Newspaper Page Text
VOL. y,- iNU. 27. DALLAS, OREGON.. SATURDAY. SEPT 7. 1872. WHOLE JNO. 131 4 .: SSh t r a I 31 n u Mi ran -It Isiod Em Saturday Homing, at Dallas, Polk Coanty, Oregon. ; P. C, SULLIVAN PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION BITES. r StSGLK COPtR8-0n Year. $2 00. Six Month-, il J. . f irj Mm tin. lino ' .Fair Club of rn nr nvire $1 75 per annum. , $iriptim Mas bpuid ttricttg in vdvanet .it,, tit ,.. -.' j '-''' ' i Tiinf--,;' " ' 0 i"r(ttHnrtr1ei), first insert'o, f .1 00 I VhWV wmmST"9 MMVM....... ....... ...... LU. . A UHorl deductt-m will be mad to quar 'terlv an t yearly advertisers. 1 Prfe-wional cards will be inserted at $12 00 - per annum." ; Trvment advertisements rnnst be paid for lh a trance to injure puhlifa'ittn. All other ad 'eraSlng bills muH be paid quarterly. ttt leaders Uken at their current value. f Bttns an V Job rw.trk of every description furnished at low rates on short notice. ;iirif.nsTRUSi phkknoloui.'al Jl!rNL.ts in every respect a Fir.t- Cla Max nine, Its itrtielns are i tins lii.rhia interest t- alt It tMit-h.s wh.t we are and hw t make thts int of oir.-el ve. Tlie inf. rm i tin it toii$jtl oit-ilti Liw: Life and Health id wil wrti the tri.-eiMhe Mi-thi'iik-t. tvt-ry Family. It i pah ihj I at $ S Oa a year Uy a special rraii .:i-m,tit w arj enabled tit offer the I'd tKSoMC! Iui rmai. I'ri tnmin t..t toeit mtii ribcr ! 4liotiKiil.:reiii ic . ur will furnt-h the PiihkX'H.i.gicai. .Lo us i. set I Oiikg n I.KPrBi.te. ti.ili-r f-r $4 "J V e xit neiid the Jvhal to all who want a go.d Magazine. THli hi:i. iui;. When I'utler, the reputed fYpoon thief, a nil now Grant's ri 1 1 1 hand supporter, titatJc I he oj'iiin ar juiuerit V.u iJm- j.nrt of ihu Ilittic vt Itejircs.-iit uive.i in ihu Anlrcv Julm eun imp. acTiui 'lit trial, be lure llif Senate l i he Dnittd i?ac-, on th WtU Jay .Match 18GS he ai-l : This, ilf ri. ;s ihe plain and inev italilf ifi.-ue bt tort; the Sen te and ihv A'tierioiii tuji!t :" lias tlif Pte-idcnr under the Cnii?ii tion i he iiMr i ban ktifjr'y prt'r itive t will r'Yti.v .ffici; and s-pei'l from' office ind. fi ii'clv, all t xc nv offirrs id tluv United Stafis, ler Civd. military, tr n 1V-1I. at any ami alt tttne?', and ti.l tlte vacancies with on-a turi of his ?! ajrpoitrtinrtit.lor his own purpo.-rs, wi'hotit utiy rstrt"t evt r. or Ki!.sibility of n t : i nt ly the iena't or by Coiirc-s ibr"iijb bnv. U.siy . itaett dr" Then fore, by thes- articles and tin answers thereto, ihr motiit'iitiMH tio", here and now. is raised wlu-thrr llv pre-iJeitinf tire t'if (' it him the prern'utivf 'IH'I itmoer chi'imel for it) uuijht. iii fief. t exist in ii p'irt tf tlie C'litxiiliu (mot fjitverifuciii a. 