Newspaper Page Text
THE HEAETTHAT LOVES. The heart that fondly, truly lores, When of that lore bereft, Is like some marble monument By ririd lightnings cleft; And os the fragments strewn around Can never be restored, So each can ne’er again replace The object so adored. The rose that from the bush Is torn, If on the rude blast tost, Cannot again return to us, But is forever lost; So when the object that we love Is crumbling iu the dust, No human power can e’er restore The treasure unto us. Something that Loves Us. We all want love; it is the world’s great need. Think what a heaven earth could be, if love was the law of nations ! Mo public fights nor private squabbles: no dissimulation, no backbiting, no unhappiness at home or abroad. “Something to love me !” cries out the human soul, no matter how high or low its station. If it finds no responsive heart no kindred thought, it will cling to baser and more perishable things. It will twine itself about honor or ambition; it will fasten on its attributes, and fatten upon its own frailties, until it is degraded from an npwright image into a glowing worm. It will cherish gold and gold’s power, and learn to love even the mothcaten chest and rust-stained coffee that treasures up its heart's riches. “ Something to love me 1” is the world’s great cry. It is better to have a dog to fawn upon and caress one, than to come home to a great silent house, where the dead faces of dead ancestors look dawn from the cold walls, and the groups in the living land scape out doors chill your heart by their strong contrast with your own cheerlessness. We have always marvelled when we have seen a n;an or a woman deploring their lone liness, especially if they have the means of lightening their lot. There are plenty of poor children, deserted, or left, by the stern behest of death, to the mercies of a merci less worlc, ready to be loved. Go after them lovely women—ye whose hearts are not brigh tened by the roses and glee, the smiles, aye, and even the tears of children. Go bring them to your homes; let them nestle on your bosom, and see how beautiful it is to be loved. And nothing loves so purely, so truly, so tenderly, as helpless infancy. Ambition may deaden other loves, and the tbrous of the world's pleasures choke them; but the love of little children is an up-springing well, always bubling freshly, whitely, and sponta neously, over the rock or the flower. It matters not where they are placed, they must love. Sometimes women are laughed at, because they pet lap-dogs, or cherish pussy-cats. At moment, a pair of intelligent, dark eyes, so full of expression that they almost speak, are lifted towards us. Two silken ears droop ei ther side, white Hcccy locks curl from lip to tail, four little feet, with soft wool stockings, go pat-a-pat. Who can help loving our little dog, Willey ? We could not blame any lady friend for an attachment, innocent as this; for Willy’s wild welcome —so joyous, so full of puppy-pleasure—might warm the coldest heart towards him. Something to love us I—it is heaven's grea test boon. No one is so utterly destitute of attraction that something or somebody does not make a home in the heart. Yesterday, we saw a coarse, ungainly wo man, from whose looked a sad sorrow, and whose brogue told of liar Eden birth-place. And what, think you, this woman, suffering from poverty and sometimes from abuse, had to love her? Two of the sweetest twin-babes that mortal eyes ever rested upon, with checks like a peach-bloom, eyes blue as heav en, and hair like bleached flax. Mo lady of the land, surrounded by luxury, ever felt the press of soft arms. Something to love !—it is the world’s great want; and heaven, when our hearts are at tuned to God’s holy will, gives us love suffi cient for all our need.— Olive Branch. “I want to see some of your gimblets,” said a green horn one day, as he entered a hardware store. The dealer took down several parcels, nei ther of which suited. “ Well, then, what kind do you want; there is almost every variety.” “ Why, daru it 1 want them what boars square holes.” Printers. —lt is a singular fact that the two United State Senators from Pennsyl vania, the present Speaker, Clerk and Assis tant Clerk of the House, the Clerk of the Senate of Pennsylvania, and the Democratic candidates for Governor, Canal Commis sioner, and Supremo Judge, arc all practical printers! Come into a fortune, and then your friends will discover in you qualities of the most superlative brilliancy, the existence of which, in your moments of most intoxicated vanity, you never suspected before. The papers are bragging of an invention by which leather can be tunned in ten minute. We have seen the human