Newspaper Page Text
roira. THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M FRIDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1914. 1(1 Ml Mllr ll TIIK MUX IM II 77ie Evening Herald. Punllfhrd hf TIIK KVK.VIMl iu:n i.n, IXC. UEOHUtC 8. VAIXIANT, H. It. HliNINO Kdlior rutiiiBhM very ftrnooa et rin Sunday, nl H North Hmond turret. AlbiMiuerqua, N. M. Entered an econd-i'las mt?r t th poa'cthva nt Alli'mue d". N. M.. uttJir th Acl of March t, 179. One month by mail or carr'er.iuc On wee by carrier lo Ont yr ry mail o' currier la dvB" s o' Telephones: PminpM onv KilltoMal rioom ..18 ..HJ It U n real -t uU lor iIhw who Ii.iw di"i Ii) Hit' .hum- ol the MHI" hikI MIHIll Ir-tod in ii yry priii linil unj tin-It" Mippul or iiiM. ih-obivw.Ui' I. u I -l.t t i-iliiio'r Mr. '' um "ii I- ' llif-i'. iiiiIIiv liu h.cii K-tid I'v lil" "il'. II wmilil -i-i-iii l ii"' liMlr inorf than julh I" I'1'" tlxil lii" - MitllCIII lllil'lll It'llllll him 1 1 1.. .,i,ie. ulnriv Willi IfllKllu'H liiu it'h Ik' will I"' "''Ii' eM. h Illr the Im'IM'NI tf Ihh quality mini- mill niiri' i'l-iiIm-I front ! It li month." 00!KliV ll0." Xlcll llll IM' 'illll ll'l'lll H' l'"" Ith-nt ill lli" I liit"d Muti. ""'I Irmil mi h ii ir"dlont H- WimmIiow WIUoii. r.lMMiltl t' Hii- Mi.ilc i.f -w Mex ico to lubr deep Hli-ln. li'Hi in tin l-i-ii-iuiablo (1 (ii ml lli'it llliilllY COIlllHCIldoil Will III!' IIIIHI -1 'ir iTliirni'il to lb -cnl in i inii:rrN. oitni"iiian I i riiii-i'ii will I"' l . I1iiix-t tor ii few oii nt to morrow moi'iilim nl II ii'i Ih k. when I lu SiiiHii IV IIiiiUiiI trwiu pii-" ll iuiiuli. It I- M (ir-t P )m,n- cllv for iihii month--. I- worth wluli' fur tin' M'opl' in hit It will of l- l,i'iim-iiii'. ri'uiinllr-s of imrty. to lulu mil on iimi-m- to welioiiie tin iiuiii of whom rn-lileikt MIoii mi-. hi- ipuilily Im- I'"'" K'Meil ly n-r P -." I.i-t ii-. kIm" Mr. l'i-riiNS4in tin welnniH' liniiie whlih III- M-rin- to tin- i-'pli- of Nih Mexiiu inaki'H hi due. Mill; i l l n ll I I V. Till.' Herald means tin dir-our-li.iy to .Mr. I'lami.-. i '. Uil-oti, the I'r.itrleywv c e.illdldalt.- tor , , ii , ('-', who .ipeiik- in Kike Ihea'er toiri'-bt, w be l v i .t' that bin r.tloli- I . y i-hoiild not in- I'll. if Jed j'iiiouk ls b any ill -r. in pi in mi tar i.m ii is a pro'e-l ana, n-t th- old Kepub li mi .-turnip. it nun bine in ihiH Mate, and as it ti ml-i to eliiiiinale that nia i bine an an iriri'letii e in etate uf fa:i 'iee.l in that built Mr. Wll ,s..n m l ainlidai y men's tertous if Hi," t. Mr. 