Newspaper Page Text
JERRY ON THE JOB i f-V-rfU IIUUbRni ca ca voorr mih Baseball. Standing; of the Clnbi SPOUTS N.illonal Irairut-. HiiHtmi 7 l,!, ,1711 n.-w Vi.rk ;i r.; . t. r. r. SI. I.iimIm 71 3 .T.3J hi. i.e.. 7it 6:i .r.rc I'MixiiiiiKii i i; j .177 I'hihi.l, ,hi 1,9 70 .4., Uniiiklyii 1H 7t .4M t un Iniinll .', 74 .434 AnH-rhiiii I cnuiir. Won. !.. V I I hltliili'llhlfl N 4 .hj.' I '.ofloli 77 &4 .UM WiiPhniKlon 7 W .!'!' iHlr.iil 70 3 .! "Iinim.i (I (t .477 N-w Virk RO 7S .4T.2 Si. I...ik 19 72 .I5J 'liA-lunl 41 Kit 2i V..n. I-rt riin 1....7J :.! rr.7 liihiitiiinliii 72 f .G4 lirooklvn S7 fcO ,C27 M tit..r (7 M iJ Kn, Til l.i (4 (1 .&:4 Kiiliwm City CI U ,47. SI I.oiiIh & 7' .44 rillHlnirRh M 74 -4 11 GAMES T02I0HS0W i Vol hum I l4(ui. HriM.klyn ni llimlon. Nw Vurk HI I'liilailflphla. AnK'rliDii lAttMur. hlriiKo i SI. I.mim. I'ircil al i 'li'vcliuitl. I'hlhiili'li'liln mi Vw Yelk. IIokIoii ai Wunhinxloii. Ili'ral l iaiut'. Kuiidiii I lls' ul llnltiiiiuia. Si. I.ii In at liiiflnl.i. I'lilinRit n( I'lilfLurah. liiiliHiiHnila ul l.roi.klyn YESTERDAY'S RESULTS National lairu. I'hit'HKu, 8; t'lllHtiui Kh. 0. SI. I.uiiln. 4; Itirlniinll. J; flrxt St. I.iiul. S. flnrliiDHti. 2; arrontl Kanw. AaiM'rtvan Ixacue. !ctrill. 4; hl. n.., I. I'lrvcluntl, I; t. I.oulf, 6; Rninv. I'tovflanil. t; HI. I.ouln, 1; mt ;mi-; pluht nnliiH. culli-il. firat end I'iNl.'ral Ianur. rhtrncn. I; llufTnlti, 0; first Rum. t'hi.'Hf.i, 7, ilufTrlu, i; awunil iuinr. LllllfiG 'EM OUT They tuka I he rake up In Mt. I.oul when l romea to rabid funa. They kirk rven when airlkra are railed on Hub I'erdue. However. Hub hna made thiee hiia ainco arriving In si. Ixuia. There lan't a uierHtlllon exlant thul IliiTKe HiollliiKa doexn't know nouut and believe In. He haa IH If a rroaa eyed fan romea Into lha Rrottnda and i lirera up If he area a loud of empty ' I .irreln. )e hna a boy w hoae aole duly la to keep blrda from llRhllnc on the roof of the cub bench durliiR R ime, and al the but hundles muni point lownrd tho dugout. No' newa paiera muat be allowed to lia near the bench. Moat folk credit nudoliih, Tyler and Jumea wllh lielplnR tha ftruvea moat In cul. hlnR lha (1 Inula, but Mer- kle, Myera and He her Ret a lot of vote from New York fata. A iilK ahlpment of RnRliah footbnlla haa imii aetruy on the way over aea any san Frunclro dealrra to Whom they were ronaiHned, and no on Meema to know where they ar. Mayba the (lermuna have hooked them. A l:iil American football Injected into thla already aanRUlnnrv airuule would jiiat uboii romidet tha buaineaa. Tho Cardinal, have struck nut more Ibun tny aet of pluyrra In lha Na- llonul. The Itrnvea have a Hnilih, Hrhmld! end Pihmitt. SlaliliiRa la on the lookout for a Smyth. aVarvlly of d)vatutTa throaUn TTTE nu i Cm ?ThQv.T w h6m Am 1M W VSOVlierj mow. 1 ! AC MOCM -l:l-' :- vi CisOTea TT Ciun V (vrrybmly wllh thi nfrimHy nf iir- 'I'K whllo anx. Thla la niie fr t'nin lkcy, hut loiiRh on tannin, llrr man ami nthcr. Jii k Powell la an ultl hi la rhKllilr it a jon witn i no kimhthih. KlWilfr Jine oiKiicJ him. Thcra mn hi Iik aumolhinR In thla lilk thai Mi'Ornw lan'l analoua