Newspaper Page Text
V;. - Si b u t a hi llrpub JEUe ra n J) A LLAf7s AT U IU) A Y , N 0 V. 27 BY The Wuijtcd states (ffniennial ff"o the People of the United States: The Congress of the United States has enacted that the completion of the One Hundredth Year of American independence .shall bo celebrated by &a luferuational Exhibition of the AjtSjiManufacturcs and Products of the soil and mine, to be held at Philadelphia, in 1S70, and has ftppoiuted a Commission, consisting of representatives from each State and Territory, to conduct the celebration. Originating uuder the ausiaees ol the National Legislature, controlled by a stfatioual Connnissiou, ami designed as it is to " CVmajeu.orato the firt Century of our existence, by an Exhi bition of the Natural resources of the Country and their development, and of our progress in thoe Atts which benefit mankind, iri comt iuison with ... . u. ii people at larije that -the Cotit:idIon i tnif i.-tcr it in t.e c-.m. Kv. t- i...x m'p h i i. .1.. :i ...i,. t. : .. , .. . i ui'i-li.n.M'WAVs l'lus ;m! oimmknt w -l iuok iur iuu t hi lum ii. i. iicr.-.-.-;u iu make the Centcunial Cch-biuti -u the ; grandest anuiversjry the world has 5,ver seen A ' That the completion of the j jeentury of our esKxtc tu-e tt;ou!t te marked f-y scstue imj-otin ' dt inuiistra- j rion i, we believe, the patriuiie wUJi-! tit ths people of thewhule eoimtry. 'i lit i ,..,..(.... 1 '..;.,,! c .. !.....: .1 .. 1 OnlCM vi ennui "oe.o i.a.l i-t , deeided that the JJirth-duy '!' the i I icat ; ii i.i:.. i.a .,... ;,,T t.. .. '..i. liepublie can he tuoht littiugly ;c!eiint- ed by the universal collection und dts j )lay of ail the tropfiies of v,!o-rcss It w'destgued to together, within ;i I 'building covering fifty acres, uv.l only i the varied productions of our minr.s-j and of the Soil, but typed of njl tli ; jiitclleCtUal triuaiphd of Oar citize.IS, ! SpCC: lilt US of (.YCiytiiihg; that America can furnish, whether from the brains or the bauds of her children, and tint- : maiip evident to the world the udvanee- r .. i . i i is eatable. j T .1.:,. (V !,t .. . u . 4t in una . $. -.tin aiiun nil mil ion will he invited to iat ticii. tte : it character will be internal!!. n il. Lurope wi.I display hr arts and man- ; ufacturefi, India her curious f.duics, ; while newly opened ('hina and Japan n 1 .1 . 1 1 will lav bare the treasures which iv , . ccntunts their- tueu'.ou je 'p!e have been perfectin-r. Kith land will! -if-' comjele in ptnerous rivalry tor tt.e 1 palm of superior txcellencp. To tltis prcat rathctirj rvtry z tie I will contribute its fruits and, No mineral hall he wantiti'r: for wi. it : the East lacks the Wa,t ill supply.' Kinder one toof will tin Hour!., displ-.v ! in rich luxuriance h-r -row in- cotton ; jutd the North in miniature, the ceae- less machinery of her ntihs nvcrtii:- -,J:1-- 'jbc cotton into cloth. Eaeh eetion of i the "lobe will sci l its b--t oiLrin-s l) this exhibition, ai d each .Slate of the Tuion, as a member of one united hod) j politic,, will show to her s:i.-ter States ; and the world, how the can add to the , crcatucss oi the nation of which she is banuouums part. .11 nd t. -ro-rs o. ut t,.. 