Newspaper Page Text
TUBES fifli'inimn Ihnt aenr.h nf the wom en a hnmea hi Atria. ., would be nn.ile. WORLD LANDMARKS OF NOTE THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE. N. M., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1914. Fish mm m Si STATE HUD SALMON SMELTS SAND DABS SPANISH MACKEREL SEA BASS BARRACUDA FLOUNDER Large Scalshipt Oyster; stock very fine and fat. SHOPLIFTERS SAVED FROM THE LAW OK MERCHANTS Aged Woman and Two Com panions Receive Considera tion Because of Prominence of Families. In tallied (it police lii-inlitinrir toiluv were- Ihlce Women, member, of ii well known i mini v fur lly. They wire taken Into rtiNtixIs aa iill-ged flmplifl. ra. They were nut placed Loudly under arret, nml ineiehu.ita wliit are all-god In have auf fered at ill. H hi mix l.d.l Chief M M i II lit lhat Ihry wrri' in dlapnaod In lotlgo mm- I'lulnia hoiutiao ir i in.i.l rat i"H f"r Iheir fumilioa. Tin- women live in Atria.... I nr i f I Mi ni In i.r granditii.t ;-.orl . 'Mil nf her . nmpu nlnlla 1m llliddll ugc.l nml Hi" other Ih barely mil nf llll If'!!". Tho thro,, entered K Ik! lor. Cllla ti r 'o.'a store ihla nininlnK and pnr'ii.iaed it piece nf inualin. I hey left the counter wvnnl ait Idea were inlawed. Suaplrh.n Inalantly Him directed ngulnat Ihc Inn end when they left Ihe atnre Mr. I'niia tor ahinl..vied them. Ho followed t hi' m to t)ii Strung IiimiH alore, where It." delei'lell HllO of tlll'lll HH'lllllllf tablet. Hi- notified I hi- i.nliip unil iilllcer Main, diapati hod liy Chief Mi Millin. 1'inli the three women I" ti"H..Metr. Thiii' u nearch by a wum.iii culled in ley ihr chief iliiu li.M'il ii drone mill u lint which proved In ho I ho proper ly of Woillor llonjiiniln. Nothing belonging In kiatl.r. meter I'n HUH fllllllil. Nm OVOII tho piece of iiuiKlin bought ill I ho ntnre. Thoy mini Ihoy gave Iho ni ul in to a (r'oml ii ml didn't know where It im. Il wn nil !il Hi head. hi .rtern thla D0RAN & GIBSON Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Best Grade of Flour Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty THE BEST ALWAYS Phone 238 50S W Central Pound for Pound Genuine Gas House Coke contains more heat than any other fuel. When you purchase a ton of fuel to heat your home you are paying so much for two thousand pounds of heat containing material and coke contains more heat for equal weight than any other fuel. This is readily understood by large manu facturing enterprises that use it to smelt copper and iron ores. Both of the foun dries in Albuquerque use it to melt iron. Use it in your home this winter and enjoy the comforting warmth afforded by its us;. In order to eliminate rush orders later in the season the following prices good for the rest of September only: One Ton quantities, per ton. .$6i25 Five Ton quantities, per ton. .$5.00 Ten Ton quantities, per ton. . S 5a7 5 Delivered in your Bin To be sure of obtaining the only genuine Gas Coke, Telephone 88 today and place your order for your winter's supply. WE ALBUQUERQUE GAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER COMPANY 502 W. CENTRAL OF EQUALIZATION Chiefly Affect Coal Lands in Colfax and McKinley County, Agricultural Land and Grazing Land. Santa Fo, .V. M., Sept. 24 The Mule Imiiril ni"n, nu n oaed Ha neaalnn horo yoalerdny. miiicIi. blanket rulaea nn mil liimla In I'l.Hax I'liuniy nnd MrKiiiloy rnunty of I r. iin fin In ill'i p.