Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. II., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1914. FIVE in W VV Ji H PAY Ji Jl Ji i WAR TAX Whiskey in Sealed Bottles Shaw'a Canada 1'iinm'a Canada Malt H i.l lit a Malt "i plnta Mall Pint ... Malt w"'ti . A Bankrupt Stock of rare old Wincg imported And domestio Liqnors and Cordials brought from Dry Arkansas; total ing in original value more than $10,000, will be placed on tale at once by the Keystone Liquor Company, 019 Bouth 2nd street. Tim stock must all be sold by January 1st next Now is the time to lay in your Holiday supplies while stock is complete. PARTIAL LIST OF STOCK FOLLOWS Ordinary California Port Wine Per Gallon C5c. Angelica 70c. We have in stock 28 barrels of assorted brands of Angelica. Blackbeny, Tort, Sherry, Muscatel, Zindenfel & Reisling Wines, guaranteed to be 9 vesrs old, better thaj Imported, worth every cnt of $2.50 per gallon which will be sold out in from (1) to four & 7-8 gallons package at 05c per gallon, and WE PAY THE WAR TAX, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNI TY Also a number of cases of Standard Brands of Imported French and German Still Wines and Champagnes which will be sold by the case or bottle at less than Cost beforethe WAR. Terms are strictly cash. WINES, in Bottles Vlrglnlu Ir Wine lyrics bottle ,v. . . Virginia Uure Wine Small bolt lea upptrnoiig wine Ijirae bottle ticuppernong Vv'ino Kmall bolt lea (larelt & I'u.', Hint k berry Cord In I guarta lurrctt Co. 'a Uluckberry Cordial Plnta Khrry Wine, -.earn olil Quart Sherry Wine, ear,i old Ptnta Clarei Wine. year olil Large bottle Native W i i - I. a r. bnttle-i ., Crenm Chant I Large butt lea l.Wuor Hci iini'd.. laime 1st ilea I'ci.lng iur- -IjirKe Itottlea lull, whip Pure tirape Win,. pint bolllea Madera Wine, 9 ytur old Larue hoittee CORDIAL and BITTERS lilit llio-i Vermont h .arm hutHe Martini Ar Ho! Vermouth Imp. Large boll lea KntHo Fr.iiK oll'tii A. Co. Vermouth Imp. Ijitkb bottle ... liullor Vermouth Imp.--Large bottle ,. liandolll Fernet Pranoii Vet mouth Imp. Large liottlra .... Fernet lie Vecrhia- Ijtrge hot Urn Jimuhn Dinner. Ithelinatrum Pro. Pint bottle Peppermint. liheiiiiKtroni Hroa. Pun bottle (Inner iah. quart bottle , Peppermint Ixi'h, Khelmat roin Hroa. Quart bottlea Creme l Menlhe Large bottle Iron "I'd Cherry F.ltx,r ffor Chill nnd Malaria) Pint... Iro-t and Cherry lillxir ( fr Chllla and Malarial Vi inta Piiii-h and Honey ( .-rv at a lized i IJimrta I'ock nnd II V r.x atallned 1 (Juarta Ito'k initi ;jp ( ,r rttulizedi Plnta Il.i k and latnon and II. .rebound Flavor - Large hot, Fniit NlpR Large bottle ( Iur it.. While Smn Large bottle old Aliley Peaili ami Honey i,, pint Aprp-ot Cordiul Pints PEACH BRANDY, Cordialized .4.Y .S.t .4.1 .25 .95 .35 ,35 .35 ,'J5 .5 .t5 .S5 .'ill .U5 .15 .an .mi . .! .15 .Nil W .25 .25 .All .NO .711 .75 II 1 .35 91.25 .HI .75 .75 .75 15 .211 .no .an lller'g Pur Malt Whiakey