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THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1914. The Small Depositor is Recognized at this Bank WE extend to htm the Very same courtesy and considera tion that we show the man who deposits his thousands. Systematize your business. Keep your money in the hank and pay hy check United States Depository Depository A.T.& S.F.Ry. State National Bank ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. tr-J !2 .A It 7 ""in.,.. TiJ ui u yj pii I. ("I. .ii.riic lllinrosi- Seller,, I llll-M Hone I'ny I .Mlliliilli. 'lilt') IMlKlll. 2. Jinlm- iriiiriii' iMM'kxlitilii'r I "nila. Mill nllllM- III I In- I. Ik Mlll-.n! OF THE BIG ELK SHflWTOHIGHT Record-Breaking House Ex pected to Witness the Most Gorgeous Minstrel Spectacle Ever Presented Here. I'li'tiH ilv lit x .1.1 i .nirn:, MkV Un-.itil. the 'lli:.l.n ttil! lio- initial n-r trmali-i- i.t tar M. 11111111. Ill Mn:li.l Mn.rt, a till :- IM whl.'h t mi'fM'H III." I l I I y u t I II he ll Willi "N It'll' I i . i-r i -.m'.-i Lite The n-i d fur Ui I III! I. ll r- l-.lkK' II. I Hi'' . HII i.l- ! I I f 'III' III"! il lZhMK ll lUj r.l oi .i.i A I 'him hi i' ir v . ii -i- f it mk. 1m h w i ' III t llllll' III III III I.IHt llli' liilllml pltlHerM Milling In a u I If rix ky ll'llKl- I i.i .1 i ii k lll i vino I. ili-i kril vii' I'.mirp. liiliitu) tin ini IiihI r.idc Ih Mi i lumru. Ti. infill I'M. I K m ill M' .'-I ' uiiliiHira will i.i tin iii't'iiini.iiiknt)i. with Jnu llri'ii lit tin piano, ili.i an Mir in in i !'. tl., n duiii.K nr llllil,. MllciW. Tin- brillla'it Matin full dics i nu llum a w'Ui Ii tin- ii lui' i in i.i n:. ni'urM, run ken the Ural mem: a t Ii in it of lieuuly a lul a J..y forever. Thin Mini I'urt mm I run very long hcfoie hi' .unio n, c Hill ht.irl In iiK Ii i ll x lit lli' I i.llli.l ' I. IIH Senator IwilU' II. H ill Hoi tin ..null in ll i m ill. .it tu kIhiw Him lii In "J lift IIH ll : 111 I1. u a ganclli-," U" 1 limn thin i. ii, the allow Hill kiri' U.i ik litimmiiiic I or Ihu aolnl hum Hiihuiil ii mitijo I. leak, iinlli, in I'lai k lair Inn Ii!iiii huli'l lirt, Ih uii.i. ni. iiui.n, il m ii.Hi.r, In the iluir u ti-r "I ' M.iliinl.1 Wlilli', n H Hh l,lil. I llUHI H t'lilnllll N'l'lii tn il'THSli I lii. iiii:j. in iin rll'.lt ' I'.ll'- iloil. ill Hrctit -tlvi' ii'lilM li nil,. " 'u inn. h h.iii li---ii it.itj uli I'.lka ,,f l.ilv Ih.H tint,. iiiuch tn uil.l, l.ul JllllKltlH ll liiklll Mati' r. III. it'll, til GOOD ROADS GOOD ROADS PROVE BENEFIT Improvtd Hlghri intrti Attend no t Rural 6chool-altatti Ma king Crcatot Proyr. Vhll It la true that vnrloim (arturt rontrltiutH to liifiTami or din'riMai th : attvnilanro at rchixil In K'vn n-rtlotia of I ho I'ountrjr, ll In worth of com , tm nt that In 'ho nt:itn having a b!:h porn iitnKe of Improved romln a tnuth larger l.i rrenln of th atu'lontu en rolled ri'Kiilarly attmul tho arhotiU ! Ihun In tin- plate having a urn all tier- ' reniano nf Imiiruved rnuilit. lu live Htwrn and eleni stain, which have a lurgn mllt-agf of Improved roaln, th Hveragu allemlnnre of en rolled fitiiula In 11I0S 8 waa Ml per cent, mhlli- In limr ouih. rn ktatea and on Dorlli I'StTii Unto, whh'li ar noted fur had roods, thn avrmge, atlendanc or tho aamn yar was 04 iit cent In nr rent In thn good nuidn ulaleg a ttK.iltmt C4 per rent In thn bad road Bluloa. In thn atatea flrnt named if) per rent of Ilia runda haro boen THE MCiiDAH W illlL aliLaWLIJ' J NEWS ervice is Unsurpassed To keep