OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1914-1922, July 19, 1915, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070582/1915-07-19/ed-1/seq-4/

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Evening Ikrald.
rr.e rvExisn mi-.Ai.n. inc.
II. 11. IIKN1NO ...Edlto
I'ublished ever ftrrnooa -eepl
Puridsr, at 124 North Second
Mreet, Alainim niiie, N. M.
Entered ns im-ond-rlim tnttf
kt ilia r.otuf1c t AU'uarn,m.
.M. M under th Act of March I,
On month by mail or earchjr.-lOo
Ob work hjr carrier ..lie
On rear tiy mtti ut cor'.r
In advance It
Purine Office
Editorial It mi ma
1IIK l-llilCHt 1'I.AS.
AN J! AN county ha evidenced
the proper spirit in golnc at
' her rthiblt at the stale fair a
a hulnii proposition. The fair le ajTher art literally thodsnnd of nun
Lnk,i.f:-j mn'tter, devoted to the lui -
nei of making New Mexico a bigger '
and bctlr ate, to Improving the
viniculture and other Industrie Of
the date and to getting more ptople
to Belli her.
Bun Juan county hue grasped thi
exHitl.v. Hhe had nn dilflculty In eF
in that the fair wa not operated
for the purpose of giving John Jone'
cow a blue ribbon and Henry Smith'
l a yellow ribbon. The bigger oh
Ject didn't eecap her.
The county of Fan Junn hn em
ployed a manager for her exhibit bl
the elate fair and I going about the
busiueew of netting the viy beat pos
sible exhibit In a systematic, business
like nwnnrr. Her people have evi
denced that they knew what an ex
hibit enn do for them and whnt It
will do for them if mnringod proper
ly. The busine men of that aettlon
are going to manage It properly.
They hnr the rifthi Idea.
I'lt estmal.le friend, the Tao
I 1 Vail New, take occasion
to rap the road bond liwu
pretty hard In it last kwoie. and ulwi
throws a few In the direction of Her-
bert W. Clark for his suit ngainvt the
Kurt MlKuel county road bonri to
eelop them from paying any lienent
axe to ai-comphkh the ale.
The New i hardly ronitent in
thi; in fuct. from the Inn few para
graph of Its aMide"'-' tire lin lined
to believe it bi Mlin th' guv-niiint
anyway and i roatin whatever
come handy. flut there are aome
thliiK In what it ay thut are worth
while, dintlnctly.
The article In queation urge the
levy of a epeeial county tit for rond
within Ihe roumy. Thi i Imminent
ly fiitr and Juirt, and in iew of the
mall size of th road bond bnu
wimld do almoiit a much good, liut
Ihe New overlook the fact thut
when thi bond liwue a pruned
there u not a county In th "it
(uffVlently prugremlv to have made
a ape'bl levy of any ize for road
The people l.ndn I learned the good
road go pel then, and they hlu n I
learned it yet. but they arc a wh'de
lot further along the way (ban th)
Th aerond thin la thv no county
road, even now. 1 willing to niake
a levy big enough to do any real giod
for th road. Th main thing for
work toward a permanent road (r i-
ailed) l enough money to do the
work in first class shape at the (tart,
and not want It In dribbler hire and
Irll'ble there. No county levy could
prod up enxugh for thi; th ISiiO.
Olio bond bdiuo Isn't enough. !'. li
ar too anxious to have the n:or
epent. partly, at bast, in their own
territory. There h been h lifk of
will.ngr.eaii la on antral. iiow.eiv,
by taking the proceeds of thin bond
irue In each cuniy and gpe-idif-l
theni n one r"id in ibet pouiii; ,
jemly to connect up with another
rid in the net enirit, or at nioM
peiniittlng a ery sioail amount ot
dlatiibution, something ret.lly irth
w hile will be ui ecnipiihed. iip
thtng that will not need all the
money w can erae together year
after next for rpu.r, but will p,
with a reaonbl amount of main
. t'nunie nil th lime.
There Is temethlr)g elue in the
News' arntle th.il attra't, our attan-
llon, mid Ih'tt Is th Intimation thut I
the lbiiksof the tat ur going pi
keep a lot of thla money on h.uot
long Imi and make a bug profit out
of it. In our opinion that ! Jv,i
what won't happen. The whole oh.
In t of thla bond lenue la to get a lol
of money in a lump, we can iei!
it before the work don with th llr.t
part begin to need repairs from Ihe
funds et Hid for th last part
line built, and built r n: lit, a small
portion of the bond isxue's proceeds
run b ued for maintenance, or ven.
