Newspaper Page Text
TWO THE EVENINQ HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1914. The Evening Herald. pu.tllfthctl tjr THR i;U;MMI IIKIMliD, INC. nRoiiorc H va I.UAST, Wpicr II. H. IIININ Krtltor I'uifl lhi ery afternoon . oiu KutuUv. al IH North Soconil flrM t, All'i'iiTqu, N. M. Kntrrrrt hi rc-onil-i'lan matter t ill iior at AlU'inupr.iu. M. M., mnl'T the Act of March . 1879 On mcii'h Ity mull or rT'er.oe (n Wi'i'k ly caTir 1S no year ly in ul or carrier la aiKaiv $.9Q Telephones: lUiilncits OnV... iMlitorlal rtiwma nil ii tnn;v t i: iu. i T...u- i .l ii ul t in l''.ciiiiv II. i n I t" pm iv tf.t lo r ;n N-w .Mm . It i." let , . . tl i J. H . Till' II. t :l 1.1 h I 111- in -iIi-I-iik it t. tin" In I? Is t.. . ,,ii t.i tin in mint i I' i u -J I' tli' - m loome hi ,'ii.iv 1 III. in lit" . ! It1'"-' till' ('HIV in "ii ! til,. M.i!.- I. .In. a'l.ih.i! .u-.-o. oil w in. li i: : . 1 1 ' ; 1 1 1 , . , wliil.' Miwnit M'lii1', t, i '. .1 nit" I it'll u It t hi' ri'ti- . ? . i ...i win- !i niiv .i' i.t list an. I I ..ii. .in t.. ,v ..I iMiit, ii. .t only t" , lii. i. .i. Ii. in ..III ! till' I'll -l.c Hi 11 ' I .Wv V. wo h i. .i Iim- interest lit ti.- .inn.inl i ..tivi i.l i. ill (.f tin' State ! .1 ,1 ,i I . .i.i I ;ic-i'i .ill mil. 1 1 m lin-ln-i-r t. i ni it t it.illy iin..'t l.ii'.t part .. tli.. ,.i nun l-.itii ry .f tin- '.!' . ihl Hi' ir .ih i- i I. M-r t" ii" ii . i s r ! in .1 i v. ri.i 1:1" l'.i..n .-I ;n , ..' !.! . I-."- i.! iti l In cert i' Tli. . :il,. I. m'mi t.T Hi" Kt.'V-lll .ii,. I . . . I. .I... . hi (.r nor i hiltlri ti. ati. I t , ., ..IV I, il : . V f TI t til'' fill '!!(' l.f It;. : l.i!,. :. ,-. I !i.-:r I: ' M'l Ti . . i . ,..ii i In. Ii ( In I 'i .1 i i o v- 1 .1 ', i- I In' In..-, iin I . ii. hi v.lli ' ' tin' ten in New M .- i ... ; h . in III-' !H"M mi- -. I t ! , . ; -. I ! .1 I Mil!' ill ft ii ml .1-. i ,, !.'!. ti. I mi- ln.'li'.i.-iiiiily in t.ii ' in yi-.-ir." ti. ' . tn'. Tli" 1.1 I ... . I I , li.l Hill- ,,t III.- r.-ll Cllt I. .11 !l ( .ir .! t h.- .-i 1 1 mt V i.f ;i n ' " I,, i'.., .- . 1 1. I . ... i Ii. i.- tin.- tear Hh'.w in,.- I. . i In is ..I M.'Mi i. ii"-' !-.!'. iil.w In till' III I ! t.lll I' i.f llu-if ..',. ,.l .1 II: it tin-.. .Hi' I i-:li llllll? "HI iv. i i i. ins ..f in. ;'rKi il I ti- 1 it I . N i. I.'l .. 'i'.'.l 11- flll'tlt . ! t ... !,-. '.- l-lo ..' I III- I II)' Ctl- I. I !.. .11,1'.; Iti'- i:.!'-- ,ili.-ll,ll !! ItH'll I-. .i.. .1 .Ii'.- HI til'' W.iy i.f ii- i. n. i. inn. ul aii-l 11 miiscmeiil.. Thr M... .1 f 1,1,1 . ,.n I tii I'-ll is mii.mi i..!l. i li- It,- ll , i i I ..! Illy l.s.i" i:i I l"M . .I... ,,. ill.- 11. 111. Ill- ll' III Ul' M'll- ,. . 'u hi, . i., tli- r ti.nli -iniiiM-ir.i'til. .ii.l i l.i r. : i, in. jif. i.ti-. I ,ii I In- I li-i -! I.l t...i .. t li .!. Ju.-t 1 1 1 ! I i- ! in ii. : ; , . ! 1 1 ,. . . .!, lit :-n .i-i i. ..I i- . , - :, ,. ,! v h ,.t K It. it Imt It i- ).,,,;, I . , t . -t I In- i ,.inf..rt Jitnl It. i. i. ,,! III.- ..-- A r u. I'l""1 - i :. I, ,. .I--.,,, ill .1 w .1, .I" i i , ,n i hi-, i. in- 1 ii I l.i-r i . i. i ii , i,, ,.-:'. i' i.. I hr li-.u Ih ih tin" -.-r "In. Ii Ii ''ti .I'l'ii-'l s-i ti-- t -III . !, .1:1 ..-!' TIi.h i tin- m I: -i .. Ii,...l t... . r-n win. h liaii n , . ii . . .1 1 I. ,1 i,,ri.:; thr yi-ir iiml wlii'li w , , I.. i ii. ..!!, i.r.l.i .itr.l nr.l i l-i iii, i.iiii.ln -a tin -! ii'-.i t c tm iii-.y I,..:,: ii.. i ..i,: , liii-ii' si ti- m : .