Newspaper Page Text
Walt a Litt’e Longer. (John G. Saxe, during his recent convalescence from a long and severe illness, wrote a poetical letter to a lecture correspondent, near Boston, ask ing him to “wait a little longer.” The concluding portion was as follows.] Alas! my dear friend, could you see My features so meagre and pallid, You would own that my “invalid” plea Is not altogether invalid. But though I’ve been tortured and racked, And for months have been wast ing away so, You may just set it down for a fact, It’s not my intention to stay sol The doctor, (he comes to me yet) Is welcome to some of my 'dust, But Nature’s exhorbitaut debt— I mean to pay that —when I mustl p s.—l ve handed the doctor his pay For potions “ too tedious to mention;” And Nature (God bless her!) to-day Has promised another “extension!” Death of Dr. Kane. A SIMII.r. Like to some shattered berg that, pale and lone, Drifts from the white North to a Tropic zone, And in the burning day Wastes peak by peak away, Till on some rosy even It dies with sunlight blessing it: so he Tranquilly floated to a Southern sea, And melted into Heaven! An Honest Epitaph. Beneath this turf with wild-flowers clad, A kindly heart reposes; With many a virtue faults it had— But “thorns are hid 'mid roses. - ’ Some unfortunate individual thus enters his protest against sundry evils : From a cross neighbor, and a sullen wife, A pointless needle, and a broken knife, From surety-ship, and from an empty purse, A smoking chimney, and a jolting horse, From a dull razor, and an aching head, From a bad conscience, and a buggy bed, A blow upon the elbow, or the knee, From each of these, good L—, deliver me. He has Found Dr. Kane.—The following very pretry thought is from the Sierra Cit izen ; "The rumored death of Dr. Kane proves too true. The adventurous navigator has embarked upon his last voyage. He has found Dr. Kane!" Singular Case.—The wife of a citizen of Petersburg. Vn., recently gave birth to a healthy child having two tongues. The cir cumstance is remarkable, and may lend to very serious consequences in case the child is a female. Some people love to nurse a pet sorrow—it ; is so interesting to mope about the house, and imagine yourself a victim. A touch of real calamity is the only cure for that whimsical complaint. Voltaire's definition of a physician is "An unfortunate gentleman, expected every day to perform a miracle; namely, to reconcile health with intemperance.” Historical Query.— What evidence is there that Vespucius was a jovial scamp ? His contemporaries have handed him down to us as A-merri-cus. The young man who once saw the day when he “wouldn’t associate with mechanics,” is now acting as chief to a manure wagon. If you want to sleep quietly, don’t praise another woman while your wife is undressing for bed. “Marriage resembles a pair of shears,” , says Sydney Smith, "so joined that they can- j not be separated, often moving in opposite di- j rections, yet always punishing any one who | comes between them,” The gentleman who "fired at random” did i not bit it, and, in disgust, he lent his rifle to the youth who had determined to "aim at immortality.” Boon could never believe that the underta kers felt for the poor—they are always screw- j ing them down so. Never trust a secret with a married man who loves his wife—for he will tell her, and she will tell her sister, and her sister will tell everybody. Idleness is the dead sea which swallows all virtues, nud the self-made sepulchre of n living mau. "It rs a solemn thing to be married,” said Aunt Bethany. "Yes; but it’s a deal more solemn not to be,” said the little girl her niece. God has fashioned us a most beautiful world, aud yet we do not enjoy it ns we should. Our only aim seeming to be the ac camlatioa of the "almighty dollar.” Proud men never have friends; neither in prosperity because they know nobody, nor in adversity because nobody knows them. The gentleman who kissed a lady’s snowy brow caught a severe cold uud has been laid up ever siuce. Get your money all ready before you get into an omuibus, and get it ready before you go to law. Why is a man who spoils his children like another who builds castles in the air? Be cause he indulges in fancy too much. Camels have ceased to be a wonder in! Texas. They trudge about there without | creating notice. Creditors have a vast deal better memo ries than debtors. The man who was as poor as Job was a poor Job Printer. Few things are impossible to diligence and i skill. The man who minds his own business has found steady employment. Indispensable in a teetotal Temperance Ball Room. —Pumps ! Thru Word* an the Spanish Loom. —Let it aloue. Dr. Charle* 11. Tozer’s Private JSledical Card. STRANGERS visiting Sacramento will remember that Dr. Tozer's Infirmary is on Sixth street, between