hide, however, tan ned in five. Some schoolmasters can do it in less than two. Father Taylor asked a sailor if he “felt any change?” “Not a cent,” replied Jack. F. KIIK'IIMXU, JEWELLER AND WATCHMAKER, Main Irfet, Volcano, HAVING permanently opened in my uuu ciucas. Also—All kinds of States Jewelry and u good variety of California Jewelry, manufactured by myself. Time keepers of every description repaired and insured. All kinds of California Jewelry will be manufactured to order out the same gold that is given, in the test aud latest style, WATCH CA SHS not excepted. lu connection with my Jewelry establishment, I have always on hand an assortment of lino knives, Guns, Uitles, Colt’s Pistols, billiard balls 4c. N. b. 1 have in my employ an experienced gun smith. and am prepared to any work in that line. Billiard bulls turned at short notice. Any article sold or repaired by me is insured to be what is represented, or the «oc*y refunded, uew Fire-Proof Brick building, I oiler to the public a large assortment of ./ * 111 km v 1 1 I ' t,' IJ Ht J (iOLD S,- SILVEH WATCHES, ;an U lt-3 m Dr. Charles H. Tozer’s Private Medical Card. STRANGERS visiting Sacramento will remember that Dr. Tozer's Infirmary is on Sixth street, between J anil K. Sacramento. The gn at success ami many radical cures made by Dr Tozer since his commencement in this city, to which hundreds can testify, induces him to in form those afflicted with any private complaints. RECENT or CHRONIC, and wish to be wetland thoroughly cured, it will be to their interest and welfare to'call on bint who for the last twenty-five years has given his entire attention to PRIVATE COMPLAINTS, and to all cases of diseases of a private nature ACUTE and CHRONIC, such as Cyphilis, Secondary and Constitutional affections, Gonorrhea and Seminal Weakness. Gleet and Stric tures, and all diseases of the generative and urinary organs, both in male and female,such as Prolapsus, Fluor Albus Histeria, Ac.. Ac.. Ac. Patients can bo assured that their complaints will not be tampered with, but treated upon strictly scientific principles. PRIVATE COMPLAINTS eradicated in a few days; new cases cured in a short time, without mercury. He can be consulted at his office fit all times ot the dav, from 9 in the morning until 8 in the even ing. All in affliction can find in him one who cun see and sympathize with and befriend thorn when in trouble—one in whose services the utmost con fidence can Ire placed. Come all who are afflicted and in trouble, and Ire relieved and cured. Apartments privately arranged so as to preclude the possibility of exposure. Letters enclosing *lO will receive prompt atten tion, with best advice and instructions. C. H. TO/.EH, M. D., Sixth street, between J and K. ■lend ami Keflcrl. Dr. Charles 11. Tozer's Card to the Afflicted. QUICK CURES AND LOW PRICES, AT THE ESTABLISHED OFFICE SIXTH STR'T, BETWEEN J AND K STREETS. DR. TOZER returns his thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, and would em brace this opportunity to remind them that he con tinues toconsullou those difficult cases of vknbhkai. which have baffled the skill of some of the most celebrated physicians of the age, and upon which he has never failed to perform a radical care. Dr.’s reputation as a Physician stands un equaled. His exclusive attention to Diseases of the Gento Urinary Organs for so many years, renders him perfect master of Syphilitic Diseases. The large number of aggravated cases that he has perfectly cured after they have been given up by many others, is the only proof that a Physician requires of his ability. I)r. Tozer would state (hat he can cure all cases of varieties of the disease, no matter how long standing, of what piogress the disease has made, every patient can rely upon a cure. is well known, taken patients from the very verge of the grave, and RESTORED THEM TO PERFECT HEALTH. He further states that he deems it sufficient to attract the at tention of those who might need the services of a physician in au. cases, not particularly those enu merated in the advertisement, expecting that they would test ray merits as a practitioner, and the re sult of my practice has been thus far satisfactory to my patients and myself. Nor do 1 deem it neces. sa'rv to fill columns of the newspapers with fulsome emidric and bombastic advertisements, professing my ability to heal all diseases flesh is heir to, for to do that 1 must be something more than man. but to give those that are afflicted with VENEREAL CHRONIC, and other diseases, to understand, from long experience, 1 am fully competent to treat them successfully. My regard for the dignity of the medical profes sion to which I have the honorto