-ii.t.x. ,.,!,' .in iiiii',.i- :ii..l i' "I i i in. I"'t "il .., :il.. I ..'.III r III"! IH'-V V. ;tll"ilt ! . .1 : II 4 till' I ' 1 1 !"i ll -' Ai.H.r 'h :nM! t.i tin- ii-... Iiu t.i h-.l'l tlH-.r i t 1 1 1 i . I i'H- ' M , i , ' I - ll. fi' 1 .1 ht (.Ill- '.Hi' I' I . v i:,, Hi. ,11 v W !l--!! HI .-ll Ttl-1 . I-. tlir i I . t til" "t- tr; i'" I , ', ,. I...H- 1- 4 I !'' ' '- I ,,,i . i ;tl ,.l,.: .1 r' .1 II. .."'. ill.. I it i! :i tin- . ity in I"'- ft w h. I . K-i h I,, ,1:1 . ll I .' i HI 'I r IV I"'1'" !l, i,il II I-: III,' lll'.rl . I-II I I .1 : 1 y In" ...i.l .,i hi tin !.,' :int tuny I. i I : 'I ,.t I v lltir.i.'i' l-.rn:-r . r 1 ,. lli r il-... l.llli'H til. Ill Jiliy ... , s. Ar.-I v-.ini-lii.w , wi- li-Hi' !!-.. " I. .i ti, it .. 1:1 rv ni:i.l"iity in I't" t. i li. u 1. 1 i n Ii. r i . , 1 1 1 1 I" A il-.i- .1.. I-, . , ... '. .,.'.. Sr ll.,;.,. l!...t .111" I . .1: I "I I ' ! Ill ,lll fill A 1 ! I II .t 1 1 s -'m !ii til.,.11 l- I lie .-.-liv ll.l ..II U"A ill h.itnl, I . i.i. ill iti, (:i in l'l'.. ,. n l i 'I I '' ! .; i- l in 1 1 r..i l,ii ..iin-. i f I ". . I'- n "i i . r.l,., t U.ui ,t h i r ' ll.l . I.. . Ll t.-lr W Mill lo lll.l I.T. F..1..iVIM; is a piint;raph from I he 1 I. IU.IiU I'llll' of lost Week wiie II folei a.''K It, !i lent il,:: p, .1 ' I. al . til s ,n 1 '' 1 ; : i h . 1 1 ma tl Ha iph t '. l.l , w Im I. .I t'o- i.i o, M- an hosts of New Mi i o t" ii'toiy. ret ui in d to A', on 4 II:, iti-.r lis ii K u'ler eoni 1 I. I : his w-'lk al tllr lapital. ?,! r I !v leieiMil mi ovation fioiti l,.s -oliii. ;il f i ii -iiiIh of lieiu i'.ii, v ho look upon Ism un Iin inn ii tl.'i Hal thj great' st iredit to lim St. an. I as heir. th II. it. II . I lo id of the state llikct I wo year from now, Mr. l ly (eriainly haa fomlrn t" Mm the last his party fan give; Ami finl without regard to our hellef t til Wlllllirr or lint ll" Will Ri't III llllr. tllr liililllll Mil) of .ru.U- IlKII.I lllltl in thi I. ii. Inn? ICi' ti lil Ir i ti nf I tin ft:iii. In n l ly took churup of the MiTtiaiiiK-x . iiiniiiin he Vii ul tim e 1 1 1 ; i t the olij 'i t of the mm mile ' i:ithy i.f the lnrHn of the Hlnte. lie hi n frircil In us the teipri t.ihle rllii'll Who IHllkrp 111 lllo in. .run K to flllil 11 t.-llliillilli; of ilulllitflll ltl.ll- ni ti r iitul il.niK.-r.iuii mi I i-i I'd ! ii I a r n.Altiir on Ins il"..ipii. His Isim iniiiiniis f.iiluit' in the en in .u ten wiix f iirri ant I'll. Wh.iK'M-r thr Inrtiii-miK hnh llillilr fi.r till- .-Irilliin of Irl llnlnlr, Kly li'.l thr i':inii.r,nn mill to l.'ly hr- 1.. 11.'s the iiiilil.uf that 1-iiI('h i' -toiy. We air Imt dttilertil kliiK to lt fiiu. t thr Ki puliliinti party; far from il. I' It in jn'i innililti for now s):ait r to I'.ilnt out fai ls. ltte 1.1. I is those l! nihlii .ill it It ho put K.ilph t'. t'Av into the nl.ilr ih:i:l ni.iiivli'ji with Hie h"i-ilul Lira that it wniil.i i tiiaiii'iitly ' hrtve hlin. tlnil tniliiy lii.i' Kly is thr iHlty'ti hlK in. in .mil that his elimination Mill he liiM a'-imt times iin il:fthtilt if It In- not imt."-"Uie t ll.l ii il he hail In n n il nlmif. in I, unit county. An other f.nt is Mr. i:i. limjrr ot ilm.irv 1 1. n. lit;. ms uul wit t iin uer iH" I'.'liii- al ).