn Hum' taller I'm feMor .N i If. in thinkH prohalily ri of I'anh dating "om iiiiout IM.' The wlnde i-anyoii nl thin point U undeiluiil i.y piehlHloi K- ill.iKea Mild h niitUH KroMth and oilier mi I -lM-f I -nl 11 atloiiH, uud KU.detl h . tm hulldmilH i-xpiiHnl. HlnliHHor XiIhiiii haa heen to maKe a rmnplele iiihppIiik of thu enure K'ollp of del linui Mhl' ll he lielievea hnuned Iv.i .oiisidi-ruhlu prrli.Htni ii- populattotiH. Mr. llul. lis and hi purl) hrouuhl In mm-nil Ktonu iiin l. nn' iip, ptetea ol poltery and ft auiiniitu of Hkeleioiin I'm tl Ihi ill hy I'r. fiHxi.r Xelnon, Mho now rxpetta In inmpli In thia IIihi lu teal ik.ii ion Mlthin Ihi. iiixi W"ek. Ke pen). I.- have leylled Hie iinpoiian e of the work wlihh hu ha-, lain eaii t'i on and In fait very lew people I. new that Ihi. InW'ntlKatmiin Mi-ru III proureoH. The iveiip itf th.- exrat IH..MIM. Mr. Iluhna mH, la rea.'heil hy auloiiiohlli', througn TiJ'.H'i ynn and the Hun I'edro mad, the uls lain Iwinit uin.ul ifi m Ilia. SONQ SERVICE AT THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH WAS PLEASING Thp Hpi-eial ho 11 at ai-rvl'U whl.h look Hip pimp nf that leRutar Sunday i triiiiiii nel vlt e In thp I olntr.'uat Ioiim ehiiri h IhhI nUht wan attended hy an audiemp hhh tilled Ihe auditor ium of the i hur. h and whu h he.nd onp nf thp Inuat pliJoyMldf nitiHp-ul proxrama iter itlvpii In Alliii.iuer.ini-. Mtanlty Heda-r appa'artal for thp DihI 1 1 miu In put. lie folloMlnn hla ret 11 in from New York, Mia. W inn rant!. Mini Plot. I. Tellu nf rtaiita Fa planed one of thu Hteat p.fiiurc i.f a dellKhl ful twi ri'd 1 0111 a it Read the Evening Herald's Want Ads. They get results. INTERESTED in; Article in Country Gentleman Brings al Flood of Inquiries to Supervisor James F. Mul len. In ii reient ntinn.r of thu t'nlin li y i ielit ! Minn Mppiarid an arth Ii on holm Hioa.linK in ihe tmi mini I f..r- imIh Aa ii reaull ..I It al.oiit fit I y lii'Hiirii H ri K irdlni; Ii.hui jtte.idn In the .Malixano .mil fni' t have heen re .lived I.y Jaine r .Mullen, thu u perviHor. I Mil' i.f Iho lniin: .i H eimie from n far nMHy an hewmi, I'miuda. And one of I hem fiom a man In A Ihil.piel .iie, who a.parentl needed nu Hrtiili- in an fimti-in puh ln all. ill In HppriHe him nf I lie fai l thai humeri. ..I,, went Wlthlu 1 1 . o h m ar here. Mr. Mullen han i.een m-ndliiK nil the Infoi mul ion tli Mred In iriiUiri-rH iih f.Ht iih let lira Ml.' reel-ivnd. Like all loi.Hi HiipervlHor-. Mr. Mullen U delntliinl with IMiliin InlereHt In the Rowrhmeht ilnniaiiis mid wi'l. oniiH i-M-ry opportunity lo i.rinu wtileis, iih well uu uiaxerK and I J ill l.el linn, lo i h for.