Newspaper Page Text
TITO EVENIKQ HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, H. HM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1914. THREE LITTLE DID JEFF DREAM THAT MUTT WAS SO ATROCIOUS. By "Bud" Fisher aa i i . , i n . ,1, i. imi mi i iii .u iii i .in iiii .w watwn a - - mini imw ru--- !" " " J arr r f TP .., r . ( otrr. Just to jhuw -l,)'.'- ii j r -.- you n KIND hcartcD -Mf r' ! " v " Itlv ( ,0 - f . -t-iuW l r ;., r ..-v i lo r I aw vu.T. j I inn fjjyajjjaajta. . -.vF v. 31 - J , p,,.i.tlv)M - r Jl I i - 'Wa-,.. .. .11 .) -M' fcj.Ma,.,.... j; , .... -i - LUNA CATTLEMEN ORGANIZE PROTECT ON i.. v. I... I- Mi .il.Hii i-r I .1 1 I 'i I'. I' ill K I lltf Peisiitcr.t Thefts of Live Stock Cause Growers of Deming District to Get Together to Catch the Rustlers. ) I ' TMIIU II' .I'liittll ) Tn : ..iiiii.n il lnmi'it f t i 1 1- i ill i :a tin- fi.iri'ln i'f lh;.-w iilnl t'l il'lJ". I'l- illKlillHTl i'f I.UII.I i ' 1 1 1 1 i an ii l.fil I IwiiiKfU r III- ii.-M" . it i''ii I hw m.i'lf up a In- u.-'i il in k.wi n:im Htivi'iio .Ii Hi.!') ui:h kiilliiK. .ii.iiiinnK, w I ully In tinliiiK hi y ti ( In' lip' in irtl nI ' it.. it-" iii'.n. :))' i .irt i f tlx- fuml Ii l.i- u.M'i! i.i .,iy i ii villi tr in 1 ' in. ili. ii Hint will t'l tin- ::ir'? ..nil ion ,. I nut h! mi n fimi'i'i'lfd 1. 1 ft .In .: i.iil.f, .H. .1 Ihr ri'W.ird mrniey uill in. Kill - ' 1 1 1 . i 1 1 a nil tin- tmi'. 1 Mr lii-iri-uii I i'ii n initio thirW It III. ' i.un'li I.. i'. i- amuiirl mii Ii mi.'I-i i ..; ..i ti..i-.K Ifn co Allien In-, h '. iin ,M l.i tfik.. tlild hCpP I r t ln'i r i-iui .i i.ti- ! Inn. M'.'i of il.i- ''io k i nicer In Mil ' iir, hiiw- J.niifl .lliil Iiii' i nil- ihi-ir i i.uli iihii :..tiv. : nl the rent ! IIhmii ill' cMi.ri'il In i ntlir t.iio idp ii .i' "i wi'bin t!ii- rux' work. Tin' l. -ii.-i ' ..-.ii,t '.iwini'ii me mi J'l.lll'U- tin- I 'null '.l.'lil' .lllil Si.ll! Ii h! - i r ti (.' il ' i -in. i;'s ;!-. i il I 'll ili.l w .11 li.i.i' tlio lit l. if tliU j .v i f 11 1 i.iis.m .,.il..:i in i"...!.3 HI' i.lM!,. laii'-! a ii. I in -I"'.i-i.Ih tln-ir in' or H from .it' i' - iJi't i".i in. i. If oil i ! i :i i . Tin' .i-x.'ii.i "ii c i n j I . mmr . r tin- ..i -i ! .il t il' it in l In- count r I'll, I 'J'lli- I ii 1 . ; iTin t'l t.tki' cuf- imi- i.i'.;.i;lv if l: iiuui lu-ru, ami llif ill i -I'll llll- tllfT" Will In- " w-iy I 'li . i Ik "Ii" li-rti III Cilttlf ilir.K In Huh lull of N Mrxlro SniiU' 'f thi" un'h are now Kufcly In Iho H.itf prniti-nt lury. omi lira In Jinl it iid othTi are mil on ImtuI. N" ilmiht liy Ihe tnl of I he next term the diHtriit court tin- lit t M'titt of tin' "old Runr" Kill I'o julhcri'il in and I ho liroater imrt of It plui cd hero