'iii-..ri m tin uble man; but if then- were the in, .ft remote iliaii' ) of ton ih ('inn on Tuesday, whi'h then- ii. not. u ,ite lor him would (.hii la- a ote waslud. Hind' im n l'ro-KCi-M ni- in tho r. xi ruiiKi't-HK h1 would be wilhoul lnfl'ienee und With out tailitb al .ilatUM. Tin; utsido ' party never bad any uiienxth tin- KtreDKth of the perm. rial popular ity of Mr. KouMeVcU. wi oii;ani.a tioii a , it had thro'iKhout Die nation ban been di ;nt. i:rat ma r.i idly und the diMiiti Krutlon has been inure lap.d ilurmu lii.w i.iiniamn than it was bit, ne the .i!ae rampm.n Marii d. It Inm nu t the hum liable. tale of the -.ia- inari party. Ami ho, while Mr. '.lm.ii Ik li mb il in u resi.eitful hi irniK tioin A nucmri 'lili- ol(is bis Hi.iieiiluiice i , . . , ,. . .ii inifhey are pblifed to wipe out the nil-' here tonight nhoiod ie icK.irded in ' i the lit-lit of a .lote.-t iimulisl the b'ii'b, ami t tie mclhiiU nt the .-.l ii' in,,, bin,- which made It !"" possible for men .f Mr, Wil-on Mtamp longer to remain in the Ht.ind puf ranks. Hid whuh for, ed thtlil lulu the l'l ohi t ,-si e iiiov einent. If Mr. ilsoii i entirely hiih t re, and wr liebeve thil he l". he iitKbtstalidn that he run no (bailie for eleition Tuesday; that votm last for linn Tlicwtlay Ule likely tu be Votes which othi i w itiu w ould bt- i ant f or Mr. I'er-(lii.--a.on: mid an a i a ml i'Ut (f pro test MiiaiitHt bHd men und bed meth ods, he should, iih final evidence "t bin nin(rity, udvls hi heurer t eaat thpir t'lillotn fur Mr. KifrKuwon. it Hhouli tell bis Ulldlence that th inoHt effective protest und the M-ver- st blow ut the old Kulii! w ill h an ov ei w h-liniiin majority fur Mr. Kt-r-juiKim; a Hw unpiim. klllnut n.ajoiin. Jnntiried l-y the tiiiKt rreorJ of the t.vndlit:t time hint', und fHpt'ially JJ tltled by th man they ha placed befoie the pe,.ilp as their cundidate in oi-pufltion I,, Mr. Kermnwon. Mr, ilsiol will ' niakiiiK no inis takp, viewed in any luiil. if hf will Mdvis til liemirii toMtfht to Votp ft fei lively, on Tuesday, in the cuime of ( lean polltltn. efleelne neryi' uid jtoiul (tuyeriiniHiit. And llt only rf frilivp tnlr l,i thin liluh end in tt.l lei t Ion In the vote tr Mr. I't-rgim-oii. IIAIKMW (.till iiwiltcr, of tint rieptibltcan county i nnirntttee, u I t hit tu have been iinfnrlii" iut lii his nU'clli n of ii subject f"r counter Mttiii'k iiml diversion. Ho i lion llw ImililiiiK c'f ii neiesi-ii ry public mini in tin- Alameda precinct; i huriied tin- nmnty road board Wii UKiiiK it power for p dlllcnl pur pusrn in Ihnt prci im t, nml i ili-il a iiifitli'iiil lit AIiiiiiiiJu, anil un inllu Miliiil nmn if Ih" prilnrt, im IiIh nu ihority Tor rhiMKliiu I tu- bminl ilh pliiyiii pnliliiK. Mr. iiill-ri- wmI.t rliiiini'il llini.ihl Kitlkrlirii'h liiH autlmrity. Mr Kil'.-nrti'h re- tlioi with tli ftioiiK wild iiIhi--! h"inl." ili'iiylnn 'l.itly pvry rhursc nml n.