Newspaper Page Text
Wkfr Mm Scbscriptiox, so Cents i'r.n Axsim. y Our Motto: "Cod will Help those who He!p Themselves." i Sixc.le Copy, 3 Cests. VOL.1. KALEIOII, X. d, AP1UL 1879. NO. 1. LETTER F20M BSV. C. E WILEY. TlIK lUItT Ml! Mil TIIK WHITE FKOI-I.F OK 1 11 K SOI in on t: to Til M It I OUMKK M.Al lift. The Inlellwliinl. I nl tint rial and Kpi riliiHl 4oiiIilin ol lite OiloreU l'ele llK!:issln:il'ly t un- A SOLUTION OK TIIK SOUTIIKKN rnoaLKM. Grkensuouo, N. C., June 80, 1805. ' Mt Deau Buother: Afiiioiion in my family and my own bud health have prevented me from eplying sooner your favor of the 1-UU insUut, received more than a week ago. Your eomniunier-tioii is interesting aud timely, relating us it does to one of the moat important subjects ibat ever came before any people, and one which baa for some 'ime engaged my earnest and prayerful attention. You ask what ia to be done for the education and religious training of the Negro of the Southern States; and I regard your suggestious as worthy of consideration, while I 'egret that you did not furnish me with a more de tailed account of your interesting and instructive experience in the schools of British Guiana. . I trust it will be in my power to meet ' you, as you request, aud in the mean time, you will please ti avail yourself of the first safe opportunity of sending to me the publio documents in relatiou to the Mission Schools in the West In dies and Demerara, to which you refer. But before we discuss the detail of any plan for the instruction of the col ored race of the South, A GREAT PRELIMINARY QlTESTi'iN, environed with prejudices, will have to be settled ; and to this grand purpose the energies of the pious and right thinking among us should at once be directed. It seems to be doubted by many whether the whito,, .population of our region should take any active part, in the instruction of their colored l'tirih bors, and while this apparently uttlioii'1 question ia capable of an easy solution, if -properly conside' ed. P' y aisoupion of the subject it' a 'puis o'hbr -l ; a kind, considm-a' anr" u,8pssiouate. will be productive of u oixe I c"i'. It has long soeu d " me that the great majority of THOSV; V HO HAVf. I1KKN INT. KRKSTKJ) IS SLA'. FRY in our rout', 'y have, been jis.iruleiaL'od or mimt-Ttscented by those who have assunv d i bo their representative men in chv.rch r d Sta'e ; and tbet the u.f fioulties I t le way of right judgment and of nut actiou, iu regard i.0 the negroe ', ui i not originate in the hearts and mina of masters as a body, but in the theories, purposes and passions of controversialists, religious and politic d. I have beeu my self a slave owuer of the third or fourth descent,, and, like many, was a master to my pecuniary loss; and inheriting a charge in the way of servants-, from' which I oould ut in con science free mjsol!, I cm feel, and do feel, for the honor and interests of ihosa who have owned slsves. And although I have advocated reforms which were not carried out, I h ive no reproaches to make against any clas, and f.el thatirj profound regard for their reputation and their Interest a erti1 les me to address them with a fiecdomworthy of my own kir.d wishes and of " I conceive to bo f eii hunyKt n it urea. I hve a ft;rn v cit iio to plainly with them cottrernii! OUH COMMON Dt'TIKS IX T II IS (i UK. IT 1,'lilSiS ; ami I avail myself nf th-i nppc funky afT.rded by your left vr, of laying b-fore them a few leading facts and coushh r--ations, with the Lope, of disrclli-g wbt 1 consider fatal delusions, and of di recting their thoughts in t'e right channels. There are persons at the fr'outh who consider themselves relieved of all re sponsibility fur the spiritual and hv gical well being of the eolored people iu their midst, for the, lollowtLg reasons, to-wit: First, 15ytl:esud.!encmiiiCip.v tum of the blacks, without .oii'iu!tirg tho wishes of their former owiurs. Secondly, iiy a supposed unwillin;mss OTi tho part of the negroes to receive suggestions and