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EVERY YOO MAN i: ALBUQUERQUE IS INVITED TO EEGCE A MEMBER OF THE Y. U C. A. PROMOTION COMMITTEE. n a float in th will now drive a few more nails in the City Hall any way. PUT fair Industrial parade. Join tha procession. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS rnmrNiicrnzEN. Vol. 1. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1914. TUB evkmxo nmM ol. 4. .N. Ml. GERMAN. LAST I Xn-nn-v BESPERA IE Final Outcome of Mighty UEOKIED RETREAT London Military Experts In clined to . Doubt Surrender of Von Kluck and Fortion cf Great Army of the Right. ALLIES HAVENOT YET BROKEN GERMAN LINE OF GERMS IDT YET DEFEAT Authorities Point Out That With Army of Crown Prince Standing Firm Kaiser's Vic tory Still Possible. London, htjil. 15 (!: t. m.) . I Iw (mi M-allon nf Hlti'inm by IIm-i allied Iroopn wan aiinoniHtnl by ll.r offklal prm bureau lba afK-rmnin aa follown: "lbe albert lrMihi liave ifti. lasl llhelnin. 4 hi mint! irtMHi-r ami twelve guun were a4iucd tmlay by I lie curw n ll)r right . tin- Itrtlihll." (.owhni, Mfil. 1.1 (l ." p. fat I nialmieiit given mii by lti ofhilal irrM bureau HUa TU-r iHH.n urn): "llw uipmji la mill invuplug a mriHiK imelllon lit I Ik- north of Ihe AIniu ami hghllng b gilii un atonic tho wIm.Io IIimv 'lltr inmn irim-' army luia Im-h driven lurlhe-r iMi-k aiMl I ihiu on Im Uik of Aurniie.. (.' ati-iivoye. and Orm-a." I'arla. li (l:.Vi i. III.) The wi .-rn ami ivniral aruilea til iIm 4.eimau fonr loiittnucd their rtid-MuiHr today north of the rlwr ami iHirili uf Klu-litia ami t haloiin, while lhe a-UTH army la irinallug. Thia Im I In- iib-iain-p f tla lfiMii 0 flit la I (I'lnmunli aiMiu given imu thia aflormniii. Tin t-l of lite 1 oniiimiili i Ion in a follott: "On iir b-ft wing, during Oh ilay of )etlf.-rrta. the I.crmann oni ml ifnininmr on the north lib, of lit,. river Alnne along line markiil l) llw Imeat of I.' iihh' ami (.ra-Hine (lwt-lve tnih-M kouilii-aia of l-ami). "Hit imr it-nler llw (ii-rmmi Uim of rraWiami bwaHsl -n4rrday lo Ihe north of lUietnia ami of (liabin-s In nrih-r In noli linne, Iomii In IIm-,-.! rn s Una of tin Argimiie ri'Klon, llir forei-a of lh" iiieniy whPh wrrf In I he won hem -art of I ho Ariiinr lianii'mM llwlr nioti'iiH'nl of n-lrral. In ui Iiik iH-mn-o tin- Anioiuir n-gton ami In rlrr MniM-. iln-ir front ivlirilny at I Ik- curt of Ihr tay rut-mlitl fiwm art'iiiu-n In 0n went oil'. llii mr rluhl wins tlx ii-r-man wi-re ilotilillim lak on I mlu (In t'ranif) ami on lt. iNiiH ami I bateau Kiln, (all In oral in). "In lh" ViMi:Hi ami In Ahii Ihr li urn Ion iriirmM-il. ln iwiuhuu the ld-Uan army la continuing tu oiimtK arounrt AntT. l auaing M-rtiHia Inwra lu IIm- niciny." London. '(. 