Newspaper Page Text
Page two THE EVENING HERALD Saturday. November 9, 1918. 3rjj8 Mission Columbia Varnish Co. LINOLEUM DRESSING Here to Confer on j Cotton Supply! DUCK DAYS ON THE RiO is u pi'i'MTViit i vc mill licmili tier tluit dries IihiiI in mic liotir. It ikI.Im to tli life of lew linoleum ulnl reslnics the lust it. Iirin.'s nut 1 1 1 - piittcni. und driven now I if 4 to old ii iioleum, oil eloth . or wood work, or to whatever it limy he iippliod. I'. ihup th mciMt Important rn t ii i-o In the fui'l Hint ii diiis n uuhkly, in.ikmir It possible to touch tip oi l work fit nny time, without the inconvenience or luklnit tlu! uhc. of the floor or article to which it muy hp up. piled, for nny incut lenxth or llmv. OivIiik It nn extrn hour or two I a (rood plnn whn .mmi. tde. but thm la not ubaolutciv nece.Hsry All It mill thp por.H of hoth linoleum mnt wooil. u nakcii it rimer to keep t tic mil -face clean, HnvlnK inanv nil hour of hard labor. There m no diffloultv In up lilylnic It simply Mir iiimI put on with n brown t ap cohl or hike warm wiib-r for cIcnnliiK. but ilo not uh. Htronir Moiipa or rlictuicaU. iim Ihcv contiiili iicIiIm which even ilfMroy. In Home emus, wood it. mdf. The una of nn oil mop In preferable. LINOLEUM DRESSING W. .-In im:'. .ii -ui ' I Hi . 1 1: Ii hi i h . i i i iuii , Im , ... urn ' 1 1 .l.i.i ,nii I I a 1 ,u: t ic: ,i ' .i i ' 1 of I I.IU I I,.' I ! I a t ihIi hjhi ;i. i BY TAUMER 0 BLYTHS Hpi cial I ' all icm-c i t ,!l dink. II I ..It. .11 .IIM- W hiKlblid pi. ,,i. UK ol . "'" ' HlVl.l.fV ll..ll):,t Hie I. r j faint horn.,' I in! i ; i:i.uka by ( tr,,, ,. fur itwiiv n i ,.,nv ci 1 I IT i a m it , rw- fc vAi j In siuA J r.otn b. I Muki A fM Kit . kl f Jr'- TV -" t Democrats Ask for Recount on Senator c' hi p: Htm mi; on - Held - tin m.. ore Hi duck .In y on 1lie I .luik liunii.r. hip ciii.i or ilnwn. In New HamDBhire "h. ",,,l, ,i'""":. , Hl i 'on Mi.,.; s t . 1 1 I. ..II I. I il I .. . .. .1 1 . Hhullowa to hiH l.l . ."" , , ,1 down to the lulu: , " c-h " C V I'll til id N II i i .ii in nun . j.'c I ill d ii foi lunl i M. b. lit of j thm M Int. .., i "' '""'K 'lv h..s ,. mi ,. i .: . ..Mi ii over ii, f..H, ,,,,,, l.u r tin i, ii ,,,,,. , , , , .- m . . i , nn. I u. K liinm,. ., 1 imi.k i.f Ii iM sl , . ,.i nlfalfn ; Hi a If .n f , , 'ih,'.,; of ll j u lul,. i ,,,, ,; ,. . h ,n. )e. The the I, ,i ;. . ,. udi . ,i de W llll I'icktliK III. Ill up 1'. ,iu: nn . in I oir th..ii- ci, . ,.,,, ", ouch tll- ; then, coiiicm to I, ii' i ".d i nun In h' l".,.d.,u llo.'.r ' And ,. W .III III III lilll IIW.iv. lik llll cold. , Klcck III .te d nut ci the vol. : 111 Hie li.iii I. st Tmail.iv. nil ll.. f.i.i: ..' lb,, iinnffii nil i ft nciia Ii. i.i I ' l . :-.. rcpiildli iiil, ile- i I I; .1:, incHi.n, 1 i.'inoci'.it, I i .'ii .d. inl I il irt(. V .,sl,r . i..n. ,, 'I UK III I .M)S. '.i .The Iiiiic IiiiiiI ii- mi en I l.ili.iti ? ml.. I', per ..lit Imhi.Im ..vp'iin hi nn. liii"i I i....-(;i,i mtd it In held ot J in i iln t'i. re .mi be ii, t . xieniii'in un V der ti . I;.w. I,iit the tr, -nn !- i.nn.iunr- T id . ill. s.u II I.I.II.Ih Mill, I' d t.. S I le.lell.l I'M r . I '.. II kH be 1 .11 e In id me 1,1 X t,,i,,::l,t :l t . i.ccr pl.'d for ii.niil For Prrierviof and Br!ghtrnio( Linoleora and Wood Fkori Mil, I ..I p,.Hl 1:11, r I. DRIES HARD IN ONE KOIX Strong Brothers Pioneer Home KurniMiei' Strong Block Second and Copper Sunday Woik ls Taft Defends a Stopped in All League to Enforce U. S. Navy Yards Peace, as Essential ttUMiiiilimu Mn.bhi.n. Wh, Nov. '.i ..;.,,,,iih WiiMhliiKlmi. Nov. 9 The imy de- ' ,1,1, mm 1,1 Ih, Id, .1 of a I, nun,. 