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ilillilL:: .;?;) t ern :.1 nl AT D "ALL POWERS, NOT HEREIN DELEGATED, REMAIN WITH THE PEOPLE." Constitution of N. C. 7 T" " "'T"TTAlffi5RO FRirAY7TANUARY 9, 1874. NaT GENERAL DIRECTORY. TAUItOKO'. 1 WOT, -Ak-xanJer MoCabe. (.'.immissmners J oli 11 Nortloet, Joseph Cobb and liLiny C. Cherry. S--CR-T.VRT AND TllEVSLRER Unbelt Wlliti'llllrat. t'o-sTABLE J. B. Hyatt. Tows Watch ll.irry ReJmoud, liill liuttle uud Jamos K. SiiUtiisoUv cioi'.vrv. Superior Court Chrk and Prolate Judge Joliu Nortlcet. Ilegisler of Deeds -B. J. Keech. sierijf Battle Bryan. i'-vrmier-Win. T. Godwin. ' "'ftzstifyr ltob't. II. Austin. Siirc'of Jerse II arri:l. School Examiners. E. It. Stamps, Win. H. Knight and II. II. Shaw. Keeper Poor House Win. A. Du;rran. Commissioners M. 1'. Edwards, Chairmau, Wiu. A..Dugan, N. B. Bellamy, John Dancy and Muqjilaiowstm , B. J. Keech, lerk. ::"TUAir.S. '" UiltlYAL AND DEPARTURE OK MAILS .NORTH AND SOUTH VIA W. A W. U. It. Uavo Tarboro' (dailv) at 9 A. M. Arrive fit Tarboro' (daily) at - - 31 M. WSHINt'iTON MAIL VIA G REENVlIXEr. FALKLAND AND SPARTA. Leave T.irlioro' (daily) at - - C A. M. Arrive i ,'i'arboro' daily) at - - e K M. LODGES. TUp slits and tlie 1 luces of Meeting. Concord li. A. Chapter No. 5, N. M. Law-reu-e, High Priest, Masonic Hall, monthly vo;i vocations first Thursday in evury mouth nt 10 o'clock A. M. Coucord Lodie No. 5S, Thomas Gatlin, Master, Masouie Hall, meets tirst Friday night it 7 o'clock P. M. and third Saturday at 10 o'clock A. M. in every month. Kepiton Encampment No. 13, I. O. C). F., Dr. Jos. II. Baker, Chief Patriarch, Odd Fel lows Hall, meets every flfst and third Thurs day of each month. . Fd"ecombe Lodcre No. R0, I. . O. F., M.L."Uussey, N. (L,Odd Fellows' Hall, meets every Tuesday night. Edgecombe Council No. 122, Friends of Temperance, meet every Friday night at the Odd Fellows' Hall. Advance Lodge No. !23, I. O. G. T., meets every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows' Hall at b o'clock P. M. CHUUCIIES. j Episcopal Church Services every Sunday at 10 1-2 o'clock A. M. and 5 P. M. Dr. J. B. .Cheshire, Hector. Methodist CJturch Services very second Sunday at It i'tfock Kev C- C. Dodson, 'atrtor. "' Peibyteriun Church Services third Sun day of each month at 11 o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M. Rev. J. W. Primrose, Evan gelist. Missionary Baptist Church Service? every 2nd Sunday in every moi-th, ot 11 o'clock. Rev. T. Ii. Owen, Pastor. Primi'he Baptist Church Serviees hrst .Saturday and Sunday of each month at 11 o'clock. HOTELS. Stonewall House, corner Main and Pitt StE. W. B. Harper, Proprietor. Mrs. Pender's, (formerly Gregory Hotel,) Main Street, opposite "Enquirer" Oltiee, .Mra. M. Pender, Proprietress. EXPItESS. Sotuhern Express OfSce, on Main Street, closed every iiioruing atbi o'clock. N. M. Lawrence, Agent. MISCELLANEOUS. DR. HICH'D H. LEWIS OFFERS 1113 Professional Services to the public. Office iu rear of Whitlock's Store, Tarboro', N. C. oct.-tl ; '., 'Xj'n. XJ Gr Gr X js r DEALER IS DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES, &C, Sr,C, ScC. Opposite tUa " Enquirer " Oflice, TARBORO, N C. SLATE ROOFS. The Best and the Cheapest HAVING BEEN APPOINTED AGENT for Matthew Gault & Son, of Baltimore, 1 will contract lor jobs of SLATING in any portion of the Statei " The work will be prop erly done and upon the lowest terms. I am also agent for the North River Blue Stone j -anite and Rosin-Sized Felt. further information, address A. B. NOBLES, Agent, Feb. 22.-.f- Tarboro'. N. C. Manhood u How- Lost, IIow Restored ! t.. n.,..i;1o'i. a new edition o DR CULWELL CELEB ATED F.SSAY on the radic."1 cure (with- onr medicine) of Spermatorrha-a o. Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses ; in potency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, -impediments to Marriage, etc.; also, Consump tion, Epilepsey and Fits, induced by seif-in-dnlorence or sexual extravagance. rnce in a seaieu envelope uluj The celebrated author, in this adi.iirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple; certain, and effectual, by means of which eve ry sufferer, no matter what his condition rj-J be, may cura himself cheaply, privately and .aJicaiiM ii4"-" - tX '' ' iT This lecture should be in the bauds ot every youth and every man in the laud. Sent under peal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Addres the Publishers, CUAS. J C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, P. O. Box, 4580. . Oct is, lsr.i. r iy. ; XX. rX7. COKMU, AGENT THE Celebrated . Vlieeler & Wilson Which SURPASSES all other Machines. ALSO THE Home Shuttle Machine, which is THE BEST cheap Machine in Use. Price from $25 to $.75. B2?"The public is invited to call and ex-- amine my Machines before rurchasig. Office on Pitt Street, a few doors from Main, TAHBOKO', 3V. O. Dec. 7, 1S72. ly mm MISCELLANEOUS. This unrivalled Southern Remedy Is war lanted not to contaiu a single particle of MEiiCt'uv.or any injurious mineral substance, but is . t .- ' PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs, which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will Cure all Diseases caused by derange ment of the Liver. , fan SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint' are a bitter or had take in the mouth ; Pain iu the Back, Sides or Joints, often mistaken tor Rheumatism; Sour Stomach; :LoaS of appe tite ; Bowels alternately eoxtive and lax; Headache; Loss ot memory, with a painful sensation of having tailed to do something which ought to have been done; Debility, Low Spirit, a thick yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes, a dry Cough oi'teu mistaken for Consumption. Sometime many of these symptom aiieud the disease, at Olhers very,, few ; but the Liver, the largest organ lu the body, is generally the seat ot the disease, and if uot Regulated in time, great snilering, wretchedness and DEATH will ensue. This Orent Unfailing SPECIFIC trill rwt be found the Least Unpleasant. For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jann dict, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOM ACH, Heart Burn, &c, Ac. Simmons' Liver Hegulator, or Medicine,, Is the Cheapest, Purest and Bpft Family Medicine in the World ! Manufactured only by J. K- ZESLIN & CO., MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. Price 1.00. Sold by all Druggists. Steam Engines, Saw Mills, AND OTHER MACHINERY. rFIIE undersi'rnr'd has taken the Acency I for this section, for WM. E. T ANN EH & CO., of the IVEetvopolittm Works OF IEICIIJIOXD, VA. Me .;:! K.rnish any machinery of their make at factory prices and give estimates for pro posed new machinery, thereby saving much delay in correspondence and the expense of a trip to their shops, The Engines and Saw Mills built at these shops are gaining ni favor with our people every day. Pleasure will be taken in pointing out the pecnliar features and advantages of these machines. II. A. WALKER, Sup't. Edgecombe Ag'l Works, Sept. lS.-tf. " Tarboro', N. C. ii y i THIS OLD ESTABLISHED BAKERY IS now ready to supply the people of Tar boro and vicinity with all kinds of Bread, Cakes, French and Plain Candies, Nuts, Fruits, cfc, Src, c:: embracing every thing usually kept in a First Class Establishment of the kind. Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past, the undersigned asks a continuation, with the promise of satisfaction. Private Families can always have tlieir Cakes Baked lie re at short est notice. Orders for Parties & Balls promptly filled. Call and examine onr stock, next door to Fbmeu and Enqueeu Office. Nov.4.-0m JACOB WEBKR. Santa Glaus ! Santa Olaus I Santa Olaus ! THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY informs both young and old, that the OLD M-AJV has once more visited Tarboro' with a large and varied assortment of - Toys and Fancy Goods, Confeetionaries, &c. which will be sold at as reasonable a price as they possibly can be. , Having taken great care in selecting TOYS, CONFECTIONA RIES AND FANCY GOODS, for the CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS, I solicit a continuance of your patronage. With many thanks for pjst favors, I remain Respectfully yours, Dec. 0,-lm. M, 3PRAGINS. THE FRIDAY. JANUARY 9, 1874 MY ELOPEMEXT. : : ' Jim you may teke her into the house to-night." The ' her", referred to was Ariel, one of the staunchest and fastest passenger engines that ever jerked a train, and Jim was my stoker. " All right, Jack," he answered, as I : steppedj down ; j UQmji th? cab and started toward the town. , It was just dark of a cold, stormy November day, and if ever there was a happy man, it was myself, Jack Everett, seated ten minutes later in the warm dining room,' with plenty of ;tiaac, and a, 8 teaming, supper at my command ' " I " But this happiness was two great to be lasting. I was but half through my onslaught on mine host's cuisine, when my stoker, the best fellow in the world, only a little .wild at titaes, ;, earner-fashing into the room. " t' f ' . 