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SOLDIER OFFERS CABIN BOZEMAN'. Mont. i/P*—An over seas soldier has offered the town of Bozeraan his summer cabin. Lt. M. Henri is stationed in Europe and can't enjoy his ranch 15 miles from here. But he wants to be sure that Bozeman does. Writing in the Daily Chronicle. ITenri invited the Montanans to visit his Bridger Can yon ranch and enjoy the yard as .a picnic spot, the cold water, the flowers and. later this summer, the huckleberries. The Lieutenant said the house had been broken into last year. He asked that Bozeman residents keep watch until he re turns. "1 can only daydream about any place and wish that 1 were close enough to pay a visit." Henri wrote. "So take care of it for me. please " IkBEERThal Mil M i 1 u a u kecFivm o 11 s COWELL WHOLESALE CO, Wholesalers OLD JTACC $930 \ Mm Pi NT $3.65 4 5 Qf. \ *' • ' |t*A»OHT BOl'PBOW WMlS^PY WOO*, fHE STAGO 01ST CO.. FRANXLfOBT. *Y ! HAND Ys^-W 0 R K — Monitors of French Republican Guard do mass handstand on parallel> at inauguration of National Center of Physical Education and Sports. Joinville. near Paris. Violent Deaths Claims 13 Lives During Weekend By The Associated Press i At least 13 peixms were the j victims of violent death in North I Carolina over the week cud. j A 40-year-old Harnett County J farmer. Willie Weaver, was shot | to death by his wife. Zorna Arnold j Weaver, according to testimony she | gave before a coroner's jury yes terday. The shooting took place at i their farm, house, two miles south j of Lillington. during an argument fiver another woman. | Another argument, this one over | w hat kind of guns were used in World War II. resulted in the death of Conrad D Hayes. 47. at Millers Creek, eight miles from North 1 Wilkesboro. Police have arrested 32-year-old Fred Walker, at whose home the shooting took [ lace, and charged turn with murder in the 'shotgun slaying I,ero\ C Flyiiit l!)-vear-okl Hen d< • I'-on airman drowned while swimming in a Lake Summit inlet near IIctidersom ilic Teu-\ ea i -«>ld .i.i in,1 • D .lonkm of Si Cauls drowned in a pond Kayetlr \ i|le Two men died of bullet wounds .ifter ;i shooting --crape in Char lotte Kdward Patrick Greene 40 > ear-old Hamlet truck driver, died of a bullet wound in the head Po lice -aid Greene pumped two fatal bullets into Clifford Smith. 29-year old exboxer. and wounded Mrs Pauline Greene. 2.V before turning the mm on himself Sgt. Fred Lee Waddell. 27. was killed when his automobile went out of control and crashed five miles south of Wadesboro. Isaac F L\ erly of Granite Quar ry was shot to death in the bed room of his home His Iti-year-old son. Bobl>\ was held by police on a murder charge A pickup truck in which he was a passenger left Highway 74 neat Lake Lure and (hashed into .> tree killing Ben Ev-yot Gibson, 13., of Macon Count\ Chester Allen Br as well, 58-year old Franklin Count\ man. was drowned while swimming in a Northampton County pond Mot I Jenioi'.s Gentry. 59. of Win ston-Salem Rt 1. was killed when his auto sideswiped another car and crashed into a bridge on a rural road in Forsyth Couut> Malsie Laudret a Fowler, til. ol Tabor City. Rt. 3 died in an auto accident at a rural road intersec tion at Iron Hill. George Truitt Whelton. i8. of Morehead City, was killed in an auto accident in Carteret County sci i.rron doks iMrossimi: V ISA I -1 V C'alil. i/P1 I'Aperi s lolcl Mi • Hester Sibley ii was impos -11>'• In hand-sculpture porcelain !i~1111"< hut they were a little late their advice- -she had already in k!i i hobby ot it Porcelain is a iittlc harder to work with ceramic ' lay. - nd Mrs. Sibley, because il drie- out taster and requires a higher temperature tor baking. But she : 'mid nothing impossible about hand-sculpturing her beautiful fi urines Her pieces of porcelain re tain sharper details than ceramics and also have a pleasing translu cent appearance FOR Safe, Low Cost Motoring., t'.ver.v item on our aires. »r> shelves i.« a pracl lrai. mod erately priced means to safer, more convenient, more eco nomical driving. See them today! CENTER SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS OPEN 24 HOURS Tnt»r«prtlnn TT. S. 17 and Chaner Ave. Miss Title Miss LONG BEACH. Ca!il -.-P1 \ per fect Scandinavian beaut\ Kin - land > blonde Armi Kuusela rules as Miss Universe toda\. One of her count r\ > official greeters at next month's Olympic games. 