Newspaper Page Text
rouft THE EVENING HEUALD, AIBUQTJEHQTTE, N. 11', FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1914. The Evening Herald. Published hy TUG fcVfcMXU IIEKALD, IXU GEORGE C. VALLIANT. Manasar 11. B. HKNINO Editor Fubltsrist evtry aftsrnooa st eam Sunday, at 111 North 8coal Wtract, Albiiqutrqua, N. M. Entered as aocond-rlitsa matter at tli poa'ofnVe at Albjuettua, M. W.. uadtr the Act of March I. int. On month fcy mall or carr'ar.lue On. atsak by carrier lid On yenr I? mall, or carrier la a J van- SI.QS Telephones: Business Office Ill Editorial Ilooms Ill .i:mi ktaiit. ONI fl lik ((.UKraliilHUiiK ''. Hutchinson of I ho fni xirity on the fXiflh'nl nlm. 'MX i! uj by M. f oi in on Huppwcll tlfl.l Ml'tll.lV M T''oh tl,l fi ihp mini :n xihuh tin- A u lie ill i turul I'ollfK" t ni in xxa held f.r lie l ft l 1 1 :i I the smie rnivi'imtx tbl vicir hiif R real fiintbiill tt-iim 11 II J Iiml imk ooraKHmciit In It for lu-ltpr iitlUrti (xbiMtiuii In the futiin. I'b-iirlv o'H vvlli.., ly the Vivitlns tr;im. which n i'ii alM'i Willi u n -u- I it.i.n for unf ii'hmiv (.lay mul 11 r' oi of until oki'll MirrrnK-ii, th fnl-vit.-.ity Jut an ili-mly out t.i cil lli' iImI"U ill rvpry flac' of the Bnnii-. II In a l.iKt. Mini aucoiis u'ol lii-inl-vm.iImiib; ti-ii.'ii wlin li Hut' liilionn hac ip i-li.jioil out of .1 nne loo i.ioiiiiH inn i'i.i.I, (mil th.' hh.iwina ii has lici-ii iiiiIc In m.ikc Huh aiiliiinn sh.inld i in . .1 1 ii 8 i;ie I till iTnlly, ii'iilioi'ini" iiml bin. I. nt ImxIv nlikf, to nii-iit'-r aitili'l..' i-ffurl in the untitis nnl t"r in XI foi I lin 11 i'1-l..illl. AnothiT Int ri oi . ii c fm : in 1 1 f-K aililciu- ir.i!Hhw in ihix imIi win tin- Imi; rriinit out .ir thi Th.inUssiv -i n c l.i amii'v It wan the bintiM . mxx.l rvr picKcril at footliall guim in tin si a If. It nit'iuiN that KciiPtal public jnti'Dil ai .it m iinukc in i-oll-m- flihli'iKM. It hus lii'i'ii low work, hut iiriHiHtcni (. anil, during the l:mt jrnr or two, Intrllicrnr iliri-iliii't. In iroilin inn h-miiII. an- ififlinit a t i n I. i Mtr.Aso'N aiii.i: iti:rnii t riNMiiisiiii. 1 V i:.'-"rilf TlV of Hie Rnilnh I 1 biiitlenhlp Hnlwnik in the Thiimen in the iin.v dinaster ruffered by KnKlarid dui um I h In war nit of a Krelit 'niinber, of whi'h lilompt ni'ivj han been xlven to the people. I'rob.ibly it wan given in thin wine lor no other rcnton than that the ilef it i u v t ion uf a hiiKi biitlleehip tin. I 7nu or n men iiinnot be u -t oinplivheil within 3" mil "ii of u city like London without a'e number of people knowinn It. The dreu.l iiaiiKht Atnl.i. loun met her fate In mid ilea where oonreulmelil wan mude eimy. l. linbly a million nervoun I.oi, doners f,.t or heard the hm k t( the explonion whi'h destroyed the lltilwark. There wnn nothing '' inlralty i i.ul.l do but tell the tail" The Itrltli-h i ennomhip In thin war ha.1 anlouinheil the world nnd i-hpi'- tally Die people uf thin eouiitry. I ensoi ithtp of the wur newn in n" lenn rlKld In (2eruiiin. I.unma and Frum e than it Km In !re it llrltain. Imi i ri'ii inm in Ameii. u han lxen duelled ulniont entnely i.munnt the llonellena of the Ulitlnil . eliKi.t fcllip I'onnibly thut in p.iltly Ih'ijiihi1 most of the people In thin eoi!iir euk the liikliHh liiiKiiaue an. I look more to I.ollili.o tbili to Ihe olinr Kul'o pent (t,itiln tor their newn, but 'I In more lariely .due to other raunen I AVe h.ixe beeome in ant ouu d tit think.' of tiieat Urn am a muntrv where tree npeei h a..