Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1914. SEVEN. SECTIONS (CoiiiIiiimI fnun I'iiuo Sit.) Illf Illlsltll'S Hi mil nls? fALl'llt fit) III ItltllcH I I. t lion nf nlfl.trs:. imk.mi.i.w, tihii(. 1 1 : i if. MIS' M.ITIoN. Tnc-alii v, Nov. Ut. Ill it. hi. 'hailes I.. Siliri' k, i linn in. hi. t' I'.llllK't. S"(lllall .Addles, "Industrial Tl.iiiiitiK In I hi' I'liLhe KYhool; Ilt "lini : n i r , S . llllll l'lll'lOHa," In III- supplied "Household ,N. I. iir,. In (),,. Ch.mitl lHry Hi Ihhi; Will. I. llo.l HI:. I . .A Murh'.'' i:im!y l:. i ;rc. iion. Niirumi, ln. iisnion, Ji-aii l-..rili. htliar I 'llv. Mr. Kiiic iiinsti.ii. Till.. i hm ' Ti.iiiiIi.k In I' ISt llnol-," John V. Conway. Kit nt st I 'i:-. iiswinn. It, 8. T.l'tnn. A!anit.f.or il". AnasliiM'i Montnv.i, . llnMiuertpi". "Tli Chu rat-l er. Hoope and I'm pose of II national I'lmi'if In Manual Tru 1 1t -Iiik, .i-i''inrv i;iul.rni iii, iii'" . " In ilif I'ili Mii-ni.ii v Siliool," An drew Mil'iirih , Catrncu". I' "In the Ilikh S. hi-.;' 1 -Tor, J. J ; i i: i... Kat v. I ipat inn ; K Clinker, N; iih llowi .. II. WiiKiu-r, S.nila IV. ' I lolimli ml I'luns." V. T I oiiaiii Ilii'nness HI -it'll STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION COMES HERE Entire Office Force Including Stenographers to Move to Albuquerque for the Teach ers' Convention. SPEC SERVICES Sunt.i IV. X. M.. Nov In -The ilt'imi I mi nl of u : ll v. 1 1 1 I I OHO ih'Wtl l'" idl.) of K Wcl-H. ' i Iom iI until after I'hii nk sk . . -inu. 'I'hi' rtipi I iiittTi.l. nl , the mh.'.ii miiI. Ihf i hi'! rlei k. Ho- hand of I i . i ' i : I li'iuiiiim ami e.rn ihi rli iiiiki- l.lil,ll Will (in III All. i.pll'l Uf til take part In I In- .V M. It. A. meel.tiit. T!i,. new Iuku i" hi". nt A II ii'i hi i 'jii" lx In hi' ili'il i. .it. d tSo I u 1 1 1 . iniilii and s'upt-i intend, nt White iiii.I .seierul other I'd llfill i'f ol Mil. i it j Ml lit .-'K( lll. . M' I. .Il,l, ;,,, M ;'u Mr, Willie ale union", the Sahl.i !' iiiin who will he at tit ret t'i) mhi yiien t t" t. in ThimI i nl iii.. , imiiih' Te:i:'le. Iliol IlillS, In, I lililv for offltllS Of III", OUl fill' the llext lllei'UMK pin-e. HhII.,1 tor till Will lie i nil UN Itl it regular i h't t loll, only Inetli Iti r ,f Ihe ismi liitloti heitm I'lilitletl to lole. All li'lii In n unit Inn: III Alhiiiier iiie mint hint- rot , .. iu.isly eti l'iiei III the lissne u( Inn II I e llt (I I" do Ho lit mil,', Itrmllment wi I. (.trill S.i.iii day inoriiiiKj In the C.iml.y 444f44ft taat i; Today's Market Reports j CLAIRVOYANCE iS ONLY METHOD t i Mt. . . t W WHICH TO IN ALL CHURCHES SUNDA y Educational Sunday in This City. Mass Meeting Sun day Afternoon in High School Auditcrium. TEACHERS tintlilui tl fit ii ii I'll g,. One.) Old Time Ways of Telling What Market is