18-\ ear-old Miss Kuusela reveled in her royal reception here after besting beauties from 2!) oth er lands. The fair, blue-eyed Finn was crowned with a diamond-studded: coronet that once graced the heads! ot three Czarinas of Russia. At her coronation ball last night, she re ceived a motion picture contract a S3.000 sports car and a $2,500 j wrist watch. Selected as "the most beautiful mil ir the world." Miss Finland s .~i feet "i inches tall and wemhs | Mi' pounds. II is a symniet t icallv j distributed on a fimire mea*urinn ' \ 2'* and ."4 inches around ous! , The apple-cheeked schoolgirl from Muhos, a little town in North Finland, plans to flj back to Hel sinki this w eek Mi-- Hawaii. dark-e>ed brunette Elsa Edsman was a close second Greece. Daisy Mavraki. IS of Crete was third, with Mis Hons I Kmij lud> Dan. 'J1 fourth -ind 1 Miss German) Renete Ho> LI 1 [ Munich was "ifth Mks I nited Stale-. Jackie! l.oimhery. 21. of Brooklvn. was! eliminated in the semi-finals. Universe Won By Finland NOW...a - - DRY CLEANER WHO DARES CHALLENGE COMPARISON! & TRY OUR 'REVOLUTIONARY ONE-GARMENT _ TEST AND SEE HOW SANITONE C,fK OUT • Spots Vanish • Perspiration Soil Removed • No Stale Cleaning Odors • Costs No More Here's a shon-down test that has never before been oft ered. fust pick out anv garment a"d let us gn e it that wonderful, different Sanitone Dry ( leaning If vou're not satisfied —if you don't agree it's the best dry cleaning service in town — we won't charge a cent. Now's your chance to see what a difference Sanitone makes. Clothes look and I e e' 'ike. new a g a i n Well pro-e it's the best th=re 13. DIAL 502 701 Mow St. Farm Wife Admits Killing Husband Dl NN. \ .?• —Twenty-eight year-old Mrs Zorua Arnold Weaver is free under bond toda\ after tes tifying to a coroner's jury yester day that she Mill loved the husband she allegedly shot during an argu ment over another woman The tall, brunette. Harnett Coun ty (arm wife told the jury, impan eled b\ Coroner Grove C. llender ».in of Dunn, that she "pumped three or four" bullets into her 40 year-old husband. Willie Weaver, at their home near Lillington. She said the fight with her hus band Started Saturday night In the morning, she continued, the fight started again She testi fied that her husband beat her. forcing her back from the living room to the kitchen When he came at her with a heavy metal cigarette stand, she warned him not to come an\ closer. When he did. she said tearfully, she pulled out the pistol and shot him. The blubber on a large whale may be .'is much a- 1 1 inches thiek on some portions of the body. GOP Governors See Difficulty In November ' I!()t STON Tt'\ .•?" Gloomy Re j publican governors forecast diffi \ culties lor their part\ i!i November as wailing Democrats talked »odny Di civil rights issues which might let them win the presidency. Forecasts that the Republicans would be the underdogs in .he general election came from iwo >upporters of Gen Dwight I) Kis enhower Gov Alfred K Driscoll 'of New -lersex and Gov Walter j Koh lor of Wi>consin Tlu\\ eareed the CIO!' noi:;;nee would he ,he j outsider in the betlni'-! whether he ! is Ki-enhower or Sen Robert \ j Tall of Ohio. ; On the other hand Democratic | I'M'i utives uathered lor the annual Governors Conference liere sound [ id a back-thumpiiv.' note "t con fidence that thev will win with mv nominee they can aszree upon at j t heir Chicago convention Mam ot them, how ever, w ere . w aitinu for a scheduled new s .•on- j ■ torence answer bv C.<>\ Adlai K j I Stevenson of Illinois to th• • ollen ! repeated question of what he might (In about a presidential draft move men t There was' no indication that I Stevenson would travel beyond his i latest observation that it remains to be seen w hat might happen in i that event. Gov .lames K Byrnes of South! Carolina, firebrand of ilie South ern Democratic haltle against Pres ident Truman's civil rights pro-J Si am. could supplv some informa tion on Stevenson's chances later in the day. if he chose to Tile former Supreme Court jus tice and secrelarv of state was j keeping a tight rein on any com ment. but friends assayed an analv sis of his position as this. Me would oppose possiblv ;o the extent of an open revolt any nom inee who embraced a platform plank calling for action by Con gress on such controversial issues ;i- creation of a fair employment I pr.dices commission ■ FE'PC' with i powers to enforce its rulings a- I gainst job discrimination. There was no answer, however, to