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LA. north Organ of the Worth Carolina Industrial Association. J. H. WILLIAMSON, Editor. RALEIGH, SEPTEMBER 26, 1885. Volume I, .Number 15. CAIRO WA GAZETTE., AN ODK. DEDICATED TO GKN. U. S. OKA NT. jinu My country 'tis i thee. Great General 'twas of thee That give u- liberty. Thy voice we love, We love thy name to sing, And to thy work, we cling, For thou dii freedom bring, From him above. Long did thou suffer in pains. 'Til God to thee explains, Hi-, glorious love. On thee he placed his hand. While angel-, around did stand, lie will protect thy land. Like that above. C. N. WILLIAMS. Forest ville, N. C. RALPH'S LETTER. Our canvass in Western Carolina has been one continuous role of success, hard work and enjoyment. The hospitality and warm recep tion extended to us by the good people in this section, together with our love for the work, give it a zest. Especially is it our pleasure to mention the kind reception ex tended us at Durham by Mrs. Caro line Barnett, and the exertions on the part of Rev. W. D. Cook and Rev. W. T. H. Woodward to adver tise our meeting and make our stay in Durham as pleasant as possible. At Lexington it was our pleasure to fall into the hands of our excel lent friend, Rev. L. D. Twine. He is a competent and efficient leader for our people at Lexington. We were also very cordially entertained by Rev. G. W. Johnson. These gentlemen present to the colored ministry of North Carolina an idea of what unity can do. Though of different denominations, they are christian brethren and work togeth er in harmony. They lead and the people follow. It would be our pleas ure to find a number of towns in which the colored leaders work to gether in such happy unity. Lexington, although an old town, is by no means behind the times in enterprising spirit. It is a pleasure to work amongst a people where we can enjoy that home like free dom that is so necessary to comfort. At Greensboro we were enter tained by Mrs. Jones. We spent a pleasant visit at Salisbury under the hospitable roof of our excellent friend, Rev. J. O. Crosby. Having made our return to the "City of Oaks," we would like to get out on the dome of the capitol and throw a kiss to our friends in the West for their kindness. Our reception at Chapel Hill was cordial in the extreme. The kind ness from Rev. W. II. Capeheart and his landlady, Mrs. Hargrove, calls forth our heart-felt gratitude. In Charlotte we were cordially received by Mr. L. P. Perry and j wife. Our stay under his roof was ! so full of that home-like pleasant-1 ness that we were loath to leave Charlotte. At Winston we were entertained by our hospitable friend, Henry Pringle. Mr. Pringle is very, very clever, and through his kindness our visit to Winston was a very pleasant one. Several new names were added to our subscription list, and some handsome donations were given at Winston. In the mountains we found the generous hand, of friends to the Fair, open to receive us. Our stay was in every degree a pleasant one. We expect a large attendance from the West in No vember. " Ralph." Raleigh, N. C. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Editor Gazette, Sir: In fulfillment of my prom ise, long deferred, to write an occa sional letter for your paper, I now proceed to do so ; but before at tempting to write anything that may interest your general readers, allow me to return my thanks to the Gazette, Mr. W. H. Bonaparte and your interesting correspondent " Ralph," for the favorable notices which appeared in your paper of my satire on the attempt of the ed itor of the People's Advocate to make an unfavorable comparison between the colored men of North Carolina and those of Virginia; and to as sure your patrons that whenever an attempt is made to traduce the colored people of the Old North State, let it emenate from wdiatever source it may, I shall ever deem it my duty, in so far as I have the ability, to give a " Roland" for an " Oliver" ever' time. None need lay the " flattering unction to their souls," that the sons of North Caro lina will be found wanting in their duty wThenever slanderous tongues are wagged, or venomous pens are wielded against her people, for poor she may be in this world's goods in comparison with some of the States of the Union, yet in manly men of both races she is rich, and in this she glories like Cornelia and prizes them above all her earthly posses sions. As one born in North Carolina, I am proud in the belief that there is not a State in the Union where more amicable relations exist