Going to do BOSTON GUESSING AS TO .1. II. .M It r StllllJI I l-, Si ti'llll j of (lie Nl'l Ml'Vlit, I lllll III loill iN lilt Itlll. tel. W III It' I'I1.,1I I I tt I I I.,. Iiillltl- I'l'i I iinlil M' t'iliiy rii'.l iiin. when I lie olll,,. will !. teiniAtil to tht h;uh k' hoo I Mij.hl iik The ofliinil ItinUe, whli ll is ,rstlitei nooti p.iv- Miltlf .lini the ' h:.. .ilol Inent of Ihi' I! III. Ilil.etii ,. f,-e, ,n Will he ,,, .llMlillll 111 .,W.- lltltlt the owner to mlllii 'Moll t" ink! i oii,,i I,, ,, ijii.iitirx ,.r ml win I nine. Siintl.iy, N'oveinlier L'.'iol, will he Kdilt lit .S(itHli Hi A Mm lie r lie ill, I Will he tiiiirkeil hi nr.elt hi .til rhuri he. Suninv niornlim in mestic Supply Creates Un precedented Situation. The l!"Moh 'oinniel , in I Uulletin ti vitwitm the i week r l .roHit u i i the woo iiurki I, s in '.irt. To tl. it rtittut iim future ojn tniioiin .ill .isii.i-. iih. I ;,!! elit.llil.iiineiits t"f T . .1 1 1 i the wool I,,, I . , ,, n t Mini Die lent hern. A tlmiKMoti olherwUe U ii r... i iii ..t- u.nit.i i . A i.i !l oiuanlzeil for. e of Inull j " " 'i'" for e n h M-HKitin or , t, r- li,. (i. yit ,,f rUirioyiinn! to the M hoo I ll..ft. who Hie thoroughly Nl-,1'1"1 'his ..Mllol In ill' l,l ill'Kree l'ohttlll iie..-r , , tile wills the i t mi I who wlllj'" I'rew'i.t ,,,., !.,it . ,,f i roW,i,ti hi,,t of t!,,: iso,.lti.i, hi.theni- woik iiiiiI. r the I, nr.. iii ,, it,..rm... hall ' r.-, ,,, the Men- UHt:..n i-.'tt ftauuht wi n ,.,., lion, will ml an inlieiH in ih,. viMimif ln l..ihei.. . ,., .,,,,.,,(., ,,r ,,,,, ,i t,,i,,t , ;, .1 ,'.. v...... .. Z : l'if-.t tn in.irn. tit. To be mil the Ill M KlMl.llll I s S; ktl f.. ,.1W lllilli rl.1, ,, ,,, B, Ml li Ifiit nil. l;iDi: r.-iii, of I;.. ,, H,,, i,; ( I'liiinitli ,,n . li', I I, .iim,. nl ,l, .i .1,,, a .,1 . ... ,. I . ...... .... .i. .nit i. iii" ii , , o ,ii c i n a . - al ie,l i n at- halt) at w.nk to- ,,,, w ,i.,ui t xiei.tion il. iar.. II... t ""' '"''" ill i'leiitify i'liv f..r the oiiiin ,,f the , ,.y (ir,. M .,, , ,.,,.,,., ,,. ,. tin. hern The hoH "ill unit nil liaini. him I ell who tire in ll'illl.l i1?i to ill! I I l I, Hi, ol .1 Mi,'iilllf I'l.n f iii.i litl n.ite in i nl ru ' ; li ! lllelliM'llex to Hit K II'I. il ' e 1. 1 the wool wlnih. with the x i'tioii of I'M 1 1.(1 woolit, liuve heen Kh'illi lor many month, hefore the iitii.arw" n i.iee.l l'teiiallv in lh rum of S'Olirt'.l KoolH will, h line heell lllttril Mffe.le.l tloett it itefiii h Inirtl hIiii. it liiHf inii.irtat lout, llilf roiintM .riieliei kim h f-rt if e Htciti h that nutiKt-xtf l Ik maile What tin ol'leil to the tnf'l. ulty In thin liifliinfe him het n the i nilmriro iifion whiinnetit,! Let v t i n nt.ileit in our ow n eoutitt Salt It of iliilm li Wool thlx week have In en ,,f f.ur .roj.oriititii . I , hut h ue i:n i,..f( a httle ..f iillnofl ev t t I li .flu Inlet. t i , en I e t i n g ! nioi,. ,a 1 1 1 ' it a 1 1 v lit the moment lll'oll the fleet e Muni, wlli.ll tU't' r.tthi i runlet L il ii while uro j Two or three hoi.eii leiiort li fair I ... i j . ' "iiiif hi teiritorv iciw wot. n int.; Utterly Discarded During- .n i.ut th.r.. ha, ,,..t ...n ,,,.i. h! ZT a r fTirnl,m i hutiii. . at. a"l week! Wllr llm" in,.- of 1 ...nii.l- hate I n! 1 ho. of a'i'l in ti-l iiL' I Oie.ll'llll 'lolhlllK Woo lit I'm tile l NEXT DEMONSTRATION I J'", TZT rJ'Xl half 1. 1, .o.l , lothiru ,,. hcure.l at :iho'it Embargo Shutting Off United! 1 ' .. th- an.i o. . . ... I tin.' in. urn iL.tluiiK wools me atates trom All But Her Do-; onnmns n i , . m- m m- u, '. ainl the ha'f ! I :i! I to in ! in the urea-e A let of fine ami (in., m.-'lilim New Mexn an x re I'.trtetl on the l.a; of '1 o 4 ee.l (lean. ari. Home orlKinal li.ikotil I I. ,., i.., Ml renin Two nl Ihtee hill. ill a!''.t of iilar ter all' I ihtee ellih'hx tttlllorv Wools have lea n mail., al ;l i : nts in th" j; ainl noine ((iiartt-r hlnoil .mla S.riii In iiK.iiti rt orieii ..t j'. .etits'i, for hi mil I wools m ihe market h:it I. t i n of fair 'ro.o 1 10I1K hilt traile tias of i-nlltse he.-n llllet feretl iltl to sold.' exNnt iifaus.- of the 'a. nail in n i nti'iiTiiii anil iiln 'it--euiise of the nnli.ti tin on sliiiain M hetwe.-n Htaiis I'll. . n n re roai'i-tJitnt-d on a ea'ly Sasts as niiot. il ta-r Week. H hiih'b Kt -mi; m'1,1 at '.' t" .'l t.'lils for ea-.terti anil aooat 4". to t he in t ii I Ti of leif I The eoi, i t,t ion of the till. -..tors is t hi. :l a l.iisin.s- it at h.-riii v. with e( millllt,. of t o;.' fiHetl With W"fk reronlt ion of the .resentc hrr.. ol I of importnni e. When the general he lea. lit is ol the mate. In th,. al- kchkihiii. ate not i, ml. r ,- iv .-e. Hon leriioon m.iso iiifi-tnm for 1 1 Iik - I met t mus nre heina hel'l. ainl th. re is us strife will l.e lit l.l in the h in h I lit t !' titin f..r a in iiseinent :,it su. Ii : mrc to hai,. th. in ,,n liol,lin tni Ir hool auilitot linn, with .t sermon nV j time us there is fr t nt. t t.i in tm tit 1 "ti ent ton her.. Uwht llei. I'. It. II. .w. leu, Kj.js. j Hhk la en filled l. the .nal t titertain- , The riniiniil ie,. on rars wants imi amhoi. of New Mexico. j mi lit I'lomain whiii i.r.iwl. s a t.e-';" i.iles . I.. t . I nt t ihsiiosal. 4 i . flits for western A Sll.ets ale They are attan- tor., .n.i .ok. ...... .. ...a .. , I I. t. hiliB n I. lull as ", '. . eiits for th" ...... "fi, "..