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The Daily THE WILSON DAILY TIMES, AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THAT GETS DIRECT RESULTS FOB ITS USERS, FOREIGN AND LOCAL - THE TWO EDITIONS OP TH3 WDLSOyDAUiY TIMES COVER EVERY SECTION OF EASTERN NORTH 'CAROLINA Five O'clock Edition Price: Fire Cent ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES. WILSON. N. O, TUESDAY, FEB. 14, 1922 Vol. 19; No, 294 1ME8 IRELAND IS NEAR CIVIL WAR IT m GENERAL B a reVublicxn plot Collim is tottch Perturbed . 6vr he Action of British j ... Qovelrnment in Halting Re- jf ndI of British "Troops; - ' - -. 2 Unsettled State is Cause of the -Renfoval. f &o&den, Feb. 14. Michael OtH tHns dramatic disclosure of an &Ueg4 Republican plot to overthr-ow She unexplained suspension 4 . tfette British military evacuation -aaa the dangerous tension between merth 4ted south have couibiaed o vvoduce a -'serious situation, in inelana. Dispatches show that the ipsition tori the frontier is not Car Jratnaa; state of war. Indeed the zroospeet ef civil war seems immiMt . The, dispatches e3xt by Belfast cor respondents represent ithe 1 temper . of the Ulster men .as toeing - amclu that un less the kidacfl&ied Unionists arj' an explosion winch on ay Head to war. aAs to ' the - plot Alleged .against ' the provisional grosaraient aothtag is (Contiztaed mm EP&ge IE4ght.) IIPATHY Presbyterian : :IRreaSier - Ex- Ph&MUbaua Audience. ..Philadelphia, Web. T14. Angels com.maiiKarte,eWtfeceafehipfaier by. tei-1 epathy and .-converse vwifa men by: "the-; same jneans EDr. ' Horace jlX . Stan-1 ton? seenetei$y mat 'the jPtesbyteriani Ministerial jAesaai&ticm . and a stu dent of sfeysic phenomena declared last nlgiflt an n calUdtf ijkAre. j- .r "TelejaxtSbp ts itfee tfoirrti language of heaven,". It :fa iusedbyrt"aree pm niscent, mfflipSOTt beings the Father, iae jHQly taost-aaaa Christ. The .Fatl(and'theffloly(awBt neV- rer had aiyailiot&aosjQft, speech therefore- .- Ihougfct ' traaamission must be twi ihotguage .Jtsed. . .'For ceartauSes ceatists !lre no--,'ticed - the jwxsv&Ib lut 6eleptiy and elairToysuee."'- ,y.'-'.-..-- Dr. Stanton (gao.tftd jjftgsages 'from scripture to e3m -that angels eeom ; municate with baenans ibjy telepathy! ; In every case lie ssaid ttfte ttught atausiujouion itwf junce niie tae iman was asleep. " s WHEAT fBI(GES 3C3P. Chicago, Feb. li Wheat Rcices iussped" as much as 6 1-2 c.ents a "bugbl. The reason was a entiopal Advice in Liverpool and other fqr eign .market centers while SSnitejl t$te$ .exchanges were closed Awing yeaterjav's holiday. May delirejy peed jat $1.37 to 1.39 as egai.ast 1.33 to 1.3.8 1-8. COKTOX COXSUMED Washington, Feb. -14. Cotton consumed dwing January amounted to 526,$5 bals of lint and 40,459 of linters cp.mpsred with 366,463 of lint and -29,7-8.2 of linters in Janu ary of last year, he census bureau announced today. 5NIPERS ARE V. STILL BUSY Belfast, Feb. , 14 Snfjsers con tinued their grim work fa the dis turbed section fo Belfast this morn ing ana by midday the death roll naa been increased . to 18. Te number of wounded at the same tour had reached a : total of aprox. Unately oO, - ,;..;, In the main . thoroughfares of the mj the.bu8inm conilnned as ususJ tUEF ANGHSBHSE mm i rWILL TRY TO 'CROSS PACIFIC BY AIRPLANE. St. Louis, Feb. 14 -An at tempt to tsross the Pacific ocean by airship will be made soon according to a statement made. fey Brig. Gen. Mason Patrick of the army air ser vice to an address here. Be yond his statement Gen. Pat rick; would not discuss the matter. KAuditor Boykin Say That the '. Deficit is - Due lb Double Listing and Insufficient Tax Rate. ' Regarding the qwegftons contained in the letter ot Mr. W. F. Woodard addresed to the WS&tBfr ot the Times yesterday coeetrattfg the necessity for issuing bt - refunding bonds we. 0wwrea'4fr?following state ment foaB'3fflr. Boykin connty auditor, 'T.