Newspaper Page Text
FOUR TITE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS. 1914. The Evening Herald. Punllnhed by THE KVEMXU IIKIlAI.n, ISC. CCOH'JK 8 VAIJ.IANT, Manager II. B. 1IEN1NO Kdltor ruhllahed every afternooa i- cen tJir, at II North Hcon4 Hired, Albuquerque, N, M. Entered econd-i la mattar I lha poatotTlea at AlhuiUerqua, N M., under tha Art of March I. 111. On month r nU or carrier, lor on, week i carrier lio One year hy mall or carrier In ad van. a It. 00 Telephones: flu el neaa Editorial Office. . Roomi, ,..14i .. .11 Ah M mm: 4.o s. "A M A I X K I'nliiii," of Imia" gor. .! RufH the In a political ait' etandtng. It ha often prove! i true aiiyltM l"e rcMill In Mure t il.t waf lv'l llh cuper-lnl Intereat. A lTiii.i'i ii i ti ll governor nf Mmne yealcrdny l.y n plunillty mine -hut itreuter ihiin thm glwn t..r rrcaiden! W llano In Ivli. The - m i K t I'M loii ii I Ii-k.i ( l.'ii. three It"--pul.lltuna ulld, oin- iH-moiliil, at.peiir l.i hmr reniiiliieil uiu mingcd, lull in.' in. ritanf.l Ih'iihm nut-- majority in I hi-' linllol ut alKtilflcanl of what iiiwy l.e rxpected throughout Ihe mil iuii. The I nited Stnlea la !' hlml rrmiili-nt Wllai.rl anlnliy mid all I, ill iiouniinouly. It iipprnvca hi" poll. 1..; it iidiiilrca hiN t length mi'l pet kkii ih nl purpow; It hiiB mn mh m e in Ini Juilfiiii-iit mi l Imih I" IiIn ideula. Tin. off year ! ctluli. In Me ml i I netting uKuiiiKt l In- I'Hily I" power, an Iihh uulliiiirlly heen the caae. will reull I" lhi M-iurti i.f laim-i ma). mi y i.f Ik'iiimci.iih In con Etc limn itfr In-fore. Tin- remit In Muliif, however, Ima another ph'ie of cepci l.U Itilcrcat lur tin- ruunlry. While fidom-l Itonacvclt him heen campaigning "' I.oiiihIiiiih ulul blackguarding the ud-riilnli-ii utlun with hla talk nf "hl.irk inuil" In the Colombian treuly mut ter. thuMi aectlotia f tlm country where he hiul atrcngth In the In"' election appear to have been quietly anil guoceaefully forgctlinii him. til" linllrlra u nil hla i-rty. In 112 l I'rogrcioiive vote wua gerund In Miilne mill with Its total of 4k,ihh or more came olnee tu In-1 11 K auceeaalul. In yertcriliiy a election it dropped IM a hiul third, the rrogreaaive candi date fur governor receiving only hIhiiiI one-th'.rd aa many ua wera mat fur the defeated ataiul-imt lie luililliHli runilliliile. Tin-: m:mix or runs. IT IS InlereatiiiR to note the ;ilet.dy liiirniHe In the nmtiher of falra In New Mi nn o and their ln ireiiaitiK ionilarlty. Nothlnic U more alaiilfiiant of the growth of thl etate. Ijmt week, thl.i week unJ next, falra. comitiunlty erd county, lire bein.i held ull over th- atate, nnd the liHl contlnuea iriiclli'lly without lnterriiitlon tint II after he atnto fair, 1 ut., lor tu . From FarmlnKton and Axlee In the norlhwut to lloa' well and Art.elJ In the aoullie hi.. I fron. I '1 nun In the aouthweat t'layton In the northeuet corner to corner, nery county In tho atule lhl year In holding aome form of ethlhl lion of Ha iirndui-ta in onnectlnn with eoine imueeitient nterinlMe for the eo,ile. The liu reaaed llet of New Mexico fair la l.roof of their ilue. Knlrw wuiililn'i be held, and certainly not in nn. h Inoreneed ntimhera. If they wrrr not wanted and If Itiey did li"t Hi i oiri.ieh aome kind of Ui finite re fiiMa There U plenty of nptiorl unity l..r Inmriiition In them. Many liililln have the nuuliiy of aukkeallon und there ' alwava InHtruitlon In n etowd. It In liixtrni m e and atlm iilntlnK to -e line fruit nnd eleck lin-htoi k, and It loin hea locul iride I,, llml that the Mute ciii produce theee tlilnae In ftm hi itialiliea. I -.ut the real value of the fair" I. mil. county, it ml r 1. 