-, ,. iiiiiti ii,., , - mi!. KH.....K other thii.Ks. ,,.T sui- .,.,. ,i,. v a,-., far ft..,,, exhi'.ittriK AV ''" I'lv of tars. ,.r n imlure chow lor uxlrU ,,, ,.r.hasi.. , .,, t!,,. ,,,her '" '-' '' " '''" ' ""i'tts uri- sell- in,, tea. tiers, for a.leiiuu'e room. iik ..,, .to. wool mereh.iit ,.,,..r.iu ' I'K iiroiitol in tents Some Ro... ftn STATE CONTESTS TO BE HELD HERE NEXT WEEK Prize Mathametecians and Spellers will Struggle for Honors During the Teachers' Convention. rial "leiil tor en h al t. i noon ami evctrii,- dnriiid the riuiti'niln tu rioil. Th. V elii ion illllil ie .i,4t.ll'l We'ltt.ll S.-fMo -.o1,o,la. ions ainl f, d.t .., at M.m. ,... KlnK ...ther IIP! to fer atte. ha. will e,,,,.haN.- All.,,, , urn, ,..'.. ,ak,nK a sale that he III re.e.u t he ll to l)e lea. hl'IH .lllil Its lie- .... i . . hours if nut sooner. At tlie lni'iii. li' the I'niteil States is JT.i II' ally shul off :ioin any sumil. ot Wool X' e.( her IWTI I'l elll t. I (oi.ise tiie Ninitli Atnerl' an matki t in f tl nit. ii,l.V ami a m usemi r,t eleits. a 1'fllls 111 laiJ. sK'e .f tin- II. i. .1,1. The .iiieM:,,., ..f rooms for the tea. li fts is important, ami nil Horn,, whn ha l e ttie X ... i on, on i.I a 1 1. ins : ( ;.houl, i. t I'd I'lah hi ouretl tirouuht .''. t-eiits aiol s.itii" tlfciht itioiiths TeXas is I. .oltel at .',.. to ."li ifllls. Klll halts . I till' -h"rt s' our."l Australian iitoiiulit a half Itest No 1 New M.-x-n alls nre hrl l at r.T to 5 .t fit- Chicago Grain. ' hiriifc-o. Nov IX HibVi . ,i lxiil a st n n .In n iiik i ffe, i iml.n I'.tlllls I hi (M1ls Will. j rental Mr. i.iltii.i, leli'ihone mini. IMHII xs Till; :M i j lei i- Hi mi ami Mr I ii'ii s Just as last .ear's i h riiiinii wasj Th.- tolnw'tti; ,ommitteis. i .-.r. -mail,. !, the .,-. ;. c In Ie ot's. n'.'u the , ', .pi ,.-r. ia I lini. atul 'he Mat. i , iiiiiossion, , ,.f I'll i I I!' til i! Mtrrhants' a ss... ia t ion. as ..!! tilJf.ll to 11.1 1' Ue i-iil.. f. mi... i .! ...ii. tor , , . , L . . , " n , i - n i.i i . .i i i' i, j i woo a I e , I.i. . I 111. I I, .. ot ., -u , I. ,, h . . , . .. ..... .... , I . t t. 1.. . ,..........,,.,. I .... . I - .. V Inh fi liml or Seere- .... . . . . .......... ...... , .. , talvTh ,A, .',. miner. 1 "" I'ri'.'s n,. , .,. ...... h.i ... ani.-n i e ml elm. Itnow. ,,.; ,. terms of !""' . "' '" ' ' A "" ' " '"' " '"W ' ' .. ei (, ("-., r I " ttluill'iliiaiK . I ' '( ' ' I " n net iukiim .illtll.T of tl Il.lloll l'i.t"ll. S Ill.S t.l. S Ult'.tlllli W.I! i." III.. Ike. I l. Ihe ,ie.'lne ainl loltl "-s,.,, ,, 11, tee lol.!... tuiiite... ill eille ., ' I . . . i .1 I ,,l l,. ion del s I of t lie '.i s, nt .-ales f..r the - "-. k hit. Mo'inte iiii'ltliiiit inort- for fXloM 11, I I'lear. i .. I weather I li t l.iioit.l la . ii ot f ur . Ihe ha n.l hni; of the new ii". in. oie T Us Wiitillthe i oi n luuik.l ium Tiie ,..etiaii;. I '.It S.I its f ol W tin 1) . a I M-. I t I olll II 11 1 1-1 1. .e.i Tl- .1 I e 111 shl a- Ih" S M i; .1 M at w ol I. I.x..iiiiw ir 1 i; l: 1,1 n I Vt l 1,1, ) M . ' i ; . , ;, ii T Tw.. t .1 u. at i' ilia , i .nl i : , i nl.. .nt. r.