Newspaper Page Text
TOTJB. THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE. N. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1914. The Evening Herald. Published bf THE EYKNINU IIK11I1, IXO. OEOROE VA1J.1A.NT. Manager M. I). HKNIN'l ttdltor I'uhllahed every afternoon I oept Sunday, at 124 North Herond Ulrret, AlbutjuerqUe, N. M. Kntered aecnndrlHaa matter I tha puatnfTlia at AlbuMiicrque. N. M under the Al of March . 111. One month by mall rr carrier. tic On week by carrier lac One year by mall or carrier In ad van. II. 0 Telephones: fluelneag Office Editorial noemi .. .11 M tvniM. vr. C II A I II MAN ' ..( the Kepilhlli ail Mute 1 1 !. iivin. in tli ii- iin.r.i ng Jut" nal, ia tciimd ii " f.i n alve eliitenie,ii in iii'lu ill. .11 i.l .. t annul hnln-s-y of Hcrnundi " Mr ll.umii.lvf. will In reoi'led. Ik tha Hcpohlii an candidal- .r i iirit. " and waa ihi'lgcd lv Hie J.nirniil some diiv Kline Willi doltuciu lea while trneiiiir "i Hi" Airiba i. uni ty. i.r Mil. atreiiK'h til wht'h It dc-ii.'itidi-.l tlmt hp resign frmii the publican In 'm l. To the en. Mil Hint Hie Kly slate ment ia lengthy. Illlcd with llguros ami intn ai.ttemcntg of vmloiia ol ftchila aiol former officials of Km ArrlliH county, the statement is coin prehcilve. In other ru-pecla It leaves enmehing to be d Hired. Mr llernuudei. fur Instance, ov r h own algnuturc Ilinl "The Hi-Ills mark' 4 "l aid' nil the lux loll were luxca tteeeaed e-iitlnsi Koutl reliable people In oltr conimuuly und personal friend, of mine (uiclud InK the treiisnri r e hum her and the men untile t oinpimy in which he wua tin. -reined I. 1 didn't want them to appear na delin quent on the tax roll and to have tu y n penally. I consld ered Ihem all pel fi-cl. giw.d. and Intended to carry tin in on my personal a.- vanl. ; ' It I did in that May" Thin of the Kly alutcniclit crtainlv in.ght Ii ule nun- picheiialve When It revived the i liurgcs against llcrnandcx as made III Hi1' traveling auditors upon on the 1:1" Arriba, rminty tr:-iiuier'a of'lce Hie demanded Unit Hernando, reattn HI the ItcpunlP an -undldnte for congress, an. I. lulling In that, then that Mr f'lv reman na hair man of Ihe Itcpublican Mint.' . . Mi ni III ee. Although li.-t cuit'-d In an malty Worda, we colli 1 ud. Hint M . Ilcrnali dry doea not intend to resign, while .Mr. Kly latea I hat II la "ery gratl Ivilia ' to him tu return:, na chairman of I hi- llei n mile i ampitlgti und the atute rnltiiiilltce. When I u- took this chairman"!!!!' 11 a aatd that Mr. Kly in the lioaitlon of the reni.-ct'ilii citizen who vvakce up to find an Infant of doubtful oriKin repoeng on Iiih il.n.r Ktcp. Mr Kly ilwti a tlispoaitioii tint only In take the infant ill. hut to adopt it aa his own. voiuh for it nnd undertake Us -u 1. 1 . r t While admiriiiM hla nerve It ia dull. 1 1 1 I" roinnicnd hla Juilumi lit. However, HI Wi- ill. In llted 01 t" tune line Km Arnhu . oniity mall, r waa revived: thli la a Uci'Ul.livaii leMie. I.etween KiuMira:ie, anil oOe Whli ll the ll.-lll.l. Iat of .VfW M.-.-" an well atTnid t.. t.iiar.l tf in Ihe r I . ii it j. . tit int. i rstid m- -i.itora .Mr Kly hat. i ie. I. .1 t. elan. I .al i.."n II. ri. i in. I IIi i ii.iiiI.' f ' - ..r.l He .!. I mk all the in-k In- will i ii.-otint-r in hia i Ii .hi ii ri.i.Mf. for he ia i an i. tint a r...n.l.-r nn dirlakiiii Th-te are m-veral poin In hla " iiii.r-lii-ni. e i tnti-ini nl" whl.h ure nm mu.le tli-ar and which will re.iuuv i ormnli ra Lie additional eim 1. 