Newspaper Page Text
i V K I : .'. ' 'IK mp HMWAHwy l-f -H' 'W Tf i n -I J I, .3. NO. DALLAS, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOV 187.2. WHOLE NO. 141. -pi -v. & ' t -ft v j i 4. ; S Iu ghc r;t I ,3) emibli cau Is Issued. Tvery Saturday morning, at Dallas, Poll: Coauty, Oregon. c. p::op::ii-:tok. sunscairnoir sates. SINGLE COPII-Ono Year, f 2 0;'. Six .i'nrjo Months, fl 8j3f . T 1 f l .1 -tt 1 f r ? ....,!--..... . I 4Vr Olahof tenor $1 7Z per annum. . Sabicriplhtn s, aOj in udrance r il k? . 1 .,-JBr: ; , -' " V" One square (10 !Inr-rr!,-, fifit in-rt'n, 00 p. . rur ui-a9 or wn or ia .re ?i o n?r an Each suWciuent insertion I 00 ; A liberal ileluetim will ho uiauo to quur- lyand yearly aerti.-cr.s. , ter 'Professional cards will oo huerto l at J12 00 '1 ... , t . .,..r Cransient advertHenu-nt must ho .:ud t.,r in advance to in-nro i.'i5.i i.-u.-o. Ail otuer adreriising bills must ho paid Hua.tcriv. . i LeSal.tendcr,tal.;n at thcireurr,ot value. Clan and J,.i. W.,rk ,f ever.v de,.r;p.K.:, . uruisbed at low rates 'n sli ot le . ue. j per annma aliiK n.T.tsriJ at ii) r;u:i:xui.otirf l . JOl-KXAii. i.H i i . r .-t a i'irt Class Maga.;no. I?s urs:. 5-v ... tie.- l.ihc.n interest to ail. It t.a.. Lf .; v.aat vj are and Low to make the ui-l of o ir.-'eiv.-,--. The it f riaa tion it contains a the Laws id' Life and Ho.ilth is well w rth th.s i ". Fault! v. It ;a;i,u t. 'd a.'.t.'i we to every 1 at So eft a jear. Hv a special arrstiieiacu we are euah'.'-d f mI,c the rtntKN-uu.e;. ai, J.j! .iiv.u. as a I'rounuiu tor a new uh.-.-ri'.-;.s to tl..-. '.::;.; la-u: ;u.i-.- vn. , or wi!! furnish- the l';';:h vov I. J.n ;:vai. ' an I Or.i-:(;o ilcei iji.e together for o (.0 j We coiuiuc-a I ti.a Jot :L to a"! who want . ; ij'.ui- o; !ie i .i.o i'.u. ii V V. 2L i- a :: ' Twas nnonil.t ia tie u:;-;,et ...( t nva And tvi rythi:v v:-:m ii - ... ! V, fur; ;.r ; a -o r : . -. , .:. Dart U vii, i.p ii tit- m'... iii;-, Id air, Iiu i talii-a,' ..f thv -1 "i Ch.u-v-Ii hv-i Of firery e!e.a;.ti Uil t-.-i 1. Eaca tlccj-vr v 2:,r 'a "';"-. r'-o. .-J.on4hu: r'o.' I t it 1 i li.u c.tu-,- !,...?, Wie-ai siii-iia i' t ;t- m-: le.-- - y. i do sttoom ia -t we.a l; iv o j! w ; Forher. the 11 mi s -.vcr- h.i; : a.r eiil And illunrit; oi-. ail the .-'ay. The fire . s 1 v : a vful . 'ay And I 1 -I i'-- '-!' Whkhtrowdol reOiid .-u d ti-l--d to e;.y It pro-! a it ra.-U' t .r .-,-: Ln sfil' if his."' d t.-Hh ;e ir ! ir :r r"ir .1 . I1'. .li ii ii 1 1 !-.a oa :io.a fool m .-.t-i, WWhwii!,'. ::.: tl.e tire kin liia.awlui wo:k will: j-y p'o -a , And Still 'i. .! l.-.: -a a ' a .r A suhataned thai .v,u';d h'ua suhdao. Ho laughed asel- liieelivl v.:l; 11,:: h lce Their earn5t t-o:; to syj. Lont; it rage-! lr-w r--;f 1 1 r- -.!", The demon iu hi.: j ,y i'.-1 J'.y ; Each tnoini:at so:.. 11 ig .vrk' aloft Vh ieh slmne in ir':,-'.:'a ---s ..Vr to;1 :-' y, lint elii! he ts!:.i.