-st w ill take .i i. .i sl.te 1 11 I I'll I II. I .(I!.- mxt wt'.k illllllli; the t. .o tl - ; M m I .i I . , is i oiii etit imi Tin w..l I.,- ill ' a 1 1 i no. n i III hint I n- ,t mi lanii.i.iKe ami Hi s; " i 1 - : I i I' K il. IK anil ..'ii.iiai,slii.. innl i.olli Mill worn An fiiin ii .M.ii'iav in Hie In.n si li""l , a 1 1 i. ; , .i .llil.liu-;. ill .....ins to he a -M-lnf l. I'll. Ie is a h.eii..l Milt it st in the .i lliii lo.iltst, whn h laet eai lie U he form of tin iilil-fashmneil Ha limn niali h The tollowm , omnntle. t in in i Ilium, of tiie . oiiti sis n a t it hfti. t n- ainl iaittfuai.t': J K. ! It'll, ihairiii .n. J I; tii.nter, st i - let.ili. .Mis Kila l.allat .Hid ti.oiue l.oi.K.-e. (ii . i( lliti(; and .t timai.shii': John II Vaughn, .lairinaii; I:. W. Twi n i li U anil Miss Sue 1 1 u i li , liaon i 'i.ntehi ints aic iit H-d Iroiii ull ia. rtM ,,f the State. Tlo ,ue lie. I.oi ,, i l oiii' ol "a.o. M S l. 'lisiow ." A M the I ..1 II, noil-. );. ! I j L. aTI. I" S l'".w.,i head ,, the I I.. I. ily of M t .1 1.. . j ,! ' , .11. It. ill e l:,..i,., n a I.. I Mi.s ., .. i: ,-t. .ti,.. ,.f M lw t ! If., l-r I', M .- ;v., : I kt-e. i. . I. it in, ii, M... i. ,i 'l.nn.s- j -n-'ii.. Tl s I-:..,., see. a t.ui... is i- an I I". I' '!.! .1 : M.'',l. ich. .1 tl.iiwr f, no .ii l.'iiiie "'A lam'.. damn; Hi : . 'i,t imi I it.- A . i.ilti,. r. .1. r. Join-.. Tl... - Till- leal'.. il,it III, .....les iill iis I f.T i he Km I. . f t In- s. i ion. All' '.- Lais w li I,, In m ;u J,' , 'till t '. . ' I l.K. tile Innl I- i HI- ! I.'e.. .-.,1 l e. to t mil a o lll" lit s t l t Ii I s ha v a . n o a - li' -I t I. I In Wi'll am ol the i:-f,s o! th.- iiMe 1.1 tlol, Th.' t 'I 'i. a i lon.i I exhili.t the- year will ,(. h.1,1 m the im'iii, lil.rari I'll, hi. Iia to It the hllih - I I. nil, I I toini-. s to ,,. ewn more ni'ertM m-i ..mi iiii.o.i.i nl Hi an that of a .tar IIK" , Mil h ! Hit- lilne of la-l .eat . an. ittition was ... iii,i, f, i ,t:,.av lor of In-.., . i.lnl ila e ol in. el .UK This (nil' wast" of Iim, in this win ill he ululated hy a well nt (.i noted s.stein of 'itllotiim. h won h m ini tiations will he Iliad. on M..i. Ill 1 1 '! ' 1 - I .! . t 1m h. I J I ; ' Al 'I ' I M . M s I'.. I SHORTEST MEN IN PARLIAMENT ARE THE MOST WARLIKE I I .olid. -ti. N". s i ,,, ltH ,, ,t ! Mi. iliTs. sh' n it, m n . ,,, OT i ololliolis I ,.f .(,,. ,m-l M.,i lit... Tl , r . ..ti . s ai .. V.'i I 1 "d la no I. S An., t . ami II I. 'I'fMlllllt The :i,i Wo h,,.,. nil' Hon. I,, tin Mont ,.n, Mr T.