belong, deters me from committing any act savoring of rank quack ery, and regard for my own dignity would prevent my placing myself on a par with quacks aud nos trum venders of ttic present age. I offer no genuine or fraudulent certificates or puffs of my superior qualificationsas a practitioner, neither do I assume to myself medical honors to which I am not entitled, but merely ask those who are diseased to read the different advertisements relating to the euro of private diseases, and judge for themselves whore to apply for relief (My rooms are so arranged that lean be consulted in privacy at all hours of the day. from U o'clock in the morning until H in the evening. ![4 r Persons with Chronic Diarrhea. Dysentery, Local Weakness, Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness of the Limits and Hack, indis position, Loss of Memory. Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Self-distrust, Dizziness Headache. Pains in the Side. Affection of the Eyes. Pimples on the Face, Sexual and other Intlrmalics In Man, Ac., will find it important to consult l)n. Ciiahlks 11 Tozkb at his office, Sixth street, be tween J and K, Sacramento. tk-S C. 11. TOZER. M. D. Rend and Refleel. Dr. Cha's 11. Tozer's Card to the Afflicted of California. TN approaching any new course of systematic in -1 quiry there are certain points concerning which the inquirer should always be careful to satisfy himself. He should comprehend distinctly w hat the subject of inquiry is—Health and Disease. And we can form and fix in our minds a clear conception of the stale of Health, we shall have no difficulty in understanding what is meant by Dis ease. But beyond, not above these objects of in vestigation of the human Imdy. we have another and still nobler end. It is to lay before you in such plain terms that you cannot be mistaken and will know where to apply for relief. I use the word of “disease” generally, and be fore 1 speak of the signs of particular diseases, it will be proper to take a general view of symptoms. When a person is troubled or afflicted w ith disease, which causes a werkness of the back ami limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscu lar power, palpitation of the heart, irratabillty, nervousness, dyspepsia, derangement of the diges tive functions, general debility, symptoms of con sumption, and many others, which are better ex plained than put on paper, and utquires Medical or Surgical Attention, it would be well fur them to inquire if thure is a physician who incompetent to attend them, and who understands the application of medicine, and whose SCIENTIFIC ATTAIN MENTS in his profession and whose age and ex perience entitle him to your confidence. Consoler these things, Un. C. H. Tomtit has concluded to in form you that are afflicted, advertising his place of business, stating that he has been a successful prac titioner for over twenty-live years,and has ATTENDED AND CURED HUNDREDS, when they have been considered by other physi cians, and have been pronounced by them past re covery. Therefore you can rely upon him us one in whom sicßKcr and the utmost confidence can be placed. Dr. C. H. T. would invite all that are afflicted to call on him, and if he does not administer for them, there will he no charge made. Let no false delica cy prevent yon, but apply immediately, and save yourself from the dreadful consequences which must follow those who neglect to receive atten dance. Dr. C. H. Tozer's office is on Sixth street, near the Bolvidcre Hotel, between J and K streets. His rooms are so arranged that the Doctor can be con sullsd without the fear of molestation. Mr Office hours, from 'J in the morning until 8 in the evening."*^ 0. H. TOZER, M. D., deed 7-ly 6th at., between JA K, Sac. City. New Stage liiiic. DRYTOWII & MUD SPRINGS. jgfTßw A Four Horse Coach of this *‘ ue leave Drytown every other day. For ‘days of De parture, inquire at Coover’s Stage Office in Volca no, Jackson, or Drytown. aprll-251f McKEAN A JOHNSON. Quicksilver for sale at the dec 18 I Dr. li. J.Czapkay’H AND WIN 0 GRAND MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE Sacramento st„ below Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail Steamship Company’s office. BBTABUSHCD FOR THK PERMANENT (TRK OF AI.I. FRI VATK AND CHRONIC DISEASES, AND THE BUmtS- StON OF QUACKKRT. DR. L. .1. CZAPKAY. late in the Hungarian Revolutionary War. Chief Physician to the 20th Regiment of Honveds. Chief Surgeon to the Milita ry Hospital of Pesth, Hungary, amt late lecturer on diseases of the Urinary Organs, and Diseases of Women and Children, has opened his Institute for the cure of all forms of private diseases, such as svphillis, gonorrhiea, nocturnal