'i J'tr VedcBne I here fore, nti iuipcatdi able lnb criUiti atol midi !iu aiH r to be Mt in it nut a it nr eniixcqiieiit ex xnfi rerxivp ni unite tnintimeiitut or rxxen tint principle of ijnvrrmve , or hhfilj p-fjiid''rifii in the pniilic. tafereif, uml tli in nmi cuiisixt if it viuMfio'i if the CiHixtitftiwi. "f lino, ot mi i'fhriil imtfi 4tr if (I'ty. hy "a "ft riiHiinitlrd or littiitt'd. or without viohitiioj u p'miic la to . Uy the oh a e "f iixcrttimriry jmicer J rum inpr' per motive, or fur twpitiper purpose " 'J'hts is precijv!y the i-fue before the country, t day. IlaH I he' l'fcid nt kindly powers? If he has .then, the foUowin , laijac id Uuth r, in an oiber portiou tf that tjK!tch, U pro pltctie. Thc rvpon-ibility is with you ; the ? tfea d" tf 'ife '- Constitution aamst li-uiiatU'ii Vte il nur hands ; the iu ttitHs tU hopts -f fiee itihtituiiuns aajt Mt't jMOr cidict. "I'he House it llepr,setiial'evehj'' done rs duty. r hne r mcd the tcs in the coitftttutioftal naiiier j we h tvo "Lituo.t the critniiiul lo your bar, and demand jtldmeti. at ) our hau ls fur Jjis o peal ti iifes.' i ' ' Neer aain, "if Awdrew Johnson tiU and free' i his day, eaii the people Jhl '4iiitW y other country by eons: i tuiionul Vtoit-G-t and jru irds stay the usurpations xf xeculiu jower i" i ' . tl..- h . ..r-tdi. V has moved m'"vKf ":'' . ' . . in tbecare oltoir piCi-cut nut.. 3ry cl1iefiain.' Who lias Itetu able to itayjiissurpttiotis I WltH; power in 'till ltid, h is been c impatoot to check (iti 1 U J . vSt'.. "- ; his onward oiaroh to despotism ana ceo- litioo? IIvj the Rovcreijins ol ilscountry . thrpah 5 their rcprecnta Itlve iP .(Jut ar i fwh Ij tent, - bee n .blo to gty hi ana?8 No! ' II avo ' the efforu of grayo Senators iTWflpectivo'bf party uiBlimioiM, been eijual to the task ? No! ; Have the threatening of loreijn J powers on all Kides, had the effect to :h. ck his c i!liniou. with u-oirpors, his violations of I ivv, nnd his ! trampling under foo with impunity .the cuustitutiou .iml l.iws of 'other rip ib lus as well as our own? No! Have ihtj examp'e and wniniuvs of n Al x under, a Cae-ar or a Napo'cou, bei n ad e-Hjite to cind hi, silent but tin oudled indoin? No! lJut dep::e ail these, and inoro hnt mijht be rn utioiicd. he has irono on sur rounded ly liH Com p:i tiions in arm, heedhss of all etiitc.tits hy fViend; -or w.iriiins of foci, political, until to d .v. by hi hectet b ioitis with foreign. uiper-; his c!audstine ojieratinis With 'Oiio f lh crowmd bends of Kurop-; h? di-ii-i m ned dirarl of our re u''d;-hi inuiuions. and the rights er Ifi Iii- of 1 1 o peoplf he i abtoit lo p!tn. i;s it.:o a with a fottiyu n.iiiou j Jcdoe the titeVsjuly nf mitit.iiy ti.t i.-ti.u hp j tb. tt, with his Coailjutol8 td the old vol!d. ft :r down the leat upcr uet ure t I umali lib. city re.ind by He faih rs of the iw o'liliou ami .-e!cd hoiiof-.tbty ii!i th-ir bloo.i ; atid crei uj on i:s dte.i-ill.- ruins a j. rt ui n. oii. il :. ; i- t ei y which wili u!mii ttt-'v d; vc litis in. piot.d pt- pie and fl -ui i-hiny t-mtr lirTo the pti'si'lit d yr;.i!i d and lit !-i able eotiditi- u nftoir ii ti r M xei. ' If Andrew Johnson o-t iptit and free this ,day,"' t' bat ? Ot his vio lation. of law. What I. w? T e ten. ue of office act ; and John-on did iro ijuit. and iie, ; ml fon th it d.