-M Tlnin i.f I hi' Ki-pnt'lii un i hiuriiiiin. The- inniliifion nmy ii f.iitly left tu tin' Judgment i.f iho people; err imlly In Mew . I Ih). flirt Unit the i'.:ly cffeitive, i rutii'inn :i I rmid i'lK ln-en I ever ilniie 111 tliin euunty hn I'V the pri'Miit load Uimril. However ,!iertnig cuntrnvi rpy limy le. It in well to I elm inler it in not ety iiiipoHiiM 'I'hp rimd . t . j ! bin ifK ! nil Hi e i.f Work well liloiie ill tile ii.nd It Iiiih 'mill. '1'liut ! e idi 'in e i ,i ii ti i t lie denied and no ' iimmitit nl "ib 'i tei.' ,nri i ir:iet j lioin it . Tin- Al.ine:iJa inl I from the ni!dieiui hiiM'inun wa hioiiubi up in ii lilind effort 'o linil H'lin tlniii: w'leh wmilil iltiiict pj'i ! In iitt. hlf three !eiln tise , ;iiiiliilii'e .Mel), si,, drli., Nestor : Mmito) -t n ii. i:. A. Mann, nml the (lulu's whi h iIiom' men fit. i ml for in prii.ipi" t.n' leiiflat io?v should they he elei li d. The I,.. .i Jtcputilieali I.ok-i h trie, the old I :n iff talk khiih'. I! UMiil'In't work. The pi-nple woild ha,- none if ii Tlien we hud the I'.l'lienni-. H j . , l.i le nf I hi- 1 : c-1 ' 1 1 1 1 all , haiiin.iii i h i i v i ii K the Ileum, rat Willi -', irllv ama.sMiiK a 1,'JKe 'liih mini" for the pun hae i.f vote Thfit l.roiiht a round ! niiiili fioin the Fpi, Hid th,- Alun-iila ilmni'i way ir u n n as a I. ml re.-i.rt. It iilno has tailed Kwry elfort at of piibbi at tin I ion from tlio in ibis i .ini'. i un in '. i e-1 fail il er-loll I eal iciiie i Your peiKoii.,1 intensts, "i.", I poekt Uai.ikK arc- it i-tako in the per-j hoii of the b tislut iv e i undulate ill' Tuendaj'n cb- lion Your tax Iat"j In now men per (int. The i: l ui- i la an bunsef- propoHe to o,e upon' '.'i.ii a s'ale of (ouuty Kuianex wlu U ' ill make lax rate it I, Mill,' I'T I year- to i an,) w hu h will t ' miciik't hen the county olti'O tinx that It im doui.tful if i' ever could bo biol-ru down Tiny piopos, thai nj hhall pay S', ii'iil a year to r-hi riff wIiiimo (.ole employment is the pi, .mo.' lion oi hi- pi'lsol',.. pollltial 11, tries!-; whose ib'li'll.e. .1,1 ibe w 1,1 It 'lltlil who ,i inn rids that they have ad' pa , out ,i y,,ur poKit.-1. lur ;do,tm ii They propose other lo inty inilaiieH on the anie basis. Thi'T : propoHe to oxerwhelm n i Iran, eftl-jeit-rit, manly ovi-rimr xvhn lias in oh- ' II Hplelulul titllt lor the people, i air un.-t iivi r helmiiiif odds T h y plop. is,. t ri sturu the obi r"iid la s-1 system of b'K i be. uraft. Tin y pro pohe (i.ntinuc the prt writ li- I law by w huh iho rieWhpu pern of '.bis slate are prohibited from tellm the Ii uiii about publi, office on uin if mi prisoiimeiit and tuiancial ruin llo' propone to pei pi tjnte Ih" taX iii'-n system by whiili the rich und p"W,r- i i fill i s-ape mid I lie poor It. an wi' h Mhe little hii'l-i' un,l lot foi Is th.. bill i of l unrunn Ihe Koverriment. 'I hi -v I propone coirinui d rule by the little rinif know n n- th? Uepu'du an Irnu'huie. The three I cmo( ratic (iindidateH are pli lUed til it inaximiini l ounty alary of f2.afi(l. They lire pledced tu inainiaiu tho pre-etit road hoard law and s'leiiHlhcri it if ,o.