instructions from thosj who have been their masters ; and, ' Thirdly, By the a;itali-ui of exciting quesrious in repaid to what should be the political stutus f lh free blacks, and by the interference of persons from other Stiles, who come ioto our midst as teachers, with sTong prejudices ai'aUiKt the whiles. Th88 pleas are specious, but, A1TSALINO TO fll'R PlSSlONS ANO NOT Ol B Jl IX.KKNTS, they will not justify the inaction pre. dieared on them. It may well be donbfed whether the white race of the South is not itself laicelv and directly responsible for the sudden termination of slavery ; and what I alien nn this subject is not of fered as a reproach for actions in which all ol us are more or less implicated, but as a dispassionate reference to facts which it is our duty to consider if we would come to just conclusions on the subject discussed. - We accepted the hazards of civil, war for thn adjustment of social and poli tical disputes; and we had reason to know from the warnings of the fathers of the Republic, and from all the les sons of history, in such dispute-, nothing can be more uncertain than the arbitrament of the sword. Besides, we generally confessed that SLAVIHY, AS fRACTK Kl, KKRIIKD A RlrOKHA TION, and could not be tolerated by God among a Christian people without it ; and yet, on one plea or another, we were indefinitely postponing these needed changes. Rut admitting, for the sake of argu ment, that the whites of the South are in no way responsible for the present condition of tbius, it is perfectly clear that the negroes, as a race, had no part in producing it. Tbey, as slaves, wera the origin of the most tremendous con flict of arms know Id i'"tory ; and while those who h'-'u. tuom to pergonal service were girt about with fire and sword, Till BLACKS, AS A CT.AS8, RKMAINKD FAITIIVfL TO TIIK1H M.ASTKKS, . wlftfttScfie,' obeuieut and o'iligent in service. They did not counsel the ef forts for their emancipation, nor aid in 1. .1 u-. a rice ; and thus their former 41W 'N " in lot be relieved from rospon s:'i ;'iy to their servants by acts in whiet the latter had no part. The negroes are free by the force of circumstances which they did not create; and TIIK " ATE" CONtiliBSS, professing to represent their masters, had itself adapted measures which would have inevitably resulted in im mediate emancipation. Bur, whoever is responsible, for their present condi tion, the negroes are not ; at:d here they are, a lame and impotent race, sitting at tho Kates of THOSE WHOM THEY HAVE CIIKERPI'LIA" SERVED for many generations. iSilver and Kld we have none to five ; but. shall we withhold those healing influences of which they are more in need aud which we can so easily afford? It is an irk soine t:isk to teaeh the it'noiant rind the sensual ; but is that a leply to the Di vine command, ' to go into ail tha world and teach nil nations?"' When we were infi rcs'e 1 iu the;r laboia we did nut avoid tueir association : we wore willing to live with hord-i of them, and to bn at gr.'at trouble in seo ina to tiie p.'rforniaKce of their wonted tasks. More than half our time was passed ill j'isoii;d associption with liieiri, we, acting, it. is true, iu the cipaoity of !iuperi'r ; and tth'ui we are rng-ijre'l iu ullorthng mental nun inoriil uiMltuoti in avo not thenmie riifh'fuly and tmiy ever occi py i: the d guiliod plasu of u'lvernui s ? Hut think of tle cUim upon 119 from centuries of service, rlumxy thou, h t.hey nny huve been, but of such ser vices as the race were oanablo of ni ilc inj; in pur b.dulf'. Here are the ('e-cenrlinit.') of those who rowed and tilled the uhen cur ancestors fought it ; se-von yenrs' war for Independence of tin men and women who nursed our fathi tr and mothers in inlane.y a-id Fickness, who dug their graves mid wuteied them with toais, aui) watched at d pr.iyod, aud labored for their chil dren. Here are neoi'le who, until a few vvi-eks ao, were our property, desce.ud ing from generation to generation, fol lowing our