to win amithi'r lunnnnl. Ho alRnnl Marty MTiwIr, "I am rrwilvrii t Ro io ttpriin If it riala ma my I:im miiujlk," anya 'aar Nlehnlua. lnt. l k, old (op. If you Rot to Itrrlln without a moiijik In your I'oikot. whut'll you huvi. to rpiiul 7 Silrvy of thr mnp hrlntta out cimlnt furl I hut rverylxidy la flcliHnu o ir( lirlnrdtihtFra. llo from dwrnrii nt auvRi-atlon thul haHi'h.ill rrivllita he tnxril (to lroiliica nr turn, rwrnnt. H:iKel.ull rv vl.a hnvi. Ix i n no kfil i'o:ibUIit ahly hy the owner thi-mafla al rvHtly to prnduo hiiai-hull war rev enue. It the Oiunta win the Pentium Cube Maritinrd will ilcoerve na iiun'h n nny aoulhpaw illtthdlKiier In Tlm liisrloo. ltulie Maritaril hna leeti rnnklnR thlrty-alxlh anion the H. hrra. lie liHMti't won nfly per vent of hia tramea thla year. Thla will make Connie fourth pennant with hia prexent mn tlilne. The Culm won four pennnnta In five ymru a I no and Ihen slipped bnilly. They looked almoat aa unlieiil.ihle aa the M.u kiiien. Hut there la thia not able different' when th Cuba had landed thrlr fourth Dhr the averuRe jirs of Chnnre'a mnehlne ua at leant four yeura abovg the averave age of Mnrk'a. Whl h would Indi.a4e that there Henna to be nothlHH tr do lull it bark and wait for old Dor Time to Ret in hia work. FOOTBALL COACH IS LEADING T More Than 500 Former Play ers Now Engaged in Teach ing School and College Teams the Game, New York, Sept. 14. Another aet of moluililiig order ara being iaaued to. day for the lootbull couch la ready for the Initial uiunoeuvera of fhe gridiron caiopiilxn. In all part of the country Ihe turf la being lined with Ion while marka: tackling dum mlea erected and padded uniform tuken from gyninaaluin linker and aloreroom. Boon veteran and novi. will trot out upon tha practice field and lha football roach will come In to hia own once attain. That he la an important factor In lha popular colli Re aport la xhow n by I he fuct that mora than aeventy per rent of lha achoola and collegea sup porting foutbufl tenma employ one or more roaches In lha Individual and collective development of tho players. In a majority of cuxea the coach Is s former player -who Rained fame aa a gridiron Blurt at either the collcxr whera ha now courhea or at some rival university, player from insti tutions thul have been represented for a period of ome yvara by winning eleven are mot frequently In de mand since the belie; prevail thnt a conch they will incorporate Ihe same tem and methods in their churges. Many K-Iia)cr ('oacliliiR. At the present time there are mora than live hundred former player ad- Iiir aa rotichea for school and rollegs teams. Klttnlnattng from this Hat all but the mora prominent Institution of the country an anulyala ahowa that players from Yla and Pennsylvania nr most ropulur Ra roue hex. The two unlveraitles are tied with fifteen each. Dartmouth. Michigan, Prime- ton, Wisconsin anil Chicago follow In tha order named and ihexe ar cloxe- ly preed for honors by Ijifuyeile, P)rucu, Nolro Dame, Vanderbilt, Wiillama, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ktate, and Mlnnexota. At the foot of Ihe