emissions, and all the consequences of self abuse. In the first stage of syphilitic or gonorrlueal diseases.he guarantees a cure in a few days, without inconvenience to the patient or hindrance to his business. When a pa tient, by neglect or improper treatment, has devel oped the symptoms of secondary svphillis, such ns buboes, or painful swellings of tiie groins, or ulcers in the throat or nose, which if not checked, de stroy the soft parts and cause the bones to mortify, separate and come away, leaving the sufferer hide ous to behold; or when splotches and pimples break out upon the skin, or when he has painful sweilings upon the bones, or when his constitution is ityured no us to predispose toconsuinption or constitutional disease, the Doctor guarantees a cure or asks no pay. in RHEUMATISM, chronic or acute; in DYS ENTERY or UIARIKEA, he has safe and effectual remedies. For the treatment of the consequences of self abuse, such as nocturnal emissions, head ache, timidity, pains in the back and limbs, with general w eakness, loss of appetite, loss of memory, injury to the sight, restlessness, contusion of ideas, dislike for society, and a feeling of weariness of life; with the nervous system so excitable that slight noises shock or startle the patient, making his existnnee miserable. For the above maladies the Doctor w ill guarantee a cure or ask no com pensation. He can be consulted free of charge ami invites all to call, as it will cost them nothing, and may he much to their advantage. GRATITUDE IS TIIE COMPLKTIOJV OF Tir.KVFFCL.YESS. FTMIE ingratitude of man to his fellow man is so I often met with in life that testimonials, prompted by the liner feelings of the heart are oasis in the life of those who sacrifice their best days in philanthropic devotion to the alleviation ol the ills of frail mortality. Empiricism Hoods the columns of our press w ith fraudulent ami ficti tious letters, singing peaus to the worli, of their own egotistical charlatanism. Below we append a letter from a worthy man who, a brief period since, seemed destined to'shuftle off tbis mortal coil,’ who looked forward to his dissolution with llmt pleas ure which only those weighed down by the heavy hand of disease can. Contrary to hope, the ability of a skillful physician has restored him to his for mer health. Relieved from his terrible situation, and impelled by gratitude, he makes known his case ami remedial agent, and his statement is au thenticated by a Notary Public. The demands of society imperiously command its publicity, and it is given more to warn the unwary than to sound the praises of a physician of whom scores of like cases can be cited: CERTIFICATE The undersigned desirous of acquainting those who may he unfortunate enough to be sim ilarly nilliclod, where a permanent relief of their sufferings may be obtained, feels it his duty to thus publicly express his most sincere gratitude to Dr. L. J. Czapkay for the permanent recovery of Ids health. Horne down by the distressing symp toms incident to the vicious practice of uncon trollable passion in youth; depressed in body and mind, unable to perform even the most trifling duty imposts! upon the daily avocations of life: I | sought the advice of many physicians, who at first regarded my disease as of trifling importance but alas! after a few weeks, and in several instances months, of their treatment, 1 found to rny unutter able horror that Instead of relief, the symptoms became alarming in their torture; and, being told | by one that my disease, being principally confined to the brain, medicines would be of little conse , queucc. I despaired of ever regaining my health, strength and energy; and us a last resort, and with hut a faint hope, called upon Dr. Czapkay, who af ! ter examining my case prescribed some medicine which almost instantly relieved me of the dull pain and dizziness in my head. Encouraged by this result, I resolved to place myself immediately under his care, and by a strict obedience to all his i directions and advice, my head became clear, my ideas collected, the constant pain in my back and groins, the weakness of my limbs, the nervous re action of my whole laxly on the slightest alarm or excitement: the misanthropy and evil forebodings; the incapability to study and want of resolution; the frightful, exciting, and at times pleasurable | dreams at night, followed by involuntary dis charges, have all disappeared; and in fact in two months after having consulted the Doctor, I felt as if inspired by a new life—that life which, but a short time ago. I contemplated to end by my own hand. With a view to guard the unfortunate from fall ing Into the snares of incompetent quacks. I deem it mv duty to offer this testimony to the merit and skill of Dr. Czapkay, and recommend him to all who are in need of medical advice, being assured by my experience, that once under bis care a radi cal aiul permanent cure will be effected. B. F. Fiixmore. Slate of C; lifornia. county of Sun Francisco.