Newspaper Page Text
Towivr Arm county hews, ' , - 1 ...... DALLAS, SATURDAY, NOV. 16, 1872. Mouey Market Latest New York Gold Quotations... Legal Tenders in Portland : Buying. 90 J Selling.. ......91 allas Produce aud Commission Market. Corrected Weekly, by Bolter and Wortley Merchants, Main Street, Dallas, Oregon. .WHEAT 60rtjfi3 $ bush. OATS 35 a 40 c. BARLEY 75c FLOUR $5 $5 50 $ bbj. ' Sks$l37 CORN MEAL 4c. B Rk gEANS 6c. fl. ' ACON Sides, 16. Q 15c 1 lb, " Shouldors.Uo. to 12c. $1 HAMS 2) Iftc lb. PORK Drcssod, 6$7cts Si Pickled, 8c. to lO.e. lb. BUTTER Firkins 21) 25c tt. " Rolls, 30 to 25c. lb. EGOS 20c$ doa. LARD Rulkl6c; tins,20, POTATOES From Wagon, 37o bushel. ONIONS $1 50 bushel. APPLES Green, 50c bhl. " Dried, 6c lb. CHEESE Now Oregon, 20 25o lb. DRIED PLUMS lo B lb. WOOL 30c. "j- lb DALLAS CIIUUCIIIMUCCTORY. M. E. Cbcroh. Services on the 4th Sabbath Eeach month at II A. M. ana 7 r. ai. Sibbath school every Sunday at v A. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Kev. J. James. Pastor. . I - , M. E. Cuvncu SocTH.-Services en o 1st Sabbath of each month at 11 A. M. Rev. J. M. Lovell, Pastor. Baptist Church. Services on the 3d Sab lath of each month at 11 A. M. Rev. I. Holman, Pastor. Weather cold and stormy. Thanks to Miss. Marthy If agcod for a lot of fin grapes. They were splem id. Messrs. Styles Jt Merimam have removed Jbeir stock of Groceries, since the fire, to the building n, the corner opposite the Drug Store. Jidge Collins has already commenced the erection of a nejr building to replace the ne destroyed by the late fire. The prospoctus of the Aldine for 1S73 will appear next week. . It is establned fact, Conunip ion can be cured: hut it is far better to pre jrtnt the cruel ilweselrom fastening itielf op- en the svstom. bv tke timely n?e of a remedy ... - Vr,. , , e iiki Dr. Wistar'a Balm of i!d Cherrv ThU .t.ndar,! rro-.rai.n wrl ii.rrdilv nue a c.ugh or col.l, and enn Consumption often yklds to its yreat wcr. Dn last Wednesday evening Jtiie mancnt j .r a. n..ti Ut..r..rv .i.i was Beefed unctei tno naracoi ino ii ng Dti'n Frwt Delating Society r Tie .8i-rts i tpd vrrre as f(.!low-i : President. H if, i Kt ..., . Vi... Prr.idoi I. ' tl T.vlo: Svprt 'n- ' - Janitor, D. A. Dodx.n. C.ri?;.li r.ii!o intere.-t was manifested hy the int-mln rs presenf, an I from all npj eartnees the society will he a per fect suceecs. ),Kitii:i. Married at the rciiJence of the bride's fat he at Dallas, Polk Cm.r.ty, Oregon, Oct. 27, 1S72, y M. Burnt, Ja.tino of tho Peacn, Mr. J.-(Q.-s M. Sbe!tn and Mies Niv j B. Scott. All of Polk County. 1MB DOCKET. The Norember term of tho Circait Court fur his County will eminence on Monday next bis Honor Jnlgi Uonham presiding. The docket is unusually largo aod there arc many cases of interest coming up. Ira F Butler almini.-trator vs Sidney Smith et al J J Daly f.,r Plff. J II Myers Deft. Illowmer 1 Roscnblat vs J' hn Wayrnire Sullivan. Applcgate A Butler for Plff. Hay den a Myers for Deft. Wm Clingham vs Ursula Cllngham, Hayden end Myers for Plff Prosecuting Atty for Deft, O Conor vs Wm Savage. Hayden and Reid for 1 L F Daniel vs Margaret Taylor, Boise and "Willis for Plff Chenowith, Vineyard and But ler for Deft. M X; Fitmorris ts MttehU Fittmorris, Dal aod Butler tor Plff Hayden ahd Myers - ... tnjfiiiner vs cnas Uavla ct al, Burnett and Vineyaid for Plff U Galwk-k t Jerry Galwick . Bde Willis for Plff Curl and Hayden for Deft. ami A Goodnoogh tiJF Stree ot al, Sntlivan and Applegate for Plff uru0I,a ftpecKor et al, laly for Tboi Holcomh vs W U Teal, Sullivan for plff Daly (or Daft Hawkins va B McDaniel et als' Srathan