( public climunnioit and tutu imii are prai in ally unrestrained. An ill thin oimtrx. the :i t ot the Kot eriniif ii in Kiissbiiid Kre wruti IHed ntnl ill'. cined by all the people Penh, and i.e'ieiy in matletn nhiih .ifleei everybody In a new Ihlnx. It i omen about, theiefoie, that more in expeiied of I.ri'jluml than of the other lountriev nt ar, anil the in" i ihii of the Kin ih ceiiornliip freely hearu in thin lounirv in tint in ei ho of ihe i rii.. inn that her pub. lie men ntnl hi r pioniinent writern are llidnlnmx in at home. At the n;eiiitiB of parliament re- 4 li I ly the rentlinmenn uf Kntfllfhin"" vc. the mipprene''!!! of the war new loiii.d exprennion in nevrrul wayn. Waller Hume I or. rmmiUt. and Timothy H-mIv, Innh Natloiiulit. t.oih made plenn that the veil 'f " ereiy be lifle.1. Pirmier A'intli re plied that niiC.f wan helnif kept hack except In i-hm'b wheie "nueh a couise waa reipilied hy " It wua further in the sewm.n that Jlr. Aiuii ii: giv what In proba' y the real rnwil for th r.irhtioi.!i lu Hit n(xB .ervl e. "W ir unt reBiihite ' 'r l.rm t.v 1h- pmceedit.ii of tit nli'en." he anl. It is they. h l. iitUft h di Ihe chief ahari of th Ihe I..., lines of lh lliihtinB along front in their on roniitry Krtii'h military nulhnil'teii lit nut '! pniMV Hie rnclmh pijl.lstx nutlM-il-in no i hi ii hut to muff. l la lhr h 1 1 l.-n, Mr. Aintli mini, who 1 1 x 1 1 1 1 tin I hi' (lei tlxo Mite III 'V mv of what nhoiild he iloiic. Thin i t'liinm Ion invrr xery tnuih of the gr.ninil but e Uli nt ly not h II nf It. Thi'tc Iim beon ii n miirh ri'i ) aboul lh(. tlilnun whl.'h oonrm tlrrnl Iriluin nlinii. u mIhiUI I'M-nla thut i inn i rn hi-r Jointly with ilir hIIh" For Inniiinic, thfre wnx the il'Htrur tlon of the hattl'nhli Auilm num. In thut nme th. ilvnire for inrtiy an iif ilouht 1(. i X.liiiiifil hy the liK't Hint the llrltlnh nilmlrall y ha. I no wish to iliM. lope to I hi- ininn tni' whr.Jhoiun of u iarK .nrt of lh ttoit. The "Hiili'ty flint" blrn h;ul IHI the KuM riuiO'tu to withdraw ninny Ihii wamhilin f-oin the daimer none in the North neii. unil Home thi'in. nt h-iht. ftiir ntai.iinol noith of Irelunil. Thfir reiuleonn lialurally not mrtilr nulill. until the fate of the Amlni loiin romirlleil, after ii tune, n tll' loniire. It wan to I, i- exti.rteil thut thlc ili ilonure w.mlil be ilcluyi'il sin (una; i' IMmnihle I K tier i n'n where nei.rei been imiiotn'il nia be mm eit i'l'" of h nlinlliir ex ibi nui ion. Never! he leen. the nui'l'l cnnion of newn that i(rboly in ilite-elej in learning I liTildtiii. an I there in no ilouht that the prol ine in being iiiiluil H nil ex. unuble extrtme. i-'reiti-i i.k I.. I'o'ni. of pnntinn ptens I. mie, who ilu.l reiently in I'Iiil'uKo. wiin boin In Witle, 7 yearn hko. II ' .lime to lh' t'nllert Sliltrn when miiiiiR man ami entered the prlnHnU tninlnenn. He win rnui rb-il In Mil waukee in 1 v T :t unit a tVw far lator moved t.i t'hii.iKo. where he i.rirnn- i.e, the prinviiiK lltm w hb l r.oie in. . name and of w hlrh he wan ire pn Ident ut the time nf lim death. I Hoe A t'o. 