1,1 n... loilny Innuefl un order dm- Iiuiih ii h :i i: i::i i nnt.e for Die lulii.i- m . i l ontliiuliiR until fui iher notice ull .Sun- ( in in m Hie p. ... e or the world s lny work In inivy ynidn and other I the tentiirc of the iid.lrcrw of Willuini Hhor Htullona of the nuvy. Tha 01 . II T.ui. Ii.i inrr prcMident or l . iter lieciinipa elfeciive toiuorrow. j I'liiied Htiit.n lit the iin-.tici; 1,1 tn.. cretary Dauleln Mild the iicCionl" "! I l.e n i- coin , i ence u tin I. unc Vim taken In nave thp men from the to eimnce pence here t.niin. xtraln of i, Keien-diiy week now that. Mr Tuft .1 u . :,;-ii.. ' production In moid eHHentmlti Ik e- 1 llbH.dlllely iiccchhuiv to the di.illiim .ee.linit reiUlrenientH. Me added thai I 01 41 tici ty Hint ill lectin ,n l ,11. . If IticieiiNed production became iicchh- ! 'b nil the cont In I ic. cbnitnl.. nary the order will be coutcriimii.lud. . wl" 1,0 rcprcMcnli I. ,. , - An to Ib-ririinv .h enf, anee ml,, tiie .Vol', i IntlriictlonH from I lean ne. Mr. Tuft slated Hint ir I!, r. I'M., a to Ntnp the work of fitting mmy would ilnuiniiie I ,,h. n. , I. mi iiiii on board Hhlpa nod also to atop I ind wmild tdioiv a ,i-,t ..i repent, the priivldlnK of iiuiirtcru on biend 'Hce for the pn.-u. thht II,. i;,,,,,.,) noun. vcmhcIh for uunner cieWR, navel people iduiiil.l l.e ii linii , t . i, . been received by (he local I cprctomtu - cnbilion tlv.H of the I li 1 1 xi i ii 1 luuiiltloiiH board! ''be lornn r .i.,l,nt .itii, I n,.,t ., tiKiiKed In mipcrvmliiK th fittlnu and 1 fnliiM Hie ie.i.i,t,hibi!iiii k hi the iniiehiiiery iimtu Ih, linn of wooden era it iiuuhi . ii lMn ible t,, l,,,v :, MenmeiH beluvt built here. aviitcin oi .. inusul liaanu i - ' ban. d on the rM .ei .. ,. At . t . M j .tie coniin I. would , ,. , , , j . 1 nree tVUlSQ in ; elni"naie,i. ilH tu- pinpo.., oi a Ugly Wreck of a j " '"' ----- - ... rootball special imv -i i ih.iu . Tolltl Hit. lie. All. S... !. II 4 i rvitngeiititniii ; town won the .oiiniv Mat i.' Aliroru. III. N'ov il. At leuK I o ' ''lit. i-l lv o,oi Hiao liiil, ma ,.i im , u - 1 Mddlcrs were killed and ll dozen In- H'ldlm; In the Int. t uvnu, a..,,lalle Jiired today when a xpeclal train " Mite thr..iii:honi Hie county i jiiiiC I . -'Mil fuot bull rootera from '' Im ' " r Imnn n I nnn-las i.d amp Crunl. ltockfor.l, lo I hi, '''""xlon, nu.l the i I. . tmu w tl.-i collided with u li'ituliir pHHHOHKer train ' cliiuax of a iai.,iaiti. lo I an il . nn the t'hlcnifo. Ilurllnirbin und uuln- ' ' " r. moved p. no ,,,,.n, r lallioail ut Suwar Urovc, aix miles , l(v bah li.ih I n i in proyi. mi lot . ,'h of Aurora. eci il nins , The accident in, uii ed clone lo the An nnotiie. .one hi ,,i.i,c,t i nu.dn tutmn at Hiidur Hrov. The Mpecinl '""'I "c ep cation oi nIv a-.. tain waa lo pa a Hie rvKular Han. at rtiniii'iiieiil i,i, I . in;: mad.- f . r . Kiorar lirnvn ami was runnlmr bIowIv "1m improvciii. i i .t '1 ..mi.sioii, vvnh a l:eporta aald Hint tha r:-aular train n,-'w hold tin. I lanldinas FOOTBALL RESULTS .'..v Son !'i I'd I -.I'll ri; It. I'a He, on I liel i,.,l V. a-hli, ulen and .leffctx.ii, v.-r.siiv of I'litsi.ui nil. 7 lev . ! , ml. ..y. ii ' r'inal ; i hi-- t o, .Nay,, I U,"-crv c., I la ml 'a V I I tier el v es. II. I. In", 'n. . l. , Nov. !i.