Keuey and Vineyard for Plff Hayden and Daly for Deft n irin.r.ird r. J!,n IIunfnrd.Cur1iriidf.n -V . , iiymtoT Plff Boise and Willis for Deft ' 1 Bdershot vi J and K McMabon, for end Hendenhot f'lff IawBon, for Defendant Hayden and Myr JG Huithusi ct al va Kays, Wells at al, Hill, Thayr and Williams fr Pllf, Hayden and taljfor Di; Jeste v Muncil, Daly for Plff. Tfincaid v Kineaid, Ilutfer and Vineyard for PI8 trayden and Myers for Deft Ato iwDeVitKIUly' fr VlS aotms Killgin et al vs J G Babcock, Kalor and Watson for Piff Sullivan and McCain for Deft. Latta vs Van Devort, Collins for Plff . Laughlin vs Banc Curry and Hurley for Plff Daly for Deft " Lowell vs Lowell, Collins for Plff Prosocu- fit fag Atty for Doft . Logan ys Jones, Hayden and Myejts for Plff Coido and Wills for Deft Lewis va Lewis, Sullivan, Boise and Willis for Plff Curl and Kelsey Deft. Oyler et al vs ux Butler and Vineyard, for Plff Daly for Doft . S J and J F Oyler vs W J and C S Matney Butler and vineyard for Prff Daly for Deft Ray vs Ray.J Daly for Plff Applegate for Doft Mitcbel vs Hawkins, Daly for Plff Stono vs Stono, Daly for Plff Prosecuting for Deft Simpson ysjlart, Myers and Daly for Plff Vineyard Deft Sullivan vs Seovil, Boise, Hayden and Law- eon for Plff Sullivan vs Seovil, Boise, Hayden and Law - son for Plff Vineyard and Butler vs J A O Neil Myerj for Plff Applegate for Deft Whitson vs Baxter et al, Applegate for Plff Daly, Hayden und Myers for Deft .... . oodruff V oodruff, Burntt for Plff rrosecu- ting Atty Deft . ' uarnson vs uarnson, Hayden and flyers fw pff PrMeeu. A D Whitley vj Lawrence, Haydeu and Myers for Plff Viueyard for Deft Wood vs Buman Adm'r and J B V Butler Hayden acd Myers for Plff Vineyard and But- for Deft Watson vs Robbinn, Ablegate- for Plff Besides the above INt there rsi'a nun;bcr of Criuiiual cases to which we cannoc gel access. Ill incsiioriaiu. Died near Uuena Vista.JrcgOQ, Oot. 19i72, sister; Georgia Shultz. Resolutions t by Lacreolc Lod-eNo. 23, I. ();'G. T. WllEREAs: It )a pleased Almighty (iod in his providence- to remove tv , , . . , . t1 , , ujaui, onuuz, luereiore iC it Resolved: That in the death of our beloved sifter, the lodc loses an exemplary ;uet.:ibef, community , , , , ' . . a firiyin rnnm-nr. tier arriuu'ntances 1 hr,lc cnnfidiii friend, and nr fimily one if it.s dearest eartlilv ties r; Resold d : 'Wvxi we bw in hiintble ultinishi to the will ,f Almi"litv ' unu, ami uniu.uu iiiuura, w uiourn 'itn as inose wuu nave no nope out n ,.,Mlfiueiice that our os is lit r. eternal r in " r, . ...... . 'I h.'i we de. piy syt;,ta t'li.t with the bere-ived 1'auiily in this fheir reat alilic-ioti, and wo humbly pruy that (iod will comfort end .sustain them while they live, jiisd finally icuriite them in that Temple not made with hands eternal in the Heavens. Rrtohc l : That this report be made a permanent ree.Mrii on our minures, and that wo will wear the u.ual bade for thirty days as a mtnnrial of regard. and that a copy ot these resolu tions be furnished tho Christum Meisewer and Lnsr.itA!. Itni'l'iH.K'A N with a request to iuhlish the same, and that our ticeretury U(; it:.sti UCted to furuibhthc bereaved family a Copy with the fCal of affixed. Kespectfully iubniitted in F. II. & C. Cotu;uitteo A?a Mireve. a X J. I). Leo Appropriation. The following is a lit of appropria tions made by the Legislature at its 'i?ent scAiion, exclusive of the regular appropriations tnudu for the expenses of Uhc Government. For State Capital .$100,000 00 ,.. 