Newspaper Page Text
rnlifbrnin Liicry Slablr. Ilroaihrau afreet, JACK SO.Y. The undersigned respcct r. —« fully Inform their friends A- A and the public that they keep on hand to bln;, at the above named stable, good, spirited and easy riding ladies' and gaulle mon's Horses: also, line Horses and Buggies, which can bo had on short notice and at prices the times, r-fr- Horses kept ami groomed by the week or day in the Stable, or put on the ranch on goml pas tore and well attended to. Rauch produce for sale, consisting of Barley Wheat, Flour, Hay. Ac. J&T Teamsters would do well to give us a call E & T. MASTEKSON. Pro’s apr 25 - 1 "* m Loniannn lloirl. T' ' - house h>ing n >wly fnrni-hednndUtoro*- hv renovatod. in '' ■”■ 'he mod desira deno'tels in the . Hi' hois and airy. with Ladies’ Purler, ami "nils of rooms lor fame lice. T!m* comfort of ladies will be attended to personally by Mrs. Bradley. Bath Hoorn* ami a <ioml Stable Arc also attached to the house. footer A Co.'s Stages leave this house every morning, for ail parts of the State. AnasTHoxo Askev has the supervision of the JUR. w hich will at all times be furnished w ith the '•est cigars, wine* and liquors that can be brought into this market. JOHN S. BRADLEY. Jackson, April 18. 1857. 2li-tf Hrnsr* and Hfdifinps. rpilE umhrdgned having re-opened the Drug .1 Store formerly occupied by A. Morrill. Esq. in tends keeping on hand KYERY AUTK LE L\ JUS LI.YE— such as Drugs. Paints, Brushes, Fan ev articles, Ac. Ac. ' He sol’eits a share of the public patronage. CHS. W. SHOENEMAN. M. D. N. b.—Pure Win*** nml Braudles for the sick. OBice for medical consultations in the rear of the store* April 11th—25-8m Fruits, Sccai-s, Tobacco, Ate. c. aupkl if co.. .Main sired, near Leviashy's Brick, Jaekton, Cat WE hep leave to inform Ibr* Inbnb!- hints of .fnck*onaud vicinity that have constantly on band a well as- v sorted stock of HAVANA TOBACCO, Stationery. Coth rr, Toys. Confectionery. Fresh ami Dried Fruits, A : e., which we offer at the lowest market prices. C. AH PEL A CO. opr 18 Irene Hotel. lO.YE CITY. AMADOR COV.YTY, tty PC 111 N k RICKEY. Having opened the Irene Hotel, in lon City, it is Our Intention to make it nhi. - lass House. We shall keep our Tabu: well supplied with the best the market affords. Ofir Wahles Arc large, and offer every convenience to teams ters. We have in connection with the Hotel, a LIVERY STABLE of good Horses and Carriages, so that Pleasure Parties, and others, can always lie accommodated. JOHN A. PERRIN, J. A RICKEY. • 27-1 f apr Footer A. Co.’* Must*. J nekton and Saeramnlo, via. Dn/toirn. £ „ 1■ II VKU fi t. r -p. dl,' remind tile public that th-y em £s-325 |>l..v but .leconintiiimiing agents. Ti.,d enrefnl dri'et iV , ran go.. 1. e.u.i forlable coaches, and drive as good stock a« can I* found on any road in the 'tale, mav 2 Its UAfLHOAI) LINE, w Arran g- v m cut! On and after the 3d dayo: April, DC.T, Hamilton A Smith '' isk —Ai w iil run a Daily I-itu of Stages from Folsom, via. Prairie City, Michigan Bar. Ar kansas Diggings. Forest Home, Willow .Springs Dry town. Amador and Sutter, to Jackson. Also, a branch line, connecting with tin above at the Cen House, to Fiddletown. Leaving Folsom on tin arrival of the morning train from .Sacrum nto, ami arriving at Jackson and !■ iddletown -ame day.— Leaving Jackson and Fiddletown same day at a, \ «., and arriving at I olaotu in time for tho 12 o'cl'k m. train, by which passengers will arrive in Sacra mento at a quarter past 1 r. M. Through ticki ts for Jackson and Piddletowc, <>r intermediate places can be obtained al the Crescent # City Hotel. K street, between .'id and life Oro Ho tel,' K street, ie tween 2,i Bn ,t 3j ( an ,| „t the Nation al Hotel, between Ist and 2d afreets, on K—and at the Knllroa>) Depot. N. B. Persons IriHiking their nanu s will lie call ed for in any part id the city, and will be taken to the cars Free of Charge. The curs h ave the depot, corner of 3d and II streets, at half-pi I T o'clock, a. m. HAMILTON A SMITH. apr 18 26-tf (•cnimu llrtT alooo. fJTMIK uinWsi m<l i ! a t*i" ilo i f mrrlv X occupied by Walt math A* Co., in flip brick bftftoiDctit on Main >-ti- -i. marly opposite tho foot of Court .‘-ir t, -<»n. and hupc* by strict atten tion to business, to receive the patronage of hi# friends and the public. A GOOD BILLIARD TABLE Has been provided lor those who take delight iu thut fashionable amu.