-.rty in tin u .-eriise iate Wi.iihl 1, in ii I'tihition I" il maivl liny tioiiiinalioii f"t liny ollli e in his nir t H K ft. X ltlll.illy K lill-ll; will k'i-p in it 1 1 ; . I 111 it thr Kcjitihli, mi i.iri in Ni Jli xi.'.i is in many ways tiiii'tnc A tori i t. i: It'K." a hiitimioiis weekly jmitt'ul whi'h n.mctim.s a 1 1 i." humorous mnl ott en pattially lias come forwanl with an intcrcstitiK MiKitest ion to the i ITi , t ihat iii..iil of ileiotmu the time ami cn-riy of ,.nr urent c.,i.a-j 1 1 ' 1 1 . . 1 1 lift it it ions I" lluil'iii ii lew! liiiky l.i .is i.f unusual pi..- siiiie idol f 1 11 it ll.l ! I, III, MIS i,l CM I pi iolliil UN. the i oil. bi s ami universities in, flit wl! tui n tin ii iitli nt i :i to .1"- M'lopmi! a jiimli n I' of phyM-al .-olllpetl Ills all. ii! tllr Millie time. 111). .UUll III. I. '.Ill tl.UtllllU. make till Jn of p"stie nsi- to the couiltl 1 lr MlltU'-.-l ion. while h!l". klll of ulliloii il. il iinei.w . , It :,s H.ilhil. il that " I'll, k pi. 'poses, throuiih Irms-I lililotl, . ill' r.,ll','l l lllollltie.l 1 1 if in j ol i"liinl!."l uiiiiy hi rv i i . I,, the, cii-nt that I'Uiy mail w ho t..lo s a , c...-i.'e or ,ii. : ci ioiiim- il he' ji"inre. l.y law to lieiot'ne a tiailieil' ol.ll In ." ii. r h i l. i Hem nit to e.lil, rs the of t he j.,ki journal -a : I i 'onsiih'"' ni; tin- mats-r in lis larger iispe, i.-., what would ou ' think "f n "tiliiv el sity ainiv.' a j tpciliillc o I a nixed. : nla r!y ' ilrnii .1 I nt.- consisliiiK of the eii t'le t : l I . - i hu.iv .,(' uill Ullixer- ; (itiif '' 'I'll.- many u.Ji.iiil iji to the !n. i : : ,1 ii.i I jt 'H h uts uf'Mi'h l'i n ! l.i i i s.-r-'! umiil oiiK'ti:al sn 1 1 1 ..i ml i n v.-, ii'-ul, 1 I,.. I, ut .pi phae of the ' ' p im el il y -i,l., ' i A lalKer I, ll.l III. ite it'll'. II ' , I Kiilr i. the 1 1 1 tiiemlois 1 1 ' i i . . ; . I ' ad i ant. me lo .air nm. nl ' ll ha . tu nt t ""-pos il in im,.. , f n.-'-.l tho'iH i tti. o I ciiu- a" a ii-. n . wi'h liaini.l 1 r.ols ami t . . 1 c.l-lv lo .1 , r 1 M c I n . . t a a 1 1 ' Would no! i-'i To nth, ilrilli.'i': in-, in. I ii In. in : iiitellmeiii !v i.e. I j w 1 1 h an) f. . i .ii . i . h a n ill in o' : I ; with ha uin I y tic- I on reu'ilar ' .' , n lil-ti. s Hi w l.i li a'l t-ports and h 1 t I Id pa 1 '. l- Ip.lte - ta I k'i'l ! and in. .In 'uverinir c .-n 1 1 w ill, Hi. in i : i u i ' I II let le lil clit IS ir'tu .a.h' .t'-.iH hi. MI S' His is a for ir. ot in. lie h'.l llttle 1 eyolld our lil-iiit. -d si-ll-. ll is a HUKuest i-.rt ml: worth i oini. It-rat ion. The m.litary ir pi 't, used III this pi in Would l.e uf pet ma in i.t :.!'u t, ill, , on! it witilti have an inniie- i n, ths, Ipi.l 11..1 oi,: coil lit I y ilia'e I. em II lillial ollr ial el'fei I up. .li I lie lli'l, I ol' lllllvelsi.y slil'lelil. Wll" at pleclll, .l"il to hi .1,- o I . aiitaK''. knows r.,.i di.-i u l, ne, interior, i-xu ri' nilii'i I. -ml. I i o ,1 t any t t i: i on iioi i.. I a i:i;i i. nt h.ii' ii. in i i "(mug m i-i.ii II' rai l i M-f .III Hi. Ill i li pi ., 'a I'lie. lu ll V. il ll the i of Hie li-Ki.-int me, -( tl Us del t r in nia -I he l.c.M 1 1 ..III til I hi 1 1. it 1. 