Newspaper Page Text
TWO THE EVENING ITERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1914. B Heating Stoves At Reasonable Prices The name "Stewart" on them insures perfect con struction. Our st;ck com prises nil types and siz;s of heater. fc. A r';;vlj Ft I ZZZZZZZZ1. B LONDON HEARS nun mors RAABB&MAUGER 115-117 North 1st. OP PUHS FOR iiisoi i Favorite Story Is the Rcseive j , Force of Zfppelins and An - other Treats of Submarine j Transport System. : CIIRUTMAsTlNNER IN LONDON, GERMAN SLOQAN .1 t'la; !) 1 t t . I'M in it tiii i 1. 1'" . 1 1 .ui, .'.'!' ill i; w. ni-i s i p t i d. in iioi i; ii ''l!:., A " l ' 7 - i i . nl. iy ri! i !!.. Ii l h e I't II DIM. BURTON i I' ll) it'll in ii will ...1 ,!. , , t'i.. I, I I: h-i.idnw it. i- in i.i l-.l ! l ! m a.) i I ON OfJE MCE E English Airflcet Constantly on Guard Along Entire Coast to Protect London Against Surprise. Z3K 1 0 wmm n n ( V.J i i iontn-cno Sale en 111. as ..I. I I It X II I IC1. -I M i:i- IIUMI .li i:t Kil l 1 11 AMI It Mll l H . .o ::. t:i .lis I'T. Mr pat Ins I Se n :t t aid their .-.I. v. h.-ii llu. M,-i .. I V . ...Iv i- .i i 'll i I' ol I.. 1 1 vv n . i n i -.1 i M.i. In. I 1 . WW S . 1 1 1 1 : I ! I ann. I -'' v il ot't f : ..nt Madrid toiiu.v S n n i.i run had lacti h id i ii pd- ;li lit I ! . c tile! - Mr. Ki.iii.i h:ul i" I. II I III- eilbje. I ! I'.. in .1 -V. I . t.u Hi .in. "I" i li ii. .1 1..I' in ' ! rii.i 1 1. -i: . i ;ln;im ll t Hilt I lu ll! Ml l'-o t I . ! I ' I rv.j-, 1 i . -. I Associated press Com spcndi-lm . ) l..i...n, .x . H ll.murkuhlo iu inoi an- , ,i . u!u i u,K m l..ntn rnii- i l i Hie means thi l.-l man t-x- i ! 1 In m i- li) reaching L'nKl.nid. liuua which .in shoot m-t ! the strait of ' ' . i r. M'i.m;iri.!o transport capable of I imlitin luge detainments i.f H..UU leu en l hp Ktii! lit-li coast, iiml Mtli,. forts ali.iu the J.flgiun must arc union:; Hie mi s'.ciious device missip ai .'ii-'litH ill riiiiii. v li:iins the Matter of Scarlet Fever i,n " 'I'll., ai'tivlly i,f tin- li.riiniiij, pif . J'.irinu I.Ttitu iitiinij. (.r h.miiv purl nl Z.-i-i.riiKc. uti the litluian ,i.uhl tin rlli 1 i '--li ml aii.l n. .1 jr Hum i.ic iii.iuth c i i i . . . '"' ""' ! iv-n ne I., iimiiv I . ' , rniHin ,,.- -.. ii.ii.. . in. in.- iil.lii mm III, I. until of lualih in JiiMh c of 1 in- ' Our November business has been especially good this year. In fact it has been very prosperous to us. Now we would like you to share this prosperity with us. In order to do so we are making very attractive offerings in every de partment o our store. This sale will last until the first of December and the many jpeciab, will be of every ad vantage to you. Below are a few of the many special Month-End Prices. PARTY AND DANCING FROCKS Pretty dresses made of Chiffon, Laces and Silks The style are the new Basque effects, Tunic effects. Pretty Lace Flounces, Accordon Pleated. Flounces and Straight effects, trimmed with Crepe Meteor, Laces, Satins and Rosebuds. Dainty toft colors for evening wear. Worth $25 to $30. 