Newspaper Page Text
tour TIIR EVENING IIERAIP, ALBUQUERQUE, IT. M., MONDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1914. Tlie Evening Herald. TuMlshrd hf THE KVEXtSH UKlLll.n, 1X0. OKOriOE 8. V ALU A NT, Manager U. B. II E.NINO KJItor rul,llnet a very afternoon -fapt Pumlav. at lit North Second Street, Alt)i(jucrU, N. M. Kntared a eecond mat:?? at tba r.oa'otfira at Albxniiier gu, N, M., uodir tha Act or March I. n:. Ona month hy malt or carr'ar. ton Ona, week by carrier ..lio One T'ar ty mail or carrlar tn aitvaiva 14. 00 Telephones: noelneaa Office ll Editorial Ilooma IK IS U It Mi l TIM. MII. TH I' lllltlll I'V It, in I, itth Itxc in th til ik mi: 'y t.r. '' lit 1 1 n -1 1 1 I , I . i j .-il ). v I i I'll ic hh v. xx h i mi inl.i'l lui i,l in i . i ! i,f K, ru in. I inn t.t.ine xx li,, liutc-l SHitea in li"ii i- ill ii ft ilf Mi- Vil iiii.iI I! Ii in K i 1 1 lis ,ly :ti",iHMI lli- 1,-Mni'il i i i:, t mini; Hie i.t'-ni:i uphiiii ' lli. its it lh' ,n In liuri'iii'. Tlf i l.ileiiit lit n.r ,i thnt nlte ,t-rs"ll 1 1 1 i I cxitx et , en in llii' I Ml' i-il SI:.-.!' xv. iv. I.i.iii i '., s If i.r mir In, tilt ik. Wr hiixi in, 1. 1 ' l .'l.."iiii,iniii ,(..i,, . r for- n il I'liili with ns, anil nearly nil of tlirni tin Ii,, in i:nn,,i Thi t oti Mlllite II .i ui , i, ,i ;ip tuillilltelX' i ,i, nl to iln i ,, ml, iir, , , !, at ion, i.f l! ll'lUIII lllill I I, ,11.111,1. ,,' ,.( NiilWilV, l-XXeileM, ll' Tllll. Ilk lllill w !l i In ivl. 'We hue in 1 1 1 1 m i,n nl i th'' t 1 il M . Ill II !( 1 II II --4. "I'tll'-hlX! ll IIB m.iliv I 'iiti.uliaim ai thin. :,ri. in I'lili a hill iiiilh,. n mi, ii' Heimnti" llini lliiii- at., in Ifetliti, in, , hi., h lii'li ,. -s, t I ; i, iiifi i I t 11 ! la 1 1 :h !i li'l t xx i i , liny a h ItnTi In a, Mi, i, I . I 1 1 h ; i' hi x ("ir li.L.H ll IX- i hi ri' I lllis li t.. .i', (I Tllisf nri in l'i t n i-i In '.Im. l,,,..l ,.,,, 1,11. 1 ..,.UII.. ...I,,,M ( of ,n:tli il v.iTtjtc: th,.t (he ,t.ihll i Imii ijtiest ion 1 1 1 ) 1 1 i I mill that ,'tlierclote the txii ln i, 1'urtn I j l'ut'il in tin- I'.irx.iup of the rrnhilil ( Moll resolution lu re j houlil tic mli i Hi ly K.nnk.. or xxniil i Unit efleit. ! If the hiinl tetn tier hasn't the llHllt to. l,ll t it tlllt N lIKHll'll of h illxl im I ly Km III Kin) to ii-inlilit nl lilnl i li,,i..ill isiwi iiicsttoii like thai of i I'fnhlhi! inn, or the r' '.i la i mn of the i null- unit use of alcohol, then we full j tu know of liny i'I.ikk of men mill jwotncn lio Hie entitle. I t,i tliai uss It I It in.-tv l,i xtiti il :i ii lin t that xx hen , i the s. h..., tern lit is ni t to 'ltd, iiHr-inu j ; 1'iil'lH' itii'itlioti Hourly iiinl iiitn-; telly Miklnti its M-ttlf Hunt, that j '(iii'Ht !,ni is in a fair wny tit tie eettliil ill the lust xx.iy a ., i i,i nt Hit. tiini' Ami in thin xv" refer not ehitii.i!lv t" lir.ih Ih.l inn, hut ti hii t-orlHl iiie ti"nx which nfTect the welfare anil xx i ll hcing uiiil ,rogrexK of the n,in niiii;lty. Jf the nrhool t earner whone xv,,rk :.-i with the xnimii inlmlM of tlie omiiiiiiiiiy to ,e ,ri'hil,lt',l iti 1 1 r-i 1 1 ac th prol, tern of tiiom itn' I 111 I'ol hill' e to the 111 !!( ilex el'iplllellt j "f th,'M intuitu, xx lio. In the name of , Mike, h to he periniltoil t,i illsin;"' fin h ii'Bt In?