Newspaper Page Text
TIIE EVENINO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. W , THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1914. riva REPIIIC1 LEADERS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY GO OVEO TO THE DEMDCBATIG PARTY Adolph P, Hill, Democratic Candidate for Corporation Commission, in Three Great Meetings, Swings Whole County Into Line for Ferusson; George Sena, Dis trict Court Clerk Announces Himself a Democrat; Legislative Candidates Certain of Victory. Fnni.i Hiikii, X. M., Sept. 23. The l'Cllli.l l.illl i lllll pUlp-l) I" illllllllltlpe inuni i. pencil line la at night It one of Ui(. in. .xi i initr kitl.lf political meet ings ecr ! I In thi county. Kiev, it ihi'iirr. where the tm-fi iim was liibl, i kril in ih- in hear Ail..l l !'. Hi. I, whom ml.lrcpa was l.ini.l ,iv iikiii iiimh ti. hundred pen. I'll- In I In-. amc hull I.imi w... k. II. I'. Ileimimlris, f ), ( .iii.i mi candidate for I'liiiKri-m. atul I'luu-il i1;iii jJrn atnr Tin. m. i lii.-iiiin i'aii..n ppuke til tin an. heme uf fifteen ! i 1-. ,y it. tu .1 uillll. Mr 11:11 came hi-r.- frmii I'mrm ile I. una mill Anton Chun, whirr he nd almnri the mile p.ipulat i.m I hi.ih i.n-i tiiilx in iim kick! meet ing dlllin Hi.. ila. Mi- mm roln 1'iiMliil in I'uiiiii li I .una mill Anion t'liic.i l.y J hi ii J. (,iii, v, (, ..preppix i i iiihIiiI.iIk fur ill., in Ir.nii Iris hull 1. 1 Uii.iii.iiui.r mill h.i n Mniuei cniiiillep. who hn been in. I.. I kimI hy the 1 1 nun r.iu "f lhin i iiiiiiis .in. I who lum iiiiih.iiiii 1 1 hi- Mill ...m I Mill' lil iilh-mamr in I hi- mull adminl-tra- whnh hi. .iiiii-. on i.r. ml, ilm Iiiic I hi- lapt . hi i.r Hi.- li Kinl.iiim. t'limiy, one uf the ptmni: men ol thin i.uiily, linn mil linn. . mi. i-il thi, ht will :hi. l-niiMritii' admin iHiinlit.ri, l.i.ih st.u,. mi, I national AIhu wiln Mr. Hill wi-rc It W i-. .mi., can didate f..r l he li-KUhiinri, (i..m liund l !-. T.. 1 1. !,, unit Haiti K.. . ll -, uml J M. I 'Hi-hum i .ilnfiiltiti fur III.. I' 1 1 i, III IIiIm i utility. T ' 1 1 1 :il ..II. i.r ihr I ii til. i, r. II li plate ,eiimr . -. iii ii 1 1 1 -. . .ii-.,, incm bi i i.l l he parly. SPEAKS TO T T Democratic Candidate Re-! ceives Ovation from Voters Gathered at the Annual Quay County Fair. Tin iiiiii nrl. N. M. -i l. 24. A. I'. Hill, In ..lli- i" fur th' jlnl.' ri iiur.iiiun i'i!ntiiii.iii, wn 1h irnii-l i hi I Miu'jiki'r .it a uMMt ui- IliilMj ltl-liliK ll.Tr IiimI timht Mhhh W'.in iiltriiiluil hy -utt-ti fiutu nil "i l lulu, uf ihip ruiintv. Thr ati n mi I ty un ii.uniy fair i uml. r v ami hiiM (liawn Iiiiko i ruwdi. Irum all I hi- mirrutiiiilinit ruurnt. Ainiupi in a ii, .in l hi- in, tie vu-itum uml vud-ix , ' Tin llliiriirl lllli lull, I th,. inrcllllK Mr. Hill ...k' fui tirarlv nil Imiir liuldinii Iiih uiiilia n, In rli.n.' ai'rn Hun ihr, , null, nit. , ,l..,t ,,i...ily f .r . f , 1 1 1 v with Kin., mi ii k, ptiv HIM lllllrh uf hi .H u nl. .11 .i thr vital liiiinrtiiiii . u I'ltHting a I N'murrjilt' innjuritv in ihr huiinr ! uriiuld tin h.niilri uf c.uvrrnur MiD.ina'il. up Ihr HARDLY BELIEVE How Mrs. Hurley Was Re tored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ElJoti. Mo. "I iu troutlkl with diipUcetnent. inflammitUoa and fvmai I wi'tmrirM. tor two yoari 1 could nut und on my f t tong at time anil I could not walk two block without en during cutting and drawing- pain down my ritfht aide which incrvaied every month. 