Newspaper Page Text
' T8UH, THE EVENINQ HEHALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. K., MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1014. The Evening Herald. TIIK t. K.MMI, IMC, (lEUItHi: H VAI..MANT. Manager H. It. 11KN1NO t.lor I'yl.llsheil every sflernona I ri Huniliiy. at 14 Norih Plteel, AUuiUTue. N. M. Fn'ereil aeennd-elassj matter at the oionV at AHuuero,u, N. M-i under tha Acl of March I. till. One month by wall or carrier. lc On wees: liy carrier lsc One yxr by mall or carrier la advance I0 Telephones: Pualnes Editorial me. .. Ilooroa. . ll .1(1 Tin; III I'l MI.K AN Wit 1 4 K. of "offe nslve Hi. Hllll Till it'HI.F.:' nivrf t nil it clrulv. Whether Willi mi Imlivi'liml r h imlitnal iiiri:.-, I lie n. ailiige h"l'l k I I'suully they i nine In cmilrvl t t - .mil iiumtirr fol lowing ii l"im ix rinil of wrongiliitng. A r imiI ly llicre is im liiinl tn -li. uf the l!cnil In i.n aity of New Mi Mi i.. Whether the-" troubles Hie M JUHt 1'Hlllt f past ln. "r whether mi element uf "h.ird Im k' h.i entered In la a quest un which those lainiliir with Ihe oil al.niI't machine emi lust answer lor thcin mHoi (Villi In II Im thul once pow erful ami tremendously efficient liluul organisation la ispldly hreiik Ing Inln fragmentary Junk under an uiilimki'ii eerie nf arniiila'K ami dis asters, most uf which hme hail Ihflr origin In l hi very heart of the party. Nuiiirull), since II - mutter "I ptililie tfcuri'i, II"1 Iemuci.iiic cam paign liiiuiiwila wcr(. fa.nlltur with the Investigation III lllo Arrilm nuiii ly In which an apparent discrepancy whs found anil reported !' the trav eling auditor's ofHeej In IlK' nrenunt uf the county treasurer while Mr. H. rn.iinli . Ihc present Kcpulillcun candidate for congress held that fin., ami wtmh Mr. llernundes made good whin Ii w ofllrlnl'y brourhl to lila notice. When vleed In the moat frit-nilly light the espliinutlnn uhiri. Mr. Hi i mimic gave at the i imn Hi., renort wu inmlu Iulln' In Healed extreme areleeencsa "r In competence, or liolh. It'll the eg liliiiiutlon and lla iieroinpiinymg set tlrinin, iri. accepted "'l -re fol lowed liy io other oilii'lnt artion. Th- ltr.iililli-Hn Immt u h raliwd Mr. Ilornanilri' to be nominiilfil f"r ri. nun km piiunlly aa a iimller of lourav, -re fuinihur Willi thia uir l.ln.H.iiit inatlcr. It a l"lt tliat Inmiuon In lliclr lutririii iilnnk I'lumliiiK ua .i rnl loiia" iIm cnurae of timiinor Mi Ih.iiiilil In i orri-i'llng lareh-aaiu-aa. ln iiiiiln H in e anil worae in lounly ofllr. mill the ili" iiim of Mr. Her nalnlra lufore the ieoW on thut l.l.iiik wuii nn example uf m-nc blavadti quid! illiUt parulli'l. Yi i. In aniie of tins bold bid by the IU lublicuna fur diaiiHti r. it hud been the leiiintf of thn iMHHH-ratic cam palKU tnunas-i-ra thut thi-y di-alri'd t Irate thia Hlo Arriba county Incl deiil and the poet record I Mr. Her ii.iiiiIix ulone. It iia thfir cotilldint frilinic that Ibu slalinn unfit neaa ol Mr. Ilf-rnundes to repncnt New Mi'iirii III lonureaa .uuld be Ulie nii I II. b ill to ili feul him and bin parly by nn om ihIu linlim mujorily; cvlie cially lu-n the Kipii' ciindl ilati. thoubl be nuuBunil ii by an iiiti'lliKvnt people b" blw the hiith H .t ity. I'iiik trait. ..g and ypli-iulid airviiR ol Mr. IcrKinmoii. lu cam puuim fur In bind n it i been tn i ii.ui v for the In-iiiiiimU of Ne Mi-Mi ii to vxpoae uiiminiry i.tMi iul 1 1-' i. l ila ol l: iu bin .in raiiiililHlea f"i .flu e. '.iiii'iimi ton h K.i Hurra are :i (Inly, tut lh.) nre iicm-i w pb'Uh.ilit duty to n i( .in. and In n the He- l l.l l'..jlii, in llieir foluniU rmi! lllial- ly 1. 