814.95 WOOL BLANKETS. Beautiful French Gray Plaids. Full size and extra quality. Sold regularly for $3.50 a pair. 0 AQ Month-End Special u.T" J LADIES NECKWEAR. Worth 35c Mads in Serges and Linens. Velvet and Satin Trim- nod. Month-End Specials 19c MEN'S GLOVES. Worth $1.50. Very good quality. All sizes. Month-End Special per pair 99c Found Guilty -of Dcrelictcn in Report; Fals Certificate Accusation Disnurscd. 1 1 . i.f 1 1 ; ! i i;M i i: . i:i . r.. Ti vt. .... ..'.)!. It S 1 1 I 1 1 1 1' I', I I 'l ! i x .-ilil :nr .i r I' ll vl it i 'I ii. h h. il h. ti- I i t K I'll nsl nl llu- llu...!". i;i;i I ;. ri .p .iiiliJ a T. I iim I.i... i'.iii wtih I Mo 1 1 . .1 1.. .1.1 v. NEW SHAFT RECEIVED FOR THE FIRE EHGINE iii. ii. I'lll 1 1... I i ' vv II. v kIhiK f.-r i .it I . r. n I in- v :ii- I l.. I I. Mil l ... 1 til I M 'It. I It. I K-I'l ' ; i- ;i J'l -i T '-1 ,IS 111 ..I k nl l I'. HI D! ..I' I, rM ill- IV.' ! 11 U - Ill r- . i ..i.-n IViil '...111 ,-Jt. i-nil W. W . kl lli 111 I I- t'l j-)i 1 1 .-. l.c-iin 1 1 . . Tiiitn'i - . K'JIHI' ill Til, 1 1 1 1 1 II.,.' I .11 .4 ..:!.-.' i. .1.. I . -i. tn l:t i. in. .i i l..-i. -.lit : I. .' .If Mill-' ,.fi-.r Will l.. 'Til.- VM i.imi- , . - In i. ' U ii . .i ,1 I- .1. r ;.. . s. - I'. ' i - it -UI- .i. V V. M , ( 1km ' court tod. iy, 'I'lic h v fi Li n w a a. ruscil i.f not ikinn a I I ) i- i-1 1 1 on a H'-at-t V l'' .I :i i-i- i.i tin- in. .'iillK a, lli Ml i II ill i that Til of lll'.lltll, MlilJ ' t1Sil iit till, ale to t w o j , ,,,, , k ntiiTt ; .It) tin- t hi- , Hunt, are Im-iiik mink liom which, the i-Mii.iiiN will lit nliU- to lire toti-i-- llot ). Till .1 CUl.lMOIH ure ti,,st' to In- I'l l niiiiii iit and .f DiH h cliiuuil-r lh- can al.-o he ufi-il to coiii' HiiiiiU K'llix winch can in all 'icy ! lull" il for uk: aiii'ir icr. 'I h : h t isi it tin ..! Illi t r. ! Iiartri- v. .i-i iln. I ; M ,i .. lit It tin- . I.. il-l-il on tin- l- ialli-,1 to thi ll Novcrrih. r until tin- r. t Ii. "i l.t .M man ilintii r in t.oi:il..n ' i? ii- latest tiloKan of llic Hi I. ii ill ."in Uolix tli lltKt'Ui coast. HI- anil nu n liuw i ont.iiit l i in n Iho r-l-ol that tlu v x ! t I"'l. While KukIiMi ofll- llttle iihout a ios.tle lias In ii no I n k of 1 1 li II. 'l-IM III. ,1 I 111 ll.ll i i.i N li.i i e s.ihl iiv.imoii. there l-.oi ll'.l .m.i the stn-it whin hi i i 'i rt . 'Jin- oiilinaM e rti n Ir- aM ol i op i a i; iou.M ('.igeuMe it-'il iiniiieiliaii iv so that no lime I ' 1 .ar.ilnn lo r."-eie Hi'- mnilaiiiihlii tn.ny he :n vsiai.l:-hmn niml an-' "' inv M-n e of ;.rniaiiM w hit h nnuM Hi,,.. ina tin lie lo cross the twenty niiie I 1M . lairtoii s defense wan that wiiil.