- S, fust b ill I mv 'l Ml ' el' ehl ;Ua. I :! A I ,11 V Ii., lioo, S' Ilo.'l. ',. tow, i dy. 1 a . .Nov 9 S, Heeolld period. M lllliesota, "; l.iVV.I. a M '...ins. . v. : l'ni period Mildlilii'l. II. a. I'll, l.e, II 1 'level , ii. I, I I . Nov. I". ficore . fll'M ,e, ai l I , ell,, I ,11, ih .i ,re , a ! W I " C K -' 1 1 1 It l K -, , diako. Htlll Imimhi. aiinoiiu. the pi, . on the B ind,). ir ,,,u i nn hunter lihni Wli -t Mb! a pun iiole m Hie nir m , in, le.llblo fpet'd. Ha i s half pl.Ht Hiv I, -i mi i,., it la tmiu to '. illl. Mali ii doKi'n abols a doxfii I,, t ii .in loan on III... hit s I .. e?a I, I inn. If a Hand. CUi they cie .'ilmoel nn r hint, and a hIcvv numb : a, id- i .n ciiuit hi , I mi, la, in c lint. oh, , . man mil, ell. valdv ' i , , , I . mm iiinir, -, and not u feather X nn rul biiii.bii lible nil up and Ih, air Ih lull of tubed Iroiil the I n mini Hie al.m.,;.' , , i t vv here nroiin.l , pan- of wi,!, ,,n bat ' if and climb ; I'.at thiH tunc the ... i incl up our liii' ,d number one ,. i miiI.i r two b la 'li nnp' Into the ni t ! .-ii pure v I, tic bi . I It.- 1. atlcn v eler-H, I Net: Yes- her. Mo. k on a. I wIumh K.ladbar below. lie w 'Hi a k real lieai,. aPrlit all cxi eid ,1 who plainly , oenid, ' better part of VltUc I II 11 1 . 1 fill. I,, I an. II , !v And -ilo'.ii and . ltd . I, all I 'I'liat net- cue in a ,a cieatioii i... In , .biekii 'I., h, I he Wild lit ph.maKC ami I Hat bio lioiu v ii. i , i ea tdiall vva t. l , ' t the bucks of Tip- ..... or Hin h vtuff t,H ii ih (iitle under. la. in Hi. i ocn, rous . dun Imlii. worth picetvine . a b,B I I.i. k ; Wl. (,, ,, Hood. , pi'm-.-ed. that on,' I ' ai a hilic h.VH'1 " ' 1 1 by vv it h i i i. v ,, i 1 "h"" wo 1,'t " H,'!l' III, ill !,;,.,. ""'"' "a'lton PUKt Of UII .' Mil til oil-lei i .1. i,, ' ' "l"" tnicH oil' t,,. in,. ,,' , if.l Honn " In for Hr.H (! liclalloli t . ..,,, I .111.1 uet. .1 , Ale Huy lalVH. Well it. d Ho -II' a v of dm k . .. , for I iie i .1 kiHuiK. . . ! . rea- ll h t, r dd O, I, ,, '1,1 ll .Ha I, I 'I HI I i lull o Italy Replies to Congratulations Sent by Lansing ci a h a 1 1 ' K a. ha I I i I: M i r bi ,ri,i I . bell ,'ltin; ic , a c i it, I vv , i . . W i liliiKt'.n. ..v. Un mi S. Ind ia,, Im-einii miuiMier of Italy, i i,ivim; today In a lll.'S.s lite of ell UK i a i tl i, 1 1, , 1 1 M-iil him iieeidlv b .,..,1 at. it v l.ans lii, . batd. ' I atn In receipt of the;fvimr leh'i:rai,i which your excellency i-cnt la. i-n (lie oc uMnn of the Italian '.i' -lolv Whl'li pills holn d Illluil. the last and unlit v esier-iiy, Htioii...t allv of inn i) I .mi p.tlleulal Iv Kl'ld ll :lt til" Altielieull 1I.IK IV p: hohtv r. p. I.'l-.'llted III III," ICC. lit b.-l'tle Ulld I lllll .-uie that this brotherhood In nrn.i I.,.- , ,,, , . tm, I the battle Held ; that hit in, ate union of coi.litil friend- '.I,; idllp Will ll I tlll-t Will eVI'l- k'loVV the stioitt:ei- and i I'.m i between (lie I'ni- :, n, led Mates Ulld It. ill .'' la y Kodafys, Kodaks There is lots of fun in u kodak. Lots of reasons too why you should own one. Just think how glad that friend or relative of yours in the service would like pictures taken on some1 of your trips to the mountains? WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF KODAKS AND SUPPLIES 0. A. MA TSON & CO. ,11 I t. II. End of Autocracy Finds France Clean Of German Armies ( nullum-, I from paiio one.) A,,I,K Ilie"l.l7e of Ih." M ,.e. t lu ff.. lit Iron; S I to W'lld 'll, .'..lift la-.t uli:lit was i. talked hi altdl'-iv and 1 1 , i , h ; 1 1 , . Kin f.chtinr. '.V 1 1 ! he , co Naval lb a t vc.s, e. I ' 1" i lain! . a v i, Ii, servo. It i 'lev ,1a ml. ii. ,,v. Ih--Sere second period. I 'in, i.e. i v.uitl Itest rye;., il, i 'l v ,, lal Naval 1 leery es. II. I 'hi. ..o,', .,,y. II --Second tier:,.. I I ' a 1 1 1 1 . 