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I The ladder down to failure is greased with indifference. Volume 41, Number 94 ‘Kennedy Was A Great Intellectual’ f JFK And LBJ Congressional Days Are Recalled By Durham By J. A. C. DUNN Carl Durham sat in the high backed blue leather swivel chair 'he brought home when he re from Congress, turned and tilted, patted the padded arms and remembered two Presi dents: Lyndon Johnson, and the late John Kennedy. Mr. Durham, who retired in 1960 after 22 years as Sixth Dis trict Congressman, went-to Con gress in 1938, the year after Mr. Johnson did, and later -mmmmmmmwmmmmmm TOWN and GOWN ■H By PETE IVEY mm How thorough and painstaking the U. S. Secret Service men are in protecting the life of the Presi dent was demonstrated when they were in Chapel Hill in 1961, prior to and during the Univer sity Day observance when John F. Kennedy received the honor ary LL. D. degree. A team of Secret Service rep resentatives and plain-clothes military men spent days and nights planning for the Presi dent’s trip. They examined cul verts and overpasses along the route the President would take from Raleigh - Durham Airport into Stadium. University people cooperating cooperated to the extent of being directed at times by the detectives, and there was a final lecture-guid ance exhibit in which the route and logistics were clearly shown on a blackboard. To prevent possible sniper* in the Stadium, guards were placed at the Press Box and the Guest Box. It was evident that all reason able precautions were taken. The Secret Service was “in charge.’’ There was no doubt about that. They ordered people around. A slight bit of grumb ling was heard about the way the Secret Service men told what could be done and what couldn’t, and who could stand where at what time, and how close the President could be approached. Press credentials were care fully checked. Advance cards were issued from the News Bureau, and these names of the newspaper, broadcasters, and others were screened before cards were mailed. A few students asked for press credentials, but only those known to us, or vouched for as journ alism students or campus photo graphers were given the cards. • * * I remember that one student who was unknown to me, and was not in Journalism School, nor a member of the Daily Tar Heel nor on WUNC-TV and FM Staffs. He asked for a press card. "I have a camera and want to get as close to the President as I can,” he said. Taking pictures from the stands would be too far away, he said. I telephoned John Campion, the Secret Service chief who had established headquarters in an office next to President Friday. Mr. Campion said it was too late to check the student out, and it was best to refuse the press pass. So, we turned the photo grapher down. • • * John F. Kennedy was the fifth President of the United States to visit Chapel Hill while an incum bent of the White House. Prior (Continued on Page 2) Economy Wins; Cupola Railing Goes Town Attorney J. Q. LeGrand and the audience of six were chuckling with glee, and the Board of Aldermen all had wry smiles wandering around their faces as Mrs. Harold Walters and Roland Giduz locked horns over • economy vs. aesthetics. The Board met Monday night. Among their business was award ing the contract (or remodeling the Town Hall. Low bid had been uibmitted by Clancey and Thcys, a Raleigh construction firm. Two alternates were attached to the bid: 1782 for work on the Town Ball cupola. 1940 to replace the cupola's railing, which blew down in a storm last year. i helped Mr. Kennedy through his difficult freshman phase in Con gress. •“Kennedy was a great intel lectual,” he said. Mr. Kennedy went to Congress as a member of the House of Representatives soon after World War 11, and at that time Mr. Durham was con cerned with handling the rever sion of public land to the cities which had given the land to the federal government during the war. (Bills returning land to cities were usually given to the district Congressman to handle, a courtesy which also afforded the Congressman the value of the publicity attaching to the land reversions. “I remember once,” said Mr. Durham, “I had abqut 25 bills on the consent calendar, and one of them was about some land up around Boston. Some objec tion to it came up on the floor, from a Republican. I hadn’t ex pected any objection, and Mr. (Kennedy went down to handle it. He wasn’t entirely sure of the procedure, and I explained it to him in detail. That was the first time I had any dealings with him. You always feel kind ly toward freshman Congress men, because you remember yourself when you first came, and how much you didn’t know about how as big a thing as the Federal Government works.” Mr. Kennedy was always busy, Mr. Durham said. He played golf at Burning Tree, (partly because he was having trouble with his back at that time and needed the exercise. “He used to come and ask you (questions. He usually had a very penetrating question. He was al ways doing something. Even when he was walking from the floor of the House to his office, he was doing something, talk ing. You knew wfaaa you talked to him that he had done his homework. He was an expert’ at that. He had an intellect that could see into the future. When he first came you could see that >he was deadly