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Wo may kick at tho dope tho European censors let by; but there's nothing indefinite about the news from Mexico.' 31 f.f ssi f Trench turpenite Holds out to bum , Blamed few German! Will return. . IM IF Mil Ignorant hantllt Villa manage to li"M Ma in) mi iIm from ! pretty Wetl. 1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED T2ES3 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2G, 1914. TUB EVFMJM HKHAII !,. 4. JiO. 1 7 la rRIJlCNK-tTTlZE?!. Vol. B. No. . ffl MO DECISIVE RESULT WEEK OF FOR fly Emm El's 1 ONE MORE ENGLISH ADMIT GERMAN POSITION IMPREGNABLE SIEGE GUNS CONCRETE BEHIND STONE Declared Great Death Engines were Moved up and and Foundations Laid Weeks Before War was Declared. ALL ALONG BORDER GRIM STAGE WAS SET Fortresses Built Within French Territory Supposed ly as Factory Foundations, Now Brought Into Deadly Use. London. Npt. it tl I'" p. m l I",. of I h.- fuU thin lb. re h.ia hppn lighting on hoi h Ihp left ami the right wing of thp n ii . during p last wppW n.i Ihp.p 'iiuc'it-iitM hnv ,.ppn Maoroun ami ini'Ki.i!it. no dpriaivr out. .. me of the b.lttle of till' Aixllp illli' pi l.ppn rpiordnl. Thp llrltmli niilu.iry pxpert who luHt wppk prpili.ted that lieiiniiny would iiniiiiiiin thp delennr. p in Kihii. p i lily nhilr liuiiHtpriln troopa to the p.iMpiii an-na ot war, haw not Melel.llly KpejK.IIK. Oiell borilp out AlthoiiKh thp poKiuon ol thP imadpra of Kriin t ui i h. pimr I" miiipiI for mi, h ihi to mid .in wmf.irp him prpMiilcd for four dua thp riKhtlng on the ,nd lontrrfduia them. "ol ipppondi lita tflearni'hinn loduy from AiiipipiiIhiii and d.iting their dia piMihin from 'Kruiiip.'- un expedient rpniilti-iK fioni the -.ul.-lon of the wriiern troin anywhere neur thp ai-piic of oK-rnti. i ilmi-il on the plletii i. r of ihp Dpi man n tl. in hin. nu ll aepiiia that In inan plu aloim thp .tine battlp front, atonp iUunipa do thp hillxiilpa and a majoiity of ttop woiiim huvp bern ill Crltniti hnn,a for im'. It would apt ear iIihi flurlnu apeiul wepka be fore I lie opening of hontilitiea t holla and of lona of tutir aip cut from Shppp iiiurrp, later to hp upd for Ihp i-oiintruitioii, by thp liemiana, ol baillrr ugainat whi.h the heavieat artillery ha little rfl'pi t. An Knglialiman wriimK from Ihr Matllit-ilao Umlll' t. re-al nolllp of the leniurktil.l prpparntloiu, whlih ha al- laea wero nnulp oy the lei man for Iha prpaenl war. Thla man. In hi let ter, aaya: "The. tlrrmana InNtalled. a '" tlina before Hip aar. i-eriuin porllona of boiiip of ihelp big IJ-i-enllinelre guua on farina under the pretext thai they were boring lor wuler. Thpy put In foundation of roiurete. a that veryihing waa ready. Aa their gun had a bmgrr range ihun thoa of the Muuhruiin lorta, it wa not dimi ult for them lo ,-inour." The Purla liirre!. undent off the London fhronkle t'onilrtiia Ihe tore. going alalement and adda that all the Herman heav, artillery waa plai-pd on ronrletp plat forma ep-led aome year ago aa foundiitlnna for fai'torle never lo ua ooiiipleled. Uplan d report glvlnz Intimate de laila of the tx-t-upution of Amlen and I'oniuieaiie. from who h l iliea the ' i-.eriiiuii aiibapiiurntly were driven, throw forther light on what In Kng land la rharierlapd a Herman ad vam'P preparation for Invasion. Ac ror.tma lo llieaa atone. In almiuit every town through which Ihe tier .u imiiv Fin. aoni una ( lh would iioint out where he had until recently realded a all Incon ppi.ui.u i liiaen. Tbrougli u h men in on ILLS Terrible Turpenite Kills Germans by Whole Regiments Hun Friinrimn. 