-y. ti e events ot which. r-!nok to its vet y ci t -ter, the whole fabric f our Au.ciican in li llfitin, there l as L en no tesfta'i.l ii ton executive u-urpa'iuus. Wii was Andrew J .It t-ou ? The President of the Uoi'ed St t s a s-r-vattt in the h amis of ihe pe-opJe. I V. S Grant our Lonj ll-itidi heio inor ? If -o by whar auih trity il-es he claim royal prcro itiv ;s ? is if the Oon-titufitifi tint he so wantonly 5o lated ? N Mich authority is found in the treat charter nf mir liberties. His warrant i found in the p-ec lentst set by tlio-e iron c'ad motiarclH, who taking advatit.itj f f,c p.-nple eoiifi , lencc ami their own milit iry p.uver hive in all aires crushed out thepirit of liberty, and ttsfeued their shackles of sfcrl unii the limb. of the people. Johnso'i violated the tenure of offi :e !,ct ,;r:,,,t violated th; taitWitntkni Johnson violated tfi; S'ix u'e of coiniioti -use and decency, when he swuttu around the circle, and p nircd out his vials ot ribaldry upon a co-ordinate biarich of the piveriimeut. Gen. Grant violated the Pa me statute, when iu vio'atioti of Federal law, he sipoiuted Stewart of N. Y. secretary of the i reasury, t.a men ms.steu tn u Ha m m . t ft Utmoress .Uhl n jiea' mac law lur i..0 own t-pecul benefit. Johnson aq'iandered weeka of the people's prt-cious tilt),in perambulating fho country bcleh iiir reat hWellioy, but Vd'.c words to inflate his ire. Grant t-fti.-iudered months of the people's time' at Long Dmnch, to the utter negb ct of , his sworn duty, in ri itii-g. tnidniglit I reveling ..lid ub manner of debauchery, j We ask every honest m m in Uhe name of reason and Justice, has Grant, any U vantage over Johnson in litis regar.t ? We chalb ngo thj wisest of his worshippers to show it ; and if this be so, are the people of tin United States so unjust and ho oullable, as to nmai.M, .. I., ,vmcI ...l!., i..l,...v- u,ol " J " uud the other to ihe hkies? but, if you will, be not aniitzed if the time should cotue. when the rocks and mountains throoghotit this broad laud : . 1 ;r-. . , iihaH, ppcak, and by the power of the eternal deity proclaim the dissolution of our cherished tustitutions so dearly bought. ' , . , i. r ;. . - . , meo es Batter! Morrill and Logan, after usin ihe latiuao and arguments they di J on the occasion of that impcachtneut ttial, use iht ir talents to defend his besotted iu oanee, and acta of usurpation and crime. Permit us to brius forward upon llif'tstaud a toflor witness fiom nmttt'H own househo'd ; iu hi- arutuents upon that trial u tered these word and this soothm nt. I bold that ihe President of the TJni d St ut possesses no hiwer. llmA't than that riven him by ihe Con-tit utioii nnd'tlie l.iw- ; and I mean by I his that lh- it re no inh nent powers in the Kxecmive, no reserved authority, im ?'tt plenty:- r than tlioif whieit ate to'-eriir dependent. UJh.ii ami deriiidi'e from the expressed voui ii ui i' rViioo and the law-. With lit i-viUt.f a m tnatchy m Iresh in ibeii m-iionv ' - lrmer? of the t?mlit ijtiott iiii-Iii to Hiirroimd lh Pteid. nt with Mich ehecks