Newspaper Page Text
TWO THE EVENINQ HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE. N. M., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1914. e-w. DON'T FAIL TO SEE WRIGHTS TRADING POST 11fr Nnn mill (.old titittp. One of the shaw places of the city. Largest collection of genuine Indian and Mexican Handicraft. NAVAJO RUGS AND CURIOS Hi FIRST BATTLE IN THE EAST V I la.,' J, GERMANS A!!D JAPS Ifil A V I AT H S democrats TO MUliUS till REVENUE IE ABDUCTED BELGIAN JUDGE Forced to Dcsccnde in Village to Repair Hostile Motor, They Grab Local Magistrate as Hostage. FORCE OFFICIAL TO Majority Leader Underwood Listens to Protests of Mem bcrs and Leaves Freight Tax to Caucus. REPUBLICANS WILL FIGHT WAR REVENUE Sharp Skirmishing on Land and in Air in Vicinity of Chi Mo Japanese Cavalry Reaches Xiad Chow. I hi M, Mhan Turi Itm ln"'. I 'hlnn. Sunday. Sept. 13 I 12:3a u. n .. Ma I'l-kiiiK, Si. H. lS.-.TIi-) liret n toiiiitcr heiwtcn Herman iimi ! i I Miliar force, on liiml ! u rrvil thin nidi n 4 ti k when ihcre were a number i.f Mun nkiriiiihm ttotwein patrol i.f till' riiltHl nig force at H ftdnt i Ion. t Chi Mi. ' I'll! iu'.lll III I Ill-HP ! i mMIUIltH II Hi i man ni-maliine flew over the dla lili I. Tlii- Ja.!tnp llii'il nn Iho ma thine lull without aiiccc.. A con ridcriihlc Japi:ncae fun e m r'i"r-l twenty-live milca In (In. north nf here. A illaptiti h received here from Wcihalen Ixixly mile, noi I liwi-m of Klnn .hiw'i aaya llfty Jiiianec troops arrived there Sunday. Senate Republicans &t Meet ing Last Night Agree to Op- TAKE A SKY RIDE; now Any Form of Addition al Revenue Legislation. Officers of German Aviation Corps Tell of Awful Exper ience When Machine Into Hostile French Terri tory. Ilerlut. In London, s I'. Ill I - Two lllllTI -at lllli I .rl H In i s "f Im; Imiih .l IT. Iri i if av iiiln in tin. enemy'. Falls i I i: WaHhlliKtin. Hcpl. I'tcl- dent Wilson, Son.ilor Siminoiia anil llcpicM-nliitivc t'ndf decided I. Ill- today ll'll t ilutict on a frtiiiht tan tor t iin:r;eii'-y 4 revenue in tin. flier of opposition wKhln I lo' I ii iiioi ralli' 1.111k. A Kuhatllllte jilllll Will III' HIIDitllMl'll In th.' I M hum r. iiit- house iitiliiit to.-ilyhl. I'n -anient tin tiiornitiK hi 1 1 o'clock titiii iiiiiiifill alely conli'i'ti'il ul the White llouw. with ioiikii'hb li'iiilrm over lh' 'ii Icvcllllp hill. Senate LcpuhliciiiiH tit it confer ence loiliiy ll-t r III I In IlKht II II)' war revenue unaware in imy fonii. mini I'iiiIituoiiiI of thu way. unit tile imk coiiimiltcp yielded loiliiy to protend1 of lUino.l'Hlp .iKHUIKl llul ink on freight nn. I ukiic.I t,i ci t n Ik lit ii lautua tit hie. I 12. n:. of I ho ilnr- roiin- iry nave M-TiHMi 111 re imiiii no-, Wimluniilon. Sept. 1 Hunt. Th lirnt i th rental of two ; Wl..n rcturnd .. Hi.' oltH er-t who wile foli'eU In l.inil fiom Ihfir mni'hinn near a hoatile ; litiiilan IIIiikp lii of motor Irouhlp. anil how i 'i K in 'H i-nili'il I ly I hi uliilurtioii of the I ri'tiilihnU I ilhiK in iKiKirHt- In nn Hi-riiplam'. III M'l'onil Ik Hip pxi-prli'inp of two! mlali.m wIiukp nrn..iiirii' wim "lint ' I..WI1 !n eh.. mlilKi of ihc iTii'iny ii'iinlrv. Thpv iimiium-.l tu flml Iip!- . tir in n furpi.1 .u r Ihpy w amlrr.