Newspaper Page Text
WEEKLY LEDGER. BepUe* to Correspondents. caramon to correspondent (without slgna [](,r than his real name) certainly did not ” r j b |, letter for publication. It would be Ct Improper to place It in print Mean rethink ho need have no fear-, as far an this ilE 'if In concerned, on the main point named. "/(. W’ Prylown —We scarcely know rhat nrfl driving at—the meaning of the “poetry” and therefore we cannot publish it. xin re is a man on Dry Creek did dwell, \nd by the people is known full well,” i f easily he understood; hut that affair that jjt’cks out a feet or so” may be construed more ,ys than one. llmrr. Drytown.—The letter of this excellent orr .pendent will be found on the Ist page thig £l k—having arrived in time to find a place there. Quul Driver.— Send us your real name (not (or indication) next time. We break over the rule ad give your letter this time, without it, because cu nwv not be aware that the real name is re tired by the editors. 01,i Guard. —The second communication of this friter appears to-day. It speaks for itself. Traveler.— You had a hard time of it in your Kirch for the coal field. Thank you for the speci icti sent—will exhibit it to the curious. We do ot know of any use to which poison oak can be _pi —-except to poison people outwardly. Tuck eye.-We have admitted your communication, realise it is right that every good Democrat should have his say.” j Democrat. —And yours appears for the very ime reason. .Uimnirlration Democrat. —Your communica on, containing some good old fashioned Dcmocrat c talk, came to hand just as we were going to press, nd we are sorry to be compelled to lay it over mi ll next week. For The Weekly Ledger. For Governor. Messrs. Editors : Will you permit me to rire two reasons why I think John 15, Wei er should receive the Democratic nomination or Governor? They are these : First, he is mineiitly ca|jgU|L honest, and possessed of he is anil always as been a ardent, hard-working )emocrat —whether when the sea has been month, or when the storm Las raged most iolcntly, he has always been found buttling wilfully for the cause. I lor one, gentlemen, blush to confess that he Democratic party are too apt to pass by hu-e who have labored long and faithfully or the good of the cause, and heap honor, dace, power and emolument upon those who iave been so lukewarm as to do nothing more ban vote, and perhaps not even that—or, i; lay be. upon those whose Democracy is of xtremely recently date. Now this is wrong -radically wrong. If you apply the old aw that “Republics are ungrateful” to politi ul parties, I tear it would be found to contain vast deal more of truth than poetry. 1 am for standing by those who have stood 7 the Democracy with the greatest zeal in lie country’s mid the party’s hour of trial ; icrtfore I go for Col. Weller, us gallant an hi war-horse us can be brought into the eld. Buckeye. Clinton, June 3d, 1857. TnouoHrrcr..—Jukey nad Kelley, of the Washington Restaurant, nre among the most lioughtful men in town. Last Thursday was ict, and they knew it; so, at a period of that ay when the mercury would have ruu out t the top of the tube hud there been a bole litre, they sent their compliments with a atelier of most capital punch—mild and deasant, yet decidedly invigorating. There tas also a bottle of something good for the 00l of the evening. Success to you, gentle ten. The Pi.anet Venus Mistaken- fob a Comet.— Is re has been a deal of Comet excitement bere bimts fora few days—nearly all the men, women, ini children In town have been up before day to tt the Urey stranger. Some have bewail to talk good deal about the 13th of June—this day week. )' reference to an Almanac, it will be seen that lie brilliant star, supposed to be the comet, is the 'lan t Venus, and the other, appearing a good deal and not so brilliant, is Jupiter. So much tor the omet excitement. To Horses asi> Others.— See Frank TIofT lau s “Horse Restaurant” advertisement.— have not a doubt but that he will give nlire satisfaction to "man and beast.” fust men are so called because they have m louse from all restraints of order. W hen a man spoons in and the wife shov “ uut . the household must soon fall through. COURT OF SESSIONS, June Term. HON. M. W. GORDON. JUDGE, *• C ' r - Li MS AXD HRI'CE HUSBAND, ASSOCIATES. Monday, June 1. 1857. Coiirt met and adjourned till to-morrow at 12 clock, M. Tuesday, June 2, 1857. TV People ve. Leroy Warden. —(Fiidletown ?’ l, r y.) Jury empanueled, aud witnesses lor the sate sworn. Wednesday. June 3, 1857. /'if People vs. Leroy Warden. —Verdict of not T ; ie People vs. Stephen h'endall. —(Fiddletowu ““WJd AW. Pro,. Thursday, June 4, 1857. Grand Jury called as follows; J. N. Randolph, * 7" 118 foreman; John Wright, Wm. Boileuu, A. J , 7 Brink. U. S. Sanljoro. W. L. McKim, n. Aldneli, J. Gordon, J.N. Slee, James Adams, 1 -Ourtrigbt. James Murphy, Geo. Ferris, A. nn 1-1 ' llU ' r Shaun, W. L. Bid well, J. L). Uavid • Charged by the Court and retire*, w Cruud Jury returned to the Court tbo fol ’""‘8 indictments: / T J (up/f vs. Juan Mendez. —Assault with iu p°m ait rape. ir People vs. Juan Mendez. —Assault to do ■‘! l oo'lily injury. /‘"‘Pie vs. Ah Noon and Ah Fong.—A. »- J* H,l h deadly weapon. 1 V . U * JOVC defendants arraigned and ordered to ‘-ad to.iuorrow. Frikat, June 5, 1857. [i i„.o va - Juan Mendez.-*- Plead not guilty v UHnd.etments, and trial set lor Monday. ot i,i.;u v *; ' l/ ‘ lluon und Ah Fung. —l’lead lll J u,u * trial set loi to-morrow at lu o'clock, A '\Hirned till ttworrow S'o L ' J ' C*»pk«T I* the only Phy- Bician and Surgeon now in California, who lias ac cumulated a fortune solely by the practice of his » It 0- . P* a classical education, and ad ded to the talent)i of a physician and surgeon, ho ■ a Rentiemaa of oasy manners, and a °P e d heart. Theao qualities have con tributed much to bis great enooeas: but that which has done more forhim than ail else, la the oniform candor he has shown to bis patients. 110 never de oejTM them, hut tells them with sincerity and hon esty his opinion of their diseases. Though posses sing confidence In himself, he never vituperates other gentlemen of the profession ; and from our acquaintance with him, we believe he strives reli giously “to do unto others, as ho would that they should do unto him.” * We refer our readers to the Doctor's advertise ment in another column. Certificate. —l the undersigned, Governor of Hungary, do testify hereby, that Dr. L. J. Czapkav has served during the contest for Hungarian liber ty; as Chief Surgeon, in the Hungarian army, with faithful perseverance. Whereof! have given to him this certificate, and do recommend him to the sympathy, attention and protection of all those who are capable to appreciate patriotic sotf-sacriflcc.aml undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS, Governor of Hungary. Washington City, Jan. 6, 1852. mar2B-23-3m To Hie Public. It having just come to my knowledge that false reports , which have resulted to my injury, have been circulated by a person mimed FREDERICK MIDLER, I take this method to deny them, as I do not owe him one dollar, and he has sought to obtain credit at my expense. A. LEONARD. Pine Grove, May 29,1857. may 30 32-3 w Congress Hall, MAIN STREET, JACKSON. THIS establishment has recently been enlarged and thoroughly refitted, and is now one of the most coni mod I ous and elegant Saloons in the moun tains. It is constantly supplied with choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Two first rate Billiard Tables. The proprietor returns thanks for past favors, and solicits a continuance of patronage. WM. JENNINGS. may 30 30-3 m QueciUHarr, C»la**nare, &c. L. I). HERRICK , RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public that he has added to hisstock of Hardware, Stoves, Ac., a line assortment of CROCKER V, GLASS WARE, Camphtne and OH hanging and side Lamps, all of which will he sold at as low rates as can he bad in this market. Remember the place, Main street, next door to Jackson’s Drug Store, may 30 32-3 m Jackson IVuil Store. Next door to the Young America Saloon, Main St. THE undersigned would respectfully in form the citizens of Jackson and vicinity that his establishment inconstantly supplied with a large and perfect assortment of 'Nuts fruits. Raisins, Btrrus, Candies and Con fectionery of all kinds. He has likewise provided himself a fine stock of Groceries, Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Tobacco, S(e.. And would assure all who may favor him with their patronage —both old friends and new—that he pur chases none but the first quality of ail articles in his line, and that by frequently replenishing his stock, bis goods are always fresh and pure. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED.' Purchasers will be convinced that I can sell be£ ter articles for the same money than any oth r house. Don't forget the place—Main street, next door “Steve’s” Young America. G. BECKER. may 23 31-3 m Administrator’s Sale. to N’OTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the Probate Court, on Saturday, the 27th day of June, a. u. 1857, at the hour of 2 o'clock, r. M., at a certain quartz lead on the Rach eria and Drylown road, about one mile from Dry town in the county of Amador and State of Cali fornia. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest of Wm. Wilcox, at the time of his decease, of, in and to the following described property, to-wit: One undivided half of seven quartz claims situated and being in township No. 5. county and State afore said, uud described as follows, to-wit: commencing nt or near a drift or side-cut in a hill near the road aforesaid, and running in a south easterly and north westerly direction, and equal distance from said drift three and one half claims, or four hun dred and twenty feet each way. J. B. KING, Public Administrator. Jackson, May 25th, 1857. may 30 32-3 w Administrator's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the Probate Court, on Wednesday,the 24th day of June, A. D. 1857, at th ■ hour of 1 o'clock, p. M., nt the North Fork of the Mokeiumne River, about four miles from Volcano, near where the road from Volcano to West Point crosses said river, at what is called the Gcuttich Mill, in the county of Amador and State of California. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest of Win. Guttichand August Guttich, at the time of their decease, of, in and to the lollowing described properly, situa ted and being at the place and in the county and State aforesaid. One yuurtz Mill, known as the Guttich mill; one quartz lead, one dam in the riv er; one flume; one house; one olllce; railroad track; cars; household furniture; watches; clothing; bed ding; mule; case surgical instruments; medicines, together with other articles too numerous to men tion. J B. KING, Public Administrator. Jackson, May 25tb, 1857. may 30 32-3 w Summon*. State of California, I Amador County. ) Justice’s Court. 4th Township. The People of the Stale of California to E. A. ROIYE and others ij' there may be, (which is unknown to plaintiff,) associated under the firm and name of the Pacific Express, Greet ing: YOU are hereby summoned to appear before me. at my olllce, in Sutter Creek village, in the 4th Township of the county of Amador, on the Kith day of June, A. D. 1857, at 4 o'clock, P. M., to answer unto the complaint of Dwight Crandall who sues to recover the sum of forty-lour dollars upon a contract expressed, w hen judgment will be taken against you lor the said amount, together with costs and damages if you fail to appear and ans wer. To the Sheriff or any Constable of said county, greeting, make legal service and due return hereof. Given under my baud, this 27th day of May, A D. 1857. E. B. McINTIRE, Justice of the Peace of said Township. Having read plaintiff’s affidavit In the above case, and being fully advised in the premises 1 hereby order the above summons be served by pub lication in the “Weekly Ledger,” a newspaper pub lished iu the town of Jackson, Amador county,once each week for three successive weeks. E, U, MeINTIRE, Justice of the Peace, may SO 82 8« - Amos 8. McKee & Co., Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, &c. Main St., CLINTON, BEG to announce Hint they keep constant ' ly 0,1 hand and offer for sale at Iho lowest | prices for cash, a full assortment of Groceries, Provisions. Liquors, Crockery, Clothing, Mining Tools, Dry Goods. and all other articles usually kept in a mining store. Arrangements have been made by which fresh goods arc constantly received, and cus tomers may always rely upon (hiding the best quality of any article for which they may inquire, (sold Oust llought. McKEE & CO. May 1C 30-3 m Ductchcs (jlitsllKiuse, MAIN STREET, JACKSON, CAL. The proprietor would respectfully inform Ids friends and the public general Iy, that the above house is now opened n 1 furnished in a su perior manner, for the accommodation of customers. The Table will he furnished with the best the coun try affords. lied-rooms well furnished with good, clean beds. The liar will contain the best kinds of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ADAM DENZLER. apr 25 27-tim I 1(3011 II OHM*, SUTTER CREEK’, AMADOR CO., CAL., C. D. BURLESON, Proprietor. TFIE proprietor takes pleasure in announcing to the public