Newspaper Page Text
This Is How J 1 WHAT 5TA.T.r THIS WArt. 4V IvrVf f Baseball. Standing of the Clubi 1 111 K '- Willi. !iiM. 1' I- HoKl.ui lit ! .'iSl N.w York 76 3 ,ji Hi. T' c ..i,1. fiiiiH J 4 7 I'hiliHlrlphllt H 7.1 llruiiklyii i 74 .ii'- I'lltnlMiiKli ! 7 7 .4 4 I'iik uinaii it t ,4"4 AnM'rtiwn lr.nciH'. Won. IiM. Ii-l. I'hlliKli'li'bln l 4't .t'" Mom nti it j , .mi:i i-iriiit "i ''" Wurhliiltun 73 .jITi I hlnm K7 75 .42 .w York 4 77 .464 it. Uiiim II 7 7 .4T.U I'lrwl.iii.t 4'. V ,M "rVih-ml Ihhkim. Won. Iia). IM liiliaiiHlHillii It St .64 l'hl-HKi . . .'. '.7H ,b07'iiiuirt- 7 J 4 I'lifTHlo 71 b.'i .5?J :rnkin 70 7 .rill Kanu Cuy 4 75 . Hi. Iiuln till 78 At'.! ruuoumh 7V .415 GAMES TOMORROW hhI I niiruP. I'lUnliuruli lit 1 1 nxits l it. t IK I II IIII 1 1 III lloptotl. I'hli-HKo nt J'tnlu.ti li'hln. ft. bml ut Nrw Yolk. AnH-rhan Ij-mkh'. WnxlilnKtoli ttt "I v-Im n.t. I'hllmli lihl.i nt I'hli'iiN". New Yulk lit Ixln.n. liiMitoil ut M. l.num. I'rtlcnil Inpii'. Knnmii I'lly nt lliift-ilu. ft. I .oil im Ht lliilliuioir. t'hli'HKii nt llrmiklMi. llllllllllHollK Ut I'llKllUIKh. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS atkiiMl IxkiM'. Itut.n, 1; (Ini'lnnnti. First lamp. Cincinnati, 3; Itnnluii. II. Hi'i'iiml anw, Kt. IiuIm. New Ynrk. I, Flr.t nic. HI. Ix.uIb, : Nt-w York, U. HrconU 4iinn. triiikl)n, 1. fiitnl'UtKh, t. Flmt Iiriinklyn. S; I'lMsUurch, t. aanm. I'lillailplt'hla, ; t'hlniau, 4 AnHi-4in limiii Nuw Yulk, l, Ht. Loiin, i. l-'itlfral I4MIKUP. Kiiiia l'H, ; 1 1 r k I n. H. 1'illnliurKh. ' tMuin. 3. llilltlmnrr, 4; t'lllrak". 1. Nothing heipa K fool ball team an miu h ua Iota of pepper. The I'nl veraily of I'emiay Ivama eleven la well fortified In that rrapert. It haa t pouiiila of i'epper, who la trying to I'lruh a pluca In the line. foaih Kli-ldliia Ton! of the Vni veraily of MirhlKnn football team la nine to aril. I candidate for Ihe elev en up In an aeroplane to let nerve. Itolliei aome ay "lent. A aliupler plan would he t have them ive Ihrie iheera for the triple entente In nny lathakeller or lui n-vereiit. A yet tin hint hn been given rit Ihe Identity of the man who will lake the plure of Frank 4'hanre'a auceea or a malinger of Ihe Yankee. Itill Itevery'a ai)inl"lon thai he I Ihe prlm ipal alix kholder In the New York Americana almoat amacWa of In 'm ouTj i'ffi,nrait-"r - TIIE Mutt Explained It N0N4AKX Ttvvr riiiireailiin. Thn ur l Itrlilna mi'r. li-rrlhli! rtrry duy. Wlih liriinl mink nt ttiu Hid r"tp "f h lUfii'iita ni krl ' r rmh Ihmiio uii-l flour n ivrtt nior a liarril, t(i WiiriU. i.f Hrnoklyn. Inivc lull rhovliiR t :''.'"" t unirui ta In ti w.iy of tmll I'liiyrra. ThP fanlM triilnpil nt Ht. IVtira InilK, Kla.. IiihI t-iir, liul hell yi-ur lin y will oi k at l', Klu. Tin- Ki iIi tuIk i iiii K' l in thi woilil niTlva K they'll liln 1 l H it 1 1 ) (or l mi'in enoiiKli. Kurloii i-fTort of thi- Kri'ii'h hmiK on ! iiln lMiH cXpl.ilni il hy thf fuel thtit It I'oniiilna oim of III" l.irurii