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7 n$ht& of gvm. THE PROBESSTE .EARMER, :SEP3MBER1, MSfiT K11S "The most important thing in connection with a house is the haul," remarked the burglar. "Truth is mighty, but doesn't prevail here," is what a Philadelphia man has tacked above his gas meter. The thing to say now of an ignor amus is that he don't know on which side his bread is oleomargarined. "Those who use our goods are ; very much attached to them," is what a porus-plaster company adver tises. : A Kansas boy earned a nice Bi ble by committing ten hundred verses to memory, and then he traded his Bible for a shotgun, and accident ally shot his aunt. A Nevada hunter spent three months looking for a grizzly bear, and the man's relatives have spent three months looking for him. They think he must have found the bear. Lilla M. Cushman, the poetess, says: "My back is almost broken with this weary, weary load." She ought to make her husband carry up the coal. "Bees unquestionably possess the power of memory," says the sci entific writer. So does the man on whose neck bees happen to hold a caucus. "How can you think of calling auntie stupid ? Go to her immedi ately and tell her you are sorry for it." Freddie goes to auntie, and says : "Auntie, I am real sorry you are so stupid." "Now," said the bridegroom to the bride, when they returned from the honeymoon trip, "let us have a clear understanding before we settle down to married life ; are you to be president or vice-president of this concern?" "I wTant to be neither president nor vice-president," she answered ; "I will be content with a subordinate position." " What is that?" "Comptroller of the cur rency." This happened one evening re centty', not a thousand miles from Cambridge. Two tricyclers chanced to halt by the roadside for a brief rest just as a group of Irish laborers were passing on their way home from work. Attracted by the bright, new machines, two of the men paused a moment to look at them. "If you only had a trycicle; Pat," said one of the 'cyclers to the nearer of the men, "you could' ride to and from your employment." With a contemptuous look at the combina tion of man and wheels, Pat said, "Do you think I come from the ould country to drive a donkey-cart, be dad, and be me own horse?" A burglar was going through a house in a Dakota town one night and discovered an exceptionally large roll of money. Curious to know whether he had broken into an edit or's house or that of some other va riety of capitalist, he turned to the owner, who had just awakened, and said: "Excuse me, Colonel, but I would like to inquire how you came by such an unusually large wad of wealth?" "Sir!" replied the moneyed man, "I am a member of the territorial legislature." "A thousand pardons!" exclaimed the polite burglar,, dropping the money. "Shake! We never steal from members of the profession. Good night!" Estelline Bell. - - c , "Well, well, Jonathan, is this reely you ? Never would o' kriowed you. Don't think I've seed you afore in ten years. How's, the world sarved you, anyhow, Jonathan?" "Bad enough, bad enough," replies Jonathan, shaking his head sadly. "Sence I see you last I've lost my wife an' three children, had my leg broke, my house tuk fire an' burnt clean down, my Jarsey bull died, the bank I had my few savins' in busted, an' last year I got married again. I've had my full sheer of afflictions, Ihev, Silas." "You hev, indeed," says Silas, sad ly, as a lank, sharp-nosed, thin-lipped woman put her red head but of a window and cut the air with these words: .1 "You come -'long here an'git me some wood, Sile Hixonbr you clon't git a bite to eat to-day! You Hear me?" "We've both had our misfor tins," said Silas, gloomily. Detroit Free Press, BUSINESS f ESTABLISHED BY J. P. NISSEN, 1834. w N MANUFACTURERS. Works at Waujhtown, Post Office Salem, II, C, We now have on hand, a very large stock of Wagons made by EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, of the Best Materials Throughout and cannot fail to give Perfect Satisfaction. 1 PERFECTLY WELDED ysjli life ; '""'"riSi u w . -1 We are manufacturer's agents for the COLUMBUS STEEL THIMBLE SKEINS, and buying them in very large quantities, will put them on all Wagons, when wanted, after this date without any extra charge. We have sold them to a great many of our best men, and all are more than pleased. Don't let a few dollars in duce you to buy a cheap Wagon, always get the best. We have 4 Larga Stock of W&gons in the Warehouse in rear of Oapt. J. E. Gilmer's. He will sell them at factory prices. GEO. B. NISSEN & CO. 5-6m. Miiit Ware!, WINSTON, N. C, For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco. BEST LIGHTED SALES-ROOM IN THE CITY. Our Sales to date LARGER than any previous year since com mencement. We guarantee prices at all times to be equal to those of any other house in Winston. Fn&liWi to mwhwi Sold. 4-3ra. COME TO fti. W. WORFLEET CO., Proprietors. SMITH & THROWN JLJJLVX- I I JL t j- :. -. ;-. X ' 1 ( . jm . A. " I. CnXviv 1 1 t .. ' ? f 1 t. 1 THE LARGEST STOCK.