-r acre, un.l nil -ortuiu rhian.-a nf iiihi liinil In i'.dfux nunly nlnne i( from $li..'U to 4.' n-r aire. Agrl. iillurul lamia woro rulaoil 20 ior 1 1 in in Hi-rnuiillii mi aix ninor i on in km, nr rout In oti n Mikiii'I I - Hllil l1' Pit rolil .11 alx nllnl' uiiii.n. (Irarlnic IjiihIm wri- rulwil 40 n-r i'onl In Ihroo nniiiii, unil Iior i'onl In nihor rininilra whoro Iho iiiMi'aNiiioiit huil lii'i-n on a vulimllnn of loan thiin I ior ihto. Tho nanoaanii'iil of Iho Allni'iui'l"- iho TriK-liiin I'l.intiiiny wua rciliii'od fi..m IK.'Mi'l In Iviiiiu mi Iru I patiili' nnd nliii o.l ni tin, i u milo un It" iir lino unil oiiuitfinriil, with n Ii.ihI f 9.2 miloa. Tho viiliinlnn nf Iho i 'nli.rail.i 1'rli'tihiitio rnmiMiny una llaaoaai il ut 1 1 . K,4 , nf will' h II I .mil a in llornulilln n inily. Tho uaaoaomi'iil nf iho Santu h ruilrniKI In Ix.nn Ami rnuiitv wna lm rouaoil fmm I .'.uu'i t.i ll.kiiii.'iuii. Tho iiaaoaxnii'til nf Iho Now Moil.-n I on- trl riiilrnml wua r I x -. 1 nn r huaia nf IH.Mii'i in Sunt. i hp nmiKy ihkI lliiT.niiu in Tnrriinro ri.tintv. woi raiao.l nn hnraoa anil mulon In onalorn .Now Moxiin. 'unity i niiiinlaliiiota woro a' "roil for luiluro In mnoriy uaaiaa irnior ly whlih had In mo lax.ihlo iinilor tho am-yotir oxi'iiiiitinii law unil fill unty ti.ii oi miK iiia woro will noil l-i i Xol't'lao i'rnllnm hoi ana. Iho flnuti rial llo.roaalnn nf I K 1 4 tlllKht rnll- linuo Into I'.ll.'i. Hiornil HMontlnn nf uaKiaanra wna inlloil In tutliiro thla your In usM'aa tho iiiitin nf N('W Mi uli n inlnoa. BUSINESS MEETING WILL OPEN WORK OF THE WOMAN S CLUB Inateud nf iho uaiial rtvovtmn in hnimr nf now mamliera tho Alliuiiiier iii Wnnian'a cluh will ilovnle Ha tilal inn i mil nf the lait tiiiimi rnw uftpr- nnnn to a alrlrlly bualnoaa aoaalnn. It ' lm a Lorn mammary in your 1'uat tu ! In. I, a reroiiiiin for new menihera ; ihe i.peiiin, event of Ih- club a wnrW. i .... ,ur. ..u. ... ...... n passage from these memoirs, which Iiuainoaa ha. urciiiiinlatoil .hiring l .y pub,ned: ..My Uleftti aat aumimr thut the huatneaa moot-! ,7, ' inn i. ih.MiKhl Inihurtant ami' w' wlndle. will figure Into the thou tho uauui re. will he hold , Pari I truly the city par ei later. I cellence to produce man so resource- A Imiiid of managora' ni. olliig will ! lul In hi adventures, having at hand he hold prior t,. Iho romilur mootliiK , and nil mon.hera of the linur.l are uraod In ho proaont, eaporlnily the ; inoiiilii-ra nf the llnuni'o ,-miiiiilttoe. j (ioiii'iul plana for the w..rk of the rmnlnn yrar will he the i hlef hual- . n. aa nf tho aoaainn, whlrh will cm- , vono in Ihe cluh hull. linn nn n oat 1 inl avenue at Iho uanul hour. I)ii l..r have derided that nn elee Irlc ah... k killa a man l.y dratrnylntf Iho rhilhm nf the heart hoala and a ting upon the lunga like an uer dnap of an unoalhotl". As an improvement on the t. lauto-1 graph a Herman haa invontod an up- 1 parntua whirl) uaea light rays to re- pnxlure. nn phm..Kraph II I ma w rUing' ' or duwlniia made at u dlatume. WOULD CO INTO THE W0RLO Ltadtr llav Womtn Should Ctai U "HouMhold Orutfa" Glvas Htr Raen. Mr. Cbarlott