If absolutely iieceswiry, om of ihlTo hell Wd lh toi poraahun'"
regular county riuil revenues.
The bond lnu Isn't so large; ws
rperit tlO.u'KI more than Ma face
alue en our roads list year.
American tt'lton mill are now '
lug mor lhn 5,1'VO balea.of roi
i. a Var s coiopa.'d with ' ""
,iti ktlra It years
DKWEIl Judge fined a news
paperman I2"il fl.e other ay
because the writer declined to
five tha source nf reru.n Informa
tion hi aer had printed. The fine
levied an punlshmerl for "con-
tempt of court." According to the
"tbli of tha profession, th editor
exactly light. He h-.d no right
to divulge the name of hu Informant,
according to hla U apolnt. nnd lie
didn't. He printed certain facts
In hl paper, thereby n,.sumlivg rc
fmuwIMIiiy fi,r their.; Ihnt should
hav ended It.
W have no wish to iri'lile thin
member of the bent h, thereby placing
otireelf In rnntempt of hie ourt, but
we do object to placing he news
papera and their worker In liny amh
position. The condition that pet
tiiil thla ought to be changed.
A newspaper, of necessity, If I'
print the nt w. must have a great
undei ground" connection
ho knn fact of Interest to the
public, thing the public- ha a right
to know, who rnuld not be ersuiided
to give their ;nformatiun If II could
be traced to them. Take, for In
stance. Ihe member of a. political
party who rennot alniach me par
ticularly unmnvory deal, and who ex
pa It, In confidence, to a news
paper jla mean of saving aome
right of th people. If a newspaper
could be compelled to dlcbe Ihe
oitrc of It Informal bin. which
might be admitted to he true, that
mnn would be marked; hi political
future would be nothinx. The nat
ural remit. In some rns, would be
that th information would not be
forthcoming, the people would nt be
warned, and thv pi.ilti.'hins would
kather In aomeihing to which they
had no right.
Take th clerk In a public office.
who finds hi employer Is doing whut
he ought .o; to do; his very liveli
hood depend m hi position, which
he will loe If h Inform on hi su
perior. Hasn't he a rtcht to protec
tion for serving the public by expos
ing the man 7
I'f oiirne. the newspaper muxt be
held responsible for what it p mm.
there I no .v.iestlon about that. Here
in New Mexico the newspaper are
held pretty closely reepoiia.hle. There
mo&l lie some center for responsibil
ity for what is printed and the newM
paper i it. While we consider the
Sew Mexico law as u g.'g lather than
a means of fixing rerpiiilbility, th
basic principle of holding a paper
for what It prints I all right. Hut
to larrmit a condition to exist under
which a paarr can be forced to Kive
up tie confl lnce i,f its news source
strike us a very short-sighled The
press, which receive fonllilc lives Hn
vital as thorn confided to a phyl ian
or a member of lb clergy, and some,
times filled with much more dynamic
possibilities, should be permuted to
preserve tin. (onfidencea.
tiik it ii.ru.H.
NK of the pretexts put forward
for adopting parHaannbip of
persons insteud of partlaan
ship of principles, says the I.oh An
geles Times, in the courie of an edi
torial on a non-partbsnn einlion law.
la that li la only by nnn-iurtis:inHbip
that the railroad corporation can be
kept out of politics. The sin of
these entitles are many en. I their vir
tue few. They charge as much f'r
carrying a ton of citrus fruit J.0
miles, from ; An ire lea to New York,
as euatern roada i barge i.r carrying
them lea than I.Iimo miles, from New
York to olurnl.ua or liidionupoli
And they established transportation
rates that In Iped to bt.lld tl I.os
Angeles by milking it profitable for
Amanita and Nevada riPtchnnts to
muJe thcr purchuHea here, lather
than in et. I. iuis or I'liiiago.
It may be mlmiited til t Ihe rail
road corporations have often crxl' ad
ored to pro lire the n".iiliiatiori by
political conventions of legislators
Mho would nut bl.'ti kmail Ihem, mil
of Hssesanrs and other public official
who would n"t say to them what Ihe
S.ixIit aaul to y.uciticiH 1'iiitie
low II."
, It may not he denied ti nt the rail
road i lopui.ee nil three of Ihem -barge
p,iajteng r at iniiin for tally
ing mem l.il"'i mil.'H hn piaaetigira
would have t" p.: in :'naii.n. o,r
I'm nee for being irried r.iiu miles.