be tween all classes and races than in the Tar Heel State, and that in none of them has there been mani fested so much interest in the ele vation and advancement of the col ored people by the whites as is the case in that State ; and in confirma tion of this assertion, I point to the many eleemosynary institutions for the unfortunate colored people, the institutions of learning supported in whole or in part by public taxa tion, the whites bearing the heavier part of the burden, and last, but not least by any means, the North Carolina Industrial Association, the conception of which and successful establishment and management all emenating from the intelligent brains and indomitable energy of colored men, and encouraged in its upward and onward tendency in the welfare, elevation and progress of the colored citizens largely by the better class of whites. The col ored people of North Carolina ; should feel proud of the position j they occupy in the eyes of the out j side world, made enviable largely j through the instrumentality of your j Industrial Association, in showing ; at its annual expositions the won derful progress the have made in their intellectual and material ad vancement, and every colored man, woman and child in the State ought to bend their best energies to have j your next Fair eclipse all its pre decessors, grand and unparalleled as they have been. But enough on this point. It is a well known fact that the worst abused and least understood class of people by the " Outs" are the " Ins," or those who have been and are holding positions under the government, especially those in the Departments here in Washing ton. To remove the false impres sion in relation to these employes in the Civil Service made by the campaign cry of " turn the rascals out," you will be doing much to enlighten the public mind on this subject by publishing the followingj clipped from a recent issue of the Evening Star of this city : " In a reported interview with Secretary Manning that officer is quoted as saying: ' I'm very much surprised to find so many bright, capable men in the Treasury De partment. Why, I meet them by scores every day, sharp as briers, energetic, and with the details of their duties at their tongues' and fingers' ends. From what I have heard I really expected to see a great deal of incompetency and corruption in this place. It ap pears, however, that the efficiency of the service has been growing better and better every year, until it is astonishing how perfect the machinery is.' " Whether the Secretary was ac curately quoted or not, we cannot say, but we can say that his alleged utterances are exactly true tothe facts in the case. It has been the fashion for years among the demo crats to denounce the departments at Washington as corrupt and idle. No doubt the Albany Argus, Secre tary Manning's own newspaper, has had columns on columns of elo quent denunciation of this sort. We have heard much of ' official rottenness,' of Augean stables,' and the like, all of which is vej-y fine party rhetoric, but very false and absurd. " Not only is the civil service of this government the most honest, most capable and most courteous of any public service in the world, but j there is no private business of equal j magnitude where the honesty and ' efficiency of the service is on such i a high level. If the democrats in-1 tend to upset the service, as a re-1 ward for political activity, let them say so, honestly. To mask a grab for salary under a lofty regard for ; 4 reform,' is a very cowardly cant. Of course, in such a great multitude there are some drones and some rascals, and they should be weeded , out ; but the charge that the ser vice as such, is on a low level is as false and almost as wicked a libel as that other which assails the char acter of the ladies who are in the employ of the government." I close by making mention that j the colored North Carolinians in ! the civil service are holding their own, and as employes of the gov ernment, compare favorably with At S: 0 p. m., we wer- mi our those of any other section of the i way to the Court IIue in mn country. pany with Mr. Johnon. Winn We are all delighted at the ap- we arrived, we reoived ma o! the ointment of Rev. M. A. Hopkins : grandest ovations ever wittu-sed as Minister to Liberia. n such an occasion. The States- W. R. Davis, of the Pension Of- ville colored band wa standing in fice, O. M. Roan and myself expect 'front of the Court ILu.