J and K. Sacramento. The ere at sucres." and many radical cures made by Dr Tozer since his commencement in this city, to which hundreds can testify, induces him to in form those afflicted with any private complaints, RECENT or CHRONIC, and w ish to be well and thoroughly cured, it will be to their interest and welfare to call on him who for the last twenty-five years has given his entire attention to PRIVATE COMPLAINTS, and to all cases of diseases of a private nature ACUTE and CHRONIC, such ns Cvphilis, Secondary and Constitutional affections, Gonorrhea and Seminal Weakness, Gleet and Stric tures, and all diseases of the generative and urinary organa, both in male and female,such as Prolapsus, Fluor Albus Histeria. Ac.. Ac.. Ac. Patients can be assured that their complaints will not be tampered with, but treated upon strictly scientific principles. PRIVATE COMPLAINTS eradicated in a few days: new cases cured in a short time, without mercury. He can be consulted at his office at all times of the day. from 0 in the morning until « in the even ing. All in affliction can find in him one who can see and sympathize with and befriend them when in trouble—one in whose services the utmost con fidence can be placed. Come nil who are afflicted and in trouble, and be relieved and cured. Apartments privately arranged so as to preclude the possibility of exposure. Letters enclosing $lO will receive prompt atten tion, with best advice and instructions. C. H. TOZER, M. D.. Sixth street, between J and K. Road and Rcflcot. Dr. Charles If. Taxer's Card to the Afflicted. QUICK CURES AND LOW PRICES, AT THE ESTABLISHED OFFICE SIXTH STR'T, BETWEEN J AND K STREETS. DR. TOZER returns his thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, and would em brace this opportunity to remind them that he con tinues to consult on those difficult cases ot venereal which have baffled the skill of some of the most celebrated physicians of the age, and upon which he has fierce failed to perform a radical cure. Dr. Tozer's reputation as a Physician stands un equaled. His exclusive attention to Diseases of the Gento Urinary Organs for so many years, renders him perfect master of Syphilitic Diseases. The large number of aggravated cases that he has pertectly cured after they have been given up by many others, is the only proof that a Physician requires of his ability. I)r. Tozer would slate that he can cure all cases of varieties of the disease, no matter how long standing, of what pi ogress the disease has made, every patient can rely upon a cure. Dr. Tozer has, it is well known, taken patients front the very verge of the grave, and RESTORED THEM TO PERFECT HEALTH. He further slates that he deems it sufficient to attract the at tention of those who might need the services of a physician in all cases, uot particularly those enu merated in the advertisement, expecting that they would test my merits as a practitioner, and the re sult of my practice has been thus far satisfactory to my patients and myself. Nor do I deem it neces. sa'ry to fill columnsof the newspapers with fulsome empiric and bombastic advertisements, professing my ability to heal all diseases flesh is heir to, for to do that I must be something more than man, but to give those that are afflicted with VENEREAL CHRONIC, and other diseases, to understand, from long experience, 1 am fully competent to treat them successfully. -My regard for the dignity of the medical profes sion to w hich I have the honor to belong, deters mo from committing any act savoring of rank quack ery. and regard for my own dignity would prevent my placing myself on a par with quacks and nos trum venders of the present age. 1 offer no genuine or f raudulent certificates or puffs of my superiorqunlifieationsas a practitioner, —neither do I assume to myself medical honors to w hich I am not entitled, hut merely ask those who are diseased to read the different advertisements relating to the cure of private diseases, and judge for themselves where to apply for relief. (My rooms arc so arranged that lean be consulted in privacy at all hours of the day, from 9 o'clock in ihe morning until 8 in the evening. pm- Persons with Chronic Diarrhea. Dysentery, Local Weakness, Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude. Weakness of the Limbs ami Rack. Indis position, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Self-distrust,Dizziness Headache, Pains in the Side, Affection of the Eyes, Pimples on the Face, Sexual and other lulirmaties in Man. Ac., will find it important to consult Dr. Charles H Tozer at bis office, Sixth street, be tween J and K. Sacramento. C. H. TOZER, M. D. Read and Reflect. Dr. Cha's //. Tozer's Card to the Afflicted of California. IN approaching any new course of systematic in quiry there are certain