serious about what he was doing.” Lyndon Johnson is, Mr. Dur ham said, “not exactly that kind of men.” But Mr. Durham has no qualms about Mr. John son as President. “I think he’ll (certainly run for election. I ex pect him to. I hope he wins.” Mr. Durham and Lyndon Johnson worked together close ly when they were both in Con gress. Mr. Johnson was a pro Chest Campaign Over 80 Per Cent The fourth Chapel Hill-Carrboro Community Chest banner was hoisted up the flagpole on the corner of Franklin and Columbia Streets today. Raising the fourth “C” flag marked collection of over $35,000, more than 80 per cent of the Chest’s $43,000 goal. Chest drive officials issued the lollowing breakdown of collec tions so far: Residential division: quota, $15,- 500; pledged or collected, $12,- 917.78; percentage, 83.3. Main campus: quota, $8,000; pledged or collected, $6,773.07; percentage, 84.7. Business: quota, $12,000; pledg ed or collected, $8,929.50; percent age, 74.4. Health Affairs: quota, $7,500; pledged or collected, $8,792.34; per centage, 90.7. Totals: goal, $43,000; pledged or "Three hundred and forty dol lars?" Mrs. Walters asked, in credulous. Town Manager Robert Peck patiently went on to explain low subcontract bids, and the fact that the total cost of the re modeling, including die two alter nates, would be about $40,000. "What’s the railing made of, for $340?” Mrs. Walters asked. “Gold," came an unidentified voice (trim the audience. “You never notice the railing not being there,” said Mayor Sandy McClamroch hopefully. “We ixHikl buy a nice picture for the price of thwrailing,” said Mrs. Waters. Her seat in die Town Hall The Chapel HiD Weekly 5 Cents a Copy tege of House Speaker Sam Rayburn. “Sam took a very deep interest in him. I talked with Sam about him once. Sam promoted him at every oppor tunity. Everything Lyndon is to day he owes to Sam, and I think Lyndon would agree with that. Sam used to say it was unbe lievable the way Lyndon was advancing.” Mr, Johnson is a “maneuver er,” Mr. Durham said. He has a knack for making things work out nicely, combining factors iwith expert delicacy and finesse. (Continued on Page 2) Airport Rd. Hearing Set For Dec. 5 The Zoning Committee of the Chapel Hill Planning Board will hold a public hearing Thursday night, Dec. 5, in the Court Room of the Town Hall. The public is invited to attend to participate in a discussion of zoning of the Airport Road. Roy E. Martin, chairman of the Zoning Commit tee, said the meeting will begin at 7:30. The planning staff will furnish information on present zoning of the area from the Town Hall to Homestead Road. This will in clude permits outstanding, such as a shopping center and two apartment developments in the area. A request for a zoning change by W. T. Marlowe and A. W. Ray was delayed in August pend ing a full review of the area. This open hearing will be a part of the full review. Now that the Junior High School and Recreation Center are located in this area, the zoning of the area should be of interest to all residents of Chapel Hill. This is an opportunity for in terested persons to express their views on what this major en trance to Chapel Hill should be. Highway 86 has a top priority on the Thoroughfare Plan for four lanes of traffic. Some in terest has been expressed for a bicycle path or pedestrian walk way to the Guy B. Phillips School and to the Recreation Center. If there is sufficient interest, this might be included in plans for the area. collected, $35,412.69; percentage, 82.3. Drive officials said a few area captains have yet to be heard from, but sizable contributions are expected from them. Following reports that not all residential areas have been so licited yet, arrangements have been made for persons who have not had an opportunity to contri bute to call Station WCHL, 968- 4484. Additional pledges and con tributions will be collected from there. No decision has been made whether to extend the drive to reach the goal. Drive officials noted that response to solicitation has not equaled last year’s. When 100 per cent of the goal is collected, the fifth flag, with an as yet undisclosed message, will be raised on the Franklin- Columbia flagpole. faces an old print, more inspira tional than decorative, of Free dom watching with approval over the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Mrs. Walters finds the print oppressive and has ob jected to it before. Mr. Peck, sticking to business, pointed out that the Board might do well to add a ten per cent extra allowance to the money it authorized for the remodeling. The $40,000 would not include painting unremodeled rooms or Installing a counter with cabi nets in the Police Department. Mr. Gkhn said suddenly that he thought the railing ought to be put back, to keep the building Serving the Chapel Hill Area Since 1923 CHAPEL HILL, N. C„ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1963 Br > frli I . I . H jpg* > t-9 iiiiiiiiiiVr <fo |V J| ■ wBl sbPkJ' mb --fWIHIB OL |B •' JHH ■ f’"' I i . "*' I j ; frfttoVifc : y* IBSyI -iff ■ 4 m SUNDAY —j The people coming out of the Chajjel Hill Presbyterian Church, above, were part of one of the largest Sunday morning service at tendances the church has ever had. UNG And Duke Pronounced Ready And Anxious To Go Carolina and Duke resume their