'T-t " I'll be Mowed if I ain't half a mind to let you finish the job," said he. "I'd give a half?dollar if I could eat like that." i . j " And he stood back and gazed with admiratiQn at tny difplay of talent for eatii g when hungry. : 't Come . come, what's up 1" I asked, holding up the half of a biscuit, and preparing to follow up the success with the otter Half.. : - " Good heaveus, Jack ! how of ten do you eat ?" he asked, but without time,to reply, he added : BtttlrJgoyoVsiqpoa now, for old Maylord is down to the station swearing like a marine, be cause you got the start of him, and got away before he saw you." Maylord was the Superintendent, and as I knew something was wrong somewhere, I Replied: "Tell him I will be dowri after supper, 1 "That won't do Jack. You're gat to cntch the exprens, and she has been gone twenty minutes now" We've got the engine out of the house, and all j fired up. She'll be blowing up by blowi back. thft time we get I will notlsav that I uttered verv angry words, but something stuck very hard in my throat, a half a biscuit I suppose. I seized an apple from the table and tossed it to Jim, who I knew had not been to sapper and then I went for my hat and started. 1 found Maylord pacing to and fro in the storm of snow and sleet, and growling b'ke a hungry dog; . "Can you catch the express before she reaches town?" he asked hurri edly. "I can try, but why not telegraph?" I asked. "That's the mischief of it," he snarled "'fhe wires are down." "Well, speak lively,, for there's no time to foolaway," said I, not re markable good humored at the pros pect. Moreover, I had no very particular liking for John Maylord, Esq. He took a lettet from his pocket and gave it to me. " Catch the train, Jack, and give the letter to conducter Adams. Whatever he gives jou, bring bring back to me without delay." Now there Was something quite myste rious about this, but, so far, I turned 'tJ Jim and; asked if he had taken any water. : "Nhrjf a drop Jack." , i " Nev'r mind the water," cried Maylord' "you have enough, to run down." ! " Mr. Maylord, I am running this engine, and can't do it without water. If you can, just take my place." ; f f tin I i lie turned away with something like an oath, and I backed up , to the tank house. Just a. I stopped, a veiled lady sprang up lightly into the cab. " You must let me go with you," she whispered, at the . 'same time stepping furthar back into the bhadnw, so that my fireman might not o her. & I ' ' I frds 'amazed at her sudden appearance and strange request; but before I could reply, she drew aside her veil, revealing the beautU ful face of Nellie Maylord. " Why, Miss Maylord, you can not mean it !" I exclaimed ; yet at the same time I really hoped that she did: for, to tell the truth, Jack Everett was ia love with her. Of course-no one knew it but myself, -and I had' hitherto " been' content with a smile or a word, which' she often gave me, notwithstanding her father's frowns. To have ' her so near to me, and talking with me, rushed me ud to the top shelf of 4 hopeless bliss. ' ;. ," I must go, Mr. Everett, said she, "I know it may seem strange to you, but when one is in danger one must do strange things to escape." " In danger ?" " Yes, and I want you to save me." As she said this, she lifted her lustrous eyes to me and gave me a look that suprised me out of my usual prudence. I replied; " I will protect you 'With my life, if need be, for I love you better than my own." I could not see her face then, for she turned it away, and frightened at what I had done, I hastened to ask her forgiveness. "Tut! tut!" she said, placing her hand over my mouth. If that is true, you surely will let me go with you, for a fate worse than death awaits me here. Say yes." And what could I say ? AH this took ' place while Jim was at the back end of the tender taking in water, and when he oame back to the cab Nellie was demurely seated upon my seat. . I gave him the hint to keep mum, and pulling open the throttle, away we started on our wild night ride. How the old Ariel flew over the iron parallels! Accustomed as I was to the noble engir.e yet I some times quaked with sudden terror, and shut off the steam. I was thinking of Nellie then, and life never seemed so sweet before. Then aa7the speed slackened, I would give my noble stead the rein again, and true to the touch, she would leap ahead like a thing of life past houses, villages and towns, seen ahead for a second, and then . far behind us. All the while I stood by Nellie one hand on the throttle and other on the reversing lever, peering ahead on the track illu minated by the Ariel s head light. 