It may be thai on h rall-oail corpora-
Hon is a Florida i I i k t . w'lh laws
ysAniiig for loiinata. thai it brings
colonials M rallfoiniii at half rates
and charges Ihem full rales to carry
them nwny, and that it is the proper
caper in politics to stand u the polls
and prayerfully Join In cursing the
I'nllroad tompunles In living and dead
languages, "Anathema nilirnnalha to
them! Hut r le chemln Ce fcr! '-
rartibsi In campunla del ferrocairil
nd et he Uealloi will occur -
f l Iru that th railrtmd coin
panics dominale the slain through Ibv
mai-ninery of political parties, will
they rsaa to dominate It If all i
IImi r d'stroysd?. Is it pmhuhle
Ihbt oon partlauh ejfli lala would le
' SX, .likely to bli! In Ilia bianillah
it t ci V isuioa tj.a'i their It-
ft Galley o Fun J
"Pis life am what w rn.l,,, it. Ti
d bull dr.r dm am fihtiii' world.
I putson wid red hair b licves dir't
wippin wron ui kare tvcrvh.M
U int trUheaded. Ih ral i
tcllar dram up Itsolution dat d
nn has dune gone mil o' bitnrtv
driink-i.tttfl it 't..iinlfd to nee h,ie
Ind gcn'leiiirn stSk'UPrin' al.,;l
thilt he linsc'f walki straiirbt. i
cullud pusson prowim' luut.J chir.
cn-hoiie at nijht it do n. ln.n lat
(le world am full o' white men vi I
guns. And o it goes. I'rud.fir Wi l
Kint. all down de lm."
ifVLL iVl.u
Sloth laid to I'llii'iivf: Vou
work loo hard. Fur two tlayt no,
you hsvc btcn l.tnv pl'iwinu tint held.
I bear ingenuity li.n invented a jl y
driven by ntcam. U tiy not set me
to plow for you while yim sit sith
me in the ihjdr and rnjoy life'"
I'il:K,rtce boutilil the plow ahich
oulil plow a nvld in a traction of
llic time it had taken him to do it;
but, iti trad oi siitmi; in the tha !e,
he put more laud into cultivation,
and it lock nil hn time to attend pi
the plow and see thai it worked
Wl.cn harvest time fame he hid
mor to do than ever on account of
ttic new la ml be bad Cultivated.
llarvcM over. Sloth went to rny
ri!ij;cnce a visit, sayiiiy to Imine.i;
"Now he will have a little mure ti;s
to talk to mr " I'at K f..Ul.-l lii:u
conferring with Iniiemiity in rci: I
to a larger, more powtriul plo v, !li it
he nuk'bt next season put it'll in ore
land in cultivation.
Moral; Ihcrt i no cure Io Cili
"I've got a new place," taid Gertie
Where?" asked Sadie.
"In th Right & Left glove fac
tory." ; "Isn't that nice?" said Sadie.
' "Make me a pair of glovis loinr
time, will you?"
"Yes, maybe, after a while. I like
the work awfully well."
"But isn't there a lot to it?"
' "No, not much. It's real niniple.
And we girls have lots of fun."
"But how do you tver g-'t tho
little pieces sewed in between the fin
gerS?" "O. you mean the the well, I've
forgotten what they rail them; but 1
don't do that."
"(), you just do the rent of it?"
"N-no, not exactly. Yog see, th
cloth ii woven in one department
it's jut like silk gloves, you know
and the gloves are cut out in another.
Then they send them to another de
partment where they put in those lit
tle pieces you spoke of. And then
someone else putt on the tips of th
fingers, and someone else does fancy
stitches on the back, and ssjineou
els closes them sews them up, you
know, and someone ckt puts th but
tons on, and and O, there' lota
more to it! And it's so interesting.
And then thry all have to be looked
over, and the mean dd thing that
inspects is always sending them back
10 the girls to be done over."
"And what part do you do" Sadi
"IJ, me? When yon buy a pair of
gloves thry ar always stitihed to
gether iu paits. Well, that's what I
So fait was history made, and tn
forms and aspects so manifold and
various, that Clio, the muse of the
same, began to teel (he disadvantage
of being a woman.
"I can remember," fiuoth she,
"what year bin sleevei went out, but
if anybni'y were to ask me who
played third base with the Giants in
IW7 I fear I should be at a loss."
The entire mythological system nf
the Crerka, in fact, while exquisitely
beautiful, was nevertheless inade
quate to the demands of the l.ioi
exigent modem order.
A poet, once upon a time, was Inn
ing oil aome trilles light as air. He
was not particularly different frf-m
other poets, yet when ly chance, lie.
toswed oil a trills lighter than air, iiv
fell for a moment thoughtful.
"What doc it augiiektr be mused
lint ihe nay of the hirdman wai
not yet come; so the poet, after an
interval of meditation, returned as it
were to hi muttons, and th world
wagged peacefully on.