arch rivalry at Durham to morrow in a game that was post poned from last Saturday in re spect to the late President Ken nedy. The kickoff will bo at 2 p.m. in Duke Stadium before an expected 43,000. The game had been a 47,500 sellout, including temporary bleacher seats, for several days before the postponement. Thanks giving Day attendance is expect ed to drop about 5,000. Originally the game had been postponed to this coming Satur day. The date was changed to Thanksgiving at the request of students at Carolina and Duke who began their Thanksgiving break at the end of classes to day. Carolina will be going into the game in top physical condition. The Tar Heels wound up drills on Tuesday, following which Coach Jim Hickey said, “We’re in good shape and anxious to go. We’re in our best shape of the entire season. I feel sure our boys will be ready and eager. I’m confident they’ll be out to win.” Duke also will be in fairly good physical condition, with the ex ception of fullback Mike Curtis and halfback Billy Futrell. Both have been on the injury list for several weeks. Futrell is expect ed to see some action and Cur tis may see limited duty, despite a bruised knee. Duke Coach Bill Murray said, “Our boys are in good spirit and ready to play. I certainly don't looking as the architect had origi nally intended. A motion was made to accept all tow bids, with alternates two and three on the general con tract. Alternate two is for the cupola, three for* the railing. Mrs. Walters moved that the motion be amended to remove clternate three. “I don't see why we should spend $340 for a wood en railing,” she said. “Hear hear,” from the audien ce. Alderman Gene Strowd second ed Mrs. Walter’s motion. “I have to speak against that motion.” said Mr. Giduz, and ex (Continued on Page 2) Most churches in Chapel Hill had the same experience. The service was a regular one for Sunday, but was con cerned in part with the death of President John F. Kennedy. anticipate any letdown because of the postponement. Our squad has the same desire to win it would have had last Saturday.” The game will wind up the reg ular season for both teams. Ca rolina, with seven win 3 and two defeats, already has compiled Town Slows Down For Thanksgiving The Town began to slow down today for the Thanksgiving holi day, and for the most part will move at a decelerated pace until next Monday. University classes ended at noon today. Public schools clos ed for the holiday this afternoon. Both University and public school students will resume classes as usual Monday morning. Most businesses will be closed tomorrow, though a few drug stores and filling stations will be open. Most businesses will re open Friday and Saturday. Chapel Hill’s and Carrboro’s Thursday garbage collections will be made Friday, and municipal offices and agencies in both • towns, except for police and fire departments, will be closed to morrow. With the students gone, and the Beat Dook parade having A Fugitive Frontier Ffom Which To Move Again Ask riot what your country, now all its faces grief, ego do. Already it mounts the catafalque to bask in the courage casketed yet radiant. It clings so lord lily to memories and dreams catapulted into Legend by the sling that sped its arrows into so beautiful a man, now folded, masked, upon the threshold of a fugitive frontier from which tv move again for you. — H. A. Sieber the best record of any Tar Heel team since 1949. Duke has won five this season, lost three and tied one. In the half century-old rivalry, Duke has won 25 games, Caro lina 20, and three have ended in ties. been canceled last week after President Kennedy’s assassina tion, no Beat Dook parade will be held this year. But the UNC- Duke football game will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 in Duke Stadium. The Carolina Inn's eating fa cilities will operate on the follow ing schedule clue to the Duke game: the Hill Room will be open from 12 noon until 1:45 and from 6 to 8:30 -p.m. The cafeteria will be open from 7 to 9 a.m. and from II a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and will not serve supper. Thanksgiving services will be held at several churches through out the town. The University Library will be closed tomorrow and will oper ate on a special schedule until next week. Graham Memorial will do the same. gmmmmmmimmmmmmmm WEDNESDAY I ISSUE 1 Published Every Sunday and Wednesday Chapel Hill Pays Its Last Respects Business Conies To A Standstill, Churches Hold Special Services Franklin Street observed President John Kennedy’s funeral Monday with uanimity of purpose, though with out complete unanimity of action. Virtually every busi ness closed at one time or another, some from 41 a.m. to 2, others from noon to 1. Franklin Street started emptying as the funeral began in Washington, and by noon the business block was at a standstill. Some people went to memorial services. Others went home. Some drifted into stores to watch television sets. Few re mained on the street. People walking past the Post Office glanced up at the flag at half staff. You didn't notice any smiles. You didn’t even see any one driving very fast. Kemp's was dark on a week day for the first time in memory. In one window, under a clipping cf the PRESIDENT IS SLAIN! newspaper headline that appeared last Friday