'al.. Kept. 2. 'nnflrmutinn "f the deadly ef- feci of turpenite. the iiv French explosive, is contained hi 11 let 4 ter received here li.v Mi F.thel (.'rocker from her uninii laalmir I'oliiatow ski, who 1 fighting Willi the French. Hiiipi'n hundred Herman l.m heart hnil been Instantly 4) Mopped In tlx- in lion of it lurpenli.. Khill Hint -1 1 In h trench they were holding whip (omul dead on lliplr feci, M I'oiuuloWBkt writ, their rlflea In their hand in Hit' attitude of inking mm. great iUMiiiitlf of utiirM were found hhI I Inn. together with Hip knowledge f the coiiatry gained by giddier res ident, huve proved of immense value. The IkoIiiu.ii or I he Oulninn atrnng hi. hi of l'rf invfl, heretofore emphn slaed in tliapittcht-a in. in Pet rug rati a forecaatlng IrUniii'hii'M ltuian march lo Crni ow anil I hem p I" Vienna und liudupct, apparently had hppn made complete by (hp occupation of Kpyrow. twenty mile south of Prxem.val nl cloe lo the Junction of railroad llnra connecting with Jar nslau. ihp I in xri ii nt ml Iron it chiht luktii by thp Itumtlun troop eome lllllP UK". on I he Krllih lle thp public la awaiting with keen Inicroat ihp oiit i nine of I'remt'r Aiiillh'a appeal lo I ho 1 1 lull aa yolrpd In Dunlin IuhI main. With a Welh army rorp al ready In n tentative stage of forma tion, Kngllshmen believe that the Irlah will not bp outdone. VIOI.KNT MVri.K ll.K.H l TUT. rT WINti Ij.n.lon, Xept. it 1:17 a. m. Tn' latewi oltb ial atinoiim emt'iit given out in Herlin, according pi advice renin ing liitdon pel forth 'hai therp " no actual aui' p" to re. mil in t e wepiern arena of the war, whir.- there have bepn only a few minor engnm-. ment Weallier condition have now luv proved along tho weat Wing of the al lie, aicoidiug to mi otlii ial coiiiiiiuni catiiin mrn out in I'ari anil a out lie of extraordinary violence t" raging l.ii locality. Jtppnrt continue to come into f.on-, doll of trouble between ItuNarian and 1'ri.M.inn in llruiK. and It I" ald that the i.ermnn military author. Hie In th capital hae or dered all Ha ii nan in Iblgiuui to the aceiip of in France. Theee rpiiorlK. however, are otll tally denied ill llripwpla. Ipul he from ppirograd de lare Unit the Auetrlan dell novel ninetit of frucnw been piaell n el' by tier many. The inhabit. 'tit of fnicw are auld to hp in Might. t nir.Nt ii .tiMtT Tkrj TMK IIMII ItKVCII (tMNl Hurdeatix. Kept. Sti tll 'i'i a. m. I The mlnlxtry of marine uniiounce to day that Ihe French Miipilae, on September SI. took pow.pKio of oro Ueatli in Kama run, thp Herman Lolony In weatern e'luutormi .miu .i. PAIUS ItFINIItTK llt.WV iii.irrixti .vr iMirii i:mh Paria, Kept. 2 i i! p. in.) Heavy lighting ia going on hi uoth the eut and wp wing of thp huiile between the allle and IJelinun In France, ac cording to Ihe ollu iul atinouncpiiienl Humeri ihia afel...n.n by the KtencB war department. Kvlluw liig la the ext of the ri in- muni, atlon: Firal: tin our left wing between the Homme and the n,e, the batlla onllnue very violently. Iletwppii the river Ha and Xouuiona. our iroop have advanced allghtly. The np"iy haa not at templed an attack. lietween SotKMina und Itheliti there ha been no Important change In trie lluatlon. "Hecund. On tha center between Ithelin and Verdun the altuatlon alo unchanged. In the Wuevre region Ihe enemy haa been able to rroaa me river Meiiaa In tha vicinity of Kl. Mlhel, but ihe olTenalve taken by our I roup already haa. lo a large egtunl thrown him back on tha river. 