1 hop,. !"i icsem :,- in lliellil'l l .i-eli he w ay of I rent met. I of i : and In legislation en-. a u il. W e , xpn sM'd t on n't to listen t, Ki in I. no n w Ii.i ia e i,ur ditiTinina I. eeii iiijuerv m of political cicl.U ill thi ftale for many jiuu and who li.t e tome to ix.f. t only the woisl u llepuli li. an h iiit-lature. V have preferred tu iK-lie'e thai the nitijoilty wuuhl .... i'v i..-sl f.r the people of Hi is slat", leipolislhle Ii r ln pK sent .oW -eifal posiiion, htid to wail. Hi thia lonfnleine, upon the evidence, Farther ground lor our hopeful iilMta.!,. is fouml in the Slate llec oid. the oflh ial in Man of the llepuh lii Mii party oi uaril ii i..n, wlil n ' in a word of am h e to 'he lei; In line: The dutv iiow Is t pRa iich law os will he for the heneftt uf Hi people nf I hi lale; lo lessen tit burden of l.nutlon u fur n iossilii',-l.i , ii dalary law thai is in i ror.l tilth the tin l.uatioii In the I'Litform iiilote.l last Au KHfl. to he holiest With nelVH iiml with th ieo'le of New Mi'lii-ii; In rlmw that the ion f liletn-e reiosn in the mem hern of tin. Ire islutnre linn rmt he n misi.n e.l, iiml to mnke lei'nl'il t,i which the oerii may looh h.n k Willi r !!. when the cession Is loncil mnl Hi" lii n lory of in hlei rineiit Is taken. The ,c,,ili i, Him vla.t Will he'llitiK the "Mi. l. lis nt the . n Itol tl it lit) the column sei-sion it k lhr have tf i r iloiie In lore, lift. I the 1 csionsl.lii y fur .mishitlo I ciiiii tnl or ilefriitril will he Illicit where It heloiiiis. Sul.lrt flllte Will hot eXi ne litul lll((h- haiiili ilnrss will ilestroy. I Thr l:e'ul.liniis have the oi ."iinniiy. If Hoy rail to inert It ! f.illly mnl i oitraKi olish , they cull I only I.l. i mr I In iiisch i s, t These sLiS ini ills are ii'.isoliilelv true. We hcv no reason to ilouht the Isinirrllv i.!' Ho- Mat,. l;.-,ir.l. iitul l' thr liri'iiiili. in majority in the liK-l.--liit.ili follows -.he H.'V..ini o't litnil r.,- it ii hove the .c..ite will have ho ka 1 cominic. The M ite Ken. nl n ml .Mr l;!. the IS put. n an ( hail ihiiii, hae caul that cotilests ill Hie hmisr mil t he settlnl in the i. ,111 Is nlnl i,o( I,.- Hie In t:."1' itself. We h ike in, il.. ul, t thesr m n- llillil tl Hie Mil. I rrt Iiml l l.s to he h"M ,1 ,ill lolllrstd lltll in, ,tii Mill In H .-.III. '.I. l:y ill this oni Ti I vj I i elln i oii- certniiK the '.i ul e is initeliaHv M rctil In ni il . alihiii.Kli we lliul it lie. i Sf-iry , pinely as n m ill, r of i all ium, to Wait f..r the cll.'ie. COLOC bj the k 1 8Mtiiiil Ilihlle. ' I W ," say . he .a 11 a I'l "walci, Mr II, ii, am, t il 1,1 on . v. M"ii-.i l-ritile, : put II Wool ' "I' A It KT.-' .-hoiil-1 he more rtai.h fi.l of I'hil.lti n. " cud an i xpeit ml. iir.fsiii iin- .-..ciei.v l"r StioK and I'l i-l em a.-, ,,; I n i ,i nt M.rt.illtv. Thi n im no doiii-i. ii- uur munis, tnit great er i art- on itn- imit ol pan iifs world tend to le.luce llll.un m.-ltal.i.i. Tilt He ekpeit note do l-i- tu thr, uf 1 1 1 1 1 . J-- v - o- ( -t iTTi i ih n on h l-i . i ni iti i ;. niia n 'l li,- i i,,iii,i s a I' Hh .utnt our . i.-t Ion is I Ii.i ' It s in Texas. -O- "lU..M!:s I li III... Hits lor I'eliruse" .s heoliim uier a letter l,, lli,. I'hlla- 'ili 'phiii N i . 1 1 1 1 .V met I a n. Thri e is a i limit, jou kii", eleii to political ' 1 1 a mh r. i . ri NKXT tliini! we kimw I !' II In' l,iailll tile iKtmnlills !ur Hie 'fool a 1. 1 lll'-U! ll " lliM-ase. - o 1,1 i'l i IT' i. . M.. p! to hold il r il.'ul dine, t.