- Sell at Bottom Prices and Appreciate your Trade. Mv. SWOrd. V i3 TTS T if I ' We have recently doubled the capacity of our Store Room by making an open- mg mio uie acyoinmg iore. lnis arrangement maKes our otore 4yxyu teet, ana with Basements and Warehouse gives us every facility for displaying and handling T Ci 1, WT U. i, ' DEST ARRANGED HARDWARE STORE in this section, and can now wait upon our Customers with greater ease and dis patch. , ; . ' t ': ' ) 5 ? Our Stock shall be kept up to our lull capacity, and we will maintain our repu tion for keeping m 'Arm s r Ma IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. We beg to call attention to the following leading Divisions or Departments o our business : HARD WARE. Here will be found everything for the BUILDER AND MECHANIC, both in Tools and Material, and a varied Assortment or everybody. STOVES. In this Department we have met with great success ; in 1885 our sales reaching in the aggregate NEARLY FOUR CAR LOADS. The House Keeper looking for a Stove unexcelled in Baking qualities, and to be "a joy forever," will find here the thing sought for, and a LARGER LINE OF STOVES than any house displays in Winston. FARMING TOOLS. In one or two weeks we shall offer for BOTTOM PRICES 75 Clipper Plows, 100 Farmers' Friend Plows, 125 Single and Double Stock Plows, also 30,000 Black Steel Plows, (our own Shapes.) Of Handled and Eyed Hoes we will have from 100 to 150 Dozen, of best quality. Also full lines of Spades, Shovels, Forks, Mattocks, Scythes, Straw Cutters, Corn Shelters, Reapers, Mowers and Threshers. HARNESS. We have engaged the services of an experienced Harness Maker, and will man ufacture everything in that line. Will carry a full stock of Saddles, Wagon and Buggy Harness, Leather, Trimmings, Buckles, Bits, Hames. fcc, &c. PAINTS, OILS, &C We carry Lewis' White Lead, 'Lucas' Ready Mixed Paints, Best Grade of Colors, Linseed Oils, &c. 4:3m. MACHINERY. This Department is under the management of Mr. JNO. I. NISSEN. We are prepared to give favorable terms and prices on every kind of Machinery, Mill Supplies, Wrought Pipe, Belting, Oils, &c. County, a 50 Horse Boiler and 35 Horse Engine ana otner jiacninery, maKing one 01 tne largest 4 and finest Planing and Saw Mills in this vicinity. ? T1 J xi x ... naiiH hiiu esiimaies given at any time. r Write for Prices and Circulars before buying. T i. C X" 1 . 1 1 v . xesi 01 reierenues given as regarus me emciency of our Machinery. BROWN, ROGERS & CO, viusTon, u. c. -CORNER 3rd AND MAIN STRBETS,- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ID CICKiY,) -EMBRACING A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- ALL THE VARiSB C-Q0DE2 ELQOT5 TO THESE LINES OF MERCHANDISE. Iron, Steel, Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, Agricultural Implements, Cham pion Mowers, Reapers and Binders, Farmers' Favorite Grain and Fertilizer Drills, Hunter's Genuine Farmer Friend Plows, Double and Single Plow Stocks, Steel Plows, Heel Screws, Grass Rods, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Handled and Eyed Hoes, Mattocks, Grub Hoes, Leader Corn Shelters, Thomas' Smoothing and , Pulverizing Harrows, &c, &c. In short about any and every thiug in the shape of a tool or implement needed by the Farmer. : '" . -" III (;!! BUILDERS MATERIAL. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass, Paints, Put ty, Oils, Varnishes, Locks, Hinges, Bolts, Screws, &c, &c. MECHANICS' TOOLS. Leather and Rubber Belting, Disston's Saws, Hahimers, Augers, Chisels, Auger and Gimlet Bits, Planes, Bench Axes, Hatchets, Mitre and Beveled Squares, Bor ing Machines, Chisel Auger, Plane, Saw and other Handles, Files, 4&c. WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKERS' TOOLS AND MATESIAL. Anvils, Vices, Drills, Bellows, Screw Plates, Axles, Springs, Bolts, Hubs, Spokes, -Bows, Wheels, Poles, Shafts, Oil Cloth and Carpet, Columbus Steel Thimble Skeins, Cast Skeins, Enameled Dash and Harness Leather, fcc. ' j HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Farmer Girl Cooking Stoves, Heating Stoves, a full line TINWARE, Coffee Pots. Cups, Pie Plates, Dish Pans, Buckets, Wash Pans, &c, Brass Kettles, Shovels and Tongs, Fire Dogs, &c. ; f c f T SPORTING GOODS. r 1 I Guns,Pisiols, Towder Shot, Caps, JCartridges, &cM &c. ' ! flSCELLANEOUS GOODS. ' : Tacks, Rivets, Files v Gun Wads, Cutlery, Bells, Dippers, Curry Combs, and a vast variety of other articles too tedious to mention. ' (CROCKERY. DEPARTMEN T.e j Embracins a full line of sYellowf and Cj C. Warel White Granite or. Iron Stone : China, "Porcelain, French China1 Dinner and Tea Sets, Cliamber and Toilet Sets, -' -r- ji 1 1 Til n r Lamps, ana juamp uooas, joiorea ana nam vjiassware, i urawew, viouieis, olv. 1 In fact any and. everything- usuallykept, in a firt-cls llard ware and Crockery J Store and AT JrJilUJilJir YlAW1 t , AGE N T- FO R-N ISSE N - W-AG0NS '4-3 m.