-iMe. fair head tax tor root, if thev can do it They are pledKed lo u decent law of libel, they are pb ded I, up port the noveriior; they are pledjid to mi erteitHP election law and to rt Hulution of the t.ixalion inii'ldle which will tlx the iiiinlen of luxation win I' ll bi Ioiirm. They represent the peo pi" arid urc pledged to the pei ple'i ( a use. the fundamental The main issue HUIKtion ut Htake Tuesday, i the in- ( lerot of the people und the ftiute tiibl ' your liidiv I'iunl pci kclbook nxairiHt I the interi-Ml (. (he mm hin Hn pt ople and their individual poi ketbooks. At- tempi ut diversion inuy prove inter istlliK. Itu; do Hot pel nut them to Umw your mtenllon from the funda- mental principle ut etake. LOCATION OF BIG GAME TO BE SHOWN IN DE BACA'S BOOK Santa Fe, N. M, net. 30 tine of the object, in fai i, alinoHt the prin cipal object, of the Hetm-nnual re poit notv lie In it prel'tired by thr state liu me warden oltb p, I tn shuw hunt er whrre game of hil oit curl be found. p?i lai ullcnllon will Iih Kiven lo big R'ime in thin book, w hb h will be issued in mimber utt,. leiit tn ap ply all tiunrod mho (lclr them with copie. TIip report w il be tiled Bboiit the end of next inmilh. Ir will civerabain lUli pake und Will be pi of unely illiifl- c I, - COLOQ fc J hf Hie k J rr s-mux i 1,1,1 rm !B' K.UN'.M.'I) Piilkenruh ol Al.iiiied.i iiinl Itppuulii'iin 'h:iiriiin i I 1,'MW.iter lie, illy ilu nut innee n MPtltlul pninla li eutiniM t ;.ni Willi th.- Al, lined. i i y iikI r Hi t h II , K- TIIK It II IT II V ihmtmiin Mtmj to It lunula tiniililc auieetiiK vsitll .nu nut' in Ciim l ie, lion. - O iJHiKH I. IKK ii Lull Krmtih. ' AM) inn tii I'll nit- hi 111',' I.I K U lit I ll I . II. 1'. t.' ketl .,- IK fAMHIiATi: MiTrir will Jut repent Ins well 1. nm n im pel fnn.'il ophiiiiliM nf ", I lath!.- Vl!l i.iniM nt Klkn' thentir t"nitlii. the Mv kin' w ill In- wiM lli itmii tn. a Mil. W11.SII.V piiih!y will dl4i' all Hint puhlii ity his pndii ,di Ion li.iinl.i are i:ivlnR 1 1 int. Arid that niifilit to he worth heating too. -O - IT S ii fier, e K une In Mump the PMte mi a prohibition ti' ket aid hne the hum prohibitionist tiad nu with a barrel of iw ill. "HI.ItVAMil:. held f..r Kr.nid Jury It t (HI luiil" headline. .No, veil tie leader. It in lo't the ex-1 ri usurer of l!io Arriba eiiunty. The parly ri fer led to is iinnther Hi natide., fintit nrini,. "AriKei." O- IT St'lii-: Ih a rdiainelr ploposiilon to eteiiie oles lor fund urn eriitni n ' by miidinii road !nn4i on the roads Tin- idea ia new In Hernalilln eunniy and the botfu linn u t at) Jet re, ov er i 1 ! rum t ho sh'n K. Tilt: I!HY who put the hill,' in M.nii ,1,'i a thiirou-'hls w ni k nia i. b ke jnli. O TIIK A'll'Aif IWUKXTI:-! loinen tion Mi'ins tu have bulled aw.ij. - O TIM". IIAXiiS T per eent til rate keepH pnsliins lu'lit out in front of the tariff in iite of all ' He iihsmh i an in Tin: si'ai.i: on tin il.m.'c Ym r seeinn to and stuck. I have Htrtick a I -O Tin: ;i;Nii m.ii i-akty s lumy artillery in tlu campuiKn has lucn loaded exclusmly with pcinutM. - O- A I'KUSISTKNT bombard merit of peanuts Is t.ot il.iiii;i ion.