-. ' We like to know xxliero the eil.l"r of the ItuMXVcl! Nexxii ohtalinil liis In- l ut mat ion a ,.,,. it ten hern a n x w a v III hihI iit It, we la, I to mi'. It tti' limn "teinler i tin heii t the elute It. well mill x I . :,i we imiliot nee any iiraiiinenl by whah the liulixhl ual Intereiitu of th- I. in, I i ,'iitnM, the real .etMte men and the liomeeleail- I'h from oth' f et.'le ehuulil he pi't mIh ihI of thowe of the w h tie people ot New M' Nho. QOLOQ rrnt HvV)n,l VI.I.IIa. Vmr Villa the Bandit Is Now Dictator in Mexico 1 'It you nnil me It Muni xx ill he The Mi irt 'hi ihi iii.ih A ' t oi.m he e;- Hi flue wil tie hell. A euiid ol no rry O A liinili l, iS Kit ii'll'HlK ,il'i ki-epj, fill!, all he sii,o, lofii- he!l. t .iken xx ha I'm Cut we Hil l Uiii;iNsii Ii.ik r. rixnt to ii." X i i e hii pi met! hi' ken. USB Ht t he rluhtH of m h""l I Mil. I. teacher hili, to, o lien - A M'Mimi, Ti:.i iii:it, iiiii. imht to dMi iiks inylhiiiv;. Al (Jenei ullv flu il i a i. hool I "nt r i am lei o ilia, the one. time lanillt, woiihl he pMiieit 4f Mil lx " or rile in the attempt, wax a pie tliftliin ma'le more thou h mkh I'.v aome ot hl cliie frhniU. Willi V'lllia'n Inkiuu of Torseon, Ihe lliicil'.i Kl lonKhohl. I.i H April, ohserxeti ot Meirlean i.llaira iIihcox en d tlnit the "unlelieK il hainlU iieiierar' waa liori nenri im Htintiglst ii fhI iiini nialuler, in il troin the time of hl.s fltni ptoni tneiieii hh h lollower of the eonntttutii nalim thief there Hppcareil tile l'in.f.,1, iy that he wi ill, nome tiny oomi l. iely ox et Kh.ulovv thin until Imineei .1 .1 I Inwyer-aeneril jih ii leaili r In 1'i x.rii, Now that h' haii enleieil Mexico t'lt.v, the i.i;ltal i-elf urariily Khowa who tin-, innti Villi! I. Iliixxexet l,iinlllar hu lame. Villa hn nexei i finwl to lie tin i Mama. Tlioee who hava fi'i'n i he woi kV nole of him hax e never pi'i'iinl him hitter limn n tllmlllxe man. ft II tile leil - h.i lnl'il t'nnrtit he xxai xeiirn uo. i'hei nee him chanucil ..n lemarnali a tu o"k h;N a eerioiiKly i .Mexico.1 hketi hli, nhout ip j llllpH, In t ' I he roniM i' hanult. lllhllllK htm :im the "Sax lot ol Moid: lml T M llooi. Ms( w m m i ii v A UM rn. 1 1 a n n.i ri- ii I e in I liul. i pi -t." n to our foreix n-liot n , haxc nearly 1 M . i u . i ' i h ,l,ll i'ii Mate. f ImllllXI .IitK In the l lllteil iiiiililiif tlu ie, w have an limny iermaiiM in the I'mti-.l Statin w there Hie n ll.ixaria uiol Alum e laiiTiiine I,, xether: mute Iri.-h thiin there ale in Ilellllii. lillil inure tllHll half :n ninny Italians a i there tire in Mi We K ill,) populate ii i it y like In. alio with our Kuiclin-).rn titnl then- . hililieii, i i; llcu!e the city ui Vienna with our A u? I nun-horn their chil'lnii, an, I more thar, ilupli 'He all the iltli-H ol Sxveilen haXllllf a , . , , : 1 . 1 1 1 . . 1 1 of mure then Hi t'"11 xx, ih mil Sxx ,ii h-In, rn am! their i hiMi'cn. Approximately five arxil a iimrter 1 1 1 i i 1 1 ti people came In the 1'iuteil Mai tu (.Ihv; the il", ,u!h he txxcin Iimiii urul l'.ipi. History re '"IiIh no other Muh KTeal iniKlalioli a this. I'umpaieil willi It the Tuitur inviiMoii of ituwiii, the Sura.en ;n v.uinli of muiihcril Kurope, ami the i xo.luH of th i Inlilren of luae were InsiKiiilica lit in iiiiinhem. The charai ler ol the niitiiml mllux of new hi. oi from Kuro e uiul.-r-"i,4. a u iy leiuiirkiitilc i inline In re " til clecailen. luinnn the il" mln or ! 