1 To make the Conteunial Celebration : ch..i-a ; i- r-. such a success as the patriotism and! the ruide of every -American deu.arids i will require the co-operation i f the pco pie of the country. The United States ('entenuial (fovernmeut tended io her labor and Commission is as -reat as 1 those undertakings. It is climated ! 1 01 1. 1, tin i,'f a ' ti t -l , I that $10,000,000 will be rcifntreds and mis sum von-res uas ptoviota snail j be raised by stock Hiibciiptiou. and j that' the people sdiall have the oportu ! nity of subscribm- in proportion to the population of thcii it.-pectivc St-les aud Territories. The Commission looks to the un f ail nZ patriotism of tho people of every section, to see that each contributes its share to the expenses, and receive. its share of the bent lils of au enter prise in which till are so de biy inter ested. It would further earnestly urjxe the formation in each State and Tcrt i j lory Oi il tcuitiiiiiai ui JA'Hii , 11 ie 11 shall iu time see that county associa tions are formed, so that when the nations are gathered to-ether in lS7(i each Ctiinmonwcalth can view with j,ridc the contributions bho has made to the national glory. Confidentially relyin- on tho zeal and patriotism ever displayed by our people in every national undertaking, we ph d-e aud prophecy, that t lie Cen tennial Celebration will worthily 'bow how greatness' wealth and intelligence, can bo. fostered by Mich institutions as those which have for one bum.' red years blessed the people of tho United Stales. . .. :. :..t ,i.:..i. 1 Coii.iu!sioubas receiv-d no' -r? t i 4 s AnvIa '; aid. such as Eiurlan." CX- M iVl" FKl IiUA I 'd ; to btr VorM'8 Fair, and Frarue 1 m. r , j ;! -'4 fcj ; - Uuiversal Exposition, yet the j ZA1L '2 SJSiS'IT E-'i ; n? Ai- a s V u 1. f '; u iw 1 ! responslL.lity imposed upon Br.93';j' J XtiWy AN., " ! J 'reside at l LEWIS WAL?i Tiiupoiary Kmrctarjr. SQUJIJS. A hearty knight Sir-loin. A positive ku?ghtCcr tain A suspicious knight Sur-mise. Tower of evil A power of attor ney. Too late for the fair An old baehe-lor. HOLLOWAY'S Ever? flan nis own n ry Tnr. inmin.d:'rnu'-t f 1T( )TJ.i )W . Y'. riLI S au.l HlM'Mi'.NT has .o,i.t.-.l u npri re.'iiile.t nr;iw.- ljeouuti 1 1 il ll.e:-e ,ilu-u'bl-: lii-'.'.teines. In r to j.rotee V -p-J "c rin-1 our.lvf. ;,.., I---vn.i., eir.-'o of a )v..,-nt. wuh laivv thw U..-0 k vU ll J UvUe m-c Jtli'aili'J uiiiioat it. N. V. CucilicL Co., So!-.' Pro; He'..!, -i )..-, ! ..... V...!.-. ' .' .4 f " Y. i ir - w:A 1 V. J J X i jf v T ;. tl . ; X,l i i V' Jite SJ k, now to ntki: ft At the corn ti -u eiiu-nt ot tin- iMirii-i nv!i;i'i ; ahvuys preced,-, an atta-k of i-,,- i .'', '' .ike a tcaspo.ifl of IVni Kilh-rin .ugar an I ... ter, (not- if convenient.) and heu hathe freely : t,,e fl"'u u'h l l",v,-i-4 Wif' !h ' KtiUrt t-!,'ar- S5'"u:-J ,Ii',r,,-i r'r"''i .--ntirue r';':it ''"-; ----ry "''"' j til the i.-iti. nt is- rdiove I. In i-trein.- ...-! li'r,nv i" !- en al u 1j". TL.; I'.tin Ivi!!er, as a riiii-..., h . ,,v f;,Uitl. it j.; , tl:,i;v. luA i,,lhl,. 1; fi .;.. It:- .u 'm :.'-.- M u!,. i, , w. t. '-7 ".,l,"l,:,i . iin.-i.-. . K m. ; ."prams. F-r ni: 1! : i.