'ntrortu.-eil ii rotary print ing prenn e.nly in the ;'i. in whi'h a . onlipuoun roll ot paper eoulu he lined. Thin IV!" "f rM IM "'ry well for li while nlihouiil it 'ail in my dinii.haiit.iif s, kik h " , " u of ink that would dry iiiiikl. i'" oife.i nnner and the c,;IthuH .r rutting tho vhoi t nroTrriy imrr ' a. I. were jirinted. 111 I M-W 1nr" tiuin named Finn, folemai f a plHi- i..i.ii.a twiune. built what wan .w n ,, nlrniKht-t'iie ,.!. H'H lirat pt" du.tion nn a nimpl- tandem pren with three netn of , yl,ndern plneeil -)tt a nlraiuhl line. All'iwaid It wan an eany inatur t" build prennen III turn inntead of laiidein. The prenn Firm hulll for n Vr York paper " crudo'"hut it wn t Ohdeiifrir " had little money . Ith win. h to im prove hl inveiuinn. 'i"w - the poneibllitle.n ot Mrm .i in-i" however, nii.i boiiubt the- iiubln fi.mi him. lakinx Finn Into the t!""t I'rinliiiK l'len oiitpn n . There wan .1 (treat ileal of auhn ipient lit ion umoiiK preHHiiiiikeia. hut tluir ililil ciillien were rinally nettled. It w i1 the principle of the nt ra icln -line prenn. which was first taken up ''V I loan, paper that made the inuilei n new poxible. ED SAGE she MUiil Sulphur With It tn ( (olr, l.liwm, Tlii klie. I ti Common gnrd n n.ine brewed nt ' heavy tea,, with mill htir :! al 'oh"l added, will turn gruy. ntreaked and laded hair tieautlfully dark and lux unant. lemove exery hit ot il.. ml rati . atop s alp itching a id falinn hiiir. Jiikl a few a PI'llcul ioiin w.ll puce a nxelat'.on if uur hair I" fading. Kruy or dry, nranxly and thin. .Mixirm ll.B .,ie Tea and Sulphur rmpe at liomi. though, In iroiiblenonie. An w;iy to get the leady -to-une loin., coMing about ii lenm a iorue boiile al I'rug ntolin, kiiow'I an 'Wyeilin Sage and Sulphur Hair lEeinedx,' thun avoiding a lot of While wlnpy, gra, laded hair i n"t mlltul. we all denile to let.un our youthful oppaiaint and ut II ai t le ne. I!y darkening your hair with Wth Sage and Sulphur, no on can tell, bec.uine It doea U u natur ally, no evenly. V"ii dampen a rponKe or 'lt btunh w!lh It and draw thin through pmr hair, t.KjtiK one nhiall ntrand at a lime, by morn ing, all iu iiann liaxe d iuppeul e 1. and, after another application or I ", your hair bteoiuei hi-aunt ul'y dirk, gl.., aott Mint luxuriant. ' MAIL POUCH LOST POUR WEEKS AGO STILL MISSING Hilver my. X. M . Nov. 27 'n her SI it mail poui h wan either lonl or ntolen at Ja knn'l, on the Mo K'.llon mall line. The miening pouch conialned iheck anil money order amounting to aeveral thounand dol lar. ThoiiKh ililinent ean h has been made, no- tricw of