-HlH. 11 oii havit a hankerinR to net up a holm flea. I In Ihe Maiijuimi-Uuni leHervi, nee Mr. Mullen. III THIS CITY Soto Slipped Away from Wingate Last Tuesday. In sists He did not Break Pa- ! role. tapt Kan. hex Halo, om- ol Ihe .Mi xi. . Hi fedi'raln itiiei ied at Kort i WiiirhU'. w.i Imhi-ii int.. i in..),y here ' loday IIH all iHlilped prlnnhrr. foto Hllppeil a May irmn innate l ist Tuen. day. Word of the lampe Man ion- lieyud tn I'niled Slaien lllntrirt Al lot my Hiunnirr UiVkiiurt hy l aytain K. tm, lommand.ihr nl Hip lorf, and .Mr. Hurklinrt ttnm-uxted lirul tinted MtateH Mar-.luil J. K. lialunha lo look for Hie ftunle. who Mas Hiip poned to have lotiie herr. IjikI ( Veiling iSolii Mu.n ret otnixi'd nn Hip atree:. mid Mr. Ilurkhart was appiiHid of the l-p-l. Today an useiit empoed hy Mr lluraiiart toon Soto Into eUMtoly. He an Hot lin ked Up. in-iiitiMP Hip Miximiih lire held in hunorahlp dl-tellllon and I lip itnvetii im in hud no denir.- tn treat llii tii u Pi:no ill, in the exiremi' bi urn- of tin Wonl. l aplain Knli'H hun Intormed Mr I ; u l k tin rt Ihul Soto I.r. ike hiH parole til IHluplllK. Hot.. liiHIHll'd In Mr. l.aikh.irt that he tumed IiIh parole in. and o far aa thu IliHtt. r ton. hi-' hl.s honor he m.i Irei lo eHi ape. He he i aim- here In meet h.M Mated father, who la to urrlw from i id .'lexiiti loniiihi. hot, i Mill he taken link o the lot t niorroM'. Solo wait nne nf Hern ial 'a'H wltni HHi-H in Iiip haheu.H eor IniH proieidiiiKH. niid went :.. Sana I'V with the He waa put un der parole not tn attempt to km up. al thai lime. P ay-Day Savings 1lltlK Will III. VOI II IUH I. All III t Mollis 1 I pounds fancy QEp Potatoes Lu U IIm. Itf lliat' Mlil'l I'uiHItM-a till' IHM Cumli Iiom) , n. l-W Ml laul i,- X'W I'.Ua kwlM-lll I lour. 3 fair 2.P- I r-r. la.l of li.- ai Kuril hrup, Hinall Hill .......... 10, ttaro Strop, j liadnii nni hum Kriii. I gallon 1 an, ...... ,541a- l.a-l ur pi la a- nn I lour. II Hh. l am- Miar li Hhs IVait biiuur :..!. nil IH'M-ll MiMWIII I lllil Jr, lllllM . . . ll- Ihii-n Maxtn I run dura, iiiarl. .7ue IHMi-ii Mmm.ii I run ,lur, i,t 1tal.y1.lHl I iliwu Ih-M J. lit l.laM- , .3lh- a lara f Im4 Ul Saap a,. H hars of ArumiH I Jlitlioiii-, , . a.V- I Hfweal inn. HrtH.m- sm- lla-ay TUi I(iim. Willi hliaia i'(H- 1 lluut-y Miln. . . III. . I5e. iii' ami ,MM' I Mill' l.,Vil Kahki 1-HiilM SI IHI ; Mi'ii'a &i Work hln Iih- Ma-u'a I5. 1 ire-. M.iiIh. ......... ..Mn- vMi-na I T,1 llat. tl , Mi-H'a Im-alliiiii weluhl I iMla-rwi-ar 2-V-) Mllll $. . HI MllIlM IJ.Oll! 1 ! aii uih'I uii !.&! linia f.iMMl Sa lionl sulla. tJ.IHI ami up! Min t ttwealil-H. (Cm- up. I llal' Kwii-Ih. .'.II,' up. I lo.' h'H4 HHa.lll dl,M-M 1.7.1 ami I J IHI V an 1I1H.I11- out all llu-ii-r lua-wii. 4.11 1' iiviordH ai '.. prlap. I rtt our prln- 011 iNjiifoHa ml 1 ItlMuki-U; uii)at kail lliia wii k. jDOLDE'sj IHhhmi SSI. J Mhilh hnximl Ht. I I ALL GOODS ULUVtUKD. mam-m ESCAPED UAfl OFF CER CAUGHT SEPTEMBER 14. 