'Chilean or iJemni late or l-roX"-""""
ve predecessor?
Men ur alil-.e eppei iully
men. The Times Is no! unxlous lh"'
Ihe Hem i rallc nnv eboold be con
tinued In life, even an n frlitluf'il
ample of wrongdoing In politic", bill
ll protests iiualnM Hut grain! "in it' -.
ii i.l i ' ii n pari;, la I tig made n nhulllc
coik to be bunged and beaten ami
loused Into the mire of rslinelloii by
Ihe biiltb'doiea of a self so king phut-dirbund
The Taos-Costillo Road, Now Being
Built, Is an Important Link
In New
(Tao Valley News I
Iiepuiy NUto Kngineer H. K
gau Is making rapid progress on sur
vey of i be new waaoii road from
tjnesia sotilli, having established his
heaibinarter at the IM Trice ninth
near l.nbu on Krl.lay but. The ur
vey line of the new route hcKina at
a point near Luis Hernal'a resilience,
approximately Ihree-fillhs of a mile
rnsl of ihe In w Ited river bridge run
Unified during ul year. The gen
eral course I. In a soul hcisu ly direc
tion from this point until a point l
leached rear the northwest corner
of Ihe :erf I. uce ninth, rrom this
point Ihe genera) direct Ion being to
ward the Kit Trice ranch near lailm.
A maximum grade of per cent la
being held ,i, and regardless of the
number of winding and curves nee
eesnry In climb nut ot the lied river
I all' 1,11. Ihe route being esl.l III isbed
will eventually shorten lh.- dim an . e
heiwetn Taos aii.i cjuesi,, ,y nearly
fise mile t s essential to the puh
lie wellare that n permanent road
wav be established b.lv..ii the Ked
and Arroyo Hondo rivers, ami ibos
put a stop lo the eiioinioui expendi
ture In money, ktbor .hI time, ixtr.i
horse power energy and various other
Item required now to maintain nml
keep the present road In a Passable
..million It s n iiniliHimieii f id
Ihnt Ihe deep canyons on Ihe present
route i nn never be eliminated ex ept
by establishment of a ro'iie as near
l Ihe head of these enlivens as It Is
possible to do so. No difficulty hns
been experienced to date In securing
rights of wity through the t.l.nnn set
tlement, it is said, however. Hint o
propertv owner residing on Ihe l.obo
l unwilling lo grant concessions for
Ihe establishment pr s more even
grade from the K.l Trb'e ranch to
Ihe north end of the present lane nt
the Wlllliim Hatter residence.
However, we believe thai tin h con
cession will film It v he granted, us the
gentleman interposing sin h iil jv. b,n
ia a public spirited gentleman and no
doubt will Join heartl!, in the move
ment that will be the means of pl.i -i"g
his propertv nearer Ihe rmil.s
traversed toward the commercial cen
ters. At nny rnte. when this road
Is completed ( will he the means of
connecting a link of the tun, h talked
of t irele driv e trnm Simla Kc to t'mi
nrron. Ited ltiver and Taos, back I"
the point t.f origin.
The distant e traversed more
than nn miles nml pusses through
some nf the most wonder! tit scenery
that nature eonbl have devised The
pnlia.-ules in the I'imutron canyon are
well worth the trip. Then comes ihe
beautiful Moreno vallev. am roundeil
v Its lofty-snow -capped peaks, the
rparkllng t renin i w here dwell, th the
liitiv. shv lirook trout; then the hls
toraiil old K'town. mice ihe county
seat and metropolis f I'olfax c'lntv
Interesting Bits of
News from Here
and There Abroad
London. June "l - (i-.e of the pr..
viri. ial banks has maiie the an
nt.uticemerit that all tlep.s-ds In re. if.
ter maiie in It savines depart mer.t
will lie loaned lo the govci nmc-it for
Ihe pros,-, u 1 1., n ol the ..r. The
blltrK, iloWeVer. llllllf rtaKt-s to 1-,'J.av
oil ll llialld Willi It per eellt lllter.-rt.