-d a lid Li -jl uui i,iiin.'tt L'p'ja.lhe- Uileri ar.'.;:.d. The people wi!h 'eteriiiia:. I mind Still battled with Akuough thoy worked uotii half hiiod They finally pr-.ved his ov -.-i.liro. v. Then like a raging li e lie pulled and Ui ' The night whs pa Uiit bhot.e '-a i "Where once wan 5 in blackened r- Oh, llallas! may i Ai.otLer (iri ;e. 10 r'Jin1, I i y. ii V Well, why not." said i'liit. coolvri society is, or ou.ght to to a mutual benefit c-iucern. If my neighbor hi and can snare that whieh f 1 wLvHn spite oi his mother and hia blu canspaietint which 1 iced why! 'nfiPitc '"'ber and hia ' '111)? ildtht 1 give him a hint to that t-doiid. fchou effect V " A very gentle hint in this in fc.tmce," laughed Carter Vaughn . i'ou dare not do i:, 1'h'p.'' ' J)aie not '! tiike caie how you defy inc. To' in trow I. will beard the lion m his den. z Phip, you are not in e irnest.surely ; think of ihe audacity jf the thing," t-upi Honor, anxi.nily. ' Well, audacity is a good thing .gorucliinc.j ; it takes cheek to get i dieti as he returned tohis newspaper. j'o through this vorld w ithout being for tho next, half hour. . J'hip reveled cheated," retorted i'hip j iu beauty and fragrance. She did not ' 3Jy dear i-'hilippa, what an unlady-1 take half so many Howers as ho wanted iiko expression '." remonstrated her for fear that 3Ir. (jrannett, (or (Jaunt mother.' I ua she had nieknaumd him) would think ' We won't have any stiff bomjaef that she was abusing his kindness, staring up nv one as il to say, 4 U o& j 4' There you see what comes of hav at ino; sec- how , fno fe,' pursued) ing sonic faith, in human triturcj" she i'hip, regaidh'ss hf her mother's said, rushing into Honor's room, and hurniied j7ok, hut dear little clusters j triumphantly displaying Iter floral treas peeping out from sly littly nooks, and . u res. hliing up har.j places ; we'll have one i phip flew around arranging her lovely thing though. We'll put our fbiwers as she had planned, with the round tray on the btxpiet standit's exception of her floral stand ; that sho just the size, you know, and in the ( was obliged to give up. She stood center ot that our smnllj glass dish contemplating her work, with pleased then we'll fill them with iljwers and Katif action when the door oell rang, grccc, jut Uiui luiT, and (.prays of uud a moment later Juuits brought iu ! tnvrtle and smilax dropping down ! It 11 do perfect,- -a glowing mass ot coior him neamy jusi lessen togeiiier, . l . ,m t - , 1 iij.;.. ,. i., ,) -i . e, ! ami l nij) related into a siient Ut, oi I ,,,... j lJiy Sec iin to m : counting vnur chickens before thev are hatched," j said Mr. Lazell, dryly, as he turned his! I paper. "It would take n small cart- j f r,.,, fl4 :,n ,.,, . .... ,J. ' ! 6. cxptet nei'hhor tiaunt to ' i t .m, in ,-.?. ! dvl- ! uo iae luiii i.n iu ioa sfr., ou, ikn- w" a i ! "lfo'sn, mr, likely not to do it ! 