1 hava been at that time purtilu in the fare ami would walk the floor. I could not lie down or ait uil aoinrtiinea for a day and a night at a time. I waa nervoua, and had very little aitprtiUi, no ambition, nirlnjicholy, and often full aa though I had not a frit nd in Uie world. AfU-r I had tried irwwt evi-ry frmale rrmedy without tuc cr, my moUiur-ln-law a!viaid me to take l.ydia K 1'inkham'a VrR.-tuL.le t'ompound. 1 did aa and gained tn trt-niftii every day. J have now no trou ble in any way and hii;hly praia your rnrtlii-ine It advurtiiwa iUrlf." Mr. H. T., tldon, Miaaouri. RemvmU-r, thn rrmrdy which did thi waa l.ydia K. I'inkham'a VeprrUble Compound. For aale evrry where. It ha helped thoueanda of w,mien who hava been troubled with diaplace iiirntn, inflammation, ulceratiun, tumora. irrepjlarltiea, pvriodic pains, iiackaclie. tliat bearing down fwlinfr, Itiilirntion, and nervoua proatration, aftrr all otiirr mean hava felled. Why don't you try it T Ly-lta K I'inkhain Medkiu Co., Lynn, U wa. HI GRFA CROWD AT UCUMCAR 1 The meeting here was enthusiastlc frum Hi., beginning. Thr I X'liun ram party hi Ml rertuin of euccepa in I he runny thla fall n w hat h r tofurr fin a hern u very iluulnful muniy, nnil Mr, Hill delivered an address whnh brmmlil Ihr pnthiiHi.iNin tit fi'M'r heat. Then follmwil a ilrvimillc im blent: licurKc Si-ini, h rk nf the ill-ti n I rouri h ml fur years one i.f Hip strong est Id , III. In an tH In this pert loll i.f the pi ni-. arnar an. I In a fnrcelul speech renounced hut allegiance m Iht- im party, pI.iIiiik thai h niiw .iiii,hi-i1 l,, hli-nnry huiiK. If tul!y will) tin- In iiiiii-raili- l iny in all Im ii livilli' ami that hi- u, ir .iifi-U tn On all In Ihm piiwi-r fur It Hui-' t-Ho. Thiry-Mie ni her iirmnlni'iit lt-,iilili-i iinn nf ihi ami nihi-r prrrlm i fnl li'Wcil Mr. Kcna in hl ilf-luriitlnn, In rliiilini ln.ii I'nlilu AriiKiin, rmhiy yi-iira uf UK.- iin.l n lift- Iiiiik ltciuhii uiii, who a iiiiiuni i-il hi won Id lhr.. hl xiial llillili-nir in ht In iil in rut In the iinniiix -! 1 1 i . Hi' . uiiiiiuiiiiIh a lurid, f nlli.w iiik .iiii.iiiM li.nh ihi i.ld ii ml yuiiim im n .f ihe i iiilnl) . I(n iiiuii.l.i H'trrixiin, i n tit v lii tiiu i rntli' i hiilrniiin, w hu r i al ' h tni eliiiu. u i n i u ii - in Hi i liim thai tin-re mi hiiiki-r ri'iiiiiiliiil any ilniun uf Ihr I'll" 1 1. .11 i.f Ihr I i u.i.l i lu lie , i.un'y l.-iiiiiluiivr llrki'l, mnir Ihr inunly wuutil Ku alliluM uiiiiiiIiiiuiiI fur t ullei, Clancy ami I'luaaua. Hr ,rriln iiil ii miijiirltv lur Mr. l-'i-rtui"-nun uf nmrr Ihnn inn Kulluwins thr iiii-i'tlhK th. nil l -ilJtH u-iil ih. Im-iiiui i.iiu- -uiiiiiiiltr' irniicrnl Mr. Hill, Uii.iii.' r'rn.i and hia hanj uf f iilliiwi-ni a haniu-l. iH'iiiiirrnin- iiuij.irliv in Ihr luwrr huiiHr uf ohKri'pK linn ilih. ld thi IiiiiiIh uf I'ri'piilinl Winn n. 1 1 In ad ilruHH in. til- a must 1:ivuratip lnirt'H uluii ii ml T I'. I inviilMiin and utlur iruiiilnrnt luml In- I.iln tin Inn- Hint Iiih lull h.iri Miaii-iiiitly atrriiK'li lii'il thr I iriiiui rat ii' niMtiuii In all iiln-aily niiuiiiily I 