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THE DAILY TEES, WILSON, N. C- ' fettHftUAftX li, 1022 LllCAMA WANTS I .Creek from Micro to attend school, .His house caught on fire during the is one who doesn't care how she ing part in the decision of life work, self traversed the course indicated in f 1PUTC narvey ruunan 01 iveuijr, wiiu nignt. ine i tames spreaa whu uw wean ner domes anu were is uoiii- uoservaiionai metnods had been his subject, delighted his hearers J-rf&& avjiv UAUi m. m. tr also came here to attend scnooi are greatest of rapidity, me iaie iamuy mg m ner face to express purpose, used and a study of temperament. In . .. - disbarred from the team, and with- only saved the clothes they had on. soul, and real personality. -. Those the study 'of temperament Lucama, Feb. Iff. The Lucama out thn nlavnni t.h team Is. broken Tha fir . fa aimnnsad to have been with nalnt and Dowder are all art i- tvDes of bodies ' hv wrtnin in;to Mifnn i i' i -I J - v . - . . . . ; v I - w 14.0, 41.101. 110. Wednesday morning in Chapel he certain lectured on "Vocational Fits and fort A to secure lights .for Lucama. Last.iteek ihey circulated a petition up. caused by a defective flue. Tne loss is flcial often. Some homely girls are t for it has been found tha't certain J. B. Rice, the local druggist said: estimated to be about $3,000. really pretty because they show soul, glands affect .mentality. The block ;"We are all deeply interested in our CilRI.H ItASKKTRail. personality and are not o artificial shaped head with the sunken eyes, j The A. C. C. girls basketball team ana secured tne signatures or every. local basketball team and the pro- A comedy, entitled "Poor Married even in dress. It Is the same exactly Roman nose, square jaw combined plays the girls team from Wilmlng- joier ana tax payer oi me town, wim xnulga ting of these rules and tneir Man', was given Wednesday mgnt with boys. People can. ten wnat youiwitn a strong muscular, boney body .. .JOBSIMv nalT & dozen exceptions. This tcmnn vmaa na a hitter ilkan- Ks ho nuKlio oi -- 1 tcaellAra hftfnrft ara hir , lnrtlrfne1 - at vnil lust as the Wad rpnrfispntn tivo rT tha Itrhn cinltnl petitfott requests the town commis-J pointment to all of us. Our team had, a large audience. All the parts were 'people could tell that Moses -had , for physical labor and was the least , sloners to issue bonds sufficient to ' or was going to make application to well taken by the different teachers ! been talking with God on the moun-1 intellectual, and was not very social. build " a, line and secure lights and piay for the state championship, but and the audience enjoyed the comedy. power from tne town of "Wilson, , with three of our players taken away Among those who took part were Mr. tain top after he descended. Use the The round head, large, fleshy body blessings that come to you. Christian . This Is a good beginning, lets keep fr0m us, this cannot be done. The w. W. Rogers, Mr. Bagley Morris, ' thought, life, and character are here it up. Our little town is all right. All piayers feel badly over the practical Mr. Floyd Collier, Mr. Clifton Flem- for us. The faculty- are not teaching! Intellectual than the first and suited we need is a little more of the spirit j breaking up of the team. Whether an ing. Miss May McKeever, Miss Lina.for the money and fame In it, but. for vocations that required social pug nose was representative of the type that was very sociable but more of progressiveness and cooperation, attempt will be made to reorganize Fleming, Miss Virginia Persons, Miss they love the students and want to s,. , ; ; remains to be seen. This probably Florence Persons. The comedy was reproduce in them a conception of Mrs. Margaret Capps of Wilson J means we will have no baseball team repeated Friday night at Kenly. J noble manhood and womanhood. spent several days with us last week a3 well - The world judges you and your Insti- visiting her many around Lucama. ' friends in and Our Basket Ball teams, both boys and girls, put it over Elm City last week. The score for the games stood as follows: Lucama boys 54, Elm City boys 20. Lucama girls 17, Elm City girls 14. Our teams are going good and we hope to be heard from again. Mr. S. J. Taylor newly appointed Postmaster for Lucama, took charge of the office Monday, Feby. 6th. . i R. W. Wheless and M. D. Aycock, Plkeville young men are much en- tution by the way in which you pre two Black Creek young men, have thused over basketball even if the sent to the world those things you opened a restaurant