— Subscribed and sworu before me, this 17th day of April, a. D. 1K56. (Signed) John Middleton, [us.] Notary Public. Dr. L. J. Cxapkat’s Medical and Surgical Insti tute on Sacramento street, below Montgomery, op posite Pacific Mail Steamship Company’s office, San Francisco, Cal. The Dr, offers free consulta tion, and asks no remuneration unless be effects a cure. QPERMATORRIKEA, or Lota! If 'ealmett, Ner O vous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness of the Limits and Hack, Indisposition and Incapa bility for Labor and Study, Dullness of Apprehen sion. Loss of Memory. Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity self Distrust, Dizziness. Head ache. Involuntary Discharges. Pains in the Side, Affections of the Eyes. Pimples on the face, sexual and other Intirmaties in man. arccured without fail by the justly celebrated Physician and Surgeon, L. j! CZAPKAY. His method of curing diseases is new. (unknown to others) and hence the great suc sess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise,free. Address L. J. Czapkay, San Francisco, Cal. THANKFULNESS Is the incentive to gratitude. Below xve publish the volutury certificate of two of the sufferers from the pangs of disease, who. having recovered their former health, and impelled by gratitude, make known their cases and the remedial agent; and their statements arc authenticated by a Notary Public. The demands of society imperiously command their publicity, and we commend their perusal to the attention of those afllicted. CERT IFICATE. I, the undersigned, having been under the treat ment of Dr. L. J. Czapkay, although unsolicited, fuel called upon to give publicity to the efficacy of his treatment, hoping that by so doing, I mav be instrmental in preventing others from the fearful suffering and misery which I experienced, and which so often result from the pernicious practice of pretenders. My disease has been that of physi cal and mental debility, which follows in conse quence of the indiscretion of youth. The agonies which 1 endured are, perhaps, unnecessary for me to detail; they arc known to those who have expe rienced them. Suffice it to say, that having called the services of Dr. L. J. Czapkay In requisition, all my expectations which 1 may have formed of him were more than realized. 1 would, therefore, recommend Dr. Czapkay to all who may find them selves afflicted with that dreadful malady, my ob ject iu so doing being sympathy for suffering hu manity, and a heartfelt desire of relieving them. D J DAHL EE, Printer. State op { m City and County of San Francisco, ) On this 31sl day of July A. D. 1856, before mo, Wm. C. Jewett, Notary Public, personally appeared D. J. Dahlet, known to me, being duly sworn, did depose and say. that the contents of the card here with signed by him Is true. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year first above written. W. C. JEWETT, [l. B.] Notary Public. A CARD. Prompted by an honest desire of my heart, I wish to lay before the public a case which deserves a high commendation, not only as an act of scientific skill, but that of humanity also. Aliout two years ago, I suddenly, and from causes unknown to me, was seized with a fit of epilepsy, which, owing to my inability to meet the expenses consequent upon a thorough medical treatment, and the discourage ment which I met with on attempting it, soon be came such (as I was then led to believe) as to defy the skill of a physician. 1 was frequently, while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down to the ground without the slightest warning, and although insen sible to the agonies, 1 yet despised the miseries of life, and soon learned to look upon those who would render me assistance or shelter me from danger as enemies, who sought to prolong the misery of my existence. While in this state, and having previ ous to my affliction tasted the sweets of life, 1 was once more induced to attempt seeking aid of a phy sician, and by recommendation called upon Dr. L. J. Czapkay. 