afternoon, was dis played a letter Kemp had re ceived from President Kennedy during the 1960 campaign, thank ing him for support. An autograph ed picture of Mr. Kennedy was displayed beside the letter. By noon, Franklin Street was empty. Shades were drawn in many shop windows. Traffic lights had almost no traffic to control. Patrolman Larry O’Quinn stood in the sun on the corner of Frank lin and Columbia, waiting. Officer 4 ' O'Quinn was an Air Policeman in , the service. He likes police work. The crisp style of the military police shows in his traffic direc tion during rush hours. He is a young man with a nice smile and quick eye. He agreed that Franklin Street was singularly quiet. "Everybody’s just all broken up about it,” he said, He had done the kind of duty that honor guards were perform ing on Washington Streets at that moment. ”1 was in the honor guard for President Eisenhower when he' came to Turner Air Force Base in Albany, Georgia. They told us what his route would be and every thing, but when he came he suddenly changed his route. I never did find out why.” Resolution Adopted By Town Board The Chapel Hill Board of Al dermen adopted a resolution Monday night in observance of the death of President John F. Kennedy, urging citizens to par ticipate in the 30-day official period of mourning. The Aldermen’s joint hearing with the Planning Board began with a prayer for the President, delivered by Chapel Hill Record er’s Court Clerk B. J. Howard. During the Aldermen’s regular meeting following the hearing, the resolution was adopted. The ■resolution: “The Mayor and Board of Al dermen of the Town of Chapel Hill, as the official elected rep resentatives of the citizens of this Town, register their deepest sorrow upon the assassination of the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, upon this, the day of his funeral, Nov ember 25, 1963. “We urge all local citizens to observe as they deem fit person ally, the 30-day period of mourn ing decreed by our federal gov ernment. “And we furthermore ask that all people of Chapel Hill, in this period, re-dedicate themselves to the principles of justice and freedom for all, idealized in the service of John F. Kennedy as President of this country; and that we all draw from this trage dy the realization that only through a more determined ef fort to bring about greater re spect for representative govern ment and its servants may we indeed assure ourselves of bet ter government.” Weather Report Partly cloudy and mild tomor row. High Low Sunday 57 35 Monday ...52 » Tuesday 57 » University Has Union Services The University paid its final respects to the memory of Presi dent John F. Kennedy in union services at Memorial Hall Mon day. Memorial was filled to near capacity by mourning students and faculty for the service, con ducted by Father Robert L. Wil ken, Rabbi Joseph Levine, the Revs. Harry Smith. Thomas Mill er and P. 0. Cansler. The service was a simple one, drawn from the Old and New Testaments, and timed to coincide with the celebration of the funeral mass beng held for the Presi dent in St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington. Father Wilken, rector of the Catholic Student Center, eulogiz ed Mr. Kennedy as “a martyr to peace” and as a man ‘who dared not only hunger for the hope ol peace” but as one who had act ed with force to make it a reality. "Our grief would be but maudlin sentiment if we failed to consid er the words and deeds of John F. Kennedy,” Father Wilken said. I The tribute opened with a hymn, “Oh God, Our Help in Ages Past,” immediately follow ing which Rabbi Joseph Levine of B'nai B’rith Hillel Foundation read from the Old Testament a pass age from Isaiah, Chapter 38, ver ses 10-14. The Rev. E. Thomas Miller of the Presbyterian Student Center led a responsive reading taken from Psalms 46 and 121. Rev. Harry Smith, also of the Presbyterian Student Center, read from the New Testament a portion oi St. Paul s Epistles to the Romans, Chapter 8. Rev. J. O. Cansler of the Bap tist Student Center led in the reading of the Litany of the Na tion. The service closed with the hymn, “God the Omnipotent!”, prayer in unison and benediction. Memorial services were also held in a number of churches. SCENES Pedestrians scattering like flushed quail Tuesday afternoon when a brakeless Volkswagen jumped the curb on downtown Franklin Street .... Remains of Beat Dook parade floats still scattered here and there around Town .... RICHARD DODSON revealing mournfully that HAR VEY DANIELL'S erstwhile pet crow, REX, had moved out and taken roost near the Dodson home .... License plate tally man's latest report: British Col umbia on a veteran MG parked on West Franklin .... Post Offi ce clerk AGGIE THOMAS carry ing on a conversation with a citizen through an open PO box .... Scalpers’ quotations on Carolina-Duke tickets in deep de cline following the postponement .... University professor wear ing black armband (only one seen) . ... Sign of imminent Thanksgiving: Estes Drive house hold drumming with the muffled explosions of routing chestnuts .... Erstwhile potential Guber natorial candidate SPERO DOR TON seriously considering for saking public office forever .... Franklin Street professional man looking forward with undisguiaed glee to four days of ample park ing space.