-r t'lr I'v II ' i III of the Maniim I'.eUians. h,.me- Hiiiiir very like a ranhit drive is -.i t is . hiellj tli, in. iMer Willi the lltlmaiis. i ; "IK i:U Yi'KK." mis a U.K Veuas I, nosier, "ill'l lllids out how Kood New Mrxi-o liijoles Marly Kelly cut to I he I'l-l'-sallf. teall, ale, We ' should .;tj the p.. or IteUlallf" ! thi-: mi i.-i. i:is uiso propose to 'spread ii ll'tit. lUMure at'tonij. , ii ni:si'i,T .-f iin. i-ic uf ii.t. Ii.ilidi ., Is the pi i. of Kti. K.i II ' oMcfj air woitli 111!) . ruts a ii"Zt'll. : O Tl'l.SA, iiKlahoina, lollies lutwal'tl ;iiti a hiitiil Indian u io liiutik leveij lime he 1 "im s to town The hliml l.-'.r the l'limj liulian an Regain the Mastery Ovsr Blood Trouble No Matter How Disheartening You Can Overcome It. Itli.ttl cll.erilir. r- qnlekly iln'-k'tl I.f X S S. Itir tilllli.ilH 1. 1. ..ill liirlll.'l. It r, ii-li' lulu ii.e ,,i.,, mnl in tin. ' mln .tile Im ttaieis'-tl Hie eiiilii t-ir''iirt..B. It fs-ii'-ira u n la where (lie tild is uui.ti., 'it Mslt, lllU tl"A ftl"U Plld I. !!!'' wlirf "in .'luli'in liaa I'lul. II 1 1 siumh I lie m. nil, nun . tiiiT'-. Iiiimtion tut the joiftt. Ml. I lie i.l.ssl str.'mii 1!h of Irtoia I ti.rlii. in ami (i,,in le a. I In l---'t errstea c"tnhil"iis that iimk l-ir Itlisst bfttl'h. Tbi-r1 iiip pe.ii. I. in T. rf eoiu iiuimtv 1i.i tie tr tlmi in t.- inn- 'Hu t liatrf iiaed t. H K f ir a. v-r- t,.rm ef riii'iiiiia'itii. far hol-.l.-fit. in. TRtt-tl, f.,r i-tiiptlie i.lii i1:,-h.i.. f,,r at')' ami all tli. Me i ..iwii ioii ia-iil l.y I, I. Mi.l I.. aitli liiipin ii i, a. lit iiin a pure pfipilui t :! Nature It can H"t liurt tin annua. U ami baa lli'-ref-.te t.'ii ilie refaite i.f a lot uf piopis inn., ml.-. I in tln tr tli 1. ii.icii I t Hi-.! iIiIiik t.i tiieiu. iliitiif.-r-.... mercurial (tula's alil.h liana tinini'it Ma utif'.itiitiHt.'. If ;ha I. in l'i.k. M.ii In a raii. if lu.iis er u'lier ci "i.l earn a". ar. II tie t- ar- lila d il.ii'ii. . r a in- .alar Huh. a 1 1. mi if int. pare 1,1 aid g.t a li.atli. f H H X at en. p i f any iliiiif.ii Is aars i f i..eMiiltilc. If in ilt.iiht a. In .t.i. ir true or ettnie'tiit ttti"tt'al ad trite fie. arils o li, mi', ll, a l impart no-til. 'I hr Kalff tiM-eine Ci . r.a Ma ilt Itlilas Ailanta, lit Tlda l"ariiueni la km. an far ami Idr as one uf il... yo at ..I i.f )i.-lst ,i lil.ssl a.ift' fra Km i,,n ii- lay j i-1 a t.-.lili- i.f . H. tuday It IiihIh nny other Al STIll.VH l-iol'oseil War Imitl seem In have hren s'in-ly i nsoieil by thu Iln.inilal iilitoiM. - O - HCUMAN mllitmy ellh Icm y nils even to the ih-inl, which me r iclillously hullo -I hi hum) lc of four. ... o- r.VCt.H Jn.; may still he a 'n non. hut hen a .n wni from belim a 4 .'vctitlmetcr tmn. O IN t'l I1A votes iie siil j to huve hrouijht li'O n r, iliitliiK l li u recent elections. t'lltiit collhl llll..rt Mill s Irotit New Mexico anil pay a protect ive tiir Iff, With i'iisnleirtlie ei."iioni. -O - "."Mil I'l.l , 1. 