hat will be found Roma eighty Institu tions wllh but one or two player who hav entered the coaching ranka. In thla comeii Ion Ihe peculiar co-incident Is shown of Harvard with a win ning eleven for the past few your at Ihe very fool of the tabulation, llallhi IU-twe.1 (oa'-tir. Itexplle the luct that Yule and liar, vard are widely separated so fur as developing Couche for other College la concerned the football follower an ticipated a ureal battle between the coaching staffs of these twu unlver IlleS during Ihe prev:il seusun wltU b FACTOR SPOR EVENING TTEEALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY. LrtTT . cn. w&r nnkc AtOJT xn. AT A urn will fulminate In the context nl New lluven on November II, when the lenma meet In t'.ie new Yale Howl. In aome reBpecia ihe head eom hex of both Harvard and Yule are alike. Iloth lire men of fe- wonlx. When j Frank llltikey wn playlmc end nt Yulo he wna known lia the "xllent luptaln." Percy I). Hauiililon who haa held the roarhinR reliia nt Har vard for the pnat few yenrx la alinoxt a chary of apeeih. Iloth, however, know fool null from every unale. They are hard driver aa I hey were play er nml do not fenr to reprimand can didate for brench., of playiim or tralnliiR rulea. Their rhnrae know thui every mun will Ret n fair chance to make tho team and the final aelec tlon made in merit alone, on foot ball tactic, however. Hlnkey nml HnURhton differ widely, but thexe team bile In November will know and play football of the hiahexl rul Ibre. Y FARRELL-GHANCE DIFFERENCES Intimated Today That Chance May Finish Oat Season with New York Americans and Stay Next Season. New York. Sept. 14. Mutiinl friend were huxy today in an ef fort to patch up the difference be tween Prexldent Frank Karrell and Mannxer Krunk Chance of the New York American. It was even !nli muted in some iiunrtera that t 'bunco would remuln as leader of the team he remainder of this eeuxon nml thnt he imIkIu even !) with Ihe team next senxon. SOX PLAY LOOSELY AND GRAYS WIN WITHOUT TROUBLE The Sun Marclal lir.'iys defeated the Ited Sox. 7 to 3, nt Trillion park yexterduy ullernoon. Mart line pitch ed for the So. The locitU played lixtaelv nml Km n Miireiul ila.Ve lolled u hnliit of producing hit when the SoR Wolilded. The Vlxllor tooR toe li.n.l In IIia Arul Innlliu Hint ITF neer headed; were never 111 danger or being headed. (.idf at t.lcmMnc. niencove, N. Y., Sept. 14 Wllh fl field of J. play wna begun today on the linka of Ihe Nnxanil Country club In the twentieth niitionnl women' chumplonxhip of the Dolf axxiH'iailoii. BOOZE SOLO FREELY TO INDIANS AT CUBA No Arresta Yet in Murder There Last Week as Result of Drunken Row Among the Apaches. Rswelal Cwrreesiaageaee Is the llaealdl Cuba, N. M, Sept. il.-lieiiiy Moiitoya, the Apache, who wa xerl ouxly Injured by belriR shot by so other Apuche, Is holding his own. He make the clulm thai Iwo of hi" rompunlonu were drunk. The nu thorillea In.ih at llernnlilln and Dulce have been notified but no one hu arrived to lmci.tiu.iie either Ihe mur der of the attack on the in.iired man. A desire for money for gambling 1 claimed to have been the cauae of the axauult and murder which were followed by robbery before Ihe niur lerer made hia escape. The com munity la very much aroused over the arfuir. Indiana are able to e cur ll'iuor In Culm, and drunkcm nes among them I not uncommon but up to the preent time no con viction have been secured when In vexllguilon occurred. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS OF THE PAST WEEK Tedro Apodaca and w fe to Yk nacio Campoa, piece of land In Her nullila county; Pedro Apodaca and wife to YR nacio Caiotaw. Piece of lund in lire ' clnct 1, Sun Joae; t luu. i iMilorea Otero de llurg to CamiH J Lopet, lot , 7, block it, Perea J FANS BUS irnta. E-veraing Three Lines FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE LOANS -RENTALS. Bargains Lots Houses Business Properties. JOHN M. MOORE REALTY CO. Phone 10 HELP WANTgD WANTKH-- Kx perb need waiter wailrexx al I n in lie Cnfo. WANTKD lilrla I., d.p chocolule ami lion lion. 1'ovn ll DriiR Co. WANTED Salesmen. SA I.KSM MN' Wo desire a forceful and UKgrexxlve salesman to repre sent II In Albti'iieriie; alxo for sev eral count lex In New Mexico. Will ronxider nppliriitloiia only from men of reliable character and real selling ability. Tho. J. Heck man Co., 7 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. d it Ion; $10. Dolons i'. de llurg and huxbnnil to Obi ii r F. lllneher, lot C In l. . de Mink's plat or Iota 7, . 0 and 1" In block 16. Perea addition; 111). Martin altcRoH, el nl, to Aurelio finllcKon. 2 plece.H i,f land III precinct 4, Anrirhn iR- A lliliueriliej Jl. Mart la iialiios el all in Kim trio Oallegos, 2 ph'cen or hmd in pneinct 4, Itanchos de A Ibmiui r'tic; II. Martin (lallcicei rt al. to Itatnon (lalleRox. 2 ,te4.f bind In precinct 4, Uun ho de AtiiiUrrqii. II. Itninoii ()alle.1H et nl. to Martin fiullegiul, 2 piece of lit IK I in pterin, t 4, ItJlichox de .MtiU(Ueriile. Walter M. I'luiiii'll pint wife to Sol omon L. Iliirton, lof S7 and 3x, Hu ninK Place; II. Chan, liny Summer and wire to A A. Howard, a piece of land In pre cinct II; fl. Maximo T. Salusar and husband to lielollimo Alel.i, lot 17, blink "S," town of AllMi,iier.ue. Daniel c. liraul nml wife to The- rt-Hu i. Huitx. lot .':, block P. Armijo nddition; $ .0. Kdith M. Ii., man to Mrs. T 1. litilia. lol I".:, block 22, P. Armijo nddition: II. John M. Moon- Kenlty Co. Io Juan J. Chaves, lol .VI in J. M. Moore Co. Klrxt iidldtlon; II. H. II. Schuster to F. II. Kelly, lot It, block 11. Ka stern addillim; II. Dolores ii. de Kurg to Vi. torio t'll barre, loin IS and , block 43, Pe rea addition. Jonh P. n a and wife to A. Michael, lot ft. liRhland Place addition; 11. SLUSHED BY Only 21,000 Bales Exported During August as Against 257,000 Bales in August of Last Year. WnxhiiiRtoii, Sept. 14 Vhe extent of the effect of tha F.urnpean war on the ci'tlou Industry wns disclosed to day in the criimis bureau, August cotton roiiHiimi'ilon showing that during AiikiikI only 21. Jilt bale of rotton wu exported, while during August hint yen- -5 7. 