1 and atate and we have all varietlee In .New Mexl'-c. I that they hrlli the people t.m, th- r, widen our lummiMul and aoi'Uil rehitiotia. aive opportunliy for the linen hauae of Ideua and reault In aeiieial broudelilnn prori which le helnfnl. The atate fulr. ki the ctilminutlon of all the local, conn tv and dlatrM falra, Ii a valuable edu. iitloiial iiiatitutlon. lu capnbil II lea for em-ouruf Inn del elnpment are lartte and It will become of In 1 leaaiiic Imnnrtanre a Inflllenie In thla direction la recoinlaed, aa aeema to be recoghlred thla year niuir generally thun ever lefore I'l Tl IIIJtX.iAIUZ, H m It. llKltNANHKZ la expected naturullr. to muke aome lm inediute and definite rep lu the demand from within l:ia party thut he rem-n from the Itepublu ticket ua the ground of hia paet ot lh la I record. Naturally there la ron Inlrreat In he will have la ear. W ill ha eaig:i and thui .mIihII tin. milli t Die iIihik'k iiiu.le? r will he remain nn the tnket and miilertrt ke . diproe lh"e thiirr'"" While fieinoi rate generally hud Utile ili-fif In an Into t.mi hm' iil In thin 1 niiinin, and no e.- ml 111 i-il In do the hiirea aaulnxt llerniimlei having innir from within hia own liHt'y. and In definite enO direit form, the eoile Reneially, re Kiirdlena of iollllia, have a right ( an iiiiniedltci and definite and 1 lenr 1 ut rinolie frnm the ltemhllran randldate: one Way or the other. To the lieniorrau It tnaken roinimrntlve Iv little diff-renr, whether Mr. Id-r-iinmli-a aei off the Hi'nilllnin tlket or hot. Hi. la n r:my to defeat anv other lnndn ran'll.lnte: and lirolmhly a little enai r. Hut the nit. ml ion la ilirnllv up Mr. Ilemainlea, If he isn iroVe that he la Iniioient of the (htiruen of "l of ll la 1 inie 0I11I111 1 he will ruliiliy have Dallied dome airthyih for a not unnatural eviiipmhy will have Iji" 11 ( nuiiil for lino. Uut, In view of the lint that the 1 hiirgi iilnnl him It. made Ii) IteiiulillninH. and not hy the opiioeitiK rt . the lit oof iiiiikI i,r tiifiiiite "id liritfl lioaellillliy of dlHput. If Mr. Her iiuiule ri i off the to ki t the lu ino rrata will 1 heel fully rejdy to t"kc on the next Witini. It U ti to Her-niiinlex. Wil li III lit I UHi UtHlK. Full thi- benellt of the niitni-l fu" orvanltiitlotiH who helped to aell nearly 4j,UUII,IIUV Red ft ., aeala 'it year and for the ren eral pnlill.', the American Itcd '!.' mid the National Aewielation f'" Ihe Stud and Prevention of Tui 11 -uh elu have framed a of n ill tu beriuloHia work (.Iiowiiih hon lli. proi eed from iIh im- holiday nl iki" mv lu he ukiiI. The ilef ililt'o.i In. ill" the expemll'iire of money onl for the year emllne, April 30, lla. The delliilllon waa framed it n r cent mectiUK of the Xittloiinl Aio- union fur the Htudy and l'r. enlnui of Tuberciiloela and elatie the term "anil-tuberciiloala oik4' ua H reiiilen to the expenditure of Jtec t'roxa aeal money ahull Ini'.uilc the following uctlvitiea: 1. The ct'tiat ruction of hoapltal or aniiHtorla for the care of the tu berculoua. 