yunrt 4.. L'dinburg Pure Malt Whiskey tjuart 1. Sat-he A Hon Puritan plnta l. Hut-he 8on Puritan yuan Ketiilall clu!i i pint Cream of eKntUi ky pliita ICarly TmiiMi-i, plnta Did pinta I.rm "S8" plnta Urookxide i-j pinta Yrllow Corn Yhike '4 plnta i Whltfi Corn Whlakry S plnta 15 Canada, Mall Whmkey Pirra ;io lOarly Tlmea Pinta t ;,, lloval Arm Plnta k Parknond Plnta . .Mi ."tag Head Plnta llayflld. a fine Whlnkry PI ita ;,i Planett Hyt Pinta .-, tIU Harbeot, Fine Vhtke pint ,v Club Mouae Vhlkey Pinta Did JV lil'leon Whlxke Plnta .VI Oolden 'eddin Whiskey Pints r.11 Did Crow Whlakty Plnta .mi Murry Hill Whlnkey Plnti n . . . . .Itl .5 .75 .! .15 .15 Whiskey in Quarts .55 ..15 .5 .65 ,5 .5 Dlil Abbey IMita Aprl'-ot Cordial Pinta Old Aboey Col d 1.1 1 tjua r.s Aprieot Coidial yuarta DrnnKe Cordial tjnarti I an. 1 ii oil, 11 Ik COCKTAILS ...Minuet !in Coektaila (Junrla Ml nu t Wliidkey Cm ktHila tjutirta rtriuth I'm ktalU 4jti.irt T M mini c,,i kt.ijii guaria :.k!i. MaibaMen Cn ktaita Q.rm .,.. iluld Spoon Manhuttun Coktai!a Plnta Hold Hporm Manhattan CiKktaila tj Pinta STANDARD BITTERS oranttP Hittera. larite alzc Quurtx Abbotta A 1 1 om atli' Pints Ir. S:iniii' Ibtierv, larke ixv Feirn Cblno l iili-rj l.'uarla 'I ill pie I'l.inpi ;iiarl Horir.ekainp yuatla Iiih.;ud Amerii'Hii A 1 onmt ie Qa.iriu N5 Iron and Cheiry F.llxir llnta 35 BRANDIES, Imported and Domestic Conn. ie. la nora & Cle (juarta tMI Wiiiea and Fine ChnmpaKiie Imported latrga . .' 91. HI linperiul Claret. 1 mpoi lrt guurta Ill M. Juliun ( e. Imported Pi Ha 25 iold I ChampiiKiie Pinta 7u Kpitrkllni Harkundy Plnta 15 Spurkliutr Hurisundv QuaMa MS ChampiiKiie, Kxtra lry Viiait, 95 I.oiiik J:hodeta ChampatneJ Im.orted yuarta 91.15 , Ituiiieu) N uuh, Importvd guuit 9I.0 Imported Scotch Whiskey Kueha Son Puritan Whiakey I 1 Carton guaria ho Pleaa.tnt Valley, a very line Mink. 4 ga.lrtH ? tl OO Arkaniiiia Club Vhiake Wnartn m HufTalo Hill Whiskey ijuaiia 70 II aytleld Whlakes guurta 1 Uo Planett Itye Whiakay gnurts M7, fxau Head (ltu pr ) guiiili, an W. II. Mi Hraytr Whiakey guana mi I'.oyal Anna WhlaHey guitrta mi No. 1 I huh tirade P.; a Whiakey guarta 75 Monosram Whiakey tl'nrkurai -guurta 75 llofrmnn Club Itye Whlake-y guiirtu k5 Old Kyn Whiakey guarta 75 Cheainut tlrove Whiakey gu n In 75 8weet Hriur W"hifke guurta 75 Horiedalp Hy,. Whixary guarta 75 Cherokee firing V.htake; guartu 5 Whiskey from Bbl in Bulk .75 .711 .Nil .Nil .N5 .15 .20 .75 .50 .:.u .70 .75 .Ml HiK Sprlnita W'hihkey Per aallwn K'-vi'tone H perte I Per sall- ... Prliato Htoik Per Ballon Keniui ky bin, double atamp it yeara old 1 Per Kullon, 11.15 It 75 .92.75 .9:1.75 Cordials and Brandies in Bulk Pure Apple ltratub, Km'on Cft I I pr ) Per Rallon . 