1 . . i nil . uiiii .'rifirii '- I ii-i-h Soili'ts." This he.iillme Is iiver a ilis pan h fi.itn Marietta, Ohio, provlrw that illlluic iR hy no llH'lllls lonnneil lo t let many. - O Cnltl'i-iltATlt i. i onirilnilloiih, ll will he noticed, ore put hnrteil hy hiw iti the ciimputmi for I'elKian relief. O- 1N V'At'T, a lorponition contrlhii li.iii is pciinltteil ,. t aliout .erylh,n except somethli k that lienctltH the i ot poiul ion. O l;i:i:Altli SHAW sav in nil the ivo. hl there are h it .".n.otio people who Hi, nk. The other 4 '..!!!, Hlso, ute not esiiei hilly imior'.itil. t!i KAST, youi them thiiiKs; in Hie man, nn.l sill way a Ih'tivir i"ii. i lor re is"s lii ec'ie O The chaps', n hay. In time 1,1-e Uicse W'ho'il do ii iv With t'ht : 'in is trees. Ami e'en i n mi ii'l There la (t t .iuho To make an i tnl (if Santa ('la us, Slum 11 he nil cpi et I'y all nti 't tlunkern. 1'or each oi.- s hreiiHt Is filled with clinkers' I'aul Cook, 44444444444444444444 ! A NATIONAL CANE It COLLECTION I 444444444444444444444444 Washington, I1 to-.i.i ly tine ( oil .i a Ik -si : i ks, i f.-l i ii: n "lint rie- . Nov. I s.- An H t.oii i'J canes or pi cm :il inn some 4 ami J I states of this coiiiiiry, liuuics ,iin.iii: Hie historical j exhibits of ihe I i a I c I Slates National Inu-eiii', nt W i-h i UK! on. Tli,. K'l'i-aK-r pot t ion ol I h is s. : u s i om prises a col lection of 1,2 .. . es heiUe.ltlled I" the I inled Htat.- hy thi- lair Homer N l.o.kllooil of ashi lKtoll, IlilM'I'r, !:i nt i a ;,u r, niisnei r, and statesman. I'.irty ilitli rem Hinds of Wooden lanes i Hie oil l III hit 1-as Well as (all." made of Uory, l..-m , in. i n, skl'i. paper. tin. w nr. and ot I of the . pi" illir I some are of ciin w hile ol hi I s. lie- I siilihta ni i s. M a ny a re vi ry art ist ic, us shnlie ami iIimkii. .'iicd for special i .ti i - poses, ' lit ludc. mi einei Ki licy ca ie, i "i.iairntm u wlm kcy llask; a eketi l'. ini: cane .iitli tls. Willi! tnit i-r i.t 1h ill the handle; mutch .lfe tunes; moiintail i liiiilniiG i ants Willi sharp apiked f't rulra; an o'hiars " w a iiiicr s u k;" and sword an. I nun of various types. In ail-lilion to the aho'.e colhcti-ui there ale a 'luinhcr of walking sicks 111 mils i-lu il and InmiU cxhilutK. wlih'H relate to A u.ei a an lustoiy. Amoiitf Hum are canes curried hy IMenilrnts J'din ivunn y Adams, .lei -lelsoti. ilsiti' t-'li". el. i ml. ami man. Ainem 'in and lit si it .t i y oMIceis of note i n i idititt tle. ythley, t)eey. and olticrs, hesi'ies cams , made "f not., I from ho-..ii.a spots op formed fiotit liistoi it al ohjet t". t Aitur.linn to the helief of some a''-j Hllopol'iKlsts a nil 1 1 h 111 'i . ' 1st s ihetatii'j Wis an im pit inent whi'h found itsj way int. i the lunulas al loailv ectVj race hcf'.le history was leiorded. as n ilefi-n.-Se weapon, or as a Mail "r oilier useful iiisiriimeiit. It is i laliin il h. oiltcrs that ihe wold " i . I'M-" is niisiisid in a ppllcai imi to wulkmis etliks, ihev lioldinic I it means ' stalk of a lodlow-Mtemmed plant. Im! Ihecaiie made ol nthel Wood is tound lo hae he i u employfil nt an eany date in loan iictt lii'ti- these plants did :iot kiovi rriili.'I'ly the word ciiinea fiotii the Atahlc. Semeti-, ol lieltiew la iik Ha Hen, although It is also louinl in (ireck. l-inn, Spunit-h. French, al, d Kntilieh. and in the Utter it was ..impounded mln su h winds ".i.iiii me." a.iil "tile cane.' k hile hi other counitlea It was need , represent a rod lor punishment. and mens in m-'. well as Mi,, imple ment i-iii'!'.)'