1-1" '.ill thy tiile of humanity from KuiopB hriinhl us 1.4'.' (ier maiiK unit :i'i;,iit)'i Italiann. The le ruile of 1 1o I -1 ; hr uiirht IMl.tinO '.' iiiuin an I 2. HI '.inui Italiaim. The I'Kiim i, well noli, ate the ful'mic oft of imiuiKi ii' i"ii from nol thw enterii ,,f the tale from 11 AT per. etil.i :. ,,f the I'lipilM it: the mailo of our tnilili'' lioni, , au tulijt an onl 'iary In mil it KiKlif" line huinlreil ami nine teen m huuu out o 4:13 Kly t per lent of their piipllM can il., thlw, :iecoi(inK tu the I'tille,! Malm Im reau of eilu iitioii. ' 'cm in n il of the fiiii,.iinei,i.i iiu poiiaiuc of mioi-' as a m, .... M,ii J'' I1' I'.'l'. 'luloii. lunuiiinuiiir "f .-.I iiiut i..n. r . ii cHt ci Mr Will Kat hait. ilnectur of miiflc in the .. h.,..l;' of I'Mtnluiru:!, Pa., I,, make a ll.,i otiKh iiixenii tation of iiiiimi' leu hum In the K, ho. lis of th,. (.exi l.ll ft'iles. A lullctin oiituiniii(r ,(,,. r,.NU, K..rha rt'ii InveHtiiratioiui ,.ix J'lM he nut fleep Mr. h-en i.-HiJe.l Ai l ulilin I,, tins 1,nl letm nlioiit Ml pep eenl -.f the , huul of the country require mu-lc ami prictically all of these haxc the coiirxe uruileil, The weakueus of the prem-nt nyMem, In .Mr. Hainan' xlew. is that only a Mnull per lent of W'MHN Kill-: !' i:s."T 'jiialillcil to ui' a ti ,i lu r. o - The jui 1 1 1 r n the liriny lee At exemim x hen he K.,en tu In now ll regions Hllooel. .Ic ll'c.itlls thai he'lt iil'ollt to he t'liflireil to the hottom of the yea lly a p.inriK 'lit man I'ruii-ir. - o IZZIT I'ASIIA is o-i his way I" Where tie i pln.i.lhlv III,, I I he a lie Wer. o ."'li.MH of those I .ma, li, , volun lii'U me likely to conn! hack inum 111 les. i- a nil,, limes that llll.llle prison le il I'X A 1 1, , in. i M't au onler f'T 1 '' SI'.N'SKT maJ.i.n i !ox i i n .r H am u In lornif XX ere'ie em. They wile. l iiaiiMiK-:, -O illiKs: Is xour htampeO ? O - t'UHWINi! Kiim wilhiut a Mtamp on it is a x ion of feilctal law for whlth i,l is likely to get Muck. i In-x inn L' ii m t he ' i i(iui. I'-acnersi lire reiinrcl tu ! t Till: Il'il-Y WAU menly exteniln the nheie in which mukiiiti holm if tie main, ol.Jei t In life. -O Al.S'i the xul'l hulv war In likely o pi. i a lot of holy tin n in the hole. an ixumimitio III the Mi IiooIm superx isor.s or n In muHic. The wotk U done l.itKi'ly tliroiuh iltrei tory of miisa , Ti ii pia lion KlltlH. the niu.lefit la reitar.l t.. X ers. M i ,K tly 1 he 1,1 ,l, r hu ' t Kurope an, the ri.n t-oui heanteru i:iiroa'. Tak.t.a the iiomii:r;iiit population if tile tinted Mates ai,,l their i hll iln 11. vx e fin, thai their lunula r t" tain ;i .' mill. una fur is in, or nightly more iluiii oni -tlui'l of our entire iwrltitiK, P'.piilal ion. If then- l,e liu luileil the Hi a tel. hil'lren of , 1 1 1 1 1 I r . 1 1 1 1 M it ai pe.irrl llulia'lle that mure than halt of Die people of the t'liltc.l Stale to day are two ki nil at ions ir leu re iiioxeil from alien uii(eHtr. Ami tieaiiy all of that x act pi.pnlil n.n if of liuropean oili;iii. The facts Kixe eauHe ,,r hciiuiik thoiiKht JuM tiow whin all Kurope i nt wur. The I'tut'-d Kimm has more nafiiti (or rimil neutrahty than ever ll'ltioli ha, I l.efore In the llif'.oiy of the VXullil. ll(Tlltl(. Till'. ll.Vtlll lts. A Mi. Mi other the lu hool "Httind" I pal, In' uiiil pnxaie, iluty, riKht mi.) ax r hool teacher In n ami like the lKilat"r ami the htcr tu the tu i net fur all orta things fur which teu her ha to Uilinor.Mioii. hoth iir 1o hi or her privl'i ue. The iubli- character. nun- f Ill- Nil in lion, order, comment ami ad vice, with the minimum of commeii ilu' ion. We find, fur Itmlance, 'he erudite per . eiit of .1 he hou half that nnmi" r hax The , rder of popularity ni'isic re that th school