-, but II do, h net I iresi 'inc. O SAN M Ii ;t'l-:l. -i stiinateil si. m l put majority ilrojipcd lin) p,.r cent. r o Kin AKHICA's llernandej! mijoiii ha- dropped .'i'i per cent. o- IIIT N i: i: K MINN Imperial It. r- lucilbi ill come up with that Pioin !se, I.', u(i nmlociy p ;- V c. 11,-rnaii' ilez, Modesto t'lttz a id Judfte Mann. O - U i;M i: M 1 i: It you have a vote T'ks ilav. TtiatH worth uiieihinii. Afier Tursilay all oi inn do h i.ilk. a I'Ti : I; Tf'K.-HAy ( t t he h-K islat ui ,- liu -O .. Till: INK A Is tu be , day. the e tin boy l - V til c&. n the Job Tlien. Oii TA K 10 the ( oiise.ueu ( h. o l TIIK fdl.N liKAY NA UN of W eil ue-d i y iii'iiii Mr. II, rnamb r. wi.i learn what jt really ini'ium tu be pi, it. il to lead a for lorn hope, I Alt 111': IT from ns to k b k at the I'loiiiotion of ( dm , Hi, ,li. I: ii! Hie ( '.ent lluvhie Willi.'iutK K(t' Ii' ked Tuesday, wh'itinell will the Hit,, :et f,.r that 3 1 ii.iitm tt' nia nt on .' - O IT l.i inKS un if the poor s'ale s'oud tu loos,, either way. Till: M'SirsT and most ifTi , tiv( (ampilli VMilkcr in this lb" ti' tl Imp It tu the New M(Xi'(i slalul put, o- C11AIHMAS' i:i.Y ha piled up mi oVcrwhelmi-iK uiajiirit) ( f i an 'filed '0Nto' Hiainps arr.'wav, O ;i:T iil'T tomorrow and sliow Con. k'ti-HHitiun K rmiscoti that we ui prel ate u rial , oiiiM s-i, SALOON IS BURNED OUT AT CIMARRON I'irii.irn.n, N M, "t ."a. The Ia--' K' Tender hi, Ion vv.m totally dislroV. id by lire Friday iiinl m i(t about 30 I A defective Hup Ik Haid to have been I he liiuii' of the bla.e. Winn t he fir vtam dim ov ered it had li.ii'le " much proiiresH; that the depa Miner, t ( oiilil do I, Hie with it. The buiid.niC and (oiilenls were owned bv J. Mrnapm-e und were ' covered bv iitsiirum.'p. The lo.' wita eliKlitly over l.t.HOO. Hud Ji.lin-I Hvp vy. i A man afier the lapn- of a few ' month, inciin old Iriend t- fOHted him thim: "Say, old man, why I It we don't fee you any moie?" I've Joined the army," ' the lafoni,- itjoiioli r. "Wltat uriny'.'" Bked the rn.U'.ed trie ml. "The rmy af th Iird." And t he ( hun h ?" "I'.apllst." "Well. It ii not Ibe nrmi you mean then. II the nav y.'- N a t I u a H I 1 out lily. 3G piece dinner sets on ale Monday at $2.45 per et. See window display. THE LEADER tUratd wmt. I linn t .:m I i r ,i h: Give Your Appetite a Treat Buy some of Moreys Solitaire Good 'I "hins-ro-Kat and serve tlu-m at your table evtrv . I. - .. V. t - V im; w nine i.imiiv w ill r . "3 r " 2 . i VVil'S ,U' tilt-Ill. i that relieves the fcZk sameness of every day food. " The ?. I he '.rncer Can Vt-Uxvr" i -i H f H'rt or? a frw pnrriicn of thr Siliiaue litiwlv Oa.