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DAILY STATE CHRONICLE, JULY 23, UN TO SPELL THE NAME 'H I) Is it New Berne, New Bern, Newberne New burn or Newberh? citizens left and the town for three years was in the hands of the U . S. troops; a large number of persons came to Newberne du:ing the war and went into business. The post office, and every office both town and county, the banks, the news- AN ADVERTISEMENT HUSBAND. GOT A FOR EDUCATORS. An Offer to Sell the Famous and Beautilni Mingnam scnoui Property. The famous Bingham School has been moved to Asheville, N. C.,for private reasons that can be stated 11 .1 i .1 m 1 iKWHHL 111 a ri)iii;i 1 1 1 m: iiiMri"incrp 1 - 1. 1 ;ii 1 ... paper, were an in tne nanus 01 - on application, x win maciuic those who had recently settled here. celebrated m Winston last disp0Se of all this desirable school The stamps at the postoffice were J6"- tt"v property, famed for its beauty, the News Items From Progressive Wins ton. Special to State Chrostccle. Winston, N. C, July -22. : the hands of Somewhat of a romantic marriage Jackson SDrinos W A NFJYBERNIS THE PROPER WA r. Interesting Correspondence in Ral eigh to the Spelling of the Name. How do you spell the name of the Eastern metropolis on the 2s e use? This question has been often nsked, and variously answered. The following correspondencs will prove of interest: AN INOUIRY FKOM DEPAKTMENT OF INTERIOR. Department of Interior, U. S. Geological Survey, Geographic Branch, Washington, D. C., June C, '91. To the City Clerk: Dear Sir : I find great un certainty in spelling the name of your city. It is spelled Newbern, iNewberne, New Bern, New Berne, Newburn. I take the liberty of appealing to you to inform us as fully as possible what the usage is in the official documents of the city. In case you have information at hand I should be glad to know under what name the city was chartered. Very respectfully, Henry Gannett, Chm'n Ex. Com. on Geographical Names. to New-Berne, the newspaper was headed New-Berne, the city and county officers all spelled it New- Berne. This change was made by enmrmrative stransrers without a x - G .. scintilla of law or authority. I enclose you a hand-bill just issued by our city authorities in re- card to some ordinances in which adaptability to military or other . .. . a i il school pnrposes. onuaiea on me Richmond & Danville system, htty miles from the State Capital, in the centre of the State. Nearly every one who passed the location rem em AND- at this time changed from Newbern fr a position in a family as govern- eaithfuiness of its location and its ess several monms ago. j. gentle man in Texas saw the announce ment and answered it. In his first letter he stated that he did not want a governess, but a wife was what he was looking f3r. Correspondence was kept up which resulted in a union. The contracting parties are Robert X. Cannon, of Texas, and you will see that in a few lines the Mrs- Mary P. Guthrie, of Wins- chards? beautiful lawn, 380 acres of name of the city is spelled JNew- rull . . . productive land. I have spent over xiie nauwav vumuiissiun assess a . a. i -nrm the railroads in this county for tax es $322,941. An effort is being made here for the establishment of a chewing gum factory, and the men behind the en terprise consider it almost a cer tainty. New Hotel. An All-the-year-round Health Resort. WATER bers it. Barracks, recitation rooms, For Dispepsia, Chronic Diarrhoea, bern, New Bern, New-Berne. To the eye of a stranger this must ap pear not only inconsistent but lu dicrous. - Very respectfully, William H. Oliver. mess hall, furniture, professors' rpsidences. bath houses, &c, or $30,000 improving the placer Will sell at greatly reduced price. Ad dress, Mrs. Wm. Bingham, Bingham School, N. C. LEMON ELIXIR. neavbern is adopted. Department of Interior, U. S. Gelogical Survey, Geographic Branch, Washington, D. C, June 30, '9l. Wm. . Oliver j Esq., Newbern, N. C, Dear Sir : I have to acknowl edge your great courtesy in furn ishing me information regarding the proper spelling of the name cf your city, and particularly in en trusting to me a volume of the laws of North Carolina 1793. I examined the latter with interest and return it to you, and trust it will reach you safely. The fact which you have given me will doubtless lead the board to the adoption of the spelling f the name Newbern. Sincerely yours, Henry Gannett, Chm'n Ex. Com. on Geographical Names. He Must Have "Got Left" on Fu tures. Its Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, Bowels. Kidneys and Blood. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elexir is a pleasant lemon drink that positively By The United Press. cures all biliousness, constipation, Chicago, July 22 A man sup- indigestion, all sick and nervous nosed to be insane Dushed his wav headaches, kidney diseases. Dizzi- into the Board of Trade a little be- ness, loss ot appetite, levers, chills, fore noon to-day and fired three palpitation of heart, and all other shots into the crowd. He evidently diseases caused by disordered liver, had no intention of killing any one in particular as he fired recklessly. The shooting caused intense excite ment for a time until it was discov ered that no one was hurt. The man was arrested and taken to the central station. Our Navy. MR. OLIVER S HISTORICAL ANSWER. Newbern, N. C, June 10, '91. Henry Gannett, Esq., Chairman Ex. Committee, etc: Dear Sir: Yours to our City Clerk has been handed to me with request that I would reply to it. From the earliest information that I can obtain up to the year 1862 the name of the town was jpelled Newbern. The name under which it was chartered was New bern. I send you a bound copy of the Acts of the General Assembly published in'1793. By reference to it you will see the laws passed by the General Assembly which was then held at Newbern, N. C, while under King George the II and King George III. In numerous places, in fact all over the book, reference is made to the town of Newbern, N. C. One among the very first acts is in regard to Newbern, N. C, dating back to 1715. I send you a copy of the charter of the town of Newbern, chartered by act of General Assembly in 1723. A number of amendment shave been made but no change has legally been made in spelling Newbern. New bern was settledjand named in 1710. Incorporated 1723. I send you a copy of the Acts of the GenerallAssembly held at Eden ton, N. C, George I, the 23d day of November, 1723: Whereas, A certain plot of ground was formerly laid out into a township by the name of Newbern, same is declared, con firmed, and incorporated into a township by the name of Newbern.' In 1866, General Assembly "North Carolina: "That the corpor ation heretofore existing as the Town of Newbern, shall hereafter be established and known as the City of Newbern." Refer to Hawks report, Supreme Court of N. C, case, Vestry of the Protestant Episcopal church o Newbern vs. Trustees Newbern Academy, argued by William Gas ton and John Stanly, all through the case it is Newbern. Judge Gaston and Mr. Stanly doubtless knew the legal name of it. A large number of the old citizens have always continued to spell it New bern. In 1862 Newbern was captured by the forces under General Burn side. At the capture nearly all the being t-1 The Electric Railway. Vigorous work is now pushed in regard to our street cars. Mr. J. C. George, of the Raleigh Street Railway Company, Mayor Badger and Alderman Stronach, chairman of Street Committee,made an inspection of several streets upon which Mr. George desires to extend he line of the electric road yester day, and no doubt this extension will be made. This was one great defect about the horse car line, it did not go far enough. A reporter made a tour yesterday and inspected the work. At the corner of West and Jonesmasons are busy on the foundation to the car sheds and motor house, and fBv the Dinted Press. ; Washington, D. C, July 22 The navy department has received a despatch announcing the depart ure of the Iroquois from Honolulu for Apia Samoa, at which place 6he is expected by August 4th. stomach and kidneys, the first great ennsp. of nil fatal tlispases. Fiftv cents and $1 per bottle. Sold by 4""- all druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. This new health rpsnilTT four miles from West End, on y Aberdeen and West End iNiirr , about fifteen miles somLw ; Southern Pines. The Abc-r.1 and West End Railroad is a W? from the Raleigh and Auguta j l Line Road, and is the Individ enterprise of Mr. A. F. pare ul 7 rcw oi its caure construc tion and equipment. Jackson Springs Hotel is situate in the very heart of what is kno as the Long-Lea! Pine and DeeD Sand Section of North. Carolina, and which ha been so well termed the great San. tarium for those suffering from atL. matic and pulmonary diseases. Tie climate being one of the mot tl. Balmy Breezes of the Long-leaf i lightful in the South, having nitn Pine and Deep-sand Section tor j ral deep sand and drainage, anl Pulmonary and Asthmatic balmy healing odors of the lon"i,.af Troubles. pine, the invalid cannot Ik In l,m improve irom the day ot his or W Mcpherson & Thompson, arrival. The neighborhood is settled lv the descendants of that hardv brawny and hospitable raiv, Runninz far' back beyond the the Scotch, whose hearts are evw , i i , ..