2. The tii iintenam e of the tuber culous. X. The provlalon of d.iy or nlxht campa for the tuherculoua, the pro vlMioti and niulntenuni e of d I ape near -lea, vlaitltiR i.uraea. open air achoola. frenh air claaeea, or preventorla fr thu care or treatment of lubirculoue imca or for the prevention of the apread of iiilierculoala. 4. The m.ilntenani'e of education al or li'KlalaUVf) a.'tlvitlea which have for their object the prevention of in fection with tuberciiliMii. !r. f'harlea J. Hatfield, executive c. rel.iry of the National iiw.h lutlun. auya in comtnentli.K on thla defini tion: "We h.ipe by thla mcana lu pre vent the apending, particularly ot mall auma of money. In uaele'a nc- 1 Ull lea, und to illrnt the efforta of all unil-tubri'iiloxia agenilea ulonK the linea which will produce mod ree'iltji for the money Inverted. We are In thorough aympathy and co-011- eration with every movement for better community or individual health, but if thla Itrd t'roaa Meal money la tu he apent. an ve ndver tine, only for tuberculoma work, wo wiah to aee that It la expended tu the beat advantage." The Open Season for I the Dope Artist t (Springer Stockman.) Now la the open aeaaon when the iiewiipapHrg are culled upon to uxaiat oiiit, tcllowa In getting an ottl'-e, when nothing la aaid about how the newapuper mun la doing to get hia Ih ur and bacon. All th average n.. wpairr wu-i.a la what ia right and eiiHouable. A newapuiier in a legin o t liiKtltutlon. a.ime aa a grocery atote; It ti.kea money to pay eipenaca Ml buy g.iodx. Cum Hi. an promia have no value, they are wurthleaa iaterul, and In fact a -campaign ITomiae la .lit gel. Pariy Jireag liu ie.iJa are now t uaged in enui;.g i-'K till kiada t; d ne, moat ull of It lokiill to u tic.s.M ai'rr wherir any It- te liucnuc la tP. ployed. A c.impaun prcni Liinau U un Inault to the inle proa, aa aome fellow ia geti- ei.iliy in liuric wlio hua been a l,n.- ure in the nrwapiiprr Iiuiiii . The lull of aome fcllowa la cimply flrne. 1 ne aenda out a lot of political l l h wi.-.ta Publlkhed free, and ha hua the Call tu write: "Tina la nuif'. In the nature of an experiment, and there will be no charge until au h a time aa I tan aee further ahead, and then, If di aired by all purttea, we cun make other arrangemente. All 1 a ant now la to be put on your Hal for two vopita of your pu, .Illation." The above ia rontldance tme par and aimi'l. If the political partita would rntruat more of their canipaijna to the preaa, Inalead of lntulllng; them with ahuaive aluff from g luteal led "prena bureau.' with a rniucat, to "pleaae publiah." they would lie more auccraaful. The day of ahuee baa Pawed; It la detrimental tu the party reporting to it; people theae daya ulr liKlined to favor the under dog. ' llih! Itch! Itcht Kcralchl Scratch! Scratch! 'J lie mora you arait h, tht wuim the Itch. Try lioan'a Hit neni. ror tiuiiui, gny akin In hiog ttu w Uwa. . COLOC mmA tldllbjb ' TDK ! o. I'. fevnia to miree The .arl'a In A pliKhl. Krom lien llernan To I a Ann 1 lie ouilook la A Krlahl. -O TMK VNTHrAI, feature of thla rninpnian ia Hie unanimity of oplnlnn no.