Hillhuntles lies, le Stnlellts I C K.inl m.isi,- f 1 t t from the ht of appreciation, then hit'ry. and li milly haiino,, Mr. Kmhart fiiulM that ';tne leu formal ami academic the plan the Kreatrr the pupiilal ttv " In il.s. uswiiiu Mr. Kathnrt x timl iliKs x 'ommHnoner I'lmlon ilclatef "'oioil music Is neces.iary not otily for enjoyment and recreation, hot also for itiniiration und for nalvatlon from death In the dm ami duct of trade; and thin rnimli' ehnuld he dem ocratic In the triiect and heft dcmie. "AlthoiiKh not recognized in tlie ourae of al idy of our eiirlient puhlic n. IiuoIh. musk' hj, xx it hin the laat twelity-ftxe or thirty years, been in troduced to aome exteni Into the xchoolr of 111 'Ht profrifSiX e lilies and of many I'm lis. xillai;e and country comiium it ien, thounh ty many it l" slill coIifIiI, red llli'ssciil ml and a ftl'l. Sootu-r or Inter we ehall not only reeornie Hi" culture xalue of mualc Imt we r-h ill fiUu l.ein to nmleritani) hat, nfu r the heuinniiik'a of rcildiriK, arithmetic and i;eiimetry. miiKii' has ureater practical value than nny other mibject t.i iKht In the schools " "MYSTKI'.V oxer victory at l.odz." rax a a headline Also the myrtery "I the exact distance tn Tll pera.-y ntlll pi'ivea a pui-nlc to uriiiy. KKKlMii KACA is iil.ited in Sin Antonio, Texas, as hax in,- sai l that xxith n uru.exes Mim.-ir xxas muru.reii. ir- "'" f "' lfol tii t" liiid the i urp-c li..c pruxeti inn ix aiiini;. .1 is amioiim i d, h.ix ndpoiiit ' I'1" " 1 1 mi i in Villa curreinx. Thin, hoxxexer. xx ill hardly offset the ciirnp V.lla has put in t'aiianza r career-. iti; W.A. UMiK Ol T Hilt Till: sT1i: PltnTKSTM of neltierr nml otherr --miii" dally iithcrs.. in the re Kloii triuutuiy lu K.irt Sumner. UKulnxt the lilinjf hy the rt.ile on a pull of the Sua-lMiu-u, r Hail t,rlx Imilly wfthdravxn from entry for the ure of the defunct Vrton I-ak lrr!R. lion project uml lecently restorei to entry, reen ti, ,ax Very little foun d.illun of juMtlx'r. It Ir i on I ended that this tract I Kood faim Jand 'ind u rinh rhoiilJ he left open for humi mi nil. rs from oiher utatea. ThU la the contention espei'ially of lar.d lo( atoramd other who make a IIxmhh by ' lucntli homesteader4. W' heliexe the rtate ,ffl( iala to he not only within their power, hut le-.-ervlng .f commendation for their prompt effort to i ht.iln aome of thlr goo;S luii.J foi the alate. The more Hil' nlturiil land the rUte ( an aelect editor of the Itoawell Morning Newi, l,ettr ff will he the tule Inrti- n adirm the l''a' h r of this atule u r uuexx tint vicious ledure hecailae he raid tea' heta ( hoee to endorae linuiil iiioiisly and with ent hueniur a KtronK leKollltion faXollm it.ll, of an amendment for rljtVxi,l pr.,hlh,tlon The eiliK'T rf the Nexva nuiiiuiirr" tutUum and lis , hoola, foe whhh the Kraiita of lam) were mode by con Kress. Just why tha alrite of NeW Mixtcu, with oppoVtunliy to ai'futi aome aluah liroperty, u-ufer ait of conarera permlttlna: the b' .Uiii inn. hhould Keep Ita ha n ,1a cfT in order that a ho"l tcacheir haxa rm l.uelaxvix ; t hat homerteHilera from Oklahoma dr-nl;i,, with iiivtiuna cutoida tha k,,a Katnaaa (.& tl.atai may cuii.a UI PEHH ES E FDR TELEPHONE MESSAGES Tomorrow War Tax of a Cent on All Messages Costing 15 Cents or Mare Goes Into Ef fect; West Short on Coy.' pers. Denver. N v. 3 The tar reaching effects ol tha Kliropean Vr will he ll! In n hiii. ill xx ay ,y telephone us ers, accord, ii, u the allii" eli.ellt inailo here to.lay l.y Ilia 11111.) Mat's internal re.cilue il. pa 1 1 1111 tit Tin" new federal iixrii'.ip tux 01 telephone and tilcKliiph ni'-KsiKia uuejt Into ef fect li.