1 lf ji - i (i V..,. .,,,. - 1 ui,..,t !,.. .w.m ... " t? nau see w nar. vve. snn si . , ,, , i . ,, :u h !IS lacouicaliy, but With a i v. ill ul nod The next morniu" a Phin t.u'i! d the I to her rather timid query as to whether Mr. (laonett was at home, she w as i U.-h. red into lh hhrarv wh.-r.. fh if! eiitlcmaii s-at icaOii; ti.e paper. 31 r. (Jantiett rose and - I . . i t i "tluod inornin-'. matn: le s j i he sai l, p unting t a eh tir. S.ct.e t ! i t . in his m Ultief ate -tea eh tickli d i'jtlji :m :u ii-e! V, and sfe eame very near lauhintC out riht ; ! font r. lied hel'.self, however, and seah'-i hef. if erave'y 31 r. ( aatuiett lo j.Ced at her Irottl under h:s .s ft :;- v- i yelooA at; Waited for her to sUte fiijr el f.u.d. II! ' 1 1'1 rtitn piunc'i itito tu-iics at om 31 v n mi;- Is J'hdij.-pa J . a . . 1 . , an em vour next cijur ia-;:! ! 1 1 li.iV- c..s:u t-eit.j." Some ;t- f mtiiy I n e. wi: 4 v a di.'.ef! y.ejnj ones. What's the j atliou nt he ititei I aided. t I t '.j' o I dratfin,; hi.- p;a-ket-!M,.,k out. i " eSS n.-t so very pu r ; tli it i net poverty stnekeu ; ait'i t iit'i are iio -i . ooU4 fens etth-.-r. We do Lot, : i y.eir neo; y. -ir ; it is jc.i-i;:i .'n;g nearly valoardi. I,OV', !:Vci ! i -ae;, si t eucets uim'-iiti- , i i i eh w u 1 1 4 rime it. Uii, h-'jin f r vo:irs.; t -! y -a : I i oat s a m ili i i; L t k . ,i d. eH. L-l't hoi..;v iH'o his pot-Kt I I !. 1 e ij M-i sir I ii i t' a si ! t f, no ;s to ne n.arrn a ti; cvei;:n-r. and i watit fuaie i! w i to ermnne.'.l i lit. t t I I t ; 1 ataor. Jut n-f nu.e Ji..vei; in tn' t(' u ;.u .v iiivt v ;nc uUi.o lo i r m , i v I . i a ttie amhy eiii: VV !. it although th p'U; W i il e t i e. a 1 1 , i i . i ; i i iti. .. .. . ,. 1 I 1 . ar ciil has l.a.1 the j i.o.-L ni. ei, tale of tr,i---:M;ix. A- jar j Carti-r Vaughn, he has t ; aii h, j t ilmu urn Ih a tclMw.ttl l.ttt-t,,. H 1 1 i O' I I V.- I. I I ? V n nil ,Ut f t t I I . I f f I r : wldeh tyre w.aih their Wei-ht in -ml Hut a it-ding without hewers j, Uul u, be thought of, and rt n.emhetoog thai ! I you had a hot-hou-v; f.ill, I e ; t.e to stc I hell at tho door uf the next house, her!' ' ".e -m-ts was .u r. uanueit , , , , , , ' , It wa a very ph-asaut weddtn-. Honor Cctirae !alicJ tiet, aul il? Was s!n;i--, - I ly tempted to turn and ilee. "No ! Uk'il beailtltul, US ho u.ways did, ... . i j...., . i , , , j i ; aral Carter ecstatic, as he had every n t M. e , u t d U do ,t, and 1 ; rSi)! t() .j,, rorlIouorwas " one of ' ; - t, . 