'Ia I. .1. " ; I -'i Ii, It I i I a III .1. I'hlliidcltd'i i. ccoiid i .. r l. , 1 I'l'llil-.v Ivan;. I. .Mailihon. VVh .sc ond period : Illinois, . A ll tta poll,. M i. end p, i!o. I Navy I'. V, I ' h !' ;. l: , .Nov. '.' p. nod : Miclnci'i. 7. i'b St. ,.,t Nov. A a h i nl. I . .n. ,, ; .:.uic i.i,. Wit.. II. II. I polled. I Hi, ,,,. !,:, Wis. ,iiV. 1' ;; Nov. "itHlh Nov. 1 l,a, ,ic n n I I I 'I ll.. No. .1 , Mid ml M . ei.d old dial.,. , l ,.n the i i at I and Ha r.,i- Sl . 1 IS Ollt nad l.'al , 'I, .1. ; : ,. t t 1) I, am n, k pt or. 1 i in i, i :, Hi. t mat I I- el.. nit lal.. ' llav ;l,lf I ".Is p , i i nl;, r air: prop.-r i i' ' k o l.l, Kill. Ic. I, hud. h dt ' Names of Indicted Men in Aircraft Scandals Given Out eon. lent-, -latin:: ipia, i i.i i , 1 1 1 n ns nl' hla r a' , ,i Jl st one mnra : oiit oi .. r Hm Im i,, 1..I. K in a wide tin ll'K calitmltislv here taisptcioui air of ne tor mire I'oor oi t sa t ikI icd h: ma. if I bar oi a p, rfectlv - ' place tor a cant tons , ; i he .vyp,'H back l it ' ' ov (. ad a Hlllltlo hti rk i . .at hm H'tue w k oi M.I ' v-t'iate in Ivy,,, mat ; t,.;, h -a with n ' " . it lollM c'pl;:tdt I I ', i i I; I i I Oldish ' vi i i.;. oIl..i Him t. .1 !, t , p. ,.',. the ir. h,H foolish biela. . n ,h i i ( a lei v. ail a warm f; I, VV ,;,!-. . aid t lie h'1,,1, i's ril.H, .low,' lis : Mclit im. and into t,i," i t ...i ':,,! old c.un'" "C.iV e Ii. ' '.ii .1,1 .' era 1 It. l a dead dm k. What ' N , m vv hut ' Tlir, lac mnliai .is. ii nan si t. come Hpe . ,:" a .iva ..lit oi ' a- ,-ky tovvanl Ihc The sun. iml " I p". plliv over tl aetaiilal'l. hijili. 'I'" '-oil lilliv blaa-l lei si. t ll t:to It '' "t the two .1 . s like at, up ra. il. . p tl'i'ht I toivii i I , v triii ,:i ;;, li ... Ic. f.lovi .1. ad , a l ',p;ht Future News From War Fronts Will Be Sent Direct am.. Ilau illvisloiia. ' 'f flcra. 'J 7 per cent otlo r i.inkf l percent Allsli til. in ,1 tv Islolls. I iffleerst, 9 ! pi 1,, tit. other ranks, '.i", percent. s I. els, and field ami II!' tila l' I,, ,e s,ii,e period, the I lilted K M'.iniii provided , si percent of the i i i f It-1 t.,-e,u.:'h III Hlese rtrilis and .11 ., pel i i lit of Hie III Itl. dl total . ll.l ll t. s. In Hie III,,.' leeofded the aVeraK'' of davs out of the lute pel- - - - j i i - t t w a- a ppraMiii atelv as f.dloiiv h S Ml .ll l. M III III. I Vi'W, SHUT i I'micd Kim.-d.mi .IiMhioiis. days X s I IKI . II. MlH ( l'l t 111 ll oiit oi In,,- Australian ,l;v a-loiis. 7'i S 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1, 1 . Nov. 'i Mlletl troopa ' l,i-.. ami 'tinndliiii .IivIhIoiih. 19 i have entered S., ra l.-yo. til liosnla.; coi.iuu; to an olftcial statement Ifniied The f r. rona.' coinputatio-j of can toe. tv l.v the l ictih head. Darters u.iitv . i-eentaiiCH Is batted on the ben li wat at Sara ley,, th.t Ai.ii- i.iiin. t ic, I itn nctb if he unit I" iluk" bun l.'crdiiiand r,f Aitsiiia wa.s wlin h Hirencth it Is kept by repine. -assai-Miial' d J'll pllor ta tb" out nts of niea I Hied, wounded. IIIISK- W'm himxlou. Nov. !. All Allien, -an prcsrt dlhpalehert flolll Ihc western 1 1 nut hercafti-r will coin.i thf,,ui.-h di leet when pushed bi- the field c.-nsor without heini: diverted for further ecu o-diii. lb-reiuforc whenever du.p it, he., referred to troopn other t l-ain-1 than Aiu.rie, in. tl,.-'.' hud to p,i-s "liitiitty break of tl ic i il War. 1 1 ik and otht in in' out of the ranks. I KAISER ABDICATES (Conllii'leO fn.lil I'ase l.l ,1 chiuicellor, IH Vrled- viic pr. nl, lent i.' inn w- I 'h I a .... .1 .