-'l ' tor live il.i. Hithoiit food. Finally I thi')' wit founil half (lclirloim, by ail Va iiinx ticrni.inM. The t' otlletT. who hud In land lour a I'.i'lK'iin village, wi re ultHi ked h Hie he al rcmdelllH, who III Hied I In inn. Imh with kIii.'kiii". one ot the tiirpiHim i.iii-1'iedid In helxing the lllaue lil.lhiKlralr a II llontune, U lid I While he kepi HM I'lHtol lit till" "11.- lal u he.ul hiM romi aiiiull n lunii U Hip nintor. , Then they mini the iiiikIhi rale mount the nei.liine, w lilt h lii 'kilv mux aide In mm i lid with Ihree i lu Kern and i-i'i i' u). ' The other two nie-i. whom nui ihliii wait wret-Ked when II lame tun n, were itaxed and Ktunnpd fioin ihi ir full. They were iiniiieili.iii ly all. uked liy Kreiuh .iiMant aimed with I'll' hforkit and ie lln'n. The liennaiiH held Hirse nun al Imy wnh their lendvem uiHd they le. ii hej Hia iletike w Ih. In whii'i Ihey hid. I'i iinii iiIh and uddli r hunleil them (iHieiualH all) for tla . They nl'eiit it'lXlollH llolllH iroiK hiiic In hole llko l.ih.'iiin while Iheir .iiruer fired ihiiiuiiin ;.nd riile iiiio nery mik1" I t il Ihukel. They lived on I a'.. in and Hie only waltr Ihey had "Mi" dew, wiiii h ihey Ml' ked Irom Iraw. Their mirilf, aliiioHl nave wuy under the nlraln, and tin) were huming with liwr when u lieiin.iu patrol I. mill I hi in. ,1 WIM. SKI K TO I IITMI. m:t vi:if.s i trio un WiiMhlnuion. Sept. Ki. A a ri'nlt of eon lerenei n ariniiiM eomtrehkiiii n ff.'.ln nrne eottort " ht'ateir,' Hi 'naV.r Shepparil of Texaa totlay nelil re- i iiui'hIh In Kovernom of IhoHe Hlalea I iiipet In WushiiiKton utid tllHt iipa the liiexllon or u 1 1 ii 1 1 1 ii k next year en. p. ItllV MI.NS i K riti:ni s i i mum r mi inivt; S iiKliiimton, Sept. 1 i. If. the preHenee of the tahinet. Heerptary IIimiii lod.iy viKned peine treatleg wnh Die iliplniiialie r pi et ntallx e of lireal Hillaln, Kialue. Spain and China. I'eklnK. Hepl. K.. A reimi re i'ImiI here from Thiiih Tun of Her man origin, ilei larin a y.'in stntrd of jMpimemi eiivalry Ih nt Klau t'how elly. The name report has heen iri'iHinlt led In the urn eminent. The J.ip.iliei.e nniiuiiril eoimlriti, of thirty men Three hundred more a airy men me i lti.e iieliliid I In in. T, tier man charge d'affalre In I'iKinu. Huron Von Miillf-ui, ha noli lli'd the forelKn ollle that hi KKV ernnieitt reat rvea the rUht to ileal with China, al the preKeni time and l!i future, " 1' e.ii ill, hec:iiiK of Hie Ullrted l.le.ti h of lietllrallly till ihp pint nf I'hina, In permlltinK Hie liintliiiK on f'hlneit. lerritory of Jap lineup troopH huff deHtinallon an Ki n. Clmw. The Herman itm ei nni' ti' luilher re: rvei, th rluht to rxnel eonipe'iH.ilioii for the losnea whleh It and i !i i man auhjeetH may aumain a. a re-.uH of Him aeiloti The Herman iharup illnpiiteit Hie ''hlncre eoutentlon that the Ion In analoKntin lo that whl'h ex ml i" I ItrrliiK the ItUKfo-JapiineHn war. II'' lierl n i H I hat China nhoiild have Kh"n lintltleatiiili of the exte-iaion of the IlKhtlnic mttr Inf.. re the Japanepp landed, thereby islvlnn th Herman" i"iial oppoi'tunity to mukp imp of (hp territory. In a prpvlmiB proteni Huron Von .Ma It en declared that the ChineBP Kovrrnment vhnilld IiiiM' handed the Japaieiip mlninter In I'p- l-ll.K 111" papppe.rta when Japanese trixipit landed ul I. una Kuw. The Jiipunexe leKulloii. on lln Hide, haB prote.tipd to Hip foreign ollt. e auaint Herman and AiihTIiiii nol'llem. . lid hh el 1 1 lit tin. iravellnK from Tien Txin to Tmiiii; T.iu by Ih Chinen,, radroiid lln. Klao Chow l about Hyp milea mil ide of the Kino