- " e-n inwr uml I'alals. he mum lalleil in ..n the 4ih he dull Kmilish airolants ui-,1 I- I . ll l ! i PHOTOGRAPHER H. "i South sifiuifl. I'm li ait Work of All KimLn. Aiu.iii-ur I i'i'lilnU. CLEAN nut ,1 in s :'.- ihe iav i.ntil the M Ii , Tin' wr litis street Was a simile ciror.J Justice .M l l. llaii foiinil Ihe .hsj- I Ian liuilty on the Ki'iinl not i-iih' was ilu- rci.oi'T i iTi'i.i ous as to! She street. I. lit the I hysl'T.m should have sent Wi.fil to he lioar.l i f hrullh i.t the susj.i. ions i.iture of the . um mi ihe 4th. m il V limin Jlie '.unl m.itlu no iu.-!lu diagnosis ut that time. Tin- se. i. ml cli. Hue way ilisiiusseil, he a'e the n.ini rule, I that the ue. e ' .,in-r faiTiished hy tin dm tr l'..r the lirolher and sit( r "f patn-nt win not j foiinai el t lili ate. The I'il.l'ln 11 sll'.ili.l He. ir hale heen ad- .. .- h".. ..'i fa- s'.!er!i;Mi ol nHli it. til '. l.lllel 1 i II I I lit said. t lo ta il .hi: re.orl f 1" and . . Iioll.-c "f Tl!'. lift 1 1. t . ei.rt. The Ml Ll .( r tilled III. I'hv-i i.m ai eal UNCLE SAM BEGS US TO SEND XMAS GIFTS OUT EARLY ii.. St- I III 'It I I ( 1 1 . r 1 1 .- . is " . ' 1 1 1 1 1 e. the liosti is our specialty Aztec Fuel Co. ti:iviiom: 231. 2 XmasShopping Do It Early We piesent you this vear the largest, the most complete and up-to-date "stock of Xmas pres ents. Prices very moderate. Goods selected v. ill be careful ly put away and delivered when notified. ' VI nl call, diess ).la. my. iiih-s. Twenty .hi m.. in-'i k :i.T !es P.oehl li.i ..ur 111.1H shoi'i'iiit; onl Ihe li 11 1 di 11 of h s al'l." lie his il.t I'P .f It . .. lohiiy hin sialis VV 1 a i sei urely. Vd l'iltv ,ullllds 1 - p. Hi. Is everywhere on the ui. kac s 'Not If Opllllll lltllil I '111 IStlf.l" ' Ktniiish airoidunis uml ilirinihlc lit.; constantly on the ulett. The mn ,s fairly alive with nam I craft of all desrrii.tions .Mines ure carefully pla. e.l. ami any luiulmic in KnlSlartl woiil.l di.ulitles he made at terrlhlo . o;t. if mi- h a l-iiilirix he iosshle. mid 01c e landed an enemv would I tiiid 1. oast artillery and every po-silde 'loll of olst lH 1 1'. II stamllilK InlWclTl the (.'.(i.'onst Mtn'l Lornloir. Wire en J tatis-h-mcnis anil hreiinuorks "I -iiulhas lint all paths Iciiilittt; fioin I pohsll'le laliliing pla. : ox to the loi. ol 'the ihalki 1 hlfs whuh siirroiitnl the Islam! Tien, hes f. r riflitni-n ami Held uiiiis Itaie l.r.-n ilua m striitii'.r: l'Ointx nil filo UK the court 1 Il'imlteds ol thousands of yoin-.K I soldiery have heen mven pra.ti' at l.hJ"llU 111 ilu"s'.i. cut I etn ll llletlt fioiu one en I of Kn.lani! to the nih il r. .Mil the wit!.' his heen nil tll- jlelte, I.'. lolht.IV eVlarls who AlW t,, it that carthw.itUs were cieite'l 1 where il was tliev mivht he iii-.efuj in i use s-.iiic treat il.saster '.-hoiihl hefall Ihe r.llkllsh llaly. I Some hoilv con. Plaint nhout the li k of patrlolism HiiionK the punl-!i-.ts has hroimht oul a sp.l Heil letter ll'.n a t.'