-iK In nnl.ll. linn that the f.arlv Ih Hiked. TMK F..THSIAMTI' oinln ol the ItUKHiun opera waa not due Iw I'elroarnd a i:utiallty for Wagner. ' V - I'tiflTloNS of the tlplterdainv una, howevir, were aung a del'trl by the ccneor. O 11XK f.iMirlie war la "S.ime budv I, led." O- AI'STItlA In her favorite purainl t punlKhlni; Herxla, mum frel like ilnd who suddenly diwovera that Johnny hua grown up. '!.. Wiilternoti Ih hnvlng a Utile war of hl owl with tlernnin-Ainerl-rana. Mar. Ilcnry cun t k-ep out of a light. O - TUB MKDIi'AI. expetta hn nre to judge lh He ter llnhiea coiiteal de al . e the Iron I'l - O - IlKltMAX V'S denkil that we are going to 1,11 II.. wll.i the alln-a hua iiiuh.mI intctiae relit f in thla nation. lilSt'uVKH V i f three ill-lln.-t 1 iv lllxatioiia out in Tljeraa cauvon citi-i-M ua 0:1 to hopt that we tuny mid yet another aa the brain lilla up tin Mil- :. . - O WHAT hna lie.-i.nie of the old fault luneil new a atorv about Hurry K. Thaw? RVKX the Sea Serpent haan't d ircd to ahow up In the North aen thla tun. O WK Vf'XTt'lt K to siiRRein that II man who could fill nil re.iilrement and harinonlie nil elemeiiia In the event Hernaiidei remgne, la our fel low tow immnn Modeatu I', urtli. o THIS SEASON'S moat atylinh coif fure la CKpeclully beconilng tu bald headed women. HEIt.MAN KIUDKIt calla Itlchnrd llnrding lavla 0 newapuper anlper; which ia certainly the aitperlative even In the h'kher criticiam. TIIK ItrSSlAX cenaor la the only Conaiatent party in the bunch. He liuan't been defeuled yet. TMKiu'.'H . ni:snN. (Tucumciirl Sun.) The Quay County Preaa, the organ of the ltepubllcan party In thla enun' haa decided after a heroic alruKKle to (put. The entire equipment I be ing ahlpped out, tnoi of It Rnlng to (ikl.ihomii. The lurger preaa will go to Nnra Vlaa to lie uaed In gelling oui the paper there. Mr. II. II. Wolver ton und family hnvi. moved to Nura Vlaa und will take charge of the New, at that place. The ITeaa la the third printuhop thnt hna atarted tip and failed in Tu cumciirl during the poat three yeara. which ought tu prove that there la only room for two papera here. If ty one clee thlnka he la hound t atari another paper In Tucumcarl there a no liae of hi Itolnn to the ex penae of Importing an equipment to print It on. We h'e an old preaa and an extra ahlrttall full or type that we will ldly loan him long enough to demount rate to hla full ant iHlactlon thnt a third paper can't be run on a paying Uaaia In Tucumcarl ut preaent. Ih-ttltUf 1 Ml Ku re Tiling'. Merlin, ricpl. II. Among the acribera to the tjerman war loan ure tho Krupp firm and family, who have tuken 7 million dollnra of the bond. Further lurge aubarrlptlotia ir,lv hat a been reerlved by the Kelt hHlmnk. llcln YiMiraelf tn the Muah. iPeraoiial Inthe London, Kng.. Timeg ) I JACK So kind of you to rememner. l.-ar. I have longed for a word from vou, but thought I wa forgot ten. Ive PltlUHT KVKS. . - 1 Lincoln was a Great Man Therefore Vote for Hughey Williams X tttalon Rang.) We all of ua rememiier the talea of the ivoyhood of thoae Who have beefi cunilldiilea for ottl. e, and thoae ator lea have atayed with u In the after v.. .r. v hare not forgotten the hooka of long ago which told of the l,iti.. BlrtiuKle of IJncoln. the rail Milliter: of tlarfleld. the canal driver and the atorlea of the early efforta of ao many of our public men, hauling onward m the world, agamet the aw ful odda which confront everyone win. la trying tn make hia