-: . .f.d i .... ,lU Ut trv u pAlNKi:I. t;,i. I i r,-f j. . n - ,i n v .'..', h I tie I'alu K nltl i I i N a.i -it a a ; ; ; 3 r i-i M J i'ri-.-c--, 2." 'nu: l" 5'-ll I',nu'rt !";'-'' ' 1 !" lh' 1,1 ' s' ,ho hu'lM!!' i,n 1 UH'U i! tiU' L'! 15 Ho kelH co,1,,Kut lU;U ,4tf "r M'ru N U" Mr . 4 . ';ivt ,M lv" ,:!r-'" tiLAZii A MiC'AM.n i'i-' I i. ,i , r3ll";.;7.t1,;.,wi,,::!' "'i'"'. "T' vrU'tf ' M J h.11 1 l.iIA.M i, iioiU Vi, anvavs n . itlth ihti ,IVil;i ,.-.,ltr,, Fr,, r,, i,ni. rwoni, I auaene.i i(, nm saivun. u. .vi. ticiti rr .i.... ..1 . , ":y Y i' -O;.,.. f . f' ' " . ' h;-;,.c; ' " fc- .j.v Y?t , Y ' - f-.,.- .-. a ,IU-S 'A- xfv .-, ft""-. . yy Thj ftandar l rftinerly for Coughs, In. llitcii.a, .iiire Tiimat, Whiioping ' Cou-li, Croup, liivcr Complaint) II rourltilii, Itleeiliii- ot' ti, Ii uiigH. and every afiVi tlnn of the Throat, lamgM anil CJliest, iiiclud-in- anivu;j;t inn. VVNtars ltil'iani iIocm not dry up a Cnu-li, hut loosens it, cdemiM: the liiin-s, allays iriitnthni, (hut removing tho rauxe of ttic com plaint. Vone o ii ti in c utiles sign ed I. Iturr.4. Prepared by NIMH V. I'OlV Id: Si MOM, ' HuKtoii. s.iid by i'.i:iM)i(.roN, iios. Tlil'rilU t 0o Sa i t ranclsco and ly dcalem generally. I ; -1 y 4 i : i p.: t c.o. ;, I i A vA V.k tract cf fuhth- i tit iter 01 1 M.?'t':.v.-?' 1 IV A T 1 O IV A Ei Ii U S I N E S S C 0 L L E U E, PORTLAND, OREGON. a: model commercial college 11 lu THIS EDUCATION I OK Till: TIMI&4 The ITmporta nee of a Practical Education Was never mere Apparent than Now ! tT TSUNMVUltSALLY ACKNfiWI.KD'tKI) LA that as we zii, w in j ptiity we grow more rfi;ictical. in. I tl ut it is lviin'ired of men that h,y c.ino V.u m:-cluw practical v lu-t t!i iiis.. Ivc- in the lu st maiuu-r pos.- iUt --toinctt the .1.. -mauds of tliu time.--. Vhni Agesilaus, King of Kparta, was :i-h d wt a i nii!"'s tie thou-' it uk.'.I i.r.M.. r t.r hu to learn, he rV, lied : Tl'. Z tli.'T whuh l fcl.mild (-,,,: vv.'u-.i they beco'ae uk i,." " JMiver ail tilings in num! er and weight, and put all in writing tl.atthu.i uive.-t ont orre- c.ivest iu. is a ioe. e,t .f ni.ivnval ui. plication : Ami there is a .-K ei;i! nuofitv tor its .-tri.-t oh- s:rva:ice in all l.ti-in.s iransaetions. Youn ' nun the fnturo welia.eof ,J,is C,a,t lo.k - U ! Aro Ut prepared t-, meet its demau-irf ? AC0rit?E OF IXSTIirCTlOX to tueet tho a)a-::.aAs4 otthes: ae-: i , The tiio-t thorough, atel eompn heni vo rui ui: tp i;iv:;i:ss TUAfNi.N;; titi ii. : i ... . i u t l i.y 32 n v.; s c I A 5 o i A L o .S ( O L L L C, I., 1 . ; ' t ; ' ! ' ! 1 u: .-; ,.f t , tasks am) arsi:i:s; ui' i i:s. 1 I , rse i - . a r i ,-'.! .!id Tau-rht i to t,! ' - t . iii.i -:-. r ; t in t Lo i.i..' p...-ihio T i f h-f" tie: an t.;:i! hunji ;;;: :,: i. .1 ';' .;.v r - t !. Xj 111, ,4 ..ti !..ii:a..;v LiiM t S- 1.1 iv .! of i ; . I ! I.I. i ., 1 .:,'. '' ! '. . i . i N , i i - i'i.! IIA.H'J! 1 Y m 4 V ... ;n: 1 - - - - o;;i:?; . ''!, , i!c a :,. I; ,-, ; Ji r ia U ' ) t ::-i's .s: s!:';.s. n ps . cap II . : I J i - - - i U ll A C j..,r ... , - . ( , 4. f s p 1; 1: D v ci iii: 1- lit. n.. . Iv'U'Ni i , an i tie-.- in Oi.- M i',, or KiM.i.i!.' h . .i! -n't y j.. 1 1 iriiiin ' a .