.YiiiE editor, who savs that r- he to 'ive ti list of ail Ihe pro fessional hoxers who Itiiv )o,neil the ii.loir site e the ei liiruti..i of war lie would have t4 lill iievral r.ewspiiptr ol'itntig He Civeti a few naitos f nun who have exuha n'm-d the twenty four fool rum for a h s cir. un.s i n-d aieint Th; iiru woifi reeoiilin.: "Ick Hiiiith. our llht lii-.ivy-weaht 1 haiiiplon: llamls, nan Ki e. hailinser l-r thai tith: Itaiidsioaii INFANTS KIMONAS. Sold regularly for 50c. All colors. Trimmings are Satin or plain. Month-End Special 29C PICTURE FRAMES. Worth $1.00 to $2.50. Oval and Fancy Designs. Month-End Special 49C SHEARS. Made of the finest steel. Sold reg ularly for 25c a pair. 7 in. lo.rg. Month-End Special Q ij LADIES INITIAL HAND'CHIEFS Worth 6 for 75c. Any initial, fan cy embroidered. ?lain hemstitched borders. Month-End Special AOr 6 for T"Jt OUTING FLANNELS. Worth 10c a yard. All color.,. Check and striped effects. 27 in. wide. Month-End Special per yard ' 2 CHINA PLATES. Ltauffers Hand Fainted Flates. Sold for 75c. Beautiful designs. Just the thing for a Christmas re- jnembrance. AQp Month-End Special T"jL ROSENWALD'S j "WHERE QUALIT.Y MEETS PRICE" PHOENIX PREPARES TO ENTERTAIN BIG MINING CONGRESS j I .lake, w ho may rate t , r. I I" I'll. cirx. t i . Nov. - 1:1. il ; ri i'.il.ili. i.f. ale ia inri Ina.i.' lo el taiuthe l . ili d" ! ..tes 1 -,pe' till atti nil thi. M'li l.l. rlllll al. I. . ..I sa il of the V'l'Cti'an M.liolK ll.ll'T to he held !ol. IteielliH. T il C. I'owi r l oiiwuv is chrilrniun the l.niiT'.l 1 ol. 11. .Itllii. Tit 1 Mini lee. The other m inneri eie I:o h I'. ... n I'. irk I.. Wood ma 11. VV Lewis. Homer Kind. J. J Sweeni-v L.ta VV . Th 1 it . J. ' H L Allee W. I'. Kosli 1 . .1. 1". Hi. ls i iv ii-l.t I' 1 1, anl. .1 W. i'r.-n-riuw V'i J M at 1 li;. . A. I'. 1 1 Hter Mai hall. VV. ll. T Hi h II. S l ! Howard S. He. d. L'l.i and J..e ilehtir '" ' The ini.C'ii'iim will If i lled t' order t Hie Llkn' tin Her at ? ! lir.etoher T. hy former i ei i.or Jo si 1 h 11. K.V.i-v. I' I i.oi. inor I-., hard L il.all wilt w ! ome h e',K..'e, 0.1 l.elmll the .iu.-rtain- 1,1,'Kt committee (iowriu.r (('i.t wilt we. the moors xti't.. n ml M iv or 1 '.i-orni I he i it v ( at I H h.d. pi esideni ,.l Ihe - Kiess. Villi il liver Ins nun ml iiddn-ss i.. th. rvenliit. iitp.el at the Woni- ti n or AllifiiH M ii""i 01 of id - id J . H l l-'ra n. is lloiner said to have it reallv sound chain e of al.tovilin the iiilililh-v.eifht hell; I'at ll'Keete, the holder. Tom l-i 'm mu k and Johniiv ISo; ham. both of whom have heen plomiscd chinocs f cotitesiipif (or the w i I' title: Telty "f lu t-r I'mnr, one of our le.nli'i heav w e.his ; seiiiioiii Hayes. the f urious teailn-rweisht. with u host nsiiKemeiils. Hi moii. Is of I'll mouth, a pimti.Ti! icrtaintv for fljweiiht honors." The mutter of dunking nm"1 women, us will the iutoin of IrealTiK le.Ii.iln I. . I he