1 dared not look at Nellie, for our lives depended on my vigilance. IJknew not when I might overtake the train; so I stood with her so near me, yet too far from me. Some times I spoke to her, and she would put up her lips to my ear to reply. Again the little hand would clasp my arm as I sped over some rough pieces of the road that threatened to shake the iron mcster to piece?, but a word would reassure her. At length, in turning a curv, I saw the red light on the rear of the express, and so suddenly, that had I not been on guard, there wonld have been one less passenger coach on the road ; who can tell where Jack Everett would have been? But I was prepared, and there was no danger. My whistle was recognized, for there was not another like it on the road, and no doubt, wondering what sent the Ariel after them they stop ped for me. "Well, I'm beat," exclaimed Charlie Adams, the conductor. " What is in the wind now, Jack ?" For reply 1 gave him the letter. "W-h e-w! Here Jack, see what you make of it." " Conductor Adams : My daughter, Nellie Maylord, is run ning away from her home. I have every reason to believe that she is on your train. Send her back to me on the Ariel, in charge of Ever ett. Use force if necessary. John Maylord." I think I gave a longer and more emphatic whistle than Charlie. " There is something at the bot tom of this," said I. "Exactly; Jack, and if she were on my train I would not use force to take her back to the old hunk nary a bit. I would rather take her the other way and then keep her away." " Then, Charlie, I'll put her aboard your train and send her along.. She is in my cab now." Charlie gave vent to expression more forcible than elegant, and after I told him how I came to have Nellie there, he wrote on the back of John Maylord' s letter : " Midway Between C. & A 1 Nov. 12, 12:30 a. m. John Maylord, Esq. : The Ariel has overtaken me, and I have your communication. Miss Nellie Maylord is not on my train, nor has she been this trip. Charles Adams." " There, Jack, that does not tell him that she will not be on. Now let us hustle or I shall not make time." The transfer was quickly made, but not without some regret on my part,' and I started back. On my return, John Maylord was waiting for me. "Where is she ?" he askedjump ing into the cab. I feigned ignorance and handed him the letter. Some prodigious oaths escaped from his lips, but as they were not directed to me I had nothing to say. Then he hurriedly left me. This was not the last of it, how ever. I was put through a course of questioning the next day that would have done credit lo a criminal lawyer, and if I do not mistake, John Maylord went home none the wiser. I met Charlie Adams, too. " Jack," said he, " you have won her everlasting gratitude, not to use a stronger term. It was a close rub though. Old Maylord he's only her uncle after ail was de termined to marrv her to old Silver, and as she had not lived quite long enough to be her own mistress she was only one day short she could not do better than to run away. The danger is over, and she has chosen for herself. Better go up as soon as you can. Here is her address. And Jack, my boy, there are two things you must not forget that she has got a cool hundred thousand, and your hum ble servant when the wedding comes off." It is necdiess to say that I went up, even at the risk of losing the Ariel, and that I had success there. While John Maylord was turning the adjacent country upside down in search of Nellie. I quietly mar ried her. Perhaps John Maylord was mad when he heard of it, but he passed over Nellie's property without a mur mur. But a did not run the Ariel any more, and Nellie now has the love J once had for my noble engine, and that other love besides. It is not more than she deserves. " Dedlkashun" of Bill Arp. " To the unarmed, unlo'd, unev'd, unpenshun'd, unwept, unhonored; and unsung soljers of the Con federit States, so called, I dedicate this book. Their unaffekted, un complainin patence in peace, so called, is equaled only by their untarnished and unteryfide valor in war. " When the patriotism and honor of our brave boys isrekogniz edby our Northern brethren, called; when they draw the same penshuns, and rcseeve the same bounty land; when evry dollar of back pay is voted in the bill, when the widders and orfins of our Confederit dead are lifted up on the same platform of a Nashua's jestice, and when the peepul of these United States, so called, shake hands, and make frends over the green graves of their heroes, then, and not tell then, will there be shore enuf lasting and unpretended peace. " That blessed time is cuming, take courage and wait for it. ye maimed, neglected and pennyless boys; cheer up, and hope for it, ye widders and orfins of a noble band. May you all live till it happens, if it takes a thousan years. Bill Arp. "P. S. If it don't cum soon, the compound interest on the back pay will brake the Guverment, and they know it. It's bound to cum. B. A. " PREFASE. " Gentle Reador : One day, as 7 was goen along, I heard a man gritin his teeth, and I saw his eyes flash fire, and he slap'd his fist in his hand like poppin wagon whips, and he was a tellin another man about a fite he had. His upper lip was all