15 (S IS t. m.) STAND NORTH OF An hiia i" rn Ihr riiw oiihk Hie i riiiiii. ni inrnt of III.' tic of Ihi. Mmiiip over ii wt'ck uifu. till fin ii I nui'.'oiiie of thti imuhiy Ktruiislt. c un 1 11 to ilc'innj on tin hi my of thv CroMii I'runi' Kn-il-i-rlk Wllliniu In the lit-rinitn ri-nl'T. the hr nlmnri'i of which him I'prii utinil lo Mont fa uioii. An I hm town . (itlccn nilion to tin1 northv.-t of ciilun thu crown prime's mni I'rnu to Imply the approacliinK relief ot that Kri m h fotiria. which h army Ima Iiccii I.chickiii for a wi'i'k pHHl. llow eir. no new a cf Ihe actuiil altUHtmn there h yet 10 m c through, nor U ofilciul i nnf ol the rcporicil fll of the fnitirii'd poHltlon of M iu hcuici. fot thconiliig from I'rrii. h ourii-a. A iliKpuli h from the grnrral alaff un thai battle of the Mrne, received in lndon to day. autTered at thn hamU of Ihe i emior. In tin truncHte'l f i m Iho rmrf-rtalrn miide for the i.erman arm la ,,( having siK-i iMwIully ilclcuicl the French endeavora to break through the tiernmn ln. Thia apparently la ipille true, unletm the report from Dieppe thia afternoon, illicit I nc ihut licn rrul Von Kluck a hi my on the lierman rishl hud lieen forced lo put render, tiirnv out to lie cor rect. I'p to Ihe preent Iheie him hern n eonf Ii iimllon nf the atory. In any chih- from the i-Mimalcii gUen of Ihe miiiilierM "f the troopa Hiirreiidered. which nc. toiilinii to one report wua 1 . and iiccordlng to unother ...oun. It would lr a mttiriiiT lo cull it a aurrender of (Icticml Von Kliiik a mi my. which mux toiiil In Ihe iieighhorhoaid uf lfl.ll" That Von Kluck'a p.mltlon In a liflli ult one arema to he uioiuea- Summary of Today's War News I.KIIM iXYS A It M I Is T TIIK XOHTII l h:T tr I llls. AITf ll lll:TICi;TINi Itilt I CUAIIIM Or1 HIT MII.KS TOW ltll TIIK lll-.IX.IW rltoM AltK TOD W MhlM. A I'lT l ltMIN r.l KT.M AI.ONt. Till: llhlll AlHM- A MFMH A(.t ( V lsCT( ll I HUM PII ITI: 'kVH Til T I.KMIUI, OX KI.KK II l HUN K H.ofl II 'V I ICI N II KXt ll l.l(i Mill KMI VT AMI ItllKHl TO M KUIMH It WITH A I.AIU.i: (tlNM M AMI Al AMITY Ol' I.IAN AMI WIMl M TltiX. TIIK (.K.K.MAX I.IAI ItVI. KTI I'. MOW K I It. Ol l l TOIIW TIIT III .VV K4. (.KMl:XTH Wr lll. HI li lol .HT I.V f.K.NKKAL V(l Kl.l Ck's HK.IIT WIM. NOIITMI: l ol I'AKIS WI1IIOI T A HKCIMVK Ull I T SO I lt. TIIK I III ( II AT TIM 11 h TO HIH.AK TIIKOI t.ll TIIK (.KHMAX I.M sHI III: Mill To 1IAVK HI IA UKi'l ll l. KKItlltTH HIX.ltlIX. TIIK Ol' TIOh IX i:-T l'IM M (OM IIAIUCT K( ll Ollll It. l ltOM ri.THOt.ltAlt IT Is f.lll THAT . l, Itl NM Ah MI'K II II KM MKI TIIK OKI K.N s. I K AMI Til VT TIIK I li MKXT OK KOKMt.MII .114. Ki ll I, I IX I'K.m.iikh. ni Ki.iv Ai ii Ik. iiowi:i:h, aiik. to ihi: i i - KK(T THT TIIK 1(1 HMAX (.KXKIIL II A Ml l l lil ll A lK KKT XKAHI.V AH M-.VKIIK A.H Til VT OK TIIK III hM X llis Ti ll AT AI.I;.XHTKIX. it