points concerning which the inquirer should always be careful to satisfy himself. He should comprehend distinctly what the subject of inquiry is—Health and Disease. And w e can form and fix in our minds a clear conception of the stale of Health, we shall have no difficulty in uuderstanding what is meant by Dis ease. liut beyond, not above these objects of in vestigation of the human liody. we have another and still nobler end. It is to lay before you in such plain terms that you cannot be mistaken aud w ill know where to apply for relief. I use the w ord of “disease” generally, and be fore 1 speak of the signs of particular diseases, it w ill be proper to take a general view of symptoms. When a person is troubled or afflicted with disease, which causes a werkness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscu lar power, palpitation of the heart, instability, nervousness, dyspepsia, derangement of Ihe diges tive functions, general debility, symptoms of con sumption, and many others, which are liettcr ex plained than put on paper, and requires Medical or .Surgical Atteution, it would be well for them to inquire if thare is a physician who iscompetent to attend them, and who understands the application of medicine, aud whose SCIENTIFIC ATTAIN MENTS in his profession and whose age and ex perience entitle him to your confidence. Consider these things, Dr.C. 11. Tozer has concluded to in form you that are afflicted, advertising his place of business, stating that he has been a successful prac titioner for over twenty-five years, and has ATTENDED AND CURED HUNDREDS, when they have been considered by other physi cians, and have been pronounced by them past re covery. Therefore you can rely upon him as one in whom BEtREcr aud the utmost confidence can be placed. Dr. C. H. T. would Invite all tlpt arc afflicted to call on him. and if be does not udmiuisterfor them, there will be no charge made. Let no false delica cy prevent you, but apply immediately, and save yourself from the dread f ul consequences which must follow those who neglect to receive atten dance. Dr. C. H. Tozer's office Ison Sixth street, near the Belvidere Hotel, between J and K streets. His rooms are so arranged that the Doctor can he con sultsd without the fear of molestation. tsf Office hours, from 0 in the morning until 8 in the evening. "tts C. H. TOZER, M.D., dcc6 7-ly 6th st., between JA K. Sae.City. Sew Maffu Line. DRTTOWI A HID KFRIMCS. A Four Horse Coach of this line will leave Drytown every other day. For days of De parture, inquire at Coover’s Stage Office in Volca no, Jackson, or Drytown. aprll-2atf McKEAN A JOHNSON. t \ for sale at the Vai'to 18 CENTER STORE. Dr. L. J.Czapkay’s GRAND MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE Sacramento at., below Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail Steamship Company'a office. ESTABI.ISIIK)) FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF AM. PRI VATE ANt> CHRONIC DISEASES, AND THE BCPPRBB - OF QUACK ERT. DR. L. J. CZAPKAY, late In the Hungarian Revolutionary War. Chief Physician to the 2Uth Regiment of Honveda, Chief Surgegn to the Milita ry Hospital of Pesth, Hungary, and late lecturer on diseases of the Urinary Organs, and Diseases of Women and Children, has opened his Institute for (he cure of all forms of private diseases, such as ayphillis, gonorrluea, nocturnal emissions, and all the consequences of self abuse. In the first stage of syphilitic or gonorrhreal diseases, he guarantees a cure in a few days, without inconvenience to the patient or hindrance to his business. When a pa tient, by neglect or improper treatment, has devel oped the symptoms of secondary syphillis, such as buboes, or painful swellings of the groins, or ulcers in the throat or nose, which if not checked, de stroy the soft parts and cause the bones to mortify, separate and come away. leaving the sufferer hide ous to behold; or when splotches and pimples break out upon the skin, or when he has painful swellings upon the bones, or when his constitution is injured so as to predispose toconsumption or constitutional disease, the Doctor guarantees a cure or asks no In RHEUMATISM, chronic or acute ; in DYS ENTERY or DIARHCEA, he has safe and effectual remedies. For the treatment of the consequences of self abuse, such as nocturnal emissions, head ache, timidity, pains in the back and limbs, with general weakness, loss of appetite, loss of memory, injury to the sight, restlessness, confusion of ideas, dislike for society, and a feeling of weariness of life; with the nervous system so excitable that slight noises shock or startle the patient, making his cxlstance miserable. For the above maladies the Doctor will guarantee a cure or ask no com pensation. He can tic consulted free of charge and invites all to call, as it