-,. Hila r 1st aU xer the 1011I1 t l"V. und n itox eriiioi lit tax of one lent xx ill he 1 , .1 1 1 -. I f,,r every iiich- H.iie 1111,1 Im.ii to fifteen tenia or over. nftlciiilr of the Mount iln ehuter Telephone and Telegraph compixnx'. opeiutliiK :ii th- rexeti moiiniuiii HI.1I1 s, hax-e tieen husv ,r the plil ni"t"h lotifxiiK xihaiijjir In all parts of the system of the manner whu h thia tax la to ) 1 olio-ted und turned oxer Id the overtime nt. Nu tlcea have l.een rent tn eai h of thi' 2",i,iiiiu utter in the tiiii tii nml pl.K.inls 1 1 iii.iiinii j the piovlHionii of the new law 11 1 c to he ported l every liny rtat mn. A cor. linn to the law, nil ." ; dlstame ineranat ununiiitinK to f, 1 teen eetita or over are taxed one lent, whether I'mn privale teiephoiii or froin public or imy rta ti'Hiii. Toll 1 ,i la from plicate tele I'honef vxill.e counted hy th. ir -Phiiv and IsXed in a lump um on the rriotitlily lull. 'jy tuluui cuatomera When Women Suffer No remedy (jivea greater relief than Anti-kamiiia (A-KI Tuhlcia Inn'l rotuli- tmtit Hetiirally known aa ' Womcn'i Aclieg ami 111. t Hie trial Will lattaly any womau that rhe ha at lart (omul the reineJy alia iiaa o long been look iiijC lor. Indijeslion Dyspepsia Arp y:i (Vtresse. after t-atiliif? Jo yon have riau-wa when ndmu in the ram or on tha train orlrotT i akc A-r i ab It ta ami get tiirlant reiiel. (Unuimm A-K TahUtt ftaar Ik M manen'tim. At mil Lhu$$itm what Ir moil Interest n gather than what, pcr mot xeracioiis, ihere Ir rlory of how he turned I'.'in in lstix, In the little toxxu of Kas Nlevcr, In the stul of !c;i.'ino, he reinained therei tiliiil th death of hi father, Then, hs a prot. " tor of hin mother and rs-i lee tie la 1 atlie a cow-hoc Ii xxestern Chihuahua. Krom their purenta, who were peon-, or northern Mexico (some necouttta f ix of a very it'ioil family I, the thll'lnn hud Inherited Spntiirh and Indian hloud und traltr. The tunnies of Vlila'w life nt this time, hi" outlawry war rather In the fui in of Biielillii warlare llmt act tin luliiand ', f"r the purpore of nl Isfylna; hi M'Xeiitte upon the ill-tat, ,r, Inar., At the oillhreak of the Mailt 1 ,1 remit Hualiirt I hax in U'lti, Villa, iinaskcil, cart hi- l"t with the 1 and irndeied null xalna:,!e 11, 1 that Al.nliio was f'O'ied to rccovli.y.e the pouii com- mai.iler. hen .Mmli M eenf ilc-iet i. ItU'lta Into the Hut III to 1 niiiluit tlie nr. me, 1 lehelli.t.i. Villa and llueriti (iime to a clash. They wire much alike. - l ao h contempt u,,,is of the other. Huett i had Villa arlcMed au l condemned to diath hy a militarv court for Inruhurdinat Ion, l ul M.i (leto'a ileht to Villa waxed Jiiui from the extreme penalty. )!, war taken to Mexico City as , prisoner, rend.lx t-Mcapexl, and pushed his way north .main, reekiiiK rtfuce aeroMS the Texas hot d.r Villa a i l-c to his Ki m nt power dates ftiun the d.i - a little .n than txxu jearr alio - win n he rtaited across ttie 1 1 1 . ilramle xxHh txxu coiij piniutiK, .ix ' hot roxved'" h"nu , f ;' In money, and a 'meaner r'lpp'y i f hem, (oi1e and kiiihi, I . r" thin a year laier he was the head of a well ("inlfiped iiliny ol' nearly -'".tKiu men, whom he hail personally iruthercit liirmly in Inn oxx n heme legion, 'a War chest ol rexi'ial mll'lu-i dullars. which li" had a ( urnitlatecl hy the l.iiie tit tali estates, and 11 full eiliiiium nt of xvcapoiis, im lmlin tit- tiheiy. pnu ticallx all t.r w hich lie l:.i( 1 reined fiom the federal font a i I ik military l.c'i-ii coniliiued tu .' t i t . -- of it riuilcr, hut thry we;.