1 told him my circumstances and my inability to reward him for his services, regardless of which, however, he at once undertook my case, and, with the blessings of God, I was once more re stored to perfect health. Unable to reward him for the boon which I enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my indebtedness, I consider it due to myself and to all afflicted, to make the case public, in order that those in need of medical advice may find a physician in whom every confidence may be placed. MEYER YABLONSKY. State of California, I County of San Francisco, ( Subscribed and sworn befor» me, this first dav of August, A. D. 1856. GILBERT A. GRANT, [i, s.] Notary Public. DL. J. CZAPKAY’S Medical and Surgical In stitute, Sacramento street, below Montgomery, op posite Pacific Mail Steamship Company 's Office, San Francisco, California. The Doctor otters free con sultations, and asks no remuneration unless he ef fects a cure. The Greatest Discovery of the Age—Great Bless ing to Mankind — lnnocent, but Potent. DR. L. J. CZAPKAY’S Propitaetieum, (self disinfecting agent,) a sure preventive against Gonorrhoea nnd Syphilitic diseases, and an unsur passed remedy for all venereal, Scrofulous, Gangre nous and Cancerous Ulcers. Fcetid discharges from Vagina, Uterus and Urethra, and ail Cutaneous Eruptions and diseases. As inoculation is a sure PREVENTATIVE against small pox, so is Doctor L. J.Czapkay'sProphilacticum a preventive against Syphilitic and Gonorrhoeal diseases. Harmless in itself, it possesses the power of chemically destroy ing the Syphilitic Virus, and thereby saving thous ands of debauchees from being infected by the most loathsome of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates health lie without Dr. Czapkay's Pro philacticum. It is in very convenient packages, and will be found convenient to use, being used as a soap. Price $5.00. For sale at Dr. Czapkay's Private Medical and Surgical Institute, Sacramento street, below Montgomery, (opposite Pacific Mail Steam Ship Company's office,) San Francisco. All orders must be addressed to L. J. Czap kay, M. D., San Francisco, California. TO THE LADIES OF CALIFORNIA. L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D., Physician,Surgeon and Ac coucher, invites the attention of sick and attlicted females, laboring under the various forms of Dis eases of the Brain, Lungs, Heait. Liver, Stomach. Womb, Blood, Kidneys, and ail diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doctor is effecting more cures than any other other Physician in California. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save yourselves from painful sufferings and premature death. All married ladies whose deli cate health or other circumstances do not allow to have an in their families, should call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Medical Institute, ami they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's rooms are so arranged that be cau be consulted without fear of molestation. IMS* All consultations (by letter or otherwise,) free. Addres to DR. L. J. CZAPKAY. Medical Institute. Sacramento street, below Mont gomery, opposite Pacific Mail Steamship Company's office. mar 28 23-Sm SACRAMENTO ASSAY OFFICE. Harris, .11 archand A Co., -\JO. 107 J street, Sacramento, and East street i. x near the corner of Second. Marysville, will continue to carry ou the business of MELTING, REFINING and ASSAYING Gold and Ores of every description. We guarantee the correct ness of our Assays, and bind ourselves to pav any difference that may arise with any of the U. S. Mints. Returns made in from 6to 12 hours, IN BARS OR COIN. Specimens of Quartz assayed and valued. Terms for assaying the same as in San Francisco. H. HARRIS, D, MARCHAND. O. L. FARRINGTON, feh 21 18-3 m J. Warner’* Hr tit; Store, Main Street, Volcano. t itf The undersigned would most respeollul ly inform the citizens of Volcano and surrounding country, that he has, and 4 wTTT keep constantly on hand, a good and fresh sup ply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Brushes of all kinds, Gam phene, Alcohol, Turpentine, Dye Stull's, Patent Med icines of all kinds. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps. Toilet articles, Ac., Ac., which we will sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Physicians and others ore request ed to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Physicians' Prescriptions put up accurately and with despatch, at all hours of the day or night. N. B.—All articles sold by me will be w arranted Pure and Genuine. JUDSON WARNER, mar U 1 3m GROCERS,— 119 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. Offer for sale one of the largest and best assorted slocks of aROOBRIBS In the Market. Particular attention paid to orders, feh 28 19-3 m Look at Thi*! HAVING engaged in other business, I will SELL my Restaurant in Indian Diggings, El Dorado couuty, on accommodating terms, in price and pay ment. It is situated in the lower town, across the street from the Union Hotel the most eligible site in the place. With Bur fixings, Tables and Kitchen furniture ; ten Bed* complete. For further partic ulars call on Ue.nht Gwt.ui ut Indian, or the sub scriber, residing on Grass Valley Ranch, new Vol cano, Amador county. WILLIAM A. HEREFORD. April U, 1847. 