-i inejil. Jiff'Prime Liquors of all kinds at the Bar. JOSEPH IiECHT. muy 9 2y-3m For flip IluiraiKl Skin. BALM ufaThonsund Flowers; Lyons' Kathai roii and Barry** Tricophwons, at the JACKSON DRUG A BOOKSTORE. upr 18 26-ly F. iii.nit, JEWELLER AND WATCHMAKER. .1 loin Ireet. Voteanes, lIAVINT. permanently opened in my new Fire-Proof Brick Building, 1 offer to the public u large assortment ol HOI.II A- SILVER WATCHES. Also All hinds of States Jewelry and a good variety of California Jewelry, manufactured by myself. ’ , Time keepers of every description repaired and insured, All kinds of California Jewelry will be manufactured to order out the same gold that is given, in the best and latest style, WATCH CA SKS not e veep ted, In connection with my Jewelry establishment, I have always on hand an assortment of line knives, (•mis. Kith -, Colt's Pistols, billiard balls Ac. N. B. 1 have in my employ an experienced gun smith. and am prepared to any work iu that line. Billiard bulls turned ul short notice. Any article sold or r paired by me is insured to be what is represented, or the money refunded. j* n H __ Temple of Honor. rAU ADLSE TEMPLE i)F HONOR meets at Tem perance Hall, Consolation street, every Wednes day evening. •J. S. 1). Jewett, W. C. T; E. B. Dai.voeuheu),W. -**-■ SPECIAL DEGREE TEMPLE meets the llrst Wednesday evening in each month. Oeo. Jomnsov, D. T. K. SxewAßT, D. U. jan 12 12 Ty B*l* It lid ( lock*. C. WFIIER, IIKAI.RH IX Crockery, Move*, Tin A Hnninare, fin flan in and Si/rrr Plated Ware . Af Sft.. at rm; oi,r> arcs'n. mai.v street. mcarlt oppositk trk root or corm street, JACKSON. 7MIE undersigned respectfully calls the attention of hi? old friend? and the public generally to hi? present slock of poods, and to bis facilities for Manufacturing and Job Work. Among other article?, entirely too numerous to mention In advertisement, the'following will be found constantly on hand : Stoves Cooking, Parlor and Offire; Crockery Ware of all kinds; Hrittania and Silver Plated Ware; Tinware of every description; Cutlery—a superior assortment; Glassware in complete variety; Stone and Earthen ware: Globe and Side Camps; liras? and Glas? Candlesticks. Hill'd list re —-1 U nrral Assortment; Axes, Hammers and Hatchets; Saws and *aw Kilt a; Pumps anil L'-ad Pipe; Hulls and Screws; Nails. Spikes and Tacks, all sizes; Door. Trunk, Table and Pad Locks: Chain and Spring Holts; Picks, Shovels, Gold Pans. Ac. Ac. Ac. Wi 11 o w Ware — lieautifulAssortment; Market baskets: Wash baskets. Fancy baskets, Ac. All articles will be disposed of at the very low est prices possible for cash. Those who will give me a trial will Iff convinced of this. ,r3J- TIN. COPPER A SHEET IRON WORK done at the shortest notice, in the most superior manner, and at the lowest prices. After returning thanks for the liberal patronage 1 have heretofore received from a generous public, 1 would respectfully solicit a continuance of their favors. C. WELLER. Jackson. June 13. 1837 Sltf Congress Hail, Ml I.X STREET, JACK SOX. r T''in> establishment has recently lieen enlarged I and thoroughly refitted, and is now one of the most commodious and elegant Saloon? in the moun tains. It is constantly supplied with choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ysSf Two first rate Hilliard Tables. The proprietor returns thanks for past favors, and solicits a continuance of patronage. W.M, .IKNNINGS. may 30 3U-:tm Fouler’* livery Stable, CLINTON. r IMIF. undersigned respectfully informs the public J that he has permanently established, utmhe nourishing village of Clinton. Amador county, a Livery Stable, where he will at all times be happy to accommodate those who may favor him with their patronage. I'irsl Saddle llorM‘«, —swift, easy and safe—may always lie obtained. Houses ami Bi ggies— As good turnouts as can bi had in mountain stables generally. HORSES BOARDED, by the Day. Week, or Month—well fed, and carefully groomed. The patronage of those who may have occasion to visit Clinton or vicinity is respectfully solicited. V FOSTER. Clinton. June 13. 1*57-3ttf ‘‘( filin' More,” At the Junction of Main and Jackson Sts,, VOLCANO. Til 111 ItK \I F A CO., t T their fire-proof cement building, located as aliove. beg to announce to their old customers and the public in general that their stock of Gro ceries, Provision*, Liquors. Mining Tools, Ac., is now as complete as that of any establishment in California. They keep on hand nbne but articles of the very finest quality; and they are determined. at all hazards, to sell at ljuxrrr Prices than any other house. Hotel-keepers. Miners. Ditchers. Farmers and Private Families will do well to call and examine for themselves. By so doing, they w ill accomplish a grand disideratnin —they will tare money. The supply on hand is always complete, so that customers may send in their orders at any time w ith full confidence that they will he filled to their satisfaction. may l<i 30-lf Aqueduct City Saw MUL epilE undersigned would respectfully remind the 1 public that they have constantly on hand, at their S iw Mill in Aqueduct City, Every Variety of I.iiiiilmt! Which they will dispose of at as low rates as the •ame quality ean be procured at any other mill in the county. The attention of those requiring lum ber for Building Fencing. Fluming, or other pur poses. is respectfully solicited. Orders tor any description of Lumber will lie promptly and faithfully tilled. tdt~ Lumber in ex change lor CASH. Harlev, llav. Horses. Cattle or Mules. J. Ft. JOHNSON A CO. may 1C 80-6 w I *. HOTEL, FIDI)LE T O W N , CALX FOR N IA . d "AL THE undersigned begs to announce to Hie 1 1 JR public that Hi l r . S. HOTEL, Fiddletown. j’,’.