KTiiKii I'lrrr.iM.iixi ihm'ATihkh i:ktimtk tiik i I AI.TIIH OK TIIK Al 'Mil N IX t. ll l(l TO TOTAL aiMl.lliMl. XK. Vltl.Y 0K-Tllli;t OK Till III KOIM CM. TIIK rixmxti OK TIIK l.KIIM X I'HOIKt TI M KKITM-'lt IIKI.A OK S.MIU TONS IIY A Ml IIMAICIXK IK TIIK VI I II II I I I IT IS AXXOl Xl'KII IX AX Ol ll( ll. hTATKMKXT IsM Kl AT IIKH MX. A MIOI I'AIIT OK TIIK ( KKW A KAI.I. A (.KIIMAX M I1MIIIM: W IIM II HXK 1IIK II II I T I M II ( I'VITIKIXni:!! WITH A M OK 3 la IAI S. Is HKIllItT Kl TO llK HKKX lK.TIOYLI HV TIIK IIKK OK SKUll, HIHTIMl (Itllsl lis. Mll(l hKIIl.MIMIKH IIAYKTtkKX I'l.At'K IX TIIK Ml X Tl'X(i KKXIXMT.A OK ( IIIXA HKTWI-KX 1IIK t.Klt.MW lK IK.MHItS OK TIIK kl0 (HOW COX(MIX AM) A JWAXKSK LAN III Mi IIIIICK A .MKAMTtK WAN IMIHIIHIIII IX TIIK rillTI-.ll KAHIJV MKXT TOIIW M'hl'KXIH.X(i I ATI I. AITTIH TIIK W Alt TIIK I'ltO ( I I l.H OX TIIK IHIMI IIOMK Itll-K AM TIIK Wl lll UIS I STAIUJMIMK.XT IHI.I.S. VI KK.X WIUIKI..MIX X, OI'KXIXO rAHMAMKXT IX KKIIMIX. KMIIIAn.1I Tin; .VM IMiTV OK TIIK M.THI :IU.AMH MAIX. TAIM.XU TIIK HTHKTKsT XKl'TltAI-ITY. Struggle in West DISPATCH REPORTS SURRENDER OF GENERAL TON MUCK WITH if. aa reported, the Uerillllll line In HWIIIKIIIK ItM IX tlCIMe rlaht huck to the .Mciihc in Die If ill It y of Mealeie. 'er- iim'm. St. CJ ' ntm Hinl I'. roniic (leneial Von Kliuk, hoMever, h.ia "Inmn a m.ixtcrliil ihiII imd, vwn ehould he hiivi been forced lo kiicrlUce li purl of lux tinny to an ofYennlVe xtroke of the llriti-h and Krem h nllleri. and iinlene l.e.iten by n bre.ik 111 Ihe wcrtlier which In Iuiiuhk Ihi' romle into ipiamoiieii und mnkinK tr,mp.rl iiiohI difficult, olmeriern here uri' of ihe opinion thm he will r..ih Ills appointed poxlllon. Ill:i.l (OMMIsMOX IKI H ItlllDKT 4I l.ll V l Loailoli. Sept. IS (1:3(1 p. ni ) The ollicUl preaa oureuu aciinu (or Ihe llilitlui leg-ition In LiiIiiIciii made public the mcond repor: of the llelliljn eomllllMiloll Hipoililed (o III uuiiu Into alli-Ked liermun utrocitieii at l...umiu and In Ihe dixirU'i around Mallnaa. The I c port reiiewa Incldenu here tofore generully repurtert. hut It urtdn the dM uinenlK and eilderice on whiwi lt conclualiina rem. The conunlitrlon fin. In that on en tering IxiuvmIii Ihe i ill mi on rciUin It loiir'l food und lodKUia. ; l in . li tro. took pOKKCMiion of the vali in all '.fc l.ouvfiii baiikn, burnt open hounca ind pill.ixeil and committed other ex"cH. n. The report then relmea with ron nideralil.i del. ill two ulltKcd inniiui 'en in which wouiei were oiitr'iKe.l ilermnli mililicrx und anKerta that there have been inxtancrn where wo men and ( hi hi ren hate b.