5,000 00 ! A if rtfnl turnl O.thHtutt: fur fintntirt " '" ' ' Arret and return of tugntives 4,000 00 2,4 1 fi 00 :t,ooo oo 800 00 ,m oo 3,000 oo 4,00( (?Q Belief of Gov. Geo. Ahernotby C"le CommiuMfMi Purchase of Deudv' Kcnorts... lStat Gc.loaiHt. per annum E lucationo t blind Helief of Baker county. 1.1C! U Ceuteial Commission, $1,(100 per annum '4,000 ' OI county 3U0Q Auuuionat cluneal aid in Department of bUt0 - $1,000 00 dy D,alI Vou IJoad 50,000 00 Umpqua Bridge.. 10 100 00 Trask River Uoad Co: .'.lO'OOO 00 Grant and Baker AVagon Koad.. ....... 25,000 fiO Winnetuucca 20,000 00 Portland and Aajotia 20,000 00 $35 t,C'J5 1(0 The last ecven items nbove specified aro to be paid out' of the proceeds of the sale of Swamp aud overfLwed auds. A fit. AROUND. Three divorces were granted by the eir cuit Court for November for Douglas county. is said thst coal can be faid or the wharf at Portland, from (oos Bay for seven or eight dollars per ton., Snow ia two feet deep at tho Dalles. A man named Gay, attempted to commit suisde in Salem one day last week, by taking laudnum. Tho Medical College of Salem is prospering finely. The regular course of lectures, six a day by tho faculty, are going on regularly, with a large class in attendance. A regular weekly paper will soon be issued at Empire City, Coos County. Professsor Rogers, of Coos County, has been for some timo engaged in getting up a new kind of geography, which it is claimed vvill possess great merit. The He-raUl says : u Wc leara thg following particulars of the drowning allair at Astoria from a passenger by the Josie McNear: It appear that the five men, whose names are J a' lor. Duke, John Uiley, Dan Pattersnu. aud Tom Thomas, were mill-hands cm ployed in Cementville. During Tuc day they had been drinking, and about five o'clock in the evening engaged a small sail-boat for the pur pose of goitf over tQ Astoria. Not knowing how to maoge a boat they wer cautioned against it, as the wind was very strong and the waters rough. They did net heed tho warning, but embarked, since which time they have not been seen. Yesterday morning the wreck of a boat they had embarked in was found bottom up at Chinook Point, where it had drifted to. As the men are still missing it is supposed tho craf upiet aud they were all drowned. Two divorces wore granted in the Circuit Court at Albany, last week. The other day one of the first store houses in Albany was torn down and every trace obliterated It was an old -h;nty tint stood at the western end if rox Uro.'s brick store, and was first built and u-ed by Jutues Foster, Kmj i;j the year K.1. A number of Norwegians have set t'ed in Uciit'.ii County. n opposition stae line is running ! tv.-tx-n Co yulhs "d Albany. The Circuit Court for lb nton Conn ty eoovfius at Corvajlis on Monday, Nov. 1'5. Mr. 0 rave? announces that it is tint bit intention to ive uji the Chctuckcta llo'el and reopen the Uniun. The storm of .Mof.d iy evening knoek ed d'l-Mi the tt-legraph 1 rn down, 3 uth of Vieka. Two ineheti of snow fell in Portland ou Monday. Whih; .1. II. Uinham, of the firm of I'utiHlim A: Uinulciui, real,ife fjrrnts at Coi nclius, vra.M rcturntnti hotuo frctn HilUhoro u 1 a t Monday evening, tlif team which he was driv ing ran away and threw him on the wheel of the waon runnini; over him. Tho team had not been, heard of when the cars kit Ililtaboro the next day. Tut: rotow storm on Monday was n tr-voit! on tho road betveen Ialles and (.'anyon City as to Mop the ttntre. The President of the United States has recognized Jidtu Wilson, Ksrj, an Vice Ci'PpuI of Her Urttnunic iniijc?