™ 1 1 us Been recently enlarged and improv ed by the erection of a new and flue two story building on the premises, the old building having also been thoroughly renovated, and the entire ce tablishmeiit well furnished. THE LODGING APARTMENTS WILL BE found clean, neut and comfortable. Tkbtadi.k will be constantly supplied wit', the best to be bail in market. The bar. will always lie furnished w ith the west of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The mtabi.k will he in good hands, nail horses properly cared for. By strict attention to business, the proprietor bop- s to merit and receive the lilicral patronage heretofore extended to the “ U. S.” Fiddle town, August kth, lead. J. \\. KENDALL, Proprietor. uug 9 12-t l \IO\ HOTEL. The Proprietors of this old and well known establishment would respectfully announce to the public that they have renovated and materially KXUUWEI) THEIR BUILDLVG, and added a number of entirely new beds and rooms for the accommodation of those w ho may favor them w ith a call. Their TABLE will lie furnished in as good style as any In Hie vi- Inity, and at prle s that cannot but suit. As they have established the CASH sVSTEAI. they can afford to do business on as fair terms as any Hotel in Hie mountains. This being Hie office and station of the California Stage Company, their Agent will over be ready to attend to passengers for nil parts of the State. 8. 8- HaUTRUM, ( . J. WAG STAFF, j 1 U 1 1 l ilioii *l:«l»l«'. Connected with the l.'nion Hotel is the Union sta ble, capable of accommodating fitly horses in good style. HAUTRUM & WAGSTAFF. dec 29 10-Sm Tyro Lotllle. Vo, 73, F. A. -VI. DUVTOWN, Staled Meetings Thursday Evening on or preced ing the full moon of each mouth. Members of the crullare invited to atleud. S. FRANK BENJAMIN, W. M. W. E. McGiutiv, Sec Dr. I<. J. C'zapkay’M Health to sm ■ ' . j GRAND MEDICAL AND SURGICAL IXSTITCT Sacramento st.. below Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail Steamship Company's office. BSTABUSIIKD FOB TUB I KBBAVBKT CLUB OF *l.l. Pit V XTK AXO OH SON IC lIISRASES, ANH TIIK SI FPHF. SION OF QCACKBBT. DR. L. .1, CZAPKAY. late in the- Hungaria Revolutionary War, Chief Physician to the 20t Regiment of Honveds. Chief Surgeon to the Mililt ry Hospital of I’osth, Hungary, and into lecturero diseases of the I'rinary Organs, and Diseases i Women and Children, has opened his Institute fo the cure of all forms of private disease*, sneh a syphilis* gonorrhoea, noetnrnnl emissions, and a the conse.qnences of self abuse. In the first stag of syphil'tio or gonorrhoeal diseases.ho guaranty a cure in a few days, without inconvenience to Ih patient or hindrance to his business. When a pa tient, hy neglect or improper treatment, has deve! oped the symptoms of secondnrv syphillis, such a buboes. orpamfnl swelling* ofttc groins, nr nicer in the throat or nose, which if not cheeked, de stroy the soft parts and cause the hones to mortify separate and come away, leaving the sufferer hide ous to behold; or when splotches and pimples hreal out upon the -kin. or when iie has pair fill swelling upon the hones, or when his constitution is injure* so ns fo predispose toconaumplion or constitution# disease, the Doctor guarantee a cure or ask* nr pav. In RHEUMATISM, chronic or acute : in DTP KNTERY or DIARHfEA. he has safe and cffectun remedies. For the treatment of the consequence of self abuse, such as nocturnal emissions, head ache, timidity, pains in the hack uml limbs, will general weakness, loss of appetite, loss of memory injury to the sight, restlessness, contusion of ideas dislike for society, and a feeling of weariness o life; with the nervous system so excitable lira slight mdses shook or startle the patient, making hi* existence miserable. For the above raaladie the Doctor will guarantee a cure or ask no com pensation. Hi' can be consulted free of cliargi ami invites all to call, a* it will coat them nothing and may be much to their advantage. GRATITUDE IS THE COMPLKTtO.V Of TII.I.Vk'n/LA'ESS. 1 1 'llK ingratitude of man to his fellow man is si I. often met with in life that testimonials prompted hy the finer feelings of the heart an oasis in the life of those who sacrifice their besi days in philanthropic devotion to the allevintioi