'rinuiratio ruutity. Thr fair hire h.m lir.ll 4 hlK 'mi Thr illphlayp uf liumr .rulint ii ir Hiili-mlld ami hIiuw that (jna) ruunty furmi-fM nut only liaxr hml u vt-ry !r.fn-i,iuH yrar lull that tlu-y :irr l.ii'iilly ri-m Iiiiik n liawin i.f rr miinnt rurrit . MAJORITY DFTHREE E Hill Advises Democratic State Committee of Success of Opening Campaign in Doubtful County. Santo Ke, X. Sr.. it. The ptatr I iriiiu, rmli- hrailyunrti ra thIK murniiiR Ravr nut the li-xt of a Irlr rain Irum Adulih I'. Hill, Drnio-iruth- iiilulldulr fui lilt'., lute inriio ratioii rummiamon. Ill which Mr. Hill r-inrtM on thr uf the t amliiiiKii in In m;ilii.i. cunnty on the Jim an, I Hint. Mr. Hill atniep that Inrar inrrlnihta wer.i hchl ai I'lirrto ilr I. iiiiii uml Anion I'hico uml that at Kama llnw on Ihr ninht ul Ihr .'lid more than riUU nlri nf li-mlril thr merlliiK. U.urkr 1-Iia and thlriy-nve ulhcr ir..iliinrnl Ke iuhlcun Irailrra. In aiiitra, nn imunrrd their alli-Kinnce to Ihr llrln-ocrutli- purty at Huh iiiiiliuit He I uiii'liulra that the entire 1 )' tli krt will reirive no) . b than 3"li majority In liiailaliiie cminty. Mr. Hill w .ia al Tuc turn arl lual nmhi. DEBATE MAY BE HELD IN SANTA I'E BETWEEN CANDIDATES Thr K.i n In K Ni w Mexican of lual nlaht tui: A nrw . I.i n eiiKKrviril lud.iy mi thai all u the camliilali'M for cunarriui may hale an iiiiortiuiiiy to imriul pile In a ilrlailr, la to hold Ihr ppcei-hfrat In Wnnia l-'r upon ltr.n ix'iiUit i II. II. t-'ertriiKonn'a return from WaahinKloii. It wa aiinK-Kteil ao'mo time ami t" hold thla dchaia ilurina the atalr fair, but I'rrelilrnt uf thr fair, who la alau chalrmuii ul the lit-iul.irun atatr irnliul ruin-InilH-c, aulil that he did nut ieHrve In vrnrerlim the lulr with pulitii m ami that It would be lirat to iiro, Ihr lilru, Mr. Kly la out of the rity lu d.iy uml hia vlrwa nil Hie plan t" hu'il the ilrhate In anlu Ke cniild not be am i rlalnrd. I' ram ! '- W II m.n, I'marrftxlve candiilaie fur cm arena, exprrMd warm approel of Ibr lilea uf hulilini aiK h a Ueliale III rtan la Kr uml will wrlionir the u.p..r tuhily to iliNiiifw the luam-a of the campalRn with Mr. KrignaHon, 1 1-liemiH-ratlc nominee, ami with II. ' lleriiiinih I, ihr Krpulilicun i iindi tlule. Kerlln (JiM-tnre hava named a nrw dioraar "lano foot" and uilrlbuled II to I liul Uaiu w. HUNDRED HOMES IN INDIA EXCLUSIVE rMtqntr Can Never Hope te Enter Heeldeoeea ef Bait Indiana foe Any Purpoaa. London. There are two thing im forvlirner In India, not even Kmperor Oootve, can ever hope) u do fine U to waJk with the pllerlm through th Lion Gate, pant the prhwta and th dancing glrln, to the ehrinn of lb "Lord of the World." which aland on th Ulue Hill at l'url. The other I to enter an Indian home. It la not at ail certain that the former la not tii aalor of the two, although no white rVX"' " ' -He '("-' .'"-I, a ,i if . ' I i ; i :. Le- '.U J V "-'-.1 ' L' Primitive Natlv Life In India. man hna ever done It and livid, al though a rrcnit viceroy vainly offcrc! a lakh of rtip.