reporters' questions as to wheth er the threatened revolt would oc cur if such a potential nominee' a> Steven-nii. with Southern amilv j connections, headed a ticket which! ran on platform pledging al'firma-' live action on civil rights propos Roland the rooster hatched on' i-ve bab> chicks at I'henix City. Ala., and mothers them as well as am hen. according to his owner. Aubrey Bishop. Koiand. a black and yellow game rooster who never had much hick a( ring lighting. crowded a setting lien ofT her nest and sal on the eggs himsell' for three weeks until the biddies hatched. Hishop plans to let Koiand raise the chicks. <AI' Wirephoto». Building Awards For 15 Projects Made At Lejeune Cons! ruri ion work amounting to nearly three million dollars was nwarded at Camp l.ejeune recent ly Fifteen projects lolaling $2,911 061 were given to eleven innnian ies. The largest project is I he build ing of an operations hanger award ed in llit* T A l.oviim Co of (lolds boro The Lo\ ing firm submitted I lie low bid ol $1.658.750. Con structing inside telephone facilities >\a< ilie second largest job. given o the only bidder, the Automatic Kleetii'' Sales 1'iirp for $440,500. Oilier work ui anted, in the order )! importance. included: constritct Kin of ( imp Knox Trailer Park io ! \ House am Conipajiy. $216 - '!!>!>. insinuation ol Iran.-former ami fejuialor- $170,732. granted lo 11 a i rison-W riuhl ( n construct ion oi three HOKlo Godwin Blclu an.l Block t . $138,000. tor tele phone facilities lo Kinsz-llunler Inc. $7").(.>00; paving and rehabili tation ot roads to Barrus Con struction Co. $39..r>oO: construct ion of bake oven, toilet and some paving lo Reynolds Blower and Mel a I Co S'-f4 i'OO renovation oi shower- to llodwin Budding and Block Co S34 .">00 repairing ol fire damage to Reynolds Blower and Metal Co. $28,388; -hell rock surfacing lo H N House and Co. $23,256: buifding of eicvaied water tanks to llarko Corp. $18,479: building at On-iow Beach lo K 1. Davis Co. $11,960: laying ol con crete sidewalks to Godwin Bldg and Biock Co .$10.4f>0; air-con ditioniug ol nursery tc» Snccden Air Conditioning and Kelriueration Co . $7,640. AI the same time G; •' • have been opened at Parri- !-la:id lor '.>u;!d mg amount in*.; lo s.">:' 1.873. \on<- ol Complete Line of FURNITURE Service Men's Accounts Welcomed EASY TERMS TODD FURNITURE CO. Wilmington, N. C. iV> offer Factory-Type Baked Ena* iiiel Paint Jobs . . . any color . . . jny car. Sec "Shorty" Miller for uipointmcnt or information. Conic ill today! j, wi camt a'commie W " A % -■ rji i t«sr "<?»g«'»*i CAPE FEAR MOTOR SALES "Your Friendlv Ford Dealer" ,215 Market St. Dial 20255 Wilmington, N. C. Say "I Saw If !n The News And Views" Picture of a Pair _ who just waked up Htrf in the driveway is n Knick. It has just arrived. It belongs to this proud young couple. They've just "arrived" too. They've arrived at a discovery — the disco\cr\ that owning a Hoick instend of a "low-priced car" isn't so much a matter of mono . It's a matter of know ing the facts of life, liuick prices arc closer to the prices of smaller, less powerful, less distin guished cars than most people think. w hy don't you check into this? You'll find you could pay $.>00 to $400 more — and still not match the horse power of this nimble beauty. Viu could pay hundreds of dollars more — rmd still not get ;iiiy more interior room, or richcr lahrics. Bu. tli,it's onK part of the story. I lie his tiling about am ear is the way it goes. So you ought to lind out how this car t itles the road the freedom from bobble and sw a\ that eost a million real dollars tn de\elop. \ou ought to sample the wav Dvnaflow l)r i\ e ' leeds the power with a steadv swoop ami unbroken smoothness in cil y li aflic, nn hills, or out 011 the open road. And you ought In know how It feels to touch oft that Fireball 8 Fngine. W ith all its might, this high-compression v.ihc-in-head gets a lot of miles from a gallon of gas. 4-door, 6-passenger St>e "tal $ed »v. \\ e 11 tell ymi this bccntisc ;i lot of folk"; have told ris this: No matter what car you're driving now — no matter what ears you'\e looked at 111e> II ne\er seem the same after son tr\ this one. .lust give ns a chance to prove it — and you'll lva\ e a lot of fun. Equipment. accessories, trim and tnodeh arc subject ts> change without notuc. 'Standard on Koadmaste* optional at extra cost on other Series. Sure is true for 52 Marine Boulevard FAISON BUICK COMPANY Phone 800