Newspaper Page Text
'1 I 4 V. Q A . "REP .3 j. j 1 V OL. 3, Nu. 28, DALLAS, OllEUOtf, SATURDAY, SEPT 14. 1872. WHOLE .NO.' m ILJ'UJJIL Ibl B.1LJ .'4 e 3t i t r u 1 '"'31 e p u b l i c ah It Issaji Every Saturday Morning, at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon. IV C. SULLIVAN PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. .StNfflLK COPIKS Ona Year. S2 00. Six tfoatli. $1 J f r.n M !itM. fl Far Chi'n of en r mre $1 73 per annum. .Shcriptif mutt htjtniil strictly in internee ". ADVsansisa bates. . . ?19 niire (1 0 line or !), first insert h i . J? ao'.i subsequent inherit n ... 1 00 - V liVjril dlnctin will he made to quar terly )i I yearly advertisers. Pr .fe-fnal card will k-inertcd at $12 00 ! ' ,er t u in j .,.,...,,.., .. Trtnsient adrpfti-entent vnut be paid for ha nlvtnce fo iti'tir imtdieaion. All oilier ad rii."i!ig hill must bo paid iuartefly. Lrit tenders taken at their current value. Til inks and Jh Work of every description furnished at low rates on hurt notice. (LI.'JSTR T SO PIlKKNOLOcUCAL .. L .( 0 UN' L. is ii every . re-pent a Kirt- fMiss Mafiz'uie. In )trii'l'3 twe o! the hihe-i enfare-r. t all Ittcit' h what ive are ait. I Imw to in ke the uist f o rl v.-. The inf- rut i A'fHi if fir ii s m ilt Lnv .f .Lite lleiltli is wm-I r rh lie iri- of the M t-'ittitict iw ry fc'amiiv. It l pub ih I at $ IM a year. I'.v n ip.eml nrrao :ju--'it we ar; eiiiib e-l to flVr "thiifintf-NOLoGic t. loruxAi. a-f a I'n-m "our -r H llW Mill.- Tiber- In ibe OUMJllV 1 ! K 1' I ' II ! I C t V , or Will t'llMii-h t'je Pll'tW .1. !! l. aiM. I O'iko iv IlKfi H' iiW toi-tili. r f-r Si HO. MTe c in'iil the Ji unai. to all bu wutit a -j;oiJ M iiizinc. imns c;iNL:it.i. ;it r diiixk? The qusfii' wlictli. r G tifia' (Jnint iws iiifnxicM'it'jr 'iijn f . ihiv h ij'pi ly'.sHt'cl y lii c.itnpiH jut I ii I. ti?nrtf Wi'MHi. v h m u letter nvir liis own s-jriiatiire. has Imtne (li rltii Irstiiiinriy ( ihul Jfn t. tiMii aJJ In it he fr;i't:iuetit. that lie is vtrry trry fit it. and that he has Ion; h id : mind to ask him to piiiti the pit-due and join ;i Teinperaoce Society. Tbis is a Inmk amission that th IVesideut not only uses intoxicating liijuors, but lliat Mr. M'ilsou thinks it lune he swore off and joined the Col J Wafer Army. V .are not incline tod hpnte Mr. Wil.-onV statement, as it -eo'ires -with the we hi of official Jiullonity ! and iioi th jpoint tu ersi it. h'.wt ver l.illt r lit tna 1e as psir Jsan. n ed 1.-rte uvy "Iu.iia tioii in accept "mi! the statenu-nt at it full jValti" IN-Mple tif an iiiijuii iir iirn t iiiit d. howi'Trr. will tinh-i tliat Mr. Wi son. vl i is known ti li i. si ni ii:i f'r -iM-il niissi.tnary I ti r. ,liiiwii the rr'.""d n' u a t The ue d iiitnx'enii rpn.r. h s nm iu .m ule tip liix mind I" wieM yjHi lim of the Mil j. t-t. and eniUr lit f. is a ii ernii in the Tt in pi-ratu c Ai t' y W hat prouder at hievfiiit'tit cuild Mr 'ilsoti perform thin to r.eue tlo J'rtVrWent of the United .Stii'es Iro'o the cm f Ht ronr tlrmk W I at htrot t t anitiiifrnt conl 1 tie advat c-i; ii the .canve f tempernce prop iandi-m. (thai! U present the example of the President to ('han-ller. Murphy, etc . as ,u man who totiehes not. tastes not. Jiandlrs not ; nd, haviutr induced the President to ive up the howl, tloes it