'To Iha aouth of the Woeire region our attack have not ceaaej lo pro greaa. The Fourteenth Herman corpa haa fallen back after having Buffered great loaaea. -Third: On our right wing (In Lor' rnlne and In the Voage) the effective Herman force aeem lo huve been re duied. Theaa detachment of the enemy which had at certain uolntg driven buck our advance ot, have been repulacd by the r (.trance Into ac tion of our reaervea. "In the Ituaelun gone the Ituneian have captured Hipbsow on Ihe rail road leading to Cracow and have ulo taken t' o fortified poaillona lo the north and south of Prtemyal. "lit I'olund Ihe liertnun appear lo (CouIIiimmI on ! Two.) KII16 GEORGE SEES KITCHERER'S y Hundred and Fifty Thousand Men, Many Still Without Uniforms Pass in Review Before His Majesty at Al dershot. Alderahol. Rug in nil. Kept .'. via Lolliloti l:4 p. in. I King lleorgp. Who wu HCLoiiipanieU by - .jueeii. Mary und their dauKhn-. Prince Mary, .peril Ihe day here Inappcling a Inure vectlon of Field M irhal Karl Kitchener' new imiiv. of the men were In kh.ikl. hut her,. und there were n-eii aplashea of blink where ri'glmeiiiM of men who had not yet received their lllllforill Were drawn up. A lionet llcr l.'.ll.lMMI niell piliwed be fore their inajelicM, many of them wearing rihlioiiH and nedaH of the fiiiitih Afrlciin and other i uniiniiiinv The royal party al.i made u lour of thp priMoiici' .amp. The king mid ipieell Will llevule Hllinla lo l lulling the woiimlcil. GERMANS UTTERLY CUT OFF FROM THE WORLD Cut Cables, Censors and Ex elusion of Foreign Newspa pers Completely Isolate the Whole Nation. llrrlin, icui. : iVlu U.111I..11, 3 ?.u p. m ) --The cutting of Herman ub marine i.ulc, the cenaorahlp and tlm c i of foreign newapaper trm I lie empire haa r suited in abutting out troin Hermuuy virtually all lliu newr. of tile oulaule world. Fur la lat three day the Iterilu newapnpet h.iVp been I'uirying full description of the architectural d tali of Ihe Illieim rathedrul, while lit Ihe laat 1 daa only ihree pla. e huve been pef ill. ally mentioned in the goteiiinieiit wur bullelin. Thee aie Noyon, Uhcini and i hateuu liti inolil. COTTON IN HOLD OF BIG LINER MAKES UGLY FIRE New York. Kept. !!. Sixteen hun dred bale of cotton, Mured in Ihe lower bold of the While Star liner Cretlo cu light nre thla morning aa the M-aael lay at her Pier under ateuin and ready to weigh anchor for Cluioa ftevtral hu-eJred Italian rci-rvtie crowded Into the steerage uveinlghl were roiiei out amok and Mod lu the Pier. It waa after If o'clock before the fire aeeiiii'd to be under control. The khip, hcreclf, It via paid did nm catch hrp and the il. linage waa i ol lllied tu the rotten In the hold. Thla cotton waa ronlgned lo .u.le. 4 ol. Miatc PnctiinooUt li1liu. Vera fru Hcpl. 3t 'ol. Frank lin J- M'we. comnuiudei of the flrt brigade of roiled Mule marine at Vera Crux, died today of pneumonia on bourd the hoepilul ahlp. JE','1 Today s War Summary A battle of extraordi nary severity is raging at the western end of the Anglo-French and Ger man battle line in the region of Noyon, sixty miles to the north ot Paris, where the French still are striving to out flank Gen. Von Kluck's reinforced army. The French official statement issued this afternoon