Ihe iiiinfirm pom h tin been found. Merchants In MoKolbm. as wen a the .oial aulhoiltie, mopped pay ment i.n tlm i he k and the money ordera. Should any of thee turn up .eiha.g oine ilelitilta eliw to the inlnniiia mail matter irxtchl he found. The pontul a,ilhnrilie In Waahina ton wera iiulified of the lonn of th" l.oueh and an InvenllKalloii will te - mad In an attempt to recover It. Let woik. Ihe Jlerail wanl aj do your GRAriDMAUS TEATO DAHKEHHAIH HIS ill FIFJE W!!U i ii Past Season Proved Finally What May Be Done by the Dry-Land .Farmers Who Stay With ths Game and Work. Mb'.intninulr. V. M , .Yov. in. Fol-1 loxxlng the drouth of lant year which cloned ii aerie of dry neanotin, ninny net thru weie din' i.MiMgi'.l and le't .More than Hu per cent of in..i.,. heard from reutel innde the move and In every i miuri.e thone who re mained and gave their land propel cultivation made good ihin year, lie. inn especially made a fplendld crop nnd in nome iiiniuiuen (he vie:. I wnn phenomenal. Following are the renultn ol.t.l.ncd by a lew l.nnieln in thin vlclr. it y in. In at lug xx h it ( an be ilnir hue on land with ptint. rally no xulue: j .1. A. Cooper rained noineih'n over I Mi, nun imuiiiln of beaiin on 1UII acre" ' In addition he raited about .Mm Inmh- ! eU .if i ..i n and teed ntuff to tun Ii i til ' two yearn. He hired no help ex epl at harvent and thienhing. J. II. I'uinifoid produced m -r ,-! nan poutnin nl bea-in on aeren and han more feed thai he know- w'.ui' to do with. I li lens he can get Kto. k to eat' It he a iihkIi of it will be wanted. He regfetn that he did not gel it nilo made the I. HI. Julian ("haven mined iii.onn poiindn i f iieann on ltd acr'n and ."."it bunheli1 of coin ..n 'ii H. if".' lie had a'l at andant crop of other feed muff and ' in in the mat ket tor tiny kind of live! M.k k to feed it to . , I . no po,,n,. of : 4 i0 bunh'ln of I Jen. lillode made 1 ..ltlR n il'l n.'ri'K vx heat otl .urea ami Mid ounheln ,.f nam mi I., in ten. lie ulnn hud a nplendid i... of Unit on a young or- j i hard junt coiuirfj; itilo hearing. j ('. .M. Colnllc lamed 14.1 pout dn i.f beunn on 1 "i acrest and an umiml pur of all kind mf Iced ntuff. ' The Mmnes I.ula and Fannie Kc!i!"'i made oxer '",imil t.ou::.!; of l.ealm oil I .1.-. in len, dome all the wot k them-j nelxen. In addition ihey ptoducedi enough colli aid loUii'n lied to do tliein two yearn. I V. C. lielozicr pi itiied arren lo . heatm and made over 1 9.0(l poiiiuln atid nan he d.d mil wolk hard either, j Linler A. Wllliainn pringileed a big rop of exi rxthing plumed, including j i IS.tniu poiindn of Ileum "n -!' a ris. Ju.n Lninti probably had ihe naiiitcrj bean crop, however, altlioiiuh Inn ... .u . tn 11. .. ... r.... lie I ii. iriuf waf ,r' .... ... .. ... r, ue, I t;,:iuii poumln. He him a fevx nrren planted to orchard anil bin fruit erop, especially Hpp'.cn, a reviia tii.B,ln. lb"e.,vhv ,i,)iirider thin, .an arid coii-iiry. H. I!, .-pii.cer, .loe I'ur.ella, Walter l.rnn and t'l-nario iSur.