-rl'-e ( lire in the I ,-!i-at j -. ..I tite- u I..10 ii,is : aad alwa v- i 1 1. -i I ' .iu tl.aii anj- otner jna j i rati .n In j ti.e u.m: i.f ' TAIili A.VT'S COMl'O'JM UXTKACT Vi' I ci i;!:i:.s a:;i copa i ua 1 I T!eie 5h.ii,. need f ,v1nne,..,)t ,.r rliiin-n, ,.f I 'liet In it, approved f.-rm of it " iir,.'i- i.i t- ... 1 . . . nn.v '.i.-f. !i-n, and cnii-. iu tiiidvaant Hon- ..: , ,1.,, , ,; , . 1 . ,. . nam ot u.o ('.'its. nt, iin-l ,),, f.iai.-!ire It is .,.- ,.,1-i,i,i 1 ,1. . ,1 , ., t n nv ii' i.iminn ii.(i:.'c, i,y ti,., Hidjit lcHrind in tho 7! rrid!.,.,.,,, that in all .-ei-ret di-e.i.e Cnhel... .in, I (',,-, .it, v i.r., tl, i i i- .1 . inni v Ui.o'iv are tlio only Invh Ki.tne.lie that ,.,. t. r,.i .,,l ... ,..:,!. . . i- can ne reheit u hiii nviui any certainty ut ha.- .. J Xl'VFIt J. Jl :' MAS! iirri!Kl S,V nv T R It A XT A CO., 27S ami 2.0 (Jreenivieli and lot) Wnnvii S t.. New Y,.rk fiuld hy Dru-gi.-ti all over th c wirld-L'f.-tlni. V A V I fr A L S A L O Of 7 HAM m. JO. 1IEKNAJU), rilOPIilKTOR. lias ju.-t received a large inroico 0 VINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS lliflhrandis emhraco the choicest varieties, if" Co sure and GIVE HiH A CALL, and bo will maho you feel at huinc. X.s. -V-:' The lVariiiiiir has been Heeded Sinco the exposure d f the attempts made by certain unscrupulous local dealers, palm off their coarse astringents, made from cheap and imiilll-tt mnti.riala ;.. (1... ..f l. . . si,. ; . 1 , v K tioual tome, llostetter's Stomach Bittors.publio opinion ha.i ect strongly against these empirics and their preparation Their occupation is gone, or soon will ho When the light islet into decep tion it soon wilt down Persons who triilo with their own health, by wring unknown prepara tions, with no guar athem, wLtn nans, with no guar athem, wl j au ttetaUUhd speciiie, prove fxperience to he exactly what it 1 20 year.- is claimed to bo j $, witlli ltlr rcach M9 suro to. t (ho 1 j tcmu-rity Many have done no in this in.-tance, jl-ut it in hoped that the truth plainly spoken has ' ..-.. .. l .1 ..-i r .i ., , . V t In the meantime the demand lea-iitig protvettv.'. aud restorative uic.di- j dno of A merit was lie ver no gn:at as it has ! )ivi.n tlU .;lM, j.-..,, " i ,1,;i,ll('t-; x huU' ' "t and S-uttth, it 1 literally oerwhehiiiii'j:, and it may he Kui.l .m ui i tver an.i Augno j of the advie, s from all pirls of the cuntry oH ! ,. . . . . ,, ! cure, it is tuVetu.g in lypi pMa, i complaints. chr-nAs e.-n; ination. that, " their , ... name is legion, hvcrvw uere the tuptortacee of -holding ta.-t that whieh is good," aa l ut avoiding what is spurious and dangerous. Il:o numerous " Ilittt r-, under van itis na-ii. s which iiivicenary dealers eu le.ivor t , sal. ,-i it ut.! lor Ilo-t.-tt r'. Sti'ii aeri Hitters, should he avrdded, for their own ...,k.rtf, hy the c-irk and the pitolie at large. UtelM Lit- t'.are tt PuVa i.i ; tti :i t i ,, .til a so 1 in hulk. k M. J M 4 . C k. H iJ . g r... ivv l . L,r; e !t ot ni.e. ,,-hi. ,!.!,. I.N t---. t!.i t ivi:h a A t-iei tfi to.-K "! ;ii the in a call. lii pi'e'c paid i'.'l j f otuee. 