claims that the allied troops have made a slight advance. On the eastern end of the fighting line the French offically admit that their line has been forced back by the Ger mans across the liver Meuse near St. Mihiel, a point about twenty-five miles to the south of the French fortress of Ver dun. In the eastern arena, the Russians are piepar ing to attack the impor tant Austrian fortified city of Cracow in Galicia. The inhabitants of the city are reported to be fleeing and the civil gov ernment is said to have been assumed by the Ger mans. Russians operating against fortress of Prze mysl have captured two towns to the north and south of the position and have completely cut off its railway communica tion. The French ministry of marine today announced that a landing force from the gunboat Surprise had hoisted the French flag over Coco Beach, in the German colony of Kam amun in Africa. The British forces from the Union of South Afri ca have occupied Luder itzbucht, a town ia Ger man Southwest Africa, the Germans retreated af ter blowing up the rail road. China has protested against the occupation by Japanese trcop3 of Wei Hsien, a town in Shan tung province outside the tone set apart by the Chinese government for Japanese military opera tions against the German concession of Kiao Chow e w SEEK TO LOOSEN UP I A FEW KINKS IN THE I t ENGLISH CENSORSHIP J e - e m pi. 2. Acting 0 4 S.-i rclury Uin.n auld today e) that the alitie depart meni wa negotiating wi'h the Hilt In Ii for the r oval of cine o' (lie ptrin- gi nl real ri l mi. imponed by 4 in itiah ccnot .- on coiuir crclul cablegnim. CARRANZA ADMITS HOPE OF AVERTING WAR GONE Anarchy Supreme in Mexico ew York. Sept ; - I'.eiore In PelroKlild. UI. 'ii Hi the Olympic KuMifiit miiiiler to Mexico, api'ke country an h' paid he bad found "Mexuo i w ithout a gov crtimi ananhv. ' be sanl. "With the tan. where a.'ine aemlilaive of or, In for a piTHon lo travel in Mexico rob and burn and pillage a they the nulhoi Ilie. nre the i:iue of n terferenc.i by Ihe national authorlliea, pimply iic there ia no national government north meat inning. "The I ni Lot) Slate alimild linl withdraw It Iroopa flam Vera t'rna From what I u aide In olmerve there I no prospect that a Manic may be ramui 1 an nhlp political chief, but ti a leader of men. I am frank Mexico today arc not hu'.f u bad of M.ulero." Steamer Lorenzo Captured off West Indes While Deliver ing Coal to Elusive Cruuer Karlsruhe. New Yorl:. Hept. Ilciinell. the I li ii ivh heti. uiimcini e.l lhiM the leamer l.oiciiioi, 2! Courti-tiny conatll general afternoon that n gln i ed im n I'liiied Slap- iio-r h a nt in ii ti , and the Noivvigiaii aic.iiiiir Tln.r had been apliirc.l by Hiiilh cluim i lit the c of loahllK the .! iiu. n ci uis r k.irlxriihe .11 und hud been taken to Si. Ian ia to uwail itlnpi.M tpiti Iiv a pi lo court. ir I'ourieiii.y udded that the Her man crulxcr had mime ll K'l'l"' I'lle two Kl.' i n i t were captured oil Hi.. Wet Indie, be Kal.f The l.ori in.., a vhhi I of 1 I -' ion". Ii-rt New Yolk on August G f..r Mue iioh Aire. The Thor I a ateaoier ot a 4-1 ton, she tell New York on A"- gllHt I for Newport New. The cupiure, accor.liiig to Inlor- llintloii received lure, wa III. Hie 10 one IUIIIM1 cliliael. 3 Majority Leader Believes all Work Now Before Body can be Closed up Within Week. Radium Bill Dead. Wualllllglon, Sept. :'U llilllxc IHm- e nil will outline the remainder of their IcgiMlalive program Monday mm .e. nle whet her the bill for govern mi til ov led no r. bani mat in., eliab !. pieftt-cd. S.iuti lHni'K-tal contend Hie iii .r.