will cost them nothing, and may be much to their advantage. GRATITUDE IS THE COMPI.K TIOA" OF THJIJVh'FUUV'ESS . THE ingratitude of man to his fellow man is so often met with in life that testimonials, prompted by the liner feelings of the heart are oasis in the life of those who sacrifice their best days in philanthropic devotion to the alleviation of the ills of frail mortality. Empiricism floods the columns of our press with fraudulent and ficti tious letters, singing pcans to the worth of their own egotistical charlatanism. Below we append a letter from a worthy man who, a brief period since, seemed destined to •shuffle oft'this mortal coil,’ who looked forward to his dissolution with that pleas ure which only those weighed down by the heavy hand of disease can. Contrary to hope, the ability of a skillful physician has restored him to his for mer health. Relieved from his terrible situation, and impelled by gratitude, he makes known his case and remedial agent, and his statement is au thenticated by a Notary I’ublic. The demands ot society imperiously command its publicity, and it is given more to warn the unwary than to sound the praises of a physician of whom scores of like eases can bo cited; CERTIFICATE The undersigned desirous of acquainting those who may be unfortunate enough to he sim ilarly afflicted, where a permanent relief of their sufferings may be obtained, feels it his duty to thus publicly express his most sincere gratitude to Dr. L. J. Czapkay for the permanent recovery of his health. Borne down by the distressing symp toms incident to the vicious practice of uncon trollable passion in youth; depressed in body and mind, unable to perform even the most trifling duty imposed upon the daily avocations of life; I sought the advice of many physicians, who at first regarded my disease as of trifling importance but alas! after a few weeks, and in several instances months, of their treatment. 1 found to my unutter able horror that instead of relief, the symptoms became alarming in their torture; and. being told by one that my disease, being principally confined to the brain, medicines would be of little conse quence. I despaired of ever regaining my health, strength and energy; and as a last resort, and with but a faint hope, called upon Dr. Czapkay, who af ter examining my case prescribed some medicine which almost instantly relieved me of the dull pain and dizziness in my head. Encouraged by this result, I resolved to place myself immediately under his care, and by a strict obedience to all his directions and advice, my head became clear, my ideas collected, the constant pain in my back anil groins, the weakness of my limbs, the nervous re action of my whole body on the slightest alarm or excitement; the misanthropy and evil forebodings: the incapability to study and want of resolution; the frightful, exciting, and at times pleasurable dreams at night, followed by involuntary dis charges. have all disappeared; and in fact in two months after having consulted the Doctor. I felt as if inspired by a new life—that life which, but a short time ago, I contemplated to end by my own hand. With a view to guard the unfortunate from fall ing into the snares of incompetent quacks, 1 deem it my duty to offer this testimony to the merit and skill of Dr. Czapkny, and recommend him to all who are in need of medical advice, being assured by ray experience, that onee under his care a radi cal and permanent cure will be effected. B. F. Fii.i.more. State of Ct liforula. county of San Francisco.— Subscribed and sworn before me, this 17th day of April, a. d. I sod. (Signed) John Middi.eton, [ u s.] Notary Public. Dr. L. J. Czapkat’s Medical and Surgical Insti tute on Sacramento street, below Montgomery, op posite Pacific Mail Steamship Company's office, San Francisco, Cal. The Dr. offers free consulta tion, and asks no remuneration unless he effects a cure. QPEBMATORRHCF.A. or Ural Weaknett, Ner ij vous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness of the Limbs ami Back, Indisposition and Incapa hility for Labor and Study, Dullness of Apprehen sion, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity self Distrust. Dizziness. Head ache, Involuntary Discharges, Pains in the Side, Affections of the Eyes, Pimples on the face, sexual and other infirmuties in man. nrecured without fail by the justly celebrated Physician and Surgeon, L. J. CZAPKAY'. His method of curing diseases is new. (unknown to others) and hence the great Bug ses*. All consultations, by letter or otherwise,free. Address L. J. Czapkay. San Francisco, Cal. THANKFULNESS Is the incentive to gratitude. Below we publish the volutary certificate of two of the sufferers from the puugs of disease, who, having recovered their former health, and impelled by gratitude, make