- II : 111 I ' Till llll I 1 1 " Ml ! II. p. teit II, I , 'I, I -, I : I '!;', ' ,,i Mill- , l.c V vv . 1 1, t h t p.-et . oi v i da . . The kl, ,., li l Sim l ,t,.. I Morn v. a , l . , ti , . ill in , : ,,l e l ol t If s, , i l.-t no il ol I i.,k I SV ashint loii. ! . ' I . VIM. h a i , -. ! t Itt ' li.tob tail.... I,,. i lid. in' l at , ,:i I iiki b-H. I lal - X. I lid .. wi" ' " ol' Hie 'hi, .Ik o I nol I-.. .1 I 'oner. I I lil . but now in , I .,d A 'i tub 1 1 ' i ml,, h , H, ,. ,,l ,t th llll, , V ' t ! , lit tl - villi I '"out ' ail ana' Id' 1...,...,, V.,.. , ,. .-a,. I. vc, , '- III tin ir adv. nn e north of tile Hall-! , ul.e and tin- Save the S.-ilc.,n ttoophj lenlctt-,1 Mohiav i.i. Ila.'t.n.:. hiddn. I'a-I such 1 U'.sova. rei, llll. IvtemtK anil ..1 1 1 1 ,.v 11 . , i.cceiauim I,, a .serni.iu ..t.ui.ti - lltelll leceiycl laic. tbrouei, the nr.-Hs. bureau at u.u.loii. ""' l'i'" isiom, ! i-oyrriimen. at mi- point mpc . .., , i, , ., i n. ,.r .i.e., lalevo. Host, i,, which ha- Untie. I Hie licit Kbelt, Setnliry U.iiii.N uniiotuu -, .l,,v ' tl,'r ''' l" " "s icwlsl- . .1.1 deonn r ilu -party and picHidcitl of that tlitoiu-b the . Hol ts of Vice A,l- alio, , the m. , ten, cut adds : lo aded I tin- main .ouim.ltce of the icu mil..! miiih anil l.b utenaiit I'omntaml l,v A nta i it? Ii-n, i hola I'll. Hcrbl., na , T, ,,,,,111" luike ..r llriimiwirk. it .i.-ort" llirr linker, tin- London ""' "" "" " "' t" Mirajnu. j w h alidicution m nnm.tiiv ed In n i elisor I. .is oruei cii lhat it,. - t u-- ... . , . . Ttl-s: , , ,vt i.i t -rt ' tckn'ar'i fr..i. HriniHW ick wuy ol without . ye. pta.n '' tr V m. i ,. . u j 1 l-."H I-1 Jl ,rl ,. I te, I n, f. Ciiict A.i,'istu. n lion ol ,',iii,', .ImiM in I 'ram e, beai litu Hie ,,. . " ,u " Mil. ni.l ,,llk ,,, i M.., hind Un Mac l,,-.w,.l of the ficl.l c u-or Hhall be .i'diim.-to'r ...,v .. U i eHtn,K Irooi , ml,l r., In,,,',.,, Victoria ir: to. I vvnh. ml inn he- i-i-ii oniitf, '" ''"'"iv -t his hc.i hold en th" u,1( ,, ,h,..,. ,,( ;,pe.of or dlveivmn. This f wa a modif . o i; ' " d b' ca-t of it... M. .e Is I . ..,i . d .. T,.x ,,,, ,,.,. ,,. the ord.r isu.!,l ii.l.bcr :. un.i.r whi.h';" cmial ,:si,,,,c , p,, I'li.lay ; , M, M .;,,m A,tuMt,iH, wIiohc ruthl Hie eorie iioliibntu have been perm .1 - ! ,A 1 "' " to the ; hi one a itnl been renoulic- ted to write iibotn Ameitcan i , ,. I,, n -c l.nm lai-, It Is. I'i! I le, Willi the lil lll. h and bl ench , l" '' ';' '"' " ",, u, c. , , ,,,,,,,. Nov '.I The rcsmuMllon only di p .t iles icliif.r.i! to ''"" ' i'"i(. ,i ' n an (lf ,;,.,,,, miniuteiH of Hie In set. ..rale A nn man force wcic pei . loiu.v its ouw over i.,iu-.-,i. it,.,).,,, nist ructmn. oilllcd ti . nine Ihroliejl ibrtcl. I, net I'ntil tl General Bundy, Who Didn't Know How to hop, M bad ordera to take the aldiiiM aat ol Hie station hut ran on toward Hie Went Ml, Unit at reduenl appml. Russian Soviets Asked to Get Out In fair weather prepare for slorin. llii cn lll.e. coal now. Halm t .ail ' (ii, I'bonc III. I t crrlllos nml ,e Ih-I. Phoiie 01. Extra! Extra! Charlie Chaplin Is Now Married i, ; All men it re aichilect. of Hi. ; .vvn fr o 1 1 lU'iiies. hut r.'vv ever j;et i.ion, v Ut Switzerland -nomii, t i.,i,i 1MI IHOCIiriD Mill tierne. N'ov. 9 - The Swim, f.d.rul emir-ll him declrled lo break off all: l.'latloilH with the lillssiiin HOVlct ill Im- I Mon I be nienihera of the Kusl,,n dl- i-atlon have been ftMked by the tjov-.