-ui are among i whone or. hauls are Junt coming i into hearing and Ihey all produced j big cropt- ol specially line fruit. Th" aiiove (iuuien can all lie verified by wi.liiig due. t to the paitien t h III - Ml V If. Th" gro'iii.l han been i-i Kplendhl i-omlition all fall for plowing nnd the funnem have taken ad v ,i ntuxc of the veiy favorable weather to get an mm h of their ground plowed for spill. g planting II ponnlble. The ii. li iM' next year xvill be larger lha'i f..r eexerill ellln pint. ' After a nuiiib. r f xexatioim ileluvn Ihe Wolk of ili' the Ini.ioilen iinm' well In the Mentena valley ha been reaumed and w ill be punht d to conipli-lior; ralidlv, In order t' 't the water on the gmt:tnl thin winlir If ponnlble. Prof. II. M. It.ii-ur. ilemonnTalor for the Saiiln fe, ha t-hipped in a Spalding deep tillage machine for the benefit ..f the faajn er of I hi xlcinpy un.l It xxill he kept buny an long un ihe ground is In con dition to vxork. It ulirn aid m;xc the ''ed u depth nf t lut hei and leave the level. John Kdward of Kureka, Kann.m. han bought a bald nection of land the M.nlena v!ley and expecH to place an experienced Irrmator in ihaM". It In III IHinlinii t.i act l.n land planted to 'apple tree an an poMdhle. "ne unlooked foi icnult of the nood road ncntlinclit in the return to the old atle Ireli-'til waoii for line I" I rn liliu mercha'uline id pat roiilz.nn 111., lailload. line, Mmui t.iinair tit fit in n"W iloinu all i'n fniiihting I I fn.iii Albu.pieriiie by ii..ii..n, tif tiiu the haulms done at the miii pi l e the ra.lroad iniii pany ihaiain, and the road are ti"t as ""d n tiic) 111; nn 1 lie. John VV. 1 'ott it. ham of l-uvt"n (iklahoina. han .luiiklit the A. J. Scar bmuah s;"-aiie mnili earn of town 1. ml e pe. In tu oc upy it w it h hi twin. Hy In ill or ! day. He .J he In tend lo buy all thi 1.1 I'l he tan an long a prenent prier ni.iiiin n. Mr. Kcarbr..UKh and wlt wtl) npend part of the winter in Oklahoma and will occupy their son a place nouth ot town. SAN ANTONIO SUFFERS SEVERELY BY IIRE THANKSGIVING NIGHT A telegram -to the lleru.ld from A. II. 11'ltoii at Han Antoiiiu thi ufter nonll says lant aUhl's lire tiler w in mined ihlilly to the City drug slot a. owned hy fountain u Miera, and th lor w ill not ex. rc, f t, O'H). San Antomo. X. M., Xov. 27. - Firs of unknow n origin destroyed t h opera houne and the city ding atote and eriounly.tNinaged Ihe Hilton ga rase la at Olkhl. The na 1 about $111,111111, parilv. covered by ii.nuram . The fire broke nl during a Thniik Kivliiff i v ofcaig danca iu the opera In. use nim! the ft mm spiead xery fant, Iheie oeing litlkn In the way of efficient flrB flKhilt.g st.paratii. r or a time it looked as If the whole huni ne atrei-l of the town would U" llnl work, however, miiliiied thu names tu ths opera house building. LI FROM FAHKIS i 111 SUCH FAIN ' VOLlAfJ CRIED Suffered Everything Until Re stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham't VegtU- -ble Compound. Florence, So. Bakot. " I used to be very ick 'every ttpmlh with trarina; (town pami a n u I .nek ache, and bad headache a ftooxt dcui of thit time and very little ripiietlte. Tha I' wer so t tal.U.ftt. I ined to nt rliTtitit.W non the llimr nnd cry, b caue it hurt nie an nnd 1 rould not do any work at those times. An old wo man ail vised me to try Lydia E. Pink ham'i WjfeUbla ('otutmund un.1 I jjot a botUe. 