- irnlnentN 1 L f ' f t r r Mtd . i-'i Qualify! Not Premiums The cost ol the tfitacco in Camel Gearr tt proh'bili the use oi ptrr.tumi anJ coupons. Omels are a felenJ ot choice Turkish rvi domestic tobaccos. Smoke smooth and even and leave fou tcot-iree of any cigaretty aftertaste. Camels arc 20 for !0 cents and you can't buy a more satisfying- cigarette at any ptice. Slake a dime against a package today. yt.ur Jrahrran't tuimlr . nJ I Or fr art. m. kr rrt ln rciw I 30H rtfar.ll.'. ,A."" """ "- rHteSat ,, ,f yn. riort ImJ I.AMH.S rrirri ItW MW tuna ink (.. nn4 wm mtU imlund roar MHy, R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WiiMton-Salaro, N. C n r- iff v r QOS or lis, l I K -" -e, , V r-' 1- J!.nJ-&.Jr ) i 7C)ccm rtory ir th it when a rettiment of I'or flrlu Diaz voldh rr once visited the town, tlM' ii"s of il captain nlitthted on Villa s .-ister. There was nn ( lopeint in xxithotit lu.'ii r in k . The Hurt melol i a mat Ic aicoiin s ray tha' Villa Kail. led iifKr the elopers, i aufct.l in and nrrttnued their mat' llaae. Then he told hlr newly ac oulred In ' In r - i ti - !: vv tu atK'i hlr own o ; th ii tl ll ale, ilm his own t-Tave, .,i,.l lu, I..-,,!.. ll -Vii:,. shot tin- hrhlelil ooiii and lolled hllll Into t lie ' a In .lit (irave. I'ii anient Diaz, heat'tnii of lur otllcer il"aiti, ret 11 tu p on Villu s head. Whatever the exact truth, (uincthini: ol thir nut occuied. Villa t icd to the moutalnr and i.ecame a l aiiilit. Ills read mime had l.een liiiri'i, ii inunH", hut us a linn- (iit he he, ame knoxx n tin Kra 111 is' " lout" and "l'alu Ii"" Villa. He gathered to-, at my ruccei-rf nl. Kioni Juarex in ilu north to Tnrrt'iiii in the ninth, he had con trol of more than half of Mihi,. And there waa iloulit aliroad that thir milit.Uy Ren, us. i reillted with the aiuliillon to hecon.e prerhleiit of Mc'(. Im, could ixcn rend or write. Villi himreif Is raid lu hae owiti'd thut he hained to write Ins miinc while in petS'in in Mi-slui C'. It was I'inl he i o ill, I read slowly hut Hint an of. iliri.ii y new "pa pt r purau-iaph war II he loilld master ill one time. M's lit x il.'l'ii;, nt. laixxtxtr, ir rnh thnt hlr I'it mis today maintain that Villa'r inwip .'us cun In no wire la", iniusuretl hy what he win (lie yeatrj or excii a year iiko. nn the otlnri hand, the a ill-Villa estimates dcil.iic Unit It Is only the "cohesix e power of ( xv hah has held Villa's meal . loKethfr. He ir npinly ihe t"f eon,! h' Id there last week. j pi iset ut Ion , thoiii-ht It had a nue ( life. rhe onlv u lilies fill Tile d"- feiii'e wax trie deft nd i lit, xx ho del, it it rii'iiin the ifit la, a nl the Jurx st I 'iltl 1 "T iic,,iii!!.il a ml four for con x a lion xx hn h ia aluuit the xxav most cittle rti'aiimr rtiilul. ll In nl iiuoit iiii,"siie to i on 1 1 t a mm ( call la fte'iiiiik.', A laity iitorctt d I lu the proper (xe utioii of the Iiiwh j asked .luiH'e N' .t tii oil!, en. mid xxjtnerrea found on the ra le.eriltv killed (inlinal xxlih tin err actively nt wuik fkl'iiiii lua. I. .mil sh'iuid arit.t them ait, ioul.1 a convi'-ti.'n he re i im f"ie an axeraiie jury'.' The hesitated and ri (.punded hy that the Jury liohulily would on it a put up Joh, and ci ni ii I tn hessei of conrplnu y. -viim ".SS.,V""","i. -J r' ". . i'iarai'jalaj 4( , ,. aether a of ilesperate nitii ot hater of Spun lardr, wh.h h poi it lea i'y I the northern mountain cnttrttry, aiidu a strong Issue with hta pemi !"1- t within n :cxx tnotithr hla inline warlh.werr He Is t coiilll'tued etu iny ol j the terror of the region. He war trih.n co ami iileohol. Itohln Ho.'d In. 