1 J Into the iionilnulion of Mr. ltd iiuiulex 't Una felt that thin rainpiiU'i at bad a annile pre- i,i Hint i. .n of be i u ri ilnl. ( a. their l ii.i ii I it ii 1 1 ii km ami the xitli)g i oil Uit. to the people Moul l lie enouKh and lb-. I tin illtiUinc ll tlu- grim i.aut r i i .ml i.f thu HeiiUl.ln all aiute machine or uny of it lttutu Hv be iie.eM-ur. And ll li" acema that an far us the Ih-iioh rata are cuuci-i lied, lila- tnrnul or leunri h wll lint bf iiui-eaaary. Tho truublea weihing within the war-torn Hepub liiun ma' hum refuae to remain un der cover, one uftir another they burat out and eai h exiitoaion cornea nli a louder noiwe and leavcg more riiooa !( iKe within. The atrug gi for control of the bettered old ma. bine la u bmir and tittermlned now. kiipuiently, a It waa when pru imtoinliip waa worth aometbtng more I ban an enlualve corner on Krb t anj defeat. It ha rnoalned fur a 1U publican lu lel the uupleuaanl maiter of the IUo Airiba tounly in etlialioii :ni In recall It In Ha de tail to the uiinda of the people. Our no lining conleiniiorary, the Journal. .lerday reprinted pert of the Hee ding auditor' report on .lie I tin Ar riba county Inquiry end at the am tiuie tailed m 11 r. JUmauJv lu Finn flout the Iteiiubllcun lb Mr. Hi in.iii'b ' f ilifiaj to ninply. thi ri-aiitnailoii ol Mi. I . ly. til campalan iiKimiKi r. I demanded. The Journal hi iimik Mr fif ptebu knowrl iili. of the Itin Arnbu couiily mat l.-r: nlihoiiith In Juat how far thai will help Mr. Uly. Mr. Ileinandcx. linn poeaiidn riicicMora or their party I not clear. Thi. Journal, however, I the bad IHK Hi publican paper of New Mex ico, ii deiniind la atronx and drf iiiin -. The reaulla will he awiiwl wuii Intercut. The Journ t favored he noiiiliiution 'of W. 11. Andrewa for (.limc. on lb Ittpubllinn ticket and mule a dclei mined IlKht wrtbli llnallv ave Andrew the (telegatloti Imm I bin county. W hy It did not revive, the Hlo AlTibii county report bid. re the convention wnen It !e- ciinic plain that the nun h ue, dlrei t ed by Henatur ttutron and the north ern crowd, proponed to nominate ili'lna ndcx. Im not clear, alnce It I" leMKoiiably certain that audi a courae would hiiii- theikid even em h I-ory-(-nciiw'il inrie a that of the atind- 'It t boapen. TheKc, however, lire mutter en tirely wit Ii I n tho Heptiblli an family circle, the ile elopmelit of which the I leiniK i utn run nflcr. I to obMTte with perfect pi lla ti Unity. So long n Hit ii lil ii-it ii leu. It r uiul newrpapera in il upon the tnek of broiKinif out and keeping before the public the paity'a Ktriiiia'lfs and r.umbilK. much of uiiplcuMiiit duly la lifted from the ahoiildera of the Hemocratlc party. A large majority for Mr. Fergua oii Im never been In aeriou iiie tlon. An overwhelming maturity for him I now certain. Manually the rcmilt of the Journul' ib iiuiiiiIh on the machine will be watched with Intereat and In the reaull of vaan cle the.e will be lively Inlereat n In vho will be found to tuke up the burden. It la only iieccary In point out here that no matter how little care Ihe hiiKHca who nominated Mr. Her nundea exerciecd In picking a candi date ii iid nn mutter how little at tention they are giving the congrea idniml election that Im matter how bitter the atrugglo for control of the old It. publican m idline may be nnd how violent the luilrpulllng within the rnnka, that theae aaion Republi can boMU-M ate working ua a unit to elect machine men to the leglalalure and bending every effort In the open and under .