1 felt better the next month so 1 took thrutf more bnUlt-s of it and gut well so 1 could work ail the time. I hn;ie evury woman w ho suffers like I did w nl try I.ydia E. rinkhaiii' Yt-fetahln Com pound." Mm. P. W. LANsrs'ti, Route No. 1, Florence, South Dakota. Whv will women cmtinuo to suffer day In and day out or diiiR out n sickly, half- hertloxistence.mmmnKthriH..fourUis of thu joy of livinp. w hen they can find health in I.yilia L. rinkhain's Vegetahla Compound T For thirty years it has l oen the stand ard remedy lor female ii!, and has re stored the health of tliminamls of women w ho Itave In'i ti troubled with such ail ments as disp'acemi-nts, Inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irrculariti, etc. If von want special advice write to I.yilia F. rinkham Medicine Co. (eouO- ' , , j,,,,. W PttcriUl ', . j "Pencil. rea Itomtn auu lll'lll 1U strict muuuiure, MILE TEAMS WILL Cleveland Group of Mines Will Ship Ore to Railroad by It3 Own Private Railroad Line. siix i itA,' I'lown of So. week 111 iler raiiKeim ills I. r :xi., Nov. --v. T. 110 1 Kpenilmu the in-, 1 0 in, deling ur the '..ii.l.l.lii; of a tlatnvvav iy 1 mm tllo feVlla iclolip en xxei el l.i.rn Alios lo 1h' ol nun line of the .-'.in!. 1 i;e 1 nil. ..hi juni ne- low the Savanna company ' ninelli-r in. Silver iij . The road 'lit' I the town jmt c ant 1 1.11,1 vi.. 1 a ..oil rrwii.. ill i.i..' I of lulls in the . aMci ii part of ..vvn. I Ttn- load xv, II I f l-in. h xaiit-'e iiml llhi- iimt i'. i- o iwir w i!l he mule taiiin. n (ahlviii thin ...nil. any han I found to x ot i niii'i-ennfully mid eo- 111. .111 1; a 1 1 1 in nil. 1 r p.illn nl Hc 1.1. nu tty. j The lo.nln will come almost the n jitire distance 'i.,mi I'm.m Alloy hy I gravity ami the power will he re iiiirei at 11 ii-u widely M'luiraleil I point i.til v. M..I.I nf t hi- hauliiiK w ill be in the bile, 1 .,( elniii ibii eini'ty ore cum I. a. k up the hill. The 1 onl ..1 Hie itamvxav will run iril., tilt' til'.. uf. .11. In ol doll. 11 and It" (imntrui tion 1H1I1. atcs tt tho l li xe land pTIoiip w.ll he operated exten sively f.ii nexeial eain to roine. The imticn were pnichani d over a year au fi.un ili-oriie H. Filer and mine that lime exK-t"'!-.' develop ment w..rk him been carried on winch Willi the t hoc.s.indn nf lent of lunniln I'Mnlieady. exiniiiiK 011 the prnperty. ha" enat'le.f tin. new aetly the extent owner to fiil'IKe ex ,111(1 richnen of th nv I .VI ? - T TRAM T We still barn cowl, of course, but w don't start tha firea until we really need tham, and w put them out Just as soon as the worst of the cold weather i over. Many Pall mornings, too, we don't need heat after ten o'clock, and usu g the Perfection saves us a lot of money. And it's big coin