-t. Ant 'iiM u'Mn lltl. alto.Y-iKii-l.v I'i'tr iff ii.c f'ai. I'ritnut limit'. I;mrnti. luprt, Jitliet. 'rrji-rvii. faffrc Tea. Splm, H,noring inm'i. CiImip. Mi .i, A'ar. ,V,i ii'fii Jtuie. oii-r il. Manit ,s,rur. tu . u:id oil l-iifi, fu'i ,7 tuiltii .Kit.: unJ vintal'k. THE MOREY Mt RCANTILE CO. Oi-nvcr 53l i ;. . -' ;.' :. s t -) ' ' ft Advertisement. Beaven Applies Short and Ugly Word lo Gillenwater and Calh Attention to Record Made by County Road Board Albll'lllef Mr. II. N. M. pie. N ' lillenV z '.i, inn iiiipiel . 1 1 1 ( , A I la 11 r S.r: In aij. I .!. .Mo; r.lm: ..:i iitta k mi tin !ld oil p, I .-oll- lof I lu I, ii t I hat :r ni ,n b- in the Join ua y o i 1 ad ally. 1: il v the p'lM:' . ' daily pap. ii Ib-r " i r i In buthif to i. met In ail- i :l i.( ns a limit vv b it a '..out t h, in. l IT Ii, ah' ion- vvhut, ll.-V. i t slate 1 V "II! lint I lo In. as ll mi :i ' i ' I ki'i'Wii tu to worry r publish i too VV ( d ,-ny pcloli., liliKllt . i i ! It ... . llild 1. .,', .I' ll, I III I . I I i III.' ic ,il 11 , t - ..III S'lila i I'M - In oar no ri ban iv. Wild , a ill LI-lil 1 i nasi 111, t!noii.'li Al lii pulH.i.l I I pi .I'i II half that and i.i , ley 111. 11 It.oo Willi b I1IU , VV . I '. vl del' , hal II I 1 II VV ,1 II Muni 4 : lo I: tl iiii: 'or ii. hojie , I II , t tv I I ll'llli-l 'I'll lo. (I-I.V tunny 1 '' 1 th, ji.u, II IV!'' ..I p the i I, I '.. nu; poi, 1 1 s ate a lew Im hav e , ui II i UpOll l lo I'bc tolb.VV ,1 tlialiv . i l'. 11 ,1-1 V loa.l !,... pi.iin-ul - 1-h.r.. in.; eal-. lb . A l: -pr.n ;i r. . b. Mai J A d the , 111 lllc ll'il I; 1 1 pll-l tW" I-;. I,. (Jrosi oust. W. II . II. M' Mil In I ha', is. loiibli, lloup. 1' .1 ciki y ( 'in i I 'I A li. Nor Ih.i'i II ibb.'.. V. ul I 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Ho-, .- He MM blcll . "1 Ni li lupliell, J M S I Ii nry Vi'i1" 1 1 '' Wei n in a n, -'i"ir.iii. v. r. i ' i. II l: II. ,iid".,l. '. . I '. S w. : M t .,l'. nil. i'. A 1 li u bell I 'i I Kosi livv.ibi. I lope .V I' I A. M o p 1". Van Nii i . Voii lllc!. I. !. tow. (I'd the i u V , i y ii ul,,. ,1 I it ( oil' in ie tn Vui.r nit aid ha- ce ii i,: roid .,st... Obi. ( ' i'" y..i.'; riH h baby, you'd have been uavtd many u cold and crot'.ny epell." For vkurmlfi? cold rornrtt und iioimtj viptilr roomn, ml f ,r C'-,irillrs k. i.l iiri ion when rxli heat U watilcd, you im J ibo pciiitiioa tui"klM Od lltatcr. PERFECTION SMORLtsi , Oh HEATERS The 'f rftctton U, ponablt, Iriptpenalva t j bu y :u1 In and y I vltin, Mi kindllni:; r, anbeo. It in guatan. t,-r 1 nu. Vrlci-. and J. ,i ei and lit b"ii mri baiii, al (1'tt , 'H. At ell l.ui l aie and gen del ii'aiea, las.k I n ll.t Titaii(l tiaiK-mar. THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Htif Jrnttd in CtU. n 1)0 ) ireni) nmmu