1. ,11. in lief, ie Ihe mi!. II' will he tin lined to mriit Mr lleriiuiidex even n i onni enaiuiml iitn.ier. Th1 Journal, afi.' Ii m- tin- . mini- lic-ll-IWan neua-l i I Hie alale, very plopcrly undertook, the Jo'i of ilcur- Inn n fi the Hi 1 in the II. i tialiil- I matter, nt..tea lhi mornii J that no una hna ih-'iked Mr Hetnandea with 'lieing elllni' a defau'.er or with dm Jlonent) ' If Hie Journal il .In t II ia ceiiain that no on the did. However thai may lx, there la u . Itaiti la. k uf ut lellllon tu of'l' l"! d. tail ahow II in the llernundec ei ..rd u county treuatir er of Kl AiiUMi n.uniy which re tiuirea a much more t onv un lug ex plunaton Ihon h heen aiven The marking of tj-a aa "" which ha not Ueen ) ami with Ihe avowed intent I -eat the lien ally fnoment re'iu.r. ty law. cer tainly Indlcatea A U- ol regard for va ! tail not entirely in iii with the general popular Ideul of coiigreaai'.iial timber. In hla U"k 'f dalnin. for which h- haa from now unnrle' lloa day. w wlah Mr. Kly luck-. Hla lilnraa lo hold the t hatrmanalilp id th ivhj Jtej-ublicau tandial ma ltiT.,1 ii riii.MHi i.iifit teg. miles i.f ll;e n hIiiimI f ii t .id v.l IIMT M l'MUi. T nr: t. llow it'k !. ie) ro.lti. i d li-'.m the i urn iit 'nunc nf a pii in ;-ti I. t i ni it l d "Kn. HU H. nlli-h If ihmii. d Ii) the lrn--t M it h the main idea "t ma II. e .i..le of I In i-.nn-t i Ii . v at . toil In .nu i oi.!" d lit in Ink Ii .rn t hc n i e to H.V f.n MIKi.r i..iii j i lif, MP' 1 1 II... l.v III. I' ll I'll A ol I a. o i in .. il.iiiiid I- i l.ei i x w.'.ilil Ir 'e ii- lit. in ili .. ful -"Ine lliotl f..eKii (trown HIKil." ii a I'.iillitln n .'UK of the linle.l st.-itef. it I'll r i in ri t of aai nllure it iiilliiiK alt'i'iioti to tin- ihhi- with whnh the 1 ' ii St a leu lonld make II- eK lllilei. Il.lellt of the real i.f the wot Id lor Hi Mia-ir i I - The hnl letui nmm a int oi nimieeii at.itea whnh hut . Iieen o d lo he well a.i.ited lo Hie grow Ilia ol rnik'ar In I In 1 In ie atUli-H ale t tllifol nhi. i 'olor.ido, l.l .h.i, liliiii.ii, In. liana. Iowa, K.iiia. Mn hiKaii, M niiie-oi.i. Mifnotiii, .M "HI ii mi , Ni-liriiMkii, N--i.iiln, .North link. ia, I ill in, Smith lia kota. I t ii It. i. oiihiii, ' i.lnltiK Them. al.ite contain mole than in. ii .inn f.,riH and inn : ; i.miiii.iiim) ... ii h of ini iiro cil lamlH. Th, liulle till colitlnni "If "no 'inner in four in llicno elalcB wile to plant a Ihri-e-acn-i I. h and ihc it ihe care that could readily he In-KloWed lll'illl Ho allinll a I'lal It W'liiid In unne. cyaary for ua to buy forelKii auKar. Two-third" of I pir n"i of the Improved In tliia area In nil that uoald la- le Itnred In hi i "iii'lo.i Hum reault Mote than tilat inn.iue Uih Idle, nh-Boluti-ly iiniiKcd, eiciy year. Any' one nf the alat'-a of llliio-la. Iowa. Kaiiraa. Mk.'hiii. Mlnn.-aotu, Ne hraNku or dim could iroiline nil ihia ut(iir and '.hen have ihe la-etn occur only oni-e in a tcii-yeiir rottitioti; ee of the olhera cmilil do It iiloiu on a llv yi-iir rotation "From thla talde II can he acen that devotiiiK the .r... I :.iiiiii.ini') in n a in Miliar licet production would have nil ill t - ly in-'iuiull. am elTec In redilclllR the lurillKe of other cropa If they wen- ar.iwn In properly con aidered r"la-,lonn with liny of theve cropM i-Xcept cotton and lice Hie ef fect of the licet lu llli reilHillk the yield of th.. ol In l wo.ild much more than .. utile, lialanci- the in re nge laken Iroui Hie Inner All that ia net'CMparv. no far iih ncreaae ia con cern', il, in order in make u Inde pi lolertt HitK-tr producer-. to hrm the i lop to a paiily with flax nl i ye." Here we tmte u plea from the hinheat authority for a irrenn-r .