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ADVERTISE in The Skyland Post, the only newspaper that is printed in Ashe county, and the newspaper with by far the best subscription list of any paper circulated in the county SIXTH YEAR, NUMBER 27 McDonald-Hoey Campaign Is on Last Lap of Hard-Fought Battle Hoey’s Speech to Farmers Said to Have Helped Cause; Over 400,000 Expected to Vote PLATFORMS NOT CHANGED North Carolina’s heated Democrat ic gubernatorial contest moved into its last week Monday as the candi dates prepared to shift their vote seeking speeches from eastern into piedmont counties. The political oratory, frequently interspersed with personal attack, was confined to the coastal plain counties last week, in territory where Sandy Graham, eliminated in the first primary, June 6, got most of his votes. ’ • , y Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, who led .the first balloting, spoke at Thomas .wlle, Henderson, Wilson and Green- Wille, and Dr. Ralph W. McDonald of Winston-Salem, opposing him,sought votes at Greenville, Scotland Neck, Elizabeth City, New Bern, Beaufort and Wilmington. The Week’s Schedule This week, however, Hoey spoke at Wadesboro Monday, Roxboro Tues day, Charlotte Wednesday and will speak at Greensboro Friday. McDon ald was at Dunn Monday, Durham Tuesday, Greensboro Wednesday and will be at Salisbury Thursday and Morganton Friday, which in cludes a change in the Greensboro date from Thursday. No new issues were injected into the campaign last week. C Predictions of the probable vote Saturday, the first time the State’s second primary has ever fallen on the Fourth of July, vary from 400,- 000 to 435,000 compared with a rec ord of 517,000 on June 6. In the other two State-wide races, W. P. Horton of Pittsboro, and Paul D. Grady of Kenly campaigned ac tively for the nomination, and Thad Eure of Winton fought for the desig t nation fsr secretary of State. During the week, both guberna wtorial candidates continued to fight a ” “war of statements” from their headquarters here as they stumped the East. Attacks McDonald This week Hubert E. Olive, Hoey’s State manager, attacked “Dr. Mc- Donald’s studied efforts to raise a foul smoke screen of passion and prejudice in order to conceal the utter weakness of his cause and to becloud the issues.” Hoey’s speech “regarding aid to the farmers of the State,” made yes terday at Greenville, won him the support of “thousands interested in the agricultural progress of the State,” Olive said. Another statement issued from Hoey’s headquarters came from Ralph R. Hoey, of Shelby, nephew of the gubernatorial candidate who asserted: “Our friends are determin ed Uncle Clyde’s section shall an swer McDonald’s campaign of char acter assassination.” McDonald’s camp announced Gar land E. Bobbitt of Raleigh who sup ported Sandy Graham, had joined the forces of the Winston-Salem map, and that Young Democrats f6r McDonald had set up wßomplete precinct organizations in J 2 counties. W. L. Lumpkin, McDonald’s State campaign manager, spoke at Bur lington this week and charged “favo ritism shown power companies (in North Carolina) is seriously ham pering the natiopal administration’s rural electrification program.” Ashe Young Women Visit Western States Miss Bonnie Dickson, of Silas Creek, and Miss Zora Shoaf, of War rensville, left during the past week for*kummer trips through' the west ern part of the United States. Miss Dickson, who is traveling with the University Tours from Oklahoma City, to be away two months. Her itiijery will take her to the Texas Centennial, through Washington, and into Bv Canada. Miss Shoaf will also visit various points in the West; namely, the state of Washington,' Montana, and Cali fornia. W Mita# Post $1.25 a Year Out of County WPA to Employ More Than Three Million for Year Twelve-Month Relief Program Gets Under Way Over Country July 1 , -4 ’ With controversy in the relief high command composed, the administra tion sets forth on its third huge re lief and public works program this week. Plans for separate programs em ploying more than 3,000,000 persons during the 12 months beginning July 1 were completed with announce ment by Administrator Harry L. Hopkins Monday that WPA wages would ayerag $52 a month. This rate was the same as that for March and ebout $2 more than at the start of the WPA program last fall. Some reductions in working hours will result from formal institution of the prevailing hourly wage—to be determined by local administrators — this intended to prevent a worker from earning more than the maxi mum allowed under the “security” wage. Senate Aids PWA The President asked Congress this year for $1,500,000,000 