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THE MAIL, ORDER OCTOPUS 5 lT liJ BY MGMERKER. Have you, as citizens of this prosperous town, ever stopped to think of the great part that the money invested in Home Real Estate plays in the success of our city? The upbuilding and beautifying of our town can only be brought about by investing our money in our home real estate, and everydollar invested here helps to increase the value of the property in this community, encourages local building and makes for the brpad gauge road of civic advancement, thus doubly securing you-investments. MORAL: It is better to be sure than sorry. ALLEN-WORLEY FURN. CO. , "WHERE THE BEST COSTS LESS" Goldsboro St. Wilson, X. O. r BARRETT-PATRICK CO. Ready-to-Wear, Millinery and Dry Goods Phone 766 Terms: Cash BARKER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Ladies and Children's Ready-to-Wear and Men's Up-to-Date Clothing 107-100-111 Tarboro St. Wilson, N. C. Barker's Dry Goods & Shoe Store Everything to Wear for the Whole Family - For Less Money 126 S. Tarboro St. Wilson, N. C. BARNES-HARRELL COMPANY WHOLESALE GROCERS Bottlers of Coca-Cola BOYETTE-DEANS & CO. Hardware, Buggies, Wagons, Harness Bicycles and Groceries ' ' ' ' ' ' , " ' E. M. BLAUVELT , PPTOMETRIST We' fit and grind our own glasses. Also duplicate any glass, no matter where made. 112 S. Tarboro St. W ilson, N. C. BOYKIN GROCERY CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS Phones 31 and 250 Wilson, N. C. BRANCH BANKING & TRUST CO. Commercial, Savings nnd Trust .Depart ments. 4 per cent on Savings Capital and Surplus $500,000.00 BROWN MOTOR COMPANY BUICK . J. Caney Brown, Proprietor BRUTON AND RAWLINGS COAL AND WOOD Phone S8. Wilson, IT. C. W. J. BURDEN & SON JEWELERS Watches, Diamonds and a General Line of Jewelry Next to Planters Bank - Phone 86 ; Carolina Building Supply Co. ' Building Material and Lumber "All Kinds for Less Money." Phone 871 Wilson, N. C. CLARK BROTHERS "WILSON'S SHOPPING CENTER" Everything to Wear for Everybody CHURCHWELL'S - ' THE QUALITY SHOP" . " Make This Jewelry Christmas THINK IT ADVI5ADLE. TO BOY INSTEAD OF BUYING SOMETHING WE KNOT SHE- YOU ARE RIGHT. YOU KNOW MR. EASY LOST, BUYING PROPERTY HE Be On The J. M. DANIEL Headquarters for Style-Plus Clothing and ." De Witt Shoes 123 S. Tarboro St. Wilson, N. C. DAILY-WATSON TOBACCO CO. Wholesale Dealers in Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes and Snuff 123 S. Goldsboro St. Phone 676 DENNY BROTHERS CO. Jewelers. Glasses' Fitted i One of the finest engravers in the South With Us in December DILDY AND AGNEW Hardware, Stoves and Ranges Men's and Boys' Shoes FIDELITY GROCERY CO. Wholesale Groceries. Proprietors "Fidelco" Brand Pure Foods. Phone 508 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Increased Deposits Mean Greater Lending Power , G. T. FULGHUM & CO. ROOFING OF ALL KINDS 'Hot Air and House Millinery" ROBT. H. FULGUHM Ladies and Men's Clothing, Shoes for the Family HACKNEY BROS. (Inc.) AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT "Service That Satisfies" : ' HERRING DRUG STORE STRICTLY A DRUG STORE 211 E. Nash St. Phone 27 ISEAR'S 'THE LADIES STORE" Dry .Goods, Millinery and Ready-to-Wear 105 S. Tarboro 'St. Phone 1029 THE MARKET, STORES "Where Your Dollar Buys More Groceries" Only Well Known Brands Carried -Self-Service -Cash' and Carry MATTHEWS DRUG STORE 44THE MEDICINE SHOP" Hackney' Building Goldsboro St. MERCHANTS PRODUCE CO. Wholesale Fruits and Produce. Repre- sen ting Ward Baking Co., makers of fine Cakes. Phone 649 Wilson N. C. 9 MOSS & CO. - "TREAT PEOPLE RIGHT" 137 South Tarboro St. THE MOTOR SALES CO. Hudson and Essex Passenger Can - - . Garford Tracks - ' v HOME PROPERTY NOTHING ABOUT. THE MONEY HAD NEVER SEEN. Safe Side NADAL MOTOR CO. SERVICE ON