Chow hiiundary lo Hie norlhwPHt. TODAY IN CONGRESS. I A Ul. Mi I at It a. in The lllibiiHter ui!:nii"t the rl -rt atitl lull lairs bill wa eonllii' tieil llepllblh 1I11B a Kit a lile 1'i-r whatever. lei Idi i Ml re my pIOM! mail- inn i: M. t at I H IIIIM'I itiii'.bi o no" i, it" n I Ii ii ANOTHER L!Ufl AT WASH G TON MOTHER JONES n pared war I ix l-l lllll I'lll Just Received A new thipmcnt of Writing Dciks in Fumed Oak, and in the newest ktyles. We would be pleased to have you call and look them over. Strong Bros. 2ND AND COPIES Aged Female Agitator Sud denly Turns from War and Becomes Advocate of Peace and Kindness. Ti mid. ul, Colo., fiept. n. "Than Hoil, we'll- goi a treat man auolhif 1. in, i. In III the peiion ,.f the preal-ili-nt at W.ihhinKt'iit.'' find "Mother' .Maty .lotcH, K2 )l'ur old mriku leader, Iti it f pc ci Ii linlay heti, re the enliven (loll of Ine ( oil, l .ul" i mil miller call, eil lo . o in., di r the TopoK,il of rreni iletil 'iIboh ,,r a Iliret- '.ear trine In i he (' b i.uio I. it. or war. And Ih i In l is w hi' Ii vii-e.ed lln tillnitp to llle pli h.,1. lit hloUllt fllllli'd to III l.i' i or lh"i' n'li' lln of Hie I'niled Mine "i ki rt ol Atneroa who are ail i' at II,!! Hie adoplloii of the pea e prolui ol. '.Molhei'1 Jomn who ii.Iii.ii.h iiu HioimIiip of Hie faiuoUH "nave your intuit y a ail bu a kuh" pet" Ii in Went ,im,..i, applaud today In the r,ii" of a pi . t iiutk-r. "Thi' oitl will have to d nappcir. the pen w,ll have to take ItH place, " htle tle lall'l. The i on v. i.i .on got 1 1 ii I r wit t-hoitly be!o,, iiie.ii. The oit! tru.Bi'li.l at the motiiiiiti t (inn waM the upp"ltitiiie:it of a coin I 1 1 1 .- l, examine th i ( I 111,. Ill lin.H. . U3 SESSEBlBflLfMI AT ESPECIALLY LOW PRICES NOT A BIG BUT GREAT SALE Although there is a great deal said about the advance in prices, we have giver you a substantial reduction in Fall Dress Goods to show that our prices will continue as heretofore, whenever we can give you a chance to save we will do so. Now here is your opportunity to buy New Fall Dress Goods at a saving. Serges, Broadcloth, Gabadines, Poplins, Roman Stripes, Plaids, Bro cades, everything that's new. $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 Values Values Values 40c 80& 1.1 0 $2.50 Values $3.50 Values $4.50 Values THIS WEEK - - SI.GD - - $2.19 - - $2.90 ONLY Where Quality Meets Price H9 osemwaiKQi s Where Quality Meets Price TWELVE MURDERS T OF T JO 1 . IA10 B I .... l.lvfpoi.l um I .trtlv r Jiorfi food tin IT k and tlonx ' n make' W ccrt,d- that raw material are ntlll belnn chippe I. c.en from Urttliin p"iln, lor the ue oi tha" (nt l.lverixwil firm, the Mm) itait. ha refuied to .lipply im ltoitinl.ini corriMpiiii'li ct with certain raw mn- It liitlit urlllF ll'JIatld te.t.Pa to auppl) Herm.'4 , 111. Ilar.-h'lce reuct, weaken th bow lea. w ill b ail, to t hl'onle constipa tion, lioun'ii lleKiiletn tiiernte i-aally. i.'.c n box at all Htore.. Herald dime. w.nL I line -1 time I Executive of United Mine Workers in Colorado Sur renders Himself to Answer Long List of Bloody Charges Tilnidad, Col., Hept. 15. John II., Coor.ulii niembpr of the vx ernlive board of the fulled Minn Wniktm nf America, Imlay vurrt-n- nerd hllllHtlf to Ihe .herlfl of Ijm Allima. eolliity n nliawer Indh'tmi'TltM charKinK him wlt;i 1J murdern in ion. licit ion with the coal miner' ulnke. Ilo wail releihcd till SIX. nan bond. lwinon Ih act-um-d of Ihe foil"WitiK deathii: Ma 'k I'owpII, killed llctober !, 1HU .lohn Niiiinm, killed (nto.ier lM. Tony Hi no, JoHepti t'ppHon. Heorce Hall, S. A., M Newuian, Kd ward Keiwler, Uoliey M iriakl, Jacob Hmith and K. Ito. all kille'l in live balile of I 'oil. in. April ':. IS it. I .a In chamed with iiMiault In muidi-r Walter Itelk, n.