-ni, uu .m I'al 1 a tin lit a i i linn, . lit,:. ,,r war. Mi, meti al-,, n , ,. (Is ..ith All ! a Mr ei',, ,, short (hat h,. h u 1 fe i I ,nfi. i -tli known In thti ho'ise as 'l.i'.il.. I:,.,' ,,,,,1 ' Ihitto'is ' ii , . t i .. XX : : 11 The Apparel Oft Bespeaks the Man This was true in Shakespeare's time it is true today $ Male memb'en of the N. Al. E. A. will do well to call at my shop in the Armijo building, lool over my suit patterns and be fitted for a suit. J Fit, quality of goods and Workmanship are all guaranteed. Prices arc not advanced by reason of the European war and my reputation is back f every suit that I turn out. L. C. GIELITZ TAILOR Roomt 7-9 Atmo BuiWng ' ALBUQUERQUE, N. N. I'l'tnes' i,- i oiisn in l i i"ii Koi . tun w hai- , ..ttie it t,, ni n-lii, i,i 'i.rt. I'uss an.) it Is .-aid in. . nut au l.oiit that ro.-s : a't'ils ni now iei m I! . 1- i lie d i. j i Inf.! ,' seem il ni i,t ; ii , if ale mole th n two oi Mite. ho.l-es w Li if o", ..Id find IW. "I llll.e handled ha... al the l'i 1:1 inn' I'm .- 'i.i'.t i-n fail-, tnain- ; lined ii ii in sun- t 'Hires a d '. .. nt . - i I ' .Hi . : ori. i over t ht ; tl' in of a week a IS". 'I hi- I liihai t. 1 .1- i f it ... .. re ill' 1 1 1 n lli .-..! . f the I fi t. , .-'.tl ot tile .'111 - liiiifc'o alili li i;i. tl i'1 I ii i lias ;.!,,- eil ui on th,. shiiine- 'r in her own hoi d. i s i ih '. her its his : a . I i a li 'I w ' n (i. i'" ''Ii- t x. t 1 1 i lion of v'Mtth Alii i "iir ahinif- '.on o 1 - i 1 . i . i i 1 . ' ' t hi t e is i." I'll time in 11).' en; MIU.ll.oll. It h Mies inoti a i, i at t". ai'. it that It Is t'l".o I.. iX!'. '. I i Ul.tlld to all"ll III!) wool to oe t., led, lln li she - it it use lr iiiilitai' : iriotes s.. loti.' asrhe lie. 'Is 1' H I : her own t.eeil lire lulled It se. 11 lUlle .rt.U.i oe that t he rmli irau in., tie lft. 1 1 ,n la lor of I'tT'.aitl I'ol' lies so li.lU its 'he l.-iilish auth ; .' s i . m .. .i- ll.l -l d t'lat tile W 'ol "f its . in.llii t will imi he lesh to any of thti? i out. try' et'emit- ! lo re ale tt.-- who think ldisltnd v 11 retain a tw., . i ., r h sii Mid. of w " ; .it tills is i ttti r di'ti. u!t to l.elle- e 1 ' he I o.ll ..' - wo'ild seem ol . is In mole wii.s I hull one I i l -li-li iiiir. h i's to r. lie l e I Ileum I s ! the hti' it. li ot all'ltlil ta I V lt a! ..tldils ttte ks '1 wool ii soon as ih'i- is any in.tik. I a Miri'liis li i. ill-. . wai 'i id "-mi, that ml. ti sales i... i not th. IS , to 'U I, i- so. in thins of a s.i." all mil Tie hmhet was followed all ,.o'in, I 1. to . al ...s, . i lose w as firm. I.isi n itht Tl td'-I s j,; .. it,- se. tiled . . ., ii oil.. I lltiiis Ttlft" W.t little ! -S 'I I . S" 1 I alld I ti " I ! i ' 1 I kept till! !. ft .l , i i. . I. 1 .lis i io-tti: ; i i Wheat ., i ! n I ii - I l,U J. l o: I. .!..,. . ,l,tn I; . ' Jin t.t n. h-'j- ' a. i .1 ! 1 ; x . : !" . . Ma- . I M :. : ' ; . m it ' . .' . Mn, '. '. Mi-. II A A llllll! 