ALL CARS Front of Center Brick Warehouse OETTINGER'S THE DEPENDABLE STORE . WILSON, N. C. t. fTpettus co7 Asbestos Shingles, Vehicles, Harness and Bicycles, Wilson, N. C. RAINES MOTOR COMPANY DODGE BROTHERS Motor Cars and Service J. W. RILEY GROCERY CO. Staple and Fancy -Groceries Phones 47, 885, 1048 RUFFIN'S ACCESSORY SHOP "OUR TIRES MAKE GOOD." WILSON, N. C. RUFFIN-HIGH COMPANY Garden Seed and Poultry Supplies 'WILSON, N. O. STOKES-TOMLINSON CO. Wilson's Exclusive Men's Shop Fashion Park Clothes T SUGG AND BRIDGERS . Electrical Supplies and Fixtures We Wire Houses. . . 402 East Nash St. W. W. SIMMS CO. Everything a Good Lumber Company Should Carry. Phone 51 TARKENTON & SESSOMS THE SAFE DRUG STORE Patterson Drug Co., Inc. TEACHER, WOODALL FURN. CO. HOUSE FURNISHINGS WILSON, N. C. THOMAS-YELVERTON & CO. "BETTER FURNITURE" " " Funeral Directors and Embalmers Ambulance Service - Phone 58 ' J. W. W. THOMPSON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR and Electrical Supplies TOMLINSON & CO. "THE FARMER'S FRIEND." WILSON, N. C. TURLINGTON & MORRISON THE BIG BUSY. DRUG STORE Phones 168-233 Wilson, N. C. HARRY F.WALLS V MERCHANT TAILOR " ' r : . . 128 South Goldsboro St. WELFARE AUTO CO. Reo Commercial and Pleasure Cars - "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE" tt- i t 1 ; - - It is the prowling Thbpe of this monster to'.. gradually" at first and then by mighty lnnges,v to draw out our strength by taking from us our resources. Its victims come slowly at first and unless , it is hunted ' down , it gains ' in ferocity, and envelope and . develops quickly. This monster has never paid, taxes toward the upkeep of the locality and its presence in our midst should be made , more and more objectionable . at every turn. The only way in which to drive out the monster is through the - same spirit of co operation that has brought about the up building.. If every; man, woman and child in : our happy city family will unite in cooper ating with the home commercial industries, the mail order octopus will be quickly driv en to tespair and thence to starvation. Let's all .jget together and continue the prosperity and sucoesa that has been ours In the past. It has taken many years . of co-operative efforts to build op a community like this. We have labored Jointly, our forefathers la bored and their forefathers before them. The up-buildihg and beautifying: of this lo cality has been in the main brought .about through our contributions most popularly known as taxation. Each one of us has thus contributed toward the upbuilding and sus tenation of the community and we have couie to enjoy its resources. With this considered In the light that it deserves, we are prompted to protect what we have built up. Like thedocile animals of the forests, there is always some monster preying upon and prowling about in search of the life blood. In thisi community we re fer particularly to the mail order octopus that seeks to entwine our homes within its , outstretched 'arms. " - WILLIAMS & COMPANY MILLINERY AND NOVELTD3S 118 East Nash St. Phone 178 WILLIAMS LUMBER CO. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER Phone 836. Wilson, N. C. WILLIAMS & PALMER COAL AND WOOD Phone 41 . , Wilson, N. C. WILSON DRUG CO. "The Drug Store That Satisfies" 114 S. Tarboro St. Phones 122-916 WILSON DYE WORKS CLEANERS AND DYERS Modern Methods Modern Equipment I 115 Tarboro St. Phone 119 WILSON FURNITURE CO. Furniture, - Funeral Directors" and Embalmers Phones- Day 210; Night 571 WILSON HARDWARE CO. : Building Material, Sporting Goods China ware and Glassware Phones 18-19 , Phone 289 Wilson Insurance and Realty Co. Mr. Merchant. Do You Buy Your' 1 Insurance Out of Town? WILSON MANTEL AND TILE CO. Mantels, Tile, Grates and Wall Paper Interior Decorating ( ' i'.VViK