ol the ills of frail mortality. Empiricism floods the columns of our press with fraudulent and ficti tious letters, singing peans to the worth of their own egotistical charlatanism. Below we append letter from a worthy man w ho, a brief period since seemed destined to‘shuffle off this mortal coil. - win looked forward to his dissolution with that pleas ure which only those weighed down by the heavy hand of di-euv can. Contrary to hope, the ability of a skillful physician ha* restored him to bis for mer health. Relieved from his terrible situation and impelled by gratitude, he makes known bis case and remedial agent, and bis statement is au thenticated by a Notary Public. The demands ol society imperiously commandite publicity, and it is given more to warn the unwary Ilian to sound tin praises of a physician of whom score* of like cases can ire cited: CERTIFICATE The undersigned desirous ol acquainting those who may be unfortunate enough to be sim ilarly afflicted, where a permanent relief ol their sufferings may !*■ obtained, feels it hi*duty to thus publicly express his roost sincere gratitude to Dr. L. J. Czapkay for the permanent recovery of his health. Borne down by the distressing symp toms incident to the vicious practice of uncon trollable passion in youth: depressed in lady ami mind, unable to perform even the most trifling duty imposed upon the daily avocations of life; I sought the advice of many physicians, who at fir-t regarded my disease as of trilling importance but alas! after a few weeks, and in -vi ral instance mouths, of their treatment, 1 found to my unalter able horror that instead of relief, the symp’oei* became alarming in their torture; and. lieiug told by one that my di-i a- ■. Isdng principally conlini I to the brain, medieim s would lie of little cons, qnence, I despaired of ever regaining my health, strength and energy; and a« a last resort, and with but a faint hope, called upon Dr, Czapkay, who af ter examining my case pi scribisl some medicine which almost instantly relieved me of the dull pain and dizziness in my head. Encourag'd by this result. I resolved to place myseil immediately under his care, and by a strict obedience to all his directions and advice, my head became clear, my ideas collected, the constant pain in my i>a; k anil groins, the weakness of my limbs, the nervous re action of my whole body on the slightest alarm or excitement: the misanthropy and evil foretiodings; the incapability to study and want of resolution; the frightful, exciting, and at limes pleasurable dreams at night, followed hy involuntary dis charge*. have all disappeared: and in fact iu two months after having consulted the Doctor. I felt as if inspired hy a new life—that life which, but a short time ago. 1 contemplated to end by my own hand. With a view to guard the unfortunate from fall ing into tin snares of incompetent quacks. I deem it my duty to offer tiiis testimony to the merit and skill of Dr.Czapkay, and recommend him to all who are Iu need ot medical advice, Isdng assured by my experience, that once under Ulscarea radi cal and permanent cure will be effected. 11. F. Fiixmorb. State of C; lifornia, county of Sau Francisco.— Subscribed and sworu bet ore me. this 17 th day of April,*, n. IWli. (Signed) John Mihdi.kton, [ i. s.] Notary I'uhlic. Dr. L. J. CzaFlUv's Med leal mid Surgical Insti Sacramento street, below Montgomery, op posite I’acitio Mail Steamship Company's office. Sau Francisco. Cal. 'I lie Dr. offers free consulta tion. and asks no remuneration unless he effects a cure. 0 PERM \TORRHfKA. or Lora/ HW,n. .., N,. r kA volts Debility. Low Spirits. Lassitude, Weakness 01 the Limbs and Hack, indisposition and lucapa bility for Labor and .Study, Dullness of Apprehen sion, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity self Distrust. Dizziness. Head ache, In voluntary Discharges, I'aius in the Side, Affections of the Eyes, Pimples on the face, sexual uml other inflnnatie* in man. a recured without fail by the justly celebrated Physician end Surgeon, 1,. .1. CZAPKAY. His method of curing diseases is now, (unknown to others) and home the great Mie ses*. Ail consultations, by letter or otherw ise,free. Address L. J. Czapkay, Sau Francisco, Cal. THANKFULNESS Is the incentive to gratitude. Below we publish the volutary certificate of two of the sulferer* from the pangs of disease, who. having recovered their former health, ami impelled by gratitude, make known their case* and the remedial agent; and their statements are authenticated by a Notary Public. The demands of society imperiously command their publicity, and we commend their perusal to the attention of those afflicted. CERTIFICATE. I, the undersigned, having been under Hie treat ment of Dr. L. J. Czapkay, although unsolicited, feel called upon to give publicity to the efficacy ol hi* treatment, hoping that by » , doing. 