ialtli and horneg are very gcaue. News and Gossip of X New Mexico Range X ? !enTil' n cmib of altU', Ihts laruefl unuli- rhipmiTU f Htmk frmn Mor.i lountv ior noine unii'. iii.nfn iroin Itoy l-'rldui. Iliilf a ilnin hi'i'T Joiiifd In tin hliii-niini which w.m to the Kuioi'iH 'ly m.irket. hiivo bt'in otfitcJ $'i j." t u 1 1m. lor tli-T mh-h! thn ii,itid hi-i'l of lanil'K i moved Iroin x.iri.nm lnrl'inK ioititi in tl.i- I'rnw aliev .tit ck. Inn tin- lii-.ii y ni" i im ni of l.iinl. t feed l"tK, from tUoi. ORGANIZED BAND OF RUSTLERS PUT ON SHELF Quay County Officers Finally Succeed in Rounding Up Gang After Long Struggle; Nine of Eleven in Jail. Tlu .I..I i r( . k in ii i of an ui.iiiUcd i attic r i-iiim I., On.iv l ountv 'Mi ll?, m rT'uii'.t ! the T;i tiniiiitl :i-ih. 'I l.o : in of l.t lfk i.i S Ii ..f , i'l. I K.iriK' iiUiitc h.n It lie I Iff it Is ktll'UII UK "ill k i ii-i ier In Uuav il" In .-it iI.hh i irminaliv there cti ii n in thin huiii 11. Thev op i n"-"ly in tju.iy hut clipped r ..ti.i'ly Ini.i the com. in. '! D'i-ii mri. tui ilvek a hi in win I'ltf fefl kbe-ut In the !! ) i - ii iioMl. They not onl t..le tc and h'TWit from the will-t"-. lo (.to. k to. hi hut often made raM in "ii the i i- -1. I in holder. A home Meioler iri the cai-lern part of the i. .limy woke up one ini'iiiln and I'Hiiiil cuiy our of lin hoiki-i. h..ini' I f u-i ii In num. o r. had oiiuip pi.irid l i r i n n the preilmiM hUhl. Th oihici.i were confident ul! the time tint they knew who w.i doinif thine ill in .1 ii hot gi-ttitiif th tiere i uy uMi-ei-e wa a illfthtilt matter. The i,hiiilT and l.i force kept wetk i n K lii in-intiy trxln to gather In the hut f r a l"ti( t iiiih It dennr.l that their r.Tt ltd Hot ai i ompllfh nnn-li. I'liuillc, however, Ihey henan l.i tet thltirf ii. tiling Iheir w.iy. Mine Jai. ti n y let, of thli cor nine of the oiiK.iial c'.i-o n have heen iiathered III hy Mr. Ward aid Iiir lalnt. BOND-CON NELL Sheep & Wool Co. M It! tM Itl :. N. M. ('riiiiHI Itl.lK. I'Ikmksi tM-fHIl, NikihI aiul t;o- Airnue, That net tier now cnmlnic Into e.iHt crti New Mrii-ii fiotn (iklahoma are hrinnnm'le with them in i "Iih.iIiT uhlo l. il 1 1 1 1 iit In imi.. n'cil hy the fol low lux fro(n Ihe 1'i.riali'K New: The country In the h inlty of Cantoi and to the eactward 1H rupolU oeui up and Miirccly any remoine euhieit to CTitri-. accordintc lo AHwrt Flip h. a well driller from that lcintt. Thet-t. ic'A HeUPr are comniK niontlv from Oklahoma and eai h one ha frori ! to lw (t head of ( little. Il In If lr4 lo know Ihut theee new M'ttler are prulliiiip; iy the i-iperleroe of the early neltlera in the dry part of th.a iiiiinty, many of whoni tried to make a liMtig without any