way. Hugh Wlllluma. candidate for cor potation omiiii"ioner, on the H l-'-'-licau ticket, mw lh harah und il treaainc aid of ltt In hla eai.y i.iit. und It required the aierllng d-leiniin-uil.11 and many courage wlmh la a part of hia make-up. lo win out, g.iin in aa he did, on promotion atter an. oihfr, from tha cm I'l.tai uu witlt which he waa connencd. The pol- tion he hold, ha won In reci gnlaed fidelity und peculiar fit- neaa. Now, after the experience In thu poaltlon he la only bet ter qualified than before to woik out thone proo- lenig, whi h are lor Ihe good of the people of thla great atote; and he la heait and aoul bound up In the de al re to do )ui thia thing. It la not neccaaury fop the otera of Nrw Meg. Icu lu epecut.'ile on what poaitioa ilugh Wlilikuia will take oa certain LARGE HTlEflDnfiCE EXPECTED ATTHE SUNDAY SCHOOL iO tocnl Officers Muking Ar rangements to Provide Ac commodations for 2."0 Dele pates from Other. Towns. - ELABORATE PROGRAM FOR 3-DAV SESSION Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner and W. C. Pearce Prominent In ternational Sunday School Workers to Attend. Ijii.-I oMVirg. of the Viw ' MexK o Sta'e Suinlay School naaociution look for an aitendan... if Pot le tbnn Kii' hiitnlred and lifly delegate- from other towna at I hi- thirteenth annual convention of the !toclation whlcii will 1 i.'ivene In thm city on S. ptcmber J!Mh for a aeaelon ..( three da). 11. S. 1. II hi;..", trfiiaur. r ol lhi Uite onmi elation imi.l thla inortilng that not 1' ' llia-t i'Mi would come from other towna and Unit In- would not be aur PiimmI aboiild ru n a large inn-ndniu'c malerlallxe. Mr Mary Fimti Hiy ncr, aiiprt'liiteniient of .he clctnenl.iry IivihIoii of the liilcrnutloiiul aHaocl- itl inn W. I', pearce, ii.-ncati- gen eral aecrelary of the great nrgumxa Inn, Hill be miioiig tile proinitu fit Mic.ikera at the 1 .invention. The pro. Kiant for the linn, dnva followa: TitCMlnjr Moetittii. KitinilM-r '.'it. Il I. g t'onvenlM.H galled to order Ol I.ea'1 Avenue M.-thoiliHt Kpiwopiil chur.-h. Itevotliinnl exercle, led e l!ev. t. n. Iteckinan of Albu.iieriiie. 9 4.' Knrollnn lit of deh galea und hnndahakina. iii:K) Addri'Mm of welcome: 1. tin hehiilf of the illy, l. t'. O. Cuhman, preal.l. nt of the Commer cial club, Alhitiiut rque. 2. nn behalf ol the Sunday achoi.H MHS. MltY nisTKIl IIHVM'II. SiiMTliilcniP'nt r..cnM'iilr IMUhIoii Internationnl Sundriy -xliool AwuMlallon. of licrn.ihllo county, by Prof. H. r. Mitchell, 101111:7 prealdent. Iteaponat. by Dr. C.. T. Veal of llm well. lil:."n T ie prealdcnl g addrciig. 11.10 MiMlc. 11:15 Tin- Work Since the Santa Fe Convention. Itev. W. C. Merrill. lnternatoi;i Held gecretury for the gouthueat. 11:35 What I Saw und Heard at the fhicauo Convention, by live dcl- egatea. 15 minute ea h. 1. Mr. t liarlea Hewitt. AHu.Uer'U0. 8. Mra. ! W. Carr, Portalea. 3. Mra. I'. A. Portt-rllcld, Alliuuuer- Ue 4. Mra. I. A. ColllnKa. Cuhero. 6. Mr W il. Ogle, Iji Vegua. 11:50 -In: i-uaaion of the reporta from Chi. :mi). 12:iii A.iiuurnment. Tiit-Mlar AltcriHKMi, hoi4. 9. Ull. 2:00 I " otional aervice. A Piole verae from veryone, led iiy IteV. 8. E. Alliaon, Ah,uiucriue. 