-tober 7. and y.t M.tiiin. . toner :;. inn. lie i. also a'-ctied of hihiiii In coiiiiectlnn with Hit- iillai k on Ihe Korbea liunti. n niter bin arrival from lanver today ltviaoii went alone to the lilier itl lo Kive hlniHelr up. Hi' mat told to Ku to Ilia dlairit't court aid ai raiiiie for bond and return when hia bond wa read). Kelm Mppl, a ntriker front Sti:irt. w.m arrei-teii on a urann Jury warrani loiiay chaitted with mi uKuortment ol nun .le r 0SSIAI1 WAR I low'. Till-? We offer One Hundred Pollar lie ward for any taso of Culaiih thai tiiniiot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K J. rilKXKT A I'll., Tolerlu, Ci. W'f, Hie uinli Horned, haw known K. J. Cheney for the 13 )ere, believe him pcrfertly honorable In nil btixinei-f tiaimai Imn and tlivni t tally u'.lo to tarry out any nhlija t'oiot mule by hl linn N ATI' iN AL HANK OK f'i M M V. IICK, Toledo, l. H.iH'f Catarrh Cure U taken lift rn ally, act inn directly npnii the blond and inuriiui earfacea uf th. 'tein Tt iinnniala eenl free, l'rli'e 7i cena per bottle. Mold br all I irpaK ,i.t a. Take !!!! Kiutilf I'lli f ir ronatl. fiat ion. ENGLAND IS . STILL SEIIDIIinOOS Investigation at Liverpool and Other Ports Said to Show That Supplies for Enemy Are Going Out. London, Pepl, i4 ti.lfi p. routing- to the l)uly Mail, m ) -Ac. Inveatlna- (Conliiiund from Io CMmi.) a nee, the iuti'NK belli to render m cur the fM lvlan left flank. Conllniilnie. Ih .ea.tion deelnrra that in Itoama the (terviun are be m. Kinir Vudinecrutl. and that then ad vame line la nearlnic Hurayvo, which la atr.mnly fortltied and where dcKiieralp fUhtlnit la expected. The prcih. linn la lliuiln that a lunciton koon will he foiined with a Kuanlan aru.y aweeplim to Ihe wkl ward. m: itKitiici K ii:it TAKIMt Of hi MI IV I'aiia. 15 1 3 : 2 5 p in ( The lakliiK of mlln by the . rviaiu ha" cuiiaed ureal liirfiiiftntalioiix ui.d re joicing. In la-liiraile, u'eoitlniK lo a diapalch to thu llavaa om tli y from Mali. A 'le Ileum Waa nulla in all the chiir li today. On the miernoon ft September 11 two Autt'iii monllora approached Hie Sen i .ti capital ami filed about tlfty allot the Servian artillery at llclkii.ol.. and nt H nilin replietl, tlriv IliK th. in IT. The lliuhl of the Aualilana. the il nl' b ha... rtat iiililed a iwinlc The A ii-i i t.i nr. I.Hik away proml- II in b'K'aH1 I.on.l Hepl. IS T a. Ill -In il.Hpnteh from Home the torrrKiond i nt of the Cenlral New. aava il . If. lined there that the meinberi of thv Uutnanlan niiulatry have eni)cr ed their reaiKnalltiim. i .Tni M-twM'xri if ct I I M M'.M K fXHl lKTII I.IM'H Ixitldon, Sept. 1 i (lit) p. III.) Couiitliaa nluaeea from Ihe Auatrian pi iivim.H of tialivla are fb intc to Warda Vienna and are aertou.ily rediie. ing the fond upplb', aciordlna to Home and Vienna diepa chea to lli'e Lxc han.e Telearaph t'ompauy. The Newapapera of the Auatrlan Capital have reaaed lo print the name, of the dead and wounded, ailiiUtliliU that Ihey hava no apact to Includ. them nil. All Ihe achoola have Lien lra-i.