tattle. tin Mu'holland of Callup. Bcotd 1'iK to ihe tiallup Iti'puhlii all. la! week "ld n h'0-poiind h . fatlei'-'l on hi ran' H in McKinley i-oiihly, for l-T.r.o. faille nhipmint fr.nn IieminK. lnce Now niher let, a .orditii; It liM HigM made hy lirltun ri'(iii'cr, to ta more than i.i'HH head. Wade and Martin chipped a . r of fat c.itlle from Tiahan tu the haiiKan I'Hy market faturJay. I'arter and fix hran of Krt Sumner chipped four ar of cattle to the Kali". m I'lty m.irnit lacl week. A car of fat hog shipped from I'ortalen lact ween to Ihe Fort Worth mat ki t. brought $7.71 J rr hundred ;. M Wlllianion and W (). Old. ham of I'ortalea laat week added fifty head if Idooded llerefutd iillu-l to their already onculci utile holdniK. They are head of the two hank in I'ortalea and are engaged In ctimu- latin ln!ere in ht'tter laltlu In the I'ortalea diatrn t. l-:d Iu kercon and H. M-Oowen, al ttemen of lirant county, were m Kooeelt county laid week n the trail of a hum h vt atoU tt hoia. The I'ortali Ilerahl nj: John W. I'll kett and il- K. l'Uikett. two of Ihe old time c ow im-n of Itooaevalt county, laat week received 7i0 head of ahiiut Ihe hect row that ha iieen aeen hen ulioutu for aome lime. They were liuiutU near Ialhart. Tela, and will hu taken to the I'u' kett runch over in the V V N f ailure. lie Miiine. t'nlon courity, riport the chlpinrnt of erial car of ta'tle to the Kanna City market during the pat week. J. K. Iloherlaon cf Arti-sla week boimhi " head of raliea trom the J. 1 Taylor ranch In Kdd routity. A conalileralde movement nf aoulh wett Tela livmtoi k. market hound, if mm hi over the Sania Fe'a l'e. o alley linee at I'recenl. T train went through IUel! Saturday. The Cuiry eoiinty rattle firm r! 1anley and M la-iinon ha i!i.'led parim rhlp. Itoth paitnrr will re main In Ihe hncliec. em h K i ii k H alone. The t'ai rlioi-.o New a aay: iur nhieplni il ha v r ip"ceil of t In Ir l.ilill'n al fan. y -rne. and Ihe ili io ind I" made for im-re al dill heiter Ti'i They h.iv hren unahl to underiitand why buet time ofti n d u Ii fin v priie for Iheir eull. even; for thev caul Ptnre where Hie Inner ha an out. Tli'iau who "hl eaily received A renta per p"iind on hoard car here later aellela rei'ehed I 1-1 tent and right rett'Utl oiiia ( our lirei n.tti Thn death of Thomaa .1. While ht hla home In lio.swcll week re-j liio ed one of the (ii nu ine pio'ii i r i ' ; tlemen of the cuuilieT. Mr. White j w .iH 111 hla Mth ) iilnl cpetit t i " s t ! of h. hf at I i i 1 1 it. i -, Texas Willi tho remaina Were l.ik. n f.,r hurl i lm son, Tliom.i.H Ii Ii-, il i-J only few da uii'i 1:1 Ki'swcll. The F.irtiiii.irion I'nt' i pi :-' c V -' , ThlrtyfUe hundri d hi . I i. cheep