-ea to bo rpi-tit lu purl flcatlun crremonlca If ho would onlj be permitted to cuter the famoua auo tuary. The Indian home of the better ao1 haa no crowd of fanatic prliut and ptlgrtma to guard Ita entrance, yet tu tbo foreigner It la almoat aa (-ITcrtuully barred. One may form warm friend hip with Indian geiitlcuien of th new acliiHil In Calcutta or Itomhiiy nnd even eat at their huuara. If caate pruju dlrea are eluatlo fnouRb; but to croai the luuur court aud enter the llvliif quarter of the Iioiiho, which are ra cred to tho fumily one might wlII ciptH-t to fly to tho iroon. A few white women who have caul their lot with India und v.oa the con fidence of the native am welcomed "behind the purdah" Miaa Margaret Noblo ("Bl!er Xlvedlta'') waa our ol three. Arain. many Kuropiuns are t tertalut-d by "Ilrat nion." ua tbo cul tured inetnhere of the llu Istle llrahmo tainaj are calbd but thr hotuea of these WeateruUed ludluna. di lUlilful aa they are, an not Indian home. To tiie atrauger lu India, and in till rune al hut the ludlau theniaelvr Will forever reinaln tram'--, the na tive botue. with all Ita alien way. U I'ke an unknown country, niyalerloua buffliiiK and Inflnltt'ly provoking tc the curious WOMAN DOCTORS ARE HIT London County Council Ooeldc Thai When Thiy Marry They Muat Quit rvle. London. Th London County Cnuu r.n decided that women doctor muat retire from their service If they mar ry. These queatlon aroeo on the ao polntment of three women doctor In th public health pervlce. The coun ell In such apiHiintmenta inaiata thai women shall resign on murrlagn, and aaluiilar condition waa Included in tin case of the three new appointments. Mlsa Adler and Miss Willaa. both progressive mo tubers, supported the auieudmrnt. Mlsa Walla urged that th council needed women of experi ence, and Mlsa Adler said It would not only be wlae to have murrled women doctor but also married nurnr. W o men could organize nowadays, so there waa no great four that wage would be reduced. I-a1y Rt. Heller, the only woman member of the municipal reform party took a view directly opposite to that of her two progressive colleague. The council allowed women teachers to marry, but she declared she was con vl nc.e J that no woman could do her fluty to her home and family If ah had to go out to work. Husband Charge "Cruelty." White I'luiua, N. V.Auawerlng hit wife's charge of cruelty In her suit fo eparstion. Arthur W. Harbrr din-lan-d that she bad been cruul auto, teaching tbalr two-year-old child to offer up Ibu prayer nlgblly: "God blea piiui aud auak papa a better luan." Impression f Nssa Taken. New York Armless and leglt-sa tnat Klley, ounvlcted on an liuoi cation char-go, waa taken lo the linger prlut room, where au Impression of buj nos waa taken lac Ut rnciirdjs. Fur any Itching sain Double, H'es. rcicmii, aal ihruili, hiven, 11, h. ahl brad, hn pea, acahlrs. Iiiian'p Hull-im-iit Is highly reiuiiinirnlril. i' a bus al all aluia. J rK,4y j7' y"" Stateson's, v y 2i4a w Centrai Ave y f I Th'i Is our idea . f o beautiful foot- V (J 1 Iwear. It's one of the newer patent Colonials f I with Spanish heel vye are showing to women who , like footwear that indicate refinement. . i Of course, this is only one of the many beautiful styles yoi , I V can see here. We hope to have the pleasure of showing you the new Sdz fall models. I L (A L We like to have people come to this store if only to. look. You J C. are treattd with exactly the same courtesy fes I though you