-formed into hoapi'.ala. Hallway d n ln i.n a Iho have been ic.uitrtoned fur thi pitrpoa. (Cuntluutsl fin in l'ate One.) Heriuaii rcKimen.a. tiUouRh mmtaae, III ed at oi.e another. Al ini.f Hie Hermann oeitan botnbardtiiu the town, I pretending t lint clvillana had Hied u'l their troopH. a aUKKtatioii tleiilud b) all'' To apread the fire ill luivain. the liport cbaittea, Herman eliteltil hounea and lllicw hand cmadea. The ceiiimii.lon tontenilH that from xcvcral .a. en In HeUluio Ihe male population haa been pent lo Hernial.) and toned to work at harv cm.iiK a il they wcr,. alaiea. LUtMW I.IM IMI, SI It ll S mii;n okhi iti h to kki hi-'. t lJonbaux, Sept. la (3:li . in I An olllier who haa Juat at rived here from the front atatea that a Herman t'lierul toiiimandiaa an artillery H vialiiu of the nun) of the center, at lompte.l aul' ide on receivlnit an order lo retreat. AfU-rwaida ho waa cap tured by the French and aenl to the tenter of Kranco. CKNTItXI. XKW S II l it II! IS SI ItltKMtl i: or V kMI K London, fupt.' la (3 . in. ) -The i nrreapo,. cut of Hit- t enlial Neea at Ib. ppe. under "late of Monday. September II, IrauaiiiitH a report that Hip Herman force under Hciieritl Von Klin k haa heen lore, il lo our- render. The correHitinilent aiiyn: "A report haa If ii bcil ie-pe llml the extume lift of the illiea, art'-r muklnii an enilicltim itmv ei-ieiit by way of Hoyp ami Ham and Joi.-ituK a force from the lloulotiiip diplrlil. haa t or.ipelled Heneral Vuli Klu' k to aurrender. io i oi ililin to one etate ment with 14.0011 and accoi ,lin lo another alalement wnh . ;..iii.n men mid u t i in ii 1 1 1 y of kuiib mid war Ina- terlnl." Henei il Von Klilek ha bet n opi r Mint; oi the Heiiitau iiKht win and roDHPiiuenl I)' haa been opponetl I" the left wins nf the tilliea. Ilia army hat been rtlirttig befotp the alio for aeveral tlitya. Uoye ami Ham ale to Hip ninth cant of Ainieii.t and were occupied by ihe Herman two tlava ami. Ileum repoila allow that lh.n towna are not In the pnwrlon or th. altii-a. (.I11.MWV r.rl-tlltTS Al l. II I I I I s -I'MIM ls:" Heilin. Sept. I.".. ln Aniatenlum mid London til "i p. in.) -The tier man Ki m ral alaff today Ev Kill Ihe follow mit announcement : "In ihe wcMern theater of war Ih rmht winu "f ti'ir army haa been en Kaaetl. but In limleciaiv r bull lea Tli" Klein h who endeavored to break throtiKh our line, were vldoriuunly delented "At oilier polnla where therp haa been Itvhlin nn tlet Inive leaulta have been rem hed " I-et oik. Ih II era id want 0 to your DORAN & GIBSON Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Best Grade of Flour Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty THE BEST ALWAYS Phone 23S 508 W Central New Mexico Beer & Liquor Company 1300 S. Third St JACK M'GRAW, Kgr. A I. Itadliia; I'raiaU of llt-er, Inti a ml laijiior. SOLD FOU LESS l.ootl. licllicred fnt In All luria nf tli I1ty. ' "Phone 550 4 A Bank Account ff lfIt gives you a better standing in the J community, especially among the busi ness men, to be known as havinj "money in the lank." It strengthens one's credit. Be sides, it is much irore convenient to pay by check rather than in cash. Be wise, be provi dent, and open a bank account today. We of fer you absolute security and the most conveni ent system of handling money. . United States Depository Depository A.T.& S.F.Ry. State National Bank ALBUQUEHQUE, NEW MEXICO.