Parklna Ullnmo, peaking In Now York to an auJIuuia rumpoatxl chiefly of onion, coiuparvd tli Uvea of aoma American niolhora to the barera Uvea of the Kaat "Womoa," Mra. Ullnian declared, 'ihould to Into tha world and do lu crative and Interesting work Instead of bolng household drudgea. "One reason for this Is I bat Ibft middle-aged woman, Ilk the mlddle tgod man, wheu occupied In buslneaa or liitolloctual work, baa little Uina to brood over dopurtlhg youtb. "You know we women become very sour aa we grow old. Hut, when we ill work, pvrnaiie the ungalluut com parison that a cynical bavblor once muds to me will lose some of Its truth fulness. Here Is the oomparlaon: " Iadlrs, In their cblldhood, resem ble water. As girls of twelve to fif teen, they're like lemonade; aa young persons from eighteen to twenty-live, champagne; aa women of 'twenty-five to forty, lluueur. A woman from for ty to fifty year of age Is equal to bouiemndu port wine. After fifty, ttiost ladles turn to vlmjrar.' " Accounting for Courage. "I think," she said, healtattnuly and with downcast eyes, "that you'd belter (peak to papa.' "Of course'. he replied promptly. "That's easy. The only thing that troubled me was the Interview with you." "You're not afraid of papa?" she aid. Inquiringly, opening her rye In BKtonlahment. ' "Afraid!" ha eielulmed. "Why should I be?" "Realty. ! don't know," she an- wered, "but It'a usual, you know " "Oh. I auppoae so." he anawered In the off-hand way of the man of the world. "With Inexperienced men tuoro i would be nothing; surnrlHing In It, but! t have taken the precaution to nd hl'ii money, which la still unpaid." Then it waa that the beautiful girt realized Miat she had caught a genuine financier for a bunband. Stray Stories. King of French Thltvt. Franrhomme, who bears the title In , rarls of "King of Thieves." baa been condemned to three year In prison, j He la the hero of 70 thefts, his prey for the most part having been I'arl ilan jewelers. M. Prajicbomme ha been employing hi spare time while In prison writing hla "memoir," In which he boacU of hla marvelous dex- trrliy L. Crl d, r quolM I an Inexhaustible spring of stratagems. I have employed In tbla city a super natural Intelligence and no end of novel luventlona to obtain money. I save turned tbe aame tricks In Pari and London and Brussels, but In Pari I did more of them, until at lust tb i Parisians could ng more allow them- selves to be taken lu." Outdoor Sleeping Apartment. I To convert a sinull upstalra porch Into a sleeping porch, place half-Inch brass roda at the top and bottom of tha opening on each eide and on these mrtalns of light tlkoline or timllar material. These can be slipped back and forth on the rod like aah cur- tain. Those who have never had the ex perience f aleeplng out of door will Bad It a real Joy and the Improvised iruartera will become an Indispensable eait of tha onnuk The Koran. In a recent number of the Londoa Everyman la a review of the Koran and ita author Mohammed. It I a one man's book, and that man not an invi i aginative one, out essentially a man of action and lacking in Invention. The Koran la a jumbled mass of pre. ' cepts, doctrine, threat. Injunctions, divine commands, narrative, lyrle and eple poetry. It heaven