1 a thou,aH;1 Mr,. VU,hi f. U-d her l lie ior w as opt neo, ami in an-wer . , . . i, ... ... .!.,;.,.: i ......... ...i. .1 ... ; laa.'iivjior a time, and the uu.Mitu i it you wi.u.d give me u lew ; 1 wish you j .llUr A!:d into a bad way,-and you earn-- j ! r.. .. .1 ... t .t. : . :.! .!. - . . " . - t i j ' ' "'o. a - a ii i iii.u. n js ui uwu in a entirely. Mother and Honor were ! t,..i ...1 ... ..... i l ... t . ..' i i c'- i -ii i io. oui i eoui i i md see what objection you would h ave to putting yotir il iw is where they colli J he appre.eiat.ej instead of wasting their Sweetness mi tht li v, vt nir " Hem ! (htrtor V ,, ' , m rl tion to Caleb 'aughu whj tiUiashed up dozen year.s agj., y His grandson. His mother is al ways boasting of their blue blood, but I think a little of the azure tint and a ,,tfJ" otner 'eircuhiting inedtiin.,' would 00 prc.eramo. Jiowever, Honor is tt:1. and barter h a splemicd le!lov 31r. (raunctt looked more amused thr.n I'liij) would have believed possi ' 1,10 ,rmn tho expression of his face j whu in repose. He turned to the ! ,;il,5c a,ul w,,),c a fcw words on a slip of ! lMPcri thcn ru,,'J he heiIrupo neat u ni. A servant entered. Show this lady out to tho green house, and give this note to 3Ir. Itob- j erfs," said 3Ir Oannett, cutting short ; I'hip's thank's and Icwiug ti grave :i- :in elegant work-basket, filled with i. : tini-i- flowers than nnv Phin had so! ret j ' J 1 . 0 l .. m ,-i .l ii i r i u r. uauneic scut uho iur icar , , , , , j you weuhln t have enough, ,.u ...... i im.:.. i v'"' VM1 Jm,u ' "4' 111 u- !l-,lt; u 11,1 a,,-0,1 li0 ! " Kithi-r IjW M aS in- ternuted Mr. Lazuli. dl he has proved himself a ni " ':" spult 1 am kuto I'll put this b asket jiHt an it is on the stand : ,. J, , , .. , 7i nothm,' could bo lovher. Another " ?" Mm tho tnot J elegant note ut which I UUJ capable, Ul- ' vitinir him to the wedJinic." U 11 I III IU lilt: tHUVMIIZ. ' .i v .,,. i " 1 Mi- r.,r,ni . i iij wwm ivivii em tii j aitil the tiotc was accordingly sent. It i l('!MVt' ' answer, but amoni; the mt ..!. .... . AT.. I ' . ! ' "V a tnne, ana tuo uu-mu llitir a11'" whh. ''Ir- i-i0tt Wiped hi.- eyes at iliie cur:eiuicn ol ttie cm retnony, and i 1 ki-.-ed the hridtv-with a na'erua! uir. ' I suppose it won't he h.m he-fore .... .i . ., t ,i . , '' "U ; lliU W,l Ml 111!: f. II ill, MiM, ho tow led. as he eueietntelf. d 1'Iii viio I:, ui I ! f had uuwontin'y subdual a!i; '1 h itik vnu.I !itn not tju;fe so ( n.,;d. n t.) toy Id'., rty fr the i've id" any man U tt)," she .- 1 1 s k 1 1 : her head saucily. " Oli, Mr, tianrielt, I waul you t;j luiMeo the app"ira?iee oi' (I, - ;. -.Ul-, a:n mo -ad I h id the im II !- e.- to a-', ler limn." As I ileiu't take your head i.iflj a- Ol e i . X ' e- t v ti; at ' Said I'hip, Cul o: -' V. e: ;.. : v.etr a: is ol bravo'.e o:.e la) int; a I .-n h5 r .-h.-u:di r.j "i ihuA 1 i , . t. h .Ut, he'vVe VC , i vh ,t u it i-r' .sh ask.d, nil r ht ftee fowaid him. ' It ' t . i .. j am eoTi.e '. ' t i ' i so r aloUs to ! ak of toy t en;: ei . rvtes stli i en , j . . :e- ,e!j atid hiV. 1 OU u cf eee :.;e.'0,iUy and iea-1 j i i; each.M e phi! e th ' e hi i.u v at y!ir dtp ?:i s it 1 . X - . . : ! ! . . 