which is proying local team was defeated the other have gotten from It. Romans 12:12 a great convenience to the traveling night by the Black Creek team by a says "Let your hope be a joy to you." public and men who have come to score of 46 to 18. The local fans say This all is said that you may have Black Creek to work on buildings. the cause of this defeat was happiness. Don't be sad and despond- C. E. Barnes of R. F. D. No. 1, the absence of Worth Aycock from ent. Guide your life according to one was at the A. C L. station this morn- the local team, and the addition of ambition and be happy in it in spite of difficulty. Let, be something worth while. ' ' : v Mr. Morton left on Monday to visit other institutions of the U.' S. before ton tonight on the' local Warehouse floor. - . - Mrs. J. S. Edwards who has been . BTMAdinir radir time with her nsr- enta Dr. and Mrs. I. W. Lamm, left : Tuesday for er home in Troy N. C. Mr. Aoscoe Bass of Columbia Uni versity Is spending some time here witl .-hif rentB Mr. and Mrs. Na than Battel ing to receive a consignment of six- two new players on the Black Creek teen porkers for his farm Steam. The local team will -play the J. A Barnes. of the Black Creek Seven Springs team on the 17th. Bank is finding a steady improve-1 1 ment in the banking, business. The bank is well patronized by local mer- ALLi O 1 AlVO . chants and others. 1 Work on the new public contact with people. In this type the inner organs of the body, were in pre dominance for they loved to eat. In, the 3rd type the face and hand was of a triangular shape, the nose be ing straight and the forehead and upper part of the head being very large.' This type was the intellectual type and ' suited for vocations that required deep thought and mujch head fwork,.In this type the brain and ner vous system were in predominance. But people as a whole were usually a mixture of these types and' the type that predominated would be the one that affected the person most. Mr. Lutz demonstrated his lecture by going back to Paraguay. He Is great ly missed by the students and faculty using students selected at random 1 RFINC ORC AM7ED of A C C as also 18 his wife' Both tnrouSkout the audience by himself school . have been of great service to the and Mr. Hilley. His lecture was very house Is progressing. There will be' jpremont Feb 10 Another bas- college and tQeir lives and speeches interesting and instructive and was a large auaiionum in ise new uuuu- jteDajj team is being organized" and nave Ieit lasting lmyressiuiis iur mo iuuiuu6mj cujufcU uy iuuo inracm. iuk 10 ue useu ior uieeiiuea sun .... , . . . , . r eooQ m me lives oi mauv ui mo entertainments. will .ho Vnnwn an tha "All Stars." iThe team will play against the local students, several having dedicated high school team, as well as against their lives to fPr.ead ?f the gosPel PERSONAL ITEMS INTERESTING NEWS OF SHARPSBURG out-of-town teams. Among those in terested in the organization of the FROM SIMMS team are Messrs. F. L. Peacock, Her- . man Pippin, Clarence Pike, John Simms, Feb. 10. Miss S. D. Tay- Hayes and Wyatt Whitley. both at home and abroad. N. ShaTpsburg, Feb. 10. -Little Christine Dawes, who was accident ally shot with a shot gun In the hands ;of her eight year old brother on January 29 th Is still in a Rocky Mount hospital. We are glad to learn however that she Is rapidly improv ing and is expected to be able to come 'home soon - idbe of the robbers, a negro who iofcfeed the store - of Messrs. J. F. avtls& Co., Jan. 26th has been ap prehended at Rocky Mount with a MR. B. T. FERGUSON SPEAKS. Mr. B. T. Ferguson spoke this week to the students of A. C. C. His topic lor spent last week end in Norfolk, Considerable feeling has been ex- was cooperative marketing. Econo Va. pressed among the local citizens, mics, he said, was an important Mr Thomas Quinn. was one of especially those who are basketball phase of American life. The height Simms visitors last Tuesday. fans, over the criticism of the local one attains in the world depends on Mr. ami Mrs. Louis Boykin are team when it played with the Wilson our viewpoint of economics, both the proud parents of a fine baby boy. team at Wilson. Mr. J. S. Moore, Su- j wholesale and retail. Rural econo- We wish to thank those who have perintendent of the local high school mics is the greatest of all for all we been loyal to our prayer meeting ser- is the coach of the local team. "Mem-' have and do depends on the farm vice which is held every Wednesday bers of the local team say they only and the