2:15 p. rt of the aecnlury; re port of the trctmurer, ppoinimeiit of cotnmltii J:J0 -Ti- elementary work. He port from Mra. W. t. Oldham. I'nr tale, dep. .i inenl auperititciident. - - 4 " Thr Call of the Child. Mm. Mary l -. ur Hryner. gupeniiteniieiii elcniiniiv dlvlelon. International Siiii.I iv r-'. hool aaaocgitlon. 3 i-l ne mlniiiea fnnn a friend of cm h r the following: l.i I The Cradle Hull. (I, I Tin. Hegl'.iticr. t 1 The Prlnmrle. t.i 1 The Juntora. . . S 30 MllHC. :t 31 Tin peat Sunday -.t..r Saw. and Why. HeV hool , John M. Zlegli r, 1). V.. Of Helen. 3 jr. The Secondary Work. He port 1mm Mr. Cbarle' Hewitt, au pi nl of aecotid.iiy depart ment, Allu.iieriue. 3. SI The Tern Attc Hoy. Mr. f. Potinc. aaBniliue general aecretary Inlet national Sunday Si hool oaaix la tlon. . iiuealluim und how he will alainl on ..i... ... iit Inventory haa been made.' und by H. he cuil be Judged Ilia whole record la the r cord of a .. . 1.- nle. and yet iioaaea-ed go no - h... .(-.) r - if - -ev " aaxe of hla',.f . , y.,e of Jull.e. With theae iiualitlca of nature a id with m uperleme of Ihe paat three yearg W (hr pnaltlon, 1 it t"'l the putt of wla- dom and good rlllaenanip t.. re-cie William to thl ponliH.n which ' haa au well and gatlaljcl.iry lilledT Accldeiitg will happen, regulated fumllli keep Kclectic Oil for auch Two ghwa, 256 and kOC, but the Dr. Thoiuua eioergeni lea. t all alore. 4 0-11.11. 1 Work 11 Help for l!ie Tein Age. Mr, Aildi..n Hall, anpei- Intendent hntul wink department, A'- llll.i. T'lUO. 4:40 Cma I Have Made of Hand Work, ly three l.-.i. Ih-ih j minute each), 4:. '.1 Matter of himlneea. An nouni ementa. &:fl- Ad Inurnment. Toi-Mlar I leiilog, Sii.temM e Jt. 111. " 45 Song ei vice, led l Mr. C J. Ahdrewa, :U AdilteK-, "The Sunday Si hold Motive," ,y K, kIH Itov. K. II. Howdeii, bivhofi of the dlxceae of New Mexii . t:'i Mul... :"0 Addriaa, 4Tm S.inday S. hol'l a World Power.-' by Mr. W, c. I "in rep, aaoi i.ite g-neral aecretary of the In iernntlunal Suinlav School n-mn lai loll. WciIih-hIut M"rittntt, St-pt, Hit, Jflll, OU lt 10:Vj Conrercn. ea ua lid lonn; , tP County Prraidenta nnd iilfl.era, led by Mr. MerrltL Thiec county pretldcnta to apeak, (b) r.ii-iiii iii..i .1. ; iiitment, led .iy Mra. Prymr. tc Se.-ondnry department, by . Mr. Pfiirco. lu lu Convention, Ilevollonal exer cluea. A g. .1.1. -n ten from the leaaona for the pnai year, by all pr.-aetit, led by Kev. P. Si hlleler. I). I'. A M.iilug With lll.lni. I - 4 . Iteport from M: Mu.el A. . C. I'KAIHT., Awm'Iiiiii t.em-ral Sein-iary of loti-rnnilonal Suinlay s Ii.hiI Akmm tat Oll. tin- tnith. aupcrintetidcnt mliin'ir)- ile- partmeni. U:nii The Sunday i5' hool In tlv Foreign Field. It, v. C. K. Cumplicll, I.a I'l.l. en. II 15 Song. Menaiil achool chorua. ll '-'n A Mesnife from the Home Field. A. I- Knlca, repreaentnlive American Sunday School mclat,on, ItofWell. 11:30 SonK. llai wood ich.Mil chorua. 1I:SJ The Two New Xlntca na n Field. Itev. H. A. tieck. Tempe, Alia. 11:45 Whre the Money Jne. llx erclaea by pupi'.a of Itio i.r.mdc ln."" trial 11:50 Five minute of sentence rayer for mi.iKlona. led by Mm. J. II Hial.l, Allm.iUcry uc. 11.55 dual neaa matlera. An nouncementa. : 1 . 'Hi Adjournment. Wcihn-.ila Afn-I llo.HI, Sept. .111. Ill I. 2:(it Song and devotional exer-clm-a A Catcchlam queHtlun nnd the mutirr from ten pn-aent, led by lie . 1 H. '.. M'Cuiloiigh of Senta Fe. I 2.15 Sunday ScIiooIh A :ii.n- ''? : Sp.inmh-Aincrli an Pcop. A I. rty- ne liiinutH proi-.'i.t of ."onif -itol i- penen.