and bell ar too material for modern thought- "Ob viously." says Everyman, "the Koran Is meant not to be read with the eye, but to be recited, when the repetition are not nearly so pronounced. It re flects a soclul order, a system of Ides a remote from Home and more espe cially from Greece, aa our own are from tbe North American Indian. Hot neither time nor evolution can utterly quench (he flame of Mohammed's per sonality, which carried hi follower to rtcklee tesss. to the sov ereignty ef empires whloh created aa art peculiar to Islam, and founded age long traditions." r s tm or ttiBft t jut roams Cr.-T. FELIX G 3 U BAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM 08 MAGICAL ECAUTOTtt Iff ltfMr Ta. 14 m- a7V P1' 'rtiiUi, " "m X ' ' W , en.) ktia liiu. Vn bctiuty. ii tir-t-w Jlr lKM I It U. wt-Hl llr lr-wf t trnt ., and w o fettltuU f LtllC il lu b till? sd) priijrtly ntautr A -cr no iiMiitirrfttl of kiitiitwr . tr U A- fUvr Mid to Udv4 tt.t? kauiu-a Am ( l m n I "A vm l.ii- wilt u thtrm. I r cisuiuri 'tmmmti ttm' Ut Iraul ItAftutuI 4ll III tak'N lratlUWtt. ' Ai 4StfU nil Uaiiimtiil bluir. llI.IMMtlihlCtllcttJMltUil& Culrn ef Stones Marking the Summit f the Dlgermuleraollsn In Norway. 1-ondon In the mun'y of Nordland. Xorwsy, on the rocky and precipitous line at. about SS degroea north lati tude, the JnRjred and fantastic peall of tbe fJlgerinuler mountain rears It bead aome 1 J 00 feet above the ocean. Ita summit, marked b thla pile of atones, la reached by a winding, but fairly easily traversed pathway. The u. Cairn of Stones Marking the Summit of ths Dlgtrmulerkollcn. view from this point Is one of the most striking prospects of the whole Nor wegian coast. Near at band are the peaks of the IliRrafstind (1,811 foot), GJeltejilJurtlnd l3SfiR fool), and the Pvartaundtlml C!..r,( foot), while be- low lie the Inlnnds of thn Hofotrn and Vesteraalon, septirnted by narrow and tortuntis channrla. FINDS KIN, AFTER 20 YEARS Brother Most at Doer of Prison Aftei Having Been Separated for Score of Year. Towanda. Ta. "George, I will aland by you through thick and thin and; when ,our prison days are endud come home to mo and 1 will welcome you with all my heart. Thus spoke Eugeno Howers, tblrty two yearn old, aa ho tearfully bade hi brotnpr George good by at lh Towan- da jail. Kugene had found and claimed hla brother George after a separation of 0 year. George faces at lecst fif teen years In tbe Kasturn penitentiary for assault and robbery. Through newspaper clippings, Eu gene established the Identity of Ih prisoner bla brother. When Eugene aud George met they embraced and sobbed like children. Then Eugene unfolded a story whL'u brought tears to the eye of those who heard It. Ilia mother, he aaid, eloped In 183. taking George, then a child of three yearn, with her. Since that time they have boon I oat to the deserted husband and all blood relatives. Ceorgs grew to manhood, fell Into evil ways aud hia downfall ended In the assault which will send Mm to prison for many years. The father, two brothers and a rlster who were forsakea by the wife and mother, live In Corning, N. Y. They aiipponed the woman and child she nad Ukuu with her were dead. TWO BEARS FIGHT TO DEATH Huge Crixzly and a Black Member el Bruin Family