in a tremble, and the big vanes in his forred was swelled up like mackarony. He was powerful mad. Feelin' an intrust in the like of that, I stop'd and listened, and I looked all over him to see if there wasn't blood or dirt or hair on his cloathes. Well, as I dident see eny, sez I : "Mister, when did all that happen?" He paused and shuttin' one eye like he was a thinkin', sez he ; "Well; its now been night on to 27 years ago." " We aint that man. We hope nobody will presoora to think we carry our war heat that long. The fakt is, it aint the war our peepul is mad about nohow. It's this confounded, everalastin', abomina bal peace this tail to the comet this rubbin' the skaf off before the sore gets well. They've sorter let us slip back into the Union, but they've put task -masters over us, and sent carpet-baggers down to plunder us. They won't let us'throw flowers on the graves of our poor boys who fell on their side of the fence. Thpy won't give our invalid soljers, or our widders and orfins eny penshuns. They taxed our cotton fifty millions of dollars, and their courts sed it was illegal ; but they won't pay it back. 7f they haint got laws strong enuf to keep what they stole, they'll go to Washingtun and set till they hatch 'em. " Now, if our soljers honor is as takred as theirs, why don't they then honer our dead ? Why don't they penshun our cripples ? Why don't they wipe the stain of tresson from off our orfins. There's Jim Wilkins, who stood up like a man in 1861, with a heart in him as big as a meeting-house, and when in his new soljier cloasc he cum to "suppore arms,'? I thought he was fine apikter of an Amerikan potriot as I ever seed. But he lost an eye and a leg at Fredericksburg, and now here he is a goin about hacked, poor and ragged, and the great Amerikan Guverment sees him and skorns him, and sez 'sup port yerself, 'you dirty pooker. General Grant is disposed of as follows : " Never mind. These chickens will cum home to roost sum of these day, I'll bet Grant a thous an dollars agin the best bun ter rycr dog he's got, that if ho lives 25 years he'll be set down in his tory as a reglar aksidental bust. I'll bet there was ten thousan soljers in the Yankee army who would have made a better fite, and a hundred thousan who would have made a better President. Darn a generul who, in time of war, trades off three men for one. Hang a President who gives his Guver ment no carakter, who won't run the masheen, who smoaks around a frolikin with hosses and dog3, and ratailin old army jorks in exchange for sickofantic smiles. (c jjc fc jfc " But I don't think it is any of our business who is President. I suppose its none of our funeral, only we do sorter feel, sumtimes a larger pride in the respectabili ty of the Amerikan Guverment. When furriners cums over her and is a lookin around for our King we would like to show 'em sumthing better than a bigger-head. How to Buy a Horse. From the advance sheets of Bev. W. U. Murray's new book on "The Horse," we extract the following : "Be sure that the horse you purchase has symmetry, viz: is well proportioned throughout. Never purchase a horse because he has a splendid development of one part of his organization, if he be lacking in any other. Above all, keep well in mind what you are buying for, and buy the horse best adapted to the work you will require of him, and when such an animal is yours be content. Never jockey. An oc casional exchange may be allowable: but this daily 'swappins' of horses advertises's incompetency for anything higher. Another caution is this : Never purchase a horse till you have seen him move, and under the same conditions to which he exposed in the service you may ex pect of him. If for a draft, see him draw, back, and turn round in both directions; if for the road, see how he handles himself, not merely on level ground, but going up sharp declivities, and, above all, in des cending them. In this way you ascertain the faults or excellencies of both his temper and structure. In these exercises drive him yourself. The reins in a skillful hand, aided by the whip or mouth can be made to conceal grave de fects. Let him move with a loose rein, so that he make his natural gait, and not his artificial; for, by so doing, you will detect any mistakes of judgment you may have made when looking him over in a state of inactivity. Many a time unsoundness will ap pear in motion, which no inspection of the eye and finger however close, can ascertain. When you have walked him and jogged him, if he is to serve any other than mere draft purposes, put him to his spaed, and keep him at it for a sufficient distance to test his breathing cap acity; then pull him up; jump from the wagon, and look at his flanks; inspect his