-i re-iiti- ..I iiKiii- liecik, an iiuthorilalKe lemiiiiil lor more uaal l.eeia; pioof ol (he need lor them; a-ul that if we had I licm ni would l"a freed It. -in tin- "loleiull dolllllllilloll" of lh- miKiir miirkei. We do not know much ulmut the 'foieinn tl"llillli! I"ll." althollKh We doll). I li. tin r the dominant influ ent c in thi- present pii(- will la found anywhere iiitnlde ..f New V'.ik i lly Hut we do know Hi" inllueii. reaponHllde for Ihe treineiidoiia re diiclton In tin- to ,cuKe of .ii:nr la-.-tf. in Hum coiintiy till" year Thai In- llueiice w.ih mid la the iiiinpaian made hv the Staiidput tiepuhln all pally. An waa Hie ciijo it h wool Hie people wen- told that III.. Ileluo Cl.illc lurifl poll. V Would Wie.-k the uaar In el IndiiHiry: that Hie lni" would ail '!"' ami Unit the I.e. I KloWela Would lil-cotllf po ,r j A I'. I of ire.laloUK fa i in. i la lieie.l thai wild I. .Ik; )nl a it lot of hln e. liruUlTn lielie-d ihe wool talk. A I..I of taimeii, cul ounar li.eii out of their fartiiN thiM y-ir I.e. an-' they were scared ly i he I ;-n,-ll.-i n campaign io.e. J. ml ut a ..t of Hlo-ep OWIICIH were N-al'-d illlo ta llltl llieir heep in an off inii ki-l l.y 111- aaitu r..u dope. lie. tilt: Th.-xe I .riiiiTu who have I.e. in ihia .'all are iteliina H' h out of the "ltd l.-ei. J usl ua tlioKi-Nhei-p ow m rh w h-i had eeinie etiouuh l.i hold on to their nl p or lo Imy nmre have arown rich In ih" inom proi-perotia wool aeaaon nn record. lu our o n Kepul'lictin lale plat f..i m thia year we are tirawly u- tired thai Hi- I l letitf pol i.y haa "ruined Ihe niaiiir la-el In iluatiy' In .New Mexico and aloi.ped "de clof-men' of j great a;i'U of our luida ." In the lite HI of Una authoritative taieinent, iriven cul by ihe aouice of all reliable Inlormali n nn Ihe :-uaur I-ua til an It diia look na If Ihe al.iiidpal K.-putill' aria nf New MeX li o had gone out nf their way I" make Ionia ,,' themaclvea and hud then made a dciperatc effort to prove I heir f .,oli..iirii la It likely that uny of the he t lirowiri who iint growing I. ecu n il I hat all) aheep nw tiera !. i -l-l llieir aheep lurauae ,,f the liepiin.l can cuinpatgll d"p will Hpl-clate more nf ihut do e under preai rt cnnjillona? IN Ull. I'ltIM ls. AT I.PI'vt'KHvl K. In moving f"t handaoine V. M. t. A biilltllng, ia gimply keeping Itg plata In lh piocesaion ut aoulh . . " . I I. 't .Ut'NII in iiUti ,i In. in V M i A. I.llll.llli. . gn nr.. i . i . I 1 1 1 1. iui.1 tn.w and h i f f "X I f A .. toil.- the lemilts liriim i.h Wfc V J I j V V Sw. 1, 1,11.. I III . it lex III AH,, I. li. J. po " k J b, tha k J V v.' e .tit wttti a m. nk V M I' A In. i, of file daxtl the IllitKliit I' lit li !', II. Ill W.I tealietl und II I I i K ia ii ml' l w.i' at mom n In ''-II tla' . i :n i ie -i ' i. in i, the !ii'i". of Ki. I.. Ii acrlhed a total .f 1 1 ;'" -'ini. dollar of vt tin h i- 1.. i... I'H M I' A l.ii.l.liin ikl.i h .ma i it v i Jut i nn fe lltlU Ihe Millie kind of tin l.ation Hi ii in being mail Ii r in. . i t V !' V p. r r i ti i'. I r a ahirlwlml V M The "iklahoiiui I'ltv lo I. nil. I a IH. a, .nn ' A camp; I. 'in. h ti, 1. inlil, ii,: i, ii il.'.n I 'IT d to lii-.' t !li- mo'n or Ii It ,i i IK l.i In .ilia I'lty In i'-'.i in I '.I I I IV tafe w ill lie Nll- tl.-iya I 1 1..,: . (I I and with this ' it it I l.e pint tew y "h nt r It' an i..iiall Niif" proph'" )' lliat Allnniui r-tue will la- lull..- at. in . cnf-fiil -i il-. i atoi.lii;ii in Vol 1'in lr ll tin- I ik I.. In. iii i ill. h,'i lain I Corn Still King and X X a Su;ar Prince. X f t I'lom l.cttlie. With ui.'