Battle to Finish) In Denver Park. Denver A hugo male "grizzly" and a black bear cub fought a CnUti fight at City Park zoo. Tbe black bear, cue of a den of five, la dead. Curios- ity and tho stimulus of a crlap spring morning are roaponaible. The bear went lu quest of adven ture . lie siilfT. J the air, slun-k him self and -larcd a paw upon the Orat cronnpline of iliu Iron gr&ilng which eparatcd his u n from ths one ad Joluing, In which the grizzly, thu larg est In the too, was confined. The vlblting tlruln looked liiuuir-l-tlvely toward thn top and then com menced to mount, stopping at every round to royard inquiringly the tour black bears which he had left below. From the other tide of the gratlr.rf the griz-lr regarded tbe approach w lib. disapproval. The bear reached the top and paused to tak.i account of hla rtplolt with conscious sutlafoctlon. Then h lost hla balance and a moment later fell to the cement floor Of tbe gri fly's preserve. When the keepers arrived later th black boar was dead. Children Carry Mother' Ashee. New York Jesrle and IJlllan Glen day, agod three and eta, respectively, sailed aboard the Celtic on tbe leal bkif of a ,000-uillu Journey with theli icrther's arhes. Mr. Olenday, who died la Oakland. C'al . wauled to ha Durled In Scot land. Her husband had the body cremated, placed In an urn sod slarUxt the diUdea oo their jw ' . E'tuul purU ' raw Lnaeed oil and vinegar luuke a i ttcellrlit I'nl'ah K.r I linoleum. C Owing to the fact that our loans have beeen heavy, and business unusually quiet during the past few months, we have a large amov ut of capital tied up in UN REDEEMED PLEDGES on whtich we w ant to realize. Our stock consists mainly of DIAMONS, RINGS., STUDS. BROACHES LA VALIERES. SCARF PINS, ETC., of all sizes and prices: WATCHES in all makes and grades, solid gold and gold filled; Gold Rings, Pins, Cuff Links, and all manner of things pertaining to a Jewelry stock. , The good- in our window have always been VERY CONSERVATIVELY MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Nearly all of our goods, especially watches and diamonds, have been left with us as SECURITY FOR LOANS and very conserva tive loans at that, so that we are AT ALL TIMES able to UNDER3ELL ALL COMPETITORS; but just now we are going to OUTDO OURSELVES. No Reasonable Offer for a Diamond or a Watch will be Refused Look elsewhere, price the goods you want, then permit us to fchow you HOW MUCH WE CAN SAVE YOU. This is straight business. ( v A Written Guarantee with each article purchased if desired 114 W. Central Opp. Hotel Combs H. TODAY'S GAMES. NATIONAL LEAGUE St l'iiia, 4); Nov York. .1. It II. K. St. I.uiiIh I'lni nun 4 1J 1 Now Ynrk ...inn 10" OPI--3 II Hiilloi -lea: IVi'due unil Wlnij". iH-iiiiiii'P, MuiheiVBiiii nml Moycra. ( Iiiiiiiiiail. 0; IUM.iii. 5. Kirat Kame; It. ii. i:. f'lnrinnait . ...OIMI Olio Olio I) a Bo Mo ll Olil 0:i'l I0X 1 10 1 llattorii-a: Honlon, Kit lory and lion za Iru; lliidnlph and tiuwdy. tilling.!. ; lllllllfllllM. .1. Firl Ifamu: It. II. K. ChlruK. "31 Pin OPi 1U u I'hiladelphM . .UllO Jul dull 3 U llutterioa: llnmphriea nml lireatiu- ham; Itixoy, Mattia.m and Kllliler. AMERICAN LEAGUE kmIiIiikI'ki, A; t li'tt-lun.l, 2. Klrt game; It. I. Waahligton ...000 1140 Dill .'