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Newspaper Page Text
Southerners Plan Defense ToStop Harriman Campaign WASHINGTON W—A number of Southern Democrats were working today to build up a stop-IIarriman road block in case President Tru man should throw his support be hind Averell Harriman for the Democratic presidential nomina tion. They don't take the candidacy of the mutual security administra tor very seriously—although Harri man himself says he is building up widespread backing in many parts I of the country. All the sume. the Dixie Democrats don't want to take j any chances. Some supporters of Sen. Richard | Russell of Georgia have been sounding out backers of other pres idential aspirants with the idea ■ of holding the line against Harri man if he suddenly should get the support of Truman. The support won't be fothcom-1 ing, most politicians agree, unless Gov. Aldai E. Stevenson of Illinois eliminates himself finally from the i presidential contest. Stevenson has | said he couldn't accept a presiden tial nomination, but main Demo-' crats are convinced he could be drafted. Harriman has been campaigning for the nomination on an all-out New Deal and Fair Deal program. He has kicked the Dixie contin gent in the shins by calling for a Fair Employment Practices Com mission with power to enforce rul ings against job discrimination a gainst Negroes and other minor ities. He has slapped at the Southern ers as "men masquerading as Democrats" in Congress. And he has added that he doesn't care whether the Southerners bolt Ihe ticket. Most politicians have expressed doubt there will be any effective bolt by the South this year unless Truman should be the candidate— and he has said repeatedly he won't be. The larger shrimp-like animals often are known as prawns. Records indicate that the silk in dustry existed in China before 2.000 B.C. SMALL SHIPBUILDER — On (lay the new liner rnltcd States heean official .rials, ■ •-»!■; (ronican tried out his 50-inch scale workinsr model in pool of New York's Central Park. Heard On WPTF Raleigh For 13'/. Years YOUR DAILY DEVOTIONAL PROGRAM Is Now On WJNC JACKSONVILLE 1240 On Your Dial 7:15 A.M. Monday through Saturday JIMMIE JOHNSON. Founder; ALSEY LI THEK, Soloist; RUTH I.OCKETT, Organist. TOMMY STEELE, Director Scouting Plans Announced For Troops At Midway Park MIDWAY PARK— Scouting al ,'imip Lejeune. bec«iuse of ihe i're puent transfer of Scout Leaders ind Scouts, has been on too much )f a catch-as-can basis." was ihe ipening sentence of letters receiv ed here this week b\ Dads of local kn Scouts from their Scoutmas :t-t, \a. David McConnell. Lawn Mower Sharpening Rebuilding Engines Rebuilding: By \ Former Factory Mechanic J. L. GAFFNEY 4305 Wrightsville Ave. Wilmington, N. C. PRE [sale] AT MAMIE MARSH STARTS SATURDAY MORNING CLOSE OUT SALE ON SOME ITEMS SHOES 121 PAIRS 121 CLASSICAL GIRL Whites and Neutral Regular $5.95 and $6.95 Values $ 0.88 CLOSE OUT , J PRICE Sizes 4 to 10 — Triples to B SUMMER SUITS 1 BIG RACK Values to $19.95 50?° off COME IN THIS SATURDAY MORNING MAMIE MARSH 220 New Bridge St. Dial 818 'In order to give your boy the benefit ot the best that scouting has to offer in the way of individual recognition for advancement.'' Lt. MeConnell stated further, "it i« j neeessar\ to have some kind of i continuity between Scout Loaders and .some Scouting program which will not bog down as soon as a I guiding light has left the Camp Lejeune vicinity." l.t. MeConnell stressed the im portance of regular attendance and he feels that "inadvertently the parents are often responsible Lor the poor showing of the Scout." Nothing, he says, should interfere with his attendance at Scout meet- ' im;s, once he and his parents make up their minds that he is for Scout ing. and Scouting is for him. Local scout leaders feel that the summertime should provide the greatest opportunities of the year for adavancement in scouting. It was revealed that a program has been outlined which should be of considerable interest both to the scout and the dads. Two :> vents on this program have been an nounced and they Include a Track Meet to include the Jacksonville troops tomorrow, ior which the local scouts have been practicing for some time. On Saturday. July 12. a Father Son Beach Blow-out will be held in the Organized Recreation Area \"o 1. near the Civilian Beach at Onslow Beach. The blow-out will include potato 'races, egg-rolling contest, swimming contests and other events, and. the local leaders announce that "no women are al lowed." Attention is also called to the weekly meetings for both Lejeune troops on Wednesdays at the Scout Hut in Midway Park. Taxi Operating Permits Expiring Taxi operating permits for the 1951-52 fiscal year expire Monday midnight. Town ol Jacksonville police reminded operators this morning. Ail operators must have their permits renewed by July 1 for them to drive legally on that and subsequent days of the year As of this morniny. only 35 of some 75 operators had applied for