-over t-i retain their hold on the lower liotiae of the Heaciii- bly. COLOQ k 1 by !- k 3 Vm MmroaA 1kll r Igf 12 ,,i. ,--n J i I 0 I U anay wltipped." Tile t 'elisor reatl, ' In battle tierce n id gorv." "Ten IboimaiiU of nut . !. I u r a limit; f I II Jint kill "Till alory." Tin- .limora l.ililbtt. A ... 1 1 1 1 1 Ml liiee'.lng in which all i-liili. candidate will be Invited lo larticlpate, will he held in Alui iiieriir during the elate fair. The iliiliitmn of goata and giait pruilu l will a Inn be a leading feature of the lair. r'l. Humner Hevlew. o ' III nil II. WII.I.IAMM; a rail made man," aay the licming ilranbic No ilctnlln" given aa to iiuality of the product. o HLlill haa tile ef mad man' ability to do thinga lor himaelf, tAlll hi own udve'tting. The II. o. 1'. Jinx SI) ly wlnka n he alink on the Htaud Cut trail, and aa. ' .'.! Hin n on 'rut nil. Watch me hit the bull: Marling with llcrnandei." I'M'l iHTt'NATKLY detail of Hen ulnr Catron a comeiauiion with Mil dtKtu were deleted by Ibu censor. WHAT DID the Senator want to aee MoilcHtu about? Yuu can neari Ii me. O I'HOIJAHLrY Important legul bua Inea. o Til K UKU MV.STKHY I why tne boy want to keep un lliihtiug over toiitrnl of the f o. I. ateuin roller. Watch this bottlI LOW PRICES ri"c lltird'i Honey an4 Almijad t'rc.nii .....ati' Wuudbury t -Jop ..lOe 1 I'oroun Plrtater-i, 3 ler . ' fif loliaj bar fiiatlle Hoan .,...1 1' tit.- pound .uul. Thi nub' i nly SZr Heldli x 1'owde i doacn l'ure Mpplee . . . iilte ra. Hc: j (ium Iv J Utt, 'fV'-k'tTJ : v.t AMI It S and nr 11.01 hijk 1'A-HI HAS lnm 'i.m to .v.. Butt's Drag Store Talk No. 1 Being- some reasons why we solicit and merits your Drug and Drug Sundry Patronage. No store in Albuquerque is better- few as well-stocked and organized to take care of your every Drug Store need however small it may be. . In buying Drugs from our prescription department the strongest known test for purity is applied. This then places at our disposal Drugs which we know to be absolutely pure. S j the prescriptions we Till can be re lied on to perform their proper functions. Back of all this are. our stringent rules that under no cir cumstances must even the smallest substitution be prac ticed. We would not change even the 32nd of a grain without first telephoning the physician whose name ap pears on it. And with all this our prices are Albuquerque's lowest. BuM's Rexall Drug Store 110 West Central. Phone G5. TWATCM? I THIS COT Til I Jicw'pRiasU if'olgiile'a Hon p. 3 cake 1 h.'ic. Tlila Kale, for 2.V' I 'w I Ilium' Jciwy 1 l (' r e n m Hob p ; 4ue I ...21c 1 value. Thi fiilc. Hani t'lly Ptnliotiery, bog 3V! Itexall Kidney Item idy. A. ' guaranteed tnonoy bark remedy .,81b' . 2."i Tonlta llrua)i Kree with every :,! boitlL. of Itexall Tooth Wnah. The Itaxor built to pt imit tbe li a til nil atroke. The Hiifely Itaaor that la really narr. A beautiful ailver otitllt in a h.ihd hi'tno red Morocco box; I ' (Mi value f..r only . II.AH KlFAliT DRDWriED SAYS HER HUSBAND BEFORE EYES OP New Mexico News Notes AN'iiTHKH re reiairt which ap I eura to have been i iniderably een aored purport to be what Hecretary Hiyan autd about the return on It Sullivan In IMinoia. Otlitia WImi Ian "Coiuc Hack." I'-U'le Jim t'aiiuon. The Season. The Hill t'ollei tor. Hip Van Winkle. The lluubell Mai bine. The I'rodigul Hon. Jim Klynn. Kllego Haca. The Hoad Tax. The Morning After. -o "WE pI'KA K authoritatively.