fort in cold snap when extra heat is needed in the bedroom or any other part of tha PERFECTION . CI A HEATERJ i I ...I. Th PaHsrtiun is wad-mada and rna. fnsntal. Light -safcily earned anywhais. I: la auiuid amokslcsc and odorlaaa. fur kni at all tisrdwara auditorial siofaa. Look tkif the Triangle tradsmais. THEiCOrfTlNENTAL dIL COMPANY . j , ( b.ku totnt4 In CoJ.4o) Dvr PaekU '' AlhwnMfp Ctanaa Bulla BcW lt Laka City ore V he luki ii a -iiniple, V' " "'" n hi v that the I'nio Alton milling dmirli ha h npleudl.l I ill. i re before it and Hint Ihe claim made for it oiilnule Hn wealth of g"ld 11 1 v e not hern rxag gi rated O'n BEING TAKEN FOR SALAZAR Man With Bleeding Nose at Deminp; Proves to Have Been L. Gonzales Well Known Owner of Cows. Fl Pa.. Tis.. Nov. 21 1 lion rale., n well known i attleiiiaii, w ho let hi lied yelcrdav from 11 trip to the T. en Hermann tn.'iiti'.a mn near the lutein ti. 111. i borib-r in liraiil .ouiity. New Mexico," In lo h.ln m.n ttiken lor Hei.rral .l is.. Vne I'arlx Monday morning a mpa- tlied bv n'-Vl'ral bllHHOMn imnoi'il.ten. .Hoi iliixi'n i.y I'ha.ilfenr J. H. Tepfel, Mr. '"i .n". left Fl I'.'o tor the T," H.iiu-iii country to look ain-r '' At St. nun. N. M . the blu tiuiriiiK car. travelinu at fant K'lit. rt'ink a biith ctilveit end I'.otix.ilex win ihomn atianiKi the top. nimtainliK a hokeli none. Keitehitii; I'limiiK the puny 1 input a dniK nt!.re, where muiie pi rnxiiK' .and bun ilaiiea were pui . hnni d. and liin r lb" mimed man wan taken to tin; n:!be ol n phynui.iti for I real 1111 lit. . Mr. i;on.alcz. who In a laiae iy n. xxhil i'l I'liiiiliH kept hi liainlkcl 1 ho r to Inn none, x 'm Ii wan blecd'in:. an ini'.oi which i..iu-ed 11 1 enti-rpiin-iiiit nhcth to .pimp lit th" I'i'ti: lu-io'i that he was inioral S.ilazar The nut hot ilien wit- nolilbd and a hunt lor the 1111, winch by thi- time hid ntiirted oil ,t Joiii io x, wan at c'u ' li. 1:1111 Tin- fail that th" mr minxil tl.'" road nnd liaveied uvvav IH'iii ' ' beaten tra. k 111. ream il ttie a.pai'c:.t mvnleiv ami lull lol 1 lie loi n'-'i "" mnaii 1 in h liil.elied I 1 iom Im th. identity of n.n I "'it Hie w-.i! would j robalv he nt ill in pmisrenn. 1VS M ItritlMMi TUtt S11 Many .lhiiiimiie l'ei'lo l"nl lo lleinmiilw Klilney Weak !. Are yntl a had hn'k victim? Sufft r twinaes; head.ichen, d..zy IpellK? Ho to bed tir.d Ket up tired? It's nul pimillK hn.v lew Mipr t kidneys. 1 It siirpriMlnu how If know wnai lo do. ' . . . . Kidney trouble neds kidney treat mei.t., 1 loan's Kidney Till nre for the Kalneys only, Have eonxineed Alhiinnrtie fien fdt of their merit. Here' nn Allniiiierie ease; Alhtt iiieriiio tistlnmny. Kidney riiri'e-ein hereabouts hu'.d teol It. A. V. Tt.imlitook. 