-l 1 vuvii iiv.iv.uuib an lj rui:it- Wo noo wkLi v, a, o ci;ri The.value of the Jackson Spring rock-bed some sparkling springs, the a rm21r aa em ! flow of which forms a little rivulet of clear, cold, effervescing water, carrying in its liquid depths many of Nature's remedial and curative Cystitis, Kidney Troubles,g J Cholera Infantum and Debility. proprietors . West End, Moore County, N, C. :-o- These have lonsr been known to the neighborhood as LEMON HOT DROPS. . For coughs and colds, Lemon Hot Drops. take luuieMioii in an oi us iorms, rar. ticularly dyspepsia and diarrhaitl diseases, kidney and bladder trou bles, dropsy, cystitis and all debili tating causes is well known. The healing influences of inhal ing the odors of the long-leaf pine and living in and breathing tl pure atmosphere of this deep sand drainage is not to be disputed. "We desire to extend to all vLc Killed on the Rail. Lockhaven Pa., 22 The en gine offast pasenger train on the Bald Easle Valley railroad ran Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozlev. over a cow, lb miles West ot this Atlanta. city this was thrown morning. The from the track and "A word to the wise is sufii- engineer Frank Wood was killed, cient" Bradycrotine relives peri- and fireman Wm. Spiker injured, odic headaches and leaves no bad C. E. Wait of this city, who was after effect. riding on the engine was seriously injured. engine Jackson Springs. For many years, that the waters of .Tnelcsnn SJnrinnrs nosspsspd min. L. , :i i.. .1: jtor sore throat and bronchitis, rni hTi wPrP wpr.L. n .r. t.c., ..t- .v n1m T ti T r-i " r cases an iuc uenen i s which aiure T7 i i i o uas cu uviiuicuusiy . ucsiuniu upun x'ui pueuuiuuiH aim luij.igeu, fop indi;iestioni dyspepsia, CVStitis, Tn rtn'a .ml T,o dropsy, diarrhceal, and, in fact, all the Jackson Springs Hotel, and in- aeonitating anections, was Known vite the public to its hospitality at oniy to tne lew wno naci locatea ana reasonable rates. made their homes in the immediate For further particulars addres neighborhood. But so remarkable had been the effects uDon those who. McPHERSON & THOMPSON. after finding their medicinal quali- West EndMoore Co., X. C. lwentv-five cents at dru"fnsts. Li . . n , . , , TT .fco, tneir mnuences, mat tneir reputa- tion could not be confined to so small a limit, and rapidly through take Lemon Hot Drops. tor consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For hemmorrhage and all throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. Appointment by the President. Roanoke Female College, Danville, Va. Has no suDerior in the South. Rich est Scholarship in Ancient and Modern Languages, Sciences, Music, and Art. nana Drawing, UalUthenlcs and Elo- ByThe United Press. Cape May, N. J.. July 22. have nearly finished. When this is The President nominated Henry E. cution free. Terms very moderate. aone tne irame worK wm pe quicKiy Nichols to be a commander in the completed. The car shed is to be m. S. Navy to-day. r. n r j a t i .. uvxju ieei, ana me engine room in Thirty-third Annual Session Onens September 2nd. Send for catalogue. ... . J. T. AVERETT.President. J. C. C. DUNFORD, Ass't Pres. the rear where the dynamos will be Exodus ot Jews. run is 35x50. There is a switch at the corner of Hillsboro street, and By Cable.l they are now busy laying the track Berlin, July 22. There are ar- trom there to the car sheds, and riving at Hamburg daily about six have it nearly conipleted. New hundred destitute Jews. A notice rails have been placed on Hargett has been published by the British and Morgan streets to replace the Consul there warning the Jews of old ones. The company propose to the futility of their going to Great use the present track as far as pos- Britain in expectation of securing sioie, out whenever any new track employment. !?!! ! "Ill . I is iaiu neavier rails will oe put in and this will be done when repair ing the track. Mr. G. T. Flan ders, of the paint ing and ornamental department of A Woman at the Bottom of It. By the United Press. Alexandria, Va., July 22. the J. G. Brill Car Company, of Geo S Smith was shot and killed Philadelphia, Pa., is in the city for the purpose of repainting and orna A- A 1 t t meuung me nanasome new cars which were sent here last spring to-night by Jefferson Phillips. Yesterday they had seme words over a woman. Smith was one of Alexandria's most enterprising but afterwards sent to4 Charlotte to cozens and was for a long time be used in the opening of that line. lieutenant of the capitol police force Already tour cars loaded with " au&vih - Tails have arrived. The engine and machinery is ready to be put in as soon as the house is finished and al 4 Al a! .1 1 togemer me ouiiook is very encour aging. The Collee Crop. By the United Pre Washington, D. C, July 22 The Bureau of American Renuhlirs TT St -n 1 . A orman, isq., a native has received word from Guatpmnln of this city, arrived here last night, that the coffee harvest for 1890 to the satisfaction of his friends, will reach 7,000,000 quintals rep- xi. uuimau utis m iuudo ior ine resenting $lb,UUU,UUU. In ten 1 i. C 1 i I . iubt lew years,anu is attorney lor the