-rnnient to leave H Itr. rland bennine d Hu ll- partli iputioli in revolutionary propaganda. If a man f atl'ald lo 1 1 1 1 t K f" dl l,. hhoiiht matr. ban THI,"OI.MO Los Ao"a do: , Nov. II. I "dalles I 'hap lit). Illotloll pletUI. collie. Ilall. Wat leal l ied here oil llotohcl J t, I,, Mm. Mildrcl I. II arm of I Anmdes Th. :i; t l -',:'" lunl ,b, n l.. .t -, , f . t at th. Ill,"ellt rc'IHest of III" Klo illi. Exploding Gas Tank Kills Eleven Men In Pittsburg Today DAVIDSON URGES RED CROSS WORKERS TO ASSIST IN THE UNITED WAR WORK FUND DRIVE 1. 1 l, ,11 a I ' . .nil I. vv h. n to kllil' I, si I. Ii an on tol c on : ! i : ., . and Hl.. ; , , bum I, ..I , . I Hon... at r; t, . hi ut h"d c ' l IV ci ., . "ii , - Mill ll.iv I i ,, I,,, iik ic. c , , . lor a v.i' , a r i t , , 1 1 . ; Hie v , K., Tl With a ta.b Miss, .a,,- hum cool - u , t m I , n;M- t I, -ay. s ,. il.s a Hue in, nun !-'r, ,nl, Nov. Th llac: toilnv Is liyinir over I mil-ftn i,.,t.,,, nist i uctmn. tuirii ulliirc and .Me, ise Hun i- a picture. mm low ti ; f ,,.,. i,p.,,',d in u televrnni '.n Hie imM b.nd: of Hie AleiiHc anil ut,, v., I ft II ilm The 1 ruHUno sitiiatetl on bu-li bill" ulii'n. I' I f,, ,. lonti-olhi anain Iiiih r. cateil ; lopea ll. .' uhrupt!-, Horn the main ,,, i M,,v,, ,.,, ,,iii, and Hi" "'""I rcsii.'ia, . ,.,n d tl,- I'liisHian minister When the Ao.ei-lciii.s cut. .fed the Omt lit Promoted '"'" "'" non,..ii t.aitie iia w.u .-,,i' a ft w- hours the A mcl'lca let Wire too l.usv to bother Willi ,t hut I o oil. I I.f Ihc A ii. an f.i.c- loot: ItH 1, . ' -wlHK I" Hie Ii. ivy ...til I.IU lhe (let l ,.,tl,li:t till, ll-o- I li' KC H"d mal lillte 'ilin fill Oil llll lihv t.r the. eiminccr ruri.a. baHIc fioitl the .iHsau-e ol ll The n,-,.,u.,l despoil', tioii tiiarked mm.llal lit im lioai, .v 1 1 mi i a veil I until I'uu 'l.'llt put of Die little eitv IN vet ll-io- Ihthic. illlt tlteie tire few lious. a Ihut do l.ol I" jl scars l.lfli, us nolo to tin Ireiicli aiitiv ...m- in me nouses in,, neriioins caiteti With the I r.-m It Armies in Ituncc. I, i. .lal er say I III! ll" ( oil 1. 1 not ,'lil.,.n ,t ' i.W.n "V ery t limit of Value they could t s.,,i ,, (.-,, . . hurtlllllf III Hie leal to li.,; iti-ops if he fall.'1 II cinder ' Wb.n Im could md mule I hey nf ihc lie, man Imea all ab.iiK Un1 alt li Iiiii Iiatel.v and iei.ioi.-a I...-.1 , o.sti .,i .-,1. I limit 'I'h.s in-li. .ilea that whutcvei tl..;,. , ' he the out' ome ol the ,'ll'IIIIHtlCC London il'iiit.ivi Nov. - i Hriliali ,.,.,,,,.... ., . ,,, n..., to.,,..i 1..01 .... wit, -tost, si-lllti I. II, III, ,e, ot , in ecu Mar, I, I IDs. ami . tclol.c .'I I. n I i mo - OipH I. "l,le stn . ) i I sue. i v. I. ii, in, . ... I.' a von I. l : , ' I i . ,1 n .s !le II. o I ,l, ., H. '. T'i.-. i ill. is il,. f ,.-. v , h v oil i- mot. I a . , I nt Hltll a h,., ill. .r b. Iter no t tint. ' lei II I it' . I'.lfV "I to I"' - urn r-1 lew -i. ,v ii -1 lin--,.i nltu: Misa. t.p. ;i. d .ml on I ,lr,a til) lor It KcUelaM e. as - l end, III il -i ' oHc I , , , s ' w n. Alas, I h ci v ,h ' a i V, nl tiMliiit. .- . da las Ic-tl, loud,;, i !,:u, im hia shells. A tent, iki:;ln.r with t.'i.sciucnt. pa.'ts l.v lin I, lo, I II, t 1,1 el the .. ilocka pi'.Mi hv. Tli c -v, i. ml wa nn v a i.,t s i at brown H.tndi.ais te f il t ;ti tin- to,,.-, i, ih wfiil licalli llulc III M. ioii. .!, ,-,, I,. I n Km .so." oi, .1, ., f, I M . Nov '. Iilll pel i. li!l Hlf.lit ih ovii nn la n'. nil. el ll, l: :'.4':a vv.-l" isi-lied in IV Wlllllll lit over that the till .,! Salt 1','ilU, I'-'' I ', ,h .11 l.l N. t hii.'