-e tilling the to attend your fair. Wm. V. Turner. A VISIT TO WESTERN NORTH CARO LINA. Since our departure from Raleigh on theSth inst., there has been un usual demonstration, and we have received a very cordial welcome from our friends, who are interested in the progress of the negro and the North Carolina Industrial Fair, yet there are places along the line that need special mention. Among these is Thomasville, N. C, where we arrived Tuesday, the loth inst., and were met at the de pot by Mr. Jesse Gossett and car ried to his residence, about two miles in the country, where we found one of the best regulated farirjs in Davidson county. Mr. Gossett owns about 300 acres of land, and his farm products and!of our race, and we left with tho stock are amongst the best we saw j impression that the West was fully in this section. After enjoying aaroused to their (llUv 1111(1 woul(1 most excellent dinner prepared by I attend in large crowds, and send our hostess, Mrs. Gossett, who cer- larK quantities of their farm pro tainly cannot be excelled in this 'ducts, stock, mechanical skill, Arc, department, the afternoon was very tto be Place(1 011 exhibition. pleasantly spent with Mr. Gossett! in walking over the farm, looking at the many modern improvements in farm implements, &c. We took tea at Mrs. Taylor's, who desired to show her appreciation of our mission. She has our sincere thanks for her generosity. At 8:30 p. m., we went to the Presbyterian church, where we met a very large and intelligent au dience of white and colored citi zens of Thomasville. We spoke about two hours on the Progress of the Colored Race, and the ap proaching Fair. The next morning we bade our manT friends of Thomasville adieu, and took the train for Statesville, but failing to make connection with western trains, we were de tained in Salisbury until the next daT, Thursday. At G:30 a. m., we took the train for Statesville in company with Mr. E. A. Johnson, and arrived there about S:30 a. m. After partaking of breakfast at Mrs. Nancy Gay's, we proceeded to can vass the town, and found that Rev. A. S. Billingsly, Rev. David Brown, Mr. Chambers and others had worked up considerable inter est amongst the citizens of States ville as to the Fair, and had a verv large audience to greet us at the Court House. Wednesday evening, according to appointment, notwnn- V.. . , standing our iaiiure to oe present, when these gentlemen learned that we were in town, they showed their appreciation in our work by going all through the town and inform ing the people we had arrived, and would speak at the Court House to-night. air with some of t lie tinet music ever heard, and as we ,entend the court room we witne-sed what wm least expected every seat occupied and many standing, who had as sembled to hear our address on the race problem ami fair. We spoku about three hours to an audience who gave us their undivided atten tion, which was only interrupted by occasional applause. Many thanks to the citizens and band for the very cordial greeting we re ceived. It will ever he remem bered. The next day we left for Hickory, and spoke at 8:30 p. m. in the A. M. E, Church to a very respectable audience. We canvassed the towns of Mor ganton and Asheville thoroughly, and the people are manifesting much interest in the advancement Permit us to return many thanks I to Rev. J. B. Messiah, Mr. Charles E. Law and others who made our visit so pleasant whilo in Asheville, and have used their influence to arouse an interest amongst the citi zens in behalf of the North Caro lina Industrial Fair. Yours for success, E. W. Turner. Charlotte, X. C, Scjt iS, 1 88 . Bro. Wilson McCombs died Sept. 15th, 1885, at his residence in tho third ward of this city. lie had been confined to his home for fivo months, and had been taken care of by the Brotherly Association up to his death. He was a member of that society for 10 or 15 years, and was also a member of the Z. A. M. E. Church a number of years and died in the full faith of our Lord Jesus Christ in his 75th year. His funeral took place at the Z. A. M. E. Church at 3 : 30 o'clock, p. in. The services were conducted by Rev. J. W. Wells, pastor of the M. E. Church. The Brotherly Association bore all expenses of the funeral and put him awav nicelv. Tin Society turned out in full force. lie leaves a large family to mourn his death. His widow will receive her monthly dues so long n c elm romniiw nnnmrrhwl in iturvA ,. , .. , .. . ! standing, and all children under 10 years of age. J. M. Goo dk, PrtHiihnt. J. C. North, Secretary. A cynical old bachelor says that lovers are like armies they get along well enough 'till the engage ment begins.