1914. ON PROPOSAL FQR LOIIGJIUCE lO r Ti it a fo n f M ins TIT r - Also on Way to Trinidad to Consider President Wilson's Suggestion. llt livel , Sept. II. Aiilioulii l inert t made today that a n.iili renew ul I'oh.-tudo eoal opi-ralolM would he In lit in lamer .atutday In coiihi.Iii I'll'hldelll W'lUon'a propnnal or a thii-e-M-iir truee In the coal tiutieia' Hi ike. J. K. Will. o in, preniiftnt of the t'oloradu r'uil - und Iron lompan). Mini that all opera Ii ii h, llu IikIiiik thoHe ha.llnv iiiiiIimiIm Willi Ihe I lilt ed Mine Wulkita of Ameiliu, had la i n invited to parti, ipali . i 'Hi. i ih of thu l ulled .Mine Woik elH Mill leave loiiiKht for Tl inula. I. Mln re a i oliventioll of union intnelH Will ha- held toluol row to cotlHI.P I Hut pri in a proioBal. II ih ex plated Hint thu dih'KaliH und of It. it piece lit will Hliou! At union he. ul. p. mi lern it miih hlaled Ihul John II. laiWHoli, l'o..ail.i maliinel of Hu- t-Xft'ulivu hoard of the oh;.iii Ixatioll, hud l.u.'ll Imllilid hy the Kliilld Jury ul Triiiuiail on ihatKe. Momiiir nul of the alrlko aliHonhiH Mini thai upon IiIh un it ill ul Trlmdad loinoirow iiioiiiiiir hp Mould Volun tarily give lilliiHelf up tn till: nfflrel" unit In- prei. ileal In fiirulhh I10111I. 'I hi' Law on Hull. 1 1111 til, ai i oi illliH to information at union In ad iiar-l-r her. In. Ituli'H Hiiiral 1 ha men of murder. loRelln-r with nri.'Hi h ml other alia tied olli nen 'July 2111I1" SuMmiii I'linlieil. Trinidad. Colo., .-Sept. II. frank Milixole. ploprulor of Hu- "July S'.'th" mtloon mill, ileelared In the report of the I .iih Auiiiiuh faultily Kl.ind jury to hate liven a met linn plare lor HtrikelM, who It Ih iilliRa-d planni'd iliHoideiH In Ihe AKuilur diHiiii't, wiih today uirentiil mid I. .lined in the i ounly Jail. line nl many a harm n iiKainat Menole ih Hint of Hi lltllK llipior to t lilted .Slatei Holdii'iH. Kour other alrikeri. of Iho Ailinlar aliHtriel wa-rp arra-Hleal today on ki.iiiiI Jury hineli wiiruutii, Ini'liid Intt K M. Sntihi, prenlilenl nf the AKtiilar loeal union. Believed to Have Suffered Heart Attack (While in a Friendly Scuffle; Body Is Taken to Embudo. Upel'llllf llilelit J. I'. Uih.i of the Mi nillll MihhI'UK ai hoo la liitna'd In Aliiu,ui'r,iia- Salnrda 11 ik III from lilo A 1 11I. a enunty. Mini, he took Hla- lellialtiH of kil l liollliTo, IX eara old. M ho ilo-.l hii.I.I. uly luitl TiiiiiMlay ul the m hool, IoIIiimiiik mi linprompiu hoxliiK Hint-h M1II1 u H.'hoolmnt,' In whli h Ihe pli t . laiu M ho littelidi' ilium helleve he HUflued an oteihtiaiiieil loan lioiiiern inn I 1'oitirln Hoiixalip, a . I ihuill.lli'. m la- in 11 ll li-ndly wullle mid lioimah H Htrui k K. .1111 to a llKht Idow 111 Ihi' Hide. II,- alioppad to the around un.l the hoyM huiiu dly i alien lor help. In. I:n- Man Mimiiionaal hut Kolut in died 11 few iiii'iuiih ufier the ph hi. inn urriveil. lir. Knu ix pHHaeal Ihe liallaf that llolnern had u weak iipart