udmiriiiK puh lc . in strongly iiak.n' Ihe uiteiitinn i,i the n ut hoi il e in London and the provlioes Wh.le the llos.ln ll""" of ptt'die house have been mid" raiher t hi out; hout KtiKlaml. ol her no ..sures are ills, in-sed lino i that w.'iiien In- naiie.i ir.un tn- pu,o In the Young to ,t pi i.J l Hie ex. Iiule in i a M-irle. Strong Bros. 1T STRONG BLOC Cor. Secovd and Copper. CHICAGO POLES SEND HOSPITAL CORrS TO TR0NT IN POLAND letter ,-ecretary lib.r- e de. pest IndiK d womi-n' Mis llo l l.l i.i .1 r .,i a J . - A Led wuh hfty n- Z3 Wursaw. N..v. -T (. mm. I U.n.lo . .1') l'n. lios e.iii.pi beds. i.aM tor wuh uh.. r ol .on iri:.uleil .by Polish A hut I. n n". i. oliened hoe today 111 the presen. f l-t the ((on ii. or K-Titrnl of V iis.i m.d the coii'-oils '.r fiurnl'v H4'ions The nioliev f'-r the ho.pilul laised miller Ihe of the polish Ameiii-uu woleiy, .,ni:i nlz.d in I'hi io b) John SiiiUlskt. 1 h . .si s Hltom-ther. urn ninny l hem huve more money In w h.l their husbands mr avvny war Another proposal is lo women from the liilnkinq (.linn lh-' Nina ll..le. who I ut the ''f His pohtii Hl i. ml inditaiit iep,.i luieiit of the Women" Freedom bilBue, inakis mi ;in!lnns.nt piotrst lo the priuiii minister "It In iny duty tn warn .u that Ihme iepeut"i utlai hn on our Hi s me pruvnkiiu the de. ,e-t ,1 .on u moiiR tnen m shv her Piter. wrote- 'May I point out to you: That the How antes paid 'i ....... ur. own molHV. a lid that Hi. have Ihe same rtht to I ll. ir - liionet .14 ha.e. "That mi iittempt. apparently. be nv nimr.eered to regulate the Ml b, w w il- es of sobtier uml umlors. many of whom, nieord on info'mt tiotl s.i..!ir,l me. ure spendii.B the liu.nev pa ul I hem ny me imnm on iiink unl Immoral women out u strain! 'That theie has been li fctn.ii.K w omen mm the war nl till propoitl. nate to Ihe !n- lease of drink net iniione men. "The probable rea-oil for the St Ue iiient th-it more women ure drinkinif now- is that ut thn pri-si lit tune pu'i lii hi uses ale so tiin.imtd vv .th male customers, i f whom an enormous number n:e men m iiniP.rni - that women cannot n11" ne.-.-ss to the prrmises and an served- out-ule. where liulurallv tlo-v are tnole coii- Spu UollH." Th lamented J-uiue Maun, e I'.alteniiiT'K was iii en ietoi la " younuest uralnb hild and was mn Ii u Kreiit favoriU- with liie nui.-en lint h" passed the tnsl lev. veals of bat lift' continuously in lu-r ompuny. Just a fi'w ibiis Ihe piinee' untimely death he wrote to n member of his fannlv : "I am liaMnu the time of my hie. I'oii't bother about me. It In like u .irlii, . I coinand' elcd u rim ki'ii and tooked It with exK". Ti ll lrs. (the prim i-bx'h looltl lliat it was better than nnythtiiK she fvi-r looked." Prime Maurice vmih the joiiiinest Moll of Princes ll' lnv of ItaltenbclK nd M first toiisin of Klin tleoiKe. He whs leadniK ho company ol the k iiik'k I oval nibs at Yprm when a shmpncl hu'lei Irom a bursting fhell struck him ui.d ended his lile tilmost Instjiilly. Prnn .Mtuirpe was 21 veam old anl held Ihe rank of lieu tenant In the alinv He was the onlv prune horn In I'.