1 may be instrmental iu preventing others from the fearful suffering ami misery which J experienced, and which so often result from the pernicious practice of pretenders. My disease lias been that of physi cal and mental debility, which follows iu conse quence of the indiscretion of youth. The agonies which 1 endured are, perhaps, unnecessary for me to detail; they are know n to those who have expe rienced them. Suffice it to say, that having called the services of Dr. 1,. ,1. Czapkay in requisition, all my expectations which I may have formed of him were more than realized, i would, therefore, recommend Dr. Czapkay to all who may find them selves afflicted with that dreadful malady, my ole ject in so doing being sympathy for suffering hu manity. and a heotHeit desire of relieving them. D. J. DAIILEE, Printer. Statk ok Camfokma, I City and Comity or San Francisco, | On this 31st day of July A. D. 18511. before me- Wm. ('■ Jewett. Notary Pnblic, personally appeared P. J. Dahlee, known to me. being duly sworn, did depose and -ay. that the contents of the card h"fe with signed by him is Inic. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day ami year first above written. W. C. JEWETT, [l. s.] Notary Public. A CARD. Prompted by an honest desire of my heart. I wish to lay liefore the pnblic a case which deserves a high commendation, not only as an act of scientific skill, but that of humanity also. About two years ago. 1 suddenly, and from causes unknown to me. was seined with a fit of epilepsy, which, owing to my inability to meet the expenses consequent upon a thorough medical treatment, and the disconrage ment which I met with on attempting it, soon lie canaesucb (as I was then led to believe) us to defy the skill of a physician. 1 was frequently, while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down to the ground without the slightest warning, and although Insen sible to (be agonies. I yet despised the miseries of life, and soon learned to look upon those who would render me :Assistance or shelter mo from danger as enemies, who sought to prolong the misery of my existence. While in this state, and having previ ous to my affliction tasted the sweets ol life. I was once more induced to attempt seeking aid of a phy sician. and by recommendation called upon Dr. 1.. J. Czapkay. I told him my circumstances and my inability to reward him for his services, regardless of which, how ever, he at once undertook my case, and. with the blessings of (toil. I was once more re stored to perfect health. Unable to reward him for the boon which i enjoy at present, and yet conscious of my indebtedness. I consider it due to myself and to all afflicted, to make the case public, in order that those in need of medical advice may find a physician in w hom every confidence may lw placed. 'MEYER YABLONSKY. State op California. I County of San Kranciseo, j Subscribed and sworn before me. this !ir-t day of August, A. 1). IBsti. GILBERT A. GRANT. [i„ s.] Notary Public. DL. J. CZAPKAV'S Medical and Surgical In stitute, Sacramento street. Isdow Montgomery, op posite Pacific Mail Steamship Company's (fffice. San Francisco, California, The Doctor oners free con sultations, and asks no remuneration unless ho ef fects a cure. The Greatest Idr ropery (if the Age — Great Him ing In -Mankind — lnnocent. but Poll til. nil. L. J. CZAPKAV'S Prcpilarlicum, (self disinfecting agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrhcca and Syphilitic diseases, and an unsur passed remedy for all venereal. Scrofulous, Gangre nous and Cancerous Ulcers. Foetid discharges from Vagina. Uterus and Urethra, ami nil Cutaneous Eruptions and ilisenses. As inoculation is a sure PREVENTATIVE against small pox, so Is Doctor 1.. .I.Czapkay 's I’rophilacficum a preventive against Syphilitic and Gonorrhoeal diseases. Harmless in itself, it jHi-se-ses Ho- power of chemically destroy ing the Syphilitic Virus, and thereby saving thous ands of debauchees from Isdng infected by the most loathsome of all diseases. Let no young man who appreciates health l>e without Dr. Czapkay's Pro philarticum. It is in very convenient packages, and will be found convenient to use, being used as a soap. Price $5.00. For sale at Dr. Czapkay's Private Medical and Surgical Institute. Sacramento street, below Montgomery, (opposite Pacific Mail Steam Ship Company's office.) Son Francisco. /T-Ce- All orders must Is' addre - 'dto L. J. Uzap kay. M. D.. *Suu Francisco. California ro run: rid/kf L. J.CZAPKAV, M. lb. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- I courtier, invites the attention of sick and afflicted females, laboring under the various forms of Dis eases of the Brain, Lungs. Heai t. Liver. Stomach. Womb. Blood. Kidneys, and nil diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doctor is effecting more cures than nny other other Physician in California. Let no fal-edelicacy prevent you, iiuf apply Immediately and save yourselves (nun pninlul sufferings ami premature death. All married Indies whose deli e.ite health or oth.-r eiremitstuiicea do not allow to hav. an in (li ir families, should call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Medical institute. and they will receive every possible relltTanil help. The Doctor's rooms nre so arranged that he can tie consulted without fear of mob-station r<r All consultations (bv letter or otherwise.) free. A.ldres to DR.’L J. CZAPKAY, Medical institute. Sacramento street, below Mont gomery, opposite Pacific Mail Steamship Company's office. mar 28 23-3 m I. Hamer’s l>rii£ lore, -Main Street, Volcano. The undersigned would most respectful ly inform the citizens of Volcano and the surrounding country. Hint ho has, and wTTI keep constantly on Imud, a good and fresh sup ply of DRUG'S A -\D MEDICTXES . Paints. Oils. Varnishes, Brushes of all kinds. Cam (diene. Alcohol, Turpentine, Dye Stuffs, Patent Med icines of all kinds. Perfumery. Fancy Soaps, Toilet articles, Ac. Ac., which we wfll sell ai the LOWEST i 'ASH PRICES. Physic lans and others are request ed to call and examine mv stock before purchasing elsewhere. Physicians- Prescriptions put up accurately and with despatch, at all hours of the day or night. N. B.—All articles sold by me will be warranted Pure and Genuine. JI'DSON WARNER. mar 14 1 3m lliiflc Saw Tlil! S’or Nijilfs. r PIIE undersigned offers for sale Hie’ well known I Butt Saw Mill. It has lately been moved aud fitted anew, and Hie location is one of the Is-st in Amador county. Come and examine fur yourselves. For particulars apply to W. Uulfsker, Butte City, or J. S. Bradley, at the Louisiana Hotel. Jackson. VV, HI’FFAK ICR may 2 2H-tf‘ MERC HANT TAILOR. L. LU BOSCH, Successor to J. Becht, -JM Having purchased the entire slock and business of Joseph Becht, is now prepared .11 to accommodate the old customers of the es tnblishment and the public generally at Hie short est notice. I have mi hand a verv superior stock of goods which 1 w ill manufacture into Pants, Vests and Coats at prices to suit the time. All work done by me is warranted. Also on hand and for stile, gentlemen's furnish ing goods of every description. Clothes cleaned and repaired at short notice. I hope by strict attention to business to receive u share ol patronage. Give me a cull and exam ine my goods and w orkmanship. I, LU 1508011, may 9 29-3 m Main street, Jackson. lutcruatioiinl HOT EL AN U U ESTAIR A NT, Main street, 1 door from the Union Hotel, Jackson. THE undersigned heg to announce to tin- citizens of Jiwksoii and the public .uiy* uerally, that they have taken the Inter national Hotel and Restaurant, and that they are determined to keep it in a style unsurpassed in the State. They have employed an experienced meat cook, and also a pastry cook, who will pre side over the affairs of the uitsi.nk in a manner which cannot fail to ho acceptable to the public. The choice of every edihle that can be procured ill the market will he provided, and seved up in a style unexceptionable. The Lodging department connected with the es tablishment will he attended to with strict refer ence to cleanliness and eomlorl. Good beds at fifty cents per night. The proprietors hope to receive a share of pa tronage. and respectfully invite citizens and others to give them a trial. JOSEPH KIRNER k CO. may ! Ik tf Jackson Drag am! Book Store. Firr-proof Stork, Main Street, Jackson, Amador Co., Cal,. A >BosTr:rw>ir UCS & MEDICINES. t.' ■ IU CAB B W. JACKSON, Proprietor. 11 ST receiving for the spring and summer trade, .1 a full -apply of Drugs, Medi ines, Books and Stationery, Points, Oils, Glass, M'till Paper, ALCOHOL, CAMPIIENE, TI’RPEX TIN K, Ac,, Ac. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, hope by strict attention to the People’s wants to merit a continuation of the same, may 2 28-tf county. New Books. A LARGE and fine “election of bound Books, Novels and everything pertaining to the Book and Stalioney business. I lia\ c a larger slock than any other house In the Call and examine the goods offered at JACKSON'S 28-tf d R () ( ER S Hit FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, Offer for sale one of the largest and la st assorted stocks of GROCERIES In ‘he Market. Particular attention paid to orders, may 'iff Jl-ffui Particular Notice. \ 1.1. persons indebted to John S. Bradley (indi vidually.) Bradley A Redhead and Bradley A Wright are hereby notilbd to make immediate pay ment or tin i/ trill Han cost to /mi/. ■«t* In future. 