-i n htahlieil w th bjjinctn nml tloir Ick cut oil line i ....i In died where a woiKiuan, covered with keronene, wan thru An Into a burning houne. of the burning of l.ouiuin. the re port aayn: 'tVeiylhlhK IcihIh to prove that (Ci.ntlniH-a on fage Two.) Still Rests With .OSSIAN Official Announcement of a Complete Defeat of Czar's Main Invading Force by Germans in East Prussia. BERLIN SILENT ON SITUATION IN FRANCE Austrian Ministry Frightened Into Silence by Repeated Defeats in Galicia; 150,000 Servians in Hungary. r.erbn ( Hy Wiiclcaa to New York, via Sayville, U. I i Sept. I'.- It wan ollb 'tally miu, hum cil In Merlin today thai Huron nil lliiiili iiliei g 1 1 11.1 tcli viruphed l ao peror William that the Kuit.-Maii unny of Villi. i, couipoacl ol the a." olid. thud, fouiih und l. i. In lb army eorpn. luu rem rv - .11-vl-H'liB ami I ve ilni-lonn nf c.iv uli), him been . "inplelely ile by file ' . CHlirin. 'I'tic I'UHnian i-anualltcH were lieavv. The number ol Huaaian pre-on-crn m ill. reaMliH. 'choral '"T MmdculieiiJt go.H on. and the lc ht ruction of the Kiinelan unny coiitimiea. Tin l c huvu been st'oila of war in I'liormuua ipiaii-liln-a. . The litiftxliwi army T l.ronii i.e.-n ih t . COUtpl IM'.I, III twehly-Ht com! -.1 at t.yck. II .l.llt lull to tlo 'ii'. ih. rem nant of the S.vli c.rpn and a part ol ihe I hint Siberian eoipii Tlie lieriiian b I'i'iartera an nxiimcd .11 ii . i i c . -' . i la.-t ti Ik tit thai Ihe h-iivi ioih'-nr; In Fruitce wan nllll liloli i imv i The Krelich H -.1 ii M . If Wat. sin! had loi'li re puKcl. I'I lin e Ji.iii Imu ho youngent eon of Ktiipeior illuuii, who w. vvouii'leil ui tile, is re ported lo be il-'.tl;; well. A ilii-piitch i.i.ii'l h"re from i 'ohHtaiii inoph- ni that cfitiitn I'lllinh naval nulla "on in Till -kev, uc.UH.ll ut tilling commit ted cli'prcil.iiiii'i'- hue leen pre vented from u.'ii i: I irlhir harm. It la further m i i .ml In Ilia. inennaKe I Un wireicnn a( f.uralun bin bun i" moved from Ihe Hlidkli en, I. ,..- in Coiiblanti nople. KISMWM AXXOIMK WAY OKI- X IO l'lt.l MAM, let I em ad. IS. ,l 1 ... via l.niiih.n -I T. . I p. nil The K nei l uff l ue.l an aiiiioum . im el aa follow-: "liuaaian liou.i. ai. rK ri-oMhg along tha lower mi m i r w Khoul inc. i .n the defenled ibcin. i'l h of the San renin u in e from who eoniiiiue m of rILNA WED OUT I,, retreat. "After having ... . iiiied (iiodek. rule. '11 111 i.-v VV..-1 .1 la-liliierj. Ulol leached llomiika t mi i -wv i n ii.iiea mm In hy weat ol l.tiobeig. the Itoa riniia find thrmnep e.o within a aingle ilny'a Inarch ol I' "Thr till no fighting on Won- THE R! Army of Crown day in rutcm I'l umiIii. "Kmperor .Xicltolan ha conferred the decoration of the Hitler of .-'I. i'.cikd on I . I- ii I ii . ti I il.iKial Kailko liiioitrief fur Iiik einiiieiil w rUi in III the Held." "WK STWII Will.." NY AIMKIA-III X.ICY MlXIS'll lts Vienna, Sept 1 4 tin ... in i. via 1'ailn, Sept. 1.'. ll u in ) The ne ws of ltuw.ia'n mi r.