93.25 W hile Cr ape t 105 pr. Per Ballon 92.75 TreHter S'h-iipp (lu.' pr. ) Per yalln 92. ml Pea' h Klalidy Per KMlbui 91.95 Pea- h nnd Honey Per aujion 91.75 Hoik ami Hi-. tine iual.t per Ralion 91.75 Kunii'n-1 per Ra'lon ...92. INI AniMt-Me Pi-r gallon 92.00 Kummel, in sealed bottles It 11 by Joy lied K ummel guurta .65 Xatlo'ial Kiiiiuni'l-guar!" ... .N5 Iloiihle luattlied K ummel guarta 75 Kiimmel in hulk--Per snllon 92 imi Apple Krand, pure; Hent'Tt Co. guarta ... .95 Apple Lliundy, pure; Pent",, iu. Pmta 4 50 GIN, in sealed bottles of standard brands Coining Dot tiin Pinta iN'Vila latuiida I'cita Mlatletoe ry Hm guarta Did Tom tSl'i guarta Imperiula t Srhoetifelilt 1 1 guarta .30 .311 .INI .75 .911 V. D. Hiack P. king William 8orh. I ni ported Quarta utwl White Hi Ail 'h, Importrd guaita .... 9175 91.15 J'l.mnlx tiin Qu.uia , 75 Celt lo Dry tim Ouarta .75 lioser Sloe 'iin guana 95 W oollier td Tom Ciln gmrta , .95 Itaby Hloe C, in guarta . .' .75 tr l.uxe tiin Quurta J- N0 Any purchase amounting to $2.00 or more delivered to any pari of the city by private conveyance, less purchases a nominal charge of 10c for delivery, brine vour Jugs, as there will be an extra charge of 20c for each gallon capacity or we will exchange Jugs, you can call or send your orders to either The Keystone Liquor Co., 919 South Second St. Phone 730. or The Sanitary Grocery Store, same building next door their Phone 1264. Out of town orders solicited, cash must accompany orders to insure prompt shipment. A large assortment of Bar Glasses, Copper Measures, Bjttle Caps. Funnels, Corks, Flasks, and Bottles of every description, Tapper Cartoons, Rolls of Wrapping Paper all at one half original cost. KEYSTONE LIQUOR CO., by HI L OcCABE, Proprietor aezs EveniiafJnJrlepald Want Ad 3 Three Lines : : Three Times : : Three Dimcaj 1 FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE LOANS RENTALS, bargains Lots Houses Business Properties. JOHN M. MOORE REALTY CO. Phone 10 ' 214 W Gold TOR RENT Tloosct, ;FOIl m:.T 4 room brick, modern. ahndes, gna ranee, linoleum In i kitchen Inquire ill Gran Ita ve nue. Prion HAS J. Ft HI !. KT S-, to-room rotfaae, l.ra aleeplnir porch, at liti North Imi y. t! 00. Call 102 North th or pheme lota. HoM-era of thif rlt ta lh' a'Ubi.r ' III textbook on "Rliiveln" lil h ;,'1 i Iwen hmhly praie. by many promi nent The liook , ;,i'l to fill a K'P in liuliv ol the beat ein I,- braiiex It it. puhlii'hed i.y u Denver , II rm m i The Markets 1 Chicago Grain. j Chuano, Xm, :;. I'ncxpe. tt il iharp dei line a: I.Ueri I i nuned a ! heuvy wtbaik today in wheat i.r''-ei i here. Dpenlnu pro ea, whlih wi re 3- ii 7-Si' to : af lower, were Tol ; lowed o a fuither iliop ami then b j rally of about je Iroin the l" point tnat prei eded. The i lofe was weak. ' ! 3-4 to .1 l-"r tu t lower, j Corn fell with w h at. Afii-r mar'- I'm 3-Mi to 1 !- 'i 1 1 -I - ib.wn . 'Hlotationa reroveled nearly all of t he l"M-. The f loae wai wen a at t" 7-Hr net ilei llne. ' Noi Ithhtainlinn th it oat- i iil.-i ti'l j Hie wenknesa of other tenuis there a no R'-ni-ral unl'Mitlitm prukiKioi.a ' eased off a little, inftuen-'ed by tile ' rourae of KT tin. Wheat : H" ' 'urn I ei-., t MIC I let-.. I'iiTK Jan , l.nrd - J.t n.. l'.ios Jan., .lii: Mil ii i; : .! l-li ; Mm, - t I Mm, .'