tint o! low tJiat be v tlM M'e his otlor failinirs in a clearer libf, and peri. an- jrive up toh; ceo. and the c ly of Jlairy IJ'ini-? Willi mm h pro-p. ct iV making a out the 1'ie-idcnt Ir. Wilson lia hesitated f sjeik his mind, and only indu ces in tender laiu- Illations ovir t lie ud CotidilloU oi th'uiuS The iiiortifyiii"; m1 mission which Mr. WtUtm has made rovs out of 'A eiy latjre lit which H v. Chalb s Which r Den'sori, ihe e itor of the Wadtiiirtnu -JVaitioual Hmbimjer. h Temperance pajier, has thrown into the jjlats house In a leiter to a friend. ufier adducing HcveraJ facts relative to the I'rehident'B habits, he say : "In a conversation, last winter, wiih S'-nttxir V Heiry Wilon. that uentlemiii said t nip. President Grant tlrinks to much, Dpd concluded with the remark.' I hav. told him m.' " In reply to thin. Mr. Wilson atlmi's that he said he regret led the Prehidi nt ud intox'e itinj li fnor : tt at Le wished he would lake the pledge, tud that he had a mind to . ak hint to j-ds th (!un; reps't inal Tern ' pemnce tociei v ; which is all that he could hare f,aid rctipectin any jierson in the habituil use of ardent spirits, as it is nly that class who are u-u dsy in vited t j du thai floiui-hino; oraniza tion. 'lti iiiPinberin that Mr. Wilson Jias nude l.oUO 8-cches since he was nn f the toiling mi 'lion ;" r-mem- Wil o:i. and th-it his inti mpeiwe consists in the free use of his tonm ,it is iuipos ibe that he should be able to quote his exact words in ao ordinary converuation, and, therefore, the tchli inony of a clergyman engaged in the Tciuperanco cause, aad who would in a I ii4la ti Irty , eh ire his nu-ni iry with a -stafetneot t)t' this nnture, "rs to he o-e-lerred to thatoi' Mr. Wilson, who talks all the time. HjL this ptiint U imiiia ferial, for the on statenient virtually amounts to and include the other. In view o! the facl that Mr. Wilson puhlicy admits the I're.-ident ues intox iea'iii"; I tpiors to such an extent that he otiuht to th pletle and join the ( 't-tojressioiial Temperance Soid efy, Mr. Wilson hould not eoofine hinetf iim) louirer to weak nnd vain Ti-.ut e!s trvt r ihe tutittviitahle . ' nt he shotiM ,tt itiii-i- lay s-ejie to '"t . j 4Vi sj d-nt and i i f n in "him ail:et he . The pai tia-r.hip of (ir.tiit at I Wdn ex pires by limit 'ji ton in N vi'iiiln r. and ai'ie.r that i e he Mill. not Inu- ihe ad vantage ithat closi HK-.iH"ti Willi him wliieli to: his n tvv. S eo d they ( art e.'inpiiiv vviih that duty uiifiiltii!ei. Mr Vil.on will bave ihe life Ion; re gret of the in in' wli i knowetli his duty and thelh it not." Meinwhih'. we ac cej't the statement of Mr. Wil.ou. that the i'resideiit uses itifesicaliiii; liqior to such an extent I tit he oiijh' lo join a Temperance Society, which iuvmve the stateiueiil he is alleged to made, om oo id auttior'ly. that, in Vil tin s opinion, lie drink-, iim much. ciiisi.M.; r m: o. The follovviii.- a de arlic'e from 'he ltit .of ihe V'd.w, ibu Wo man Sufl'r;i;e to gall of S.o"i I'raiiciscti, we colon. t i J lo ibe cattful pi ru.