9 nr. P. llronilw.n v. AlbiliiiU'niue, t.ayn: "I wan ire:illy troiibh-d with palnn I'l the ntnall nt p v hm k rul In my sale. The kid lie;- aci ri tlnnn were unnaliirnl en I ' tune, painful. I had often ri ioed Jt. an' Kldniy I'llls rcdimni-nilf 1 ' haul peoolo and ! K"i supply. At fitnt they helped me m. my Sidney wete nn-nnthi'iied. I onn felt bet ter In everv way. finer then, when ever my kidney hive hotlie'rd me, 1 Jiavn used Ileum's Kidn- I'llls tied they have never failed help me.' I'ti r.rt. at nil dealer. Don't aimplv ak for n kidniv remedy aet Dnen'a Kidney 1111 the anie tb?t Mr. Hamhrr.ok rind. f"nster-M ilhurn Co.. I'rops., lftiffalo. N. Y. 1 GOVERNOR PAROLES MAN SENTENCED FOR NINETY NINE YEARS Ssnt.i Vf. X. M . Nov. 27 --'. or Mellon. lid jenierdny siimI v ern a pa- How Mrs. Comfort Cut the High Cost of Heating Comfort, "we used to burn coal like that, too be fore we had the Perfection Smoke Ices Oil Heater. house." CATTLE, A TV I ' jm, '.'.' t A I -7 o COFFEE Takes the Short Cut From Roaster to Pantry To In; at it lfst your coffc mint be freh roasted und ground. Ixtst time from the roustcr to your uLU means lost flgor. Mnreyi Solitaire Corfee is roasted in small ciuantiiii'i every Jay, '1 he ireat demand for it prvvi-nig it front lincjerinp on your triKer'i shelves nnd losing its rate flgviir. The gir-tii;ht tin furtht-r protects its goodlier. "77e f-.Tf the Crat er Oil tMixcr" t'trr ar a f, w vf Ihr many .t.-m'rr of the &IHulrt fumilr : T'lfr" Sntf lliirvrme I Mnu U. t'uMip, hoi'ins, I Vnfiiif Huttrr. kut. &d tanis, itiuvt Ji;if. Itiivft, iimr i. I'rrrr. Marlt 6kup. tu , unj all i..nfu uj cunruj .u.t aniJ tn'. Iui-i.. 1 1 THE MOREY MERCANTILE CO. Dftiver I U-i-. - ..I- 1 r f-1ii Irn'-- ,t.iBfiiimiriii ftLlti l ml.. In fi ..i if .loin t I'll 1, a ui - live ot I lid Me v ico. ii I t.. t he p. lull nt la l v thl'e ve.iv to ..crve ' v e,i v f.,r a 1 a .: d i , 1 . t i I ill I i l.l.l ll lipe . 01. Id V Tile p. ..e v ' ' i'l-'icd. not ,l..a.i.-e ,,i Th ink' m inn nil t 1 .' V., -. IS Temptation Removed IVixinj by 1 'in k rem... en the ti in i'l at loi if npetnln 1 111 !:. a in olleii .e i.l'v x h-ll ynil 1 il ly 1 otini.ler.ibhi nin.n of mom jr wfh y..u. Ir abai removes Hi,, d i'iii. r nf Inc.: by lim or tin ft In 1 ; !. ; t to k. iilii; 111. .ney lit the In. inc. Tile ,. i.iu.iny. cniivei.i. ne and n.if.-ty of 11 Kilnt Na tion. 1 It.ilik chei kin a. 10 lilt in at yn'ir 1 1 .III 11.11 lid - we welcome dvjo it in any a moil lit. At.AmwW. -14. VMn tnMNf.rfll4....ilv -' .. . JL ..mM Figure with us Mouldings and MILL Superior Lumber 17, H. HAl CO. Tor Die Itenns li Yl of JLU Uludn. PE0IE tl. 3S BLANKETS AND . COMFORTERS Supply your wants of Bedding now while the stock is at its best. Our assorlment is better than ever before. We aro showing Blankets from . .$1.00 to $20.00 a pair Comforts from . .$1.25 to $27.00 each ALBERT FABER 213 to 215 W. Gold Ave. . Furniture, Carpets, Draperies and Stoves. i 'm. . : 1-. 1 -r- 'il'v. t.'it be, .ine lb" f..v .-i nor .fi lA'.ill.ll kliu lb,. lli.' I lit eli, tills M't'i'iilV ll.. ul I ol M d.ia n until f .el the lift all want u. do Jmir w nl k. 4ft jeai .'fltiihJaia'. wrJ 'nar' aj.r- on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mill Company CKRKILLOa LVMP OALLUP LUMP GALLUP r..i ANTHRACITE. ALL KIZKJ KINDL1.M) AND MILL WO'tO DR1CK AND rL8TKltlN(J IJMF SANTA FB BRICK