1 . . . i' . . . I . V . - , k u a ii o 1 lit- a;o; ni u iu ' ue i 1 1 1 1 1 i. ihii.k I, if m L '. - n mo e - iin : In h it t- an 1 a 1 am in nl.-ie.h I tine id! the u i van fa.. IS v Very w!i ko-e.v," i'hip s.i;d I'e'aMv e.t!;if an unoi-t .- ) i io;n i a . i hit I'hip v, to stjcnd an h 'iV i -I ' . 1 i ' dey iu tO i Ii",' te litr nevv-fotiad '-II..W i id 1 it -f ,.i4 IlilW thlt I'll hlVe i i r - - - - - - - - thought v e grid and ugly," sh- said (p4i .j-er :t;. uuuMJal merry dieus- i m. -X ' i !1 ' a .0'. , i ,i 1 1 , wa,- o. 1 w as getting I i.f nt time to 'get me out oi il. l ;lut rxt-eeting a nophew uf mine here. . t f . t .. . . v,i-v Jinn tu i: K.e sorne ui in v iusincsN ill my hands; I am getting too old to have tho care uf it. lie will live here with me. 1 think you will like him, he s a nice s tisilde fe! e v and as much opposed to matrimony as you ale. "Oh, dear !' pouted I'hip, "there's yn end to all our good times." "Why? I dare say you'll become the best of fri-nds." 44 I don't like 3'ouug men ; tin y are always imagining either that you are iu love with them1 or that they are in love with you. In the forun r cise they are silly ; in the latter tiresome ;" say ing whieh she took her departute. If I'hip had turned her face, she would have seen a merry face looking through the window at her, but she did not tutu. She found her father and mother earnestly discussing sonic matter whieh seemed to interest them deeply. 44 The only objection that I can see is Phip " her father was saying as she ' (1 1 entered the sitting room. 4- What is it that I am an objection to 44 Why, yon see, the lilaisdclls have moved away from the city, and there is a chance ot our being able to get their house if we wish. Carter went in to see about it thi.i morning. He and Honor are very anxious that we should come, and of course it would bo very pha. nt We should he right next house to them, you know, whereas now we are half a day's journey oil. It would bo quite convenient to your father's business too The only object is that it would be likely to interfere with your reading to 31 r. Gannett 44 VA ell I imagine that I have paid for the Uo'vcrs by this tune," said Phip iudiflcrctitly; ' hyI "thought you .hj-.ytd it so j much, and looked forward to it every; day," criv-d Mrs Lazell in amazement.! "Well, so 1 did, hut it in all spoiled j now. 31 r. (laiiuett has a horrid nephew j who is coming to live-vviili him, and I ' r ' . . t ; am suru i wu i o over wn u lie i.-f ; there. As f r continualSy watching to I see when t!.e cost is clear, I do not J like that suit of thin j; well emei-h to keep it up for any length of time, .so j there miht Wwil Lo ur. end to it Urtt ! , ,, " : , ; as 1 at- I - I Tho.uUtl conference was that! 3I r. LuZJil hired the houso that very ' day. aid ithf-y iimncdiato'v be'iau to! UaV, it IU HH' 1 Hi III l U 1 .1 1 1; V liCLiaU lO ..i.i ,.j,::r; rr , f , uiaiiv. no it My. Tho nckt ;d't. r.HMm I'nip eu'ered . 