-ty at 1'tirtiand, vice J. G. Flwcrdcw, de eoased. Mr. Wi'fui ij a member of tho firm f Ilewett, WiUon Co. A little rirl was poi?pncd the ot!er lay at La Grande by rating wheat that contained sulphate of copper. A little daughter of Mrs. Jasper, who resides at Union,, Mfns scalded so severely last week that iu a day or two she died- A ibhort time since a Mr. Patrick, while working iu Hod Gulch, met with a severe accident from the caving of a brink, by which both bones of the riht leg were Iroken. From the Sititincl: In a communi cation, dated Dalles, November 4, Mr. A. Hlair, Chief Kngineer of the Port, land and Halt Lake Kail road, says ; The preliminary surveys for the road have been completed to Oro Dell, from which place to In Grande the route will be determined upon after the Pres ident of the Company, (Job Chapman, has made suitable arrangements for the" depot grounds. The total distance from the Grande Kondo landing on the Columbia river, to La Grande will not exceed one hundred and fjunnilca, with o, maximum grade of ninety feet per mile over the Uluo Mountains), a paving ; in distanco, ajf compared with tlm (JnioA Pacific tu?vcy, "of sixteen miles, and a reduction of fifteen feet in the maximum grade, the heaviest grade being ninety foot to tho tnUc. Mr. IHnirJcfk Ia Grande a few days ago f,r the purpof-o of locating tho por, tago link at the Dalles. centra The Yamhill Reporter says : We learn of a fight which took place at a ball given at the residence of John Uamage, in which one Dark Conway, a aaloon keeper, snapped a pistol several times atone Han iorestbut fortunately the Pistol missed fire. The parties were then separated for tho time, but afterwards Conway came back, when a further altercation, eusued aud Conway gtabbed Forest Rcverul times with the knife. It u known whether the wounds are fatal or nxt. Iujuor was probably the. MEN, ATTENTION Why allow your wives aud daughters to wear their eyes out when J Will purchase one of th clt-hrated IMPROVED ii o ti i: s ii u t t i, i: g E W I N G MAHCINES. Every body uses them an 1 they gi uuUer $ satufactioo. They ciiubs fuud at oiri:ii fc woimlv. Ageuts for 1'olk County 27-lf. STOVE AND TJHSHOPi W, ROSEXDORF & Co. hro fJ t larj tek of all pateros and fire "f M''T-t which they will sllfulty asrhenp if not dtt-er than lliv n rM ai.ll in S.llftU fit AltnIllT. Wf inak .or own Tiorft and warrnn; lln- name I Itepsirii'g done in (0 'ri.ut wneji. We a! have one of the Itofireot m-nI i.r;cd tck of Clothing. Dry tiotMU.tlr-.iries, H.ot Shoe and HarJware Ac wl.uh we wUI mU t liriog ratfe. All wc uk is t call t-n u and examine ds and i-rlciw. and pr ur" t pIcaKe you. Wc ell 20 er wot ! than Dallas Ljifcs M. C'ndorlf A C " srKCL7Txo rich r- r--. -v. - (ffI',?1 ' P"'i'vly. tl.o U t i y U I fij l-?Mf " 1 eorcnil Wine tr l al Ajj-iO at;. I Cnn j . . i... - i i . ....;n.. Mi ,m n""r. : "Minn 'j . . , FtK.oi Fhiksw, Chicago. Ocil'J y. - i Muf Monry f;t hn.rbly. f I" : j jrr duy. f7,i Jt-r w-k. bv nt 5i;.,-" n )?! i 1 1; fr j a lrrriieriil riht, (bk!i nr c-j fti f S!;"lt.) to Jfll tbf b?t, tioi-'i-t. in...! n't-ful j .! rsfbl ,elnn,: Msch-f. i.d r:e.t ' Huttoo ll.-lc W..rkrr. eve nurd r rcc-minct..I. j ed by fsmilie?'. or boy "tn or jour .wn uc: it i ti,ty 5, frt tree ever.vhrre by esj-rc. Adires for -arti-uUr, U.h.mi: U. Ilri'Miv & k Criicr timi.wi " an 1 Cm (Un it ,t. ! V v. ,fc fbtrJPm. i I f)urins the fw-ver rj-idendc of m-rth j tb rtock- of Acer's Aii; Care in the Old 'j N'orth Slate became cshnuarcil, niol bff.,re a . nufjdy could received from I, r; H, tho "ut ferine from chill and fver became frartu!. A fw prfis wer fortunate a t h ivi it on hand, a..d in Iret!Il County, the druist ekcl nut thri; r!en.'r sto-k by sc'lins; do-c f.oinful eU f-r a d Ilar M