't V 111- I I I!.il,l;n. t if ...II'I in o,i ! ., 4 1'i.i te I h III' "f l'i m llssetlihh l "f Iht I a Ihe oth.r it '.ha: t after aH " " ' ' ' - hue ITt'dl If d a ' !ar from sttt'td Ad-, lee from IV net.' Is t he I ' -r A it ii tt I. at ih' . lish par i ia no : ' ' war m.iilit I "' IS Itl III- peofe ush it i i u Kan-a- 'il) IJii"lii k. i Ix.ti is l'i' No- is M ' "' t i pi - : I market low el ': ii t s ,e, IT ." '.( ; n; to i.i t : j i ii : ! Ilei t'li'ls it i" i 1 1 j i set l.aill. Ifllll - 'i'l ..'..- $ " ' i a II "'I est el ii -1 . I t ' . j i a ; es. i a '. I a ', " h.-.-. ll- i ,i,l t. M ; t I si I olll' I. .I'll. '. ( . . '. ' 1 -.i'l...,:. .a .( ; . .. lli HSU I It.-IlM k 1 "III. asl.i No. I s li"k- I'.e t .pla. J.' inai k.t s;'--. mosi . .' a tl.-f .t-.teld,- ai.-t..-. I.tiik ! ; ' ii ; I". ht.i-. '.' i ' .' 'if. i I "" 'I i : v I 'title I.e... . I I head . ,ii 1 1 ef w a k he. ( $t "' ''I 1 " '. ' steel's. I . ti ' . " , i ,i - ( -. J s ',,',, IIMi Sheep I.e. .apt . 1 v.. ...A; . ,1 1,1 ( Weak to In. . .w , l . sh. t p. I '. ' " 'I ti J , !. i ft: f s J 'I i 'l I i; St ir A Ph.. loi.Ued lit t'apttown. S"'ll I AI rn.i, state that i" n ! rii t lotm .. i . pi, i. i d ll o l sh ; l Is from that ploe lo the I'll,'! St.ues 1'iimit I.I-IH4 ixs ie.l f I w I shipments x ! t J I'llKltllltl. It st.'lis I't i'l" u iuesti..n, iff, whethei 1 n.i.and In itlit not : restrain u- h lesl. n.ents t'eitt,'.', Kh.. i ttUl'l tin n t'-en H Iin hee"l the J J las- with ttlt.i.ll int. liases f..r l''e a l iiite.l St ilts nt the last l...mlon ule f w hn h iir stol inut .-ne.l li I'rolon. X A Iiii.I feHturr ..' t ha situsth.n o f far us ptitihHse . f ""la In Ihe for- II .inn primary inaik.'. far ilim imai't, tin t . rl ne.l Is the s artit ot stnp- t ,i.i.. in ri. ..i linitMlu tli.s A. A. I'"' -s ' " - Week staled m I I . ' u I'll " I' I'idk u ii i w lift a-'" is extra-iii.-ly tltli. nil 1 1 to ol tain liM.r mid Monlli Ilsa-s4" I iiilutritii ii I'llti. Ill.tlt. I rx .i.K I't the ...... I It nle 1 11. heen the . llil'.ll -o on Wool l iid nml ss, i ,-r New ...k. N ' ". X J ' I. ' .. :l ; , London ( I - . s Spe itet . I ' l ' 'I ' 1 '. . 1.' lol-'M. 1 J .. J lol Mont I liatk.i. Nt w Vol s. No- 1 x M-t, a ':' I" P .pel. ' I "' p. I i . til l lll Si I . el , 4 it -, i M.tsl Ms. k.i Nt w Viiu. N" x Tin .1 . i I t :i .' a" -i, .j : , . v ,,( rue t..n has and t il. . :. , 3J ... (.a .il.oi l".s liie. troll t ie topper tirm. f 1 J a" T i ; . . t t in.. i i i 7 :. d ii . '. i.f.i,i. ti f ;:. Spt Her. I 1 l i .' . In n iiui. t Mild inn hai.,. 'I A lait.doll till, lilt I "II. fill, lies tilt, si I .1 It s III! p. i . op;" i t " J I . (i.tuii .- i : ' Its I .a .ul. i 1 ' .-pelt, t I . .' s IM shipltit t Is lli I i pt a nl Li the L.i-e het Ii stnpp..i4 an ifa. I'll - mil. h on t.i er I lie mi ion tils 1 seems veri iti.H airjnitf- Uf inent ciii La. tITf. 