24-it Jon a* 6. Clark & Co’s. F UIIN ITU II K WAREROOMS, No. 128 Woshinglon street, Sun Francisco, and 49 and 61 Fourth street, between J and K Directs, Sacramento, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Every De scription of FURNITURE AND BEDDING, Have now in Store the Largest Stock and Most Complete Assort w ment of rich and beautiful furni tur- ever offered in this State, consisting in part of the following— f'ine Rosewood. Walnut and .Mahogany Parlor and Chamber sets. Sofas. Ottomans. Lounges, and Easy Chaxrs; Bu reaus, Whatnots, Mirrors of all sizes. Office and Kitchen Furniture in the Greatest Variety. tat iVo arc now Hlaßnfart«rlng from our Native Woods, also from Walnut and Rose wood. most of our finest furniture, and can produce an article superior for strength, durability and beauty, to anything imported from the East. pgf We have constantly on hand, and are in regular receipt of full and complete invoices of Goods, adapted to the Interior and Coast Trade. 7.9- TO WHOLESALE DEALERS we would say, your orders will receive, as formerly, our careful and prompt attention. JONAS G. CLARK & CO. aprll-25-3m iHaNonic Care. THE citizens of Volcano and vicinity are res pectfully informed that the ‘-Cave’’ is reopened. The liar is well supplied with the best Liquors, Wines, Cordials, <4e., and a splendid glass of ALE. pm- The favorite SPARKLLVG GIYOER BEER, hy the Original .Maker, is now ready; and as the season advances, every other suitable re freshment will be provided. Families supplied. mar 14 21-3 m ti / cy * No. 107 Clay Ml. San Francisco OFflill FOR SALE: ALCOHOL, CASTOR OIL. TARTARIC ACID, BLUE VITRIOL. FRESH HOPS, CAMPHOR, CREAM OF TARTAR, SEIDLITZ POWDERS, SAL SODA, STRYCHNINE, BORAX, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SHAKER’S HERBS, EPSOM SALTS. SUP. GARB, OF SODA, BAY RUM, MUSTANG LINIMENT, BRISTOL BRICK, SALT PETRE, ALUM, CANARY SEED, IRISH MOSS, JAMAICA GINGER, GUM ARABIC, CALABRIA LICORICE, TO WNS E N D’S SARS A P A RIL LA, SAND'S SARSAPARILLA, COOPERS ISINGLASS, SASSAFRAS BARK, INDIGO, COPPERAS, YELLOW WAX And a full and complete assortment of desirable DruKt and Medicine*. R. A CO. respectfully solicit orders from the country, and will guarantee satisfaction in every particular to those who favor them with their cus tom. aprll-25-3m Voting: America Saloon. Main, nearly opposite the foot of Court street. THIS saloon is situated on Broadway, three doors from Water street, iu the most pleasant loca tion in Jackson. The Saloon is large, airy and at all times cool and the BaK is furnished with the ns.-r wines and unions that the country attords.— Fancy lee Drinks gotten up in the best possible style. Cioaiis of the best brands and flavor that can be procured in San Francisco, kept constantly on band. TWO OF THE BEST .MARBLE BED hilualDTAß in the Slate, are kept in thissuloon for the accomodation of those who desire to amuse themselves iu this pleasant exercise. Among other important articles not usually found in (he Saloons ol California, are the following leading journals of the United Statesand Europe, which are kept expressly for the customers of the YOUNG AMERICA SALOON. Illustrated Lon don News; Bell's Life in London; London Punch; Ballou's Picto rial; Boston Journal; N. V. Herald; N. V. Tribune; N. 0. Delta; Mo. Republican; Echo due Pa cific; Spirit of the Age; Cal. Chronicle; Alta California; Sacramento city Union; State Journal, Volcano Lodger Amador Senti nel. In addition to the above papers the proprietor keeps a general assortment of Historical Works and Magazines. The undersigned invites his friends and the pub lic generally to give him a call, and he will promise to give them the best in town. GEO. S. STEVENS, Proprietor. «pr 25 27-tf Read I Read Thi* ! THE undersigned have opened their new store in the new Fire Proof House, on the junction of Main and Jackson streets, with a new and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Groceries aud Provisions; Liquors aud Cigars; Crockeries and Glassware; Mining Tools aud Hardware; Iron. Steel. Borax. Ac , Ac. We invite the citizens of Volcano and surrounding camps to try this new establishment, and we feel confident that they will find it to their advantage. We carry ou our business on the strictest CASH priuciple, but at the same time WE INTEND TO SELL AT THE LOWEST Possible prices, at as low and lower prices as any store in this neighborhood can afford to do. Goods bought iu our store, packed FREE of charge to any reasonable, distance. Remember the Centre Store. THEURKAUF A Co. Volcano, October 10th, 1866. oct 18 92-tf 'Vails, assorted sizes, ia full packages, very IN cheap, at the (dec 13) CENTER STORE. a. KiJinncß, Vol. UrRAnKKTO htoSp Fireproof Brick Building. Main "I ;,,AC «. Sai olci mi !ano public gem rally, Ibat they will j .r.r ■•hi STRICT CASH BUSIN'e^ A _ m .