-al til cveiy Itittid of W inau liights in (Jtc uoii. The "water gi ucl" j lank in .the Giant plalloitu ge s such a scaihinu txjxise in the article that no jcron Can licit ltd it. Let it be uuit tnbered that the 'iouterU the true Pacific Coast Wo man's friend : .FALLEN Wu.MKX. We talk a great deal about fallen women. And why not ' In the fall io or rising of a single bouL, all tin woil i iiuve "equal ciaiins." All of us. at tiutiA, titamJ ihi Kippery placts; u I i tin against o!mj:Ic. oui j tali to ri;cji:u tin. re, whue others legain their bulling and o on tovvaid iic-W nlumbiiu (docks. 'Hurt- iitc J vuiicty t.f unsla o,u place.-, and artotn icasotis foi .-Hoping oim; aie posited out. 11a-ui-like. into liio iil"l s Wtidi-rtie.-.-. to -teal or r:arvc. S i- a virtu, oi starvin. O bci's ale bn weak foi oJvcr.-e wools, tiooiii no ? i r u , hands .o ojdioid, t be go J.'. i - vtmiiJcr, weep and deplore the loss of thc.-e iii fattii sttul-. l int Is about all We do iiMalii saV It ibe ship A I ccked. J lien ta.leu wteiit-u ; wo.nco who bj .ro Weaknc-s and Uejeiideute ; Women ttbo are tauglit lo lali gracttuliy in i ntititig aims. . 1 lit re is no di-ruce utUcln-d to this kind of fulling lo tact, dif ioui iUc Uiiici.- asid uuu:iin iHoilors Will, wi lt tit wiiiciM, decoy. beguile and . utraj. au lliiu to Hcurr siandin. ioii d t' .r tbcir fa r young dj'tlneis J h si: in cost Wouieo are never scorned lor tiding ; never coo licmmd; the) ate t f en c:ivicd lor tbcir to iter aim d; or 'c-mgratul ted for their MH-ce-s in life. ieu mav rt b i .jgaiti-t iIi-j biirieiis tlri-i into their blciAioj alio-,, b'il the iaw lias -eao d ihe itaodn. so n;t iiic t I'tn lite lo.-l a best bt v uny. .Sii 1 auo-ii.r cl d lah u vvouo u aic tbo-e vvi.o baVc .-on oi. bouc.-t, taint s( KiKb. ut to j i i j e i j e ; Women who hie sccioid hrtve euotiii ami siiotig enough lo oerj away the iiatc- ut tj.iZi, and pill a while aim) oi J'luil tints lo fit - li t. litif ihe day ot irial comes; the) taliercd atnl ted, ju-t how and ufiy wu do not know. It may tie ttiat they mi -took the will o the-wi-p toi the real light-, dazzled l) the tal.-e glaie Mud confused by the sound ol many voice-, and so into political Its, poor rVouU I ; 'J lie lo.-s ot these Women i a loss'toall women, a hiss io ihe wor d. Wbo- tVer dreamed I hat M is. lucy Stone, Mr.. 3jary A.. Livt ruior re and Mis's Susan JJ, Anthony ,ve been L-ntrapped by llie fainl Would nave been cntr;. jipeti by shadows of pinmistA made them by the I'hiladelphi i C ncutini i It id J truly humiliating to kouw that these worthy women, liiesu chosen lev?, were so .-usily and to willingly beguiled into the political llicbhcs Jjook alllie chall lhat won our I ght and banner loafers. H re is ail that can be construed iuio a woman sullrige plank : Ihe llepublicau party is mind ul of its obligati .nil to the loyal women of America tor their uoblo devotion to thecju-eot freedom; their liutn.sMuu to wider fields of usetuluebs is ictehed with satiiifaeiioti, and the honest de mands of any clued of citizens for ad ditional rights should bo treated with rcsjcott'ul ooDeideratton,' -Mindful ot ohh-at on." Of coiirno they are J and why tdiouhl they not he? Any elan, clique or party will declare the Gutaiid-out Iruih when a cause can ! he won thereby. Geti Giant and the ! wiole llepuhlican party were mimllu! i of the work accomplished by the -loyal t women" year a;o, hut what uood did I it al do. What return lias been made lor their sufferings services ami sacri- neo tlurln the late