as to make him u in-te eoctitive nfiret the yerviut of i ho people. His powers Wi le ?teeitieal y d fined and confined to ihf i.;.rtotte , tiiupa,4r eie I the hi h f teevmy U ihe tepres. i:I.imv; t f ihe g-ieniment lit: vg tm .trpj ' I f ill alfrioiilos of sovetei jotv; b. w;i vtven no juri-dietiou nvii lite l y.i.t tVe judicial i-ut .ui iheeonlrnrt a- ma Je amenable ii lb - hh'I' t-r hi- not flit-ial a u'c'l a 4 b c 'mlnct ; he can i:r i'e ii tfue. an t hi-' .ipptMitiu pitw 11 ni cm iiiioiiil ; b i ma't to dec ic r. or a! t c uiUe ireai-s; bi .iii' ho. it in ini . "'J -ef .ciiUmmJ i.-hii i' io i.tii im.' ii'r.'i -.liuii' in L'im- ijn., rantmj 'Hl"iis ;m. repr-cves. lo eoiiehidiny ttcni-'S ami apui injr inh i-,oi.ti - and oilier pub i otlieer ' hy in i Willi lb .olvieeaml etn.-ent n tin- St iii " He is f he Xt cum r f"' ,ii.f i.ii- erc t Ii it Me hnc iv lain fu'l i Xifirnl " lie i Miiliotli i lor ! .t-t j id eial atfrltule, aii'J Mr. K ot : Viie law n re duly mole and pro-nrilyatt-d lo-y ooit, remain to be eXe ed N ' ili-elet..n t ! IH IC-I t" ihe xeeiiMve ofIier. It i-not for him io d. -libera ami deM'b upon the expedi'-uey of ih Ii Whnt Ait been our? ticrlne-f to he InC nn hr nil the Ciintni'ix fin tn nf fl' lthri 'ifion p fsmt l h'f t!-e ('n.!tlnlinn unifht In rtfC'Ve pnmip ' nheiViCure (Koiil CmutiicutHi it h vol I p it) I ) N"W tiy!i (rant on thrs- scales, and he is found wautinjr.- yea, he i found to be a violuter uf every principle there t-xpiessed ; ami vet the-c very men are howling for Grant, iu the face and eyes of the recorJ that be is thus ruiliy ; iml why "h all this? Can any man divine? If ho en, let him c -me to the fiout We desire not to jmle. but we f.'el a itli iriz d tt answer iu the Ian ju aye of one of Grant's friends. (Mornll of ;) "fake away Gr.nii's milit iry prc'ie, and htsjMjer ations as a eiviliio ,woukl nut have left a Coporaf uuard " Every u-urp:ttion of power or viola of law. we hav. eh ir ! upon Oraot. j we h ivc the documents to prove if any ,., dc. . lhcn kt ,he uuprfjudlced, ll((J I((f( a low fwf m ; ,o ilVesti fCf rcaJ OUU TCMI'KH ATti AND MtlttAI. I'lilMMM. To the genuine e men and men of uiorals in ibis county, we call ilftoitioii In the (o'louriinr Iriilhf'ni hiit. liry of C COIlJuct f j. S Gr!ttt wl(ite oll ,li!4 CUJISt it ;H from ,le fl.,H JU. of vjM A. j l)ul,iWi,y uf the A;frt) XUrth,ccxt, and gives the names of ',1,1 resooetabiiity to vouch for its correc tions. , ' - - i t t r ' ! It is wll known ia Vancouver that Gi-'ft, wh le here.wis iifH.e ed with the ! wotst Kiuges of tie tiium iremcus. And ,,lirtVr a ""'M ti'ed L-.VcIaee, wh I ...... ..1... I it a 1 W ' mP "J- ,H-U llheeventuirsio tao h.m to ihe wors j ,ypoof Indian ranches in a car-wn j and ui after hi.11 next moruiiix- - Hi worst carriHtfe is j profligacy while here was eoiiiiuun talk m"" " he Mrcet.' T ien. Instils, 11 w Q larterm istcr General; wauuo of GcnJ rant's Van; couver chunis. Ho had mulatto and half-breed children there; but while J ho fathered them up and educated ibein, and