known their cases and the remedial agent; and their statements are authenticated by a Notary Public. The demands of society imperiously command their publicity, and we commend their perusal to the attention of those afflicted. CERTIFICATE. I, the undersigned, having been under the treat ment of Dr. L.J. Czapkay, although unsolicited, feel called upon to give publicity to the efficacy of bis treatment, hoping that by so doing, 1 may he instrraental iu preventiug others from the fearful suffering and misery which I experienced, and which so often result front the pernicious practice of pretenders. My disease has been that of physi cal ami mental debility, which follows in conse quence of the Indiscretion of youth. The agonies which 1 endured are, perhaps, unnecessary for me to detail; they are known to those who have expe rienced them. Suffice it to say, that having called the services of Dr. L. J. Czapkay in requisition, all my expectations which I may have formed of him were more than 1 would, therefore, recommend Dr. Czapkay to all who may find them selves afflicted with that dreadful malady, my ob ject in so doing being sympathy for suffering hu manity, and s heartfelt desire of relieving them D. 3. DAHLEE, Printer. State of California, I City and County of San Francisco, ) On this 31st day of July A. I). 1856. before me, Wm. C. Jewett, Notary Public, personally appeared D. J. Dahlee, known to me, being duly sworn, did depose and say. that the contents of the card here with signed by him is true. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year first above written. W. C. JEWETT, [L. s.] Notary Public, A CARP. Prompted by an honest desire of my heart, 1 wish to lay before the public a case which deserves a high commendation, not only as an act of scientific skill, but that of humanity also. About two years ago. 1 suddenly, and from causes unknown to me, was seised with a fit of epilepsy, which, owing to my inability to meet the expenses consequent upon a thorough medical treatment, and the discourage ment which I met with on attempting it, soon be came such (as I was then led to believe) as to defy the skill of a physician. 1 was frequently, while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down to the ground without the slightest warning, and although insen sible to the agonies, I yet despised the miseries of life, and soon learned to look upon those who would render me assistance or shelter me from danger as enemies, who sought to prolong the misery of my existence. While in this state, and having previ ous to my affliction tasted the sweets of life, 1 was once more induced to attempt seeking aid of a phy sician, and by recommendation called upon Dr. L. J. Czapkay. I told him my circumstances and ray inability to reward him for his services, regardless of which, however, he at once undertook my case, and, with the blessings of God, I was once more re stored to perfect health. Unable to reward him for the boon which I enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my indebtedness. 1 consider it due to myself and to all afflicted, to make the case public, in order that those in need of medical advice may find a physician in whom every confidence may be placed. MEYER YABLONSKY. State of California, I County of San Francisco, ) ‘ Subscribed and sworn before me, this first day of August, A. D. 1856. GILBERT A. GRANT, [l. s.] Notary Public. PL. J. CZAPKAY’S Medical and Surgical In stitute, Sacramento street, below Montgomery, op posite Pacific Mail Steamship Company's Office, San Francisco, California. The Doctor oners free con sultations, and asks no remuneration unless he ef fects a cure. The Greatest Discovery of the Age — Great Bless ing to Mankind — lnnocent , but Potent. DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Propilaetieum, (self disinfecting agent,) a sure preventive against Gonorrlnra and Syphilitic diseases, and an unsur passed remedy for all venereal. Scrofulous, Gangre nous and Cancerous Ulcers. Foetid discharges from Vagina. Uterus and Urethra, and all Cutaneous Eruptions and di-eases. As inoculation is a sure PREVENTATIVE against small pox, so is Doctor L. J. Czapkay's Prophilacticum a preventive against Syphilitic and Gonorrhoeal diseases. Harmless in itself, it possesses the power of chemically destroy ing the Syphilitic Virus, and thereby saving thous ands of debauchee* from being infected by the most loathsome of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates healtli be without Dr. Czapkay’* Pro pnilacticum. It is in very convenient packages, and will be found convenient to use, being used as a soap. Price $5.00. For sale at Dr. Czapkay's Private Medical and Surgical Institute, Sacramento street, below Montgomery, (opposite Pacific Mail Steam Ship Company's office,) San Francisco. All orders must be addressed to L. J. Czap kay, M. 1)., Sau Francisco, California. TO THE LADIES OF CALIFORNIA. L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D., Physician. Surgeon and Ac couchcr, invites the attention of sick and afflicted females, laboring under the various forms of Dis eases of the Brain. I,lings, Heait, Liver, Stomach. Womb, Blood. Kidneys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doctor is efleeting more cures than any other other Physic’au in California. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save yourselves from painful suflerings anil premature death. All married ladies whose deli cate health or other circumstances do not allow to have an in their families, should call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Medical Institute, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's rooms are so arranged that he can be consulted without fear of molestation. IjtiV All consultations (bv letter or otherwise,) free. Addres to DR.'L. J. CZAPKAY, Medical Institute. Sacramento street, below Mont gomery, opposite Pacific Mail Steamship Company's office. mar 28 23-3 m NACRA.TIKNTO ASSAY OFFICE. 4g) llarriw. Jliireliiiiiil & Co., AJO. 107 J street. Sacramento, and East street IN near the corner of Second, Marysville , will continue to carry on the business of MELTING, REFINING and ASSAYING Gold and Ores of every description. We guarantee the correct ness of our Assays, and bind ourselves to pay any difference that may arise w ith any of the U. S. Mints. Returns made in from 6to 12 hours. IN BARS OR COIN. Specimens of Quartz assayed and valued. Terras for assaying the same as in San Francisco. 11. HARRIS, D. MARCHAND, O. L. FARRINGTON, feb 21 18-3 m .1. Warner’s More, Main Street, Volcano. n The undersigned would most respectful- n Cj/ly inform the citizens of Volcano and thetjo surrounding country, that he has, and will keep constantly on hand, a good and fresh sup- I ’ 1 ' "'drugs AND MEDICINES, Paints. Oils, Varnishes. Brushes of all kinds. Cam phene, Alcohol. Turpentine, Dye Stuffs. Patent Med icines of all kinds, Perfumery, F'ancy Soaps, Toilet articles, Ac.. Ac., w hich we will sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Physicians and others are request ed to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Physicians’ Prescriptions put np accurately and with despatch, at all hours of the day or night. N. 8.-All articles sold by me will be warranted Pure and Genuine. JUDSON WARNER, mar 14 1 3m GROCERS,— 119 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Offer for sale one of the largest and best assorted stocks of groobries In the Market. I’arlicular attention paid to orders, feb 28 lU>3id Look at This! HAVING engaged in other business, 1 will SELL my Restaurant in Indian Diggings, El Dorado county, on accommodating terms, in price and pay ment. It is situated in the lower town, across the street from the Union Hotel the most eligible site iu the place. With Bar fixings. Tables ami Kitchen furniture ; ten Beds complete. For further partic ulars call on Henry Giik.ui at Indian, or the sub scriber, residing on Grass Valley Ranch, near Vol cano, Amador couniy. WILLIAM A HEREFORD April 11.185 L 25 It Fair Mount Temple OF Honor, No. 52. moots every Monday evening at Temperance Hall, Fiddlelown. C. C. L., W. K. A. DAVIS, W. C. T. july 12 38-ly Temple of Honor. PARADISE TEMPLE OF HONOR meets at Tem perance Hall, Consolation street, every Wednes day evening. ■J. S. n. Jkwktt. W. C. T; E. B. Dainobrf«i.d,W. R pr- SPECIAL DEGREE TEMPLE meets the first Wednesday evening in each month. Gko. Johnson, D. T. B. Stkwart, D. R. jan 12 LVHHEY’S Store and Hardware Store, -A V Next door to Chile’s, Main street, VOLCANO. /\ Hron Lunnkt respectfully announces ftllto his old patrons and the public pener-. ally, that he has received new additions to his stock of Hardware, Tinware, Iron. Steel and Stoves, and is now ptepared to sell poods at unpre cedented low prices. His stock consists in part ol the following goods:— American and Swedes Iron, assorted sizes: Square and Octagon cast steel, do do do Wrought and cut Nalls, do do do Griffin & Walker’s horse and ox nails; Picks, Shovels, Sluice Forks, Hoes and Rakes; Table Cutlery of the best quality; Carpenter’s tools of all kinds; Blacksmith’s tools, do do Cooper’s tools do do Saddler’s tools; Locks, Butts and Latches; Hinges, T, Strap, Plate and Hook Hinges; Rubber and Hemp Packing; Mill, Cross-cut. Pit and Hand saws; Files of nil kind and qualities; TINWARE, of all kinds; Hydraulic and Galvanized IRON PIPE manu factured at the shortest notice. JOB WORK of all kinds executed with dispatch. nov 22 tf A. KI.AUBKR. Vol. F. HANOI.KBAIM, Sac. SACKABESTO STORE, Fire-proof Brick Building. Main street. Volcano. BEG leave to announce to