imiinwuniiiiiy " . t meal ifti ' l -ii V k r i 1 Mey I at tlx i x I Ille I. Mil ! Noiip.v .1,1 I ate land. y our in -ii I , tunc pro 'ell- '!. of the wh le count;., M) loot .dm: In hup,, 'hi I'Miiin I ". iillenw al( I nr own 11 ai , i.i i lit fol the old ma I' 1, un. i u Y "ir i '." , i. niii t b, toad build, I I that II ' ' st V j feet of Uosl niij llic ( ,ty . ir r .or d si iW ,i .i lo bund .i.7'"i il livcllllc .idjolli r" old Miov s l hat ,iiiirtii thai "ii in; to fpib.l l'.,i'in d ul a , osl of es , . mi .1 rrr,- r." I tie II. ill1 .-illll Oil, ii i I l"-c me of ; i I i Im- - now , oiii l t th, in Ni"" P i son t,. e 1 1; v iie a uy hone; Ii, I a l I be v 'I k if I In 'I 'Id ' Il b" link ilol.e VV I I led t be r ''.ui ( M elid.l i. i It' vv i r must ia- I hut if Malt ,, ) ,.ur in, ie, il v 1. 1 nd of ic, i'i, ii in v . aid tie I be VV ol I ' 1 1 her is . b.l ,r. i vv.'ik lioli II I'. 1 lelll- i,ii i v i" n i' c . . . , i ,, I III in liision. Mr. i i 1 1 1 1 -1 ; vv a , .-.ay that v..itr Whole a. Ut the vMi'ida t .... I i ,b -He I., i ii, cut an, and Ml 1 1 fil l i vv n I i .ilk. ni , b's, i oim .' " ' . I i . ,' , ' ' 1 1 , li 1 a , 1 1 , , ' 1 p , , '. ' ." 1 l, ; i 11 ef I la: of ..liyi.c, I" full.- I I . : Is a I.e. JOHN S. I'.I'.AVCN i if t)jR0SWELL CRIMINAL DOCKET IS LIGHT FOR FALE SESSION l: o-vv, II, N M i Mi.- Th. d", ,- ui.-i in t en , h open b kit the I ill term of lb t 'h.t u i t inn, t y v h lux; Mo' Ma' l-i Vel; I .' lit both oil l-'lit i I', initial un, I . .v.I (.IMS. 1 'f the "! mi r lb'!,- lire hut 11 to be tried, all of Ihl-m old I'll'", Wallc , f Ule latter j I ill riinaii null, aid. M.ny u,' thesaj ate ai i'i a!.. f loin tin.- ju.-ti e coui t.1 j Wlole a uu.'e tiilli-ll nl,, buli.o. el I I oin 1"! 'i,i f 1 I His. The Co in fort Ba by s Morniuj Dip vJ Krviovvs," says tho Comfort Haby's Grnnd rnothor, "what wo'd do without this Perfection Smokeless Oil Heatfr. "If I'd only had one when you were a What's Doing in The pieliioliiiiry oratoilcnl con tent will be held 1I til" luuh H, boot iiiulllol inm on November Null at p m., and (lie lo i ! i in ,ii.i rv ilmhiinu tory lontest will be held at th name place oil November IS at S p. in. The purt'osp Ik to si'l'M t the r' Pti -ciit a -Hies or Ibe A I'-it'inf 1 .pie hUh t" hoo III the llilliun Hi lie liu. ll n lo(. c.ra toi i. iil end ib 1 'lull'. it"l v i obtest tu be In Id here " hanl.smv inj; week. A short musical pn ifrum vviil bp (iven at eaih pt eliniitiat y and the publir in Invited. I.e. il Judges will make Nl" celei tloll of 111" H be Mr. 1'ni'kn. tin- h.nii h hool linlior, Is .iiinl f mil hina; a ihornm-.h i IciMiik GRADING CAMP MEN SETTLE ARGUMENT WITH LAHUE KNIVEs n. .V M., i" t. "it. N i pt mo l.tii . the 'rut: in piiiv has le, n 5;iadi bulil wnb krijvi'H whali itiib-it an ar-. Ulllliei.t Sllll.ia, at Ibe tllai..lig ciiinji tip Suiiilc (anvoii. In vv'ii II W' Adams iv a-, sc-i .onsl, ii.i.ire.l' and K.lwurd liilbn b-s- hi r ion -ly ln:r . j The outcome of Adinci' cotidil mi i i-i helm; aw i led vv ii h nun ti Pip as upon il ib t'l'iols Ibe clniiue lu ',.; I" lui-il :i ::-.iii-! 