has .lately taken them home j to hunt sod piek cacjas," rftessavi ini:-r r.n: m rrtiNi vuuh iti;.i. Tile following; is ftoui the Mirror 0 T'ontyrnphy : The year 1872 is destined tn jro upon the records an the yreat jubilee ear. W it liin its das, Uostou Iijs t ceouie uiU-icallv festive, and, to crown ilf. the printers of ihe-e States will partic ipate in n national festival in honor of Mr. Hor.oe Greeley, who will asiurudly le elected President, nnd inns uive the frHiernity. of whom 4e U o won by a iucihIh r. a firpMrtmttiy ittlmtolp- in self eonoratulaiitin upon ihe levutiott of so oimwI a pointer and man to the highest office in the jrift of the people What a lessuti the life of this oruit man presents ! Kisitiir from the lowest surroumlins to his present CUiUu-DCe ; and that, too. without aid of any sort other than a fair Country -chool education; and the art of print inp;. he has nueeee led not a orue are apt to u-rjres , by rod luek," but by indomitable perj-everance and honesty True lo the priucijdes he advocated, not only when a printer., working at the ea-a but as the great ref'.rm editor, he bus witldcd nn influence i renter han ever was pHjs-rc-sed by any ierson in a tike pxsitbo. at any period. That she art of printing had much to do in moil Mi no this wonderlul old man," no one will dotiM. To its teaehinj4 he owes much It is a ehi d d tli.i art. ml has come out uf it purified by I he Contact ; would I we eou d ay the uie of every ore of its otseiples! He m ver dri.k iufovieai ng liju-.r ; he thus kept hi mitnl, and hie rb ifat It r un-lil it d No victtois habits Wete alloavd colllpiontiishlp. Ill him -yiitra- a-. ami is, plain tlotbin e tii-e he never Was a dandy. This ntatJe him an o jtct o!" reeooni: n a a fl I 1 i.v ihe ina-.-es. who would ot uare io affect familiarity owarJ ihe welloIreet poet Hraiit. the Minaith and pobshtd Matltle. the trdly lttii, ot'lhe vn lauo s Gt-rb ti HeuivU. As if i xpaoded his ineral xtt rtor n tniifietl the J.,llu I to ace Gtccl y, ihe rjptt. was i.oc itud tlie allle, lo .til oolwatd tvo'enecv :t the Hon. Horace Grcclev, the o'e.n . tfitiir. 'J he aifvanCellieot and rr fining piot-oft of the ii'iml did not villi the uitural kindue-s and -t-i-p'e oers of ihe mio. His enemi s. poln ieidy, when pa.iu-r liiiil on the .".tree's will nudof' each ot lor, and nm.itt. O'd Horiee, an honest old nun , i -i pity he'. on ihe wrono t-ide," The f.iuitli.trity shown by ihe los-atl Mr. (jreeley is mf I lie re.-ulf. as m io -upp'tse. of hi peculiar Co-tune but pojttilar recognition of h-s cmincui eervine. Hr. Franklin was our fnt oreat . lyporraphic representative within the political circb of our nation. Hi fame atid name are rreen to our hearts yet. A greater than he. in the heope of hi itite IIL'Cucc. and the litircne: of his heart, rcpiescn our art now. L-i the ki asiou lie one of (uigratul ttion. Hove are a QUAItTKU OK A MILLION OF PHINTKUS in ihe States, nearly all of whom are voter Ail are intelligent men. Let none of limit fail to record his will in th m it he loves the art to which the Hoc lor" and they themselves belong This is not a political j tttrna!. hut on this occasion we are interested, because a worthy member ot our craft has after ih; lihor ot ytr. achieved a merited promineiiC) and nw aw.iU thu suffra ires of his fellow countrymen and work men; tint knowing what the man is. and what he nas done for the cause of humanity, we feel confident that a bet ter selection could not have been made. Changed Hands and fallen. T'-e Dalla Ui:PUOf.tCAN has ciuned ha ndis and now comes to us under thn lirof hlDKRAL ltEPUBLICAN. That uteatis l) nioeracy, nccordin; to Gree ley's Diciitinary. Alt aueh issues nrc only campaign sheets, and necessarily short lived iu this instance. ' The above which we clip from that I ... ' r ' . ... obscure htilo sheet, The JacksotivUJo i Sentinel, is decidedly rich. "Th O'Kelly of the Clancarty Bog" has been ho rouhly handled hy Senntor Fay, during the lat few months, that wc forbear noticing further than to wiy. Uoy keep your face trashed and your uusal orpin clean, and in due tituo men may give you a passing notice Wo wonder who that liar is that writes for the Bulletin, over th idgmv lure" Polk county. "All such miscreants upport Grant and tho Sao Doniiogo infamy. Iet tho 1 ecJascuUtcd Uaoi confess, PiOFUSSlOiVAL C AUDS. d C B A N K E X fl XX G I?. S iLO 0 NJ TflC FIXIST aUAIJTV OF , Wines. I-iqin'm. Ales forfer. Cigars etc.. etc.. dipenMd at this Temple of Bafchuii. Ail the State papers kept nn file in the r'ndinjr room- Call and see hi-i, Win Clinghan l'ro. lV II. RUB ELL, DENTIST. lias toeated io Dallas, and is ready to attend to all those requiring bis aiM-Unee Artificial Teeth of the vry liuest aud Ust kind. ; , Satioftfction guaranteed, or no charges made. Now is the time to cull on the Dct-.r. Ot&ce,oppwsit Kineaid'tf Photographic Gal lery. :.7-tf JOIl. J. DALY, Ail'y oiiii)sc!ler-at-Law. DALLAS, OltCGUN. Will practice in the Courts of RecorJ and In eiiof CourU. Cullectiuus attended t pruuiptly. OFFICE In the Court Iloust. is c. qrubbs, r.i. d.; PlIVisiCIAN AND ttUROCON, Offers his Services to the Citizens Dallas and Vicinity. OFFICE-H NICHOLS' Drug Store. ,34-tf J. U. SITES. M.D I'by sit ian and Surgeon Dallas Oregon OFtlVE- at IUidnce 24 tf tA CREOLE ACAOE.TiV Will com men re the acadc-mit year Mutiday iH'pf. 2J 1S72, with a full corps of teachers as totluws : r-11. URUDDS, PattctPAL. Mrs. h. A. GRUUU5,, Mus. M. E. SMITH Teaciikr op iltllC. Rates of tuition at fwi'etws. AcAttf.atc De't Km: i. fii JJiAM.-iiKS l'tUMAKV Dtl-'t $3 00 $1 ou Kxini Sn i itg- FRKien Pi a Tana llltAWISO ..2 50 ..2 50 Mirsic $12 03 1. C. ISUI.EIVAIV, Attorney & Counsellor-At-Liw, Dallas. Oregon, Will practice in all the Courts of the State. 1 a. n risKc. c. a. BALL. i)r. fiskc a ii att, officeNo i moores block, latent.. - Oregon 10 if "GEM?f SALOON 31AIX STREET IXDE- FEIYDEA'CE. The Wft rf wines llqnnfi. ales porters and TEMPKlt ANCE OOKDIALS always t.n ban I, fine Havana cigars. Free re I in rooms attached to the saloon. 