.lci III Ihc s'ln A I 'cli lin .l. lllll III" tile last I' ll UilVH Ol ., r;i"l. H... t,nn,,,i,c i icioh. , as a r, Hiilt of tli nt T..B ASSOC. I.D .III. Wa -I n, i-ton Nov a M- jot et.,1 . i mi 1 : 1 1 1 . I - . until ree.-nilv loader of lhe lillh American ll. ) i a nee. lepoflcd lo Sei tet.l-y link , r ii,.i lien, lal Mai. ut l.etiiv, unit r , civ ." Ills III sic III. , III I i 'a o.p IMke. At Kan-., s. Willie It IlilH llever been stated :,'! Ila I llallyelv . he 1- lielleved to be III. American tfficer who wrote Ho- f.t,,- of pel. h. n,,,h-i has I,, ell ill the liululs ,1" ila i a I, i ii, i lor Home time I.. ai Ion. Nov !' The Urdish pi. ss lain ,M Issued lhe tollovMllli a lillull net - colli' I.i I I'tint viif-lcil I och h l.eadituir tons at Spa was so delayed that lip 1-. in ii,,t - pci I d lo , com tit i man he. id. ii 1 1 1 i s until tins aiieinoon I l,ll He : i c I, t ! V it Itl I'llliktlV thill HtlV lie, ..slot! tli l.-cill'd ta the lirilllHtlt'C 1 value was left behind Willi-, will he u,i, ,,. ,1 today. tnt lneitt nf th, lieiiitall lilteiH limy I," , il, eel, I 1'Hv, III" peie. nl. iiteH Id caHiial'l"S In, .,sh:m:t,,ti. ,,i !i The Htate tit- Htrcnalh ami, up inf, v for I 'nited lm, ,,!, autlmiKcl the Ktniidem i'.in.ii ami Au--lr.ili.iti I K, .., .,.,,, , ,,,,, riniiet- Htarted it, Ilu. til , I Hoops Were ns lively. , ahli 1 1 , ii I on lhat (iellnallV had I col tonvvoo.lH. N , .en. And nil, i i: -pel e tit i cited hole , c. Toilet m papers 11 a i, mm a. cd 1 lined Kiniidom divisions. iilf,t-ei" IIS percelil. nth. i latiks I .' percent. Htsniol fall., ." II. Ilinstlce vtlia 'clllirelv as Tal MCIT.5 I ill-liuinh, l a . Nov '.. I.iev.'i. wei'knii ii weld klltod und fiftv i,i,'i -. ome by film. when a r ,.s t ink 1 loded Huh iifleriioon In Hi" l,,:ies -L.ilichlin Steel coiupan's plant here A number of luluretl wei,. t aken to thi-e hospitals The en use of the pi', Ioji js undetei mine. I .1 pletc, I tic He -' llali. '-, ,lt lilt- New York ',,y v id sou. i ha i It, ,, it li. d I t os,s, who has un I t'i, lt.,11,,' inspe, t: ",i 'i , III Llil: lend I 'l l, I , , aia. d th- lo,lo.v a, .11 l h. ' s ,,' tl,, a I ait. I Mat-H It, ,,. ..p. nl 1 ll lie Mi , i,)i , alt,,.!,:: on tit. ii . ' , . i . Li I, a, K i I Un. llll, s i.i I . hi i . I , I .- , ;. it, :.. I . I I hl.v , I,;., I t r, op,.,,, I . ! 1 : 1 1 v it. !,-,. l c Wot I. I ll. vt ." : I. i oi l I , y. , I t ! I H H'a I, ,r - th, N M I ' t ., -X..-.X-0-M.sM.V Hon Armv . ,, I Kit, .-his ,, IIi-iii I' I i,i In in bus '. i I .. i , 1 1 1 cvelv un ml,, i ,.l lhe Allien, llll the Led I'loss ulld Indeed ei , , i.l; a tl I, I Ho I llll, ,1 Mali K vvoultl CM, liel tllhlll" to ll , Wi'lk ol these lll'liil I, I ..I lions i i t ' , i , ou Id a ppn , ,., t , its an :,i I a li, . ' . lilt ill t ll o 11,1 I! i, .11 met, it, hi: ll.llll holn. Ill Sltilliac lands aiol I" , -l li.s n, ' ei nicit , , ,! ,1 I,,- ol .- u t tile thlllL.S lllcS, Ol C ., Ill . 1 1 tOI.S H 1 1 1 1 I . .,m . ..nn. lent the , i, i ; i , i ; .-. I ,,., . Oil ,, lom. ol l!. old ,,; , 1 1 on. . v.llt ,o ,, vvdh el, , , lisia -lit .Kid H, c all III tl e appiiiaohlllli I llll, .1 W , in l ell III p., :,lt . ' 1 SEND BEFORE November 20th tef Suggssfions Far Enclosures For Soldiers Packages W illi I lllllll I' ltlllltaili I'i lis. I'nccs fn.iii $2.50 to (3 00 Vest I'm lv-et Kodak's, I'li.cs $7 60 and $1350 Hasliiiulit I'.Httcrii's. Kv.t :i,'i,,l , ju ices t l ntil $1.50 to $0 H"!, His, ,n It, niiinlt i s, I . wi 1 1 1 1-r I'l'H'c $1.00 Li'iiiln-r I'I, ,,ii, II, ,1,1. is, I'nccs $1.50 to $500 Leather Ti siiiiiieiiis u i , 1 1'hii Iiiih, ii u-cs I'rom 75c to 'i 1919 !miics. Icilicr. I'l iii s 1 1 em 75c to $3 00 ClilistniHs 1,11,11110 CiinU. New Yar tnei in,o ,,t,. WAR'S END MAKES NEED OF WAR WORK FUND FOR WELFARE WORK GREATER THAN EVER BY JOHN D ROCKEFELLER, Jr -tam WJ '-.Vf 1' i---t,J ' at!. f. i'jfvnwi s. . 