specifically to continue WPA —with nothing for PWA. Amended to provide $1,425,- 000,000 allotted at the President’s discretion, the new appropriation still would have left PWA out in the cold. Senate friends of PYA, how ever, inserted an amendment au in grants to communities from pro thrizing Ickes to make $300,000,000 ceeds of earlier loans. Rev. W.T: Whttington to Begin Revival at Jefferson Sun. Night Popular Cook-Harless Quartet to Sing; Dan Graham Will Preach Monday On Sunday night at 8:00 p. m. the Dan meeting will begin in the courthciise in Jefferson with a sermon by Rev. W. T. Whittington, local Baptist pastor and evangelist. Mr. Whittington has held a great many successful meetings and is popular wherever he has lived. The Chautauqua is gratified that he could accept the invitation. The regular service in his church will be called off and a great union meeting is be ing planned. The Cook-Harless quartet will support the minister in the singing of the Gospel. They are heard gladly and it is hoped that they will sing at intervals throughout the revival. Bible School to Begin Monday morning at nine o’clock the Daily Vacation Bible School will begin. Miss Katherine O’Neall will direct the school and will be assisted by Misses Celia Krider, Kathryn Hunt, Evelyn Brown, Elizabeth Huff stetler, Majdrie Fain, Mrs. R. H. Stone, Mr. Hubert Morris. The tent and buildings will be used. Every year the Christian Chautauqua is quite an event in Jefferson. This year an excellent group of specialists in this field compose the Bible school faculty. Plans are under way to transport the young people from Smethport, Phoenix Creek section and those living east of Jefferson. iDan Graham, famous evangelist, now holding a great revival in John son City, Tenn., will arrive Monday and begin preaching that night. Each morning at ten o’clock his sermons are being broadcast’ from the Bristol broadcasting station. s MILLER’S FIVE AND TEN OPENED AT BOONE SAT. ■ ■■■ I ■— \ C. E. Miller, owner of hte Miller’s Five and Ten Cent Store of this city, opened a similar store in Boone Sat urday. Mr. Miller has been very successful with the store in West Jefferson and he expects equal suc cess with the Boone venture. Two great bridges are planned to join Sweden and the Danish Islands in train. . . THURSDAY, 1936, WEST JEFFERSON, N. C. Hr" » w wW BK ' wMliB Jig FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT JOHN NANCE GARNER Roosevelt and Garner I g Nominated in Wildly Hilarious Convention Roosevelt Accepts Nomination in Declaration of War Against Economic Tyranny HARMpNY IS OUTSTANDING Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John Nance Garner were renominat ed by a shouting Democratic Nation al Convention Saturday, June 27, for another four years in the White House By acclamation—foregoing the formality of a record vote for the first time since Wilson was so nam ed in 1916—the convention welded in the heat of a final post-midnight demonstration the first half of the Roosevelt-Garner ticket of 1936. War Against Tyranny President Franklin D. Roosevelt accepted renomination Saturday night with a declaration of war against “economic tyranny.” Addressing a giant outdoor mass meeting from a dais raised above the grass of the big Philadelphia amphi theatre, the chief executive touched upon the constitution and hit at “monopoly” and “the ecnomic roy alists” who “complain that we'seek to overthrow the institutions of America.” His words, perhaps sounding a keynote in his 1936 campaign, cli maxed a 24-hour period unprece dented in American political history. John Nance Gamer, speaking be fore him, “gladly” accepted his own renomination as vice president. Only Saturday afternoon was Gamer re named by acclamation at the closing session \of the Democratic national convention, as had been Roosevelt in the early morning hours. Never be fore has a major party named and notified in so short a time. “Fighting for Democracy’ The President, declaring America was fighting “for the survival of de mocracy” and for economic freedom as well, concluded with these words: “I accept the commission you have tendered me. I join with you. I am enlisted for the duration of the war.” Mr. Roosevelt’s acceptance speech was carried not only to those thou sands immediately before him, but also to more than 5,000 rallies staged by the party from coast to coast, charging all entrants sl. Platforin Constructive The party’s new platform was phrased for the most part in general terms, seldom going beyond a wide statement of objectives. It was adopted on a voice vote. It called for “sound currency,” government cen tralized relief, continued soil conser vation and agricultural production “of all the market will absorb.” -It declared government has three inescapable obligations: 1. Protection of the family and the home. 2. Estab lishment of a democracy of oppor tunity for all the people. 