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THE DAILY TIMES, WILSON, N. C, FEBRUARY 11, 1022 NOTICE TIHiilMUHIHUUUUIIIIM 7 . s - Watch Tuesdays Paper for Gilmer's Dollar Day Ad. Dol lar Day, Wednesday, Feb. 15. H PERSONAL- The Noted Palmist and phrenologist reads your en- W. tire life from cradle t0 Vld age, just as the .lines in your ; hani indSe; gives . you : fetes m what has passed and, what is happening ftjgjpf" ! Wvou a single question.: She does mot read things to ' plf abut rTadsJust as the hand indicates. Can be s .Consulted in business, love and troupie. , : - m He" reaSngs are most wonderful and acknowledged trt the hiehest of der, not made to Satisfy the idle W-curiosi4fbutin to" give those who seek the truth " CnTdesS 'asyuo caiyet learn the true road to , success and happiness, for both await you if you will S nnlv know how! when and where to find them which - H wilf beevea?ed to Satisfaction guaranteed or no s .charge. . Office hours 9 am. to 9 p. m, People Who Have No Way of Conveyance, Phone 641 g and I Will Send Car for You 1 J Located n a Parlor Tent at Five Points, g S WILSON, N. C. H Illilllillllli CASES TRIED FRIDAY. Sully's place at 2:30 in the morning The Superior Court of Wilson Coun- and there was two thirds of a jug of .ty tried the following cases this morn- iiail0r In. his place. He has been con- victed before of selling liquor in this Frank Pittman a negro was charg-! - - - allesre1 it was ed with the larceny of a bicycle nis Uquor Tne jury tnougnt dif. verdict guilty. 'ferently.'He was given nine months. Durant Fulmore a negro was Louis Whitley assault deadly weap charged with stealing goods from Mr. on on Frank Pridgen, cutting the lat S. Musphy a merchant in this city. ter in. the face with a knife. His Mr. Preston Bullock stated that attorney, Mr. Bryce Little, stated that Fulmore and another negro were tne man wag not responsible since he wandering over Clark Brothers store waa gassed in France. Mayor Killette tthe day before picking up things, but state(i tfcat he was not always re buying nothing. He. was acquitted as Bponsibie and also made recommen cing the wrong man and Judge aations. Mr .Little stated that the Horton told him to see the health of- government was preparing to send fleer and be treated. That his nim to a hospital and Judge Horton Thealth is In bad shape. said he did not want to send a man Sully Rogers a negro who keeps to the roads in whom the Federal a. store on Stantonsburg street was government is interested. Dr. L. J. tried for having liquor in his place. Smith health officer will examine him Officers . Cooper and Chief Warren and determine his physical condition, testified' Sully's place has a bad repu- Albert Lamm of near Lucama was tation. Officer Cooper said he 4' saw up for keeping and selling liquor. Sully and two men and a woman in Messrs. John Mercer and Sheriff Howard stated he had been keeping and selling liquor according to re ports for some time. His attorney Mr, John E. ' Woodard argued heredity and environment. That he had been surrounded with this sort of life. He also argued for his children. . . Judge Horton said it was not only necessary" to place such a . penalty as would stop defendant, but deter oth ers Solicitor Ailsbrook1 stated that Lamm had been on the roads before Judge Horton , said : his family was better off. without a man who would place Ms family in such a condition. Judge Horton " gave him twelve I j months in this case and six months i j for cutting down telephone poles and j'wiresi .,. - .-'- r I Mr: Faison Thompson of Golds i boro represented E. R. Hales for - was sent up for twelve months for obtaining money under false repre I sentations. Hales will be allowed to I repay the money and the costs, a capias to be issued if he does not meet the terms of the court. Herbert Morgan charged with tak- (ing money from a white man named Forest Lewis threw a bottle at him land then grabbed him by the throat. He threw him down, and fought him I and he tried to get sticks and other .things to fight him. "The negro took I $18.50 from my pockets and I told j him to take my money and go, and I he said he was going to kill me," j Lewis .charged. Others came to his as sistance. Officer Weathersby said Lewis told him the same story. Emma Harris woman whom Mor gan said threw a shoe at him and hurt him where Lewis said he kicked him denied the story. . He has beyn staying at the woman's house, and she said he was not there on Satur day night when Lewis was assaulted and robbed. Witness said defendant did not return until Monday morning when he was hurt. . ,. v Dr. Hoover said he was damaged pretty badly and must have been kicked by some one. Morgan asked permission to address the jury and defended his. own cause. " MANY MOVIE PEOPLE V . ' ' WILL BE WITNESSES. Los Angeles, Feb. iO. After a' beginning pronounced as "satisfac tory" the district attorney's investlga ! tion of the murder of Wm. Desmond Taylor continued with the possibility that a number of prominent moving picture people would be summoned as witnesses. Twelve, persons both men and wo men believed to" have Information of value have already- been -questioned by Thos.S. Wolwine of Wm. C. Dor an his chief deputy, it is .stated. Rumor has it that 'Mary ' Miles Minter, for whom Taylor formerly was, 'a director," was closeted with the district attorney for two . hours last Tuesday before Mr., Wolwine official ly took charge of the inquiry - bat there has been . no confirmation of this.:-' 7-XY ' ' "... Miss Mabel Normand, one of the last persons to see Taylor alive, re mained in seclusion at her home yes terday recovering from the collapse she suffered at the director's funeral. At her home however a denial was is her home however a denial was is sued of the reports she had stated she had an altercation with Taylor on the night he was murdered. Her let Iters were the subject of the reported 'altercations. In the meanwhile the police search for Sands, the former butler-secre' tary of the dead man, continued. Disbelief was declare i that Walter Underwood under arrest in Topeka for misappropriation of funds had any connection with the case. ""lIlllwillllllHtHlltMIWltWI 1 Men'. Half Sole m j Ladies' Half 3i'- , fg n Rubber Heela ... -i.