- aa thn reliable Ft. Sumner Review. "Her. nande cannot even keep a neat warm ill a poker game for any length "' time." O ANY of you ! who don't like thia here dollar a barrel lax on beer can take to Itrrhk.'ng lemon pop. O A MOTION rii'Tl'HK reirodu tion of the Haltle of I'ari, would reiiiire the entire comliined opulatlon ol TS MOTHER Aged Man Eescues Daughter and Three Children from Swollen Mountain Stream After Hard Fight. Santa Fe. X. M . Sept. II The In fant child of a Mrs. Itovluil, tlrit mime unknown. wa drowned ll the .-'until I 'nn treek near l atu..i Pal unlay ulternooii. ictail of Ihe accident leached here today . The woman, her four am. ill hlldr, n and aged father, I'oHtiie Hoybal attilnptcil to ford the awolb-n m.iuniaiii atream. Their wagon iiped nnd all were thrown I rt lo the water. ATt'-r a heroic atrugtile. Ihe old man vucceeiled In rem ulng Ihe woman and all hut tho 4 month old child who waa awept out ol Its mother' a r tint. XKW Mexico News Stale The l.ulia county Iu iiiim tatic ( lull wiii orgaiiKcd limt wcea at iHimng with a i barter mciiilerahip of tidy five. The lie m I im hool cennu show a total of lo'oi studenia tin year, an In- rease of more than tun over a year ago. The McKinley county Democratic eonvi r.tiu:i u-n:'r;i!t vaidnlate or the Icgmlature will lutct at Uallup rieplcmoer 17th. I'clitioiis are being circulated, ask ing for the ealablli-hmeut of a I lilted .-state land olllce at liallup. The Hooaevelt county held ul I'ortale October fair will be lt and Hud. William Hroikwuy of Kurt Klunlon, will known emplov of the murmu bohpital for tuberculosis tbuc. wu killed last week by a fall I rum a horse. Hint In forcclosurr hue been filed In Saula Kc federal court againat the Knit Hu inner liml und Development iui.ihy, un a deed of Irual fur I12W.- U'ji). The action Involves pert of tne irrigation satem ut Kort bumiier. Held und llervry of Horwell have bled huit ll bell.. If of lieu Hechul au.ilnal the county ( uininuiulivi ul Lincoln county lor IM.'K'U in con- ne. tiuii with the buuuiiig of tne cuuuty court huue ut I'arrisuxu. (Seorge Klink, aitehbin well In l ctr of county bat hi right aim bml wcea aa the result ot an ac cidental (US' liurgn i f a shot gun. I'arrlxoto, 1-imead of a county f.ilr this year, will bold two big "field a)a' oil tKtober I and I at which hii exhibit of farm product will bu made. The annual uu.iy county lair will be livid ul Tucumcarl September 2 :i und it. Wheat brought void lu Melrose . total of II &V0. last w eek Xara Visit will hold ll Friday aud baturday of annual fair thia week. II. Klein, a tramp, was killed last week near Tucumcarl when he run over by a fi eight train. Lightning struck the Tucumcarl hlgii school last week doing consul erable dmiiid. A splendid article on the 1'heipa Dodge aillwlic In the llurro muun tains appear in the laat issue of the Lnglneeriiiif and Mining Journal New York. The wrtule la from the pen of Farrla V. Hush of Silver t'lly ind is of Ihe calibre tu attract the at te-illon to Ibis country of ihe mining men of the whole western woild. Want Ads. They get mults. Head the Evcurj Herald. Juliet und Uary, Ind. for CHANG E III RULES hicago, mi pes. IIKUilAX llurbarlties. If one can believe tho bulletins, have the Hul- garian brand bucked off the board. a XtlTKK For