-;.--:; Mr. Scyltm ura 'that in 1936 a great dtatl t -rpnaperty was dotWe listeditlwrt is, t has ssame property w listed 'jm itwo .'or mtbre persons. The tax" rae was 3Bft< on .values -wliiai did stft xiet aaMaaagteat amomt tax tciiHttrtrqiiBnf ly - was--of aecegi cbargBfl off The 'Tate in tbcnret 3a? stance asrosontcient to raise snm cienit anoney te JTnin the sevena ef partanHnts of ttiBe county. ' - Tfw .-Rrhnol ffund has- sot vel' re eeatsdB tfhe ".nnmev due it tram the' statft, 15 or iifes proportion t of the exr peases, oof ropgaating the scfcooHi in this saounty. . It was therefore tkbccs sary ffor 'the waatitytb boarrnw tfhei feTSBing mffictnta i"; ;.to" conditcl "the seem'l VjtepecriaBrents" of the ksEasB.l ' Ceenty, EunH . . . . .;; . . .54,001) Raa iPnnd .". l' . . . . . - 5$,W0. SchsHJl S!una '.Jl it ."ij.'.'.lMWBOe Iratteafl Vot Heyying a tax n ' one year sufficient f to l-retire above setes tliBemotea aB obeing converted into refuitBing bonsis which spreads be payiiants fover nap series of yeara. j AiM tCbese iitetna ; appear In the staenaesixt flf tthecoeunty auditor pb Hshea an the Jlsilly" Times in DeceHH ber " -; . - . : - Mr. !Boykln tetofms us that a snfr iciest tiax irate 'has' been levied this year to Jta3ce ocacp out ' the several de partmexiie the iunty, and there will be a) (deficit. We "aofte 3m yesterday's. Raleigh pa per that la the artnual - statement of Wake eoaattar.. Chat oepunty has .bor rowed $215. cm 6tsrroad fund, and has borrowed J17V0!p, for its county fund. We are SsXaraegd - that the county auditor of Wake, county does not handle the echo! fund, and therefore his statexseAt does not show the indebtedness ct the school fund for that county, &ch we are informed is considerably , over $100,- ,0.00. , ' WEATHER ;Spr North Carolina raia tonight .-and Wednesday with little change In temperature, fresh to strong j&orth- sfiast affed east winds. : - GENERAL NFWS JjJew york State has-cut the propriations Qr the expenses of the Stat 10(j00A00. The total budget for 1922 will bebout $126,000,000. WUltexa Jienninfis Bryan . is silent concerning the rumr that he would be a candidate - for election to the United States senate from Florida. The House will be aske to reduce the size of the army to i00,00 enlist ed men or even, to ;a maxjjjtim-" of 75,000 when the annuai army appro- priation bill comes up. It is reported that Ford, Motor Cpmpany may acquire th East Camp property in Virginia from the govern- ent tand 'establish - an sutomobfle planj pa the property.. WILSON COUNTY ORGANIZE BUREAU FOR REDUCTION OF I TOO . ; Manv MANY BABIES DIE ; Believe That Judge Long Will be Upheld in Mi Refusal to Pay Income Tax Changed Recommended fcy Text Book CommrasiOH "W?I1 Throw Ou Many Book. jSsBy;;, Max; Aberaeth! ' :. -'! RalsigaV. Feb. 14. Figea, which show that the infant Trfdrtality in 1950 was 34 fiercent 'df -all deaths reported in Nwth Carolina indicates the need for expaoskmol the State Board vt l3th so as to wipe out tais terrfbl c6aitiiau - . . - Tb heaUSi department is now in tibe process 'of organising a bureau of saternity -and infaifiSr which will 6e ppated Sn coniuntion with the bealh tvMfrk in, the -State and which Will 'csvry (out the provisions of the Shtppand-Towner ct, recently passed INFANT MOMMY toy congress. An appropriation XRHnUod poliics'aie direct taxation is ifJCPEJaiiHUeo. l9a ' Page Eight.) SVIEETtXG IPOSTPOXKaC ; Tire "meeting of the Wilsoa alllBie ss9ciation -eclteduled for last, n ingwvas not hsi. It will be fetid Saifc- nTffiay .evenmg at 8t 30 - in tae Oba- lbrfdf Gomnserce rooms. TVL&RKETS fJHE vOPTTON MARgTOC INew -ot,- Feb. . 