-Miy Iiu, pucd. Itt-pit i-cnta-l r. e I' inli'tw nod paid todi'y the Itoilvc 1.1 nniMi it w..r beiore ii.' a. MORE REPLIES FROM COAL OPERATORS AT WHITE HOUSE TODAY Wllpllitiill.M. Sepl. 2 ItrplX'" of "olor;ti'o coal opi-rator. other than the I 'ol.. 1. 1. 1 . Fuel Ac lion voiupan). proposing a . oniprmise on PreMdctil Wilson a i til proposal for aett le nient of the still. e reached the W hite House lo.lny. I io.iiiih ll u the replii-a w i v-m bclui-e ttie I'f''" lilent aaked lb.- . I'.i .iol. to take up the innstion (ititli.r. io pral.lelit ex pect them to re. .. in-ill. r. Ituilium t Uiii.Liliril., elept ... The loll f' Colti rv lug radium land-, triune. I amal Wide inter.! over r.uli to cute nme motitha u, waa ab.iudo'i. I. tempor arily at least, touay by ihe Iioumv It wa liiudo "continuing privileged tneaaure" however, whuii it I to b,. cKiied up al any tim.. "i not at (all It aponaor explained l lor., waa no paiitcular rcaon for piessing ll ItRIGAtl CAUGHT G0ALII1G GERMAN WARSHIP UiERlODTH IS S CAf QUIT OCTOBER exiling for" on hi way today, AleXamlle lie SI a I'gHky. fieeiy on condition n that Hn-ni. nl ami pro tic.llv In a Hate of in i..ii of the Mate of Vuia- uull m milium .1. it i nnnifo Ihe liainl ol brigand Unit please, without mi.-i l.-i i nee by the t .mlile. There I no In- etalilihed In Mexico. I'ur- he cannot compar- w II h Vill.'t lo Mule that condition in a they vveie during the reign Cites Two New York Banks Alleged to have been Boost ing Interest Rate to a Southern Customer. WuMhingii.M, S. pt. I'. - Secretary M. d. 1. 1 today '.el. .graphed A. II Wiggin, ihairmaii of the New York ilcutitia bovi.c. tin. name of tw'o New York l.i'i'k which be declared have li'in chi.iue.l I.) ii large Booth em bank Willi I ciiuirint! I per cent intcrei'l on .a-vcral large loan. The mimes of ihe two I.jiiKh were not made pllilllc but the e.'elary ald. "Ir tho bunk deny having nia.le auch loan al i per telll llllcleat I Will take the matter up with tin- Hoiitlteiu bark and get further del iil " Tie telegram wa Hint in respoiiae to one fto.ii Mr. Wikkiii ilcclaiinK that New ink banks vv. lc not i haririnic ntoi p than ti p'-r cent to i iini. liners ami cot rcspoii.l. nis, ex cept on "some Wall Miccl loan ami on paper placed l.v broker." SALVATION LOSES OUT LOS ANGELES Court Refuses Injunction to Restrain Charities Commis sion from Shutting Off Street Workers. I.o Allgcle. fill.. Kept. 2. Tin Salvation in in) , which recently was foi l.idile i in sullen elm in tin i lt. lost loil. i, It legal rtKht a. ..nsl lac ruling of the municipal chailtic com iriih'sion. Judge I'crt'y V ootl of the Kiiperlor coitil dlolvud u temporary In In net ion losued to nsirain ihe char- itiea coiiimisioii enforcing H oi.ler, and netiied the salv.itioti army a lei main in injii'ution to the same eft eft. The rulini:, when hilts a!! the char, italde a.llcitie of the Salv.itioii army here, wa the oiiiconie of an ui'iulry I. is. . I ll oil ail l-'tl.'lal all. nation thai III,, army ni out of the iityui least .ii.'-th.i.i of ihe i.veniie derived Irom l liu Hal. ly Inclined. In delia ii" of it legal legulatl.i'i which prescribe!. that nil ihalMy fillnl eMail be used for the relief of the needy within the ill' llltilt of l.i AliKi I. . The S.ilvulloti iirni hit no lecoiir, now except un appeal to huliei court. Sever il mem. .era of the army aie now under airesi, pendinir appe.iran In p. lice iiinri on the charge of a. li lt; c x I .1.. Litt-tl f..r ehailly fur p.