ni'ir driven into the Hlockarda M"ii- iluv i,,T chipment. haiiK heen pur- J i h.i-eil hy II. il. lo r lltoe. of I'iik , from II. T. Simpri'ii. M' .liinkin l'.i". alii ot her h. The th"-ep w-ie all 1""' ed onto the i am. w hi h a . i i . tt ,nn i had iTniicht il.iwn nrl. i:; Ih. tn ii - inn. hut in- oid'T from ,.tid n ulh'U it ic.i i""i"lli thiin to' tinloai) the !. k until the i. ii ul l h. ex.imiiied ntnl cl.cinli t"il. ii pe i H'llinn made iici ctn-arv hv Ih" i'" H ilijoace that is cpi i ml n' m Ihe e.iyl i inly lat week a chipment of I hulls, i tut ah i p vvai in, i.le ft'.ni ti. new cioikyaniH. nn.l iiimiy iii..n ...i loads nie il.i- i-l I cf "le the .11 is over. E-vening fierald Want Ads Three Lines Three Times Three Dimes PROFESSIONAL CARDS PhytlcUM E. H. DUNBAR Real Estate Loans & k'lic Insurance 224 West Gold Ave. Phone S3. FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE LOANS -RENTALS, l.argains Lots -Houses Business Properties. JOHN M. MOORE REALTY CO. Fhone 10 214 W Gold W. M. SHERIDAN, II. D. Practice Limited to JTl CHUN All Y Dl.SllSKS And MKKASF.S OF THE SRIN. JTba WMRerouxn and Nucmtu- Ttltfc tialvaraan ' 6I6-' rtrr,;nllerxl. Cltlxena' Baok itulldlc. Albuquerque . .'law lfxlo TERRIBLE SAVAGERY MARKS FIGHTING ON WESTERN BATTLE LINE! 77 " " . "71 HELP WANTED X New Mexico Realty Co. X u v" 1 Phono :!nl. i! Jo s. ,n k. 4 U"ii-c rr Sale ami ISciil. I Illl h 'till' III Mil' ' III I I'lllllM'l.i'll h. . T. t- I I i I "i , t I t! HOTELS OF SOUTHWEST. ! DrRECTORY. lli'TKU H..l'..-WI'.iv H.dbruok. At.i 'fla. 50 guest reoma. modern; lot. rl:' hcail j'jarren; daily r"ad bul- A. ti. M10KTI.E, M. U. Fravitliv lJiiilt- to 'I'urm-Miol4j, Oli H'.ur. 10 Ii ti m. ITione 1IT1. 114 -a W et Central. Albuquerqu Sanitarium I'bon Ml in: .i ii .imi s. ipi.s . . A i iii.j" 1 : i.l'i'i.. i '" t !! ..-- 1 " i . i n. I'ii'Tie 111 c.,i -,u -a: . 1 1 mi :..r T ;' ri-ulocia. I'l. i. tie 7. The Murphey Sanatorium Tut. i n uloi..a of fhe Throat aria Uurnca. fif. I... r - Hl. ,lu.,1 .. r...mra t f ' . I'C.ri- - . e,. i.irlnro I'h.,n. 4S1. .ill-Ten'., ii'.nmg room in connectiun. ; " . i. .vi -.1 r ; vie , ,n i.t I .-I- V .' , !.. -' ' - ! ' ,.. I I j i. : ill- V V I .' ' - l....-, nriun rnn nn niiiRo - . iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii'iiifiri nrMi.n rim nr h y FOR REPTI Hoomt. ! ON THEIR M i TO KtW l0 ;-;'kr.ri 1 - 1 . ' .- M .!.--. ' I . ,.t ,..r i n' !.' "ffi'e, SIS', Witt Central Avi. "ih. Jl'ittrs: t .. 1 1 a m ; .T t i 4 p. ro. .-.i r.a ' nr I u in I' T. M irtjiey, M MeilP al Pirector. DRS. TTJIX & BAKE ALI. KlNiS. both new and awotd- , ,,.i. i on, KperUllaiav !:., fair. W, Tlin.1 paired Alliu.uer.Ua Typewriter t- v , . ... . . ...... ihr-S Minna 144. 