'le.1 wht-relil upon fy; I r.-pt r t ellili. ale of tlmil'le. t ,.n i'l rum. Iht- ... frnmeiil w.H I'll w 1IIII U HI at' ' a pi an piuci.ia a a lew in. ! amis La-e Let I t Wool In Ihf I'.ti.oiian m fl wild tloitltllesn air li T I f I IM'tl . seems va I len l er I Ita-stat. k. Ni l lx I iillli- lie. t il ls Jldrt lita.l in ilk"! sie idl sleet- .'. I. ;: a . t w i I'l it i mi tt i'.i 'ia ti I". 4. T lit ll'.rfS tl" Hts I.oi held lllilk.l lower, lop 7 at" I nk I.' I'll ; ' 'i Mlfftjt - Itf. elpts :',,"! In n, in tl- ket sl "W rates tl "'-'l 'i Jo iatoiis It t.i. ai X 4 i.I I. mi Marital. Next Yelk. .al IX j . I, lilt 11 t'. 1 .",. H.f Uri Iii iii, $ I f 5 ft i i.t. CLOTHRAFT AH -Wool i if-' ,71. iSft -. Do You Take Your Clothes for Granted? Once in a while you see a man who takes his job for granted. As a result he gets no where his advancement is limited. On the other hand, a man who is always plug ging, always striving for something high er up. is the one who sees his ambitions realized. , The same may be said for the man who just takes his clothes for granted as compared with the one who is particular about his apparel. The former is never noticed, whereas the latter usually finds himself and his dress admired by his friends and associates. As a rule the man who cares about his clothes comes here for his shirts, hats, gloves, neckwear, etc. Usually he finds just what he wants in a Clothcraft suit or ov ercoat, too. Are you wise? "-a-v,. ' , rmj " S.T-V'.-. o. f i i j . j v v ji r 4rh XVI ,.) I) Also a fine line of Boys' and Youths Suits. M. Mandell "The Lice Out liter'' 8 I! FIRST BROOM CORN SHIPMENT MOVES J ; ..til i: I' (:,,,, i, k ..... I 1 ' 'oil- "I I. and . .. h of I ,i ,,. I ' ' '. ' I'l ash -... , Aj-- I t. I II. nl. Ml p slupped OUT OF MELROSE '" Ttie M.-itose 1 '.,! i ii.. ii 'I he f'tst eat loll. I .,' i ' I I !. ... in l.tlll W.f shlpptd . om lot. . II,- ti t i h. lx i K ii i.- . , i. .pi ...... ot lx t ' I- I I ... - I. . I I .' 1 I ) !, f . i . I- sii.r.. win. is to;. in i.t oi ii itn- The was to.isia.d to 11 I on IS i.1,.1 i ( I no d " I i. . M Mr Ktihi- . oit.ii n. t i.miii .,n oilier it. shortli nft. .a it. in,,, out the ttlsl ,m. iind pi .' alii, the si- o.oi . ixr Will l.e shipped l ei, or Una I't the ALLEGED WIFE DESERTER IS TAKEN FROM TRAIN fl "It - shipped l,.fl.iM Una ls-ael lo, f I ol.-s that lesulle. '!t ju. liesnl.ia Ml. K il ' , st. ik ,o tut,, an ,. i e, , i, li Ie . si, -lil,,, ,1, olll,, .,,,!., 1-'., "a n N,. ., was taken off it a t 1 ; I !,o . d ' niier iitini at l.a, v.-ii it l-- '' t i f P r ia a -i, (,. j , Wanted h. lite slelilfs o!l'r heio tor "leK.d Mile .-'T I ni. I loll I'll ''HI link I .Wis SI l,t .,,rs..t"i . I III I he i'