my p iil'Jllt a bottle, wtj'-n the tegular price i loit one, an i th-u?ht thetne!vo f.ivorl t that, so vain 4- blo was the curative properties of ; this prepa-ation, which not only exil ho j poison from tho ytt)tn hat le.ives the patient j with uuimpared health and vijer Ilaleitf t (N C) ii I V 12 X A W A Y ! "t T ffll Ij T every leriJwr of Orn VvJ 1 Fiiif:tHK FniExn, the superb oil Cbrotno " Cute." sio lfix'JO, retail pri-'e $10 00, not to bo had h-ss than retail price except wiihthi i!p.;r. lOrt.uOft copies enr? lor the subscriber of Orn Fhikhiok Fiukvo. lishedand leadins J Jt TA h J. O family weekly in AND tZlZ CANVASSERS sku' WANTED. $3000 per . Iniinen.-e sueeess ot our ag't. Positivaly the most plensin and paying business ever offered oeal ag'ts, and emntssers. Active, intelligent, persons, either sex, wanted to represent us, either traveling or at home. Success and lara pay (wmititrrd. Kxclusivo Territory. Sure sales. Nw Plans. The bet outfit 'Specimens copies of papers, full puticu lars, tsrinsle, Sent free to any aldress IFn'fe at once to orn FntKsinn Fkiknii, Chicago & K Ct()i( Por da' ! Agents J2 J M.XJ iD,4il wanted ! All classes ot working people, of either sex, young or old make more money at work for us iu their pare moments, or.all the tie.than at anything c).o Particulars free. Address O. Stinson and Co. Portland, Maine. ' 28 -ly WANTED. Three dozen men wanted I sleep on good hods and eat first class fish and yellow legged chickens during court Jwock at rosonahle figures, at tho briJgc .Dallas. II. IIAtJOOD. Ilall'i Vegetable Sicilian Hair Itenewcr Is the best preparation, fcjiown to pwove the hair Use it -0$ 1,0 00 Reward will be paid hy Jhe pro prietor, ot. Dr. Pierce's HoMon 5JedioaI 1ms covery fora madieino that wiU'eiputl in curing severe and ltngeiing Coughs, Dronchilis aud all d'ueases of tho lungs. E O WK feV sr o. ;i; a ii b: r s i k JIAItWDARE,' FAltM""MAt'IlINERY, WAGONS, ETC. INCXiUDIWO PITT CIIALLENUER, HUSSll.L,IIAKDENT, A TfHEELUK . 'TIIRRSIIKIi " hJ MOUNTED and DOWN EXDLE3 CHAINS, i HOIISE-POVEUS?, iIAIiK'S II KA DEHS, with txtra heaTy drapers Atj 1 tuny" titht-r imj ruvemt-ots exclusively ..,o. M a k s if ; MAiivi m v?. tok Wouds, HuM ard, Cljj'tr,l5u kry,Sp'Mtn Ef .-!ior, New York, Etvrly. llu. ts, LagL',aJ vihcr,, hi:aii:k and .now lItS ebaki:r,5 PACIFIC, AND :bain I'AliM and UKADKIt WAGONS Now per'Wt in jni'rti"n find foi , all 1,.,u.lju vi!, ar. 1 fully wir.itited' H ATKX VAIttKTV OF GOODS ! ,, .ji4firtll, rv in tbe Stte, at tU I.wm ; I, 'c ,,ri-,. nd tirne triven when deired. flr nc n. iiimh nMi in the Bank i t'.pr in ,S.iriil .. . i- V V I I . ItltOU N t CJ.. Jun 1. IS7I. H-m3 . . i - n . . llill av-N -Thee pill alore, amonjr ;U other mtditlam, in existanc, fx . t'c r..f. rty ( cioa-i-in j aud rr!. tit.sf the b-wels and pirityu.w' h tnitnal fluid w.tlo.ui 1m tmi i li'.-r b.-Iy or tuind, Sob! H I.anA, N. V. 1'ii c. .'. cent j-r b -x. As ir new ulviu; lije oi.i is cminicr itv".:. Oct 1 9-1 in. : " 4 ,-r A Vi- -.-o.r, 'i r , .,;' . -x 'h fa -v . c v.t A I -o-.. - i X V. GILBERT, Agent. 17'Cm Salem, Ogn, - - , ---s - . 