121 W. Gold. ( vmm ialiil lris "i rc-pnti'l'-iii I". ins, N..v. " :. The Vi'in .,.M . CM 'i pui'l'-tll a .1 li'lit "i lot in. in o'h, er t" a Muni in . .vi - .i . riv In Ihe fi-llnw. n ir i n- pre-"i i j . ' . i n:ini mi nt h.ih.i' ih:i ! u: ''. h.itl le i.f I lie Marne. "In the r.e lil "i h 1 .,f " 1. .1 : took p:i It .11 t he !li 'SI Ii II. 'i' ! .ii' that I h i c e it si-i i, . I t . . , i ' at. t .tetfe. al Naiiiur at..l . v I s,.: - it w.. .n'..:c,:...; it .. ,jc Lc;ul :)f Friioles Shirpcd ni. I. civ I" i'ii-'it the I ti'ii- h .-i te -i , 1 1... we d.-t, d-d I.. . h.n i'..ii:i; from Las Vegas Ycstcr'lt he Fren-h .im. I :.:,, would J)V Ne,v MtXico l',n:l 0 f".e the .,, rm .n h.iM.n.t: '!i- . m . - - j . f ,. ... inn.. i.r..w.i thn ,.ur i.i.'i- . -i t: .t hfikf feller r ounuatiiiii. hiih.le. t v i re iT.'.ri l-,- rii iii . -.- j "T'i of i. i r rec. men's w . j 1, I .. - ed t-i l.ise l'i" allies' j .'-:" .. i ; i , i . atortn The I'tri. h. Ii"i.i r vn'- I i , ready to re- i ii e us I In i e tl i I I i . . . . , . t u h a hu;. her-, as never .is . n rili.i .. j . . - -Ihi of a ri v (it lit r . ir. A i'.m.i h-i'. u -,"'.i ! in en t I'f h'titi'ii . "ii'i'iil. .1 ni'itis ' '' j t 1 Ireca threw I'iiiiihIu-i i ti iik TIh-vi i, ti-i . .t . were mosttv T 'f i.s ai.d -. uc. ! i- n-,i, titt Nailonavl Hank IUd. rbon . T. F. TNM s. M. I. epe ;al us. in I ".)'. FJir, i'' ami llirimt. Cai.'a. '":' Haild.liB. 'a t'l, N M' l At l'.,ii.!'s lintel. A 1 1 . ii - j u i r ' j u e, flrat dir. of eery month. m v ' : v 1-, i ' all at Hra i r,iloi,,. Ni'es S. ueht ar.d il l. t n !- in f ... rm.m 11. ever Flrat I N; . i .. i ,ik Fhone lffca. T'i l.'iAN nn ailHrii-a. lilts. SM.M AMI CI.AUKK .U-'i'll uri'l lum'i. k :ill-: rr. , ,. ,. .... ,,, c-.r. NoN an! Throat. SI I ' We-t "nlrl i i ENGINEERS. w 1 1 1 1 m r. sti.i:v Civil am! I iiK.tiltiiifr I nslnoesr siiio-'lin 'I l)aliiii. ; v : ATT' i;m: a . Photic :'..'! t ruiiinrll I'.hU , 1 I . : I .1 ctrotii; ii". its u'.'l vvli.Tii i; is mi I'oacil.Ie t' f.rfht. A "I l-e. w.tli a Hun, f.c. l the to 11- fernal tlnnwr th.i' i in he il. n e l "S.iVMBe i lie of turn and of reaoundid ttir .iiih the e d. A criut mai.y men f. !; Iheie in. I " .' i' ated Ihe ground Willi M" ' I S.'i'ti tl.1 Freii' h artillery came ,nt- a 'n n ar.d Its ptojcclilfu completed the w rk if the bayonet oir nut. hi it a f t. i' at full tpnj n tiisa the Wn'id t "vv in Maine. Tl.i.-e w ho 111 o ; ! tin havoiiet fell Ufuler I he Iiii of .n.:i. t and la' l urnii.R in the th"r.''s i" i fi'i mm of ii . y : ,i ,. I i -: the other onlv II mm.