11. BARTON wifi collect my hills trrrkly, uitkvut reference to persons, JOHN S. BRADLEY. June Iff _ ffl-tf HORSE RESTAURANT. Jackooii liivcry stable. Main St., near the fool of Court St., FRANK HOFFMAN, I’Rt H’RIFTOK ’Pill! aliove convenient and commodious Stable 1 is slocked with *wif(. Last ;iml Safekiiddle Horse. for l adies and Gentlemen. Give them a trial, and you will not wish to look further. ALSO. HOUSES AND BUQJJIES, that will not suffer in comparison with the best. 7“T Horses and Mules Hoarded and tlroomrd by the Day, Week or Month, on the must reasona ble terms. Animals entrusted to bis core will !«■ faithfully attended to. A share of public patron age is solicited. June ti 33-ffnt Notice. r PHK business carried on to this date under the I style ot Fixary A Co., is closed by mutual con sent. All persons indebted to our tlrm will please call at our office In Jackson, and settle with Ed. Fixary, unr attorney in fact. H. FIXARV, LEON SOMPAVRAG. Jackson. June Util, 1557. June 2t» a-. tr Voting America Saloon. Main, nearly opposite the foul of Court street r PUIS saloon is situated on Broad way, three dooi I from Water street, in the most pleasant 100, lion in Jackson, Ihe Saloon is large, nirv an at all times cool and the BaR is furnished with th BKST winks and l.nieoßS that the country affords.- Fancy ter Drinks gotten up in the In st po-sild style. C|«AUB of the le st brands and Davor th: can tie procured in San Francisco, kept constant! on hand. TH'O OF THR JlEsr M.tHHl.t: HKD BtLLiABO tables in tho State, are kept in this salon for the accomodation of those who desire to anms themselves in this pleasant exercise. Among other important articles not nsnnllv foun in the Saloons of California, are the follow!n leading journals of the United States and Enropi which are kept expressly for the customers of th YOUNG AMERICA SALOON. Illustrated Lon-, N. Y. Herald; Cal. Chronicb don News; N. V. Tribune; Alla Californio lb II s Life in N. O. Delta; Saeramentucit London; Mo. Republican;: Union; London Punch;' Echo due Pa- Stale Journal. Ballou's I‘icto-i eifle; j Volcano Ledge riul; | Spirit of the Amador Sent Boston Journal;! Age; I net. In addition to Ike above papers the proprleto keep,- a general assortment of Historical Work and Magazines. The undersigned invites his friends and the put lie generally to give him a cull, and hewill promis to give them the hi st in town. GEO. S. STEVENS, Proprietor. apr 25 >l-11 I’liu-iliv Works.. mm M 9rV T t - J. KITTRKDttK, Proprietor, MANI I* At'TURKU OF Fire-proof Door Shutters. Vaults. Ac,, Battery, near Pacifl streets. Sax FkammsT'O. N. B. Orders from the eonnlrv attended I promptly. A large assortment of second hmi doors and shatters constantly on hand, and for sal at visit v LOW PIIICES. “IT ■» 24-firn Window (JIIINN, .1/1/ j/ 1 FEET Window Glass; 500 11* Lead; “wL/vßoiled Oil; Turpentine, Ac., just re ceived and for sale, at may 2 JACKSON’S. 28-lf Cutlery. sA j KINDS of Pocket Cutlery, various si/.esai “w'rprieca. Step in and examine them for yoi solves, at JACKSON’S. may I 2MT Or. Cfcarle* ». Private .Medical Curd OTRANfiERS visiting Sacramento T C* that Dr. Tozer's Inflrm.irv i .V -between .1 and K. •itt, The great success and many radical y alnait l«i> * 1 * ; n IM. &S&Sr r^ htocw “ / r • to which hundreds can testify 1 • , ' o.V form those afflicted with anv r,rl, . RECENT or CHRONIC, u,.d wish "" thoroughly cured, it will be to ■ . welfare to call on him who fur j , 1 years has given hi* entire attention . V COMIM.UNTS. and to all , V ' 1 - M private nature ACUTE ; , CyphilK Secondary and Constitute,, , „ Gonorrhea and Seminal Weahne** ri tnres. and all disease* of the generate.' 1 '*l organ*. Imth in male and female,„ u .|, , r ■ Fluor Albus Histeria. Ac.. Ac.. A, 1 ‘ Patients can tic assured that tj, will not be tampered with, but u.-m,.,) Kciemific principle*. PRIVATE (im! " eradicated in a few days; iu .v ( l . ' abort time, without mercury. He can lie consulted at his office a - u the day. from B in the morning until ing. All in affliction can find in li : „ . see and sympathize with and |„ frifTni in trouble—one in whose s.-rvic- . , " tidence can lie placed. Com. nil -. and in trouble, and be relli red and Apartment* privately armim |.. the possibility of exposure Letters enclosing $lO will reeeirr ~r , lion, with best advice and ii.-tru • ! ; ■ C. 11. Tiizi.ii, l( |) Sixth street, b iweenj U :, i :: Rend and ( j Dr. Char (ex //. 