--l in a upon or u-tnic line Int'iisiinu theory is thai the Itomu-i i .me ilt rived Its name frain Hie f i.t that it 'a tin'J ' at on ihe savHue nf the Hrcet; null. "lUr a'tl" " a siihstitution of rause lor eitett Tins its uenernl use w aa "i'ii piohiuiiid. however, alloc Hi popu late ( Mine t,, use It In thi Ir personal .ii:tnes i.iti d.sasiroiis results, and lietause ..o many (had (Ioiim littered the s'leels An Imperial edict. Issued la n il. '.e lli i stale o i, IT. tils. It.r lid .,11 txiepi th. is, of putuiiuii rank fiotn i.iuyitj i.t ics. th is makitm it a piiMii'i. win. h lame to he popular union tl.e n.'l'ilily. It ltd tventiiallv a list im 1 1,. ii. lite ladies of this tarried Hum ulao; their tnhly ami artist!' ally iiiuiiiiliil i, iiies Miiliai a" a rod ..r Ho- punishiiK nl d Hn ir slai i s. The t;'ii. a p. rated ii ImKluud the bailee i.t in a'atut the aaaraaattarraaaa1a 17, II, HA!!!! GO, for th luta Id rsfli ot AO KlaMta. PHONE 11. ellliietltlv ilia ll. PAROID ROOFING BUILD EES' SUPPLIES HOT BED SASH. J. C. BALDRIDQE LBR. CO. Protect I 4 hdli cintury, hut niter seiviin; thin pill pine for some lime, tiilne into 111 hands of the letter tlass.s, and a' dropped hy those of hiwiu-r 'f ml Ma ml i ne. It Was re-eslalilisheil in its Iruej foi m hy Hie piUruns and eohl.ers r t ii r ti 1 1 1 u from the ll-ly I.i-oi ilnrins; the 1 1 usa.lrs ami soon mine into pop U la l 1 1 y a Kit l ll, ' I With a retiial of the i ane amoiu tie nt-ntty, came a period of decora- tit. n, alol t nnes of e.'Ui.ite ilesiun ii'itl of ureal value resiilled; t Iin' were ail. on.. I with cords. 1. if. .els, hells and even llules. Henry III. pul im end I" this super decoralioii h. prol'jiiil uii: his knights li.un iioiim ulimii a coiii panted ly what risem.deil ie.-ii'j W.lllds. MdWal'l I Wits foiled io put j a hun o-i Ihe spiked cane, j.i-t as had1 the emperor ol Home, en aim, ml of the many llirhts and .pitirtls rtsiili-, I It t III the deaths of Ins ell, cut and soldiers. I. as l ISiwai,! Ill loiind I' ! Ili"'css:ir l" fol l'i.l the use .,f Hie (I i Ii . hiroiis "Mai ( in. ice, ,iii, pykc -rustic in, the l.sls. ' Ininiitf the set cm cent 't tt'iituryi (.Mies ihe.r n ik ii i rl ii ii--e us a h.'l.U'e nt l,.l.!lt all.! liel.lllie ...llllllon ill lower 'lasses, ami anu.'ig sludinlsj ami s''hoo hoys When this o iri'd the Kent Ii null I. .ok Up the small i sword as a .listiiifc-uishiiiic ar :sl -ci a I o- i ciiil'leni, .thiih wn further luourht Into ii.iiilf hy the hclliu.'ia li- y i f '.he l.llles. At the 'lof of the Aimri an rev olution the cane came I'll. i its "ti au.iiii in this i ountry ami I :. - land FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS cw Monte Cure That Aiiynne Cull I mi Wltlitiul IXMstiiifiiri or Isirm f Tluie. We hav a New Method that cure Asthina, and we want you to try It ' cur fxpense. No mailer whether your cmko la of Ion K -at and lug or re rent (lev eluptiK nt, whether It ia pres ent as in cas'iuial or ihroiiu Asthma, you should lend for a l ree trial of our method. No matter In what i llmate you live. Ho matter achat your hk or occupation, if ynu re trouhled with aathma, iur method ahuulil relieta you priiiptty. We especially want I" aend It to Ulnae apparently hopelesa tasea. wharo all forms of Inhalers, il"'" lies, opium preparations, fumes, 'patent moke," etc., have failed. We want to ahovv everyone at our own expense, that this new method Is ilesiiiiied to end nil tlilllcult hreathlnn, nil whee. lit af ami alt I hose terrible paroxysms at once and for at! time. This frew offer la too Important t'i liritlect a sin-le (lav. Write now anil th( 11 iti-K 1 11 Hi" met hud al e I" Il'l tin money, rtlmply mail coui'ini he low. I)o It Today. I'ltl K ASTIIMX ! tN ritONTIKIl ASTHMA Co., Kmim (itn .1. Niakira and II ui.t.,11 .'