1 7 J bale went ubroad. flreat Itriialn took only f.370 hale thla August, while last Aiiguat she took 77,311, liermuny took only (3 bulea aKulnai a year ago; Fiunee look onl j balea smilnst 13. 31 a yeur U4; Italy took l.M URuinst 14.i'i n year sro, and all other count run look 11,237 againxt 40.2&& a year ago. The supply of cotton during the yeur of 1H4 whbh ended August 31 wu more Ihm bule. The exports for the year amounted to (,914.&4i bnlex; the domestic, con sumption 5..'i77. U4 bales and the Humility n hand AuRuxt It was sboiit 1.&J4. bales. An exf ruordiuary feature of the re port was the fuel that more rotton waa Imported iliuinR August than was exported by Ihe I inl.'d States, which lu l year supplied almost fl per cent of the wm Id's cotton. CDTTO IfiDUSTR THE WAR SEPTEMBER 14. 1914. Safe a wt a I l Fnms two 1 TV Herald Want Ads Three Times 214 W Gold PERSONAL MIIS. It i I.I - Teai her or Spanmh and preparatory braiiche. 4J4 H. Kdllh street. phone .,H7W. FIKNITCKK ltKI'AIIUNil, packing, upholxterltiR, cabinet und loatlresx making, rug sluing. Phone CI. 117 S. Third Ht. FIUST CI.AH:! I ircn sm i k inn. Prices reahoii.i i.le; xatlxfaciion Rii.irnn teed, to:, South High. Phone l.'J J, ltKf PAINT. WANTKD Every homo owner to lie Krl Carbon roof paint Stops leaks, last ( years. Devoe ready paint, 1 gal. rover COO s. feet. Tho. F. Keleher, 4Vf West CentraL FOR CAhPET Meaning, furniture and alova lepsliing. W. Ooff. pbon III. Vuleaninng Vulcanising and lire Itepalrlng. All work guaranteed. Albuquerque Rubber Co.. WaR Central. For Sale Miscellaneous Foil IAL.K old paper for putting down capets, etc. Call at Herald ofllc. Foil SAI.K llink crusher and pul verizer. Will be sold cheap. Suit able for minins; work, road bullitiiiK and concrete work. AlbuiMeriiie Foundry Machine Works. FOUND Fi ICNU - lloixe und biMuy. nwner cull at It'ii Sooth Second and !- y rxpclixcx. SClll'M WOMAN wants Job In Insti tution, nioppinx and xcruhhiiiK Hefeeence f urnicloil. Ad ilcus It.IC, Heltlld ofll.e. F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. in ui:vr i.i:i I'hiMte Italy or Mglit MR. DUKE CITY CLEANERS We clean Itatw, sncn'a and wo Rnm'a cpxlliliig, niRw, rurtattis, dra (., dr. flV Vrt UoM. I'tMine 4 Promptness Our Motto Department of the Interior, 1'. S. Ijmd nitlce ul Santa Fe, N. M July 24, 1914. Nolle Is hereby given that Jose Trujlllo y Armijo of Pluclius, N. M , I who, on July If, ISftS. mad home stead entry No. 0106:,, for I-ot f. Section f. K SKVi MB;. Bertlon 4. K'i nnd K'-i W'4 of Lot 1 and i. Section , Township 1!N'., It an Re, r-K.. N M. P. merltllan, hits filed notice of Intention to make five yrar proof, to extaldlsh claim to the land show de scribed, before Ahcllno I I.ucern, county clerk, Iternullllo, N. U., on the lyih day of September ltd 4. Clalmiint name wllnexxe: David Trujlllo, FJorun Trujlllo, Teodoso Chavex, Francisco Vr'jjlllo, all of Placllus, N M. FMANCI8CO DELOADn, lleglsler. Ahuqueriiie F.venins l!r-ld. Department of the Interior, V. H. ijind ortlce nt Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 20. 