London, Juri' 2S.--Tbi''e tlerinan
Women were bei ig setll Imi k to t i . r - j
lllaliy lilider tile government's lat..' I
anti-alien ftimpaigu, were ft. aiol 1
guiliv ol attempting to carry nvvay
With lliem I om-l.ter.l ble .pialltltles ol
Knglish gold. Kadi of the women
vas fl:ied Jl.''. for the ofTense. . oi.
ol tile tbiee had con.eale.l the cold
beneath ihe lining In the heels of bet
Taris, June L'tl. The slimiest .d
ilu-r in Ihe French army iw liny t,u
dett, who stands :i I'.'t li In bei, Hu
Is holldly built enough to can , a s.d
dler'a I I. When lie plesented him
self lit Hie rei ril.tllli ollb e it Ver
sailba Hie surgcoi on dul. lefueei
to examine h'm, but later be wa. u.
corpoiateit In Hie ll'.Mh llilililrv a
l.elis. The bull of lld.CUlc oe. nuse o
1.IH diminutive Mature, h' .roe. I III
i o ii b I follow the pace arid soon tarn
III Hie stripes of "ll'.'lal.
Tarn-, .tune .'7, Monsieur ISoiigo, !
ncpiity tr.'in M.iiseill. k, has introduc
ed in the ihaui.n r a resoim i.,:i . iill
lug upon the u.Hitiiiy iiiji h- iltits to
ill. ol .i. I He in Ihe ic live ". 111 e all
Hie ten, or- who ille utile to bear
I 'opcnllllgeii, June .'I The famous
Iliilllsll ).l' hi . King I ll.l.i been al iened
lo n pi' -, m llelllll'li. ,n the
rek'att.t to ue lu . lit Ha". 1'ialu iH' O
during the Tn caina-Tu itic tan. The
ya. hi wil be i airied "ii a il.., iincr
sailing lrotn t '., i t, ha.-en il.ie. t tor
H. in Kiaii. is.... Tin- Nordug's ..ipi.i.n
Is a Imlie naiued .Meiilenvrra lit .Mad
sen, but bin ikw will be made up it
A iiu-ri. a na.
LoMllnil, .llllle J'l TW 'llty-II'. e III...
tor amiiulaiiei vvha-h are beuu.- pi.-,
senie.l by I lu ' nr. h Aim!,' .n in
ter, li nonniiiii ion . I ,,i gin, i.,l i..n. tor
Ited I'ross wmk ai the fionl, ate lo
be tlrlven b. ilergymeii. L.i. li a:n-
I, illume In provided with ll M,,i. of
Tiblcs it -il a p. , liable c.iiiiiiiui.u.u '
Ilerlin, June .o; - .ei in li, Ihe New
York Meiiopidii an iipeia eompanv
lehor, who is iilm. .st iih well known
here ns in A II. el i. u. Is reported as
having joined the Italian army. lie
Is til,, h.isb.iiiil ,.l tin. u.,.11 ki.onl
(lennaa ...an Miliar, MargiHete M..I-
xi-niitirer. j
I'relliurg, lieriiiany, June Jl. Tin"
famous old I liiveiait.V of I'leiluirg
this year has only registered
sludetila us iiuiiiusi Ihe :t.l7s lusl
vear, and of this veur's iiumher l.'til
aie in the army and lied I'ross ser
vile. Thla year there are bill tvwniv
foreigners enrolled nt In university,
ll,, biding tim e Aim ricami. The in
siltui!oii honor toll Includes llnee
Mexico Grcle Route
... , . ,, .,.i.
I with a population of over S.oiio souls,
! . - V .. ,
from whlelt ,.I,.a m. ll.le ens Iv Mild
" - e - - -i ir nujncent in Honolulu, ii i ug-
grat t fully to n high mountain pasa, , ur.d ,,,, ,.,,. wrK
having Ihe opportunity of seeing the n(iW MII,,.IWII, ,,,. , $M,, ,M,
woik of Ihe woiidermlly Industrious ( T ,, .,nillw M, ,.,.
Illtle n.ilmnl called Ihe beaver, while my (i , ., ,,,lllhllB
passing through Hal paik. . dl k ,, ,,, K, ,.,,,, Illlr:ir ,
Krtmi the summit of Ihe pos we ,.,,,1 f mu.tioii; th Lortl-Young Mn
have an opportunity of Mewing nil-', gineei mg comp.ui Is building live In
luie grnn.lesl. then tomes Ihe grud- duetrlnl structures nt Hie naval ela-
ual tleaceui lowaril Hint lllaullilli'ilit
Illtle milling town nestled in n nor.
row valley lillil tailed Ued KlVer. The
numerous allraciioiis, Hisi,t)illities
and ao forth will here have lo be h It
lo Hie Individual. Kor Hit intormu- .