-e. In charge of I!i v. Tlf.m in Hal wood, Hliiiel intcmli lit Sjii-i'm-Ar-ierican departme-il, im-u.iln: ul "Methoda for SluiniNh-Amei 1 ciin Sunday Srhoola," by Itev. A. I. litem, llalon. (b) "Tin- Hlolo III Spanlnh-Ameri-run Sunday School," by llev, .1. Mnia, San Mat (. ' How Can We Help fntr Ppan-iMi-Amerlcnn Sunday Schnola?" by l!ev. K. II. Atwiuid, Albu iiier.iie. S ou Mualc by a i.jartet from '.he A. M. V.. church, Albtiiucriuc. 3:05 Annual roll tall. Mntty Mlnutew Willi tlio Aiitilt IH'pnrtiiM-nt. 3:1 5 rti port of s. A. Kuy. guperln- tendetit 11. lull department. Itepnrt by Kdward Comatock, Iji Vt-gaa, auperlnlvndent home depart ment. J A Word for the Purenia- Hepart mint, by Itev. W. C. Merrltt. 3:30 Addrcaa, "North American Outlook in tho Adult Hlvlaioii Work," by W. C. ' Peurre, auperlntrndelit adult dlvlalon, I nter-mt tonal Sunday School itaxiif latino. 4:00 The organlaed China, by Mary Koater Hryner. 4.30 How the Org. mined Cluiia Uia Helped. (Thrcc-minute t.ilka by live adult cluaa teuchi-ra). 4 45 1 liaciiMpion. open to all. t.0 A n n o u ncemen.ii. Adjourn ment. g nn runner for dilegutig nl Ihe Preatiyterian churth. WciIih-mIuv I ii-iiIiik. Si pi. l. 1911. (Al the New High Si hool liiiilding) 7;4'i Song airvlce, led ny Mr. John l. Fulkcntiurg. 3:00 Addrew, "Kuundulioiia," by Mm. .Mary Foxtcr I try tor, k:25 M Jsl-. g.llO Adilriwi, "Why I llelicio In the Su tilay Sellout ' by 1 r. F. II. !! Itober'.a, precldeni New Mexico Nor mal Cmveralty, Vegaa. UitirMlay Morning. Ikloln-r I. lull. V.0U to 10: 3') Confercncea aa lol Inwa: tu) Adult del artment, led hy Mr. Pearte. At thia conference the horn department 11 nil ihe par ent' Work will ulao he conn'd ered. Mr. pearce will lead the tllxcuaniuu with an addre on "Adult Itlvlalon organixatloa and Method." (b) Teai-hcr liulnlng, led by Mra. Hryner. (c) Superiutendenta' and achool of. flcera' coiiferciu e. led oy Mr. Merrltt. with the follow inK topi. , among oilier: Shall We the Itlble HtralghtT Mra. W. II. Slcveil. AlbUiUcnUe. The Suiu i Inlciiilcut aa the Head of the S. hool. The Work nnd Toola of the Su-il.iy School Supi-rinlendt n( The liraded School. I 10:30 Convention, Devotional e- erclaeg. Senlence priyera, Kd by llev. Archie Toolhaker. . Morulng Willi Hmp lcuili-i-au 4 an-e. in 4 Itepurt oy J. ft. V.iiiiht. Iteming', enpet Intt tidetit temperance de 11 11 111 en t. in '11 Tifphlng Temperart'e In th.. Sit (day Si houl. .M, ll.irrlet l Hen il'Hun, aliiti. preeldent W. C T. P., I'.n.t Vaughn. II :(ir. Ph lcnl culture drill. Jin. J. S. Kh,hIi r.l ) ' cl,iMi, A lHi.Uer.ile. 11:10 A Ceinedy for War. Mr'. Anna Wllda hiriimiil"t, Alliu.iieriile. 1 1 :Ii Mumr. 1 1 25 Teaching by Calfoon. Mr. M.iude 1 iln-en. X.i'lonal W. C. T. I . lei Hirer, I'unt Vaimhti. 11:4" Song. "Chllilrcn'a Happy rny.- Chlldren'a Choriia. ll:l.i lleport of commlttcea. ltua-Ineaa. j an Adjournment. 1-.I5 tu 1:41 lf.inlneiM men'a ltlnvil to meet Mr J'ent.1'. Addrcaa by Mr. I'enr'-e, "Uellgloua F.duinllon and PllllletaI, Tlnii.. lav XficriHe'ii. tkiolw-r I, ll I, J;iity Sunk nnd devotional ix-r-cle-, led by Itcv. J. M. Shinier, rianta Fe. An Hour With TiUclier Training. !: 1 0 Iteporl from Mra. Mollle I'ne W'rlcht, Clovla, deparlment auperlu tendent, . i :". TV- What and How of Tench, er Tr. lining. Mr. penrce. 