farmer. All agricultural de- night at 7:30 and Invite all that will protested against some of the deci-' velopment depends on distribution to come out and help make it a sue- sions. These members believe In and marketing, not on production, cess. their team and say it will prove its During the war we produced. In 1920 . worth before the season is over. I we had the biggest crops of all com- I TR MFFTT1SIP Ci 1 Imodities with wheat at $20 a barrel Xir r n Mruro T" R' Kirby ls supplying a much and tobacco at $1.00 a pound. Specu- AND O I alllifv INfcWiJ needed want for Fremont in opening lators got a corner on all and held a first class cafe in the rear portion it. Prices went up until he disposed Elm City, Feb. 10. Mrs. J. Norris of the Fremont Bank and Trust Com-! of what he had and suddenly prices Vour ; Sweetheart Should . See LG1S greatest I WEBER'S picture PROP. SADLER ADDRESSES STUDENTS. Prof. Sadler spoke to the students in Chapel Thursday. His subject was The Impressions of a Young College Professor, Regarding College Stu dents." He first said he believed that students were at heart sincere. They also loved fair play, and they were really reverent. He urged that stu dents have less of the jazz spirit and music for it. was irrevalent usually. Mr. Sadler's talks are always enjoyed by A. C. C. students. PRESIDENT HILLEY ADDRESSES STUDENTS. President Hilley's weekly Chapel talk to the student body was very interesting and helpful. Mr. Hilley's remarks are always of vital import ance to student life and activities. part of the stolen goods. He is being J Barnes entertained the "Merry Mat- pany's building, East Sycamore St. fell. Economics was out of order. ffven a hearing as soon as his part-'Wednesday night at a Valentine par- cess. r ! aeid ax itocKy Mount and will be rons" and a number of invited guests Mr. Kirby's friends wish him sue- Production had overcome a system of marketing and distribution. Such, he said, were the conditions. Then Mr.' Tn.. 1 ,1 svVttvn A Yia Ilia-' Ben-' tory of coperative marketing, Mrs. nor has been arrested, which is ex-'ty, the guest of honor was pecied any moment as the negro ar- Albert Stevens of Greensboro, at-i The foundation of the new bnild- rostea nas given tne officers the full : tractive house guest of the hostess, ing being erected by Dr G. R. In ietMfls of the robbery and the name and description of his partner. pr, Jno. D. RObbins came near to .sistlng of chicken salad, sandwiches, I stories high and will take the place ganized its commodities and so did ftavinsrfc serious accident last Wed- pickles, coffee, heart shaped cream of the building that was destroyed by California, especialy the fruits. Ru- ton at the corner of Main and Rail- Denmark there is a systematic manner road streets, Is well under way. This of the distribution of products. Den new structure wil be of brick, two mark has fewer paupers. Oregon or- INTER-SOCIETY DEBATE. The eyes of the members of the Alethian and Hesperian Literary So cieties are turned in one direction only these days and that Is toward the annual inter-society debate which will be held March 17. This occasion is always one of goodnatured rivalry on the part of both literary societies and this year's classic promises to be no exception to the rule. J Interest in this year's debate has been greatly increased by the pre sentation last Saturday of a beauti- l yuuresi secnuu ui iub o. uw lrwir,r n the fHft nf T T Onnv 1 li II A. ! A. J J.1 XS 9 t jj. d. oaosBi, wuu wves war milestone oi me ricnesi, anu uas iub uig- n-o-a a Williams This cup is to be held each year by the literary society winning the an- iA.k.-... , i. . ,.-'i.- j .x,.- . . . . . i.i.. nuai mier-socieij ucua-.c. ou. o- mi i"uS au me wiucis in lOYvu at uuivBu a QecK oi took, caras ior me uaa conaiuon. state, tiere in ine soma coicon aaa terrlSc -'iipeed I sometimes on one highest rook score. Decorations, tally , . been produced below cost. Fifty two 'wheel-ton again maybe on two, old .cards and refreshments carried Out The local lodge of Knights of Py-' millions in the month per year for DtfoMhs'inade a cross country run the Valentine idea.' thians presented a play Thursday the last 26 years have been made to the main highway and as he came Several Interesting games of bridge and rook were enjoyed. In serving a dainty collation, con sisting of chicken salad, sandwiches, Wilson Theatre Monday. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE Norfolk Southern R. R. Corrected to Aug. 10, 1921. Published as information onlyi : not guaranteed. LEAVE WILSON 8:45 A. M. Dally for Greenville Washington, JSdenton. Ellzabetn City, Norfolk. Parlor car Wasblngtoa to Norfolk. 