renewal of their permits. Lt. James F. Low, 26 (above), of Sausalito, Calif., who won his pilot wings only six months ago, is now a jet ace having shot down his tilth MIG on his 3rd com bat mission in Korea. Low has been in combat only six weeks. The action was in northwest Korea near the Valu River. (AI» Wire photo) PROPER FIT CORRECT STYLE Superior Fabric Skilled Workmanship These are the characteristics that lend distinction to the clothes tailored expressly for you ... By DON'S Tailoring Calftnii Tai»«r*4 Te Mustrt Opposite Bui Station riayicts Alteratlaa PmUIUm Final Touches Made On Big 3 Reply To Reds LONDON W—The Big Three for eign ministers put the polishing touches today on the Western re ply to Russia's request for talks on German unity. U. S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson. British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and French Foreign Minister Robert Scluiman checked a proposed draft line by line in a I 21 ■_>-houi* session this morning. The tinai draft was not com i pleted by the time the foreign min isters recessed for lunch with Prime Minister Churchill at 10 Downing St. A foreign office spokesman said the Big Three dis cussions would he resumed later in the day. The note is expected to be completed tonight. The foreign ministers are report ed seeking a way to make the So viet show its true hand—to pin the Russians down on whether they are sincere in demanding four-power talks on a unified Germany. Sources close to the conference said the British and French are willing to go right ahead with a conference. Acheson is understood In be urging a preliminary meet ing that could agree on an agenda before any high-level negotiations. There is a strong feeling among Western diplomats that the Rus sians merely want to stall for time, trying to upset the Western schedule for the rearming of Ger many and its inclusion in the West ern orbit. The Soviet note, delivered May 25. protested the signing by the Western nations of a "peace con tract" with the West German gov ernment at Bonn and the inclu sion of West Germany in the pro jected European army. In ancient Rome, silk was said io be worth its weight in gold. In many of the lower groups of animals, organs of smell are dis tributed widely over the body. Aldermen Meet On Monday The Jacksonville Town Board of Aldermen will meet in .special ses ion Monday morning to approve offers of the Federal government for $447,000 in grants for water and sewer sjfetem improvements. Mayor Herbert Eastwood today notified members of the special meeting following receipt of all forms and paper work from Wash ington. The town has agreed to put up $501,000 as its share in ihe work. Too. he will report Monday on conferences with Mitchell & Pershing, New York bond attorney firm, relative to handling bonds which the town proposes to issue to raise its $501,000. The firm already has scheduled conferences with Housing and Home Finance Agency officials in Philadelphia for next week to see if some arrangement can be worked HOMES LAST WHERE VITA-LITE BLOCKS ARE USED FIRST SMITH CONCRETE Products, Inc. KINSTON, N. C. -- PHONE 3412 BUILT TO A STANDARD NOT TO A PRICE out whereby the town can get Fed eral funds immediately to proceed with letting contracts for the work. p^.'r V- • BRAND / 1 ! $200 $320 PINT 4/5.QUAW \v.. ■ Blended Whiskey, 86 Proof— • bll/2% Grain Neutral Spirit* 1 Rational Distillers Products Corp* * IS'ew York, JY. Y. - ts tor* BOYS WANTED TO CARRY NEWS AND VIEWS GOOD EARNINGS Apply MR. POTTER NEWS and VIEWS FREE - S50.00 IN GASH GIVEN AWAY -- FREE At AUCTION Two 4-Room Houses, Partly Furnished, Two 5-Room Cottages, Fully Furnished and 10 Building Lots, Loca ted Near: SWANSBORO and CEDAR POINT, N. C ONE OF THE OLDEST & BEST FISHING POINTS ON THE COAST WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, STARTING AT 2:00 P.H. PIPCT QH| C. A.AA 0 KJj Two l-rooni houses partly furnished, ' I HO I OHLC. &a(Jv falrl ■ ;.|so 5 lots adjoining' this property lo cated on Highway No. 24. 1-2 mile east of Swansboro, N. C. The above houses are rented at $53.00 per month each. CFPAUn CAI r O'K D mi Six large building lots, located one mile vEvUlfU wHLC fc.TTv lalfla east of Swansboro, on Hill Street. Choice high, dry lots overlooking Inland Watterwav & ISouge Inlet. TIIIDII CAI P OaQA P M Two 5-room cottages fully furnished, I HIHU wHLt VaVV ■ aWIa gas ranges, automatic water heaters, electric refrigerators, box spring & mattress. Located directly on Inland Waterway at Cedar Point Beach, just I 1-2 miles east of Swansboro. This is a No. location for swimming & premium fishing & hunting. All of the above is choice property. There are signs on all properties. Terms: j Cash, Balance 6 -12-& 18 Months For any information regarding any of above property see or contact Tom Shugart, Jacksonville. N. C. Phone 528. Sale Conducted By Clark-Mendenhall Auction Company 118 W. Washington St. 213 National Bank BIdg. Phone 4953, High Point, N. C. Phone 8902, Winston-Salem, N. C.