-iimimly mk"I"hh .a - lupatb.ll or ellei n llnlichi if . V. I -i irfiiiK a c.r nninu influence In Aui-' tro-lltim:ai tan . 1 li - in ciri.lcn and' uiooiik the moie inli'lllitelil clac j of the tin ni . 1 1 1 li . but up to Ihe pre." ent tune the inaen of Ihe people Mem'; i rclu'iuxly willing lo ii. . i it en hi. I i.-- I. n lory thu nii'iiK. r ofilciul build inn KUcti oui. by the mil horlt h-h. Tlo y Welcomi' ellKi'l l liny repolt wlliih. bci-inn half vwiy t ncouraKlfii' i Thai anxiety in I. II in hi. her cir- clen. however. In llllllillcnteil li) til"! loriK colilcrencen Ihe inili'M-i . of the ilnal iiionarctiy arc tiolding n'.aiit- " i c.. ... ui. ii nun froi.-r'i Krum in Joneph. Thi liewnpa.eln of VJeptiu main tain an onir ".ordinary rocivc ioii cerninK the proroin of the cum imiiinH in i lain la und on the Servian fi oni Id . The oiily Journal oflcrinu any toiiiihciil iti the J.eiiiicrg nltu.i lioll wan Ihu Neile Kleie I'rec.-ie, hlch mi l.l "We .an I.IV noihiiiK i.ioie than I h . r the inoial iiialit of the Avx Irian ami 1 1 uimai in u troopn liiunt evcliluallv prove v ictol Ihiim." T PLUNGES TUB TRESTLE Between Thirty-Five and Forty-Five Persons Killed When Locomotive, Baggage Car and Forward Chair Car Fall Into Swollen Brush Creek; Passengers in Chair Car Drowned Like Rats in a Trap. St. I...UH, Sel l. I ."..At r.r. '.hi afternoon oniv the nanus ol nine dead panr. im. i . had t c i l.fcueii ut the lli-V'i. i ll. i here. ItloUKil J'i nodlcn had be. ll roovere.l. lileiit iin-atioii vv.i. ililteult bi'iaiir..' many of th".' In the nu .iiii-i a.. I .ari- ni'l .aii:.. d'.tobed ."irtiec ,ti the n Kit . Many were ilriiwiii'.l an ttu.,--:. .i . St. laiilin. Sept 1.. -St. I.uhI a nt San Kl.iie .' .. Ira n .... ... vvc.-ttt.nill'l. known an the "TcXae . niitiil." pluiikcd a'i'.-t in el' 1 Mo.. 1 -tiuli 1 r-o ill ti A i nt ..I here'.y l'i .1., ..lid befiii.' the cniiiice:' i. ill nt.ii the (rain, the tiaeg u.i... a , aii.l the ciikhic a'el lui.i ...; rullcd into a gully h v. .ui. n liy 1 lie iloo'l. Tli,iiv-rtve lo foiiy-mn .er- ni'l In two i'liwiixi'f . on he.l Wen ill "VVIl'.l and i'l nl'.ibl y a mini' ii i. 'l Tn. lour nleeping tale ii in ii. "I on the Ira. k and the pan-. 'IK In II Ihoae oat hen runtie.l . .i iii reni'Ue Ihone lllipi inolu d :li lUc . am niii'lncl'ii ed III 1 'i c I "t a ci l!v i n ll hodii K had i. .11 i.e.. el cd. The inmiiir ih t ming hln l-ri.neen. n.n.l the train wan running nlowh w h n toe burnt vccitrrcd A wa1! ol i I..U 1 water awepf aerona the link aid ap- pi a red to he : t t l the train. The engine i toned the throttle im'. Juet Ui. n lh,- huukmeiii gnve w iy Spitnafleld, Mo . S. pi IT.. tween th.MV-tl'.e olid lot:., -live pcl a.ii.H were killed and a a mi'.' . f oih. rP injired early today when the .. oiiiu tive. buguai-e car and for.vaid hall ear oT St. la. Ilia Sail Kiaii. la. " train N'o. 5 plunged thiough a tr. ntle uver Iti uish (leek near Lebanon, Mo . Prince Frederick A t leurani received in Vu nna from I . 