5 4 5 Training for l.emletiihlp. Mrn. Tryner. ,31111 1'.., i i,,n of otllccra. .1:15 Con'drr:itln if repot la of committee", nnd new bualneaa, 4:0- Parade. Tlilirwlav r.lciiltuf. IIiIiiImt I. 11 1 1. (At I be N-H Hlith H.hool MnildinK.) 7:tr Song acrvlce, led by Mr. . J. Andrewa. x: 1111 open 1'onra. Mm. M try Fa. tr Prvner. M .IX lll'tntrnted Lecture. "The Adult Itlble Cluia Moiemeni." hv W. C. Penri e. Filu. rlntendcr.t itrtnlt dl vlalon, Internationnl Sunday S h"..l CALIFORNIA T in -jTAMt s -lAutolourLOfaxaci Compoty CAutvitHiA .1 -v 1 1 X ,... a fc-l jfj. Business Confidence Confidence is qnicfcly established in the person who can keep things to himself. THE FIRST NATIONAL SANK never reveals the affairs cf its customers to other people and -has the confidence of iU depositors. If-you hiv 8 "mutters of business yon wish onr opinion on, you can feel perfectly free to talk with us, even though you are not one of our customers. PLASTER BUILDERS' J. C. BALDItlDGE LEU. CO. 7. il. IIAIIil CO. For uj Braa n Fed ol AJl aVlotU. PHONE II. Figure with us on Sash Doors, Mouldings and Everything in MILL .WORK Superior Lumber & MiU Company NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT A NORTH POLE ALL METAL FREEZER, COLD, ItEFIlISIIINQ AND HEALTHFUL. DESSERTS !FH0ZEN IN ONLY FOUR MINUTES. 3s ALBERT FABER 213 to 215 W. Gold Ave. I . Furniture, Carpets, Draperies and Stoves. " Ccfcra tj Arrive 4 iMirlntf geviral Wei ka of i tnnc there la g, kt li-nilid rxterni I en.t.riK-ntion lu cur "ii.itlier a i 1 1 ml ' in wiil ri thnuann.1 of wnmeii hnve t!ie niiwt Ittil4iiili.t,.l eonr.ileuce. 1 hi-tf linve ow It and know, 'i hi y tell of Ita wonderful Influence tu eaio the abdominal muvtli-a icid h w tlii r old"il tlnn.l. 1 ateetrlilng pain that orn an nni.-h t ilke 1 eboi TV. la a'fo eterenl apiln uli.m I gently iimd ev. r t'i- rmn t r n.P r It nmi-nAtile it tho miural el--ii hlnif which it un-It-rg'-ii-. The r.'rul.t of In-rvu threacla J :nt lienerth thu ekln l thug rfllercd of 1lne.'en,y p.1ht-r.f-il,Jitl:nff mmn an.l greet phvePwl r. II. f In tn re-uit aa mnr -aaed br a n.l of hmnv moihera wbd wtlpg from pennim) aperleoe. It la a auhject Ihnl el wn-neti rhnnl 1 I famlliur with na AJntln-r'a Kri.-n.l' ling hi-ert n i:o ninny .an. hr.a b-n irlven tho mnt t,..un uTnt.-r ni.'-t ad trying condltlona and la r l.y women who tu-dny am griiulnwitheng and who In th.-lr e irlt. r v ara ! uroi'tl to relv upon tliU at.l.-n.'UI aid t.i women. "M. libera 1-Ylen.r Ik d.--lared by multitude ef women to be juat wb:it tx ieeiaut niottu-rhotal M-nulrca. 1 tan obtain" Pileinl" at almot utiy ttruc ator C,t a b'.ttl.i toilnr and then wit f. r e..r lin!" t"' A. I. In- p.rii.lit.M It.t-ulaior U 1-ornur 1'ldi;.. AlWiilo. U4. - e 1 Hanoi latiuti. :0t Cloaltig Word, ! Itev. W. C. Merrltf. il "1I0.I lie With Vou Till We Meet Agiln." .3 licttcdictinn. -'-WftlVi, 44 MtafW4ll 4JffrM(talW-&' $ & h: A m- ;.ii.-ilMi. . ROOMING SUPPLIES 423 S. 1st St. Phone 402 CIRRIU.OB LUMP ClALI.l'P WIMP UALI.UP ..ia ANTlinACITK. ALL SIZW4 T : KtNDLJNa AND MIL.I WIMU) 11 RICK AND ri-ASTEP.IN I.I MB SANTA Ttt BBICK Thoroughly Well Made . Practical and Serviceahle Low Priced. j i Easily Operated. 1 GUARANTEED TO GIVE ' f SATISFACTION 1 ..Sl.00 ..SI.70 One Quart Size. . Two Quart Size . t