4:49 P.M. Daily for Greenville. Washington, Belhaven. 4:26 A. M. Dally for Washington. Edenton, Elizabeth City, Norfolk. Sleeping car Wilson to Norfolk. Sleep ing Car, Marsdin to New Bern. B:04 A. M. Daily for Raleigh, Fay- ttevllle, Charlotte and points west and south. Parlor cur to Raleigh. 10:15 A. M. Daily tor Middlesex, Zebulon, Wendell, Ral eigh. 5:45 P. M. Dally for Raleigh and points west d south. The only North Carolina line. running its trains Into Norfolk City. For Rates, Routes and other m formation call on or write to 1 K. G. WINSTEAD, Wilson. N. O. fire last November. (ral California 25 years ago was the poorest section of the U. S. Now it is fteeday night when as he was in the and cake the hostess was assisted by aet:bf J getting into his buggy his Mesdames Ed Braswell, R. H. Putney nofseUmped tor a run, the Doctor and Miss Mary Belle Hayes. Mrs. rave the reins a snatch and broke the Moore Winstead making the highest i out, was in town Thursday with two gest university in the, world. In Cal- tiit ''freeing the horse, : which was by bridge score, was presented with a loads of cotton which he sold. Mr. ifornia more college girls and boys thin time 'going at a fast gait. After deck of cards. Mrs. L. L. Sloop re- Sasser said the roads were in rather are on the farm than in any other cieties are exerting every effort In Coburns Minstrels for the past twenty five years one of the leading attractions and too well known for its progressive and clean methods to require further superlative adjectives to the lovers of good minstrelsy, will make its annual appearance at the Wilson Theatre Feby 15. Charlie night, entitled "Knight of Knights," by cotton from the south. The deeper to .a regular trot on the main road the Doctor "carefully slipped through the back of 'the too and perched on viio rear auu. me uoeior miriDutea 1 ier was aDout seventy . years old,, sne Htft.bMMa-"fMm r o 1 In 4 1. 4 V. n t I J 1 X 1 1 "1 . 1 . . , ... . . ... . A ' w "-yw.wu mojia: BuiTiieu oj uvr uuaunua, two no an improvement, in Dusmess in a tnat grow cotton tODacco ana peanuLs. ducation ag tne (jominant element '""" yroneut-H ui mmu . uauguieis, mesuaiiies lorn fMiiamg, ouuri nioe, ana mat Marcn will bring it is supposed mat ior nve years an n . wth a Sprretarv at the head who order to be the first posessors of the Gano the Producer Stage Manage! cup. The cup is on exhibition at t;he and one of minstrelsys best known present time in the window of Denny funny men is again in the stellar role among the comedians, and Manager Drna .Towolrv Rtnre. 1 Mrs. iienry urumpier, died -rues- oeiore a large audience. The different one goes into the cotton and tobacco ( Tfae estion for debate is as fol- Cobwrn has surrounded him with an day at her home near the. city after parts were well taken. sections of the south thetworse con- lQwg. Resolved that a Federal De- all new cast of dancers, comedians several months illness. Mrs. Crump-, ditions as a whole become. Now they . " w.ktin k ttnA Public and entertainers with the latest and J. ,W. Forehand believes there Will are trying to organize all farmers Welfare shouid be organized with. best acts obtainable In Minstrel tb'rawl 'through the back of the t0pas'tte,:dtd. Mr,uM0 Register went to Clinton - Wednesday on business and to visit tfrfesde and relatives. MrJno: S. Harper has tendered his resignation as Postmaster of Sharps- 1, "burf and the office is now open for J. renlr 'applicants for examination which' will be annoanced later, It is -tfderstobd. V On Utiti& zttgtt'JMj 30th. The Sharp&urg Bocfal Clab gave an old liaae chicken : fry in j honor of Mr. t trJ iicfonls ; ofi Lmberton, ' N. C. who is in town visiting friends. Mr. Mclnnis was ''formerly with the Sharpsburg'Drug Co.,' for the past two years.