-is, HufTaln. N. V. he nil free trial of your method to: CCnRIIJ.i LUMP OALLUP LU1P OAU.VV I. IO ANTrfrtACITK. ALL. elZKJ , KINDUNO AND MILL WOOD BRICK AND PLABTRRINfl LI MR IANTA m tiHICE , 423 S. lit St. Phone 402 Yoir There is no alum in Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. The names of its ingredients, printed on the label of every can, show it to be made from Cream of Tartar, which comes from grapes. No alum bak ing powder or food containing alum is permitted to be sold in England. To avoid alum read the label and use only .Jiiiu..ii liikWiy)Ly Iasino Pother Made from Cream of Tartar No Alum J when ll was l.ul taken w iiom - ..mpnl up l.y tn heller e I, -st 'I re of war idol Us i" arms, a at'iiu its u-e o ( tal. A fit r i .iff- t ! t h'o'i . h f, .i , il" n.-. -- ! t "in t'th' ( i .' Im n. io slmleiii" and 1 1 ."''"' n and m l i a nt ni'i .ml t .mil, d !' in r. s p. I- K t" l Ml. I Ilia II. lllt I :'.. ; .1. Ill l.d ill ,(-il"li. st''is- a. 'i Hiiimish whc'.i I.-imS,-i til, il apianis t-"I.ii in W.'lks ol hie; lis I'-lll of a onti illess. Hi il part of HI "'licit.-' iin fs ,as a Halt for the am . I . lulu and as a sort 1-eal'h i"in;.,i-i 111 many la.-ses ii't, ion n I l .. . s lalli in K'.irojt-, v. In re i,,i nih-'i or st'idcni koiH to the nrrct w i' !i lii. . ane. II - l.?'': i Ill T. taav - " I ... latwananaa, it.imiiaamnatair .miidl .nM 4iatn.mi .- Personal Attention The 1 an fnl. a-tsoiiit i.lli iit"n Ivcn n, ,r imh t i.liial iillains of t ui It t ti-loini r Ii.i- Iki ii larclt lii-lt iiiiiculal III r.alnlii- lor Hil" hank tin- env lal lc .oii(..ii wlil. li ll oi 1 11. pic- in I he (S'lilult'iit c el llic 1 mi til I -. liter slm-i its i-ah. lislimciii the lntci(--U ol t 1 ii-uuiicl. hate Iscn plmtsl Is loie iinv other ( (i!lsidc',itl"li. We Invite 1 Ins k Inu itntiiiitls in any nmoiilil mnl llm. il uciicIhI lunkinu lin-liies-"'. in t Figure with us Mouldings and MILL Superior Lumber r BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS Supply your wants of Bedding now while the stock is at its best. Our assortment is better than ever before. We ar-2 showing ' Blankets from . .$1,00 to $20.00 a pair Comforts from . . $,25 to $27.50 each ALBERT FABER 213 to 215 W. Gold Ave. Furniture, Carpeti, Draperies and Stove. 8 Food I AH h,....'h tlo- inns. I'm ..n (has lo t show the development i f the w a ', k i m -si ii k fioin its 1 1 r ! i c t days, a numl'i r of t . pi s recall the lemu r Mth's, a-nl hear pirstcnily on the. K'to'ial hi t"l "I Ho- cane as wed at 111,. 1 1 ; s t ' -!' y of Ihe ...unlliiM leple- M till d. 11 work. the Herald want 1J do your lleiivy, iiiipui-e iiiiiddy, ( i in hi ", miiim a, I' hl.'oil inakt s " j wt hi. makes a inplevimi, Itead driistion. Thin a k, pi le a ml hack ly l or pine I.l I. sound (luct.tloti, us,' 1.1. ...d IlilK-ls. II. UU ut nil .stores. ' ML aa?Baar . . ;o' :tv:'i;y iNv, w-t.--. on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mill Company