. Clot pin nd Sun On 0 mill 2 i:. llullrriea: A)rra, Harper, Shaw and Henry; Mucin II, linwniuti, and o'Nrill. l-'.nglc;, I'.iiaiiii-il Unlit. Ynrk-Uclmit game p..atpinod; Now ruin. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION 1i-v Hiiii.l, I; (iliiuilitia. .V Klrat Miunr. It. II. E. Clovolniid ....noil 0 21 liol4 11 1 t'nhimliiia ...."10 310 uox ." ' 3 llallorioa: ('..llumnro and liovi.Kt: and Sln.ttl. InillniiniNilia, '1: lamUt llle, Firal game. It, if. E. 1 ml in na pul .a (HO 001 eou 000 J S S l.niiievllle inn lion ooo mil 3 11 3 llallorioa: YVillia un.l Lavliigatnn; Northrop and 'l-nioiia. M. Paul. .1; Kmii-w 4 lly. M. Fliat game: It. II. K. HI. Paul 100 OL'O (103 R 12 2 Kanuia City ..loo 4 JO lux S 11 1 Halterlea: Unaoii and i'etvrs; liua koito and Moore. WESTERN LEAGUE l.ii.inl.i, I; l'nM-ka, t. Klrat gumo: it. H. Lincoln 000 010.000 1 Tnpt ka imii Hiio oox 2 7 n. II 3 I'.iitlrri.a: Hi Wi.ilinun nnd ottlna and Tnnii.'inati, :ia khurn: K. J.aM'pli. I; Sioux 4 lly, V. Morning game: il. II i: St. J..oph ....000 MH1 100 1 Ii 0 Sioux t'uy ....300 or. I UOx II II 1 Ihllleriea: Strrnr, I'urcrll, Willry and lirilllth. Ag'icw : Kelly and I'riap. THOUSANDS OF HORSEMEN SEE GREAT MATCH RACE 'ran. I Kapi.l!, Man., Sept. 24. da nf horaemoti wore In t'rai.d I to. I, i In witness the match r i ,. a.", for thia nflernuon, hetweon lm. . tool 1 and Willium, lor a purae nf t 'Mia. ,I :.imi wot the first heat in 2:01 II. BRAZILIAN KICK MAY RESULT IN EXCHANGE OF CORRESPONDENCE Waahliiuloii. Sept. '.'4. flefuaal of Ihe liraiill.iu government to grant ciourunre to th- atrumahip lt.ii.ert liullur. which .i,lit lu nilao the Ameiiran riag Ii. f". leaving Ui Ja neiro may reaoli in diplomatic cor-reapi.ndem-e. Hollcltor Johnaon nf the stale de partment said toil, iv iho incident waa not rloaod when the aleain. r left pori under Ihe Itrillah (lag hut he did tint say what cuunae this g.nernmont might pursue. Clearance was reiuao.l nn tho ground that recognition nf thu change of reglulry might liilrlnge on tiraslliun nnulrallly. . ARGAIN YANOW SANTA FE OFFICER RESCUES SHAKY j Ii O'Lcary Recovers Wedding Tour Funds Which Joyous Bridegroom Leaves Behind in Taxicab. Munoy which a Joyoua bridegroom loft In-hi ml when he started frmn here on hla hinicyinonn sovorul du ago lm a l.oen real. .rod to him by the iinlu Vk railroad pollco dopul Imotit. Thn hrliligrnnin runie in the ela tion in a tax! the other day with hi hrlile and thoy Imurdod N . i to atari nn ihotr wedillng lour. Next morning bunion Maai.-r K.I finciuir got nn agitated trlogrum from Ihe bride groom unking hi in In limit fur ttt which the ii'-wiywid miaanl. fiimialr had another Job un lap uud he turned the ciihh nver t.i Tim DlAiuy, lioud nf tho Santu Ko pnlico funo. library hunted up Ihe t.isl in which tho liowiywoda (.'utile t.i the Flat ion ui.d under lh aeit ho found thu IHI'i and a gun. The money nnd tho gun wri- arnl to Ijih Vegaa, where the In I'm and groom th train when they dia-cov.-rod t tic. In. That niglu the'groniii . :iiiearr.l In town nn truin Nn. 1, looking lr hia money. Hv wont buck tu Vcaa hot font on Nn. g. Another tel.gram fmm Vegaa infnrniod the S.tnta Ke nfllctula here that he couldui lind hla munoy, but eventually ho .lid. Hia glutltuilr fntind i-xproa.4ion in h rriap ten-dollar unto from the roll. Since thi n Iho Santa F,. police have hoard nothing fmm him and thoy auppnao the ml. 