tbe couv eule-ice of patron and at the same time t.i comply with toe provision of the president's pne U- lation coinmiindliig strict neutralu. we baie arranged the toiiowing schedule: li K It M A X victories Monday, Wednesday. Friday. A Mil Kit' xlctorie Tueadaya, Thursday. Saturday. Sunday we don't issue a , IT 18 STILL, etilctly neutral bu order: Spunlrh omelette, t'hile und beans. Chop auey. TIIF.SK 1IKAD1.1NKU appeored side uy side o:i page one of a Kansas ll) newspaper last week: Allies Suffer Set Hack. Herman on Hun. IH-Ieat for Ciuir. Austria Ha f.nough. All for on Cent. Mr. A. ItUHtem Hey (lot a little loo gay. And had quite a lot Tuu tu say. TIIK fllAMPAUNF. shortage ha put up the price ol picslcu peacnea. SOMK DAY you can't lay up a cent. O A ii. 1. I. laVTHirilli Ft. Sumner Iteview.l The Kiening Herald of Albuiier- que says "mere is Hu lin g among Ite iiubllcun tin year." The biggest He publican in Fort Sumner agree with the Herald aid hi opinion 1 based on experience. The gcitth-inan weigh close around Siu pound when hin temper la normal. He was walking un a street Sunday, at pca-e with all the world excepting the Iiemocrati' party. He approached a corner. A nhlta calf, lla hip smoking from con tact with a branding Iron, came iluwn the cross street. It we doing It best Is get away from the hot iron. Tin man and the animal turned the e..i lier at Ihe same Instant, from i pu- sit. directions, llesult. a violent im pact. The man went down the ralf wtnt ort. The calf bawled und the man made ome noise himself when lie regained bis breath, but bis riinark are censored. His dignity was shamefully outraged and hi per son bruisU. 4'h last seen uf the calf It was crossing the divide, headed toward the Yeso. Its owner did ever) thing possible tu assuage the ln luied man' feelimia and runled con dition, but hi elloit were not ap preciated tu any exteal. There Is culy bad III' k for Ihe itcpubltceiia this ur. nib DPS FOR SHEEP I Board Rcnuires Lime and Sul phur for Infected Stock and Modifies Regulation garding Bucks. Re- One regulation was mudi'lcd and another tightened by the sheep aan It.iry board at Its meeting In the olllce of Hobeil II. Crews, Ihe secretary, in the Firat Ni:ioiiul bank building. A regulation adopted ut the board ut Ua Jane meeting required bucks lo be. dipped lL-e ut Ihe full dipping. The regulation waa chunged, so that only one dipping of buck I required. The other charge uftects Inlei-led sturf. The rule now I that Infected iheep must ! dipped In lime und sul phur. C rider the obi regulation lo bucco and in ..tine waa permit led for dipping. Hineufier only lime and sulphur tll' go. I TRREATEIIEO TO KILL HIMSELF McGuinness' Behavior While, Intoxicated, Spouse Alleges,! Torced Her to Flee from House in the Night. j Josef Inn I!. Mciiiilnnt i enti red suit for divorce In the dial net court today uguinM John 11. ill tJulnnes. She alleges that her Vilisba nil's nc tion forced her to have him on June 7, on which (tute they were In Kl I'aso temporarily. Shp was forcei to send to her father, Klfegu Iluca. she allege, for inont y with wh'.ch t make the Journey home. Mci'iiiiuness, bin wife ullege, nt different times while drunk would Hire. tin to kill himself before her mid their two year-old ihibl. und that on ocaaioiia she wa forced to leave the house In the inlodle of the nlsht In consequence ol s n h threats. Meiit'inness la aaid to hue failed t" provide for her nnd lo have refused to pay the rent of their house here, and bu, for assistance from her father she would huve been dispos sessed. The coor.0 were married In thi city September 1. 