. I. ; in May. lis t; l.t.7; May, I i Id .; U. 119.20. t. kuilJta I II .iveth'k. K.insif Citv. Nov. :7 -ll'it- i ) t h. 1 I .("ill . weak liuik. IT' 7 7'.; heav. I 7 i u 7. 7 , pus 'i.7 7.. Ml. ('utile Itereipta. I.ioup; i a. 1 1" nf't I I i)i "i : Ml I'.r- Plhnt- fed tin ateer.4. .-ne.-p -I I. ami)-. S 'i' 7 7 . Iti't-ivi'ta. 2 ' -i "II . I ; .ill;!'. hteadv : - ij i on a i. i; 7". ( lib -;i l.ltiKlia k. l!ii'-8Xo. Nov .'7 lloita He : t ; ' Him. fairly u- l;xe at u nade itlmxi xiH. tilax n axel . Hulk. 17 I i 7 i ', ; be.. , I'. .11 .1 7 7''1. IMS "" l. '.'. t ' ':i Ie -- lie, el; Is I. "lot. tiim. Na tive tlr. I". .'! I 'I .M' wex"in. f '. 4 a i ! 0-i . i.i I vi I S "'( 1 1. i .'. , Sheep I'e- ii'ta ." atead.. -h' p l".'."ii"' tu. la Hi b. Id 7 '. i I i-ml and -M-lli-r. i New York. Nov ;7 la ad -1 v -1 -1 l n ', in . 1, onion, till. K,a I Spelll r .U:et. I '" '. it" . l.' li b'll S- I inns Nov. ;'7"! til in I-. mi. na iler firm, t I j ' I " h Vt A per. 4 Par Money M. xi tel. Yt rk. Nov. Z7.--M. rv 14 it .". '-i pel t t nx r.lvi r. 4 J-l.'. MiMnl Maik. I N't w V ot k. Nox . .' . I in . I ,i. X 3 4 Mi Kin trolyti i i, i. p. I I ! 1 um. 412 7101 I J 7:. Iron nuiel and nttt banned At t.oiid .n pol ropper. 1 7 . f'K hi red 1.4 iit a it :-po tin. ltx. f iturea 1 i I" .' till i Homer I Iti -i k. i I it it v r N-.v . " i aitl" I:. .1 Jti ii. tltlllket Rirtitiit oeef al'tlS K .'. ti ii 7 i!'t. town arnl In ift'Kt 4 ' '"' i.3u. MtiH kera and f.-edota. Ik ' 7 1i ran e 17." tt n in , lie ei t ket nutti er top. 4i 7'.: bulk. 47 it 7 . ' r'heep lie,, kfilHI- mat kit atr..n In InThei. I.i in i". 4 7 Ml . t .: i rh. 14 7.ui X J".. )I.IMISSI0NEH3 MAY BE UNABLE TO GIVE COUNTY FAIRS CASH 'iinta Ke. N. M , Nov. ;. Count) iin.lraioneta liaxe no nM, lepit at I of the lenUtatui e-w hit h ! -ally perinlia them to do an, to ke Bppropriatiuiia tor t'o futy faira, ni.i.a to ibe i o'lleiiiion of tot al nrne)a for the plniiilliT In the t'ae V II. Iluirliion et ala , x. Die inn n-Kiotit f of Han Juan t iiutiiy. i'be iiiae l a tet one, be. nit the I lo ttv ut tbe Xalldlty t f the ut t ntioiied It wit, .r..iiht to pre tl the San Juan eotiuly Cotiimla' nera from vivlim the nialiioutii ...out povulile to the San Juan utii Kair aot-ibi ion of Aitee, and now In tbe n i reme i-ourt on ap tl from the de. laioii of Iilri. l ,Ur Ii . Abi.tti, ho In A a ii' 13. j anted lie praVrr of the peli nera aud real rained the ronuiiu- alor,era from Oiaklnrf the appropria tion, holding that the art In iiueation wa In x I'diMloii of Hectlon 14 i'f Ar tit le . Kertior.a :4 to ii of Artltle 4. and Section l of Artltle :. of (he lomtitution of New Mexico. The xulullty of tbe Xate appropri ation for the ran Jilego eipotnlon I ip la la aald tu be inxobed i.y the at t ion. CENSUS BEIN0 TAKEN OF WATER USERS IN THE PECOS VALLEY M , Nox . :t -- When the water uaera n complete and the re in piled, many Intel- I'lilaiiud. V the ( ! of beinj taken M antiiitg data railnn f.i.U will be available. Ceimu takera ale Imw tikltliig every farm on lb Carlabatl prvjet t. aakirg a long I ml iAMiieat ions and oiilainlng all am ie of Uif nination Th iTiiaua, when eoirplntd, will tell how many people ate on the farm and where the family cinte from, what the a.iil la like and what the ImproveiiienlB coal, xt'iat Block the owner of lh faun haa and ila xali.e. li d what the whole thinK La woith K. 41. Tiaiy haa taken up winter tattle feeding with lilt head of fln at ink iieettned (or the beef market, and la tarrying out thia winter the ptaoe he made tat i.i ii t.etoie jdaniing time. special cicaa xxere grown and utored for the taliening of Iheae rattle and rrat reaulta are pe. led from hie Joalallwtfjt: the he II. e. Dllier I aliit'.ad ! " pie will like). Hike it op l.ler. STATE PROMISES TO MEET SAN JUAN'S ROAD APPROPRIATION raiiii.ligu.n. N f . Nt.i t - A let ter haa been r.eixetl by Wayne Wall ing, A firtitibei vf the ban Juan tuuu- tv road board, from Slate linmi.e'r Jamea A. I'reiit h. in which that offi rlal promlaea that the aiate will dupli cate the road appropriation of :..;i..i made, by San J u-in touiity for the mam atate hlghwax from 1'artniiii.toii to the reservation line. Primhall Walker Ir.xe lo.atrtl a new road to llallup who h mat take the lead In airing ai i .uiotjiie traf fic between the two loxtne. prox tiled a bridge ia put up at I'.iriiungton There la water along the every nilil lo ten in 1 while the r.iM i-rmw-i but one ni)ii anil Ibe Cltatc. river The dialance oxer Una Imae la 7 lit. lea Tbe ateel U n.,w at t lie k'.te for tbe Shiproik bridge and the pit-ra are down The bridge ill be ready It.r tralfle IXHeiwiier I. barring a ' iO.-iiik Blue and white ennmelfd ware, values to $1.50. Special on Saturday, at 2:30 p. m. 15 cents encli. THE LEADER BON D CO K NELL Sheep & Wool Co. AI.IH l 1:11171 'I. N. M. (ToiumHI HbUr. M.oiiea 9M-9III HcvhiikI anil Gold Annue. F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. 411 H I ST I l l Ph. axe lajr or Mttht S79. ROSWELL ATTORNEY IS AUTHOR OF TEXT BOOK lUawcll. .V. M, Nov. r. 11. l. Expert Hair Work. Combing mad Into awltrhag, transformation, pulTa. rurlg. te.: savt.hea iyl. MUM. M. -T N 9tarni Shop. Phoaa in. lit k. 4tk tt. ror 6cJeM"icehaneoni Full &AL.h. Old paper for put tin do egpata, ato. Call 9t Herald offlc. FDIt SAI.r. While. colored or etrlped cativaa by Ibe yard for port h curtains Porch curtain inudu to oilier Keppuler tt Son, Kirai at. n ! I. end av. Phone M7. KlHI room ter At 1.0 s'Ai.i: .try el ooh llouHehobi gomla, piano. aet, dining root" eel. brd il atovea. m.t( hint", cirpt n- 1 !ii 1 H'.uth Ifi'tsilr FOR RESnlloonii. Full liKNT Hooina newly furnii-h-ed In pew brick budding. I-'il1 North Third. Hi m ims furtiirhed or paiti;. fjrnuh ed for housekeeping;. IteiiMonaMe Call i'ii Wcat Central avenue. E. H. DUNBAR Real Estate Loans & Fire Insurance 224 West Gold Ave. Phone 83. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, 2L D. , Practice Limited to CCNlTlkl UIAKY msKASICS And rISEA.F-S OF THE eiRIN. rha W aewToian and Nogut lir Te4a Salvaraan '9tt" Admtalatarad. CltUena" Hank HuiHlng. Albuquerque . . 'lew Mai to A. U. M. D. rr11o) JJnU'il to TanertvKiala. UUca lioura, 10 t- it a. m. Phone, 1171. 114 S Weet Central. Albuqaarqu Sanitarium I'hona 941 DU. JDM I'll s. IPI s New Armijo liu.U.n. DfTba llout.t: 1'i-li! a. in Pbune lilt Oica ."'jiuitoriiiiii lor TuberculoM. Phone 67. .MONET TO LOAN. MONEY TO l.OANOn aalanea, houaehold good and llvettork with out re molt a I. Nr'ea bousht and aold. Union lan Co., room 11. over rirat National bank. Phone 1114. PERSONAL Repairing and puitinu up atovea- ulao furniture repairing. I'hona 621 111 Pauth Third ron CAFtPET aieanlng. foraltura and atov rapalrtn. W. A. Qott phona 141. IWK)F I'ArnT. WANTED Every hnm owner to uaa Erla Carbon roof paint Pfpa leaka, laat yeara Ieroe read paint. 1 gal. rovera 4)00 t. feeL Thoa. r. K either. 401 Weat CanlraL rt K id F.N il.ISM and Spanlah coiii poaiimn antl want your order. Nov. t l'y printing Co , : H North th SI DON CARY IGN5 115 S. Third The Murphey Sanatorium Tuberruloa.a of tbe Throat nnu Lungs. City otrke. JlS'-i Weal tentral Ava. OfTire Hnura: 9 to II a m i J to 4 p. m. I'hona f!5 Sanatorium Phone 491. W. T. Murph-v. M. U., Muli al ri-ertor. DES. TULL & BAEE3 Sportallata Fyei, Fr. noee. Thaiwl fitjklc NaiionaJ Ilark HMf. I'hooo 999. T. I. TWMs, M. I. Spe.-tabat In i: V.r, itn anil Thr'teit. Capital City Hank HuiM Santa Fe, N. Meg At Comba' Hotel, Albiinuenpie, flrt three tiaya of t.tiy month. MVS. MI.MDV AMI CKtrtKE Pra'-tlra Limited to F.y. liar. No" nnl Throat. SI I 4 Yet Ci-titrwl. MiibMnv nrrtTnv . . I'liy-iclaii anil .Snrscm. lluaiden. e. 10 South Walter Street P."one UCj-W Dmc. 1 Parnett lUlg., Ph-.nn 417. Dentists MlTIt 1 1 11 1 1 it lot ' ' ri.t l.llo. S:att t liinina S Pari. I, ir m ir. ul l . i '.Hi lit v t.f I !er- r w m. u o. Plainllff. in v.. :: i. I Parr i 1 1 (etnla nt A t'ox N tn"il I of"n.l int are heie- t," Unit u eiiil t il lii' d UiiuiiiM ) ii.i In nai l the n.llllt,) th- N.ti.l plaintitf ti- ill', nice on III'' i. iii, nt utiit I...H- lIL t, K!lFT. iH-nuU Kuncnry. Ituom I and 3. Titiintl P'ldg Otaf O Kieliy'a lrug flora Appointment mails by ntalk.) pttone 714. Vi. ha. To tin Yon baa 1, i mitt ai d i i.niM I il. until f. in xx Ie t iIhvh for all a-.--.. kToiiioIh of ubam mi ppt.rl. And you are i, anient you enlct . terett xnur on or la foiu tu, ; l -r. A 1 1. 1 id I. a i x ill be jcraiitO'V The lie;.,e of 'b Hex- w Moor,, r f ri ( and t kj. New Megiro. A Attorneys t-ilMM K4MYIH I jivx yTs 1719 Itamelt llltlir. Albuquerqw Arthitects. i : I i r notified that i aiife to le en e III -i,t !l i , IIHC tl ix i -in-i ee prti con ' t a-io Pl.t ml it f'j, atl-.r-i . -n. xt hoM' p, ml . r . mi tie ' 11 ' ', Ii UAl.Klli. i 'It rk P Tll'iS K l .IAIDIS"N. 1 p a t . lil.SOV II. NDKIU9 Arliltet. Ir4-il(-al ami I p to Dite Work. Itouiu . I.xrtc Ibi-Mtcr liulblliic. T'Plione 1093. HOTELS OF SOUTHWEST. DraECTORY. ItDTKL UHC.