Hon of ihoHe who in ig In imi know'
We will say Ibul Hie I rllleil XlnleS
department of agriculture. ret
st rviiti branch. Is now spending $11
itoi ,,n three mileii til road Iri.m Ihe
top of Ihe Ited lilvcr ..ls In Hie tool
of the hill about one m Ir east of ;e,
ltiver town. Tina rout,, when com
pleted will surpass even the Mutucl
lird H. ul between Ibmhlcr mid ed
erl.ind, t'olo, for scenic beamy and
as an cngintcriiirf feat. After Pav
ing T.ed ltiver we drop down on a
Wilier eratle In the village of tai,-s1
and Ihe Sunshine vail'). which
speak for llsclr. After leaving lilies
I i. on Hie route toward Taos, we will
travel along the base ol the lofty
tviingre de I'risto range toward lliej
l.obo and Arroyo Hondo rivers. A Aroc Inted Tress Corresponiipnce. )
lieanii.Ml view enn lie nhlnpicd of the. London June ii!!. Mrs. A. K. Hen.
Hlo ilrnnde river ranvon. the broad ' " prominent He,) Cross worker
expanse of the yet unsettle. i nn, nn-'hotn at home and at Ihe front since
developnl mesna lying on the west 'be beginning iJ Hie war. has been
hank of Ihe liver, mid funked on the
west by the divergent ramies which
finally gain their summii near the
i'utr.hrcs puss.
We are in Tao now, the home of
the Tilelilo Indian, llv.ug in the same
live-stoiy ud'.be i.imii.iinal tiweilliigs
I hey have occupied, so lar os w e
know, during the last five or s. cen
tunes. In order to be Hoie lo adver
tise i ,ii r resources, wonderful possi
bilities, lllis'lrpasse.l s.enerv. climate,
vn.i in eonueciion with this be able
to invite sit. .tiger to .:... w.thm our
dools. l-'ll ! It I'SSentlal that we all
pull li.c.ih.r an. I eliminate the mud
holes and un. Imil.n hie lull Who
knows bin what -...ii nutiht be the
owner of a Kurd t forbid hi ere n.anv
days n-.c and why not dr. in luisi-
nese. It Jllsl .,r n few illVS. 1 1 1 "tl
i pair of ovetalls. shoulder your pi' 1
and help the goi.il wot, ah.nt;'
Ll l's get I .gether. t testll. T.I"S
nn. all the rest ot yon who are in
terest,.,!, and when M .Mmum hi.n
irompleleil the s'irvey oi vthnh w-e
have told von a1. ...it, 1,1 km tn atot
wear "Ut tho.. puss n id hocb. and
ile..s..t the haiol!.... 1. lh. v ii ll
the cnllol.Kev tom t.mr i..ms liand-.
as a iiienixttil t.. the u..o.l vvoik ii.'i.e
toward ihe lll'iinit.ai ...n of a to vv
..lei. prol'i r .1 v and . iv il.y,,' i.-li
pr. feasors, l rec tissislanlq and II.'
Maditt. who il.n e fallen lol Ihe
I al ilel land.
T.ll.l Ipc-!. Ifl'iuarv. I'llle 1- T'o
ill . 'A I . 1 1 i 1 1 r thai ll.. been the i.e.'
Ill rO'lllv ail K.llopc ,'T. e the llt ".
V. c, I, . ,..t J.fle. Il .l I he . t "e ll
I I ut.L'a r v , a. . "Ci I. iii! lo an am
ti.clit l.v t',. mitustei ... a ei I- ii I: a r
He V... thai the ...idltl.'ll ot Hie
W. liter .Vlie.it .Hid le . I II ' I '. ; I ! - 1
Lciicr, and that the drouth has i m--
i d but I.l r !. delern ral n. ll in I he
'ilionier ( r.'i". Mam- lias .lettered ill
'a.t. and the barley and oats ale !"
.li, w-ll. Total.. i- and sugar be
are w.-ll nlopg. There is every br s
.e t of a hli.' crop ,.f bean,, a 1.1 s.m
il ir V If' ia Id,-. Itaiti, ll.'V el I I. e, -s is
a 'ft. .IcMriblo . otii.oi.idil v , not ot...
in ll'lhU.ily but 111 evcly olllil pall
. f H.ir.pc.
St... li holm. . I line l v; The news
thai the ..le. ri of Sweden Is r-l 111 11 -in
from lur b.ag vlnl lo Hirn aJ
a te't'ived aith el. I il u.a I st ii- applov..l
by the tie vt spa pels. The press lias
fii".ieiitl inn. led sharply her
I r. I... in .1 Is tin.', renf couiiir. at
this I Hue. The oaeen tcis been at
lv:.t!' I'.i..' .i-ii.ng lu r in. tin r. the
Mow, iter uiaml .III' loos of Had' II
Her tcllilii has bee-t 'lelnVe.l b t lie
einuis llln. ol her it uhIsoii. Ttlii'i
!. iiii'irt.