'innate. He and hlr! What hir pnu-ram Wol he If he i" hand aiilin-te I hy rohtrery and pillase I ncknuw h dned mniir of Mtxi' o, is ti in the I'li.'iiinliiia iiiount ilns. much of an ciiiKin.t hh Is hin due pi r- AccoriKt -it to the more itciieroUr cx nuiahty. w I . I. vx ill he : i nled ti dtop a p nfty 1" the coin h"X of llu it l"-,hone whin their '.all Ir made There will he no tax on local moei.iajeH where rm toll churuc is in nie. The idt-itM of tlie iittv laxx'xxlll In int eret't : n n III this Wclem li.lllllt). where the in ml't i ot pt-nnier in i i'- iil,iiioii is pi i port lotititi !y email. A " cot'ilitu to ., Ilicl. lis of the 1 nil'-'l ."tali a initil Hi I 'en el . all pt nun s at e coined ill Culrl'l Iplllli .' lliliuuh the im .i I mint and nil treasiily for (list nl',1! I'.l). No fllott uue i t a tinier ir antii ipated. ar tlie tanks i ll I ti it K ho u t tile couiitry haxc hi t n hUi'idicd in the la.-d few xxecks In solue run-r, iiitoldliM to o' In 1'i's of the ti leplione company, the cost of e, . lie i ins- the tax liom put, In- a etalmns will i-xceed 'he tax itrelf, tint the low law Ir rlrinxtlit .Hid retU. n-r the loiicition to he made on every call. Ills. 17, ili i, 10,5 luiu, IIC.I.ll; dent rinl diimh nliiin, $'X;.mi; penna t.elil It st-rx ill s f'T Initiation pur purea, 1 7. :: ; s. ! s ; Improvement of l!i" ilraiule, II.'.IM; pul'li' huililmns at capital, S a .; 3 I li ; Santa l-'c and Hi, ml i oil -l! railina.l fund. J 1 .' t'l ; state I.unlr, e fui'd, $ ti.;. i i Z 'irr.i' ih-xm-i "kf-i-if.-t-Ti : 'jr.: . Temptation Removed Vay in tr hy ( heck remoxt s the tc:ipt i!i i- of rpendini: i'iirelerly as i.s o'.len the , .im xx hen jou tarty i oiisldt -rahtc nin.s "' ii.oi.i y w iin you. It tilfoi removes lh" il niKer ' ( ident to keepirisT money in the f lovs l.y home. ire or (heft tn- The ( tiolial I'. W i l. oine ollciry, cot; nk i lit- ).mn llulnc.'n III eiiii nce and ,, 1 i i , ll f 1 1 is ; I. IX .Itllu't!'.!. ea'tlv "f it xour . a First ii, ma n il Na- - W c ax fx. -m. . a. e . a i shipped iiie rrospecxs ior intevention in wexico ; INCOMEFROMSTATE p1 LANDS REACHES HALF MILL ON Hevenue for Fiscal Year End ing Today Is Largest in History of the State; In crease Due to Greater Rentals. Sm t.-i Ft; S. M.. Nov. 3H The end of the ai'uta'a Ureal year today rhowr that the income ftum rtitte lamia for 111 r the lurut-rt tn tin. hlrlniy ol New Mexico, the Increare over last eur bt it g clorx to 1 1 u I'l.n. I i' hilling a 11 ii 1. 1 remittance made to th,. Mate In-asiinr hy the land omtiiin luner today, the total fur Hie year la JtJ 1,740. 3d. Increased rentals front ..into owned lamia foiirt the pnncpal Hem in the Ilu lease which is erne .ally ttratllyltiK tit a time when die atutc'a heed for caah ir ruii. The N inHtun ta of the )cur, hy mo-itiis, fnllowa: Detemher. 1IS. SK.OikST; Jan uary. I kit, S3.',;j.f.. tebruaty. 1 1 ',".'! tu; March, t Ik.k47.tik; A pill. -'.s7.t May, i.i I . 7 ; Jui.e. Ii.'i !4; Julv, lx.7t' i; Augnsi. t S . h 1 1 ;.'. ; tseptemlier. $ .' , 2 7 2 . i ; c tohiir. 