years production has more than Union Pacific Rpilroad in that doubled, and the price realized has section, incidentally, ne remarked more than Quadrupled. Tho " I - . Af a t ' i jl i s:i ip a cn rrnrr nnrtrt-n mn imu unless a vouiiEf man was nt a h nrnnpan Tnoi-i-Dta r,nnr0 m:n i, pronounced ability in some narticu. lnro-pW ,nl? J T5:i ance power cotton press. i i J W V f M. A. XJ LAJ. nir. iiiax. Ill lar lino he t Duld not hope to sue- harvest, which is nine millions ba-s L . R W Y A ceea. competition mere is great. I this year. jiw oi iqqi 7 Seeds,Seeds,Seeds. All! kinds of Grass and Clover Seeds, now ar ' riving in store. Fresh Crimson or Annual Clover Seeds. Also Southern Prize Turnip beeds at 25c. per pound, ' ' j or by the bushel whole 1 gale. This is a valua ble variety, producing large white turnips, T good quality, very har dy and best turnip for salad. Will stand cold est weather without protection. These seeds -"j are all fresh, carefully grown, and best selected , .seeds "on the market. My special Grass and Clover Seed mixtures give spendid results . wherever used. Prices are given for quantity sufficient to seed an acre or more. If de sired I shall also take pleasure in quoting the price per bushel of any of.- the above named Seeds. Latest improved farm implements, engines, boilers, saw mills, etc., for and Head carefully the following tes timonials from those who have been benefitted and cured lv the use of . nr j a j : I uuli,luulc auu xmu aujommg coun- the Jackg0n Springs Water: A. ' A A 1 . 1 I 1 ties, went ine giaa names to tne afflicted ones. Visitors from the surrounding Iter. W. S. Lacy, D. D., Thinks iu country became frequent and nu- Effects llarvelous. merous, and their tay of longer Messrs. McPherson & TnoMrsox. v. I West End. N. UU1" WU 1110 fccb mat many Dear Sirs-I am verr hanov to be able small cabins were erected, and often to grte vou my testimony to the excel whole families would drop in and lenceof the Jackron Springs Water as remain for a week or more; cooking cific, in all forms of dyspepsia, and as in the open air, sleeping in tents or tonic when the diarestive powers haye wagons, and caring for themselves case, or have been oVer-taxed and dis- in the old-fashioned camD-meetinpr ordered. More recently the reputation nd March. 1884. after recovering from Jackson Springs Water became s peeks' confinement and much long- a C3 I .r 1 1 ftnrlv A 1 with oi-knarita much talked of, that very shortly a very poor and hard to please, and being snner- yte-six days. I drank the water freely and its enectswere marvelous. Mystrengtn rapidly returned, my appetite was re stored, and my improvement was, even ior so snort a time, very marted, ana the effect continued long after my re turn 1 iine. - Mrs. Lacy was a sufferer from dys pepsia In agravated form for two year, so that she was much enfeebled and confined for five months to her bed. She first used the water bottled, and the result was so satisfactory that as soon as she could bear the journey she was taken to the Springs, remaining three weeks. The water has proven so ben eficial in her case that it is a matter cf wonder and thankfulness to all her friends. She visited tne Springs a second summer with like marked un- .577 srrs. and some 700 acres of long-leaf pine and deep sandy land surrounding it. samples ot the water were taken to our State Agricultural Experiment Station for analysis, the result of which is as follows: Ajtabtlis Ho. 6,147. No. Ca. Agricultural Dipt, Experiment Statioh. Ralmgh, N. C, Jan. 3, 1890. Sir: The sample of mineral water sent to the Station for analy sis, in a demijohn, marked P. M. Wilson, contains an evaporation, per U. S. gallon solids. Sulphate of Potash. ftuipnate oi teoda i . ; 263 Chloride of Soda.!.. 825 (jarDonate oi Soda... .578 Carbonate of Lime 1.721 " Carbonate of Magnesia. 833 " Oxide of Iron and Aluminum .181 " Sodium Phosphate Trace Silica. 2.567 grs. Total ....7.546 " Your obedient servant, H. B. Battle, Sbal. Director. To P. If. Wilson, Raleigh, N. C Upon receipt of this analysis the vhwji una uiuscu, ana tne pur- cnasers have erected near the Springs a new and comfortable hotel, fitted it out anew, and it is now open to the public as Jackson Springs Hotel. provenent, and it is to b era ventaoie Bethesda, a pool of healing, a Mecca of health. Whenever jaded or inn down, or whenever feeling depression or suffering occasioned by indigestion, a week or a month at Jackson Springs is the potent remedy that answers all demands. . Very truly yours, Wm. S. LACY. The Manse, 68 BoushSt , Norfolk, Va,, May 1. 1891. ftflllllS The Fall Term opens September 1st, 1891. New building with modern im provements. Electric lights, hot and cold water baths, etc. Location on a hilL Excellent climate. For cata logue address, HORNER & DREWR. . 7-Q-2m. Oxford, . C .