1 1 Men An al'i r ov i r a i'imip ,, I hi- a 11 ia v, in Ms w as t he ' "j " :i v. In, Ij but h i ii 'y. I tit if tll.l lie CALIFORNIA 'r;,'wn, Co in pat v CAurtwiA " I . I.I - if i Xi ft COURTEOUS, PERSONAL ATfENTION III Every depositor who enters this hank is sure of the utmost couiveous service, whether th? amount of the busi ness he transacts with us is large or small. For many years wc have safe guarded the money of ths residents of Albuquer que and vicinity and have given them service which has proved efficient, prompt and highly satisfactory. You are invited to make this bank YOUR bank, and to open a Checking Account in it. Every facility is extended. lJL IT? uis -'-w.-j,',,i 17, H. MAUN CO. I or IPta In Vmfi of 4J1 PHONE II. Alabasline Shertvin-Vdhams Paints BUILDERS' SUPPLIES HOT BED SASH. JUAJRIDGE LBRCO 423 S. 1st St. Phone 402 Figure with us Mouldings and MILL Superior Lumber T'",""g" iLANKETS AND COMFORTERS Supply your wants of Bedding now while the stock is at its best. Our assortment is better than ever before. We ar: showing Blankets from . . Sl.QO to $20.00 a pair Comforts from . . $1.25 to $27.00 each ALBERT FABER 211 to 215 W. Gold Ave. Furniture, Carpets, Draperies and Stoves. the High School of our new hiiiblint!, lie Is lo be ( o,i. rut iilutcl mi 1 1 n rplcnilbl un pen rum e. The eifhth prude U woikltit; liat'l to make a rood shotting Hi the vviil- I iiiu and (iruniHiiir ( onli -l'i to I ,- b Id In i e ilmii't- the ti .K tn i.-' oiiv i nt ion The liliii, i y romriHIrp him bcKiin uctn.,1 woik und any book- tileii rri.rn th third flour library iiuci be Irported to them. Mi"i i'.ii'iier Ih to h"hl a firtnl priu tup of the iiil'iH" ibi'" toc,l,it utter school The h uh si hool sliiilciil j ut,- plan uiriK many Hallowe'en puiiu- lor tu- riii;ht ami luiin,: r ow. Toirux Install- itrblp-. l'.iiton, N. M . o, I, 30.- - Tin' ,ountv t' ad bo , rd hns a r-inur miv ihij vvi-i k on a new Sa-foof hi I. Ho. , i , It;,' lied liver a saort ih ". llt' e ah.. vc I ii- iiii, nt It io Kid lo. ef , any, ui on lb.. i'i!s.,i!I load. Sen i, i I oilier Hill'!),,. lunW'i . Wol also rcceivti needed li"iii and be cut,!,, oilllHv road b t -A , i Kit, , und r.Hsitlll will be I n . -. J Hi inn ilillotl. 3G piece dinner sets on 'sale Monday nt $2.45 per set. Sec ; window display, THE LEADER i J.. ,a m, 4 -i-ii-r-iIIIS' t'lti, ,jwivi latt i cirinn.i.ns m'mp ur.i.rp ,1'Mi1 oAi.r.ri' K Ki ANTIin ACITU A I. Li SIZB-H KINDUN'I AN I) KILL, WOOD URICK. AND 'I-,iTKIitNf I.IMC tiANTA FE QUICK on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mill Company