war? Has not the Uep'ddieau party been mindful of the abominable lact tint hundreds of women are empl..yl in the "ovcrnme-it, many i d' litem w.ves ami daujht.rH of de id j -total women" wiio receive; for iheir service about one half of the i niiit (that is paid to men for the -a'l.e kind of wor1 i The marvel ii.' that Gen. Grant has not thouoht to refer lo ibis in his mess irc. With ah these faets before the loyal women," Susan 11. A nt bony and M ittlda Jo-y u Gage, on i behalf of the WoUl in Solf rate As-oei;iiion. ur.e the women lo set resolu ely to wok to elect General Grant, whie'i in mis dele it, if p I'sible. the election of Horace Greelev. It is indeed a !itile retoaikabU lhat these lost leaders do hot ktfW Hal they ate lo-t. lint what is still more p'ttiab c I-, ih it the.-e women are not c intent lo s.'o tloWn I hemst lhe i r rejoicing v, "Arise ami lollow U" !' Miss An thony has doii i.-ood service in ihe woman movement, but we mi-lake ihe hiyal Women" it lh-y jo n her Imlle iijahs fur ihe llepubli an p riy. n i)it: l u.vity. We tlirt ct ihe attention of the fiiend aml Worshipers of the ' 1 1 lino s D.itn in)" who are ever railing at out the j cace and unity in ll.e lladi.-al (!amp to the lolloping trudi'ul ac ctiuut of the disgraceful crne enacted at the irvoly loyul Cativintion held in South Carolina on the -7th of last mouth. it needs -no cotnhieat ol ours: Net? Yrk, Aug. 23. The fur'nun -eeoeK, yettrd iy, at the South Coro'itta Itailical (ouvenion. at which M"sc, the leader of t'-e rn'ing in thtt sfalt was notninited fur Governor, tire thus IcseriWd 4y Ue . coi iespondcui: Tin- Coiiveutio'i his been tkeecuo l ihe lu o.-t t.r'nuteiil e.xeite'iieitt ever wit nt ed in a legislative body, cv- it in Afiieaiiir d South Coroliua. Th-inll-ieoee o- in mey proved loo powerful b.r ihe ft ilt e repre.-eotalives. and the majority of delegal-s f.icctl upon the pnty a einlilite 'im? re:irl ar tinctured wi'h the in i-t rerephensihle iransactious of ihe last two Legislative -tesM.'iis. I tie lotioies, gioeries ami balls if the Senate Cbaniher Were thronged with a tlen-te in i-s of AliSciu hiimanify 1'Miot vacated' the ('hair ami eh aro. d lhat t'ouipiroib r tleueral .ea--le. w!io UipoiLel I'hatiiherlaiu for ihe Governorship, offered l,OlJU each to two deiegaifs. nanting ibe'it. who wire in favor of Moses, to Vote for Chamberlain. This produced a tearful scene of excitement. Iv cry delegate, , lnihyi-t and spectator was instantly on his fee, and timid peo le u-bed Ir in'ie illy to Ihe d or, feniug a riot, an I, pctlnps. b'.nd-h.-d. .f u Le T. Mat-key escitetlly charged that loiii'insou ha I ti 'f only imhetl the L i-latui e of the State l secute the i a Mire of a c riHiii phosphate bill, but that he had. aJo. as a member of ihe i uiin bodv. -old bis vote in the I bis vote in tlie IJbie Itl ige mid u'lier railro itl bills and lb j, as fir .a. Tomliu-on s record was foiici n iod hi; was as open tM charges of bribery and eonjipfion a- any oilor n cuihcr i n the plaifoiin. At this juncture the excitement hoi n ached its highest pilch, and the Jir-iiig of nenroe, both without utid within, siiroetl in and fro like a gteal I o rest sh ikcn ly a sttiim. while the dm of t Sis. cuts s. and itnpn cations. nearly drowned the ponderous raps of ihe Preside-ill