mul that ileilh reanll id from oM'istrulii. iih the l.oxinit Man not violent and the hlow In the Hide did not pvi-ii lean- a murk. Hupa I nil, n. I, lit llopp a. oiiipanhd the houy lo the family home notih n Kmliuilo and remained thu fl iii'.rai. in,, ntn were . oiivnu a-,1 that hi-Hi'l Iroiitila- and . ihu hox- IllJ lll.ltrh W1IH til,' lUUM. ,,l alt.utll. A yniinitar hmthii nl the dead Hlu ,h IH Mill foine i, Mi,, at hool ntxl Maak. CALL FOR CHORUS RECRUITS FROM ELK COMMITTEE I he i oiumilli'i' in ehanin o iir l , ma nu nta lor llir i:ik Miin-iieU Ii.ih : ui d a i .ill for i hoi u ra iriiHi.. M iiila rtt Mho Mia- willing In hii hi Hie Iioi uh an- le 'luetlcd lii I. , al the I.Ik iltiit Tliiiraday liltiit at 7 .hi Tetlly-op vol. I'M Mil- re.Ullei lor the h"i nn. Homo ol Hu nt In ell nl.l.t'ln i! Ii ih ai.iioiimed Hiat Dure Mill he Hixtei ii a n. in t- i l'ol. 1 1. K, I), ri, -lei wi a,, ihv inn roi utor. NEW CLUBHOUSE MAY BE OPEN THANKSGIVING Work h ih hi i tar proi!re.-a-d nn the ft M .....,a.l.i. . :.,. .1. .. . ..I HI MlrvMilv I.,' i li J . ..IIM.I.'le.l . for the uppiiin and hoii-. hi iiiiiik. It hun lieoii aim O..KI...1 l. in., .,.l,.in T w WnolHry, Jr., that tn,- opa nlnn J ni top i-iun imi n-i i n.iiini-KH HiiT nay. The datp would hot "(il he appro piiula for a hnUHi'M a i in i ti K mil the i-mhoii MoulJ len,) a. l.i it .oil. 1 1 eit tu l ha merry iiiakinii. ASSAULT CHARGE IN HONOLULU DROPPED BY FEDERAL COURT Honolulu, T. II., sSept. H.- fnder a ruling by Juda iSaiifntd ii. Hole. nf thp I niloil piataa diHtrl, t c ourt, the indi. I. ne n I aHaault' ru tin and by fedeial giami July MEfJAUL SCHOOL! AC DIED FOLLOWING BOXING MATCH Large Shipment of Fall and Winter Woolens Now on Display of the most varied and attractive assoitmcnt we liuvc ever shown; nil late style patterns firm the largest makers of men's clothes in the world. No matter what your taste, you simply can't help finding what you want in our new line of Woolens. Suits and Overcoats Made to Your Measure zzzzzzzzz: for (J)Jld)oW ORDER YOUR SUIT NOW - WE WILL HAVE IT READY BEFORE THE FAIR National Woolen Mills "Makers of the Clothes We Sell" T. 0. WINFREY, Mgr. 120 West Central. nKaiiiHt Ja-flerHon Mei'arn, lulled Mali H nltollu y for Hie ta i rttoiy of i Hawaii, W ill ha- d lopped. Indue I iili-1 hi Id Ihut IiIh . ouri haa li.. ut i.i"-j tmn. An minima-lit h ihe territorial Kiaml Jury mi the niunf i ha me remahiH, hut 11 1 1 nil alula- han Imt yet Im-i n net. Thu ihuriteM iireM- ami of an alter nation In Hip feila-rul IiipIiIhik IMa-a-ii KM urn mul f 'l.i ml iiih Mr ISlide, in attorney la'prahi-iitiiiK de-fi-ndiiiitp whom Mei'arn win pi-oh," eiitlniT. Kmh maiutaiiiPd that Ih other heKnlt the iilli'Ki.l m-aault. I PUEBLO WORKMAN SHOT FROM AMBUSH Plli'ldo, I'olo.. Sppl. I I. AmhtlHhi-il mid Hhot down iih he walkeal home- ttar.l aloui; Hie I'.lllload tl'll.'kH late laKt IIIHllt, Ah'X HoMlinl. I 'I .'