1114. Nolle la hereby given that TMna Francla llasxnn, of Hehoyeta, N. Who on November 15, 191ft, made homestead entry No. 0 1 4 4 1, for Pi:Vi, section f, loarmhlp UN., range IW N. U. P. meridian, has filed bo re of Intention to make 3-year' fl-il proof, to extnhllnh claim to the land abov described, tefor Jesus M. I.una, county clerk, at 1 I.unaR, N. M. on September Hth, till, Claimant name as witnexxes: William C. Kennedy, of Sebuysta, N. M. Putrlco Jaramlllo, ol 8boytR, N. U. 1 t AND TINKIE MIGHT HAVE GOT tH SioCCKOUA'jOAlSF AMD I t 'max crr , f Three Dimes Dunbar Bargains rK KKNT. 4-ronm tnoderr. brick house . Knxi Centtul avenue, 122. .10. t-room lioiiKe, corner Coal avenue and Seventh street. Store room. Central Ave., be- 4 tween Third and Fourth Sis. t-romn modern brick house, Sl N. Y. sve.. tit IV, wutsr mld. 4 f-ronm house. 111 Nn, Fifth Ht.; modern, 113.00. 4 4-rooin house. Highlands, 110. 4 4 -room house; ll.ixcldlne f avenue; modern, f JO. 00. IX III 8AI.K. f-ronm house for sale or rent'. 9 Went Coul avenue; modern; lol 11x142; fine shudo and lawn. 4 Itnnch, 180 acres improvrd, well stocked, nml for s.ilo at a 4 bsrgaln; 7 miles out. Kin cor. lots, West Coal Ave. 4 -room house. West Iron Ave., Trice, fl.r.00. All kiiid of term. I'l It K 1NSI HNCK IHINKV TO IAI4X. OrKUAIl'H It FA L K.VTATB 4) OFF1CK. 124 Cold Ave., Corner Third M. 4 HOTELS OF SOUTflWEST. DIRECTORY. 8T. JOHNS, AlllONA The Ameri can Hotel, Headquarters Ocean-to-Ocenn Highway tourist. Modern thrnuKhout. Dining room service uneiuulld. Fine shade nnd lawn. HOTICli BRUNSWICK llolbrook, Arlxuna, 10 guest rooms, modern; touiiatg' headiiuarters; dally road bul letins; guides furnished to point ol Interest; dining room In connection. SANTA FE The Montesuma Hotel. American plan; ser-rjee first class, electric flight, stea in heat, telephone In every room. Special attention to auto parties. FOR R : Kl Hooms. Foil 11KNT One very dexirable suite of outside olllcc rooms In N. T. Ar mijo building. Apply lieo. F. Al briKhl. Phone 441). Foil HF.NT - 3 houxi'keeping rooms wllh sleeping por.-h, 113. Tele phono la 2 4 J. Fori RENT Ijircn room with Sleeping porch. 432 W. Marrjuetl. F It IIBNT-Two nicely furnished rooms for Unlit houxe keeping. Ap ply 601 North Second Ht. Foil KENT 3 furnished rooms for hoiisekeeplliK; electric I Ik Ii im water and ue of telephone, tnno. 1011 North First SI. Dexldrrlo Trujlllo, nf Bchoyeta. N. M Suiurlno Itotnero, nf Eeboyeta, V. M. FRANCISCO DEfiO AD', llegixler. "Evening Herald," Albuiurriue, N. M. Department of tha Interior, t;. H. IjiiiiI Office at Santa Fe, N. M.. July 21. 1I4. Notice is hereby given that Ftoran Tr-jillo of Placlttis, N. M., wtio, on July US, lull SI, inula homestead entry No. 10:.., for NF'i SEVJ. Hectinn f. Township I2N., Ilungn 6K.. N. M. P meridian, has fed notice of Inten t'on to make five year proof, to rxtsb. Ilnh claim in tho land above detuned, belore Abellno I Liiceru, coutuy clerk, at Hi rnallllo. N, M., on the llilh day of Seplembrr, 114. Claimant names ax witnesses: Davbl Trujlllo, Jo Trujlllo y Armijo, Teo doso Chavex, Francls o Trujlllo, all of Plucltus, N. M. rnANcisco rEiiADo, ItegUtrr. AIbuiuerqu Evening Herald. XfrTICK nU Pl ltl-H ATIOV. t. H. Ij.iuI Otllc at Santa