their friends and the public generally, that they will in future do a STRICT CASH BUSINESS, And thus be enabled to furnish their customers with goods at much lower rates than formerly charged. We arc constantly receiving the largest assortment of Groceries. Provisions, Liquors, Crockery Glass ware, Hardware, Mining Tools, Clothing, Buotsand Shoes. Ac., w hich they are now offering at unprece dented low prices. Our motto is “No credit, quick sales and small profits.” We w ish to draw particular attention to our well assorted stock of Foreign and Domestic Liquors. Wines, Syrups, Ac., consisting in part of Brandy—Superior French. “ (Hard. Dupuy & Co. “ American. Whiskey—Old Monongahela. “ ' Bourbon. « Irish. “ Scotch. Gin—Holland iu qls. “ “ “ pis. “ “ “ bids. “ American do. Rum—Old Jamaica. “ New England. English Porter and Scotch Ale. Port, Hock, Sauterue and Claret Wines, Cham pagne, Ac., Ac. N. B. —Goods purchased at our Store, w ill be de livered FREE OF CHARGE at any of the mining camps in this vicinity. mar. 29. 23-ly Summon*. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, j County of Amador. In the District Court of the John Frye, Plaintiff, vs. George B. Kelly. Charles 11. Symonds and John Doe, a (inn lately doing business under the style of Kelly, Symonds A Co., Defendants. i’ifth Judical District. Action brought in the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District, and the complaint tiled | iu the county of Ama dor iu the office of the Clerk of said District Court. The People of the Slate of California, scud Greet ing to GEORGE B. KELLY, CHARLES H SYMONDS and JOHN DOE. \rOU are hereby required to appear in an ac tion brought against you by the above named Plaintiff, iu the District Court ol the Fifth Judicial District, in and for the County of Amador, and to answer the complaint filed therm, (a copy of w hich accompanies this Summons,) within ten days, (ex clusive of the day of service,) after the service on you of this Summons—if served within this coun ty; if served out of this county, but within this Ju dicial District, within twenty days; or if served out of said District, then within forty days—or judg ment by default will lie taken against you. The said action is brought to recover of you the sum of Nine hundred and Twenty Dollars with in terest on said sum at the rate of 2 percent, per month from the first day of September, 1855, until paid, to gether w ith costs of suit, and if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as above required, the plaintiff will take judgment against you fur the sum above expressed with costs of suit. ’ Given under my hand and the seal of the District Court of the Fifth Judi [L. S.] cial District, this 2Uth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand cigh hundred and fifty-seven. H. S. HATCH. Clerk, By M. Sukfari), Deputy Clerk. It appearing to me by the affidavit of John Frye the plaintiff, in the above suit that a cause of ac tion exists in his favor against the atiove defend ants. and that Charles 11. Symonds, one of the said defendants, resides out of the State of California, and is beyond the jurisdiction of the District Court of the Filth Judicial District, it is therefore order ed that the Summons iu this action to said Symonds be served on said Symonds by the publication thereof in the Volcano Ledger, a newspaper pub lished in Volcano. Amador county, once a week for thirteen weeks consecutively. Witness my hand at Jackson, on this 20lh day ol January, a. i>. 1857. MARION W. GORDON, County Judge of Amador county, Cal. jan 24 14-13 w Head ! Bead This ! r TMIE undersigned have opened their new store I in the new Fire Proof House, on the junction of Main and Jackson streets, with a new and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Groceries and Provisions; Liquors and Cigars; Crockeries and Glassware; Mining Tools and Hardware; Iron, Steel. Borax, Ac., Ac. We invite the citizens of Volcano and surrounding camps to try this now establishment, and we feel confident that they will find it to their advantage. We carrv on our business on the strictest CASH principle, hut at the same time WE INTEND TO SELL AT THE LOWEST Possible prices, at as low and lower prices as any store in this neighborhood can afford to do. ttr- Goods bought iu our store, packed FREE of charge to any reasonable distance, "fcf. Remember the Centre Store. THEURKAUF A Co. Volcano, October 10th, 1866. oct 18 52-tf ails, assorted sizes, in full packages, very cheap, at the (dec 13) CENTER STORE. Ouckwheat Flour for sale at the If dec n CENT I Liquor*. A fresh supply „f Liquor*. Sau'.inirni., store. IVr-,,,, „■ , r . N ' M.. wholesale will find thin „ rar, o to I ’ o»n Bell liquors cheaper than any ,'i h“ ily '»" Volcano. Our slock „f li„ U n™* , t , h, ' r h • complete and of