i-hnnipiiKnc inntH In the worhl. Now known liy KriiiiK I'lirri-ll Iiiih lieen nurh n imiiw lum-r. It wii lti( lllll lcery'H imiiiey tfolliK Ul- I'lrHliii hnve three great foot I nil plnirn on their ronler. IT they iii a-t the rule 1-h.inaed In timke oiu-h-dowim I'liunt In the wore, Ihey alun'l a ihiiiu-e to rip throuch the Iiiiku1 next year. Kxilleil iiIIk-k have fo(rollen oni rliHiKe In make aKiiliml the kniner. Nnlioily hHM n'!'tinefl ItlM'a aolilierii ol unIiir Miiery pap-r biforo plti hinx Into thu enemy. I'hll;-lelphln rrliua aay lher hn I a heller pili'her In the wiiln worhl llinu druter t'leveUml Alexnniler. They iIiikh him Willi Ihe mmiliri of liHxelmll -with Ihe Ty t oliliiM-n, the iolinNeM. JohnnoiiN. Miithewtiona anil Wngiierc He In rateit nx gooil ua Miiiheuaon 4l hla beat. .link Johnnon nhm ketl ln.i Kren h benl the other day. He -pheil for a piiport ua ai A inerp-un clliu-ii ut Ihe t'nllert HliitiN ernliany In l.on-lon. He Mill In- wan going trawline; In liiiKnlu. lliirnl h.'ix u profen-iioniil fool hull r'liul. IliK tmiiie In H. W. I. Urouii. He niKn.i u niitrat ut " n.ilniy II mile Jni nn luiM-hull Koiit4 do. job In ll. 'I to o out amoiiK tin minor rolli-gcn und pi-k up prom ImIiir mutirliil f the rilmno elev en, loll tun iIhIii-h I'oiiniBl of folii -Inn the Yule ti iiiii unit wuli Iiiiik H ilevelopmi-nt j, ml el l- of piny. TIHi tn tin im. HroHii haa dope I lux iIiiiik for l yeurn. RED SOX WILL PLAY AGAINST TROOPERS The bnaeball team of Troup K, whb h la to tome here from Fort Win late to lake part In Ihe alute fair, ('toiler 5-1U. will piny a aerie of fume wilh Ihe fled Hox. The firat content n ai hediiied for Monday, m lo. ber 4. Th troop nail toaw r are fat and hard hitting. HEAVY RUN SURPRISES KANSA3 CITY CATTLE MARKET ON MONDAY Kunxaa t'i'y Htoekynrd. Hept. II. - A run of J.'.""" callle aurpriaeil Ihe trade today, but it did no npeelul daiiiMKe to the market, aleady to 15 lower exprewing It. The aupply wua at riit ly a run of grunt-era, the dele giil.oii ahowlug rorn being llithieal. In proportion to the total receipt, of any duy Ihia full. Home neur prime Klrera uuniHKed tn ml up In 118 55 lodny, W at' ndy prb and aomn "f the real prime urtii le will be here Tuesday for whb h it la predii-ted fM will be paid. Thla claw I alrndlly advancing, and la lioiiiuno from mar. ket ileiliiii-a that uffeit other entile. A Inrge ahare of the euppl) la from Oklahoma, Texaa and Culoradu. KIH- iiia ateera from I'klnhoin-i and the ranhandle aold at l ) to $7.a, anil high clan almkera and feeder at M 75 In IT.'. 5, cow. t'..)1 tn $ .15, odd head more, lmk calve 14 75 l I .ST., veala UP tn $10 23. More i ut ile are loinlng from the anuthweM than wua expeited a month ago, for the reueon that buyer on the range are not taking aa many aa eountc on, and maturing loan are bringing the eatlle tn the open market. I'olo rndu hud aeveral train neie lodav, ln hiding beef electa ut $7.25 In $7.