‘ h . , ! , J >o .* n ? bled tv f,lrnil ' l > tbclr cuatoin l:tr N Roods At much lower rates than rormUS 0 We arc constantly receiving the largest ol Groceries, Provisions, Liouors rt tt‘ a-are, Hardware, Mining Tool, Clothing‘ M * Shoes, Ac., which they are now offering. '*«•( dented low prices. Our motto is .“"Pbo sales and small profits.” N ° or «liQ We wish to draw particular attenttns. assorted stock of Foreign and Wines, Syrups.4c., consisting in paru Lk * Ui ” Brandy—Superior French. Otard, Dupuy iC(J American. Whiskey—Old Monongahela “ Bourbon. “ Irish. “ Scotch, Gin—Holland in qta. “ “ pis. “ “ “ bhls. “ American do. Rum—(>ld Jamaica. “ Now England. English Porter and Scotch Ale Port, Hock. Sauterne and Claret WiL „ pagne, Ac., Ac. 1 • Uauj N. B.—Goods purchased at onr Store livered FREE OF CHARGE at any ef’th b, : ‘ camps in this vicinity. 1 lDc mar. 29. __ 23-1; Liquor*. AFRESH supply of Liquor* j u ,t received Sacramento Store. Persons wishing J, wholesale will find this a rare opportunitv " can sell liquors cheaper than any other V " Volcano. Our stock of liquors will .Iw" * : complete and of all qualities. a - ts ‘ a l‘ f 26 A. KI.AUIiEIUCO l)NIO.\ HOTEL. ■ The Proprietors of this old ami well k establishment would respectful!; , to the public that they have nawiki'. ' materially EA'EIRCED THE 111 BVlI.myG and added a number of entirely new h-d- »n,| r for the accommodation of thos< : who iuuv i a • with acall. Their ' “' onhtl TABLE will he furnished in as good stylo as any in cinity. and at prices that cannot but suit. have established the C.ISH s VSTEM tl, atford to do business on a.> fair terms a. ,i: i ii in the mountains. ’ ' This being the office and station of IheGalif, r ,;, Stage Company, their Agent will ever he , ’ attend to passengers for nil parts of tl„. s 8. S. H ARTIU'.M, i „ J. WAGSTAFF, | lro l’n, ('■lion Siiilile, Connected with the I'nion Hotel is (he I'nionsti hie, capable of accommodating filly her-- 13 , style. HABTRFM A WAGSTAFF dec 29 IWII l*h<rni\ V OMNIA V M 73 Lu c ) ry J. EITTREDUE, Proprietor, MANUFACTFUER OF Fire-proof I Shutters. Vaults, 4e., Battery, near Ft streets. Sa\ Fkam (sen. N. B. Orders from the countrv attondvd promptly. A large assortment of sirond L doors and shutters constantly on hand, and for* at VERV LOW PRICES. apr 4 24-dn Hay Tor Sale. IJMRST quality of Hay in bales, at $> p-r■ can be found on Stony Point, Volcau . calling on the undersigned. Call either in 11 morning, at noon nr night. JOHN SEX, Enquire at Smith 4 White's Store. apr 4 21-ln If. S. HOT Ills. FIDO L ETC WN, CALIFORNIA THE undersigned begs to announce !■ d public that the D. 8. H' ‘I EL, 1 lias been recently enlarged and iu,) ' ed by the erection of a new and fine t« building on the premises, the old building lie also been thoroughly renovated, and the cunne lublishment well furnished. THE LODGING APARTMENTS WILL BE found clean, nest and comfortable. The table will be constantly supplied «ill u best to be hud in market. The Ban, will always be furnished with tnen= of Wines, Liquors and Gig i: - .. Tußiiu will bo in good bauds, aww* property cued for. . By strict attention to business, the prop ll hopes to merit and receive the liberal pam - 1 : heretofore extended to the “ 17.I 7 . S. WELLS, FARGO <J* Co'S EXPRE* The agency of this well known and pepali:- press firm is at this house. Fiddletowu, August 9th. 1858. J W. KENDALL, Propnriv aug 9 [t'- 1 'tried Prunes, fresh and IJa pound, at the (dec 13) tKM L Powder and Fu^or^^ CRANBERRIES in Kegs, for fair »‘ ‘ h ' ' Store THEUBKAUFiU Store oct IS Fair Hoant Tniiplc LAI Honor, No. 52, meets every Monday*' v_/ at Temperance Hall. Hddlctow 1. , j 0. C. L. Gilbin, W. B. A. DA* lb, "• july 12 J., Temple of Honor PARADISE TEMPLE OF 1 W N( ] ,{ X perance Hall, Consolation strei., day evening. ■J. a B. Jewett, W. C. T; E. B. -*• SPECI.IL DECREE FA- ' irst Wednesday evening i2-i; •eo. Johnson, D. T. in 12 Hoot and The undersigned "'1 „ informs the citiwj” V (1 „ u r ? and vicinity that i laii |pared. »« hi* to muuufaeture Bcwts atM • ;sbl test notice and on the nu„ NOTICE TO sl> e ( have just received direct tVoin * he j ;il e article of GUM for meudiug Ru |il? > article is something new and n . ffi£ ,ct 1 to give entire satisfaction see for yourselves. n pQOE V ‘ ;i-5* >r 4 Flour for «TO? E