Fe, N. M. August II, 114. Notice ia hereoy given thai Fran flxco Montoya, of Cubexnn, N. M , who, on February 10'h, 1SI2. made hotmatead entry No. 016341, for sn'4. Section 21, Tuwnxhlp 1SN, lUnga fW, N. M. !. meridian, has filed notice of Intention to m .ike live year proof, to eaiablinh claim to the land above dew rlbed, before Ch irl W. 1 1 ol ti .in, U'nli-d Slate rommlx sloner at Cubeson, X. M , on Cb tober i, mi. Claimant name a wltnexsea: ft. F. Hixller, Clemenlu 4'axuua, Flie Mon toya, Pedrr .Mirtln s, all of Cabexon, N. M. FltANCIS'0 DKU'.AIUI. Hrglster. 'rvtulnf Herald.' Albuuenius, N. M. nn THAT CHECK. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ssssAsSaaB4gRvya(ysW Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. , Practice Limited to GKMTtMUINAUY DlaKAstCS And MSKASF.S OF THR URIM. I'Imi Uwrnuui ami Nifu, tu Teata. Halvarsnn 'HI4" Administer!. Cli liens' Hank iiulldlng. Albuquerque . New M ex log A. (1. HHOin I.K. at. II. - rrx-tlcs Unlived to TvIki taiatsj as. OtUc Hour. 10 t 11 , in. Phone 1171. 124 V West Central. Albuquerque Sanitarium Pbon lit. M'hlMtlV ,. t ItTON. M. I. I'Ii-JcIhii ami Kumeiill. Ilesidence, lu South Waller Street. Phone I2PJ-W. ottl.e, 9 ltarnett HldR., Phone 17. URS. TULL & BARES BporlMllaia, lar. Moan, Throat, fclalc National Itauk IMdg. I'lMMMt t. T. V. T Ms, M. I. " Specialist In 1'y, I Jir. Niw ami Throat. Capital City Hunk llulldilig. Stinla Fe, X. Meg. At P im'ia' Hotel, Albmiuerqiie, flrat three days of every month. HUM. SALMON AMI CI.AKKF. Practlr Limited to Ey, NoM and Throat. Sift Wot ttiitrnL The Murphey Sanatorium . Tuberculosis of the Throat and LnngR, City OMIee. SIJH West Onlral Av, otllce Hours: to II a. m ; S to 4 p. m. J Phona f.2i. Sanatorium Phone 491. . W. T. Murphey, . M. D Medical Director. Dentists Hit. J, Kit A IT, IHnlal Hurt-cry. Rooms t and 1, Harnett Hldg. (vr O'lllelly'a Drug Blot. (Appointments made by mall.) Pfione 744. Attorneys al.M.MH A MMMS I yi'ra. 17-IB llamnlt Itlilg. Albnqiierqn. Architects. KtJiOS 11. NOItltllt Arrtiltwt. ITai-llcal and I'p Io Data Work. Itoniii I, Lyric Theala-r 111111111111. Tilcplion 1US. ENGINEERST WILLI M L. STALKY 1l ami Coiixiililng rjigtriexir CriHiiwrll Hblg. MONEY TO LOAN. MoN'KY TU UMN-ou aalarlea, houaehold goods and livestock with out removal. Ni'ex bouRht and sold, l.'nlnn Iian Co., room 1 1, over First National bank. Phone lilt. TYPEWRITERS. ALL KINDS, both new and second hand, bought, sold, rented and re paired. Albuquerqu Typewriter Kg change. Phone 144. Ul W. Uold. CUSTOM TAILORS. COME IN and see my new tall wool ens. 1 have received a lurK" sloes, of the newest pntieinx. I.. C. Ulo iietx, X. T. Ar.-iiijo building. Chicago Mill & Lumber Co General Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Phone 3 Welldrillinr, Wclldrivinjr and Irrigation Plants W1MI.MIIIA TWKS, PI'MIH AND KF.PMIHNU Aen for WctT (; LnliHw J. V. WOLKlNfT. 412 V. Copppr A. Hi's, plume ItfciMW. Office plHn Expert Hair Work. Coniliinn mad Into w.t.-hs. tranaformatinna, puff, cutla. tr.i itches dyed. AtltH. M. PI III H Marlwllo hhofk f-hOB 111. HI H. 4th BV V $i' fll .-l'A i-o Nil