(5 mid twenty car of I.OtMl-lti. feeder from Kad. nt 17 4a to $7 f5. guar antiee aupply t ear today, in eluding aome fair-ied airing of middle grade alecr. at $5 i t $1.75, and cow at 14 75 to $, iloe tn aleady piu-e. There are plenty of country iujer her today, locul atnlilea hnvlnR difrleiiliy m furnih ing a aiiffli-leut numla-r of horaea to Acrnmiiinilale Ihem for riding about the )ard. 1'ilcea are ahado luwtr, EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M THURSDAY, to Jeff. if n tor. a wr ur v tvrxp Rut CtlPPCD ,N f ateera largely ut IH M) to 7 ." T., ploek ron urounil $5.71, held rn It o. lulvea t7 to 11.35. Iiutito IhlH eek will pro da lily be. luriient of the fall to date. H.'iKn o, uteudy today. top 'l. bulk IN ill tn , rei elpln ..Olio. The innrkei In ernulc, Im-iiik u two-xlded iirTnlr. 1'iu kt r ui poumlinir prli ef beenuae of narrowed outlet for lard mid pork pr miui'I and dm linliiK niar ket lor aatne m the other hutnl. order buyer are Rettina; urii-iit or del a for fri-nh pork nmleilil, und for bacon hoKa, from whiih Ihe nimkel fieta niont of whatever little bloom II allow. Krld.'iy'a aeaaion wan aenHit tlonal. order buyer und aeriim mak er taklnit HliuoMt the whole crop, re Karilleaa of unkinx pi b-e. Iiealeri expert an uneven trudo till week, with u lower tendency. ,-heep und I. nub rent hed n biali point middle of l.n.1 wn k. but iroi ped rapidly ifl"r that, mill pre"!' i mil llilin to tumble oda All I In nun ki ln are heavily aupplied. .ta.niiii head here. I Timlin ure aroiiud one dollar below- the niuh time l.iM week, und aheep Sn centi, lower. It will be A flue i-hiuii'e ihia week to aerure nuiterial for feeiliiiR thia winter Trade waa lal- alart:n today und iiintalloria are aomewhat In the na ture of n d'leaa. bent laiuoa around 17 n. yeurlliiKB IH i!5. weiherx 15. 5" ewen 15.15, feedlnx laml) ! Ml to I7.nn. J. A. Kl KAIIT. HUE WOOLS FIRST TO FEEL PRESSURE OF THE Demand for Lower Grades for Use in Army Clothing Man ufacture Holds Up Price, Says Boston Report. The llonlon rellewlllg last t 'oitttlleri lal WI'I'k'B Wool Hull. tin. nun ki-i. iaa In part; I H 1,1. on ha lliu urili-r f.tnn.l a-lcb a iiiianitiiity of opinion thtongh the llo.-lon wool trade to the elicit tluil himiric i ipiu i a han In en Hie etiac thin Week. To he Mire hot a few huuaen ure huay packiiiK wool on conlini't made ircvounl and nome buaiiie hua alao been acoiuplihlied during Ihe puat week, but the i.lumc of buaineaa on new coin i acta haa been of limited proportio-ia, accord lug tu almoKi every report. A Uiililnialillln volume of buailiena In any market, und no lea In wool, nieaiia a tendency to lower price, and there la no denying that the quieter tone of the laat tw or three week haa had ita effect on wool value. Thla erTecl. contrary to aome auppoalliona, ha not come to pue over night and rven )"t there ure niiTchuni who are reluaiug to i-oti--ldi r lower price and who contend that for what wool they are celling Itiev ate realKing obi