-tau present declared It was the -supper 'of their life 'and that "better chickens do not grow." and Silas Weeks and one son, Mr. more prosperity to the local business these be sold through an organized) ouJd fee & memDer of the President's Clarence" Crumpler of Rocky Mount, men. . pooL You deposit the products with J CaDinet a sister, Mrs. Dare Batts and a num- " : the organization and receive 50 per. Tfae ;ffirmative side of tnia ques. ber of grandchildren. SPEECHES HEARD Cent on The oreanIzation wilt bor-!tion will be upheld by the Hesperian The funeral was held from Peoples A T T UD rhl I rrr TOW 1101167 frm the war finance Literary Society. The Hesperlans Chapel, Wednesday afternoon at two Al 1 rilL CLlL.L.llGlL board. The banks of the United j have elected James Manning and o'clock. The large attendance and States are willing to help. Only $5 'Zeb Brinson as their debators. . beautiful floral tributes attested to Atlantic Christian College, :WIIson, is required to become a member of . Tne Alethian Literary Society wil the high esteem and place of affec- Feb. 10. Mr. C. Manly Morton, mis- the organization. , The time will so .uphoia the negative side of the ques tion which the deceased held in the sionary in Paraguay, spoke Saturday come when the farmer will not bave'tim Tne Alethians have elected Paul community. : ' tthe 4th, for the . last time to the to gamble for set prices will be made Rica and MJsa Charlie iGrey Raulen ine ioiiowmg invitations nave vuuem opay. 01 , a. ( u. u. ie saia on ail me proaucts. AS CULI'"" aa their debators been issued: ; that the student body made the insti- and tobacco are sold off by the organ- "We are giving a party for the tution not its endowments, for some ization , during the lean months of 'Piano Men'. Our invitation to you we have large endowments but no in- the year the farmer will have money- send. February 14tbj, is the date fluence. 1 is not the faculty entirely coming in, whereas before he would The boys' prayer meeting .it .7:00 Be sure you come and don't be late." that makes an institution yet the not have it. The plan as a whole p. m. Wednesday was led by Mr. ; Woman's Club 6:30 o'clock. . faculty has a vital interest in the seems very good and it Is hoped that Zeb Brinson. The meeting was very This is given by the Woman's Club students bf A C. C. . A. C. C. is cooperative marketing in the South helpful to all the. boys present. BOYS PRAYER MEETING. - BLACK .CREEK NEWS. -iBlack Creek," Feb. lO.--Because of -ptrtlaK disorganization of the Black Creek'Bksketball team, not only "the fans, lut alV of the"" citizens ot Black ICHek. x feeling discourage,' at : the ' ftflipecta of having the team go out complimentary ' to the business menu; Judged by the kind of students it has will be a big success, who gave the Woman's Club the The people of the town at the recitals piano for a Christmas present. . and elsewhere judge the institution. If the students ' are wholesome, Mr. Milton Jefferson ' of the Hes perian Literary Society discussed the REV. .H- F. LUTZ LECTURES. 'Muscle Shoals situation in Chapel Rev H. F. Lutz district evangelist yesterday in a most interesting man- Dr. and Mrs. Ed. C. McCleese, have strong, jurors In righteousness, 'and for Disciples of .Christ in Delaware, ner. REV. LUTZ VISITS A. C. C. begun house keeping. , , j do the work better than the average Maryland and District of Columbia 1 they will iudee the institution aB sooke to the students of A C. C. Wed- .' t " "I -'''' ' . Mfw . m ! T- TT Hi ' T 4-ww A 4 atra n oral. T"E puepe gy A7C 1 better thin the average. A. C. C. has nesday morning on - vocational r us xiev. n. iiu, uinw 1 CACnrLKO VaiVV ML a rlrht to be proud 6f the men and and Misfits." He based his judgment 1st of the Disciples of Christ fa Del EXCELLENX PLAY women has trained: It is not of the character of the person, and aware, Maryland and tie District of ashamed -of any of Its alumni. If his vocational possibilities on tne uoiumDia was witn ns irom iuesay Vaudeville. will break" a Cold, Fever an Grippe quicker than anything we know,preventingpneumoiiia :; SnashvillejennJ ERnpflDOVM Pikevllle Feh in A Aat thA alumni are tri h tha heat in he physical make-up. such as the shape night until Wednesday, morning lot V'lteace-TMs disorganization of ot sympathy is beingexpressed for community , it depends on what the and size of the head and body. There Tuesday evening at 7;00 o clock the U.m ii lfid to. the-recent rules Mr. Luther Hale any family in" the students do here. Mr. Morton said It I were fundamental principles in In .the College auditorium Rev. Lutz dd regulations. By these rules the recent loss;of 3theSf;liome by flre;, -was the duty-of every individual, to phrenology that-held good. Physi- lectured m the subject "To Infidelity f3lth Erothen. who came toBlackJMr. JIaH Ured -firdr PeswotfrJejlook od m be -euu Aa gljr-W.elogyd psychology played lad-rf and Back." Mr LuU, who had him- V - 1 . jSr , f S - ' . . . - . - ' - . - ' Woodard Bros. & Co. y i ''- V i-'i-;'DlstrIbBtor. 'C. 'i . We have moved our office and busi ness to the bid Farrior Stable on'Tar boro street. In better shape to serve yoit than ever. G. T. Fulghum ft Co. i i