1 1 1 -1 ' I ipiotcH Ihe ituimaiiati loitil-tiT nf iatnna tlefeiiHe an n-iv -lim. "We 1.1.11111 well. Our ponitloii ever) where ii' good: inmu than Un I . amiot nay." The If. ii.lil opl illilHtlc public llt lcl. ill i of Coillil Slcpllall Tlxxu. the I I mil--., i lati pn mier. latterly have . e.i... .1 ami tile nffhlal Imlletlnn given oni in I'.ii.I.i pent lire nllent re i; . i 1 1 1 1 K (be .ampalKll llKallll-t Servla. HIsX lit 11.11 IN-. 4 I AIM I s ill' Xf.KOKI X Mil ls l.oiidoii. S. pi ;j I L'J p. in.) ---A illnl'.inll lo tile l:ihatlK.. TcliHI al'll coiiipaiiy ft. un I'i irogrml -... n thai aft.r the cui'laic of I ipol.. and Tur oiiitie, KiMan tureen have hemmed the enemy into an angle lorme.l hy Ihe Jem 'inn of the nvt r Viatulu and the I IV i'i S ill l.-.niMin sl;iui Tlt Mies NOW OX AlsllUAX MHIi l.cliiliin. Sept. 1 ". ('' 4.'. p. in. )--According lo a Kta'cmelit in. lied here t.xl.iv l the Servian leitaii.tu, there are now in lliii.Kiiiy at ( int l.'i'i.nad Servian Iroopti. nitccennl Mli:' punlnnit an olletihive luov eiuciit uiMtiml the forccn of the dual nioitan hy. The AiiMlrlann ale intrenching at nil viriiti-nH' point on all the roa.h b ail UK to Hilda peM. A lame Sel -viait arm In inaichinii lowaid Krunh katiora, u p.e-iln.h of gie.'l linporl- (('oiuinutil on I'ngr. Two.) un.i v . t . ,-'i 'Kiicrcc'l ill ill.' nwollen nl l ca in. .M.-.-t of the iliad Were dl'.wned in ti.. 'h.iii' i..r and ii Kieul number "I tlic:... wile l. "linn an. I ilnlilleli 'riii-M- w ti. wen- .it. p. to ! ;.(,,. irolu lli.ii uat'iv ptlnon lo.i'ht their way ..ui P.. iii'cikitig windoan rwiln nnli t.. !llle ll in estimated there wit. nutj-ilvi- p.i.-M iim 1 1. in Un h.iir i ai ''win to ...or toirim :iii ation with in. e. cm. o in,, vvlc. k It is llnl.ont.- ble I, jive a illlllllt.' cellmate, of h'Vt ni.iii, ice. pid. .Von.' nf the --:- n..- i .ii lift ihe Ira, k ami Ito p. i.ncl.K. rn im the-i. ,ii. hi, foiiiicil Hit m a il en Into rem ti,. ,.,ni. i. 'lie man ill the t hair i,u lont r, m Wil ami live thildtin M h.'ii the a.. . 'iilit i,'.., lied he wan Ihl'i.Mii ileal ni the tlc-icemling i-hiiir tat and .-.vain I., nhote. in tin lei'mui i;.'i car ll.n ill!,, ,.!..! t till, ll, ii nut ttu ll 'li.iltin, while h. blood in arliy ui.i.M. to na e I tielil. Jl, ll) Mltln I.IM W.eK I lined all the Ml.. ul tieallln ill the Vicinity t'i line Tin I I am Han late because "I the ll.uiib'.l . omtltlonn Aa II panned,i., .iiinnlnaj in repoitn le.nh tug lo t., i.n nlaed wan lie leaned to make 11 1. lont (line. The railroad, olllclaln anln.lltK cd Ihe injllled Wilel he blouifht to s'l-i ll.liH. Ill thm nil, i in,,, n The dead Hie bt in placed lu h.intil. allaiuc.l lll' IKllcn at Lebanon i 'lie 1. 