4,5kj..'; Nuxeinlter, 417k,- 'f the rcmittam e made today rintiilr tf prereiil 1 4.1, SI, Mild ralea 7,uitl.S7. The appottiunment of the t.,ta from rentals to tlie cur rent fund if rluta lntuloi,a to til ate fu-iita. et,-.. ia as followa: "iiimoii hool, IK' 24k iJ; elate iliilxcrsit), t2li.'i: uiiueta.ty aalliu' 101 :'l A mil ultural collt-ae, IS7J.7J Silver l ity Normal at hool. ICS.KI l.aa Wiiwa Normal ai huol, l;i !'i: til Uitu Noiuiwl at hool. til -', ' hool ot Miner. trilt5k; Military itiktitlite, '. o : Htiotm hool, t ! :'; M-n- era' hospital, Ikklkl; itiaina Mrylutn. 143. 7; pitilletitluij. 17tMlii. aUtle ilitlULIe, Jiclial and rIul lllutul) . i linlslun k lulu t al , Si iiator Kail war In ImiiKtur o'iii'r hotdcr (Hies )a ! week, inxestl Katiiiit t eit.iin j umtr ill the .MeXI 'ail (iiiertion. The M-nator think the 1 'luted Staler xxi l have to inn rvene lit Mtxico In fore dure ia pi.n-i. in that country, ll ir prohaldy true that the Tinted Staler Will hax. to inter vene helnre the renamra il 'h Hcntr i.m gt t their I'lupetty htuiX. VvtrV44444444ray J THE COW THIEF 1 t IS HARD TO CINCH X PAINT GLASS BUILDERS' SUPPLIES . HOT BED SASH. Z. C. BALDRIDGE IBR. CO. 423 S. 1st St. Phone 4( ( I.urdr.iurK l.iheal.) There war a cioruly (otitirted cow Itf-alinit i are In i'minia. ul the term Got to Go Deep to Cure rdicuriiatism UntmenU Help Locally, But the DUeaae is Way Down Iruide. r . . . .-iu. -- I 11 . r ? it To ret at t'.e ia;rct of r'fiuu.aile pallia ll rcjulrca the (1 i, a. ai,liinK in tlil.-liee tsf H. K. H, Hie lalumia 1,1., .si puf. Her. ItlieiiiuHiisin i iirnuarlly a 1. 1 dinraae tliat. alU'-e It ia lu t,la vlial Hunt tl,ai rla'i oiati'- ! ui, in I, are , an let, i. ih-'-a lu I lit. Joint aul uiua. lea. Ha re ti irritate Hie rnivta tint r..dite palu. Aral lu if'l r to ililxf red it,,.. ,ai n. tin lint , Ok It toi,rea H f a tu ink dr. j. nun ti.e i.ny kii,,u lii,.,.,,. !j In tlie Unit i'ia.. iiui t. e. M. f Ira.' la wheievr the n.s.ti v,s-s und ii.vtr luwa I'a liit'UchiBl tnioauce. Ttita rap'aliia why It ,o, i,,,ui. i tt,r nie.! i lirnnlr f,,ra.a ,f rlteiiaialifin. alir II'a lliw bard d'-pKaila that Iblik. n the J. iiua. (,,r t aa a aelvt ut auil tt,e .l,s,t I i ,rt. vale lu Hi. tlMuit. IIosm' natural e'lui.tua t .r Iiu n tti. I, ui. all, a in "nl, r irana aint ln,,l mi If nu liar, iienr iue d X M H. f;r rtir-'uiiaium. p.'t a I'Ui tmlay t f an; (tinat.l.1 I w It ilirrtlrd anil null "ll.e alinple bom. la l,s I mi k. , i I ,,, ,u (t"llire ill. .,r.t a i,.! iii,a ,,aii,ful f-iraia vt rlieiunaiisiii. Wittf th. iut',i rat dc rt,ie nt, 'l ie- a. Ill Kp,., ir.,. i , , i,1 kaifi ln.lg.c Atlaritar, li , (r a.l li liaeal ,i," viira mar t" a wl't-te asallv'tit h"lu fr..m k,., la.t-i ii'ssr auxi,- ia it... will nle tlie int. I'M iliati I'.a tr.a if mist lor you w 1,.1 a.k f.t. a a M i.l m.. a it auit :i aauntut It t "a- Figure with us . on Sash Doors, Mouldings and Everything in MILL WORK Superior Lumber & Mill Company W. H. IIAHil CO. fur li lUm In rail of &A KllKllt. PHOIiE 11. CKHKlt.LOU LV imi.1.1 r i.i) i t OAL.L.UP K- ANTHRACITE. ALL SI I KINDI.INO AND MI 1 4. Wp' nitlCK ANU PLASTKUINd 14 Sf CASTA rifi DU1 SELia3S BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS ItUtt. tf Supply your wants of Bedding now while the stock is at its best. Our assortment is better than ever before. We ar showing Blankets from . .$1.00 to $20.09 c pair Comforts from . . $1.25 to $27.00 each . ALBERT FAEER 213 to 215 W. Cold Ave. Furniture, Carpets, Draperies and Stoves.