.'ir In the nciiililu.rhiiod ol ten centa a pound. Ihe Ignited hlalca ia form-talc in 'la-tina .1 miliNtitute in. ule lioiii our Kreatetl Nt.i-.le corn, liver ".a.tiiia.ntn, IhikIh U of corn were lined l.i nt year In producing m. r snti. ihiii nun ,..iiinN of c r u ia and stat ih. font umtr In nl no nwecl aa . atie Hiiatir hut u eiiually nutr iIouh. Ii-nn lilMI in;- In Hie ijnf f Nt i. c III- HatiH, atitl very mu.-h theaper than catie or heel The par.ilyaia ol the teiigar ti.ilUNirv of Kuropt- t.y the great war Aiil i-r.alu. i- it wtiiM-wu.-M'urc'tv of fiiaar, hut with our eriot iiiona y li lil of corn la lull aack u.o t the. I'liiletl ytati-M tan atTord to ,xp..rt larai tiiaiilitie-4 til cane Htit-:ar, and till hao in turn ami corn V r it or yltn-oae. ,o chcutiHta -all it, a rt-N.r.e In help aatiNfy Ihe tiathe tie maii'l. X Hernandez Proves J Convincing Speaker X (From the Knrniingt Timea Hustler i . are nn a!. nl hat It. (' II. t-liiimli-x v ihiI'-iI ll.U cniiiitv. We arc amiy that he waa in. I greeted with liell'T iiiidn-ncea. Mr. Il'-riiaml n ho t un In u i n lie pleiiNant gentleman, 1 Ho- inajoi il v nl nn. Ill i II ll I ' lala that he l-'eiaiiKNon ua a ip . atate III colivl'e-.-. I nti.tif n f in a n n o unlit not ,i.!.i,, re.HCIitat i V e of till 4'g' it .lax ii a t ii i.-. I III 1111 " flcrend Hddkfc "a" the ar Imlletina either, whl.h inaae t THE BIVOUAC ll"' ,""'"l" " Hn .lifTerent nr ttji? Ttrar, ' '" " u,"e "Ni"ih. J UI 1 ili-' XlLtliU 4 The fliyoine uaeag,. of Hie l.rioiype jt.pi ra;or in spelling the name n: 4 l'rx.'(Tclin t ix. ! 1. 1 vi, i ,t. pronuni.-niion gnen It Tin. muffled iliutn ud r !1 h.i li. et Tue itolilii-r a last tatttm; No umr,. on Kile's paraite ahull meet Thit blave and fallen lew. .in K..iiic K etetiial i ii ill p i ii g ' g r ., u lid Then xileiit tents ale spread Ami i.loiy Kiiards, w th solemii ..uiul. Tin hio ua. ol III., tie. id. No rumor of the fru-'g iidvunce NoW NHelly upon tin. "lliil. I No troubled thouiHii at iiiuliiigh: ha una I if loved ', ties left behind; Nn vision of the morrow a atnie The warrior s ilre.itii ularniH. o ..ia., liu horn in.r teaming life At dawn xli. ill 'ii II to nrrns. Their hlvereil sworda lire red with rust, Their plumed hats are bowed; Their huliithty aanm-r 'railed In duat Is not their inarlial shroud. And pl'-'ileoiis funeral fins have w aah'-d The red tains from each I. row And the proud forma, by hatlle g.isheti. Ale lice Ho m unguis)! :mw 1 The neii-'hinK trooi and llashimi '.I ule, Tae I ntlt tirnnx lilast, The limine. Hie dle.nlllll . .Hill. .11.1.1.'. The dm ami lioiii ar pai-t . Nor win a wtlil note nor glory's i-eal .-shall thrill Willi lone delight Those lut asis that to v ei more m o feel Tlie i.ipiuie ol the fight. Ki-si on. i in I ai I uietl ami ..ii.tttl deail! lit-ar as Ihe Moott you i:ae. No inii'ious looi-.iei here shall Head The h' rlinlii- ol '.HI Klior; Nop rttii 1 1 )our fcloiy m lolgnt Where abr proudly lee pa. .'I Honor pol-i.s ihe 1. i! n veil spui Where ulor proudly rl epa. Von maiole rniustrela vmcelcaa al' lic III deathless aong ahull tell. When many a . in. -rod age haa II.omi. The story how ye fell. Nor wreck, nor change, tinr winter blight Nor Time a n iiiorseleaa doom, .-hall dun on,, ru, uf glor s ln-ln. Thai ymir ileutlileaa i-nu Theodolt i i It il a. Kor a mild, euuv action ol the bow els, try I 'oaii a lieguleis. a modern luauliva. i.'"' ut all amrea A new hunting bc.-kit for Howera ia provitleil with a s..;iir to .five-il aater dripping on caipits. tlermuiiy txponcd metal fllnment r lei trie lain pa of a value of 13, '-.''"' una In the first lour iiciuhs this year A novel li ver operated va. until Mushing mnchliie can tie fustelied to Hi aide of any uiutlonary laundry tub. I I V null fi,i it ' j I I In a caiiii.'tii"! Mil I.l w I .1 I I- j 1T ' ' " 'K" "" " V'r "' Hi'-'ll mtend to realgn. lit i nunilem O-- II Ml!t W II XI I'll C. KI.V aa ,u. Il . Ill pll-iliil c not lo t -elK 11. I.