fo, tunes without complaint, knowing no homes or interests bu. those of their masters ; amoni? whom an: persons who have BtOud by us in danger, who have watched by our beds, and who have nursed us and our chii drin. To enhance their claims, the race is but few removes from the gloomy bar barism of Africa, and our own policy is partly responsible for its not hpvin attaint d to a higher mental culture. I do rot characterize this policy one way or not her ; I do n-t sat whether it was right or wrong to (orbid negroes to be tun.'ht to read, and to tolerate the, M-pma'iou of husband and wife, of mothers and their young children. I only desire to advert to the fact that our laws did discourage the education of slaves, and that they did permit a very h-ose system of cohabitatiou among the sties. If we oed then no speoial moral debt who will pretend that they have 1101 upou us that general claim which all the ignorant races of the earth have upon the labors and prayers of the dis ciplvs of Christ A CLAIM ENHANCED by the fact that it is infinitely easier for us to reach and instruol them than it is U go to the heathen of foreign lands, whiie we can labor at home, cheered with the society of our own ric-, enjoying all the comforts of civil isation, and all the protections and privilege of a great and free govern ment ? But, it is alleged, the negroes would rather be instricted by any others than hv ih"P4 among whom they have been slaves. Thw - A MERK SrSMISK, and an honest aud conscientious people should at once test it by their action. The -uspicion is natural, and yet the tew developments that have already no- ourred seemed to indicate that it is without foundation. Giving to all these facts and consid erations their full weight, can any fair minded and conscientious man among iia, aay tlmt w s'-citeir frani our 1 obligations to tike an active and spe cial iut rest, in the moral development of negroeB ? Everything considered, IT IS REALLY SI RI'RISLNG how little extravagance the sudden aud tremendous change iu the condition of the blacks has caused in their conduct; aud while thuy are made to know that they are not indebted to their former masters for their freedom, and there are circumstances and agitations tend ing to foster national antipathies, the negroes are still docile, aud under the ciicumstances, could not, with human passions aud infirmity, display less in dispition to receive kindly suggestions and efforts for their good ou I he part ol their knruer owneis. The third reason urged against sys tematic action on the part of the whites of the South, iu behalf of the negroes, is an argument iu the other way. The political agit itions and the for eign interference which excite so much apprehension are permitted by God to warn us f OVU IlAMIEB AND Ol'R Ill'TY, and if wo m gleet the latter, we can haidlv ningniiy the greatness of the former. Iu times pasi those very consideration 1 were urged as reasons for not reform ing td-.ivery by conforming its laws ami practice to the known conscience I mnst. vR; aud our leadeis interposed our piido but ween our actions and our Coiiv'K t.-.-us, causing us to put off tin: day of reformation until shivery should bu beyond the leaoh of political in trigues, and who'ly exempted from foru'gn iirermrddlh'g or dictation. ThcMo airati')!; and this interference were formerly, an now, but ! WABMMiS I'lEOH A KIlillTBDl'S PKOV1DBNCK, who aiiuit of uo excuse (or the non peif;in.inco of a known duly, and as we i:'.