gavel. A n unorder could be p. illy restored, Judgo Jame ! T. Oir, wbo was a deh trate trom An dcison County, rose-mi I asked Juf' Mackey if he knew -nuttiiiug . u'nnut .Udl being olferetl to lvv delcgiles lo control tbo vtte of their icspective delegation! in the inieiest of -Mines, and Urr lurthcr tta cd that ho had this inhumation from the lips of one of the dclcgdes himself. Mackery Vociforouly retorted that Orr had gone out of the Chamber and induced the delegates in question to make this Btatmeiit. Orr defiantly replied that that was a bo out ot whole cloth, and the Chamber again became u pande monium. T'-e artneraiion of violent mad men is inadequate to give a faint ikofthe condition of the crwd at BBCTMBrsfi time. Elliot rapped 4he lera avcl on the dek with ail the powerful free of his, sfawbrt black arm, the perspiration oozing in ;,re black patclits tliintioh his che k litud cnat, bt;t, though an expert presiding idEc-r be failed lo utak. any impression upon 'be -crowd. There were -combined .Y'dls and cries of "Mr, President," 'be fieformers on the flour. Oto f the delegates who had been offered the ribej of Si.OUU by Mos ; obtained be fl or. and not u iibstaiolinj' the ni-e conlwsion, made a clear Ktaicment the variom atleiupn lo bribe him by F. Jj Moses himelf. This was a homh.-hcll in the Moses ranks, and w., begiuiu- to have its effect. when ll at faction choked off all fut her dihate. when Ivliotf, b) the vigorous use of voice, arm, ai.d g.K'iil, th. litter reiug brought tlowii with all die f.rc; ut a sltdje hammer, ruled tint halloi'm.' for a nominee of the Republican pari) oitviuth C'r-ilinia now in nnler. It was in vain ihe u.ii iiy luovcd to atljourn jpoj pr.ife-tttl in f-very ci-ieeivdite shape a.'-iiu-l tin- atbitrary und no p arii nueuiary m tuner. Tliey wt ie t llu. iually hooteW. yeltetl. an 1 crudn-d down, a d ' he cultii-g of ilu: roll hega . Th:s jWas aceoiiip inietl by cheers an ; yelU. whenever any d nthtfu! Vote! for Moses. Th-e Kjtaet: immeilialelv liebiod! the Preside n ' chair Wis thr'ii-eij mid paked with delgibs, ami, while the roll w is bkiu called, a qi ii rt I t'ok ph-pe between a dth-gtie ni Mr. Hlltoif. the Pie-idtntot tin CoiMcntioo What Wit ihe origin, I could not di-cov.-i ; but my attention wait aitacted by the exclamation of Ititmoie : Put up pisbd, Mr Pres ident, there is goiu-' to bs ttotihlc heic," ikitd, upt:i looking up Iro-m the rcportt is table, I saw lohot n placing in his bieeches pock el what I couctiv.-d to be a pistol. The other party, a white mun, to the quarrel hand discreetly vaimxctl. Shortly ufier lb s the vote was announced that Mos-e-s had received 09 mnjoiiiy of the baHtts, and from that moment was a caud-date for Governor of the regular Hepublioan part) ot South Carolina in the chction to tale place on the l.ih of October next Thij HiittoutfCeru-jn ; was received will, the wi'de.-i dcimiustr.itions of ap phinse, which coutiuueti for ncari) ten minutes, the negro bind playm Hail to the chief.'