lute. F.flti-t of rronsel liiiilmi Hnlca, It la u ipi' at I.. n whether or not Un wind trade haa ever hud a futiiie market to tliaititoac which preaent'd an many different und wltha) diltlciilt problema aa thai which now con front It. l'n.ueallotiubly the moot immediate ilifltciilty lay in the decia lon iinnouneed btat week by the inn ernor of the lamdoii aulea, to hold the fifth aerie (f auction on Octo ber t. offering being uiireelticted up to nrrlvula of date !l. Whbh It waa enlimuted would total about 1 -.'11.(11111 bull. v Thi delaon of the Importer' ; rommlltee waa nnt reached without Very cnnnlderahle opponlibm on the part of llradtord operator, but the hutikera who have adva.m ed money on the wool were obdurate and In elated that the auha muat be held Continued iireaaiite, however, wu brought In bear by Ihe lliitiah Wo" IluyerjT iiaaociatlon and fhreata even of bojeotting the aulea wer heard The fiiiul auKgeatlon of the Wool Itinera' . lui Ion waa to hold the ale beginning October Z, nlead of iictober (. Thla ui;itlon be came concurrently accepted In the American Ira'e to a very wide extent aa the final udjiialnirtit of the mat ter. but thla wa really not the fact The arrangement for Ihe ub Were, however, modified In the ex tent that a five day' gule only will he held, beginning October (. A the iiauiil iitmnilty ,.f wool catalogued for emh aellltig day in ten In twelve thoiinaiid bale, it la nppuient that g errant etueiit proUUra for the J -y A NO feOt IN IttJl'M AND ( ' PtfUVSCLj '.WKMJTCD tlP WIH INOfft WMION AND Of- l N W 1 Evening Three Lines O P .13 -.'w : . Jul- "'fmJ FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE LOANS-RENTALS. Bargains Lots Houses Business Properties. JOHN M. MOORE REALTY CO. Phone 10 214 W Gold HELP WANTED W.WTI.Ii Kxpi rieni ed in run u:id iltupiry Itoaeliwabla. raleawom.iu depart incnl. WANTKU Woman work. Apply W f"r kitchen S.lver. FOR RENT Route a. F1 ilS UKXT Kurnlnbed lent; aliepllii: porch. 1019 Ho. Waller Ht. Full IS KNT Modern coilageH and a l-.n I meiii k. 4 to t- rooiua. W. II. M Million. -Ml Went (inld. Ftitt IS KNT -4 -room hoiii-e with aleeping por h, furnlahed. 4'oiiveti lent to aliopa, $II.Mi). ll;l Ho. Aino. riiuii- 515. FtUS ISKNT Hhlpgle cotlaae. 4 tooina n nd 1 K I nun aleeping ponhca. Iiniune l:4 K. Hllvvr. dli'po'.ul of aome riu.uuu to tiii.0"" balen. or about half of the amount HS.nla'ile. MoreuM-r. it la hiKbl plobabb- that Ihe wool oliered will be very lai'K.-ly wooln of Ihe low iToMHbred order, which urn III prim I- pal demand Um- III the II t the moment for I lie maiiiiluctiiie ol army rleihn Tilt' 1'le.llbMI Of I'llM WlHlU. The luoditled urriiiiKeineiita regard lug the Loudon aalu will tlmihtlcx have aouiewbat ol a ieaauiiug i-r-te.t upon Ihe holder of flue both heie und In York-hire upon tbei II I .l i ill that little ir llo merino wool will be offered, for which a" aiimplioti It muat be confeneeil we have no Jualilylim evidence bevoiul lonjecture, b.ia.