4t -S fekSAN FRANCISCO. NEW ADWnriSttVXXTX. Ayer's air Vigor 9 For restoring Cray Hair to lis natural Vitality and Color. A dressing vhiclt is at once agreeable, hcifhhy, and cfiectunl for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss an ft freshness of vcuth. Thin hair k thick ened, falling hair checked, aud bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where tho follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi raent, it will keep it clcau and vigorous Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor estu only benefit but not harm it. If wanted "merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it dos not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists LOWELL, MASS. PBICE $1.00, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOR PL'mrYMU'TIlE I1JLOOD. The reputation this ex. rellent medicine onjoya, is derived from its cures, many of w hich are truly marveHoua. Invcterctd cases of hrofi;!ou dis ease, where the yttcm fecenit'd eaUirpted Mit! corruption, liae tcea puritlcd and curd Ly it. Jkrofuluus affection! and Usonter, which were ffrnviU'il 1)V llin Kf roftl- thev wore painfully afllirtinjr, hare been railicnlly cuii-il in aucti great number in almost every to tion of the counirv, that the public scarcely need to be Informed of its virtues or ues. Scrofulous ooieou H one of the wwt detrctlv enemies of our race. Otten, this unseen and tinft-H t on n nf fii i in orvanisni i luern net ii c contiiiuiion. without excitinp a ?ricion of its pretence. Again, it eem to breed infection throughout the body, Uien, ou foine favorable occasion, ra'idlv develop into one or other of it hideous forms, either on tho surface or ann.pir the it.'ds. In the latter, tuber, cies mac bo Mtddenlr '.rj-ositcd iu the limps or lieart, r tiinnu foi n:cl in the liver, or it thows its vtvnce by erui'tion on th ekin.or foul uleer r.tions on foiii'onrt of tho hotly. Hence the oera fionnl uc of a hotllo of thi? Sni-ni,trilta L r.Ux disable, even Yihcn n active mi ton; of diteasu ari'nr, l'crons pflli'-u-d with the fl!owiiifr eom tilaints ponerallv Jhsd inoi'odirte relief, ami. at length, cure, bv the u-c of this SAHSArAIUM. J.j'j t. Anthony' J'lvr, J'ote or j:ry$iptia, f'tttrr. Suit Jtluutn, Scaltl lltatt, j:hifftrortu, tiorr T'u . J-'.nta, r.r.d other eiuotins or visible forms of fimfti lout difreae. Alo in t) move corn cakd form, ns j !. lroj ty. Heart Iiirac, i i.f l'j-Hrysjt, -Veurrtyirt, and the various t Irt rous afieclious of the muetu lar ami nervous system. ,StpfiiftA or I "rucrral and -V vrxtrifl T)imeo are cured by it, though n h up time is mjuin-d for suhituiiip thV-ce tbrtin.!f ical.'xiies bv nny iredit irfk Hut lonp continued ue of this medicine will cii9 the comi'lamt. l.rttcorrhirn or ?l7ic, t'tet tut f 7ct-rtf ion, nod t'rumlc IHfc$cs, are eom monly soon relieved and ullimaU'lv cured by its TMuifvicp ami invioi at:rr cCect. itinut lJree. tiont"for eticrt case are found in our Almanac, nip plied pratin. tthruvtatifnt nnd 1lrut. wh caused bv accumulation of extraneous mutters, In the blood, yield onicklv to it, p.s also J irrr t'oniiilaint. tnrtifitf, CvttacMtion pr Jnfrtwt- tnnlion of the Jjrr-r, and Jttwiiftirr, heo crisinir. as they o'Tcn do. from the rankling poisons in tho Mood. Thl SA Its A I' A 11 1 1. J.A is a great re storer for the Ptrenjnh nnd vigor of the system. Those who are l.tttiiruid nnd 7 iattrss, JVsoi- dent, Slrrplrt. and troubled with Af' Afi rccsfnis or FWra, or any of tha aCVctlona symrtomatic of ?lr,-rss. will find immediate relief nnd convincing evidence of its rcfttoralire power upon trial, . . PREPARED It Y Jir. JT. c. AYER 4V CO.. Lowell, Mrm JVrtcflraf erMff Analytical Chcmitt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE JL" n n ivill avsrytliiwe; EPedrd ia a frja'Iyi frooa tia httivt th; r.-rWst fcbrli r f"fcfs,n c.-jy ether o:ac2i:r.e. T If tlwrc iv a i Vu iice tVwinf; lTv cliino v.-ihiu tm li;ousrvi-..l mile of Kin Fiiu..-i-u net woilaiij: ntii ivin;:ntm r at ist.u ti. at, if I am ki fonntd (.fit, it wiii bo etUiulttl to vithi.uit txt cno of nr.y U tbfl owner. 19 Kt, 5c(f foi' Circuit'- r&J rmff-m f if U