-' huirul castle. In fad i. ii' r i.i. ii.t- hail tu t n l.-otn ! In Slot land mine lii'oi, when hules I was born at I n. i f i inline Plillce Leopold. I'lllli'e AleXaldi-r and I'riltce Mal'I'l. e. all three m ns o' Prim-ess Henry, cntcted the seivi.e at ihe hcKHi.iuiu ol the war- Prime Leopold WitJi iliviilided home Willi bullet i,i his hnte before the death of 1,1s brother. The ititeen of .pain In m msli r of th" lamt-nted prim e iiftlcial npolts of tlie Kuviliiiiienl show that iinempb,) inenl iinioii men in now nhout oi,e per cent less than it was t he "I ' ,n" wnr These I'liuft'd uie soioewhi.t s'lipl'ts- inif In view of th" far! that 111 one million men their eel i .'' und in the army. .Men who ha.e not entcrtd the nriiiy llnd l.ll'u- tiouide now in JiihI mu WolM. iiotw itbst.iiitlknir the fa that thousands of pla. e va.atid by men have been fill'd by H'omen. The Km ttiiio-nt ha hnrru d fiirwuld contract for the of h new post "f fb tube Wh'all Will 1I l.oinenl Iii tluo..iids of linn e.r ir mote RAILROAD TO WORK EFFECT OF 10 Ofl WHISKERS IS WITH GOVERNMEHT Oil I1IR TO I. Big F.uih Anticipated as Soon as European War Victims Get Their Bearings and Transportation Is Open. Styles of Wearing Facial Hair Likely to Be Materially Af fected Says London. PLANK'S PRICE IS TOO HIGH FOR WEEGHMAN 'hii ao, 111., Nov . .'7 Preildi lit W'eeiihfiMii if the I'hleaHo Kedentll tod. iy ileilared thai ni-KotiAtioiis for Kdwurd l'latik. form, r star iiitcher of the Philadelphia Athletics, had come lo an end ,u ause of the bi iihtry ilem.imled handed Iw-irier. "I Would lUe 1 t'hiiaijti Kederal W ei tun id ' out by the b.w hll- .i s.e Pl.tnk in a uiifnrm," said his terms ure tod Huns and I hale pructivully ended all iicPoliutlonK. ' irlv hint. oiiinleereil ale under train. h em- f. r u pend UK men is w it h Increase oiiil.reiik ( FERNANDEZ CO. GETS A WRIT AGAINST FRANCIS Trinpoi rv" liijamt.on amilriMt l;U ' ... ...... ..r i.Ui..i..e i-oiiniv wan lt iihleij loday lo the em -utiles i .in- pan;, iisiriuiiiiii: the defer. lai.t aim h'.s MK'Tits liom tu,i slie.-p oer the tiffs laime In Mh'lnle' count. "n lie, ember Mh there will be it h.alim In Judste ItavnohW . hiimbcr til whlilj Ihe defend. ml will be reipi.l d to !i..w why Hie In). ill -lion rh iiibl not be made p i iii.iiei.l ChuaM,.. Nov. ;7.J-:iery iMilroad in the south and ws Will co-operute with the Koveriiim nt , d stilhutiriK ihe in ill,., ns ,,f immiKiiiiiu which are expected to come t America when the I'uropean war mibsldes. The f,,w ,.1H fallen off T.'i per ient since the v1onin ol the Puropei n war. but Hood of new comers Is Hi 1 1, ip, d us s ) lis the stricken people tun ml uuniii moiUtloiis on the tiann Atlarilu lin ers. The I'lilted Stales guv ermiient re nlixcii the M-rioiisness of the muni tion, und is all ciot y . 