1 the pa-ienuei In Ihe aub intKed i hair car waa Minn il..iia illlipbell, a lllirin'. t,f M. .oia. rihe I'loke a window and iliiu .d out l I hi ot the cal. Stan, In. n vval.-l l.lltll nhe to... h' tl .ltoWilin Plinncnncl n. a hand nhe polled nlle lclt nia.llt Ihe hat. .In of An nhe grant ed with all her t r hfcit Ii. In thm way he irn. ud lno paa m ngeru. T AiSNE Villiam U.5. ORDERED Constitutionalists Assume Charge of National Rail ways of Mexico on Ground of Stock Control. FORMAL PROTEST TO WASHINGTON MADE Headquarters of National Railways Kick When Pro visional President Kicks Out all Operating Employes. Washington. Sept. 15, American troops have been ordered withdrawn from Vera Cruz. AVanhiiiKlon, Sept. 1 a. H Vim Kikhardt. the newly appointed lier- ttui I miiiiKler In Mexico, wnkc.1 He, -retary Hrv.ui today when the t'nited sun,, would rccoi-iiUe a new gor- t-rutueiii and leurtied that no eon cltiaiuii hail hu ll readied. ( KltAZ VS MIX I KK Ollll ALL A..I4 AX It II.I.OIS W.mhiliKloll, Sept. 11. I'ountll John It Silliiiiu i ni'iiried from Mm no Cily l.alay tint the eotintituiion alitjtH have taken ponnen-'lotl l'f Hie National K.iUviBin "I Mexii'o and ic UHliletl Iheiii liilinlllut luiluPnt lt.ll vv.ia of M' xi' ti Mr. Sillitnaii reported that licneril t'lirranxa'a government han lanei pon. wi.iiin of the :n-a tm the ground that ihe Mexican government own a itiujoiiiy i f ihe at'.' k The amino i ed capital m 1 : 311.0110,0 tm K..I.I. of Wh. tl plactlcally ull the tilllitll'il ntoc 1. held by the Mexlcun g.r.rrn lllenl. The slntelll ban II tolai II11P aiio of mote ( nit Ihoanind. mon' -ly Ml. iml. id gang''. Then- ur,- various l-nlu n of boMdn ol the prill' ipul cm Pan;, ami the cotitKuc tit .timi'in.i". the jy-ncm ubnoibed in l."i. Tim lota! of li m ..lid biilldl in lic.iriv I lie, ,ait. tniii. Al l. Oi l II I. Its ill- Ol II Al X 4.l Ml XT KH'hl l Ol T Sew Vuu. Si pi. I.i. Wind wan if- elied lod i al tile Ilea di I Ua li 'I g 'f the National L.vliwava of Memco that the . utl-,lilu I 'll ll Koierliltu 1. h.l't" eapi-llo! all oi'.oaliiui anil oiner . .th in, in i t ihe lead 111 Mexico iron, their position-- and ib.alt uted its own em pi., yen. ll wan announced here licit th.a all: be made the ruble, -I of an oliiiial complaint to the Wanhlhiiun gv ernnii-nt an an act of ri.nii"aiion on too pait of the c untltiit i.u.alx. RAILROADS PETITION FOR RE-HEARING IN ADVANCE RATE CASE Wanhmgtoit, Sept. 11. The eanlern ttilw.ix tormallv pvltlloned the I'l-t.-mtale loinmi'ice conimianioi l.tday I. r a rehearing In the eaatrrn ad Vance late rune, and tu permit them to put Into effect tli five per cent In rrraae whi.'tl the roaimua.on reeantty dtneL MEN ROME FROilfl VERA CRUZ I