-d upon the limit" or perha ve ahouid aay "bicvity. of the a. ilc, anil lialuie of the dc niapil for wool. However, Ihe foregoing conjecture l.iuy turn out, tine woola, whbb have been lor aome tuoiilha ti-l.itiel dearer than i-roaabieda, have been the lirat. u the llulleliii hua aiiKKcel- ed before. I" feel the effect of the wnr and prut have been aceking a lower level. According to our .aide udice found el where, the Ktad ford market on line wool and top haa not rh.uiKfd appreciably fioin the level of laat week, which aa tut 2 pence t four I'l-nla a pound on (4 t". below the murkei of a t..i night preceding. It la rxpci n d. however, that the market will K" lower and epinneia ure even bbbbn-t an low Hi it tenti lor Jinunrs b -lIM'ty, without geiling acceptunc. Iiomeatlr fine wooln nro liound l ' "..e urfected hy the pioiition of fun ign line wooln und liny ba,e alreadv la en iifTecled but not apparently I" the name extent. A top-maker a.nd In thla reafM-rt llili week that where aa h would ai II lo w- cimliucta at o dei-line of $ cent a poiin I from re lent high ratea imi line tops from foreign wool, he would nt leel nafo In piwetlng thla pi H e nn a hue top from domeatle Icintory wool more than 3 cent, beiuiiae of tbo fact thai he had nut been able u et In ob tain com-eaaion in thrae line terri tory Wool that would Justify the aale. Doiim-mIc WihiI. Total aulea f"i the week are eali mated In Ihe vicinity of 2 In 2 4 mil lion poind, lui nc I y domeaiie woola. ullhough anme addilioiuil tola of New Zealand crtMabrida have hanged hunil and a little line wool. Hale of territory have generally been for email .iiiintitie, but one lot of aome S5 .Im a pound , report ed at an eatimaied clean coat of &5 . en I.-, for fine medium wool. An other aale IIM-Iude about Jiiu.titMl pound of original t'ob.rajn on an eatimaied clean l.aaia of 5 Hi 5 5c. with another lot of about 200 oo't poiinda. Home graded territory wool I im ported Including uiiarter-bl'iod Podii Hi'iinga, noli I to have broiigbl 24 eenla: a ailinll iiianlllV of fine at l ple Montana at 21 cent a, flgureil lo coat (3 ceutg tbuu bagia, A ItsSle SEPTEMBER 24. 19M. j v.- SA, Herald Want Ads Three Times PERSONAL. FI KMTUUK UKPAIItlNll, packing, uphnlHteritiK, cabinet and muttrc tnuking, ruit aixing. 1'hune 4. 117 8. Third Ht. FI1SST t'l.AH.S liieasiiuiking. I'llcea reaaoliable: aatfactloii gilirall leid. 4 ii .' Houlh llilih. I'honu KiiJ. lltHU' I'AINT. WANTF.O Kvrry home owner to ue Krl Carbon roof paint Ht"p leaka, laat b year. I'evo ready paint, 1 gal. coven U0 a'. feet. Tboa. F. Kelther. 4U1 Weal CentraL Full OA k Ptrrr Meaning, furniture and atova repairing- W. A. Oott phone ttl. LOST. I.i iST I Hi Kant t' avenue or Hoiith WaMer. Mnail black pur." conia.nint; $ '..oil bill and other m ln lea Finder ph-une call 15 UW or li',iif at 15 Noilh Twellth Hi. TYPEWRITERS. ALL KIN U.S. both new and aecood hand, bought, aold, rented and re paired. Albuquerque Typewriter F.g change. Phone 144. 