1. 1111111,4 hko care of the .niniihra'.!!!)!. part ii ularly with ll view to liiiniiiii it away from the . men Hiul indii.-tnal i enleis olid pI'u iitK It white it is most lieeil.-d. on the fa rum. The railroad m. u. thr,.uuh the Kailroad I lev eoiiniTil usso. I.ition. will io-op riile w ith Ihe Kv eminent scheme, which unlades the utilisation of Ihe of the department of agriculture, ihe lin.-ulm atn.n (.t!).'nls j nt port of entry und the ostofIt. e ii. ,ti im. iii . i ne pomoini e ucpari llint will he III llu. d fijr Ihe i ollee tu.ti of Information both fiom the eni... cis und fiom tluw who want woik. This Info! iiiaiion will uvuilable both locully und at the polls of etitiy, and the needs of the farm ers ami the oppoi tuimi. s m rural districts will be met. an far H pos sible, by tins o-opelit iv e fToll It is pointed out by Koverniiirut slat isi li ti. im that nearly I hi ee-furt h of the ImmlitrBnts, or per tent, have MTiiuiiied In the l.irts iities ul A inn , a Sew York iil"iie ha t'.' r,.i i igu-D' ru. I In '.it.i ha" 71,ttiU. Philadt Iphia. Hl.ti.'H, lii.ston IMJ.Ii'iO Hli.l ritvel.ili.1 IVt.uuii. I'all liiver. oi.e ol the -otiin mill l.,sii ..r Ne wv i:n'aii.1. has 4 if 7 per eent of Its population of f olT-mtl-bill II llilltll- mniits. Henla lm. wnt. I tin l'm I I iirnii-r I mli .overtiir K-u,l. Tacom.i. Wa-h . Nov. Ueorit A I'.Ihi k of latke I'll), attt-d 73 loltoeilv g,.'illp.r of I tall, died i-lid-derily of beait at Wailsour , est. 1 ,1 J . . whale lie was V.-..T. 4'otlon lmkrt. New Yolk. Nov. 27. -stpot qolel, iiiidJIii uplands, ti' aur i ollon. i. N'u tt rk. lb llerabt nt A d" nnr ( si, l.iH, Prcsn ( oi r-sHiiKltti .) London. Nov. In. There In ome in s.ucr s.etulalloii us lo w hel lit r the war will lollow pretcUcnt in m any chaime in fashions ul what some ol th writer da-liK II I tu tall "face fur." The Wuierool citm piiiliii liitrodured Ihe mustache amoim the lTiubsli irooi'S. tor It vvas III si luurowtd from cerium Aiistruin olti i ers, tiien Hi I les. It was taker. Up o the (iu.irdn. who rtn-nd very mm h any utiempt to lojluw the fashmn on Ihe part of mere me leiiments. while it for tlviliau. it will be remember t'll. nay the Manchester Cuaulian, how greut u null t'lue Ni-wtoinr drew upon himself by wrurlng it fer ocioim mustai he. The c'liiueiin war brounht In llitt w.ilsker an. ill. In dirl'trato civilian emulation ut the KUanl ollhcrs, who, having grown nil their hair from sheer necessity itud perhaps from tt ti l luit) compuiilomiule mu mill in the bitter winter ll cm lies, bioulit ,i.u k their new ttppcnd.tKis to t..'e Hood stieet uml Pall Mall. The Prilish war ollne nan made some tilort to en.oiiiam. yiowth if lunula, bis unioliK subaperns w.tll nut i oii--,i iiou su i .