- s 1 tor yeais tn mlsinforpret thin w' imixiit; the b lr. (ell a5 last aud snvldi;ijl,v, and sluve' y was abol ished . i, li U i.iipoii'eutioiis on if head, u d m-is'ers lets to Iw judged by the. woild, not by what were their ii ter t'ons, but by their pubiio actions. But ihe rightuous Arbiter has, no doubt, tejn goou designs in many hearts at all events, he has most ineTi eifuily opened a still br.iader and easier liela of usofuluess und honor to the master. II 3 has left the negroes in the midit of theiv former owners, almort wholly drpendent oa them for even the most elementary instruction ; a docile and helpless people, forming, as it were, a great muss of shapeless and p!tliiclay, to test the artistic skill and energy of a race which claims that the wot Id La never done it justice. No other race can h 've the access to, or the Iscility for, shaping tho cha racier of the Macks of the South, afforded by a kind Providence to their former proprietors, and while THE STERH DEMANDS OK DITY require immediate aud syst:uiatio ef forts to turn the glorious opportunities te tne fullest aco innt, the imperious claims of interest and honor lead in the same direction. We have professed to bn the best friends of the blacks we still have op portunities of proving our assertion. We have insisted that no others so well understood or appreciated the charac ter and wants of the negroes. ThiB is true, and it greatly enhances our pre stnt obligations The negro baa for generations re garded us aa bis moral superior, and his natural teacher aud guardian ; if we will go forward in the paths or duty we will nobly prove this m ral superiority, for the teacher is ever the leader of his pupil ; and we still insure for ourselves that kindly deference from the more ig norant race which will preserve the harmony of society, and promote the best interest of all its olaases. And this is the only effectual way to shut out foreign interference, and to arrest dangerous political agitations. If we believe in an Almighty and just God, we must know that TnB COLRSK Of DUTY IS THS PAM OF SAFETY! and indeed will not worldly philosophy Elaiulv teach us that if we would not ave the negroes trained by others We must ourselves furnish them with good instructions? Does not our oommon sense iufortn us that an ignorant and helpless, but free noe in our midst, large In nnmbo,;;, glected by pi 3! easily led furnishes one of Se most dangi rous openings for perm.u 1 po litical strife ? Does not uuivji-stil expe rience exemplify and expl&in the force of the Divino allusion to the eagles and the cai cas-s ? I y-iulu implore our Southern friends V d j ird their prejudices, and look at ,cb n their clear light. W 11 can perform a giorinus mission, and if we do nut we wiit fall to a dread abyss. There is no intei -mediate posi tion fo' us th'-" is no pluce at d no .' ope fo. "ie ' ( utral. Wemusf no or do . i ,tsr do or lie r . . Let us n. longer listen to I ise -eo would delude us with tho plea that this is not ihc favor-blo time this s reu snog hs plunged us into one deep pit, and now it wou'd lure us oa to a still pr 'founder fi ss. It is a perversion of the obvious teach ings ol I' to I'urmit the agitu tious ol which the negro is still the OMia to deter us from making efforts for his advancement, pud when thoso who are HIS NATI KAI, FRIENDS, and who have most power to do good lor him, are making the best use of thuir opportunities, w ill not the door V iiu1 up hi a fitato s aitaMoii8? lint on the oilier hnd if the whites ol' t ho S shvi d aloof from a work ra Is 1-udly lor tho aid of Christitui ikU v.leiL'c. llo-y must expect o her lab") ers to enter the '.h g'eo'ed lie'd, and 10 fi'-d among these ma:y who wdl aim to a.ipiiru cheaply a renu''Uioii for phi! a.ihropy I y (.'cclniin'i-g ag.unfrt tho faults ot o' hers. Thuy must, also, be prepared to snf- 11 r ttie natural consequencefiof uc!i sni accumul'iliou of iuo;al nuilaria in tb m dst, ;uhI to ei uli.e a s 'ciety : IIl,t -J vi ! re-ny S'i:n di;o'drrs. li( si'les a l tois, the vast body of ign..iniit bhioks wih luruiso a glorious ojip r'.u'.nty for the enterprise -f ambitious politicinos; aed 'he ugvow, ntvloctd by the!r nitiinil goirlet nr home, will rallv nndt-r t'io stuidanl of leaden Who will oat-ity peisu ide tU-111 tlu.t till thuir morul and social il-s -;)! foid an infa li'olo rui'.idy in pid.t'od changes. Iu auort, we have io the present con-dwi.