nostrils, and put your ear close to the side of his chest, in order to ascertain if the action of the heart is normal. If this exer cise has caused him to perspire freely, all the better; for you can then see, when you take him back to the stable, whether he 'dries off" quickly, as all horses do in perfect health." An exchange says : " Does he want to marry ? is the query among Massachusetts women tne moment a stranger enters a town." And it may be added that the answer al ways is : " No ; not till he gets out of the State." . A Boy's Composition on Trees. Most trees was once twigs, but some once was acorns, which are not good to eat. but some boys eat them, though, and I think they are bad off. A kind of a tree which was once a chestnut is j;ood enough, but it is awful tall and mighty scarce, because chestnuts is six dol lars a bushel, and they don't "ive hardly any for five cents, and so I'd rather buy a plug top. But there is a kind of a tree what they make into home made sugar with, and I believe I like them kind the best, for, if you can borrow a auger, you can spit on your hands and bore a hole in them, and then drive in a big elder, and you can suck 'til you get sick, if you suck too much. Then you can leave the elder in the hole, so that other boys will get sick, just for spite. There is a tree of Heaven, which I never could understand why they call it so, and if they would talk me blind, I wouldn't be'ieve it ever came from there, for it don't smell like it did. They are the hatelul est tree which grows. I don't think the honey-locust tree is much liked, only by birds, for they know that boys can't climb and get their nests. The thorns are as sharp as tacks, and for my part it is the only thing what I will take a dare on. I won't climb a honey-locust tree for anybody. Honey-locusts are tolerable good to eat but they won't fall till frost, and boys havn't got no time to wait for frost, and so they throw clubs at them. I despise a sycamore, for they nearly always grow by the creek, just where the good holes is, and they root out in the water, so, when you go a fishing and get a bite and think you have got a chub, why, you havn't got no such thing, but you get a line broke, and get mad. Then there is the persimmon tree, which, if you eat them before they get ripe, you can whistle Shoofly, and Hail Columbia both at once. A tree grows in our back yard, I don't know its name, but a good many of the small limbs is trimmed off of it. My step-father cut them off one at a time, as they was need ed' If the wind would blow that tree down altogether, or it would get blighted, I would be glad. A tree is the most naturalest thing, and they aro like a school master, because- no two of them is alike. These trees which I spake about are found in the woods, and lightning strikes them, and any boy can find them what ain't too lazy, but no boy can find the lightning. Some of the Great Eascern was once a tree, and a telegraph pole also once was, and so was a stump fence, and some of the Erie railroad, and then you will know that a tree is one of the usefulest things which is. There is some men which they call wooden men, but I don't know for certain if ever they was trees. But my finger is sore, and my pen it must get mended ; and so, respectful, JOHN GLADES. Making Coffee. TheTurks understand the science of making coffee better : even than the French. They do not grind the berry in a mill, but pound it in mortars, and in course of time these mortars, which are used for no other purpose, become highly impregna ted with oil from the bean, and are held in great value, descending as heir-looms from one generation to another. Brillat-Savarin thus re cords the result of an experiment as to the comparative merits of the liquid made from the pounded and ground berry : " I roasted with care," he says, "a pound of god Mocha coffee, and separated it into equal portions, one of which was ground, and the other the manner of the Turks. I made coffee with both one and other of these powders, taking an equal weight of each, pouring on each an equal boiling water, and in all respects dealing equally with them. I tasted these coffees, and caused them to be tasted by the best judges, and the unanimous opinion was that the liquid produced from the powdered was evidently superior to the produce of the ground coffee." Soyer's mode of makingjeoffee is worthy of note. lie puts the dry coffee into the pot, places it over the fire, stirs it while heating, then pours the boiling water over it, which is a quart to one ounce of coffee, and sets the pot where it will be kept hot, but will not boil. 7n ten minutes it is suitable to drink. A new machine in Massachusetts makes 3,000 match boxes an hour. t