-N T I 'ally S Vllt H'V in Ihe ill.. lid I lid .'..iiw to r ian ',' - O -Vl liV WH.I.' I ll. i"NK MnllK flfoil In reform the old gang tlzuled, what? o tt'KI.I., WKI.U rrformng Hun .mud in ii hard Helot in, ..a nii.'lit !!!. in long ami time in tleetniri. - O - IT M V V In- up lo Ihe In inoi rain anil Hit- ". in to do the main part ol Hie joh alt.. all. - o - Kin iKS I. IKK Kly had linali) aiioptetl that la In Hie cruel haiiy t.irineiit Ic't on hi door aup. AT THAT It'll l.e jm-l aa eiicy to neat Kly and IiIn Infant ua any othei . oiitl.iuat :ou the Ntand patiet.t tal put up. AMI Ari KIl Al.l. Kly and hla tin lortuu.ile. if Innocent infant deserve a ceitaln itic.iNiire nf Hmpaihy. THKY KI' up ll M 1 1 net II plenty hartl in. .imh without parading t.o- Inlalil " iloiimet alile pediaree l.elore the pop ulace. Till'. H. 1 1 1 Infant lik ii III. el milt. made ii holler Ai I'.N'liKIt our KtlNcian law no body inn be Municd for handling all ililant li,. pttl up In a libel huh with xt i me c.i re. O 'l.l'l HATTI.K lagea HISK In Mellte" hi ullilie. Iirilli New MeX- I' u puncher wuiild put it, finiti li'll to i.reaktaal o AW TIM K New Mexico glrla lire not tin to due: Huh' HlllNhoro A-l-xocnie ii.i.h Miaa I'eurl Uitham made a llvini- trip lo tSiAcr t'uy ami ba- a iKai i ih, a week. o IK fiil'N'T Vn HKKN'STi illl-'K eep- on miking hla unolll. nil title will he... me ll.irinttorin. WITH TIIK nllVlurs result that II ntuallv will liei-ome bralnBlol nl. - O - 111-. I; N.-'Ti 1 1! KK, fardeii and Kua tent Kcv ull ahow a dlNpoaitiou to get loo gay. They're due lo leuin ihat it do'-Mi'i pay to have to ull filed much lo au. WRI.I.. I HIl.lHtKN', who uniting ua ...tli call f,pc! I'taeiny Hi '' I I he New Vilk Wi.rl.l -ipella I'lcmnvd Tli,. K iliMia City Join mil apella II I'lelliNl I. Mr No.-ili Welwter an Id It wis to he applied ua in our original iiiichIIoii. We're lol ilipputillK hla all! hoi It y or In Ameilca In b aneezlng it. Mr. WcliNii.t- unh It i-hould he proriouni d "l'she-inislil--y ' with iheucte-it upon Hie "I'she " At leust he In o iiuoied. I Sill, e he Is not here to defend himself, will not miike the atutenient ipf . mite. This tiis. iission, while entirely j in aileiiil.'. ha" i pertinent interest in 1 1 nonet Hull with the events of the da ' las any well unwilled Austrian will tell uu. Tie" riM--, hull I'p in liati. Ilar.w, Hans, ine Kaiser's son He hurried I" obey when he wis oung. Ami all ih. iil.ra that he got Veie to mar, li bruvely and get shot, a iimt the hills and 11 great way off The Allies hi- .1 liana' head piece olT TIIK KFKI ' T of ihe war on rirand pera la a. r ., is; but for the grand ii pern deinin I- of moat of lis It will prove be led i I It will allow I'nruso unit h more i.iiie to airig into the ai.ipliophoin MU8T OK I S lake our grand opera canned, win Hut we like it best that way or nm M iHT a-- l -t do. A ,MAN IV MiiNKTT. Missouri has lual In i n ml .lined Ihut he is heir lu all esiaie of I..II.UIJI) In (leriminy. Hut he doesn t ktnw whether I lie prop eity ! ii present tie Kotliiule. Hi: 1 1 ,i "I...I.I ,- hitvc trouble getting far with t al the Missouri hank. - O AT TIIK I i A T K of a thousand kiileil per day, lher will I -a iini,. a Im "f Inlii-i it. Hir e law bualneau In Her tit.uiv aoon. o- T. I SAV nothing of England. nK OF TIIK moal popular of re- .ent sentimeulal ballades will be aung at the Kim' show Innight. It Is en- tilled; "Mother I ha fugar eing la t mptv and I cid must lake his enffee sttaight.'' TIIK TIKil'llMC hna Iwen to flul memiMT, of tha cuisla who rarea