-aea. . AMERICAN MINING CONGRESS TO MEET IN PHOENIX IECEMBER Waahnigi. ti. S. pl - The a.- en leeinh llleclillg of tin' Anieri nin Mimiw coiigr.sp will be lo-UI in I'll.ienU. All7..n:l, liecellllier 1 t'l 1 I. the expciit,,,. i-ollimitlee itrillouliei.d tod IV. M'ADOO CALLS TURN OFFEND H6 ARMY R ORDER Conditions Today Seem Back About Where They Were When Constitutionalists Took up Banner of Revolt. FRESH EXODUS FROM MEXICO CITY BEGINS Troops Massing at Aguas Calientes to Meet Expected Attack from North. Bor- der Battle About to be Re sumed. Washington. Stjit. JO.fioii crul 4 a era una called a meeting of tin- illpbiniailc coriai In Met It ti 4 Ity yt-stiTilay anil Inforiipril I'm-iu that fnlrlM-r llglp.liis; In Mi xlt'tt prtduibly t oiiltl inn ho iitolilcil, uit tirtllnu tit oftltial ail vlits, riotlilng licrt today. 4.t'iitial 4 urranxa oiiillmtl lo lie iliplonutu lite lriiiilcw ni-go. Ilailon. with l.ciii-ral aiHtia ami gate tlittii tbtails nl' 1 1 ic rupture with l.i-in ral lliu. 4'unntni4" t vplaiiaibio followml Hie Urn of I lie stalcimni lie had given l Hm prc. Atltlits frtnii St Hnar a IimIuj courimictl riiMirla of lighting )i-.rnlo near tauanca, the 4 arriincu forutt umh-r t.t ncral Hill having 2i Vtoulldcd. TIh tenor of tin illsiat( lum linllcatt'il that .over nor Mnyloretut irtHm were niiiitt roua ami IttUlil fopce Hill lt i n the latrilt-r. Anifrlcnii 4 tuisul Mlllninn will ntorii liiuiicilialtly fcini latrelu to Mt'xb'o I My. llrt.wiiMlllr. Teg., ea-i. ill. .Military guard were IihIbt rv fMald.slicd by I ulti'tl Slate trtMii at Hie tiHin-iuttlonal brblge approucht . Im re. ItHllI KTS nVK MM A IS ii:nt mhi uirri.ic Sunta Fe. N. M , Hept. i. John W. Itoliert. cftrrepondent for the H. arM paper, whose home la m Satin. Fe. wiren from Torreon to f I lend here that Villa hna Bhlpped thirty ot hi I.eiiviiHt guna soiilh and that he i now actively niobllumg bi vi-teiau arn y und making every pr. p. i ral ion lor a long campaign tu the aouth. MeVic.i fltv, Sept. ti. Heneral Yen ui ui no i.iriatir a, the acting head ot the Mexican government, in tho loiiu naieititnl which ht: gavp out In si mghl reviewing the lllllcilllle between hunstdf ami Hencral Frull eiHc.i ilia. i:ite that the Nltuatioii ia gr.i.e but ll.e roiiHlilullolial- I. -ta ri.. ready tor utiy emergency. ielletal Villa, lie deelured, lie 11 III tide. I iiupo"sil... change 111 the cull leaned for a cont. ii ic e of constitutionalist chiefs oil tlclober I. ilem ial 'ill.i' ii. tn.uiiU. he aay. wen thai the g. nernl Conferelli x pledge II to l. e.l a I. Hell the na tional ami Mate civil regime Within hlllv d"V .tiler tile t "tl I iTell.JB coil- -Pule It diseuspion. that no preeeiit ain.y i. ihill he ellgiulp tor any cle. live ..flbe. Hi it Ihe federal alaie lei;l. n il.-, Ii,. convokei) .nimcill.ilelv and that the electoral college be hi sen for ihe election f a perma nent president. To thea,. demand fSenertll t'arrsn aa replied lh:.! "nlv the conference GUARD ! ON JOB ONCE I MORE lis. If wa alil.i to take Up theay que t ion. K. g I'd. mr the cutting of the rail way lines moth of Aguu I'alieniea. lieii.ial t'urrunxu auy this ui not lioMib- Inn a ne.eMiry ! In view" of Vill.i'g warlllte J.rep'irm I1..1. If aiuuchy coinra uiil blootl i