that he has again taken the man agement of his house, and hopes by strict atten tion to business, and an earnest desire to please, to merit a share of public patronage. The house has been thoroughly renovated.newly furnished and several rooms added, making the ac commodations as good as at any house in this sec tion of the county. The Table will at all times be supplied with the best the market affords, and the Bar is always furn ished with the choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give me a call, C. D. BURLESON. may 30 32-3 m SELLING OFF AT COST!! Groceries, Liquors, *<•., FIXARY Sr CO. HAYING determined to close out their business with the view of leaving the State at an early dav, are selling out their Stock of Goods AT AN!) BELOW COST! Now is your time to lay in a supply of Groceries, Provisions, Wines, Liquors, <£c. You will not have another such opportunity soon. Our goods arc all of the best quality. Call at the Brick Block, Main Street, may 23 31-tt Probate Notice. State or California, | Amador Count), ( In Probate Court, May Term, 1857. In the matter of the estate of J. U. Hopkins, de ceased. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interest ed in said estate to be and appear before the Hon. the Probate Court, in and lor said county, at the court house, in the town of Jackson, in said county, at a regular term of said court, to-wit: on the 29th day of June, a. d. 1857. to show cause why an order should not bo granted In J. B. King, ad ministrator of said estate, to sell so much of the real property belonging to said estate as shall be sufficient to pay the outstanding debts against the same. Bv order of the Court. Attest; 11. S. HATCH, Clerk, By M. Shepard, Deputy, may 30 32-4 w Sheriff’* Male. BY virtue of an order of sale to me directed, is sued out of the Hon. District Court of the sth Judicial District in and for Amador county, on a final judgment and decree rendered therein on the 24th day of October. A; D. 185ij, ia favor of Abraham Klaun- r and !• ratio's Mandleman and against Stephen Jerome, for the sum of two hun dred and ninety-one and sixty-seven cents, principal debt, with interest thereon ai. the rate of three per cent/per month from the 2(ith day of February, A. D, 1856 until paid, together with the sum ofthirty-ninedollnrs ami lOctscosts of suit and accruing costs, 1 have levied upon and seized and will expose to public sale at the door of the court house in the town of Jackson, on Salili’d:! y, list* Itftli day of .Inno. V. I>. I*s7,at the hour of 2 o'clock, P. M., all-the right, title, in terest and claim of tin* said Sti piien Jerome of, in and to the following described property, situate, lying and being in the town of Volcano, county of Amador and State of California, 10-wit: The undi vided one half of all that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate on the corner of Jerome and National streets, In the town of Volcano, aforesaid, on which is Jerome <fe Thompson's Livery Stable and other buildings: said premises being common ly known as Jerome ,t Thompson’s Livery Stable in said town of Volcano, together with all and sin gular the hereditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The above property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash in hand to satisfy the above judgment, in terest, costs and accruing cost W.'J. BAUGH, Sheriff of Amador co„ Cal.. By A. B. Andrews, Under Sheriff'. Dated at Jackson, May 23, 1857. may 23 31-4 w SlicillT’s Sub*. BY virtue of an order of sale to me directed, is sued out of the Hon. District Court of the Fifth Judicial District, in and for the coun*y ot Amador, on a final judgment and decree rendered therein on the 27th day of October, a. d. 1856, in fa vor of Jesse C. Pendleton and Edward It, Oliver and against Stephen Jerome for the sum of three hundred and ninety dollars and sixty cents, wilh interest at the rate of three per cent, per month from the Ist day of March, a. t>. 