London. June i. "Tne nilie.1 ar
il. If at , today ilepctiu in v; on I r..i n
li, eai.'' . aid the II,,., Th. io. i . Ma -
Kel,ie. InL'il , , . II, 11 . Is- i. , hi 1 , , r New
.aland. ;it the .'tiinual ineeliliir ol
the I'oi. I Stoiare and be a'.. ,e,i, t l.ui
o win h he i- the ra w prc-nlci.t.
"We were '"I I alter Ihe I',, i r War "
h" cm iiiiied, 'tiiai '!r.,en miiit i.iv
l-.l the sil'i .'i.-ll.' All' r the plese lt
Liiropean ,v..r m over we shall flu,)
that ti ',eii meal has .eif.,rme, ;is '
vi , I a f in, to, n on an liiei.n. pa raMv
I nner n ab " I
Lome. June : A , .o tel. e of
the inaM.is .1 M Ian, Tin iii. i;,.'ii,
I'lorenec, I'altlielo and N...!e- iia-'
been siimtiioiied to meet iii I;. one l
ills, us means for pmiiu maximum
I'll, es l-rt foo. 1st. Ills ll.li.iljlli.nl lluiv.
nnd other pr- mil iona i mi anire.-.,
i i' li ns ihe prohibition . I Ihe al.mgli
i, r ot young culvi'H.
! Mi ll f.l.ssKd SMc IMI. H i:
vi i n n n in it vr aii i xi ii.
T IMIIItS IIWhldlT su:,
'Jla-IM.I . felll i.
Save The Baby
Use the reliable
Malted r.11lk
Upbuilds every part of th bod efui lently.
Ktidorssd by thousand ol Thyauiaii,
Mother and Nurses lh world over lor
mot than qusttsr of a ctutur.
Convenient, no cooking nnr addliionsl
milk rmjuiiiHl. Bllnply disa.il v In water.
Agates hen oilier fotals often fall.
5omp frm; HOKUCK'S. Putin,, Wit.
HORLICK'tl(lh Original
. . I
What the Government
At Pearl
More than II. linn. lion ,.f const ru..
(lion work i now under way ill i'enrl
Hurhor naval station and various
.,,.,., .
-""-'.,, mnn ieis iiimi oitrriicss 111
... u ... . . ....
lion to tost I .'no, nun. the h'patilinu.
I'orislriictlou cnmpnii) Is enuaited in
placing Ihe foundations ,,( n.r giunn
He wireless tower which will attain
a cost of l I a. mm.
Mom ili.m t.lniuinii of eoiisl ruction
work :as been aturted nt Kurt Kame-
hllllll.hu. III! III,. ulk..l,.a l.ut.,'1 ll.p.
,Jllr u hi, .. w ill u ..r.i,.
model const defense, millions ot the
1 niied HI. ilea; Hie army Itself is
hiiililitiit structure to cost t mill.
In addition lo this Hp. Lord-Voting
Kiigiiic enn company Is ii.ncil In
Ihe conslrucl Ion of a water pipe line
mid an eleciii,. line both l Tearl
Harbor naval station and I'orl Kmn-
' eliameha. wbi.'h will cost til,"1"! and
, I I, llllll respectively.
i " - ' r-s-M-.,- r rcO-fcr.
in charge of the woman's set Hon ot
Ihe latest reiruillng campaign In
London, rpeaklng dally nt fr fe
! a dosen meetings, nlihoiiKh ie
was Tivahded home from Kr-ince mil
a few weeks tni.i. Hhe Is said In have
several hundred recruits to her
j "I like Ihe work.'" she said, (peak
ing of h r i ampaigii. " have ad
dressed lueci,!. tv I,, pri -ti ally ever.,
se. tlun ,, London during the pa-l
rollnilht. I simply -pe.ia freely
topi, h within ii.) own expi'iifue
W hat iin.i. ".'M me more th;iu any
thing els.- la Hie intelligent inter, -t
tlispl.ev I'd by the i royy.ls of people 1
w ho !!-,.,,, ,, r. roiiinl the ilifii r. n! '
put 'i.l iiis, Teople will eland for l"
li.uirs ;it a t.me to hear thing- i.b..ut
.... .. ...is a. ..us t n in r laiiee.
and the.r iinesllons show kilo v . dge
mnl iiit. llm. n, e. Thev show felmg.
, and the
it r i lass. .