-n ol things at the South all'ha cle m tit-ifor Focial chaos, f - ' "m'cious aj'i'atioiis, forna'ioual n.:ri '" l'.ir lnteitsfciue war ; and yet 1 mu.. -can elearly discover a possibility of cMistruct,ii:g from theac nia erials a compact, coiiservilie aud piospuious society t WHAT IS WANTING, is simply tie wisdom and the will to look at tbinus aright, and to place each paty iu it preper place for tha whites to rise above the influence of prejudice and pussmn, and to prove their claim to mental superiority, by going forwad un-tedly, tematically aud esrnestly to the woik of instruct ine their dependent and diicile neigh bois. The undertaking mu;t be com meusurate with the wants of those to le benefitted and it must, embrace whatever relates to industrial habits, to social character, the mental develop ment, aud to spiritual regeneration. The instruction must comprehend all that the blacks need to know to enable them to be self-supporting, and to un derstand the great principles which oonceru their temporal and eternal wel lare; and while the white race is thua engaged it will be destroying the seed beds of social and moral pestilence; will entitle itself to and will reoeive THE LAST! NO RESPECT AND DEFEKKSCB OF THE BLACKS, will be improving and elevating itself, and will ba effectually blocking tho way of false philanthropists, deman gogu, and the whole pestiferous brood of ii lflsh agitatora. I did not propose to say anything now iu regard to special plans of in struction for the colored ptople ; but it is proper that I should express my opinion on a single point, that thero may be do Injurious misapprehensions as to what you and I, and others who agree with us, propose. The blacks must be instructed together by them selves ; and while religious principle does not require that the races should be mingled in an educatioual system, the attempt would be productive of u mitigated evil. With affectionate regard, I am truly yours, ""To KeV.'S. S. MurkTand, Bethany Church. Iredell county, N. C. F.neourngliiK' Words from Commit uioner Polk. Raleigh, April 8, 1879. ' Mr. O. Hunter, Jr. : Sir: Your favor of the 7th inst., asking me for a contribution to the columns of your, paper '" this moment reoeived. ,pr . ies nf my office diraand my ' , l ie, but I cannot withhold my -immtiid.itbn of an enterptibj so laud able and worthy as the one you have inaugurated, and which your journal is designed to represent and promote. You inform me that in the conduct of th paper, pa:tisa.u politics . ud secta nanism will be eschewed, and that its best energies shall ba dovot d to the advancement of the material interests of your race. In this you have acted wi.-e'y. And I trust you will appreoi ate the admonition that, to becure the sympathy, aid and oo-oppration of the intelligent patriotic white nvn of the State, iu promoting the declared objeots of yom Assoeii-.tkm, you must demon strate by an unswerving adherence to this avowal that your sole Bnd sincere purpose is to foster aud advance the material wuif.ire of your ri'ee through tlw Witiruate intlueucn of such an or gnnizatiuu. Let the lofty and noble purpose of jour As-sociatioii bo to ele vate tue aims nd aspirations of your people, by inculcating ideas of econo my, ioduatry and hones y, and unlike yrinr brethren of the more Southern tUtt.i, you will nut be deiudedinto the gie:it irror of leaving the bountiful fiuit'"ul land of jour bir;h for one a'. onnding only iu disappointment. With besf. wishes for your success iu your ucde.itiikiug, .. : , ,. , I am, rerpectfullvi L. Li Polk, Corner. The ktesiileiK e of Joiui Ilaiiiiolfih of IComioI.e, ! i-oj el liy Fire. "'" Xorrolk Vlrinlnn, Sth. ' . Information reached hero to-day of the destruction by tire of tho residence of John Kundolph of Koanoko, in Char lotte county hist niht. Tho property w-:is purchased by the late Hon. Wood Jlouhliii of tho (Supreme Court of tliis Mam, from tho heirs of John itandolph. Tho remains of Randolph are buried within a very short distance of tho dwelling. The amount of tha loss sus t. lined by tho fire has not Leon ascer