enough for a drink Ilk coffee to put the proper aeiiilinenl into It. rril'NT authoril). Hutch. r W I' A HI Nil K.N. sava un probably la Amsi.iduin mithi; It Ida will Im recelvad until hep temhrr 2lth for tha stork of liter i han.ilse located corner Kmirth and t'etilral, known aa tha Model Coin- imny. Addreaa all blda lo Ihe First Havinga Hank ft Truat Co.. t,ue, N. M , Trustee, Tiuslea re- aervaa right to reject any or all blda, Ureat 1 rials ot rlislory TIIK Till . Ol' Mil HVnl-slI H A Till Al that created all unusual n 1 1 1" ii n I of excitement in Kua la ml in I "to, was that nf Fran cis Iteiij.imin ('nurvoUlcr for the murder of Lord William Itusn II. a ami of tlie Mur-iiila of Tavislock and l.ady Klotalielh Keppel, tl.iiialitt r nl the sco ut -:.ill nf Alhemaile. The lauill' seems to have been unusually utifoitutiaie for laird William's latlii'r ua killed by a fall from hla holse, i ml his mother died of gr i f nmn ,i' terward, u martyr tn her affectlun 'or llir di tea--eil lortl, t'tiurvnlsli-r was a unlive of Hwitxer land. Hie ami of a farmer. At Hie nn of ;"i he Went to KllKlantl, where lot several veara he a, ted ua fool man, n lit finally entered the s-r ice ol lltissell, where he was I hen, o-i the morn, iik of Mi. . s4u, h'a lotd--hlp was foiintl murderetl In his bed. mulct cll'cumstalice-a that led to the coliiiil.l tal of Cool, mslcr on 1 1 tu I for the crime. The truil wua comiiien. etl al the central criiniiinl court. U.I II. nicy, on Hie morning of Thuiaday, .In tic 1 7, I xlu. and terminated oa Kalui.l.. . evening. The coiiiih'-I for the pro-e-ciition, Mr. Adolp.ius, stated lo I't' Juty Dial Hie ! 'eased nobleman was i.l yura ol age, ami thill his hoiis llold consisted of two female erv.ints und a valet, who lived In the h use. ami u lon.hmaii Htid groom, who lived on Hit outside. He said that tin day pre' e.lrii Hie murder the v ! Ilin rtis at his usual hour ol 9, went out. und spent his morning us usual, leav ing several messages with the pris- u-r. Ilia lordship returned to oiu in r ua usual, und shortly ufterwarda retired to inil. The next morning In- wua found dead. j The leai lied counsel then deiuiled the i li cuinslam e of Hie piistuier having fotgotlin to send his lordships cut riagi to llioiik.-'s cluh 'loiiNe, us he hail been told to do. He next ti lled the til tent inn of Hie Juty l.i how (hint's wele distributed about the in i.. to Indiiate that robbers had fomuiitled Ihe crime. The next ails pit ioua ciri'iimstimi e vaH the bioki-n state of he bin k door, to who h the Prisoner had poi'ttcd as the p;a'c where the thieves entered. ither damaging evidence waa the nhseiice ol the lord's wilted, whl.h wua seveial days afterwards found under suspicious i ir iimstarii es, us wua a tii-poiiml note whn n belonged lo the inui'.let. d man, and which w is found mi sii-rioii-ly loini-aled l! waa brought ut th.- trial that the pris oner hail . -in In i iietl of his e it-id .ml that he was Potiy that he had uci-epleil the osilii.ll. alihoiigh he hail bi-'-n uu eiuployi. of Lord ICuse-l Tor only five weeks. K.-r a ci.lisnlei a!iH time of the trial It looked ua If the prisoner was to he acquitted, but a new and important piece of ti'si iiin.iiy was lorthcomin-. that of Mrs. I'lolaipe. Hie wife of u It ' t-'n in hm. in. who kepi n plate of en- I'Tlai-imelil In I i ester plate. Iitt doii. who slated Unit I 'oiirv brought o her Imusi. for aufu kc piini tuurit:tv of plati. ,v hi-h was provi .l to be Ihe property ol I.nlil W'liliani Kussell. I'poti hearing i.f Ill's testrnoiiv the Prisoner confessed Ina guilt Mr. !'hillii. tin counsel for the prisoner, in spite of the l.i.l