came to. buy. You will ulti- J L j mately buy. That we are certain of. . j s J p ' ) By the wav, this is the store that has . vl Jjr J the fatuous Selz Waukenphast and j( J. ; Liberty Bell shoes for children. y WILL ORGANIZE THE 1 11 C. II. WORK General Committee Names Sub-Committee to Aid in lining Up Active Organiza tion of Campaigners. Al Ihr IlleetlllK of the Jirllirul V. M '. .. I'riinii'tlnn l uiniiiii hi hi lMl.l.l .I'll I 1.... II Ul Hie u'ln en ul I'll. Ill lll.lll M. I: ll.rkel. .1 Mill , . illl lll. Ile wap u 1. 1 . i 1 1 1 r-d ,i UiKe U llu' ki I k uf uik. thr y ii i . u nu n ul A 1 1 u. ii i r. t u lulu an aiilM- wurKina ni mi n ix, 1 1 inn uM.iuial the tune when their Hid . II he lii'Cileil jll Ihr elie i .iniliamn l..r luiililtnu t nil. The i :i;:niitce. l utMi.iina ol II. . Cnurn, Ir. .1 M. Iiuuliiilr ami ii. E. I'litney, .ilreaily haa ,it-r.iiigri nu . iiuum a It .1 ii nunitirr uf yuung men .'iul exie-l ulihin a fe Uiiva to haw- i uiiiniitleea ul worit M" ul in i liain ul i he y.nin lui'ii uf A!hn.ticiUe whu ,ne ieail to iiiulileer lur the Selirlii i i mini inn. Their ale ni.ny kIoriiip -,i.w in Mr. i'uiiiiy's Ii.iiiiIk, und all th..-.- whu ex pect lo iiu.'Piit pl.'K'ina In Hie 1 1 1 r t SEVERE PUlilSHMENT Of Mrs. ttappfll. of Five Years' Standing, Relieved by Cardui. Ml. Airy, N. C Mr. Sanli M. peh ol tins town, says: "I lutlt-rcd I'm live yearn wilt womanly trouble, also Uoni.-Kh trmiblc. und my punishment was more Hun any one could tell. I Iried m.iM every kind of medicine, but none did me any good. I read one d.iy about Cardul, th wo man's time, and I decided lo try It tiad not lakrn fct l ah-.ut tm bolllcs until I was ulniust cured. It did me nmr cood than all the oilier medicines I lud tiled, put tofllirf. My friends htsn nkUa me why looked so well, and I l.ld ihcm about Cafdui. Sevcul aie now UKinK it," Ua you, lady reader, suffer from i.iy t the ailments due lo womanly trouble, .-th a headache, backache, sidcuhe. Slct(i"f s;neii, and llut evcjUiliiik-ly tired Icciinc, II so. let u urce you to pive Cardul a Jiial. We feel coniidcnt il will help yoti, jtud as ii a mnlioq oilier women in ttie past lud century. Ii;i'in tnkiriK Cardul lo-ilay. You won'l (ercl it All drury;iit. ',,. a,MioS SlelitiM C , , Di( , l . i,,. Txai , i-tr .4 '- II.., o, ,ogi MM ar.J 4 lM bvtlk hun4 Iismikms ix Imumu. is mh eiwrel. M O. IM YOUNG IB FOR nriieil to net tliem In hefnre Fri day nrteriiunii, when the ion lent i h'e. MiiiniN ill Hum liei. Sluunn1 emeinil in thr i uiiteat fur Ihr t.'ii prre whli h i lunes tomorrow j ii in k poured in on It i:. I'utney Hi in nii.riiitw Hi iiiurniiiK mall in. .10 than ilniililr ,1k mciil prnpni ii,,ii. waa miiile up limply ut the i-lunan i rnili'sl riilriea ami Irum Ihrnn' whiih have hern Inppei te-l it In rr puiti il ihr i til at will pi.iM- n illf f it-ii II i, lie anil that ninny nf the sln- R.