3. Aid to those overtaken by disaster. “Transactions and activities that inevitable overflow state boundaries call for both State and Federal treat ment,” the platform declared. With deflation stopped, the next step is to reduce expenses of govern ment, “being aided therein by the re- cession in unemployment,” said the plaftorm, which promised retrench ment, with tax and recovery pro gram directed toward “a balanced budget and the reduction of the na tional debt at the earlies possible moment.” The platform declared that work ing conditions in industry, monopo listic and unfair business practices, minimum wages, maximum hours, child labor, drought and flood con ditions, could not be handled ade quately by 48 states and that “if these problems cannot be solved by legislation within the Constitution,” then a “clarifying amendment” would be sought. There was no mention of either gold or silver in the monetary plank,, but it declared the Nation has today the “soundest currency in the world.” It praised Democratic leadership for having put the Nation “back on the road to restored health and pros perity” after 12 years qf Republican leadership that “left our Nation sore ly stricken in body, mind and spirit.” “We have kept our pledge,” the platform asserted. “We have taken the farmer off the road to ruin and put him on the road to freedom and prosperity and we will keep him on thkt road,” the platform declared. It made the same declaration as to business, labor, and to the youth of the land. It declared for collective bargain ing and promised no i interference with labor from its employers in its efforts to organize. , Meeting Harmonious The National convenion was a tame affair compared w th some pre vious conventions, both Democratic and Republican. Not a ight occurred on the floor—except a nst fight that probably grew out of k private ar gument between two delegates. The convention itself was. harmonious and noisily militant. Alfred E. Smith wa noticeably absent. An alternate filed his seat. The high spots of t e five days’ convention were the addresses of National Chairman |im Farley, Temporary Chairman! Alden W. Barkley, Permanent Chairman Joe Robinson and, finally, Nominee for President Franklin D. Joosevelt; al so the reading and ad< ption of the platform and abrogation of the two thirds rule. Hoey Speaks 1 )ver Radio "onight Clyde R. Hoey, candi ate for Gov ernor of North Carolin , will speak over a state-wide broa cast tonight, Thursday, July 2, from 7:00 to 7:45. Hubert E. Olive, Mr T. W. Bic kett, and R. N. Simrr will speak Friday night, July 3, fi m 10:00 ; un til 11:00. All those who are aterested in the Saturday primary ire urged to listen in on these bro: leasts. . / Men spend almost vo-thirds as much as women on be: ity aids. SI.OO a Year in Ashe County Farmers in County Show Interest in Meetings on Soil Conservation Lansing Man Kills Mexican Bandit in Southern Oregon Lee Stansberry Held Up But Kills Assailant; Rewarded With 75 Dollars The Skyland Post is in receipt of the following letter from John Nunn, Andrews, Oregon: Dear Sirs:—Perhaps the folks in Ashe county would like to hear of an accident which happened to an Ashe county man on. May 17, in Southern Oregon. Lee Stansberry was on his way to Oregon from North Carolina when a Mexican held, him up with a gun. Stansberry was close enough to the Mexican to break his arm by a well known wrestling trick, but the Mex ican held to his gun. In the scuffle, however, he dropped it and it went off, the bullet hitting Stansberry in the left thigh. The Mexican then pulled a knife with his left hand and was taking aim to throw it when Stansberry thwarted him by seizing the gun and killing him. Stansberry was found two hours later by the sheriff who was hunt ing this same Mexican who had shot and killed his son. Stansberry was cleared of all guilt and will receive a reward of seventy-five dollars from the Mon tana authorities, that being the state the Mexican had committed murder. Stansberry will also be offered a job on the LC ranch. The most of his seventy-five dollars, however, will go toward paying doctor bills. We found the Skyland address among his possessions and you may publish this if you wish to. For further information, you may write me. LANSING TO HAVE BOUTS ON JULY 4th Clark-Patton Fight Called Off; Feature Bout to Be Between Davis and Patton Plans for a capacity crowd to see six good fights in Lansing Saturday