- I-i 1- ni l f the 71 :rinut, nil wire m ile -t f!l icv oUkIv vvi'Uinled. "I followed the cainpa'jn 1 1 !..': fhlir.J hut I Ihiiik Hi He iii.n.i. o: tho tiio luat i.iv "f Ihe h,,-'!,. i f r -Marne. more vi.tuiis fill than v i t counted 111 the l-nt'lis if M . . k '. .1 n t. I of uig " Another evidiri c of the in. inlet, .us Ih ' 1 r-. i.,.i. u ' h ' . i in (.is ..n.l wi I ' CM I I . . I 1 I" t ' II I' 1.1 I .1 . T." 1 it. it ; l. tl io I pi led . - . vs M I'l l',- I'l Ml"- is- I!' ., ! f Jim; i'l !l .-1 'IS il ,.'! I el.;, ,i . , il I'd 1 ' III ' i . .itll I. I.. I'll the I 'l.o ! f , W l III, 'it...--. I., ii. . tO CM!- I ,t - T V i: s I r. I 1.1, - I I. .1 ; 'I - .t i-f Ii -. i.'ti. i - I ' -n f r t.i New I'l.. i .- v , I 1 t . . i I'.t I.. I ii . s r 1 " -.' I " , I is FOR RENT -Houses. MM It I I nit PI III K 1ll. I I"!'. i l. i j V.t- h .' I, .1- I I I'l ii m i - ! 4 1 : j 1 i , .in in i lirjti i0 in i F S 1 : . . . N.l , t . : ' , ! l. . I T .. ; I'll I. 11 , ' I - 1 . - w . v. -. - , il l, 111 t ..! .ti I: I I tel l. .; , IV N. M I ! I ' e 'l.i' .) ... I M.t 11' .t- . ' .!...! 1 .. ll I .--! Nut, . r . . - . - i -1 . 1 1 . ' . - w ' . . N i W '. -I. I N 1 ; -.-ii : . T t i " . v M I M ' e Id 1. I I : : -: 111 ;. .i , .!. I.-, i: i'i,e. r . , . i .i i .ie. M 1 . . i. . t i : i vsiiKMi 1.. p.t utiin. vr it PliV-h Inn ami Suraeiiii. Kit d. ii I-. l ie m .!'. Wa ter Street i ri l :l.i W ' ' . e, 1 T I'lutt ! id :., I'h"ne 017. Dentists mi. j. Kinrr, iMiuaJ HiirirTO Roomi 2 and 3. tlarnett Itldg. Uvif ) H lel'.y'a I'ru Stora ( Appo'.r. t f, rri' n.ada fcjr mall.) plume 714. Attorneys b!MM-i A SIMMS lM J-I IM. 17-1" llartMu iliilf. Altiiiiii'Tw Architects. I:!H I V II .1 . - - , i 1 i ' i J . , - i. .. .V .v;. 1 -t . .. . PERSONAL 1 1. i tl'ICl t I'lill.l'il ! I.h i ,.- h' 1 il ', ri.liii ii i'.- ;i. 1 11 etTl ' i rs i ' ) .If. I tin .. ! M r. Im 1 1 - l .. S f. ( ' llnllll d i l.l C character of the tltfhtiiia' i:i this l''l -i..t , , f ; tin la farnished l a Frcn. h c.M.. t' letter piihlichcd In ttip In pe, he d TouIoUhc "We h'"ve In i ti f,fiini.' t'l thrr weea to the ral of ml i'l I Ihe rej.iT of the Ti'Uih"ti, ;.t..... ii U'nl Saint Mediel f.i.ictc.'' he we.dc. "We a.lwili. e. ii it eiv- cl .iv v I"- . lha ' i. in hea ' 1 1 !er ma n i ate -r f : at ' v entren'lnd. For dn diva v u- led tut , his only 40 i f: o their, and thev lnl all that wim I m manly poihle lo (.leak thronvh. The (ha I lied a miiry c I en tunes n div nnd at tncht Iney tried to approin-'i hy creep. iik aon( tHe sr. .in d. Pal all their aaaaull ni-.o repel cd with Kreat alaunhter; J."in) iJerni.m were left In fiont of our tren hca. "After enr repn'.- ea -h of o" men era I bed two or Ihre,. ion i with aniiniiBilion the ....t.. id the dead and aloud I hem a! Tinle 1 i the tirnihec. und When the mii i y cam' back he w i re-rived hv pn from hi own weapon T'i autird a.iut ur:ria M we tiH.k nil Oie rtiiptv leef i lia. Id I hi m to a i ord a ml pd , 111-1.1 a 1 t '. 