WILSON, N. C. WILSON SHOE STORE Shoes of. Distinction for the Whole Family 108 E. Nash Street.' Phone 80O THE WILSON THEATRE The Best Moving Pictures and Shows , Obtainable WILSON WHOLESALE CO. Heavy and Fancy Groceries Wholesale and Retail Phones 535-748. Wilson, N. C. - WOODARD BROTHERS & CO. ' Wholesale Groceries' and Confections Bottlers of Pepsi-Cola and Whistle. - - C. WOODARD ' COMPANY Wholesale Groceries and Feed Distributor for Voigt's Royal and. Self Risfng Flour YOUNG'S : - Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing and Ready-to-Wear. Specialists In Ladies Ready-to-JWear Clears the Heed DcwVtty toTrest Cctarrft . . Head colds are checked or warded off if treated prompt ly with VIcks VapoRub. Nasal catarrh of ten becomes less distressing. Melt Vicks and inhale the vapors. Then apply in nostrils. Repeat use at bedtime. Antiseptic vapors, inhaled all night ' make sleep easier. t W0K V VapoRuo Oor 17 Million Jan Ummd Ymmrfy Rub-My-Tism. antiseptic and pain killer, for infected sores, tetter, sprains, neuralgia, rheu matism. ' r SUPERIOR COURT CASES THURSDAY. The Superior Court disposed of the following cases yesterday W. P. Evans was found' guilty of murder in the second degree. J. R. Petway, appeal from Mayors' Court for disorderly conduct was charged with the costs. Resisting of ficer also made to pay. costs. Jim Tomlin for larceny and re ceiving was given four months. George Tommy a whfte man guilty of being drunk and disorderly was given 45 days on the roads. Walter Adams charged with larceny was sent to the roads ' for eight months. His attorney . Mr. Swindell and his mother alleged' he was not sixteen years old. His honor said he did not think much of the juvenile law. He said a sixteen year old boy could kill a man with a pistol or gun as easily as an older person. Cicero Coley charged with, shoot ing in a barber shop Belonging to Ira Jones in Elm City was acquitted. Coley plead he was not the man. 666 is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe. It's the most speedy remedy we know. WIRELESS TELEPHONE RECEIVER INSTALLED IN HARDING'S STUDY. Washington, Feb. 8. President Harding has a new toy to play with if he can find leisure to devote to it A wireles telephone receiving out fit was installed today ia the Presi dent's study on the second floor of the White House by Commander Stanford C. Hooper, at Secretary Denby's request, it is understood. . After tomorrow the President will be able to put the phones to his ears as he sits at his desk, in his study, overlooking the lawn toward the Washington Monument, and hear the latest news or snatches of music. It is expected that a similar re ceiving instrument will be installed in the White House press room for the correspondents. . , CHARGE REPUBLICAN . WITH SHADY FINANCING. Washington, , Feb. , 9 .The aser tion that William Boyce Thompson, "of the national Republican organiza tion," had borrowed $5,000,000 from the New York Federal Reserve bank on a "dummy note," was made by Senator Hef lin. Democrat, Alabama, in the Senate today in the course of an . attack on the Federal Reserve board. . .. Senator Heflin replied to the re cent , address of Senator Glass, Dem- ( ocrat, Virginia, former secretary of the treasury who defended the board. USE SLOAN'S TO EASE . 'LADE; BACKS YOU can't do your best ' when your back and: every muscle aches with fatigue. Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, with out rubbing, and enjoy a penetrative glow of warmth and comfort. : Good for rheumatism, neuralgia sprains and strains, aches and pains, sciatica, sore muscles, stiff joints and iiie after effects of weather exposure. For forty yearspain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. Keep Sloan's handy. . At all druggista-7-35c, 70c, $1140. , 7 V .A X