1M0. Metluinnesg. according t.i the papers In the case. Is n bookkeeper and earns 11 00 a month. Mr. Mci Itilnnesa ask, the court for an order for attorney's fees n ml alimony. Vigil & J.imison nre her lawyer. II. T. Lockey la ulng hi wife. X- M. Lockey. fur divorce on the ground or desertion. They were married nt liallup In Z, nnd she la alleged to huve lert him September I. There are ho children. Maintain! foiest, h:i returned from trii of Inspection to the Mellaril-)' lumber camp. F. Arthur of the forest service. Is on a trip of Inspection lu Ihe neigh borhood of Mount. ilnulr, in the xatio forest. A regular review of Alamo Illve No. 1, L. o T M, will be held at Tuesday afternoon. AMer meeting there will be n social tea fmm 3 to i fur a charitable purpose, to whb Ii in puWic s cordially Invited. Assistant l ulled State District At torney Henry li. Coors, Jr. went to Sunta 1 today on oftlclul business. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert tl. S mini have returned home from a in onus v out to relatives in Xlaiiant Fulls, N. Y, and Teiiirkiiiui. Ark. D. S. llnMim ibl and St yinoiir iiisohn were ..uliue. : i . i i n In. of the bankrupt Model stoic,, slot k to ilay by Judge Hayiiolds, of tbe district court. The new henUiig pbmt nt the court liouso waa tried out today, it worked to the entire satisfaction of the eon tractor and to the vast din. ocfort of Ihe hulfroaetcd otliei.ils. The Moose bulge. No. M'. w I'l me. I tomorrow, Tucwlay n.ght at o 'cluck. S s.r,i.c'-' s.nsTinmwisi ii I iM:J,Ci vV; ri-;.ij'"iJ;: Business Confidence Confidence is quickly established in the person who can keep things to himself. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK never reveals the affairs cf its customers to other people and has the confidence of its depositors. If you have matters of business you wish our opinion on, you can feel perfectly free to talk with us. even though you are not one of our cus tomers, i v n at MAN WIIO"STOLE"ENGINE IS FREED FROM JAIL Jose Mcii.bx, the Hantu Fe yard workman wlm look aiss-sslon of an engine while Intoxicated one day last spring, pbiiilid Ullt before Judge Ituynolda today when arinigiied un der tb M.Muto covering the offense. District Attorney M. I. isctl lodged Informnti.iii una Inst him. In view ot the fact 1 11,11 he hud served four months in the county Jail, Judge Hay holds susncmlcil senieacr. IfsraU dimes. want. I line I tin Read the Evening Herald's yiivX Ads, They get results. . 1 THE FAIR SEASON. springer Mia knian.) New Mexico 1 advancing rapidly In many respects, and one of Hie most important evidences of her progresa . the fact that most all tbe counties ale to huve a fall fair where the 10 ple may congregate, exhibit llu-lr pro duct aud discuss better conditloiis, oetter tint hod and the raising of crop better adupted to tbe d.fterent loiulitle. Fairs enable the people, especially the producer, to get to gether once a ear alter the seasons work Is over, und their exhibit, and their diisussion er them, always result in sum Improvements. An exchange of opinions, where they are from actual experience, most alway resul a 111 ome good, and advance merit In a line. In another wy I iie fair is a apleiidld Institution, es pecially to a country new in it de lel'.pn.i nt. Some front other elate are generally