. -i in et iutppropri if e e eetiou, wliie i ih-y followed up with I).Xte.' m i I the did- gite-i Veiled a oti and as hoi-t"rou-iy as if it h id oi-en ihe Star Spangled banner" W hen this was coiiclu-L'd a couituitiec was appointed to inform Mr. Mo-cs of his U'liuiiiatioti. ami while thai Committee w;n absent, the t.ill ami lb- diuilic l fonu ot -Jul g; Orr was seen -rgiug through the delegates to the ct-u i re of the chamber. When be h id reached that point, he stopped, an t facing the chair, -aid : '.Mr President, as I cannot en lor-ctlo-n-c-rd f Mr. Mu-c-, I respectively withdraw from the Convention.' A Volley of ht-sfs ami yells greeted ttie bo!t of the Sotith (Jaro'iui statesmiu as he turned his hick all 1 stro J tt the do-ir, hit before he fnrly got out, tludge Mickey jumped up and veiled nit. Lt lit in gi. Mr President l tt ever wis long on one tde in hi-t life.' This s illy of tnis pdiiic il Judge, was almost in nlly clfcretl. Senator Saw yer. District Attorney C trbin. ColleCto CI irk tin I all th.j l i ling iletoruieis bad just preeev'ded O.r. ail ii; that bolt is probihly the disrupriou of the , K,.p,ibt.cHU pirfy of South C.r dina, , ;im ttH. fiiM svmidoiiis of ileforill ami i , j,,KM (Jovernuieiit for the State. There will 'u uti. u bt eti I v be a coalition with the whites, ami it is privately asserted the Stats e in te ea-ilv eimel agiiost Mo-cs in Oetober. If hit is the ie suit of ihe holt. South Carolina will in a l prohibility g., fl)r iJiccley iu Nov- 0. o Cl". Swallow l mi 3 liu Ihe editor whoaietiyn; so liar I t whiuwabh Giant and Wi i:i j that citizjns ot t ireigti birth, cathoiics and teinperauue men will be able to swallow the dose without gagging, reminds- u of the od iudiau, who, altera three day's fast, found a tai itcd skunk, and hiving a remnant of meal iu li s pouch, tried ti c mfiiie thj oder inside by tspriukliug meal over a pio-jo of Ihe bull pup beg pirdon piece of the skuuk, which he offered to his squaw, (the same out) who the mother to Grant's oldest hopelul.) Down went the uioibcI, but, ngh ! up it oatno again. Wonder it .he temperance uien, etc, of Dallas have stronger stomachs than thaf squaw ( . 1 1U0FKSS10XAL CARDS, AC IS A I Ik 13 V II A i 13. SALO 0 N. rl IIP. FIWKMT fltfJU.IT' OF I Wine?. Ikju-th. Ale I'urter, Cij-trTi etc... etc.. tli-pent-eil ttt -tlti-i Teinle of ISat-clius, All tbe State paper kept tin tile in the rend in- riiein- Call anl eo b Win Clinjjlian Pro. W, H. R U B E L I, DENTIST lias locate! in Dal Inn, anl i remly U aluiol to ail tleiKta rcuirtn Ui utri-tanee Artificial Jet lb of IIjO wry liucot uul best kitnl. J-atifaetion guaranteert, or no charge uiaJe. Nw id the I but- to call m the 1. ct-.r. Uffii-t;, ujioaite KiucaiJ'n 1'butoranLie Gal lery. :i7-rf JOI1 J. DAI.V, KTvA: Coiiiicllcr a! Law, jiAi.i..i!, oi(i:(;('. Ui!l practice in tiiH Curt l T.-jcor 1 anl In ei i-.r -Ckui I. C'ullvctiung arteti.lcl to nruu.plly. Ol'FICf In the Court llotwo. 4 lit J. C. GRUB3S, M. D.t PllV.-iJXJI.lX A Xl SUKCMiOX, 'iTcr hit Service to the Ciueus Dallas nil Vieitii'y. OFFICE- NICHOLS' Drug Store. 34. tf J.ll.SirES.M.D 1'l.y-it. i.iu ud Surgeon Dallas Oregon OFFIW at Rtidtnce LA CKDOLi: ACADK.1IV Will cotumctice the academio year Monday sept. 21 isr. with a full corp vf teacher as F-II. URUUDS. Pt5ctru 3ir. L. A. tiUUIIUS, Pur.ccfTUESS, Mi. M. L. SMITH ri?Arai;n or Mt fic. lla'e of tuition a fjiiw. Ac.vnrttc IH:i't. K;i.tii r.AHtn .. 1't.l.AltV ltti-'t $3 Oo $rt (ill $t oo Kxtra StcMi: FRt;cn"PR Term.. lltW0 .. Mi sic .. ....2 50 ....i 50 .Hi 00 i V. .S1JK1M VAX, Attorney & CounselbrAtLiw, Dallas, Oregon, Wi!l prntetice in all the Court of the State. 