31 r. uatmctt a library with a pile ut uooKs on mr utm ' "1 have hr'u-ht h.ivk the hooks I bo tuwe i ai. I a;n Very muh ot. d. I have come hr n. ,' iaicaeu re.diu. and it will have to U a h .rt ,,, t as ,0 a,e Very h-lV at leon to day." , ,, .... arev.'eli ia.eiihr: What oo y.iu I t . I i I..-. t ......... v ! . . a r !'... ... i, i mean . 101 ouiivu, jmsu- ; ! in r his sp ..elaeles u: .n hi. Joiiivad, ' ; and ij.mwj, at her it auniZeiuent. i iVe ate uuin t iimve t- 3Iijtitro-e J at th- . thel i! 11 ?id thaf i will nec- ii' i id v iiii, i S' iu with otir re t Jin-'-s, ietii i lit n:ir t. ... ' W Will take nsy plaee, however ! e will u u '1 ! ' ' I L '. I l .4-1 I1 I 1 l I w 'I ..''. . ....... .. .'if.! . ; -- I iT I . ' "i r.jTi. T' ii . I . e, . . ... 1. I f .I i n-.t il.l I i ! I I'Uil r. i V . "Li!,. :r.!,-l Xr t. aou.-t j U h- : in- down his spetae!c a, kiu, and ! iookiu- keen V ut In r. "V.ell read! . . ! tuts h iM- in to iay paper. i tdiie eveii;'! a iveti I iiter, Mr tiati e.iie d, ;e e ijet aoied ly his lie;. he j "-he it e.-ivt l ti. 'all- r ipli'e ; t .t-i"U-!y the t-ill w.-s v i j ! i . i i Tii a he j h..:n the l'.ej oe .repeated it ;j;:tif! i atid ux'iiSl UitlioUt h..S UtiCO. t'ie ; j ;,u'.ni :. .-; ! i t i : I 1 1 : a . ii i n f e r i ti ! I 1 j t!j.- Ijhr.iry -'.; sir. v alio iu r e . ! i i ' 1 !ti. - y a t r at .sh til ; ue t-J u...y 1 Houiies, .-eit -e'o vt .i ( i linok it i s a feay ' day." je .-ail. tb. awt::r her Uowm in his lap eO.;:! -Mi.i i - n;iv a i tie j'iilel i i-n eer e't-- e hillo t iv k:s,. ."r. 'I fori! i!V i i't- hi r a H e ! i i . ' 1 1 e 1 ii r.V vyu ;tle -'-l C-'!t:t: h ii!" . 1 H.O i e e-.l Se C ; i V..ailt to t a t .ii' leea-e at. it . . -. 1 to I e el i o u.e e. : o sally. L ulee - t . , f i a r1 . . t I we.-ii to- !! U'-l at - I . . . tiis bu-tni 'S. he a t ei-'ntro-. -.,'ett i i die:-,.; e.-soes the r.s-( vii tow , ti--kV 1;0 he k oow voti v. re here, I hoiud llhe to ktenv. lh' - ie ! a m -s-ago over . ..i .. . . i ... iiV- s' li. iv l"f.l ul V. it e. I " o . I l""o you see ilKC to i?i v atiot ht 1 t 1 .. . ... I'I... I .... 1 . i T' i tV-onan. 1 'hip ha-d d o -no ii; .h!. Uil' u no: j a--. u.e nit ' !i i4 S1'' :,-: wuuid nev r no lahen n ; i save ; an 1 .ih no ater exeiftse C'UnnieiU tl a u-onl However, she had notoing to say J" ' 'arter's tea-do.', tor rhe wa. prlrcfiy aware was all U.e result o! her au J ,eh y . W - W -wi ' 0 I- " - t . . fc V - - - - - - 1 . .... , . J r-amue neeier was no- m-isi cnnuent , me 1 ,j it,.,, ;,, 1,, l:...,l ; 1 ej his time in Use l Stat' s, ami probably e tial to any in the ; world. Huritig tin; Ib volution, den oral Washing'"!! de.-ti ed to put a chain ucrHs the Hudson lliver in order t stop the sliips of the Urifish. He happened to mention this one day in the presence ofOeneral 3iifllu, SaVttlg, 4 I wish much that I could get a chain made ; but tint is impossible," " J think," said tho other, 44 I know a man who can make such a chain." "Who is he " 41 Sam Wheehr, a friend and townsman of mine," replied Mifflin. 