in the closest possible touch with the European situation you must 3 TOC PCIDA! Every Day ... . .duuA"; No Fake News, But Authentic, Complete, Reliable News THE GREAT WORLD EMBRACING SERVICE OF THEASSOCIATED PRESS acknowledged by all authorities to be the only complete and absolutely reliable new service in the world. In order that the fullest details of the war may be given Herald readers we have arranged for several hours of special wire service over our own leased wire thus giving renders the absolutely complete Telegraph, Cable and Wireless service of the Assooiated Press .! Liyif,"i.jeA t 'in.ih H .Iftl- .iii IKllt hl.iKe ; ii .n-i"iii Itll till' iilU rrhi'iirH..I. it. Iiiii in j til. a r.'i.,- i.ivi-M'il i.'iK'i!.i. k la' e i'i. lii I'll.. iiim iihil "III" FOR ACHING, SORE, TIRED FEE! (iol lve core (", Ittirnlng fiv. awol l. n d t, iiwvaty li-et, Miit'lling fii-t, tin-d feet. iiuixl b" cor in, ralloune, liuiiinna an I raw ainta. No mora ahoe tu'lit-Ih-m, an ii Mire limp ing witb I'ttin or imiiig up your t.e in agony, "117." U ma-jical, aria r I g Ii t "If. II Z" diaw nut alt tha wianiHii iiiiiiitiuiia wlut-h ulf ii n tlia fiirt. m "ll" and for get your foot miwry. Ahl bow tMiiiifortalilr your leet Inrl. (iii a 'li cent but tl "I I" sow al any dru'i't or de.artiiiriit atora. lam't uil. r I lava U-rt, glad fuel, feet aeker lienir kbit, kevrr gci tiini. A year' f''t lomlorl guar aaUnt yt luoMy itfuadni. Ih.. IM H"l nil) 1.1 Hi llli i.Me- A Good Hoad In NMt England. Improvod, whiln In tho latter group of atutea thera are only IVi per cent of th i roada Improved. Thut Improved roads would benefit our rountry Hrhool yatom there would n't in to ho no doubt. Improved robda make it poaaihlo to cmiMolidalv or cen tralize, thn aehooia and to enUblihh grudud at hooU in lint rural dlMrlcta. Such srhoolH i'1'iitrully located will ac roiiiinoduiu ull of the children within a radlua of from four tu llvo mllea. In tiiuny rommunUlfii huvlng tho adran tiigo of improved ronda romniodloua bulldltigii have been provided, more competent, teuehera have been em ployed, and modern fneilltU a for teach ing have been auppllod at minimum cost Kur limtuiicu. plnru the Improvr. tnent of tho main highv.aya In Iiurhum county, North Carolina, the number of ai-lioitl houxea Iiuh been reduced from Gj to 41!. of which 17 ure graded and have to or moru rootni and employ two or mora teacher. Them are at ihu prudent time about two thousand ronaolltlaUd rural itchoolf lu thn X'mtud Htuiii. It ap pear that MaiuuchUKctti, Ohio and Indiana have rtiado tho greateat prog resa along theao linen, and It la rather MK'illliaiit to utile that In theiio atatua ubout ono-third of the road have been Improved. According tu ttailntlca of the agricultural department theru wai expended In IS'J'J, f:'2,U6 In Mansach,; aetta for the conveyance of puptla to ronaolldttted achtnila, but in ldrni the expenditure for thia purpoKe amounted to l'ii,'lX In Indiuna tho vxpeudl turn for this purpoae In l'J4 amounii d the i to $sfi.im0, while in 1SiS. liDO.OOO waa expended. Thia rxpendlturo for trans portation retlect. In a general way, tho extent aud progrem of thia new educational movement It must not be underktood that thia Ii an additional burden, aa the expenditure thu mado In aavid In other direction. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK 1914 Albuquerque Evening Herald. Gentlemen. Kindly deliver the Herald till further notice to the address given below, for which I agree to pay 50 rents per month on presentation of bill. Name Street Town State. Start paper It is a wonderfully com plete and unusual service. It is a service that means abso lutely the latest, most authen tic, exhaustive and complete news every day that it is pos sible to secure. To make absolutely sure that you get ALL the new ALL the time, order the Herald delivered to your home daily. Phone 1G8. Or use the subscription blank herewith. Try an Evening Herald Classified Ad. for your "wants." They Get Results THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL Mil liivriK puiiitc of Alliuiiuer'jiie li.'t u Ireat in More it, mailt and iomii.iiow IIIKtlt, the line of Uhlill lllt'Y li.itc ne-r ln-furr and ioi.ii) toay in. I li.iw iiH.l II fi.r K'Ulie tune I" ci.ine. To lllin t , ,lt : K tl t B bI.iiw Will lie uitise iiiuii Koina Hliliitiii ini-aiM lor an entile, nt-ik. o if tun haw-lit pin Ii.iim'iI your lu keia tor iu,mlil m pel -lul III. mi r. net re.ldy at nm ,. In lie .it tin- Iiok iiltn e tally while thele in null a i ll. Hue tu kii-i iiine good im uIm. A- . r t -i 1 tn I. it,, ri'poit lh' .unit ii. Ihrir ale Ktill pleuly ol U"'"l '.tl I' ft. AUbtmcgiieff'qpuie R 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 A iJU 10, 1914 BENEFIT OF IMPROVED ROAD Among Many Other Thing It Attract nvtor Looking for Advan tageous Location. 1 $20,000.00 IN PURSES. PRIZES Al PREMIUMS To Be Contested For! A long atretch of Improved road 1 of tho Ik nt advurtixeinenu a atate run have. It attract a clan of tour leta who are able and willing to pay for entertainment. It bilnita mveetor who are looking for advautagooua lo rntlona It includes agricultural invea tlgHtiou and coiim qurnt lininU'rallon and liivcsttn.'tit. not only along thu Una of the road, but In other aereaalble eetluni. It change, by the elievr Read the Evening Herald's I trc of publicity, backward locaiuie. " I ...... .Ault,u - .iih.Hnu. Vu I. llllll lll'K I rff l . u.iw.-w ue. and br'tig Into general notice r ource which had only boen known locally; or. If known, not appreciated. The advantage which euro atretchei AN EKPOSITIOt! RARE AI1D EXCITING SPORTS FULL AEROPLANE FLIGHTS DAILY Want Ads. They get results. trench Humor. 'French humor I a little too broad for u and. w ben it Un t broad It il t , .tn rm.(i r.e to accrue are ad- Most Liberal Premiums Ever Offered for Agricultural and Live Stock Exhibits pt to be dlfguatlng Tho apeaki r wa a playwright who baa adapted o many Kronen play. She continued: "A Frenchman told me a Joke th other day. lie aaid two rustle eet heart were wulklug out together. The girl remarked: "'I like you very well, Cacton; all xctipl tboaa lettera, Q, it., tattooed 00 your band ' M 'Hut,' aald Gallon botly, 'don't you know, uiy dear, that it the latnat atylM to bava your lultlala on your handkerchleff" vantanea which aiT'i t the entire atat. a well a the loralltle tlieniHi'lvea. It rhuiild, tlierefore, be hunn il aa a i principle that mich tualn roads rhould be built. In whole or in part, by the late; that their management and maintenance abouM be lu tbe baud ut the ('- authorlllua- SAEJTA FE R. R. SPECIAL EKCURSIOO RATES J'l.r linliy'a rroiip, U .Iii.-'h dully cuifl and lirui'ieii, niiiiniiia' aoie llir.ul, ki uli. linn n l ioii'ii. n 1 r 'I hoinaa' i,i.i-iii' II, w bouti-Uold lirlliariiy. , JjtfC and For Pcmium List and other information, write THOS. F. BINKERT, Secretary to All K I A ' Lmmission, AiDuquerque, incw mexico