'i l opted honeymoon has l.oen roptitiicd. DEFENSE OPENS IN BIG DAMAGE SUIT Testimony for the tlrfrna.i in Iho I'JU.OUO ailll nf Spotleor ug.iltiat itmaa, Ketl;. Ac i ... wua begun today. It waa aanl thut the ruao Would probably luM tho teat nf the wi-ok. Juiluo II. i haa grantoil un order for uppoul in the ca nf Mra. Mary I'lM-kx agatnat Mra. Mary Muti g. r. Mra. I'... ks mod to recover In r a..ii. whom Mra. Mu.ig.-r hua boon k.- plug. The .-.mi t do. ido.l in fum of Mra. M Oliver. Chicago Grain. Clllriuiii, Sept. ;'4. .Vllhougli wheat advanced today on uc.unt of higher I'm.', at LlM-rpnul, the u.ilna a.x.n diaupprur. il. The npouinK, wincn waa 1-4.' to 1 l-4c up. w.ta follnAod by a d'.'iijiie to l.i 'I night a Ii il l. The liuae wua weak, I'.Hlic- net lower. I'oru lacked support. After open ing lie i.ff t.i u like advance, the market uiiilvrweni a m,.,lci.ita setback all around. The rl.iae waa heavy, Ti l lc undi I laat nigtii. lOxpnrt broker, wire huay In the outs crowd, hut the market waa gov erned chu -lly by Iliu couiae nf wheat Karl) advance guvo wuy In il d" lino Trade In pmvialulia wua -ri III I chi.My to lard, for which there w-k liillo an active iu.iilry, Ixiwer pro e lor hgg were Ignored, rioae: Wheal Sept, 1107; Hec, ILlO'i May. II KS. 4'orn loc, 7o',c. May, 7JHc I lata - lu-r., Si-; May, SKc. ', 1172; Jan.. la7V. Laid Oct , fa 4i. Jan., J. i . : The Markets 2 114 W. Central ) Opp. liiittl Combs -1 & lill.a Oct., Ilo no; jun., fltf.S7. ( lilmirii IJv-iiN'k. 4'hloagn, evpt. .4. lluga Iterelpla 14,000: alow; f. under ycatt-i'duy average. Hulk. Is. SO K; llgh!, tK.'.'.Hi u.OII; mixed. . 1 0 ',i ii 0.", ; heavy, 7.90i'S.ti"l; rough, 7.0 ii X Uf. ; piga. 14. ", l H.50. fultlo K.rolpts 4,000; firm. Hoove", H :. 11.0.".; ati-era, I 2:.ii .!.'.; atni kora and foo.lera, l.r. 404i 3T; r.iwg and holfora, I 1.60 il 9. 1 j , lulvra, IS nil ft I 1.7.-,. Sheep Iterelpta 30.000; Weak. Hhoep, 4.MI1i.Vi0; yearllnga, I". 751 Ii 4o, lambs, (.T ' 7.70. KniiKna 4 lly l.lvewtnck. Kansas City, Kept, ;4. lloge Ho. coipig .(. ; lower. Hulk, Ii' t."; packern and Initehora, ts.204. '..'0; light, Is.l'MiS oO; pig, !7.0O4i 7.7 4'allle Receipt!) 4,500; utr.uly. Prune fed ntecra, ltl.Ooi 10.75; droaa ed hoof ali-cra, 8.0"1 9.75; woati rn tteera, Ifi. 7.'. Il 9 ; aloi kora and feed era. IB. 00 4i k.2.".; hulls, I V: r, 4i .;:. ; uilvoa, . fill If 1O.R0 Sheep IterelpM 11,000; Weak. I.amha, 7.0OHt 7.50; yeurllnga, :. 71 'lU.J.'i; et. lira, SVOOti i.4j; ewe. )4.7.'.4i &.::.. 14I and SM-Her. St. l...uts. Sept. 24. Iml dull, lower, 3.0r 3.S2 ',4j ; ape. tor lower, l.' m r,.i:,. .Money Market. New York, Sept. 2 4. Mcrrunl ile paper, i per cent. liar silver, f.3c. Brass and Iron Beds of Quality We are now showing an ex cellcnt line of beds in all styies and finish. It will pay wou to call and inspect them and get our low prices. We are; agents for the famous Ostermoor Mat tresses and the S. & D. guaran teed Springs. See our line of Comforts and Blankets. GEO. C. SCHEER Furniture Co. New Dept. 314-316 S. Second, second Hand Department 122 W. Silver. Fhones 431 and 10G3 ka- F 1 I K . r-L- I ' rag: J