In allendaiue, ihey gel an idea what the counlr) produce and they Ula about 11 when they leave, and in thia way the ...alliy and ll:ctrnt gel a good' boost. Fall, whether county, district or statewide In character, must be classed a among our must Auipotlunl instltu- ti" . . . - t ALL THE ELKS IN TOWN ORDERED TO REPORT THURSDAY Col. D K. It. Sellers, as chulrmaii of the Klk minstrels, this afternoon 1st-ued a luohilixutlon order. Thurs day nlslit ut 7: so o'clock sharp the first of the show will be held, and Colonel Sellers wants overy Klk In town to report. The men are to be measured for their suits, and the chorus Is to be formed. Joe Hren, of Kansas City, who Is ! Iiuve charge of the production, will be on hand, PAINT GLASS BUILDERS' SUPPLIES 7. C. BALDRIDGE LBR. CO. 423 S. 1st St. Phone 402 VS. II. IIAIifl CO. Fur tli De In r-Ml of An sUbmSb, PHONE 91. CJBRRiixnn lt mp ' QALLL' l LL'VP GALLUP t. tn ANTHRACITR, ALL K1.K1 KINDIJNO AND MILL. Wtl'iD CRICK AND I'LA.STKKINO Ll M H SANTA ra BKICK PERSONALS il Couurll No. (II. Klitghls of Coluinbiis will hold un Important meeting tomorrow night at o'clock In Odd Fellow' hall. All member nre requested lo be present. Dr. and Mr. John I'.. Hasting of I Hernulillo drove to Alhtuiiieiqiie last I night and ure spendinc the day in the city ! Miss ltuth Wallace of Holbrook. j Aris., cniolled In the Albuquerque , Husllles Colli lie thlc. liloltllllg. i Mis Funics Mi i'lellan returned I home yesterday from California w here she ha been spending I bo pul i two mniitb. Ward Anderson I expected home loduy from a stay In California. 1. W. Young, of I -as Cruces, 1 ths guest of laiurcnce F. Iac. Juini F. Mullen, upervuor ot the Figure with us on Sash Doors, Mouldings and Everything in MILL WORK Superior Lumber & Mill Company NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A NORTH POLE ALL METAL FREEZER, COLD, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL. DESSERTS FROZEN IN ONLY FOUR A Ocmcd.y For All Pain Thn mtnry nf any dni lr C P. ! Hnl.iinN. ii ann l u ty lh rrul! , iiitin from tt u. If w mrm nl'lf r am rl alu nJ ill by niHa ol atiy rr ; parti"it. rt-riawily r itrritiitil In II U. 4nof th rli.rttl niituia t1 mil rtiaaft ll iim, aitfl tin li ftli imtiftit . moM ifio mnpitu lu i lr. I- mf iiitii ; t-i rrliMv hii pttiii. II w rn nrfr.i thi i iruiittly, thm iniiitt li moat to t rul In u fr ih ittf rvaiottiva t.u b will rttr ft prmiif n( rurc. Ltn rninly hlt b I ; ttavti urtl UrMwiy In in? priHlH' ! AciU tvunti.t lahlci. Many ami tarlfil ar tlicir ' Uiri, 1 bav tu 1 1. fin lo ha ou many I cailiHis, aiiri have itf v'r ho ll n i ihjj lit- : ) 1 ft mi n d ttim aiipfriaily niui) I'T 1 tia1ariti uf miarlal i lain. wbff . rati tlii lakfit. 1 by aiiar lo ptfVfiil thabad aftMr-rffvPti t1 (lit qutntim. Anil aamiiia lallta ra Kiao aiffUivfit lor !( balacti- Irutn lmpror lia( tun ; ! I tur hMilin ol imurainie (niiui, mai ! lalljr l.r wo in n ;itfi I to pniuial carl at a , t.uif. 1 wo Aiui-aNiiiniM I ilfia gva pro in pi rviit-f, in m u ( tiin lb pwimi Isa01t lu ki aouul aa Ugtoal. 1 lira iJtoip'a mr 1 fliiul l all Jrup-Wi. 1 A k fr A K lahlnu. Thar r aiau ujiirrlie J lut haaailit( bfUlsti auvl il paiua. MINUTES. Thoroughly Well Made Practical and Serviceable Low Priced. .' 4 Easily Operated. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION One Quart Size. . ....$1.50 Two Quart Size $L75 ALBERT FABER 213 to 215 W. Cold Ave. Furniture, Carpets, Draperies and Stovea.