1-4- wreEfaro- nsnte lovern&e bullish; especially Utv- kerpodlieablesc caused an active pen- ;g :in tthe sttos market -today, iDo- tmestic .mill eonsumptioa for Janram.-ry loaf "526552 Ibaels was regarded as bullish ranfl .there was other saankort rby Liverpoel,' New Orleans and Jap- aaeese anteEffltt. New .York, '.Feb. 14. CottMi f- ituresopensS ssteady, Mareh - 17.4S. .May.17.2Q, July 16.68, Oct. 1S.15. SUEmXRQOJj COTTON ; aiar.. &:3, May &.59, July 9.40, St. 5 M." ' XaWStaSPQQIj CLOSED JSar. 9.aO-May 9.82 July 9.80, Oct. - :'- , -: X. ODTTj OPENED . Mar, 17.48,, Jkfagr 17.18, July 16.64, Oct. 16,21, Dec, 3LS.02. If. Y. COTTON, CLOSED Mar. 17-S0, May 17-51, July 16.98, Oct. 14.48. Dee. 1.0. 12 O'CLOCK MARKET ; Mar. 17.62, May 17.34, July 16.79, Oct. 16.40, Dec. 16-24 Spots Wilson market 16c. CHICAGO GRAIN OPENED Wheat, May 1.37, July -.1.22. Corn, May 59 34, July 63 1-4. Oats, 4lay 41, -July 43, CHICAGO GRAIN CLOSED Wheat, May 3L38 i-2, Jul- 1.21 3-4 Corn, May 60 5-8, July 63.; Oats, May 4,1 1-8, July 42 12 O'CLOCK MARKET Wheat, May 1.38, July 1.21 1-2. Corn, -May 60 1-8, July 62 14. pats, May- 4 1, July 42 1-2. FOREIGN EXCHANGE . : Sterling 436, Francs -. 86 -2, Lire 482. larks 50 3-4 ; -1 ; Call moaey 4 1-2 per cent. " ' STOCKS. -f. .:; New- York, Feb. 14. There were spirited gains in the opening 'of . to day's stock market. Accumulation of buying, orders over the double,, holi day prompted -further eavering of contracts.; Oulf State Steel , ynade gains of 2. 1-2, Mexican , Petroleum rose 2 points.- Studebaker, Amt rlcan Can Corn - Products and severs! of the junior' rails all strengthened, MUST HAVE EITHER ADDED TAXES OR iii REPUBLICANS WORRIED A New Bond Issue Would he Better Politics Than Added Taxes, but it Would Not be Good Politics, and' the Treasury Believes More Taxes is Essential. -r By David' Lawrencs;)- " v j (Copyright 1922 by The Daily ' .yy'-; ... .. Times.) Washington, Feb. 13.- The politi cal paradox pt the moment whether to put out a new issae of bonds to the amount , of one amd one halt bil- ltoas or to impose ;?S50,00O,O of taxes per year for - the next three year is caaatag sleepless aigbts for the chieftains t r the Rpablican . The leaders twalize that tthe situa ttin is bad tbsr way: s aaew bond S&me is sc&soand finance but fairly iaoand dmance aind very toad politic MemSbersof Congress are seeking the isdrice oi he. Presaiettt and 9ee- fretary ff the treasury. They will et bom Str. Jbfamon the Jcdgment which he has always given swhat : the Ttirsssnry considers t te aonsB Sn lance but whether the party leaders hwIU atocaapt fthe plan or .make-aheir owa alternative remains to be esen. - '.1st :sny event here :aote -the treasons wOar!& bead Sasne 3b opposed and why the iHhseaeiiry beliewes dreEt tx- tatkm essential a 4he bonus iaaJh wsto&y aaeettable. Axta jtfter exam ining those aseasons jnembers Con- Letess will be -abie tto 3teU ito WMe uHonse wiry hey beSieve direct taxa man sbjEmM Tbe avoided if the Repab- iEkeaui iparty is to sstaia coatrol of (Dsatgress. f , The Tiaasarry Insists thast ' even Ihoueh only .-$360J).0JBir may be meeded to ay the soldier bonus nd ithte is a'aDaaSmam gaess for every tody agrees that It migiit ran as high a 4S 0 , 0 60 & 0 or approximately f5,0, in the first two years the total amount that may be re- qaired mast be taken into considera tion in any sew bond. issue--In other words if the government xuu&t bor row a billion and a half dollars more money from the American people, the total sum that will have to be obtain ed will be nearly eight billion dollars in the next two or three years be cause six and a half billions mutt be borrowed to pay Victory Bonds which come due. The