1 1 when the ilrrmj'i i .ime 1 to i-,i'K In ward ur litii and Ihe did w.i" linn bed, Ilu v made eiii.Uiih t ,,o ! rive the alami. line ii iiit whin f nlia ra'iled. v i leplnd w.t'i l.i.'i..' ilile oll..) and Hole W.I P'i 11".: . .list in h.i n.e that riiKht. In me in.-tti I tit W icuhUil tt )iUiidtyd Ue.ul 1 "i i; in-. hi'li,i 1 1114 1 . . .1 1 1 T'l I I 1 1 V I ' .-lii- t l.d'l I!IK I'ArvT. WAVT1.L Kvi-iy l.i.'i -,n i. ner t.. UN l.ria ('it'.'. 11 r" "f '.a.nt M pa hu n. Iiai i I i . e ready px'nt. 1 yiil 1 10 era teii mi f.ct 1 hra F Ke'eher. In i ear fentral. 1 "ill id 1 . ,'i. Ic le 1 1 '1 I 1. .' , 1 1," . I poll 1'S 1 ' . Ft C A fi p FT anlr.a fcrntiura and at iva ret.n'Mt r A U ft 1 rrcne 1(1. I f Its a (jut'stion which is the wotst condi tion In u'anl a thing and not have it, or io have, a thing and nut want it. 1 In cither case the answer is read and urr the want adr. C. T. FRENCH it'M ici mni nxnt . I Mil vi mi it. lUy A-aii.taiit. Illtb ami On lea, Ptione mj and M ni. &t0. N M 1 ; I I ' I-..',., 1 i. VI' J. Ii' t ..- r. Kl,Si If. MlllUPi Ars-fillisit. Prrs)ttl ansl 'p to lat Wr. I I'l .HI I. I rc ll.ivHlcr llullitliial. Ti p pilot. 105. Chicago Kill 4 Lumber C Genenl Planing Kill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 i. t . t ! I. I . Try a HERALD wint Ad F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. in wi t 1 1 u I'lioiM" llay nr lht 578. SANTA FE TIME TABL1 bJLJ THE VIRGINIA HOTEL. Ml-.. I: II II. villi. Ti, 1. 1 ii'li-cwa. yi pi in I lit. mi-In mt , ll.ilis. Pi-a-oiulldc Tianii'ii p.hniiH, '1 J.5 ' ., Soul li i ' I'lnl M Phone lit. DUKE CITY CLEANERS Ur i l.sau tialv B'rsi'a ami wo. iw'n'a li'H'lo:. iiiea. rur1ai, trarrrlew, ri' . S.'ll A rr-t tiol.l. I I... n. 4 u. Promptness Our Motto DON CARY SIGN5 115 S. Third Expert Hair Work. (Vnv. i m made In'n win-hea. i r j na' , i m 1 1 "i a. pufa. eurUa, ct a i ' ha dyed. Mlln M I I PI Marlia Ho KhotK rhona If I ll k 4tk 9 Kffes tlva Da ember 7. 1111. eetraouna No. Claaa. Arrlvoa. Ice parts. I (al l.tmltel . ..1110a ! 1 ( al. . pren . 7 fal. Viireaa . I C'al Fact Mall 11. Mp It. 44 (Thuraday enly: II ! l.ui, T 10a liauu Icouud It livarlaml Kitreaa T Ila I FaterD Flpreaa. I )4p 4 ("hfaf.i Limited. . 40p t K. (V A ( hi. Kl. . 7: lap (Wedneaday gnly: l (l l.uxa I Hp lUMIItlllWU Nll IOt r:i I'aeo Mas C Ilk Kl I'aan Paaaenar III l'eeoa Valley Hi., N ort txtwiai ncV in rrm Met r. r t t 111 From Ft I'aao I lip 111 rrtta Pacot Val la? a4 Cut -off. I ltp r. 7. jssssos. iztti . lOOp l:0p .10 ltp 11 tip I M. Itll t 40 7. top tip I lit II 1t Mt t.ltf V