1856, until paid, together with fifty eight dollars and sixty cents costs of suit and accruing costs, (said judgment be ing subject to a credit of two hundred and fifty dollars paid to plaintiffs by said or about the Both day of December. lBs6,) 1 will expose to public sale at the Court House door in the tow n of Jackson, Amador county, on *alni'<lsiy, Hi,- 16lh day of llay, A, If. 2 o'- clock, P. u., all the right, title, interest and claim of the said Stephen Jerome of, in and to the follow ing described property, situate, lying am) being in the town of Volcano, Amador county and Stale of California, to-wit: a certain piece or lot of land known as Win. Thompson and Stephen Jerome's Livery Stable and dwelling house, and the ground or lots enclosed around and upon which said build ings are located, and hounded on the east by u street, on the south by a street, and on the west by the lot and premises commonly know n as the Na tional Hotel, together w ith all the fixtures, heredit aments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining—the equal undivided one half part and all the interest and estate of the said defendant in and to the said premises described The abtre property will be sold to the highest bid der for cash in hand to satiety the above judgment, interest, costs and accruing costs. VV. J, BAUGH, Sheriff of Amador co., Cal., By A. B. Andrews, Under Sheriff. Dated at Jackson, this 24th day of April, a. u. 1857. apr 25 27-4 w ]\'otioe. The above Sale 1s hereby postponed until Satur day the 6th day of June, A. D. 1857, at 2 o’clock, W. .1 BAUGH, Sheriff Amador co., Cal., By A. B. Andrews, Under Sheriff. Dated at Jackson, May 16tb, 1857 may ?8 31 3w For Kale. The undersigned offers for sale bis interest, (he ing one-half,) in the Weekly Ledger printing establishment. Declining health is my sole reason for offering to sell, as the concern is doing a pros perous and increasing business. Address. B. B. DAINGEBFIELD. May 2d, 1857. LEV LVfSKY HKOTHEKiS, Fire-proof Brick Building, Main street, Jackson, Dealert in dry goods, RESPECTFULLY invite their old customers and the citizens of Amador county at large to call and examine their present extensive assortment, which has been selected with the greatest care. !f(ii|>lcniid Fane)’ Loods In great variety—among which may be enumera ted Dailies’ Dress Omuls, consisting of Silks. Eat ings, Bareges, Lawns. Ac., Ac. Cloths, Cassimers, Cents’ Furnishing Goods of the linest quality. Variety Ouods —Such as Parasols and Shades, Artificial !■ lowers. Head Dresses, Wreathes. Hoses, Gloves, Mils, .Scarfs, Cravats, Shirts, Handkerchiefs Hoisery, and in fact, a "variety without end.” Also—the best Heady Made Clothing in the market; Hoots. Shoes, Hats , Caps, and bonnets of the latest and most fashionable styles. Partiniliir Notlre/ We are in receipt of New Goods, direct from N. York and Europe, by every Ocean Steamer. One of the firm resides in San Francisco, so that our facilities for keeping up a Constant supply of fresh and fashionable goods arc unsurpassed. Prices Lower than Ever. Give us a call, and we will make it your interest to buy your Dry Goods a* our establishment. may It 30-3 m RIALTO SALOON, In the Basement of Thenrkanfs Centre Block, VOLCANO. T 11, HICK begs to announce to his friends and • I • the public generally that his Bar will be con stantly supplied with tfie finest brands of Wines, Liquors, Porter, Ale, Cigars, Ac., and he hopes to merit and receive from a generous public a share of patronage. Remember the place—basement of Theurkauf’s Centre Block. Empire Plaza. may 16 30-3 m Valuable Properly For Kale. r T I HK undersigned having determined to close out I his business in Jackson, otters for sale AT tIRKjiT H.llt 0.1 1.V5. the following descrilied property: The well known Oak Grove Ksim-li, consisting of two hundred and fqrty acres of land, of which one hundred and twcntyS-Hve acres are iu cultivation—dwelling house and barn on the prem ises. PICO'S TITLE given to all of the above de scribed property. H not disposed of by the Ist of July, at private sale, the entire property will be sold at that date at public sale. For conditions of sale, Ac., enquire of Fixary A Co., Main street, Jackson. I¥«licc to I'rrdilort. All persons indebted to the house of Fixary A Co. are earnestly requested to come forward and settle their accounts, and thereby save expense. LEON EOMi’AVRAC. may !) 