121 W. Oold. Wvoiulllft hall-bl I at 22 i l Ills fl MMIlll qll.llilltN o tine inedilllll HpiniK wool at 1 ' j cent in lb- gre.iac In Icpolteil. til-Hi. ind for a- onrcd wool-. Ii.ih been very ii mid on ibi- w liot. Illtlited. Sulif aie aul-t to havi' la-.-li lOM.Ie in which coiiHid.-rai.le leduc lioiia in price ba- occiiri.-.l. In one inatatii e 1.01111- line At l.ona im tind' to have been "old at .".2 i eiil. which wan formerly held ut 5 7 to .' 1 tent. I'll the other band, fine Kood !lne woola have b-eit aold. It i i-aiit, urotinil 57 to 5H ei-nlH und aome member of I In- trade rtill want K" ulna for their beat fine wooln. There la liltb- iiuc.-lloii that by i,nd large the acmircd wool market la easier. race is not al ways to the swift but most alwavs. af Hiat hare and tortoise race would hardly be classed cis a sporting event now. CJ It is the man who delivers the goods who has the blue ribbon pinned on him in this year of our Lord. qif you are running a square race young man, and the race goes to the tortoise, what you need is another job. Try the want ad way. asgaaig rvrrn i i f, t tint, Three Dimes J Dunbar Bargains Mm 1SF.NT. 4 4-room houKu; unnliru, North 4 Hew li III HI . $ I'll. no. (-room houne, corner Cuul 4 avenue und Heventh 'rert. more room, CeniraT Ave., ba- 4 tween Third nd Fourth Hla. (-room houae, in No. Fifth St.; modern, $13.00. 4-room huiixe. Highland, $10. 4 4-room houae; ei-al llaielUIn aseiiue; modern, $20.00. 4 nm si,ic (-room houe for alo or rnt; Weal foal avenue; modern; lot 4 i"x142; linn ahado und liail. ISani'h, HID ncrea liniroved, and lor aulv nt it baris.i:n; 7 utile iil.i. Fine cor. Iota, Wet TimxI Ave. 4-room houae, Weal Iron Ave., 4k Price. 11 '.00. 4 House und lot. Went IVnlntl nenue; lot Ifijx.'iiu feel. ::.. 4 fi-rooiii hoiiv and lot, Hnh- l.iiola, $'Jii'ia. Ail kind of term. 4 HIIK ltiSI H tVI'K 4 MONKV T4I lAt. UIINIiAll'M ItF.lj ICHTATH 4 lmK. HI i"lil Ae.. ''ornrr Tlilrd St. HOTELS OF SOUTflWEST. DIRECTORY. ST. JOIINH, AHIZO.n'A The Ameri can Hotel, lleadquurtera cen-tn-Oceun Highway tourlet. Modern throughout. Dining room eervlca unequalled. Fine hudo and lawn. HUTKL ItHL'N.iWr'K llolbrotik, A r lunula. 10 gueai room, modern; tourlat' headquarter; duly road bul letlnx; guide furnl'lled to point ol Intercat; dining room in connection. SANTA ! 10 The Mnnler-uma Hotel, American plan: rtcn lirat rlu, electric light, ateatit heat, telephone In every room. Hpvclal attention to auto part lea Vuleanizmj? Vuliunulng and lire Ilepairing. All work guaranteed. Albuquerque i Iiubbur Co., III Weat Central. For Bale Mucehaneoui Foil SAl.L old paper fur pulling down caput, etc. '.'all at lltra.d olllc. rms HAI.i: lillNH older. Illim. Ji-wclrj II. im belli. A t . i I v ut llepni't incut. I III Ural KoxcllMold Ki ilt .-'M.K .""(! will Hi within a abort Kdith. Klim na I M Worth II lor tIK'ia. If l.l k. I. time. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .'"I N FHIS HALF-- 5 lol.H. 125x1011 f'-cl. foim r SI hi t unit Hec nd. XV ill m-II I -it f t if ill Kin d. I'll me 7s" or call lit tl'.l Holilli l..hlll. FOR JllIiTI aoomi. Foil ISKNT tii.e very desirable auite of uutmdn nllb-o room In N. T. Ar m'.lo building. Apply tico. F. AI bright. I'hone 44'l. Foil ISKNT Larcn aleeping j.orih. 4 2K room with W. tdarquelte- Ftilt It KNT Two li:. vly rum.t-li. d room for IlKbt houae kccimig. Ap ply tut North He ond Ht. FOUND Knt'Mi I in in Ii i aecure a:itui. bv i.lul paing for le f k a I i w net c caUiiig ill Ihia olllc C. T. FRENCH HMII L Dli;i TOIl I4y Aaalntanl. Huh and 4 eutrwL Phone Itajr ami "tnl't, KM. DUKE CnY CLEANERS W than beta, Buen'a and no. anen'a rlntlilng, ruga, rurtaltia. tlrna-rlen. etc, t'.'U Weal tiol.l, I'lione 410. Promptneti Oar Motto SXTO. (By "Bud" Fisher) HAvc to J HOC rXR. AlitK PROFESSIONAL CARDS Phytlclanj W. M. SHERIDAN, 1L D. I'ractlre Limited tn UKMT4.IUIAHY JlifclNIM And 1IKKFJ4 OP THE klvll. Hie WaMterman anil Noguclw Teta Halvaraan "(Hla" AdrrlRlatnred. C'lllrn Uank Jbjllding Albuqumtue . Iew alagloo A. 41. KHOItTI.K, M. I. Ira.lbt limtiwi to 1 arx-riwtiajla. UiUca Hour. 10 n II a. ra. riiono im. 114 H Weat Central. Albuiuerque Sanitarium Fhooe I4l, HtlMlMHV ifc m nN, M. I. I'liyliiun ami humeoii. Kchldcn e. 10 Houtb Waller Street riione 124'j-W. I mice, 9 Harnett Ublg., I'hone $17. DRS. TULL & BASES Kpwlaluita F:ye, ICar. Niaje, TltroaA dtalay Malkanal Hank 1UUJ. l'hon St. T. $'. TANNI H. M. 1, Hpeelallat In ':, lir. Noaei mill Throat. Capital City Hunk liuildmg. Hanta I'c, N. Mix. At t'limlii' II I, Albuquerque, flint three dio of every month. IHIM, HALMcrX AM C fiAIUtR Pracllca Limited tn Ky Vr. No anil Throat. Ill', Wont Ittilral. Tha Murphey Sanatorium Tuberctiloalg of the Throat and Lung, fit v Olllce, 313H Weal Central Ave. I Ullce Hour: to 1 1 a. tn ; J tn 4 p. m. I'hone 525. H.iniitorlum I'hone 411. W. T. Murphey, M. II., Medical Uirector. Dentists int. j. Kit it. ImiiimI Kiinser. ISooin t and 3. Harnett llldg. Over O itieily Drug tuore. (Appoltilinetit made by mall.) I'lto-ie Til. Attorneys HIM MS A SIMMS lawyer. 17-lg ItaniHl llldg. Albiiiuerqaa. Architects. KIUN II. MtltltlK Anliliet. rnubwl ami I p lo lai Work. IttNiut I, l.vrb- Theater llulliUng. 1i-P-,liim 1003. ENGINEERS. WII.I.IXM U KTW.F.Y I It II ami oiiMihii j -.oglnm-r 4'rotiiwell lihlg. MONEY TO 10 Air. MONKr TO LOAN -On gilarlea. houiu-hobl good and llvntc-k with, nut removal. Ne'e houttht and aoli. I'n'.un lan Co., room II. over Firat National bank. Phone 111 Chicago Hill A Lumber Co General Planing: Mill 3rd and Marquette Phoni 3 Wclldrillinjr, Wclldr'nin and Irrigation Plants UIMMII.I. TANKS. PIMIS AD IIKPVIISIMi Agent for lM-r Gas jigl;iej J. P. WOl.KIVf., -ilt W. CupiMtr Are. I tea. phone IMMW. 4ffii-e plx 1 10 Expert Hair Work. Commiig made Into awltchea, Irtiitf urmution. puff, curia, etc., awltche dd. MHH. M. PI'II".M .MariiH'lla Hhnu. Phone 111. Ill k, 4th t- L A