7V>:cr’.v Curd pfi. top; la the .1/flirted. QT'ICK CURES AND LOW PUK E vri,,.. ESTABLISHED OFFICE SIXTH BETWEEN J AND K Mi; nR. TOZER return* hi* thank* to patient* for their patronage. brace this opportunity to remind thi-ia ti' • 1 linnc* toconsult on those difficulte.i-, which have baffled the skill of *,, m , celebrated physicians of the age, am! u he has never failed hi perform a rial ‘ Hr. Tog. r’s reputation a* a I‘Jiv-ici,.;' equaled. Ilia exclusive attention to D. Oento Urinary Organs for so many i him perfect master of Syphilitic Ids’. The large number of’aggravated t ;■ ha* perfectly cured after they have 1,.. .. hy many other*,- is the only proof that p requires of liis ability. Hr. Toxorwould state that he raiio:: of varieties ol the discus’, no matt, standing, of w hat piogres* the disease every patient can rely upon a enre. is well known, tak from the very urge of the gr.ire.aml I! THEM TO PERFECT HEAI Til. I, states that lie deems it sufficient to alt; , teiition of those who might need the physician in am. ca-es. uot particularly i nictated in the advertiseiiieiit. expcciiilg : would test my merits as a practitioner, suit of my practice ha* been tbn* far sal; my patients and myself. Nor do ide-i: sary to fill column* of the new spapers -. empiric and bombastic advertisements. pr,.i • j my ability to h< al all disea*i - (!■ -!i is i. ’ do that 1 must la* something mof” than " give tho*e that are afilicted with VKNECI It CHRONIC, and other disen*es, to under*!, : ■ i long experience, 1 am fully competent to !i j successfully. My regard for the dignity of the no di ' si on to which I have the honor to h don,. ! from committing any ait savoring of r cry, and regard for my own dignity w ould ; my placing myself on a par with quack tram vender* of the present age. 1 offer no genuine or fraudulent •rrliiV.e t puds of my ku|m rior quulifieati. net a* a pr;., lit.-: —neither do 1 assume to myself medical which lam nut entitled, but merely a-1. : are diseased to read the different adiu:- relating to the cure of private dis a* a 1 for themselves where to apply for re!' rooms are so arranged that J can he con«ill”i.i privacy at all hours of the day. from ; 1* the morning until M in the ei.: * pO- Persons with Chronic Diarrhea, in Local Weakness, Nervous I>•■!»!lily, I. Lassitude, Weakness of the 1 nb* aud H.i< ■ I position. Loss of Memory, A’, r- on to Love of Solitude. Timidity, Sell-dbtnist Headache, Pains in the Side, Affection el Pimple* on ihc Face, Sexual and other I in Man. Ac., will find it important t , Ciuuuts II Tintuit at his offlo.. Sixth -t tween J and K, Sacramento. t> C. 11. TUZKR.M. I' K«-:iri and n« ll<‘< f. Dr. Chn’n //. Toziw's C,m!i the Afflicted of Califmn I N approaching any new course of-*y.-. . qniry there are certain points cone ruin.■ the inquirer should always be careful i himself. He should comprehend distinctly m■, subject of inquiry is—Health and Disease. And we can form and fix in our loind* a conception of the stale of Health, w -null ‘ difficulty in understanding what is m ant I', ease, lint hejond.uot ahi>\e these in vestigation of the huiilun liody, W'e in. and still noldcr end. It is to lay hetor ■ )'"■ plain terms that you eauuut be mistaken an know where to apply for relief. 1 use the word of •‘disease ‘ geneßuly. ■* fore I speak of the signs of particular ile - w ill be proper to take a general view ei svinpt' When a person is troubled or afflicted w i 1 " 11 ' which causes a Meekness of the hack an I iiaiu in the head, dimness of sight, less 111 lur power, palpitation of the heart, irruta nervonsm ss, dyspepsia, derangement ol ■ tire functions, general debility, symptom* sumption, and many other*, which are i plained than put on paper, and require* I Surgical Attention, it would lie well l" r inquire if thare is a physician win i eouij ■ attend them, and who understands the ,"l'l[ji, of medicine, and whose Bl’l ENTIF It ' MENTS in hi* profession, mid win ■ pcrionce entitle him to your coiilld iii ' Hose things. Dii.C. H.To/kii haseq’iel form you that arc afflicted, adverlisin ; ■' bunineas, stating that be ha* been a m tillouer for over iweiity fiv e years, and h ; j' ATTENDED AND I FRED HI M'Kk; , when they have been cousidereil by ul‘ 1 * ciaiis, and have licen pronounced by t e covery. Therefore you can rely upon e in whom atMUXY and the utmost conliu placed. , ...qu Dr. C. H. T. would invite all H»> call on him. and if be does nut aduiiio*>' ' * there will Ik l iio charge made. Let no t* cy prevent you, but apply immediate.'. 1 , j yourself from the dread'ul conscquei. must follow those who neglect to rt'C | dance. . , i Dr. C. 11. Tozei - office is on hl-'i' l ‘ li the Belvidere Hotel, la-tween J »J'o ■' ' " |„ , : rooms are ho arranged that the Doctor ' sultsd without the fear of molestul ion. Office hour*, from 9 in the t»ori in the evening.^ q ji dec 6 C. H. Tt'Zl-i-’ 7 ly fill ft., between JA K >.Cii.'- R .). il. Uiatllt-J. TI II If O T V P • " * OOMS over the l.atayetl, House- Union Houhc &nd Louhianft u|>r 1000 Wall I‘niar. ROLLS just received («e« D‘* ufleied cheaper than ..w-; a 5 A l-h* 1 may ‘