-, and I 50c jl i I 1 ; 5 3 . . . REVERSE ORDER NAMING RECEIVERS FOR RICHARD. New York, Feb. 10. The appel ate. division of the Supreme Court to day reversed a Supreme court order naming receivers for Tex Rickard, of the Madison Square corporation and Madison Square Sporting Club Inc. ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING j IS ALMOST FATAL The following story is sent out from Selma: ' A near-tragedy occurred here late yesterday In which two white men narrowly escaped with their lives. The victims were John McLamb and a young .man named Beasley from the Benson section of Johnston T U j , All America hot it . All Other ' Work. Reduced Accordingly . X 3 i i 3 s i 114 Came St. US H. D. WALKER ; THE OLD RELIABLE , WILSON, N. C. m j MUlWMtUUIIMIIUuJ I Special H To All BridesrElect We will give a 10 per j Q cent Discount on all purchases. En Turn your steps now to where this new delight is sold and give yourself the treat of a lifetime. A novel bar of wonderfully good ice cream with a coating of crispy milk-chocolate, all wrapped in sanitary tin foil to keep it temptingly fresh and dean. Sold everywhere and made under patents, by the licensees of tSe Russell Stover Company Messrs BaMftag, GQiicago. Manufactured .and . ; Distributed By ChapiinsSacks Corporation 10c Einiiii,M.ii.jii; s Style Shop Planters Bank Building !l!!lll!il!I!!!!!!!!lJlI!IIIIIIII!IliIill!!l!l!l county, ' , Henry Kirby, James Hawley and Beasley and McLamb were on the 'others, containing 100 acres, more way to Wilson with a truck loaded! or less, and usually known as the with tobacco. . They were carrying J Gaston Watson land, and being the a single-barrel, breech-loading shot J identical lands which were conveyed gun along with them, Beasley was unto S. A. Boyett by deed of G. T. driving the truck while McLamb held j Simpson and wife, dated November the gun. He had the gun between! 12, 1898, recorded in Book 49, at his knees with his left forearm rest- Page 46 In the office of the Register ing liver the muzzle. Just as they ' of Deeds of Wilson County. This February 2nd, 1922. H. G. CONNOR, JR. Commissioner. were passing the Selma drug store McLamb reached his right hand for a package on the seat on his left side. In some unaccountable way2 4 11 18 25 the gun was discharged. McLamb'sl -left arm was shattered and some ' TOBACCO GROWERS the shot grazed the right side of Beasley's face and head, inflicting slight wounds. About a dozen shot perforated his hat brim. Beasley ELECT OFFICERS. RaleighK.Feb. 10. Three banker farmers each recosnized am one- tha stoped the truck Immediately and leadera lA tne Dusines3 life of their the crowd that gathered took Mc-'gtates were cnogen president, first Lamb to Dr. I. W- Mayerberg's office' and second vice presidents of the To near, by where Dr. Mayerberg and baceo Growers. Co-operative Associa Dr. Vick gave the man their atten.tion at tne meeting of the board of tion.. They found that MeLamb's directors here yesterday, completing arm was so badly shattered that it tne formal organization of the to would have to be amputated and he Dacco f armers of Virginia, North was taken to the hospital at Smith- Carolina and South Carolina. field for that purpose. ' Mr. Beasley was able t,o go on his way. George A. Norwood, president of the First National Bank pf Goldsboro McLamb is a tenant on the farm and one of the largest growers of of young Beasley's father - and the J tobacco in eastern North Carolina, two men "were going to Wilson to . President. J sell a load of tobacco. They took Bright Williamson, banker and to the nun alone for protection, having bacco grower, Darlington, S. C, vice heard of the numerous robberies and hold-ups that have taken place. NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to the authority contain ed in a certain judgment of the Su perior Court of Wilson County ren dered in a certain. Special Proceeding therein pending, wherein G. W. Boy ett, Executor of. S. A. Boyett, deceas ed, was the plaintiff, and McRae Boy ett and others, heirs-at-law and cred-1 itors of the said S. A. Boyett . were the 'defendants, the undersigned Commissioner will, ON MONDAY the 6th day of MARCH, 19?2 BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 12 M. and 1 o'clock P. M. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash in front of the Court House door In the , Town of Wilson, N. C. the following described real estate, to-wit: It being in Spring Hill Township, Wilson County; North Carolina; ad joining the lands of K. W. Barnes, president for that state. J ob. M. "Hunt, Blackstone, .Va., 1 Bankers Association, now devotinir all of his time to farming, vice presi dent for Virginia. M. C. Wilson, Keyesvllle, Va., secretary-treasurer. J. M. Galloway, Greensboro, and H. J. Watkins, Jr., South Boston, Va., were named members of the Executive Committee. Mr. Galloway is the largest tobacco grower in the world, his crop last year totaling 65&.000 pounds. Mr. Watkins is a farmer on a large scale, and has other extensive business interests in -Vir ginia. Yesterday's election of officers' is the culmination of a movement that began in Raleigh toward the end of 1920 after the bottom had fallen out of the tobacco market all over the country. The initial meetings of the growers was held here, and at that time it was determined to organize the growers Into a compact unit to market their tobacco to their own best interests.- Automobile Painted U Tops Recovered ; Cushions Repaired H H Doors Relined Floor Mats j U Hood and Radiator Covers . B H New Back Curtains for Your Car H M A GIVE US A TRIAL Welfare Am&o Co ( S 3 1 s i I 1 fWtfti Ufifltinitmni WMIIIMnlllW JT-. lflMVltMMMMMMM!l3ISM