-hs, und there are few- sitr.s .oai the tninlun id 1814 ure miln lu hrhiK l a new fushlo I of beards. ' As lai Ma one ha observed." the llusldiun. "the tiine Itntish oldur Itist desire when he uet a l.isallui'B mui.e fr.'tii the i rem he, und soineiimes In Ihe trenchea themsihes, a to rid him self of tha hi ard und w hlsktT. Ihoujjh one has i en few ivlalwuiiti in base towns still bearded, and It must be l o-lless.-d thai they loo much more uwe-lnspli inn than the i leartshsiin VullelJ IT em. I ol-ilu-is near tha Hung lutes urr mm h lis abashed by ueards, and tontme lo wear ihe most ruscd aiowth rli aoiuel lung of "an air," while Hit Horijiir KeWlanu stem to follow Ihe Pritiali in Iheir -n li-ri-mr lor i lean siiatlng.'' ' CHINA CLEARED OF FOREIGN SOLDIERS BY DEMANDS OF THE WAR 0ARDEN HOSE PUTS OUT BLAZE CN ROOF OF HOUSE The roof of ll O. hmith's home st 1,0 '1 Coma aven ie iuuht tile In. in a line this iio.iiiiim. . I ilelin u limn ihe ILahlaml sui...i p.T out the blase Willi Ihe (st.l.n hose under the il, re. Inn of I'hii f Klein. The l iold inK 'a ow ne I by th,. a h.o ( Antm i.iti .1 Press l ol respondci. e 1 Pekmt(. Nov, lo Iminedialely aflcr the declaration of war, reserv ists of Ihe s' coniinelllul llitlioin that were Implu ated proceeded, by previous Stan Pna hi taimements, bui'k lo Kurope or to various cciiterii of mobilir..itioit m the far east Thw Hern, ana went to Tsum-tao; Krem h men to various Karrtaona along thn i oasts or proceeded homeward. Alls trlans witit hv wa of Am. rlc i l..t. k to their iiiHve land The Ltllish have -! In nun to move. Iteserve oliiit-rs. of l,i. h there aie a num ber in the far east, have been sum It. otied lo i. tin n tu Liulaiul. and v. ith them s-'eral hundred )oiinf men ure leaving China, throw inv U their posltioiik and puyinu Iheir own e,enses hack home , to volunteer, (iermaii. Kreiu h and Austrian husi lii sa bous. wi re ut flist seriously affected Ha a cons.iui me of the drafting of their clelks Now I'iu ItlPisli lii(er-st are In-ginning to suf fer depletion In their staffs, and ulan Ihe Chines customs service, the di rectors of whbh are largely lirlllsh Several sit. re of Catholic priest from the Intel tor of Chluu. ome Irom Hie remote piovin'e tif Sn.-i-hwAn. h.tvinu respunled tt t"" renuii eioenta of the l-reneh niobllUu tioit. have tome lu garrison posia aloi-.K, the Chili,! t oast and at Peking- Watch for Saturday's Specials THE LEADER THOUSAND FLYING MEN ON ROLLS OF THE ROYAL AERO CLUB lAssoi iuted Press Corie...ondfli'e I .on.l Nov. 1 -There uie mtira thnn I.e. Mi ceiMied living men on the rolls of Ihe IJoval Arm lutt. Tilt veal hook Jost issued .es Ilia namea of .'. and 77 liae been added t" Ihe rills shoe the book waa t uin- piled. More ih.inma ml"H " at the troiil with' the prilish army ami nuv, of Ibtiii alia hed l the fl)iiig tolpa Watch for Saturday's specals THE LEADER S,- tin . X , V