' lesu. s of
M.mctmics weep. The
ate keenly 1 11 1 e I . s I e, III
the war. Where .-.en ot
. rulit ,...tt
I ' I ' Is I'll
. . I..
h . I .. Ill
'lie a n S W . 1
I. 1.1 .lack. I thrill the
tl I he li ar I hat t In ir
lill. .1 b. ..tin r nu n. 'V
n y.. . i rli no nt in .o v '
lo inj .pie-lion, 'Why
tl I v ...i pi
What ro
r i'.f 1 1-
..Men plea
. . ro'.v.ls
it- a p.'Mi
my entire
T li., n
n it 1 1 ii i n
III H.llllle-
k. T.iai
!aseli from the
; 1916 I I
I 1
Ask for
The Most for the Money
of Any Car Built
Butler Auto Co.
rilONE C2.
ff Xr- rrr- "yK- '
w. M. HAHN CO.
Orrllloa Lump, l.nlhip l ump, f.ullup ly- Aiilhrni-lti , All Klw;
Klmlllng nml Mill Wiaul, Uriel,
iirn a. i or ion ims.1 in iiici of all
Is Doing
Harbor Naval Station
'ut at Hchoflelil Hnrraekn, IwentV
miles distant from Honolulu and In
the midst of the famous Hawaiian
pineapple bell, Ihe army Is iloln t
Work which Ihe ultimate cost I plac
ed at liiil.niiu. This I a brigade
post at which are stationed the l-'ourlh
I'nited Htate cavalry, the Klrst t'nll
ed Htate hebl net ill. r . nnd the Klrst
and Twtinty -fifth I'tilted Htate in
fantry regiments.
I'onslileralil,, additional work Is be-"
lag done tit Kurt lie Ibarv and Coil
linger, the former rltnaled al Wal
kikl I:. Ii nnd the latter til luamond
Head, which Is an extinct crriier and
Whl' h has-been tltlllred for ''oltres
purposes. I
Tearl Humor naval i-tiitlon will to
tal a cost ,,f more than 1 1 VaiiH.iinu
v h n completed and will he Hie most
complete naval station uno-r the
Ann il.a i rl.i tr. Th.. . hi.nli. I from
lh oceiin t,, Tearl Harlw,r Is four and
a ihslf m.be lomt. The di dock will
b.' more lhaii l.iiiiu feel tone. The
In hot age III Hie IiiiI.h la ektrennlv
deep in pla.es uti.l ii considerable pint
of Hie hutlloship Heel or the Allien-
an nav j could be easily un' holed
your fence sMUinK.' I tell them.
'and II you come u . t" I'. I, get up
nnd go on again.' Always I letl theni
plenty of stories, from tin personal
repertory. And never without le
(Attsoristrd Peers I'lirfespnroh'hecl
Tokui, June lit. I'liui ukud.i. I"i
nn r minister of oliiuiiinn. has been
elersjed mayor ol T.-.kio to sue, eed
ll'roll Salialiinl. ! smiled. The new
iiuivor, upon hcinir, eiei led hv the llin
iit.le.al asssinih, ltH is nst..ma.,v lit
Tokio. l.tompllv witlolnw hu aftili
l.lloti Willi lle '!'. Ilk.t! or llppol'l-
uj Hon p.irtv. ..r win. I. he was a pi. .ml-
e ' llellt liieli.liel, with I lie p,.'l'"s. tie-
s le to c. .11.1. i. l the in. ill.. Ial ..lilt. Ill
'olration on a i.io.i.I. i...n i.iitr.i.i
'.' s
II. d.. n. ,t thin.. Hi.. i allc
to ii pi. . .1 1. a pal t v W a. I hi be
M r. i
lllat end.
I beian I fe ,.s ii li'-vv
log I
111 in .Hoi cen..ll ll I be 'lli.H
lull lu v iiiia.liu Jail. .1. esc )..lir
of fin .1 1 it tr Iheir wav to p'l'.li.
I life
lie dul Ins f r-t VVl.MUl'. t.'l He
ll lit. He. tile ori'.tll .'i tile Toil-
oil . "in no i u U v ii V . 'U oh:, ma. i.ti.l he
has h.., a iong itiul Ii..iioi.,i.1c .ii".r
111 the .1.1
-.11 1)1 It UIMiim KT-TI Ms
III' THTI Itl s. Till Y I. II T II l.l'
Itlllt.lNM. I'KK I s Vn A
Mlll:M. -1 .1 - ii t . IriHK.
Iat th Iterant want ad d.t you
on Exhibition.
5"sXevtX. X-"-K-'- :-
CO., 423 S. 1st St. P. 402. I
ami I'IiiskiIimj; Mine; Knuta l e
kImlN. riltlM-: tl i

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