t.iat he knew "f the confession, whl.h was nm known by the Jury und only to a very few persons, delivered a morr brilliant ami convincing spe'-.h In defense of the n cuseil in ull.. h he point d out clear ly that tin y hail no proof of the prls- in l guilt, und that It w ia a case i ircumstunces iilom- on who h tae wii- nessea ugul:isl the accused had given test imony. The elTccl of tills speech upon Hm Jury- whii hud pruitlcully been iori cincetl of the guilt nf the prisoner wus to muse them healtate on their verdict for it full hour und a half. 'J'ne llillilt me of th,. learned gent lem. ins address wua very visible ,,n aloiosl eveiy pei son in the court. i-everul witnesM'-a were then called for Ihe defense, who testified to the prisoner's good chu ruder. This hav ing cloaed the evidence, the court ad journed lul a iiiurter of an hour, and nn the learned Judge-, resuming Ih r aeats. Lord t'hlif JiielUe T litlal pro ceeded to aunt up the ev idem e, whn h he did to great length. The Jury returned u rdlt t nf guillv mi Sunday, July .1, :ta, Id V Mr. Carver. Ihe nrdl'iurv of Newgate, prenched what wus railed the coli demried sermon in the chapel of Niw g.tte. The teXI w is "Job. chupler 14. To Save Eyes Is Hen (ri.Jii-t nf Tl'la I ni I'n-Mrlp-lluit r It ir tour l:i'a t.lvr ou Trouble. Thousanils of people suffer from eye iroiildes because they ilo not know' what lo do. They know soinii good home riinedy for every cither minor ailment, but none lor their eye iroii nlea. They neglect their eyes, be tnuaa the Irouiile la mil aulllt lent lo uilva thein to an e specialist, who would, anyway, barge Ihem a heavy fen, Aa a laal result they go to an optli'lan or o tha live ami imi-yeiil store, and bflell-timea get glasoes ibnt they do Dot need, or which, after be ing used wo or three months, do their yea mora Injury than good Here ia a aimple prescription Ihut every one ahoul.l use: S graiita optima (I tal-M). i iniiMtn Uilif, I'aa three or lour linn a a day to but he the 4-yc. Ili la prescrlpllon und tho simple Oplonit aysl in keeps the ee tl.un, almrpen Ihe vision ami iiii kly oven omea Inflammation anil IrrliHtmn: weak, watr-ry, overworked, tired e's and other similar troubhy ar gremly benefited and oftentimes cured by ita uaa. Many reports show Ihut wearera of gluaa. have dia. urd rd them after a few weeka' uaa. It la good for the eye and contal-ia no In gredient which would Inture the moel aenalllve eyeg of an Infant or Hie aged. Ituppe a lirug Hlora or any druggiat can fill IhU preacrlpl ion promptly Try 11 and know for ume what inil eye lomfurl It, , Zlst ami ;.'iul vcr-es. 'l-'or his eyes ni'e upon the vvavs .-f ni-ut. and He seeth all his ! as. There I- in. darkness or shadow of death wh'-ie the work' i't ol itniuny m.iv hi.p Ihi-iiisi'h es.' " The eX'-'iiiioti of t 'our ,-oisier tiaik pi n i nt an early hour on tin- nilin of M..'nl.i.. J.ilv I..IMO .hi tlie Si: iir.lay I'lii't. Ins exe iitioii lii.. pi is oner another lorn, conies? , on. Whit ll In il- llVeletl lo Mr. 'ul'ver, Ihe ordinaiy, iind Mr. tin -lit. tnimslei t,t the l-i'ii h I'ioIi-i.iiii i hut. i. hi Tlilc.nliii i tilt. Mi. i t. 1. 1, nip. li. A Quarler-Century Ago X X Today in New Mexico. X I Notf'H a In, III t he le I it, "pen. nn Horn Hi.. I , 1 -. I . pti mla r I. P i i. al l.i.r iiit-n nl While 11 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 , 1 1 1 y tin. openinit tlav of Hie t i-t 1 1 1 il i. 1 1 1 I r. Moidav p. ie. ..I. lint a day .f .i ).. i ,i 1 ,.i v woik Kveivbody h.iH I. ecu l.u-v 111 tin tan groutitlH tiiil.c, ti-ci v inn. utip.i'Kibu mill displa . nig i vliiinu ITe-nii in .. . !,,;, jin,i ,c iihli. rnrns , a. 