-iiij. may ;.mvi. uaefnl ilurmn I he J i nnip.iiKii. Ail w hu eX.e ' t,, enter I all, KHUN In he unleft Inllnl h.l' i mem ni mr iniiuix ul ir i uiney n"i lalrr than tumutiuw tl-'t'u!.iyi aftei nuon at tf ii'clui k. tun lb IHt BEST EVER Secretary Tom Binkert Back from Inspection at Trinidad Declares Allman People Have Splendid Set of Attrac tions. Hccretnry Tom llinkeit nf the atatr fnir rummiKPiuii rriurnril lute hint luiilil Hum Tl nil. I, ul, w hi rr be Kpellt IWu l.l4 illPpecl iiik Ihr Aillllllll lrmh-rr An.einaii l.uninl ahuw-a, Willi whl'h he clunril a lulilnut In appear heir iliiiuiK lair week. Mr. lilliki ll Ii p. .lip Ihr ' (.11111 eli.' I. ul II ; atli-.'i'aM III ppllr ut thr i i.iiuniie.l milit.iry K"M'i niiienl ol the iiin uml phi i uiimiitig i.iuiitry, .hi. I reiuina em Iiiipiiibii. user Hi' ,ni nival cuiiipany, whull he anya la I ne !, pi ever Piuiiahi lo u plule lair "Tina Allman llruthera awicrraa liun in uur f ihr air luaeet uml .IiiiiipI caniHul ul Kunlxuliuiip I li.Hi- rrr et-en," sanl Mr. Hmkert ttit iiiui iuiiii, "anj wr are coiiralu IiiIiiik mil i lc thai IhluiiKh failure of an in i lur cuntiuil wiln a li. 'I lu-1 rump.inv wr weir aiii to ki thi-m here. 'liny have I lie bent lurnitnl huiul I 1 1 i put It la a Kuu.l a Die inn in I, ami uf a llril claea ileus, hap I.r i (.-Ii i new utiifurnip and w-uiKh :.l the. lime. There are three a.-nat miul free a' trait ions, each of win Ii art KHen hul. These III' lll'lr a W in Hi t oil Whli'll ll.r per- furmcr Un a l i 'h a luiht and plui k wire, eoiiirlhiiiu mi- new in wire riuiitH; un H.ipi xe rt-.m! whu l baa aume Ihrllinii UaUiiea In It. and it aailur'a pertniiuaiur in which an in r.. Put n aallur unitirm il.,e re m.iikahle simile on a pIum p iii.lpi Thrw Hirer ai la aluiir urn Wurlh the prli e of ndiniNMlon uiivwhrte. The i iiiiipii .y has ten bin. clean ami vrrv Inti r (,,! (how. riArini Ihr uvual carnival show llnra and aume new features that are fine. Oi.r of the best la a trained pony and dunkey ehow which I believe Is UhheaUihle. There ia n firm cIiipm miiHP'nl cuioedy cuiupiitiv, a ting ami nmnkey show, the puny pel fnrmiiiii e, th freak hIiuw. In which all thr freaks uf the c rill miry rarnivnl are lulle- tr, llluler line tup. Ihr iliviny lrl lire n pr-ciull- iiiiii hIuiw. ami thrrr nrr a I1 uf ulheta. A v.hiile fluek uf l rill 'l-e nil. lip uf Ihr heller china Ku with thr rumpiiny. "I am niilipfinl thin thli i-arntvtl la -.-oiiij Si; Ik- i . I- ii m.i r t Hcrpripi fur penplr ami fair piuri. In nililltiuii tu Ihr Allman pruple Mr lllnkei'l niriinueil fur a live-show .;. any nmv pi. iiiiik It. nnilh'-rn New Mrxli u lu cullie here lllirlng t Ilr full-. Thip ..ill r 1 1 ha i. with II llu famuiis kl inih in,, re. mihI t,, hr tin I ir.-pl hule In (lie Hull, I ACHING KIDNEYS We lUil Tim, Miii-Ii M;ll Wtilcli ) Kiilnel.. Then Hie Hack Hurt. Muni t'.iku furitet that thr kiilnrya. tike i hn Ii.ih.cip. gel pluusiph uli.l iIuukiiI ami nci il a iluphiiLg ociaHluii ulK, el Me wr hale headache a ml dull inipeiy iii the knl, iey ri'Kiun, )rrr' lie.ulii, hep. rheiima.ic IwliiKia. lui pui liver, a' Id atumai li, aleepleaaiiepK ami all pun of r r. Vim pimply nniKt keep M.ur kidneys ftetUr ami i-iean, and thr niumrm nu li an in hr i.r p. mi in the kitlnry h kIi.ii. act nhoiit tuiir i.un, m uf Ja.l Nails fruin any aouil ill us aturr here, lake a l.llileal uulitul in R glaaa lit water hefure brr.iklaal ur a few tlajs and your Milnrva will I hen ait line Thia fmiiuua pallp a made from ihe ai-i.l of lira pep ami li-iiuui Jul, . l.llii'.l wiih IU hla. ami l h.irnil.pp to lluah clunked k.ilm ii ami siimuliitr them .i n-irimil