44 I should like to sec that man," said Wnshing'on earnestly 44 i le is here now in tiio a.tuy, miu Millliu; .a- d sending a messenger to! imu, .Mr. i nccier soon presente.i mm j self. 44 1 wish a chi'iu made,' said Washington, 44 to put acroosa the river to stop tho Uritish ships, can you make it f I can." Then 1 wish you to do so " 44 1 cannot do it here.' Then," said Washington, 44 I cheer fully give you dismission from the army. it it .... 1. lJadlv as we want men we cannot afford to keep such a mm as you." 31 r. Wheeler made the chain. It was hauled in links across New Jersey, was hung, and did g tod service. It was cut ultimately by bt iiding a fire about a link, and then using a chisel and sledge hammer. A well dressed Patiburian while at the Canned fair a day or two ago, quizzingly observed! to a strapping girl 44 from the coun'ryr 44 This is a very fine fair wo are having," and was courteously met with the following rebuke : Wei! it is none of your d- businesa if we are." Danbury VTpWa 1 A uan siyio 01 ariiumciic on isioii anjmg familic3. pit OFj'JSSIOXAL CARDS, AC 9022,' J. 'OABjY, ll'y &, CoilMCllcrat-fijaV. DALLAS, oiuir.ov. Will prar ti.'c in fuu C-mrfs of llc-or.l ari'l Tn- I "l,t C,,urt"' (lK-"iwa nii ti .r.tnr.t!y. 0FFIC12Iu the Court House. 4J-U , rr", -"V l-'aiajfi j . ' ... 4 e. rt. - 11 a m. W i attorney t Counaellor-At-Law, ! Ialla, fireoti, , Will practice in all the Court of the Fiato. 1 v. 11. If a ix. I)!t. cb HALL, ori'I('i:-..i 1 MOOIU'S KL0CK, siletti Oregon i i ii i r J. C. GHU33S, M. D., inv-iiciA ami siuu;i:ox, J - O-Ters his ervic'.- to th CStieiijJ Dallfe? nn-l Vieirt'r. t 1!'; i;- 'ICIiOLS Iru.' Store. j - . . ... .. . pi t 1 11f? O f f J . 11. ft I .1. L ft . M . I j lM . . ... ' rhv.-eei:j nn-1 MirMii I.iii.t Orroa : omri:- Residence 2 -tf 1)1!. II II IIS 0 A1 .!. .11. FKYEiCiAU & SUP.GEOK. i!h '".'. -aiwr S -utlur'a Store, of C-ai.sat r ial i State si-., s!-:n, Ogn, with Dr. r.i.hardson. Nov y, tf ;m:v v! "a ;i n U 3 E L I, 1 ) ' ! X T I S T ll.i heiO.el hi l-lhi. and m ready to oi i to ai th in ri'iiiiiri;! ' ti a '-i-t.nce. A . ? r? J eeiii td o.e m.;v 6oej-t and best fi 11 .'-";irj',,M;1" ,r ,h ma,lc- N:!,o1!,; .,,o11,!, ih I. .c-r 4 A ' Vl V. , l.-ti ' ,,wv. , ( CSa-.OLS', A4,A I5v.fl 1. WiU (,.nm,nco thc Kc,r,il t rm Monday ! Nov. J I, ls-,-,'with a lull corps of teachers as ot ; r it. ;nrnns, rmsnrAi, Mrs. l. a. :.........