.ll old, ii lal. or, i'. Mat Main mi I hi town',! Into a I'ltimp of tw-.-.l The hody waa found to.a hy l.niiH Mho Mare plasma III the tiiim'y. Tm'i hulli t ImleH wi-ri- found when tin-i-oroner ha Id hii iiutopHv. There Ih no hii'iMii motitf lor the iiiiiii. GOVERNMENT BOAT SINK3 IN MISSOURI SEVERAL LIVES LOST t. JoHiidi. Mo. ."eiil. 11 Sei , IIVa-H lira- ha-lli'iid lo h.lla- l.ei'li or-t Mhi-n tin- not i-riinii nl Ara-tha-iiHa Malik in llo- Mir....nli liter hale lain thin 11M1111..011 A I111111-la-r nf woikin, u ara- to hatp lii'ell on hoard lltld all hate lo In a tl aeeiiiiiited for. PRESIEENT WILL RECEIVE BELGIAN DELEGATES WEDNESDAY Wjihhmy tun, Sit . H Scrrrtary 111 A .(II .1 litM'UII -l lillr I m.V, (HI rc fi jt nf h HiiMiikP I n tn ln-Mt nl Vtlsn. t-i'il lhi l:-u-i,in , iiiiimiiui"ti tu. I hits wiir tn thin tnuiitry t iritM jiK.un.'-t iMi-irl litiiiiitii -H t. . It iih Hill b' ri'i'lvnl nl I Mt Whitf Moiifxc 1 (ImcmI.iv u 1 1 1 1 iH'i.ii. RAILROADS WILL ASK TO RE-OPEN ADVANCE 1 RATE QUESTION 'iiHhnr;loii, 1 4. - i 'halrmati "III t k of Hie Inlet -I ale i ollinii'l'. f oiiimiHHioti Him. nim ed I la- today Ihul Hip IsillluadH had ilitell f'.llllll IlL'tifn all, .11 that they vto.lld pet ll .ll ST. VINCENT ACADE IKIAItlllNH AMI lAY IUm-I'S UIIX IIHH'IA Wuaia-. PalmliiK, liranuiila- Art. Ikxitp (iitiptt a Ua l-adnn At-adi-my ol Jntralry ami Ai-ailaiul,-, imm ki rtauou r. t THREE lo reopa ti Hie iidtaiu r rale ,ii"i.ii n. Th,' . nun, - ion ih tiii il In- roiaalH' np I'lle.ltli.n for n flat III. re..f.r ,,f flip per til In lieu;ht lati n hut allowed eltaili lllila-uHeH. LiiM nrvthmit? l-t a Hera hi wan ad find it for nut TOO 1ATET0 CLASSIFY Tint KAI.M A fra-Hh noiiiiu Ja-iHi-r iw Apply l.'li W. It a. "TIT FOR T SORE, ACHIIMG FEET Alt! what relief . Sn more tired feet; no more l.tirnuitf f,i-t. HMollen, had mell-iti(-. HitiNiiv ,i-t. ,S,i more pain m mm i-all iii-in or Iiiiiii. an. Sit tuatler MUat aiU tour fii-t or mi.ui under I lip miu you've tried it it 'i, nit (ettlll.J relief. JU-t 11 .- "I IZ." IIZ'1 dr.ia mil all t ie Hil- oniiiiH pvuda- Iioiih w In. Ii .ll!f tip fir f.-eti 'riZ" it maif iial; "1!7." i Ifrniel; II' Mill euie Jiwir flH.t Iro il.ll-H HO .M.u ll iii t, r Innp or draw up -nur fiu-.t hi -iiiii. ,iir h'uhhi won't ni-iu liijiii, aii l j our f. , t M ill iii-vrr. never hurt nr pet Mir, hwi.IIi n nr tira-L tot a 'li pint Ihix at anv due or I. artm. iii atore, am p,i relnl. C. T. FRENCH i r.M ii i. inia rritii I Mil M.Mr it. Ijidy A-kUlant. ITiih ami t i n.rHl. I'liom. imi and .Niul'i, &0. DON CARY SIGNiS 115 S. Third MY, Albuquerque, N. M. Sf lllHU. ti t.lltl.S M '-II Mill it ii. klia: I'lHawa, HHH lal Alta iuloo. Her. I lie hiMie. ( uuriHPa t'tnplaii I V - Parila-ulara. a,Hrpa vlxci-m A Ait.i.r I Mi 4m v.. ' : ' ' ! ; i A i