'i-.i..iitM be ii 'itv an tieaVf-iH all dav l.-.'.-ivin e- liliu-.. exhtlilt asiiriutit; "is ..iiil spa nut a ami k.-i pimt d j. mat l.i. e .r as.-iii an .- tti it ii I toy In Kloral hall lb, t'ot I tnluit, a a g.vcN ev ei y i hlntr will move Ma II. It W'liil uu! Ihe fru.l exhibit, is in ch.iu-e ol Tomorrow nt I .! Hit .JM iaH . , A '"'iii.-.. j. - ifc a. - v i - - x. THE NAME OF THIS BANK Stands for secuiity, for accommodation and for promptness and accuracy in attending to the needs of its patrons. Even with these features, however, its service would not be complete were they not joined with that real spirit of helpfulness which makes our officers your "rijrht-hand men" at times when you dtiire counsel or artvic? on matters vital to your business. W. II. HAIIfl CO. Fiar ti He at In Tmrl vt ll Kimla. PHONE tl. WIND SHIELD GLA6 PLASTER, CEMENT. SASH, DOORS, LUMBER J. C. BALDRIDGE I.BR. CO. 423 S. 1st St. Thone 402 Figure with us Mouldings and MILL Superior Lumber NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A NORTH POLE ALL METAL FREEZER, COLD, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL. DESSERTS FROZEN IN ONLY FOUR MINUTES. i j ALBERT FABER 213 to 215 W. Gold Ave. Furniture, Carpets, Draperies and Stoves. Ing will mi nr. tiovrrnor IIosk, whu is in ihe city, will deliver the ad.i-a Iro tn tho grand ft a nil. June Mm. re I al Ihe Hi kt t oilu he pirtnlll.g g. li.ipt The W, f. T I', are fuinlshng ftev Ice water at the fair gi minds ua u-anil. Tni'llmt' .ai pi-i grotto has heen at ranged In its usitil tastv munnt-i', I'm Kli-tl ll. lwig la an aillst. Jake liniloli ti has his tun. I tic- -orated in Ameriiitn llaus ami in Iph ml p.. 1 1 lot '-in even has red, while and blue li-inoiiide fr sale. linn John s J. W. liver ol iiirioatl of tlnc for aalc. I a lnim, purlin r ol t 'ol. Ilaioii Is hen. with a Jel lt y t OWN W III. ll IIIC At)Mi.iier.iie g'ti-i a welcome To all tlioso w h me to In the lestit.,. h,niH and s. i nea if Ihe Ti i r II ot nil lair. Herald dlinea. want. I llnea I tirnaa I Phona I. tleil Hart. Ill W. nnfpar, for flrat-rlasa hnk and aairiagaa. W. U Trlii.bla A t o. Acute Articular Rheumatism Tlit fiivt rniiPp of rttMinmUtn l un kiiowti, iittikli It 1M rally Iifl In lflii n an fli't-M til urlt m Id In lit I..m.. It tHM V Iih Hi no nt Mr 1 1 It ftoil t rutli I loll Ih rnttlHtly lm tn-Hti fnutiil ll U A i'ino Mi ml atfn. In (Hi t Utf Ittt-iHltir ( rltu-iioitl-m iliw iimt ih rr Mit Iml fen drniyt feiih h ih Imhi ktiM-n tnitl. In Hm liNixti f ixi niis.-rv r ur nitl IIihi '. iinitt til Hit lift I ' II IIWHll Mh thv II I t'll 11 Mll lrl uii ; ol In-r Ini vi Imitnl I Inf MID1 fi'liii'ily l llf m Mlf-rxt tll-tlIHtl(tln-t All 1-hVwt- i-iNii-a Iihwh r i.rt i I tint rvt r iiuiiinil f I r mi in nl Im utili t I i.v tin H'liiitnui rm Inn i.f 'iih rnwly to rHtti Uih mii niul ijnlfi Uih t-r ii nyit-iii Mini -r W r h ImiMih r tlf HMtaHf. lllf ll t h M I Hit 1 1 I m( irl- tUlotor wtou lit hni Ann KhihiiIh 1 -ih lft hIiomIiI lit kUkii -r (fff im-i oi ir nil thT fHIIIHilO'ft for lift M IM f I.f lit. .ni III ml litrni-j nf rlo'itiiin! t -fit I lift- tNlil-t i' nn Im ptirotiRMiMt in uny Mtmntilv. 'I Iih ai Hio uii-iiti.iiMl In lo'N'iMrhfi. hnuittitfltlB un l nil ulii. Ak tor A K l ullt ta. 1 - 4 I i am f -a a ( KF.RIM.riS MTMP HALI.UP UJMH 41A1.I.IT K.XJ ANTHHAriTK. Al.l. XI.BJI KIN 111. IN' 1 AND MII.I. WOuO IIRK'K AMI nSTICItlMll I.l MB a anta m biticK on Sash Doors, Evcrytliing in WORK & Mill Company Thoroughly Well Mad Practical and Serviceable Low Priced. Easily Operated. GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION One Quart Size. . .... Si.50 Two Quart Size $1.75