-. .1 .r ,.tTTtl o la 1., , ri:eei:ri iKs, .ns. M. u. cmuu ' 1ka ih:r or mi sie. Kates of tuition foiiows. Ar no.vie Ii:eT I".N; 11 11 he i ti lKiAi:v 1ki"'t KTI! v Pti PII v rne.ven Pr.n Tkkm I I It A H I W .. M CMC .. $t 00 2 :o 2 a ...f!2 00 V7 f rP IL f ) p WO IMC T TITP I OWTT jJVINt; PUICKS.CAN UK II AD 1 jjy (JALLINtJ OX. STKAM J0.R PRINTERS, O.l I'rwnt Street, rurtland. tlrejron 1 T.A ROM ASSORTMENT of PLANKS W ( ircuit. County, nod Ju.t ices' Courts, con stuntlv on hand. Also, Ponds, Pecds, Mortgages and Planks for use ia Pnkrujitcy cases. Advertise liy using Letterheads, billher i ri ctrcu liii.t, j o inie i covidopoa, etc iiiva us Jitsall for htoiiin your orders. 4:12 c;i;o. u. josks J. M. Patterson j r.s a iatti:rso, AND Ciieiieral Agents, SALEM, 0RE150N Prompt. Indention givcu to tho (!ncia Agency Ilusuicss, ,1. w.non ur. 1 j, w. hobaht. DalUs 1 Punrvist For everything iu the GROCERY LINK M. C. BROWN'S, .MA IX HTKKCT, DALLAS He has on hand a full supplj, which L oflc-rg cheaper than auy other titwre iu JDallag. 2-tf DALLno LlVR s? I T?f' nm i i j iCfe 1 AJ '.:r,y feed & sale TABLE Cor. Ma hi at Cor. Maiu and Cuurt Street, T403. G. Richmond, Proprietor. HAVI.VO PITItCIIASED THE ABOVE Mind of 21r. A. If. Whitlej, we have r tOt.;d and re stocked it in fuch a manuer as wul sau.actoiUy meet 'ever want vf the cottt lauiatv. Hu-ics, single or double. Hacks, Con cord tYagoiiK, etc., etc., lurtiulicd at all hours, day or night, on ehort notice. Superior Saddle Horses, let by fh la or V -ek. . TERmS, nCASOWAHLB. 4 T. (i. RICHMOND I IAVINM ITKCHASKI) Ad.AR()E AND 1 S n . i -.u-lete s:.-k ot H KXKRAL MElt- 1 ... CllANUIZt-, cutij-iatiii iu part ox i ... j II 7 ('OCX!, , tiVOCVVgC ICS j C-S.jHs, QiieciDKivnrc, Tobacco, CiaVs And ! articles found iu a i KXKRAL VAR1- KTV MUKI1, I would cull th j attention ef the I'uhlic to my Efctahlishment. j III 'lit Cash i rice n.ii l '-' 1 - - -" 4 I VMS 4MJ PKI.TKV. Ti. A. RA2L, 1rt.,f. Jola, IVk Co., Oga. 22 Avj u 2: x v Jf x x GE S A L 0 0 N. rp IIP. II MIST QUALITY 'OP ' " "ut'- V' l'""'. Ale., p.irter. Cigars mXr., c.c..d.pC,ii at this Tvwplaof IJacehu. All tac state pj.rrs kept on filo ir, th ri.ti.ia- C.i ul aaJ e hi-.i. m Clinghan Pro. ' E)!t2 f. US'? I 'V ) " - HUAitllM I "SJf hmhy given Jtiat th rnrtnersbiD 1 herrteforeeJtiSinff icr theaiof Nicb? Tl. I : 1 '''"ft tinned under the fin. of .Nr,hos&Hyde. All persons fcitrwitia: tbM f,, , !,-,.!,.., . uiecM firm, will pl, caU ua J tcatie vithtr l.y note or csdn. U F Xiehob. fcatnl Cod. 27 3ia Ri:.nnrs.v.Ts. l-UOTOOliAl'HS, AMBUOTri'KS, AND All Styles, of Pictures ot thctcsi finish TAK BY 9. II. KI1VCAID, I ! VI ?(JAUj. T'ATE IMPROVEMENTS I i for iKklnf picturci., I invito th patron. H,;u hicfvtrub,iM -p,e"s,e CaW at hell s i.rhce, Dallas. ' ltf " " " LOOK! LOOK!! LOOK!! II OI. TER VV O BTIEY CO, ELLEN DALE STORE, Nave jest received an itntuetiM toek f Hoots and Shoes Hats and Caps, Clothing, Crockery and C.I ass ware. Hardware, CJroceriC8,ProvlIoua,!kc. DRESS ;OOI)S, SA AMPLE, FANCY, & DRV GOODS of all kinds, Whlc'u they will sell cJiean, Come ati4 try their prices. The highest pdc paU for aP kinds conntry produce. MILLIONS of EG.GS and TONS of PUTTE Wanted 7 1 1 v- jn.- -