alt qualities. jL klatjbeh tc i apr 26 I^IOtuOTKr, MThe Proprietors of this old »,!. establishment Would |v-„„, if e * cll knwu to the public that ’y materially , ENLARGED THEIR nr;,, and added a number of entirely . for the accommodation of thoseu h' ■ with a call. Their " bu “»y fav w , , a TABLE will 1* furnished in as good style cimty. Hint at prices that cannot hm rm - • have established the CjISH T}- s t afford to do business on as fair t„-L: h 11 , in the mountains. any p , This being the office and station of tl,„c , Stage Company, their Agent w ill eT « i all H attend to passengers for nil parts of the «t7', iy 1 l r nion Stable. Connected with the Union Hotel is ... ble, capable of accommodating fifty I<t, 1 <t, style, dec 29 lIARTRUM A TVAGSTaff IMo Summons, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, I County of Amador. ’ j In the District Court of the Fifth Judi ci ., „• Francis Martel, Plain!#, Action brought [bstrict Court lifth Judicial and the complaint tin the county ~f Louis Martel. Defendant W-t The People of the State of California g,„I ing: to LOUIS M.IHTEI. ’ S °' lor « YOU are hereby required to nmiprir in brought against von by the above named ’ tiff, In the District Court of the Fifth Juffi, tnct. in and for the county of Amador ant wer the complaint filed therein, (a copy „r accompanies this summons.) within ten do elusive of the day of service,) after the ser you of this summons—if served within ti, ty: if served out of this county, but within ; dicial District, within twenty days; or if of said District, then within forty dav.s— , ■ ment by default will be takenagainst vou The said action is brought to enforce the pat of the sum ol Two Thousand and Eighty., Inrs and Thirty-two cents, with interest at a of ten per cent, per annum on the sum oft from the 28th of January. 1856. until y; 1856: also interest on $lOBl 30 from sth ■ 1856: also interest on $lOOO from Ist ol I), LSS6. until paid at same rale per annum two certain promissory notes as set forth complaint,and if you fail to appearand at, said complaint as above required, the p will take judgment against you for th j interest and cost above specified’. Given under my hand and the > the District Court of the Ei.ti, [L. S.] # cial District, this Bth day of p, her, in the year of our Lord one t, and eight hundred and fifty. -ix J.C.'-.. County Judge in Chur, County of Amadou, I State of California, ( Francis Martell vs. V Louis Martel. ) It appearing to my satisfaction by the affii , E. Martel that the aforesaid defendant has dep.-: from this State aforesaid, and it likewise app, to me by the affidavit of R. M. Briggs. Esq., t cause of action exists in favor of said pi, against said defendant. 1 do therefore order the service of summons in this case Barest made by publication in the Volcano newspaper published in said county of Am.,; the space ol fourteen weeks Irom’ the date of th order. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my L,: on this 17th day of December. A. D. 18. V;. MARION W. COUPON Counly Judge Amador County, ( dec 20 ‘y.i,, l*li«rni\ Works. OMNIA cr x <r ■ J. KITTHEDOE, Proprietor. MANUFACTURER OF Fire-proof Doom . Shutters, Vaults, Ac., Buttery, near Pacific streets, Sax FbakciscO. N. H. Orders from the country attended t promptly. A large assortment of second bnd doors and shutters cuustantly on hand, and for sale at very low prices, apr 4 24-Cn Hay For Male. THIRST quality of Hay in bales, at S3S per I can be found on Stony Point, Volcano, by calling on the undersigned. Call cither in '-e morning, at noon or night. JOHN SEX Enquire at Smith A While's Store, apr 4 24-lffl V. S. HOTEL, IDDLETOWN, CALIFORNIA THE undersigned begs to announce to tie public that the U. s ’IIOTEL. FiddleK 'a. ___ lias been recently enlarged and >®l ,! ' cd by the erection of a new and fine t*'° *‘ l • building on the premises, the old building M * also been thoroughly renovated, and the ent, tahlisbment well furnished. _ THE LODGING APARTMENTS WILL Bt found clean, neat and comfortable. .. The tahle will be constantly supplied »i best to be had in market. , The hah, will always be furnished with m of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The stable will bo iu good hands, an properly cared for. . „,„. r ; eK t By strict attention to business, the pr P hopes to merit and receive the liberal pa heretofore extended to the “ U. S. WELLS, FARGO Sr Co’S EXPRI The agency of this well known and pel J, ‘ press firm is at this bouse. Fiddletown, August 9th, 1856. J. W. KENDALL, Propp ing 9 l Aried Prunes fresh and kJ a pound, at the (dec 13) CENTER a tutinjir Powder »ad fu center STORE oct 18 2-—-' \rOTICE Is that the IN fers for sale a quantity of Oat Hay , ( ton, iu any quantity to suit purchasers. Mr. Miller s near the Black Horae tsar 21