Victory Bonds were oniy of five years duration and when they were issued - the government knew the Allies wouldn't be ready to pay. any of the principal so the American people are in effect asked to wait by accepting new treasury certificates instead. The Treasury is in process now of exchanging Victory Bonds for new Treasury certificates. The total amount of the war debt is twenty three and a half billions and with the soldier bonus bond issue the amount would be approximately twenty five billion dollars. The financiers at the Treasury fear that to add a billion and a half to America's total debt by borrowing through bonds would be to depre ciate the value ofall Liberty Bonds and to make the American dollar worth just so much less because of the added burden of debt Imposed on America's resources. To the argument that the bond market can readily ab- eorb the new issue, officials say th-ere's no doubt of it but that if new government bonds are issued, just so much money which would have beea available to private business as a stimulus to industrial revival will be" cut oft and normalcy delayed. The business interests of the country share this view in the main and are opposing the bonus tooth and nail and particularly a bond issue. - . Ever since direct taxes have - been mentioned, on the other hand, the avalanche of protests has been grow ing in volume. Senators and members 7 Continued on Page Eight. ) NEW BOND ISSUE DEMPSEY MAY GO ABROAD TO FIGHT. Chicago, Feb. 14. Jack Dempsey, world champion heavyweight boxer, departed .today for .New York in re sponse to what he said was an : urgent message from his manager, Jack Kearns, that he was about to sign a contract for a bout in Paris or London, probably with Carpentier. MAY SUSPEND ALL If1 Wage Reductions Are forced Such is Recommen- i dation Before the Miners. - I Indianapolis, Feb. 14. The wage scale committee reported to a special j committee of the United Mine Work-j ers ot America and declared to most emphatic manner "our opposition to any reoucuon in mixing prices ana insist that the present basic schedule fed maintained." I Under the discussion of policy the eoaunittee recoiamended a general jsaspeaston of mining if no agree- j neat is reached by April 1st, such to be sabmitted to -referendum on , Ma-rch 11, also recommended that a wage scale agreement should be sub- matted to a referendum vote. I Otaer recommendations were that ajQ &ew agreements be based on an eight hoar day 'underground with time and one half for over time and dsable time Jot Sunday ;and holidays; that weekly pay days be instituted ; rttiat practice Qf fining miners for koertain bzeadh tOf (contract le elimina- IJttAY EXTEKB THE ' IMMIGRATION LAW. Washington, -Feb. 14, A bill ex tending the life of the three per cent immigration law rto June 30, 1923 was ordered reported today by the house immigration 'committee. NEW HAVEN TEAM TO TRAIN NEAR HERE. Rocky Mount, Feb. 14. The' local MINING ACTVITY baseball officials received a message Savannah, Ga., Feb. 14. The Fed today from Bill Donovan, manager of eral grand jury "assembled fa Savan the New Haven team f the Eastern nah this morning to pas on cases of leagpe that his cmb would train defendants charged with civil or here from April 1st to April 12th, FLOUR ADVANCES. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 14. r iour scorea an advance oi oo cents Beverly Evans said, "It seems In a barrel In one of the largest mills BOme localities there is a highly or here today as a result of the strong ganized body of men engaged In the r iuj.i n-ci. uou6c ui family patents was $7.95, asked $8.50 per barrel, when sold In car load lots. AN AIRPLANE ACCIDENT Okeechobee,-Fla., Feb. 14. Cadet Fowler of Carlstrom field, Arcadia, was seriously injured and Spurgeon L. Clements, business man of this city, probably fatally injured shortly before noon today when an army air - plane-piloted by Fowler and with Clements as a passenger crashed on the shore of Lake Okeechobee. URGE RELEASE OP FOOTBALL PLAYERS Belfast, Feb. 14. Forty two of the Ulster-unionists it was understood have requested Premier -Craig to lib erate the football players held pris- oners in Ulster, the Unionists deolar - ing they would be held captive until award -of 'reconditioning of the for the players were released. mer German liner Leviathan, should go to the company making the low- MR. LEGGETT TO est bid under the award called some- TAKE PROF. WILSON'S PLACE time ago by the shipping board it was Greenville, Feb. 13. J. L. Leggett has entered upon his work as pro fessor of education in East Caro lina Teachers' College, taking charge of the classes that have been taught by Mr. C. -W. Wilson. Mr. Leggett comes directly from Peabody Col lege for Teachers where he . was working for his degree of doctor of philosophy. He has the B. S. and A. M. degrees from that institution. He has also been, doins: office and labor atory work,at Peabody College IED I. TO SPECIAL TAX TO PAY SOLDIERS iWIIL SPEAK TOMORROW i It Is Understood That the Ex- . ecutive Fears; Issuance of Bonds, Will Upset Financial Condition of the Country Will Announce Definite At- . - titude Tomorrow. HARDING OPPO En-laWton. Feb4resent . aramg is unaueraoiy f oppo?euvvta, enactment or special tax suggeswa. ior finance the soldier bonus oi to the. return of taxes which had been-re-, pealed it was stated, officially at tha White House. It was ' indicated thatt President Harding is in doubt it it would be possible to raise the re . . . . . . hu'icu jjuiu w uuau? ture of the bonus under issuance oft bonds without appreciably advancing the interest rate and destroying finr ancial tranquillity. It is understood President H.aro ing's attitude on the bonus question would be made clear in a message to be sent to senate and house sub- committees. The President It was Bald was dis- posed to be favorable to the bonus but this attitsde had to be that of) finding sane and sensible conditiona for fulfillment of the premises, made on one hand and; without dis- J turbing the return to financial sta-. bility. - SE FOR BOOTLEGGERS: Judge Would Have the Charge of Conspiracy to Break Law Lodged Against Violators.. federal statues. The grand jury will dispose of matters which have accu mulated since the last term. i in cnarging tne grand jury Judge liquor tramc. Tne national proniDi- tion act places comparatively . smalt penalties for the first violation of tliA apt Tt cdom a in Iia nlnin tliA man who finance the sale stay behind the: scene and act through irresponsible persons who are willing to run the risk of conviction and in case fines are imposed have them paid : for them. This condition may be met by treating such schemes as conspiracy to violate the prohibition act and they may be indicted as conspiracy to violate a law of the United States." J Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oetting'er who have been in New York for sev- eral days will return, home tonight. NEWPORT NEWS MAY GET WORK Washington, Feb J mi , ! ministrations attitude ls that the stated today. - ' The announcement of the admin istrations view , point taken with the known views of Chairman Lascar of the shipping board - and -Secretary Denby were .ge&erally regarded as an indication that the shipping board tomorrow would' award the., contract to the- Newport News Shipbuilding and " Dry Dock . Company despite - ef forts , of . New England people to se. cure the work for the Boston ship yards- - - " - - , - - US CHARGE