1 K. H C. U. HALL. I)lli. FISKC A. II ALL, OFFICK No I MOviKLS' BLOCK, slcm in if - .Oregon "OEM'9 SALOON pi;.i:.i;e. ri'to Itt of wi"e. b'i'i'r!. itlo-, porters and i TEM PEH ANCE I.UUDIALS always i n hand, Una It.iTAiiA cigars. Fiej road iu it rooms utlacavd lo titu saloon. U. M. Beau l'r. 7 tf LOOK ! LOOK ! ! LOOK!! HOLT lilt, IVUUI'thY & C. ELLEtfDALE ,STJRE, HaTe jct rtctirtd an iujmcr.-e etock of Hoots and Shoes, llatsaud Caps, Clothing, Crockery and Clatuvarj, Hard ware, CrocerIei,ProvIsloB,&c. I)HCiS GOtllKS. MA AMPLIi, FANCY, it l)KY aOO!S of all kinds, Which they will sell cheap, Come and try their prices. The bigbest'price paid for all kinds country produce. MILLIONS of EGGS and TONS of CUTTER Wanted Co. j IlolUr.WortUy I'UUPtlSSJUSAL C AUUS, LC. II3W KOCER, For everything ia tho GROCERY LINE go to ; MAIN STKCHr, DALLAS. He has on hand a full supply, which & oflt-rs cheaper than auy other itortj iu Dallas. 2-rf . D E N ! Ri:Y!Diu.Dm PHOTOGRAPHS, AMDUOTYPES, AND All Style of Vlciuf ot the best finish, TAKEN BY J. II. It I IV C A I D, AVINO ALL LATE IMPROVEMENTS b.r noxii..r pit-ture, I invite the" II it'e til i lit; putiin: Plt-ase call at the phot-jrai-lii.-tia'n rv. Afhiti uti ret. oppiMita "Dr. Ka li. I. ..fee... Jl tlla-. J f DALLAS UVHY FEED & SALE ABLE Cor. Slain and Court Htreet, Thos. G. Richmond, Proprietor. fT AVINO PriiCH ASKD THE ABOVE Stand of Mr A. II. Whitley, w have re- fiitf ami re rtiK-kco' it iu ruth n manner at will f-atisfaclortly uieet every waul of tha coui uiuitity. Jluggie, -Hlnpte or doutle, Tlarlis, Cfftr cord Wagons, etc., etc.. Furnished at al hurs. tlty or night, hrt itolice. Saperior Saddle llorsea. let bjr the Iay or eb. TERMS, RsTsON&HIC. 4 T. O. RICHMOND ; n AVINO PURCHASED A LARGE AND renirlet Stock or GENERAL MER CHANDIZE, consisting in part ut Dry Goods, CJroccricji1 Ia;, iieennTi'4nrei Tobacco, Cigars, An t 11 ertielw found in a GENERAL VAKl ETY hTORE, I uaU re-pectfully call tha attention of the Public to my Ectahlisbmcat. Hightrt Cash price paid for 1 UKS AND PELTKL it a. ray. Eola, lTk Co., 0t Ifi tf MUSIC ! MUSIC ! PROF. RUT AN, 117 fill rotnmence hi elates in roeal and la V T -truuictital mucic at the M U Church 4ue firtl Mcuday iu October ant U tf IISS01,rTIO KOTICE. Notice is hereby ien that the partnership lu-reti fore vismrg witrcr I f roisne r ls -Coad has hten des lived. Ihe buhiese will t.-erealter be continued under tbe firm vf Nicltoln &. llyda. Ail persons knowing them ffivci inicnd to the old arm, iU ftmt call uud tvitle citlitr'by note or coin. li Nichols. bawl. Coad. 27 Sm EST OF WOUK AT THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES. CAN BE HAD RY CALLING ON. STEAM JOB PRINTER'S, 03 Front Street, Portland, Orrgo AT.APGK ASSORTMENT f BLANKS I'in utt. County, ami Jusdees Courls, eon statitty on It it rid. AIo. Bond, Deedit, Morfgag aiid Blanks for use in Bankruptcy ca;ea ; Advertise Hy using Lolterheadi, bit! ho t 1m, iui, ttiuio a onvotopji, wio. Give Ul Ja aall vb i iu your orders. 4:1 J OK0. B. JOXEi i.U. rATTEJIlM Ileal Estate, lubiirancc AND General Agents, SALEM, OHIGON T-otrtpt attontl iQ Agency Business, civeu to the tiertl t. w. oa 4 . w.noBA ir. Pallas Bcwna YJf 4 S r .v-vr"