u, livll. It alau m-u-traliitc the a IiIn Hi thr nunc m it no luiiaer irril.itrx, iIiup emliag iil ul iler iliHunlers. r-altii la hiirinirM, itirxpen-'ive; Iniikia a ih Imli'lul efl.r ep. elil lit Ii im - in r drink uhnh evervlimK ahu'i'd lake iiuw nml then In keep then ki'l-n-ya clean, Ihua iivuIiIiiik nrrioiia com pile ut InllP. A wi ll-kiiuw 1 Iim al ilriiKiiiai pji hr hcIIh luta of Jail Malta to lolk whu heirvr In iiveriniiiiiiH khlney truuiili' while it is only truuhlc. CONGRESSMAN WATKINS TO ADDRESS GRANT COUNTY DEMOCRATS Silver flly, N. M. Kept. J I. A fell! nrr of p lal inlereal III Ihr 1'cmiicratic nuiiifv cuiiv ,-ui mn wl-ch will hr helil heir r'uliinliy rvrmns will be un aililirpa by t' J. T. Wut klna uf Lulu, nun, win, la vlanlnu In Hilvrr fity. Thr oiiarepa. man bus coiiM-nietl In apeak on na tional iaeiiea. Thi i-iiiiveuiiuii will iiumiiinle two ciiiidulalrs fur the U-gialal urr whoa vlvilluii is aaauied HOW Ht RECOGNIZEU THEM Youthful Plctur Gazer War Not Im pressed by Beauty of th Facta of th Madonna. An art missionary was giving aa Mbit ion of pictures to a crowd of ael tluiiieut children. Una small boy seemed especially Interested In tho idadounaa and listened attentively to her explanation of the meaning, con veyed by each inclure. hen half a dozen Madonnas had been shown ho cried out eaclledly: "Here another of them Ilka we. v v Lad before!" Tho earliest young woman turned with curpiiae. "Why, did you really l-ecurtiiir li?" she uueslloued. "Yep yet c'u :-ajt -ein every time," waa the prompt response. Tan you. truly!" she queried, touched and pleased. "Sureat thing you know !" the su-all crltlo replied. The art uilaHlonary thought a mo meut, then said softly to bim, "Yea, you are right. You can distinguish them from other pictures. There It a teiidrmees. a beauty, a sort of brood ing mother love such aa you never see anywhere but In th fuce of Mary she looks at the Child Jesus." "Naw, Taint that!" was th dis gusted rejoinder. 'It them ring around their head that gives "em a w ajy ! " n3 Kcw Ecby is World's Ycnder Iry Ifnf rnnWt tt'9 pf r t. wmim und brltthttr. Ami h fvr hr In ita arnvHl mi4 to tostsM isiitl t'uiufurt tlt 'iwtunt muthtT SlrM'Uitl Itl tfiVll mtflletMI. tH iHtl h-i-lul UiiriKH U sn rxin iml mh dornirirtl siffli'-Hli4.ii krionn "MHther' I-rh iiil ' 1 In ri 11 nrft y runiiiiuiittir IhiI ht hnn Un fftthuiuulk tlfiiirr of thlsi iitirhliI ointiruttttlon. It U m Wfll IhuMght of ly wtiiinn tm know that ttumt tlruK ptor.- tlirnunhout tli I nitf.l Mittf erry ' Wut lu r 'm t r nil" t.iitj uf th.-lr till It r luii'.e iftnfl , Jl I u.ipiir-4 to Itiv sttMloniifial inuI tii rrlliv 1141 Imiu on hi.i.i. iitsj auJ tfiiduito, Tim mho h io u-.! It vf.r tA tK H n1 mtnf.-rt t . r . i;.-. ,1 t.rinx tb -iimI of i kih-cIsiik v; thf y artU ulmiir iffir to tho HtM it e uf ium, often o irvitlit a rnut ut tu lutlurul rxn.iiMsin In n Itttt htauk nr (JtrUMt iriur fully ri mny r-4sits why ' M"!h. r Krlt iid" Im b u a friend luii d lu wt.ui villi tlitH ly hifiU, auir-(-wiHHi Bhtl li 1 1 f ir r-rt h ri'fi-ifiii . It whnulij t lu ml h.iue "l.'ttir' krt-m4 aajr Im al uf hIiuini nUf l'afii. hut if ) u fail lu IiimI t( tiiv ti difl mid ! ferli f.-r t4Miv j ii.lfir(l U'aumtwf 4i i-aaiar iiiO inui4, Va I