11. M. Beau Pr. : , . .. 27 tf LOOK! LOOK! ! LOOK!! U OLTEH, WO It I LLY & CO. ELLEHDALE .STORE, Uava jest received an immeesa stock of Hoots and 8hoea Hats and Caps, Clothlny, Crockery and Glassware, s Hardware, Crocerle,Provlslons,&e. DltCS GOODS, 8AA1IIP1.E, FANC A DRY GOODS of all kinds, Vhlch they will sell cheap, Come aud try their prices, j The highest prico pnU for all kinds country produco. MILLIONS of EGOS aad TONS of BUTTER ... Wautai Bolter, Woxtley C PROFESSIONAL CARDS, kC. For everything in the GROCERY LINB M. C. BROWS, MAIN ST It GET, PALLAS. lie bas on hand a full supply, which h offers cheaper than any other Store in Dall&J 2-tf. , ;- .'" : , I t? M :t . m m 7Pr-wr - ' .. v '. . '.'.'.1 PHOTOG K APHd," AMBROTYPES, ; AND All Styles) of PleturM ot th btt finish. TAKEN BT jr. il. K IMC AID, HA VINO ALL LATE I M PB 0 VEM ENTS lur tnkiiiit pictures, I iovite the patroa- age tf the puhlic Please call at tbo pbote Kmphic Uahcry. Alato strret. opposit lr. kb- bth's .8iee. Dallas. .... 1 tf DALLAS LIVERY, FEED i CALE STABLEC Cor. Main and Court Streets Thos. G. Richmond, Proprietor. HAVING PURCHASED THE ABOVE Sund of Mr A. II. Whitley, we have re fitted and re stocked it in such a manner as will satisfactorily meet every want of the com munity. - : Itugglea. tingle or double. IlackaCou cord Wagous, etc etc. Furnished at alt hours, "day or night, ta short notice. . . 1 Superior Saddle llorsea, let by t bo llay or V rest. TCRZ3S, SCASOIIA I1LC. 4 T. O. RICUM0ND COM TORE. ' nAVINO PURCHASED A LARGE AND cmi-ktc Seek of GENKRAL MfiR C11AXDIZK, contiitiog in part o Dry ioods, la'roccrics' OI.isj, Queens rnrc Tobacco, Cigars, And ell articles found in a GENERAL VARI ETY bTOUE, I would respectfully call the attention of the Public to my Establishment, Highest Cash price paid for 1 UltS AND PELTRY. R. A. RAY, Eola, Polk Co., Orlt 16 tf MUSIC ! MUSIC ! Pit OF. RUTAN, f iH commence his classes' in vocal and In f f ytruineiitiil music at the M E Church, the first Monday in October next - . Mlf OISOEIJTIOM NOTICE. Notice is hereby glrea that the partoershlf hcretr fore existing under the name of Nich ols db Coad bas been di.slved. The business will hereafter be continued nnder the fins ef ichols & Hyde. All persons knowing ibeoj tves indebted to the Old firas, will pleas call and kettle either. by note or coin. " , BF Nichols. Saml. Coast, . .. V S-sa , BMMT : OF WORK AT THR LOWEST LTV1NG PRICES. CAN BE HAD BIT CALLING ON. IHIflE & flACOEfttDEoi STEAM JOB PRINTERS" 03 Front Street, PortlandV Oregon A LARGE ASSORTMENT, of BLANKS Circuit, Coanty. and JasHees Courts, eon stsntW on hand. Also. Bonds, Deeds, Mortgts; and Blanks for as In Bankruptcy eases. By using LeUerheads, billber -rl trs 1 1 lars, ruua envelopes, etc Giro s ea3 bt; ti t iu your orders. . -..:,, --.-..s -kit i oeo. n. jo.xsa 1 4. v. rarrxaia JONE1 a PATTCBSOH Ileal Estate, Insurance , " . VAtt;; .;.;,, ,,,1 General Ap:cnt3, Prompt attention s;ivaa la tba Ooral, Agency Buslneis. ltlf o. w.hobaxt. t. w. aosax Dallas cestui Yit &g p