23-tf Lumber! Lumber! TIE undersigned respectfully inform the public that they have completed their saw mill,which is located on what is known as Pratt's Ranch. Lit tle Grass Valley, and distant from Volcano two miles, and are now prepared to furnish customers and others with All Kinds and Qualities of l.uinbrr At the shortest notice ana at the lowest prices. Our mill i new and iu excellent order, ami we feel ourselves competent to compete with any mill in the county, ami we hope to receive a share of pa tronage. i’ll ATT k OAKLAND. may 10 3«-3ra Hardware, Cutlery, Ac. TIN, COPPER « SHEET-IKON WORK. L. D. HERRICK, (Successor to Herrick A Evans.) Fire-Proof Brick Main Street, Jackson. gsr BEGS leave lo announce to the pule I* lie that he will keep constantly onfEfil 'V'm hand, and dispose of at the very lowest prices, a large and complete assortment of Hard ware. Stoves, NaiN, Cutlery, and all other articles pertaining to the Hardware trade. Among the ar ticles may bo found Pumps and Lead Pipe; MU), cross-cut, hand and hock saws; Axes, hatchets, and hammers; Augurs and hilts of all sizes; Chisels of all sizes and kinds; Nails and spikes of various sizes; Chain and spring bolts; Butts and screws; Mill and saw tiles; Door, pad, trank and table locks; Together with a great variety of articles too nu merous to mention. In short, every thing that can be found in any hardware store iu the country. Copper. Tin A klieel-lrun Work, In all its branches, executed with neslnes- -Uength and dispatch. A great variety of articles in this line, of my own manufacture, constantly on hand. JOB WORK SOLICITED. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to the <dd firm, the undersigned hopes to merit a continuance of the same; and new Irieudt are invited to step in and examine my stock. L. I). HERRICK. mnyff 23- ly C l T if lABKET. ft WILEY A CO., RESPECTFCLLY announce to the citizens of Jaekson and vicinity. It that liny have opened a .Went .Market on Main sire, t, nearly opposite the “Young America Saloon.” They will keep con stantly on hand the best qualities of Beef, Pork, Veal Mutton, Ac., and hope by close attention to business to receive a shore of Hie patronage of the public. If you would have a prime article of meat, ot any kind, and neatly dressed, give us a call, may 9 2!l-3m GROCERS,— 111) FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Offer for sale one of the largest and best assorted stocks of anocEßiss In the Market. Particular attention paid to orders, may Pi 31-3 m DibNolution. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between John Kelley and Frederick Brown was dissolved on the 11th (lay of May. 1857. JOHN KELLEV. FREDERICK BROWN. my 28 90-4 w MTSRCHANT TAILOR. L. LUBOSCII, Successor to J. Becht, Ua Having purchas-d the entire stock and business of Joseph Becht, is now prepared .ill. to accommodate the old customers ot the es tahlishment and the public gem rally at the short est notice. I have on hand a very superior stork of goods which I will manufacture into F’anls, Vests and Goats at prices to suit the time. All work done hy mo is warranted. Also on hand and for sale, gentlemen’* furnish ing goods of every description. Clothes cleaned and repaired at short notice. I hope by strict attention to business to receive a share of patronage. Give me a call and exam ine my goods and workmanship. L LUBOSCH, may 9 29-3 m Main street, Jackson, ■iiternnlioiial HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, Main street, 1 door from the Union Hotel, Jackson. THE undersigned beg to announce to the citizens of Jackson and the public generally, that they have taken the Inter national ildtel and Restaurant, and that they are determined to keep it in a style unsurpassed in the State. They have employed an experienced meat cook, and also a pa-try cook, who will pre side over the allairs of the CCISI.SK in a manner which cannot fail to be acceptable to the public. The choice of every edible that can be procured in the market will be provided, and sevod up in a style unexceptionable. The Lodging department connected with the es tablishment w ill bo attended to with strict refer ence to cleanliness and comlort. Good beds at fifty cents per night. The proprietors hope to receive a share of pv tronage. and respectfully invite citizens and others to give them a trial. JOSEPH KIHNER & CO. t 28-tf jtti'ksou orus ami Hook .Store. Fire-proof Block , Main Street, Jackson, Amador Co., Cal., h ■ -'T ,n V [DRUGS &MED I Cl N I S .1 if inw» W. JACKSON, Proprietor. TEST receiving for the spring and summer trade, J a full supply of Drugs, Medicines, Books and Stationery, Points, Oils, Gloss, Wall Paper, ALCOHOL, CAM PHENE, TURPEN TINE, Ac., Ac. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, hopes by strict attention to the People’s wants to merit a continuation of the same, may 2 28-tf Wall Paper. ROLLS just received (new patternsjand 1000 mar 2 offered cheaper than ever, at JACKSON’S. 28-tl Window Glass, • 1 FEET Window Glass; 500 lbs Lc Roiled Oil; Turpentine, Ac., just ceived and for sale, at JACKSON’S. may 2 28 tf cad; re- Cntlery. C\ I KINDS of Pocket Cutlery, various sizes and -CTtprices. Step in and examine them for your selves, at JACKSON’S may 2 28-tf Paints. A LARGE assortment of mixed and dry Paints A just received and offered for sale at JACKSONS may 2 28 tf For f Ik* I lair and skin. BALM of a Thousand Flowers; Lyons’ ICathai ron and Parry's Tricopheruus, at’ihe JACKSON DRUG A LOOK STORE apr 18 •“ u .l. 11. Bradley, AIII<ROT V P I S T . ROOMS over the Lafayette House, between the . Union House and Louisiana Hotel, Jackson. apr 25 27-tf Hamilton A: Do. fTCAKE pleasure in recommending their N E W X ESTABLISHMENT, near the Bridge, south side of Sutter Creek, V’OLC.IJVO. to the inhabi tants of this and surrounding camps. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARD WARE, TOBACCO, And Wines and Liquors, both French and Ameri can—a good assort meat constantly on hand. A long commercial experience combined with a large capital enables them to otter to tneir custom ers all possible advantages. Volcano, Apr. 10. 1857. aprl 1-25-Sm German Boor Saloon. f I'MIG undersigned Ims taken the saloon formerly x occupied by Wullcmnth Co., in the brick lm«enu*nl on Main street, nearly opposite the foot of Court street, Jackson, ami hopes by strict atten tion to 1 usineas. to receive the patronage of his friends and the public. A GOOD BILLIARD TABLE Has been provided for those who take delight in that fashionable amusement. Liquors of all kinds at the Bar. JOSEPH BECHT. may 9 29-3 m RAILROAD LINE. Nc w Arra a r e m cut! On and after the "id day of April, 1857, Hamilton A Smith i 2, w ill run aha I v /../if of Stages from Folsom, via. Prairie City, Michigan Bar, Ar kan«as Diggings, Forest Home, Willow Springs, Drytown. Amador und Sutter, to Jackson. Also, a branch line, connecting with the above at the Cen tral House, to Fiddletow n. Leaving Folsom onthe arrival of the morning train from Sacramento, and arriving at Jackson and Fiddletown same day.— Leaving Jackson and Fiddletown sumeduy at 5. a. m., und arriving at Folsom in time for the 12 o'cl k y train, by which passengers w ill arrive in Sacra mento at a quarter past 1 r. M. Through tickets for Jackson and Fiddletowc, or Intermediate places can he obtained at the Crescent City Hotel, K street, between 3d and Ith; Oro Ho tel. K street, between 2d and 3d, and at the Nation al Hotel, between Ist and 2d streets, on K—and at the Railroad Depot. N. H. Persons hooking their names will he call ed for in any part of the city, and will he taken to the curs AVer uf Char tie. The cars leave the depot, corner of 3d and R str t ts. at half-past 7 o'clock, a. m. HAMILTON A SMITH apr 18 28-tf Tyro Ledge. No. 7!t, F. A. H. DRYTOWN Stated Meetings Thursday Evening on or preced ing the full muon of each month. Members of the craft are invited to attend S. FRANK BENJAMIN, W. i£, W. E MeGtunT.Beo. Or. Cnfaott’a Compound Extract of YELLOW DOCK, AND SARSAPARILLA! The only Original and Genuine it pul up IN QUART BOTTLES. IS acknowledged to be the bent Sarsaparilla made, as is certified by the wonderful cures it ha« per formed. Remember. this is the only true and g< a uine article. This medicine, when used to directions, WILL CURE WITHOUT FAIL, Scrofula or King's Evil, Cancers; Tumors; Erup tions of the Skin; Erysipelas, Chtonic Sore Eyes; Ring Worm or Tetter; Scald Head; Rheumatism; Rains in the Rones and Joints; old Sores and Ulcers; Swellnig of the Glands; Dys pepsia; Salt Rheum; Dis ease of the Uidueya; Loss of Appe titu; Dis ease arising from the use of Mercury, Pain in the side and Shoulders. General Debility. Costiveness, 4c. The Best Fem tie Medicine Known. The Yellow Dock ami Sarsaparilla is peculiarly adapted lor Females of delicate health, resulting from irregularity of menstrual discharges, and other diseases peculiar to their sex. We avure the afflicted that a bottle or two of Dr. Guysott’s Ex tract of \ allow Dock and Sarsaparilla will at once regulate those difficulties and renew the natural energies. For sale by Druimsts everywhere. W. JACKSON, Agent at Jackson. PARK k WHITE, Sole agents and importers. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Genuine Patent Medcines, 132 Washington street, San Francisco, opposite the market. fSan Francisco, May 1, 1857. may 2 28-3 m ] Lnih EY’S HARDWAR E & STOVE STORE, Next door to (’lute’s. Main street, Volcano. w Hcoh Lcnnkv respectfully announces to J his old patrons mid the public generally .that rt he has received new additions to hi. stock of Hardware, Tinware, lion, Steel and Stoves, and yC -t now piepared to sell goods at unprecedented low prices. His stoc k consists in part ot the fol lowing goods:— American and Swedes Iron, assorted sizes; Square and Octagon cast steel, do do do Wrought and out Nulls. do do do Griffin 4 Walker’s horse nod ox nails; Picks. Shovels, Sluice Forks. Hoes and Rakea; Table Cutlery of the best quality; Carpenter's tools of all kinds; blacksmith's tools, do do Coopera tools do do Saddler’s tools; Locks, Butt- and Latches; Hinges, T, Strap, Plate and Hook Hinges; Rubber and Hemp Packing; Mill, Cross-cut. Pit and Hand saws; Files of alt kind and qualities; TINWARE of all ninth; Hydraulic and Galvenizcd IRON PIPE manu factured at the shortest notice. TAT- JOB WORK of all kinds executed with dispatch. uiav 16 f!0-3m “Centre Store,” At the Junction of Main mul fuckson Sts., VOLCANO. TnCtltkAl'F A CO., VT their fire-proof cement building. locat’d as above, beg to announce to their old customers ami the public in general that their stock ol Gro ceries, Provisions, Liquors, .Mining Tools, 4c.. is now as eompl to ii“ that of any establishment In California. They keep on hand none but articles 01 tile \ ry finest quality; and they are dot* mined, at all hazards, to sell at Lower Prices than any oilier house. Hot, 1 keepers, Miners, Ditchers, Farmers and Pr.vate Families will do well to call and examine lor themselves. Ry so, they will accomplish a grand disideratum— they will save money. The supply on hand is always complete, so that customers may send in their orders at any time with lull confidence that they will be filled to their satisfaction. may 16 30-tf 11. Uriunrl A Co., DEALERS in Groceries Provisions. Wines, Li quors. Cigars, Miners' -Supplies, Ac., corner of Mam and Court streets, Jackson. Cons unices are invited to examine our stock. may In 30 3m Aqueduct City !Tiw Min. r undi r- : gned w ould r pectfully remind the I. public that they have constantly on hand, at their Saw Mill in Aqueduct City, Every Variety of I.umber! Which they will dispose of at ns low rales as tho same quality can be procured nt any olh r in.ll in the county. The i Mention of those rqn ring lum ber lor budding. Fencing., or other pur poses. is respectfully solicited. Orders for any descr ption of Lumber will bo promptly and faithfully filled. /W* Lumber in ex change lor OAaH, barley, Hay. Horses, Cattle or Mules. J R JOHNSON & CO. may 16 30 Cm Administrator’* A o tires N r OTICE is hereby given that alt per-ons boil ing debts, demands or claims against the es tate of Stew art M. Hamlin, deceased, are required to present the same, with the propi r vouchers, to the undersigned, Public Admiuistrator, at Ids ulflcuin Drytown. Amador county, State of Cal ifornia, within ten mouths from the date hereof, or such debts, demands and claims will be forever de barred. All persons indebted to the said Stewart M. Aiimliu, deceased, are requested to make imme diate puymeul to the undersigned. J, 11. KING, Public Admiuistrator. Jackson, May 9th. 1857, may 16 M I" Administrator'* -\otire. Estate of John 11. TUjord. tlee'd, >TOTICE is hereby given that all persons hnv ing t claims against tie- e-tule of Joint 11. Till'ord, late of L'u.on Flat, in the county of Amodoi, de ceased. are required to exhibit the same, w ith tho necessary vouchers, to the undersigned at Volcano, in said county of Amador, within tea months trout the date of this notice, or lie forever debarred from recovery ol the same. All persons indebted to said deceased are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. GKO. W. TILFOHI), \ oleano. May 9, I*o7. AUmiuihlrator. may 1»5 30-4 Win. .HrDowell, CtUNST ABLE Township No. One. Office—with > brace Husband. J. P., at the Court House. May always be found at his office when not ne cessarily absent ou business. may 16 SO-6 New Hook*. A LARGE and fine selection of bound Honks, Novels and everything pertaining to the book and Stationey business. 1 have a larger slock than any other house iu the county. Cull and examine the goods offered at JACKSON’S; 2s- tf mar 2 Ynnkrc .Notions. J-ii A GREAT vanity fresh from Vaukee- X,.j dom—the largest ussormenl ever bro't i to Amador county. Call and examine stuck. For sale cheap, ut JACKSON’S usy a 2*-tt