-WI"K 11 .Ibrook. ArUorta. to gurai r.a.mi. modern tourlata" head.-uarterai daily r'.a.l bul letina; guide furninhed to p. .una of InUieal; dinitif room In connection. I'l III l i o! the ut S.Jt; ' X 1 nie i ior. Ie N. M that J Jan 1 Mil ii i; nip. Imparl men V S I-tnd Dfll e Nox 5. 114. Notice la hen ! v liix t n Analla, heir and f- t the lc Anail.i y ("andeltiia. d Tijeraa. N. M. who. on Nov ember '. 1 S 1 4 icntdn hi.n.:t .i l entry Na 12T for r'sN'.SW U. N'N''c S',f-i,. SV',NWi, M . N, N'V r-V I'M;1,, Se.ti.,n Town ship 10 N., lianxte fi K.N M P Me ridian, haa f.le.t notue of nieiitn.ii lx make (hree-yeir proof, t.. ectab Iich t Itkliit to the land al-me de arribeil. before tieorre It. Cia.s. C e. 'oiniiilaaloner, Alltu.nieri).ie, N. M , on the 17th day of Iecetii-ier. lltll Claimant nuine, in witnea..i C.vl. I.Ujan. Jom. Doming. lei, .Vuaneg. Klli-tn ramliei, all of Tijer aa. N. M r ha N r i si "o vi : i.r, t o. it etf later. A1.1 ICvenlng Herald. THE VIRGINIA HOTEL. Mr. Ii. . w-iiia. i-t.prnar( MotbTii 'I hroiiclioul. ltat- lii-atonatd" TrHiikieni IIinhii.. 223' t South scci.iitl St. Pin, no u s. TJexx' T.Te-rirn P-l4v Cn .ia of j J J J . I. of 1 - ... . . w i imiiic atn. S.-ll t. -Mil in. i t ' w lloti-.t-t for Sab- ami tor Item. I mib.xmt nt Dili. i in ft time, IP hi ENGINEERS. nut it'iti.icTii. of tbe Intel ior. C S :ar.U fe, X, Mm., JkOTU K In partmi nt l.fcnd I itl! e at Nov :j. lilt No'.ce la lo-rei r glxen that Klin, Cart ia, of Canoo. New Meano. x h... on November 'h, lll. made Hoine ktead No. fill for H J-Kc, and li-l SYl, . Sett ion 1'.', Townahip I N lianae 1, N. M. P Meridian, haa filed nothe if inteiitton to make three M'r proof, to eUal'lmh tlann to the ltij above denciibed. befote Llnna 1 Sbieldit, f. V t S . til ru lam.iie i . al Jt-ni'ea f rmg. New Mn . on Jan uary I!. in; ClMlmant ramea a w.ineac lloRia-t tiarcni. of Jemex. N. Jlen Cret en. in Uan ia, of JiMiier., N Meg. Akran Trilj.'.lo, of Jeiitex N Meg. Plaa Caana, of Jemei. N Veg. FRANClfCO MilxlAtai, Itegi-cer "Kifenlng litr.tlil, ' A Hni.Ut r.ii. N. Mvi. Wil l i M I STAI.I.T 1xl ami Ci'11-.nltlnt- ii1ii-r-r Surxextng '.ml iMaftins. I. WD ATT' ' I ! V 17 V. PlMine a.' I. Cromwell ... DUKE CITY CLEANERS tit-an liata, Ktetfi'a fl -tiling, draporlee., etc. I'boue 4 49. aien'a ami mi: a. rvirtalna. tJO Urw4 Uol4. Promptness Oar Hotto TYPEWRITERS. ALL. KlNIc-l. both new and hand, bought, aold, rented and re paired. AlbO'uerju T)pewrtier F.g chra. I'hona 14 4. Ill W. Oold C. T. FRENCH II M It I. 1IUHTII MBVIJHI It. Idy A-auMtaag. Itfth tad tviiteal. TTxtxne laf n. Mt'", Silt. r j iai.rfie-Bgi-1 ' KfYZarmpff Chicago Hill A Lumber C QeaerU PUnicg Hill 3rd tad ll.rqttetto Thosi 8