7fl). 7'' a ' :1 t-T3 ''" r.i " v. ' r .t-' . . v.i y ..visr ,- .-r r,.- ii,o i V i l nl n i i rtjt t i. i I .it ii 1 1 ' i ' I iH).1 It - I ,illhV I.f llll I Hi' UK 11 ' 1 I I l N li t lit HO ila-.H ;iui wr kr iiumiII.a i, ihih-i i lillciHf", i-t'ln tl i,n i nn it i 1 1 iinl w.tilltii;. f,i v ill tu i .1 ,ui lien i In Im v mm f lit .I., v I In v i nl .t . . (in.1 iHiif, tUf I t n n tniti (t. tt'i in.) -t i ai iitti Ithr ni'. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Un .. HM. s. un ut Hf.f H t i tl.; t 1 1 Im h Mil hi v t it I hi iitliUii t 1 1 1 1 I N il 1 1 1 1 ) I ' I il 1 1 (M ''ll I'M I ' 111 fill Villi W.I Ut tO Ml Ol. ll'.VWt I I t-H' iim ii liini'l ill Ih ih i iii i m i ' . wliii I. Ibih liiiiia;iil i ' i ' I 1 i ! 1 1 1 1 ; Im . tu i.di I iintiiiM. in Ii ft1 J In' '( . i nu.i - i tiuiiH in II. l.i tir of ila m . 1. ni m im, ' JIm a fill V 111 III Ml' ll'i'.pl .ti..i ' '' 1 1 ni W tl h lllrl I !!! ri'l r it.Hlti - )., l,t;) fill.' I ( l fin i. If W .1 It I t'i I . i ' 1 1 . ( .! ' l llti-iiil V I' t ii .tllil (i. : A ... -s i it i I .lul .i.. dr., nun a. 1 1 .1 t.i . a I," . ; t III W 1 1 1 1 1 1 In'' . ' . l i . ' i I lull , ... - .. -I t" 1 1 1 ' .'t'.,.. .a i . I I..' of till i i M 1 1 1 1 i i .hi I ' i ; 1 a ,. a ! , , I . ot 1 1 1 i a 1 1 1 . iiiii ill. iiii' I ,i .i In t ,. I ; ., ll . 1 oil I H -IlH illlH ldnt.ii i. i,i,.' Ai ,t,r In .-ti i vi t.-l,. in it.v t im Un' .laH lo i ona ' Tluit l. i luoutliM to I im; liiiuii tl. i'ii a in uti ' .nun , il.i in tin mi-, n i nl mi i t' - ' ! I oi in 'luW ii v j .ifx ii Mil a M.ll lutii't'i I 'itl k i 1 1 1 1 u t I 1 1 1 I I It'- ' . ii 444Hf 'MV tU V U ilMl.. JU i, Mi H. K.fcUl f'llKl, i ft ': '!.ls l ! Strong' Book Store m ttl .1 . ii v t iat ! v m I,.-, 1 In ll" Iddi I,. a MM II in t ( . IIM .. I ol H M. .M Ti, A Ill-MoT 1 III Kl' ll I Mini o I U iin Ii tl i -".;.. I W 1 ; I I III .,t ' ' ll ;, Ml I (till ' ' I i ... I Ol I I ).- .' nlii.ll of III- u.ul, Im M,. In t ..Ii.l (villi... i 1 I i m ,i ' t n,. ta it in u! oi c.i n id 1 1 ii, i I'i . i ' I'ii , .itl MOO I'I l' Mo- .-t -li p. II itii. I I . Io. Villi,. h i M! 11.1 ( 1 1 t a all I I ' I II I III Ml- t a of tn v.n Tl i ,'hsko t ih M .il t1.' Ma i i t 1 , i Will I In: 1 i". hin; i t I v , ,i Im It. lift lot luiol i . i .!.'.. a i ;Mo1 UN lull' 'i lll'ill' tl fi M. 'n:.v ol Mo- Aim iHKIi a-o. Vs'H ,'ii ... tl. r lui-ll ii. l.l. I,. a til ' ' . 1. 1 I . i ..! I. i . Inoli ail .J... a, . a I .' oi iii;) I. .t. i in ,.. a lil. i,. Mo ' 1 1 ,' ' i a;, 1 1 ll It '. bi I I t I li I. , I I ' 1 ' . v I, v I l ' 1 1 , 1.1.1 . l.l tl I ' - ... . I'. . I . ' V. 1-1 , ll.l ' I I'M t M 1 ' ' I I ' ' - l- I i I' I . I , ' I !l a n-i in., li 1. 1 lm i i im I ; 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 ' .viol , i i I i , t i , , i i . i R EMLMBEU the Iioys at the F ront or ia Training Camps hv Sending Practical and Useful Christ mas Pribi.nta the Kind That Will Be Most Appreciated. We List Below a Few Gifts That Will Keep Your Soldier ar Sailor I lappy and Make I Iim Feel That You Haven't Forgotten What He Is Doing. Military Toilet Sets; Khaki Handkerchiefs; Regulation Woolen Puttees; Soldiers Sweaters; Soldiers Sox; Soldiers Belts 51 Mn. . A. B-pT jo ngr. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO.