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Image provided by: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC
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“We shall be Milker Red nor I dead, but alive aad free.” Job* I I F. Kennedy, Chapel HO), IMI. ImTMMran l Volume 41, Number 93 - ' \ . ■ ■:' •/ M V 5 . -- * ‘vl ?’ f f * ' •"- ■< {& -- .«v ~ , - _, ( j, I II •.••'. «,x4- ,>, "• « ,'** _ ; _ 'tv",-' ‘ \ fj . '■• UNC-Dak# Game Thursday' With the death of President Kennedy Friday, the Duke-Caro lina game scheduled for yester day faded into the background. Tne game has been postponed until next Thursday, Thanksgiv ing Day. It was not official whether the game would start at 1:30 or 2 p.m. The game originally had been postponed un til next Saturday. Late yesterday UNC and Duke officials agreed to hold the game on Thursday in order to make it more convenient for students to attend. The postponement decision came suddenly Friday afternoon, a joint agreement by Duke presi dent Douglas Knight and UNC Chancellor William Aycock. It caught both football teams by surprise. UNC Coach Jim Hickey was informed of the decision just after dismissing his team from an afternoon squad meeting. Coach Murray and his team were noti fied just as they completed game plans on the Duke Stadium prac tice field. The game would have been the key one of the season for both teams, "but all of a sudden it ‘Terrible Tragedy’ —Friday & Ay cock University President William Friday and Chancel lor William Aycock expressed dismay and profound , regret at the President’s death. “I believe this to be a terrible tragedy for the United States,” said Mr. Friday. “We will, of course, wait to see what the Governor, proclaims for the State and fol low accordingly.” Chancellor Aycodc said, “I think it’s difficult for most of us to comprehend the loss of this man. It’s one , of the critical days in the history of America. “It resembles the day Lincoln was shot. But perhaps it is even more significant because of the leadership this country has in the world.” Both Mr. Friday and Mr. Aycock recalled the Presi , dent’s visit to the University on Oct. 12, 1961. Mr. Friday said, “His visit here was certainly an his toric event in the life of this institution and will be long remembered by the thousands who saw him in the stadium and the thousands more who .saw him on television.” Mr. Aycock said, “I think, as he said on one or more occasions, he had a deep respect for the freedom and the leadership of this institution. I think be appre ciated the kind of leadership we have which must be i developed in an environment that is in fact consistent with the principles of our representative foirm of gov uuuU” . . _ seems kind of insignificant, doesn’t it," said Coach Hickey Friday. “All of us are bewilder ed. We don’t know what to think. What can I say. We thought we were ready to play. We hope we can get ready again by next Sat urday. We’ll make plans to be ready and hope we are.” Twelve miles away, Coach Mur ray echoed Coach Hickey. “I don’t know what to think.” Both coaches found themselves in a planning quandary. “I have no idea what our plans will be at this time,” Coach Mur ray said Friday afternoon. “I imagine we will work a little lighter than usual earlier in the week ... I just don’t know what we will do next week until I have given it seme thought.” Coach Hickey said the squad meeting immediately after which heAvas informed of the postpone ment "wasn’t much of a meet ing because all of us had our thoughts on the President’s tragic death.” He said the meeting, had broken up with the team “think ing we would play. Then I was The Chapel Hill Weekly 5 Cents a Copy called to the Chancellor’s office and given the news of the post ponement." The Tar Heels had already scattered over the cam pus. "Then I had to round up my players and tell them of the action.” The players’ reaction varied, home Carolina players went to a movie or drove to Raleigh to watch the State-Wake-Forest game. Some stayed quietly at their dormitory, refusing to talk about either game or assassina tion. They were disappointed at the postponement, but Coach Hickey spoke for them. "They are like I am. You just don’t know what to say or think at a time like this.” All tickets for the game have been sold. Duke officials will not increase the 47,500 seating capaci ty of Duke Stadium for the game because of the limitations of other facilities. The game will end the Duke and Carolina seasons. A UNC win could give the Tar Heels their best season record in more than a decade. They stand 7-2 over all now. The 1949 team finished with a 7-3 season record, and the 1948 team finished 9-1. w. HnA, \y y *■ Wc “ , ’ * ■ f, ■ * ’ f-j One Os The Faces Os Despair Serving the Chapel HiU Area Since 1923 CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY,, NOVEMBER 24, 1963 The People Couldn t Believe It Chapel Hill Mourns The Loss Shock , Dismay & Tears Full comprehension of Presi dent John F Kennedy’s death came slowly in Chapel Hill | Hours after official confirma tion of his death an air of dis belief hung about most of the Town, almost as if people were trying deliberately to avoid the full impact of the news ' There were few public dis plays of open grief, none of any thing like hysteria. But the af fairs of the Town slowed per ceptibly almost everywhere, in places halted totally. Activity that continued did so with numb roteness. All along Franklin Street knots of people bunched around radios and television sets in stores It was possible t» pass completely through the busi ness block and never be out of earshot of news of the Presi dent’s assassination The Post Office flag was low ered to half-mast immediately on confirmation of the Presi dent's death. Many of the crowd along the street had come to watch the Beat Dook parade, but news of the parade’s can cellation did not circulate com pletely right away. About a hun dred expectant spectators sat on the wall along the south side of Franklin Street One of the floats that was to haye been in the parade wan dered East down Franklin Street en route tt> the parade's • assembly point. A few minutes later it returned, still alone. The floats were judged at Woollen Gym, and the Beat Dook queen chosen, but the parade never ' started. In front of Electric Construc tion Company a crowd bulged across the sidewalk, watching a television set placed in the door. Trade, at times pretty desultory, continued at most stores. The banks opened their doors for regular Friday after noon business, but customers had no trouble finding a vacant teller’s window. At the corner of Graham and i West Franklin Street Patrol man Parrish Womble waited for rush hour traffic that never did rush. The Graham Street area, usually a merry one on Friday afternoons, was notice ably slow. t ‘‘Pretty quiet for a Friday,” said Officer Womble. ‘‘And you know what? It’s my birthday. I was just before enjoying it when I turned on the TV and this came on. It just about knocked me out of my chair.” ’ Lincoln High and Frank P. Graham school children came (Continued on Page 2) Mann Film Laboratories 740 Chatham Rd, Winston-Salem, N. C. » 1 / s " \ / ■n f ||v- # « , gfHkjgk ■ rlLkm * V L ;. fdlE • •*- . -A ' « T ! . - *. \ . Wf jh i" \ &§ V I,’A ) ,-d A. .''stv wkM& [l kk-tw \.. If. ’ • Hi r mmm f mh|'' mul IwQKkiJP Mr „vvA * J H ilk wvß vlmß mb j>4L T mLLm mMm 11. .M. 1 fW* E Utm •'£ ■ S 'v ? 4 '’fulfil, : : ! ’<*> ( '■mSMSSa * * HBjElHj H'Mn SB | SasHII YCBHBEstsjgaHF mm •• ■-■WimwmmmM MBBB| HBp \ m mßemum - W aSM£!S Jg§ if iff. < , . hi'* -'aiwisll M MM m s l' I ; 'w & f . j s/* v 'mMKUm —— i 1 i— MMBMm * ii IBB—Hii I Students And Townspeople Listen On Franklin Professors Assess Political Impact . X Four University professors Friday night assessed the im plications of President Kennedy’s assassination, in a quickly-or : ganized panel discussion on WUNC Radio. Their conclusion: the United States can look for ward to some relatively un steady days until President Lyn don Johnson takes hold and gets the country regrouped. Political Science Professors Andrew Scott and Donald Mat thews, History Professor Steven Baxter, and Institute of Govern ment Director John Sanders were the panelists. The atmo sphere in which they discussed probable political developments from a viewpoint of six and a half hours after the President had died was one of mixed puzzlement and residual shock. At moments the professors seemed relieved to get away from the bewildering develop ments of the afternoon and to speculate instead on matters closer to their own respective bailiwicks: the processes and machinations of politics. On the line of sucession to the Presidency : Mr. Sanders said that after former Vice President, now President Johnson, the per son next in line for the Presi dency would be House Speak er John McCormack; and then a chain of other high-ranking gov ernment officials. President Johnson can be elected to two full terms, accord ing to the provisions of the 22nd Amendment, Mr; Sanders said. The 22nd Amendment provides that a man can serve two full terms as President if he has not A Funeral Dirge & Mournful Taps Three minutes after news of the President’s death was received, the bell in South Building began tolling, followed by knells from the Morehead-Patterson Bell Tower. An ROTC Band ready for the Beat Dook parade walked at slow-time through the University campus, with horns muted in a funeral dirge. ‘ Then a combined Air Force and Naval ROTC unit held a retreat ceremony at the campus flagpole. . Some 200 yards from where the President had spoken in Kenan Stadium on Oct. 12, 1961, a lone ■ bugler blew Taps, and from a hilltop overlooking the stadium another bugler e<9ioed the mournful notes. previously been President for two full years. Less than two years remains of John Ken nedy’s present term in office. Oh President Johnson himself, Mr. Matthews observed that while “most people are con vinced that he is one of the most brilliant legislative politi cians the country has ever seen, whether or not he will be brilliant as President remains to be seen.” Mr. Matthews called President Johnson a "born manipulator of men ... a compromiser ... a politicial mechanic of a high order . . '. But whether he is capable of articulating the broad goals of the public at large, I don’t know—but he has what it takes to deal with other politi cians.” Mr. Matthews said he thought that as Vice President, Presi dent Johnson had been kept well informed, "compared to the relative state of ignorance of Harry Truman.” He said that at that very moment President Johnson was “probably getting some shocks” in a briefing in Washington. But he also point ed out that while in Congress, President Johnson had been par ticulary interested in defense, and had "developed” some ex pertise 'in this area), and recognition as a knowledgeable man.” Mr. Scott pointed out that dou btless there would be a notice able change in the "style” of the Presidency from Mr. Ken nedy to Mr. Johnson. “Johnson is less of an intel lectual than K’ennedy was,’ | Sunday' -" I Published Every Sunday and Wednesday said Mr. Matthews. "But one of the secrets of his success is his staff. Bobby Baker is perhaps unfortunate, but his idea man, George Reedy, 1 would say, is oh a par with Ted Sorenson . . . Perhaps the days of Harvard professors in the White House ere numbered. ...” Mr. Baxter: “It takes time to build a White House. There won’t be too much time for change between now and next spring.” .. Mr. Sanders: “Johnson will be under pressure to convey a sense of maintaining the policies of Kennedy, so he won’t be too likely to (make many changes) . . , He’s going to have to con vey a sense of continuity. . . .” The possibility was raised that President Johnson might not care to pay too much attention to Congress, but Mr. Sanders pointed out that ‘there is an other question—how much atten tion will be paid to Johnson.” There is a vast difference be tween coping with political sit uations and pressure as a mem ber of Cortgress, and coping with these pressures as President. “I would agree,” said Mr. Mat thews. "But the view from the White House is different.” He said he thought President SfeaOS c . , Jt» f ! MM |K*. X "*** • viaß hH > WBraßp h jHb. 'im mawer, f #4 : j The Campus Flag Is Lowered Kennedy's assassination would “result in Johnson being the next Democratic candidate for Presi dent.” To be successful in this, he said, President Johnson will have to carry several Northern states “in which he is not par ticularly popular right now. But he has tremendous popularity on Capitol Hill.” This Capitol Hill popularity is in contrast to President's Kennedy’s "outside man” character in Washington. President Kennedy was political ly oriented in a different direc tion than President Johnson. “I think Johnson may get more of what he wants from Congress.” On the civil rights question, the panel agreed that President Johnson would probably not take many new positions, particular ly since he has already "come out. for greater equality.” “I think he’s pretty well stuck with the Kennedy position on civil rights,” said Mr. Matthews. “I guess that a few days from now, when he gets over the shocks, he’ll realize he’s the Democratic candidate for Presi dent, end that he must carry New York, Illinois, and if pos sible, California. So he’ll realize that his platform must remain the same <as President Ken (Continued on Page 2)