night are being completed and Joseph Martin, principal of the Lan sing High School and one of the chief promoters of the program, is well pleased with the prospects at present. Fight fans will be disappointed to learn that Garnet Clark, due to an injured hand, will not be able to fight in the much advertised bout with Wilcat Patton. The feature bout will take place between Peck Davis and Sid Patton. Six good fights are promised and the public is cordially invited. The cards is as follows: Ray Blevins, 115 lbs., Lansing, vs. Wayne Taylor, 118 lbs., W. Jefferson. Bill Clark, 115 lbs., Lansing, vs. John Mac Pennington, 115 lbs., W. Jefferson. Raymon Moore, 145 lbs., Lansing and Conover, vs. Ray Greene, 140 lbs., Fleetwood. John Rackley, 165 lbs., Lansing, vs. “Bo” Griggs, 165 lbs., Jefferson. “Peck” Davis, 150 lbs., Lansing, vs. Sid Patton, 150 lbs., Pilot Moutaih. To the Public By an order of the Board of Aidermen of the town’of West Jefferson all parties who use water and are due to pay a wa ter tax shall do so each month and failure to pay said tax shall cause the water to be cut off and when said water is once cut off an extra fee will be charged to re-instate such delinquent tax payer. / The town cannot maintain its credit or pay its debts without collecting its taxes. Everybody take notice. We mean what we say. JAMES ALLEN, Mayor. JESSE A. REEVES, Clerk. SUBSCRIBE to The Skyland Post, the only newspaper that is printed in Ashe county, and the newspaper that is by far the most popular and widely read of any circulated in Ashe PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Black and Collins in County to Assist New County Agent; Patton Here Week NEW ASHE AGENT AT WORK C. J. Rich, newly appointed farm agent for the county, announces that he is very muSh pleased with the work here during the past week and that he finds that farmers are inter ested in learning about and cooper ating with the federal soil conserva tion movement. During the past week, ten meet ings have been held in the county with a total attendance of 190 farm ers. 92 of this number filled out work sheets for participation in the soil conservation plan. Others designated their intention of doing so as soon as they gathered the required infor mation. H. A. Patton, of New Bern, now working out of Raleigh, spent the past week in the county with Mr. Rich and assisted with the meetings. County Agent Bryan Collins, of Boone, and County Agent R. E. of Sparta, have also been as sisting Mr. Rich. Mr. Collins ex plained the workings of the soil con servation plan at the Jefferson meeting in the courthouse Tuesday. About two-thirds of the attendance on that day filled out work sheets. Mr. Rich stated that, “This is a program that nearly every farmer in Ashe county should participate in. It offers good payments to farm ers who engage in soil building and the first step is to filPout a work sheet.” The schedule for further meetings which will be held in parts of the county not yet reached follows: Grassy Creek school, Tuesday July 7, 9:30 a. m. Crumpler school, Tuesday, July 7, 2:00 p. m. Helton school, Wednesday, July 8, 9:30 a. m. Lansing school, Tuesday July 9, 2:00 p. m. Green Valley school, Thursday, July 9, 9:30 a. m. New River school, Thursday, July 9, 2ioo p. m. Obids school, Friday, July 10, 9:30 a. m. Idlewild, D. A. Faw’, Friday, July 10, 2:00 p. m. Burnt Hill School, Monday, July 13, 9:30 a. m. Nathans Creek school, Monday, July 13, 2:00 p. m. Elkland school, Tuesday, July 14, 9:30 a. m. / Fleetwood school, Tuesday, July 14, 2:00 p. m. Flatwoods school, Wednesday, July 15, 9:30 a. m. White Oak school, Wednesday, July 15, 2:00 p. m. Ashland school, Thursday, July 16, 9:30 a. m. Roaring- Fork school, Thursday, July 16, 2:00 p. m. Jefferson school, Friday, July 17, 2:00 p. m. , , West Jefferson gymnasium, Friday, July 17, 8:00 p. m. 0. T. GOODMAN KILLED IN FALL FROM CHERRY TREE C. T. Goodman, of the Mill Creek section of the county, was killed Tuesday afternoon when he fell from a cherry tree near his home. His neck was broken, according to reports. Funeral services were held Wed nesday afternoon at Bethany with Rev. G. R. Stafford and Rev. T. J. Houck officiating. Mr. Goodman was about fifty-six years old. He is survived by his wife and three children, two sons and one daughter. REV. MR. HOUCK AT LOCAL METHODIST CHURCH SUN. Rev. T. J. Houck, of Baldwin, will preach at the West Jefferson Metho dist Church next Sunday morning. There will be no evening service that day. GRANITE FALLS TO PLAY HERE ON JULY FOURTH The public is to the base ball game to be played in West Jeff erson Saturday afternoon. West Jeff erson will play Granite Falls.