1 Li A i A i j U i - U. L ' J, 1 2 s ;. 11! t Wi v'-i ::i I-;, 1 r: :, ) 1 j --!.! :v e i ... -a- ...-.:. r t, ' ;,, 5 A a t :i ! a! 1 ! .i .. i uii it (ia A - a r- i V. ',, NV ;., ! .; i i i" . ; t e i - f . .1 . ; : r ; . i a i - i ! i . . -i e . -5, A v.. - v -. I; r v i r 1 i it . Mi,' I ? i ' i 1. i i ' , . . ... ... 1 psiM.i n i i .-, ir 'i . t Mi, ii?. i'aJii.i ' titjf an. I 1 .1 i ti ..." ..... Aj -v m : h -i : .; ' ul a ' h -t- (-,'.. :,...,. , !. '. ' .'' S .'V. It V. :y tta'N ' ! I i ' '. ' '- 1 ' " - i ' ' ; ,' : : : , ' 1 : tl, : il - ' "!l !' 1' -I Y.I..- 1 .- . ., ..d .I,,,; . 2' 1 ' ' ! : '-' ' i 1 e 'in -r- i 1 1 ! . ; . r ; , 1 1 . 1 1 . . ' .' i li-,-:-i'l. i.-f ii I. it..-r an 1 . i..u'' to-.i; ,l ! 1 1 v i:i i). 'j "; j a ji t-. :o:". ( l..- . !( trta ,n!....U Ii- i-, n.-u , Sa.-.'d ti . . - ut:-. lafiiii i .fit 'j'f. . ,11,-1 ii i'l- d'( 11. .!, i- n .it, a,, ; it-j.. "i.i S ! I i . . . i- -, ,0; 1.10:11 :i,iii. ri K't Av i s- 5yv-y w 1 . I WW I! ' - .1. . il i I j i I The (,ri'inji tor of t!ii vi nderful tnedi-ine .. 1 . : ..L . ' 1 ) : 1 1 , - . .1 t .""'"f" " 'v' ' . ' " ! '''I"'" 1',."r'' "' ' '"'"'T. 'V'. 1 fit ii " ! --i tlian nv.ia 0 vi t (.inilitnel in ' ',. . .... . , r . . ' ' . j "no lnedu ine. llio vidcneo of this laet ; . . , , , .. ,. loinnl in tho varivty !$ i.i".-t oltinntu di.Maii i , . ., , , , , , . . " ' , V""!,V. " ! euro id , tiirir (,(-,,, and tn earlv ' , ? ., , . , ' , , lll'X! "t f Hhniilititifli, It a.-iiiilf- ted t ie t ,,- i i i 1 r.i i , 1 medti-al laenltv. an.l nnndred-s of the n-.-t i hv- ! Me nil) si ).r niolHiee It ilir tji'vittut ;a,lu , . j ('' 1 ti ui' tlit ti-jr. While it emef the severest ! r..iiKWit lrenVth iih the .stei and l-nrities ! hlod. Ity its e"if and tkftnjk Ai.,,., jinrijy iiuj it'ni, ftim it rims all Ihniitn fmin till' Nvr.-'t ;. '( to ti ooininon ,,rA J'i,uc r ;,nf,tiui. .Mercurial Ii.iea.tH, .Mineral poi.sotis. Syphilitic and Vi ncrial Ii-icaxes, and their ef fect. lire eradicated and vtoroit ! Jitufffi and a HDiiuit ciiiiftitiitt'oi) e."t;thli.hcd. tlrifnif.t.lutt. Stilt l.'hsiiiii, S-til'l Haul, 7'( vrr ,Vi r, Sruli or Jfinh Skin, in nhort nil the nuinerons diM-incs caused ly bmt lilnml AV ci.mi'ii re I hy this powerful, purifying and invigorating nio.licine. For "'hirer (iif)hini," ,'(7; IHiti.i ilan and Ihxliitti'il Cnnxtifi .tii'ii, it had produced hun dreds f perfect ami permanent cures where Other ;moilieiii had failed. Tint proprietor "tiers $100 rr ward for a medi cine that will equal it in tho rare of the diseases for whieh it i recommended. Hcvare of t.,nitt r J'f iln and irm tli it hm imitiiiioit. fc?ce. that my (!ov ernnient Stump, whii h in n jniitirc yum-untie 0 tftntiiiiit iirHH, it upon the outside wrapper. T hi nicdieine is Suld ! ',-,,, ut t,nr j , h,,mi. Prepared hy 11.' V. 1'IKUCK M. D., sole Proprietor, nt hi chemiiial liiihuratory, i:5.' Seneca street, UuCalo N.Y. Juuo yd ill d!ui. For tho very best photojrraphti pn to Rrud cy A. Itulofl'.-oin'jj tJallcry withm.i .STAIRS I ASCFND IN TIIK KI.EVATUU, f-2j ilontnutcry, street, iau 1'raucijieu. I I I i t r Agents uiako $12 50 per day, $75 per week AN liMUlCLY KLiW SEWING FOR DOMESTIC USE, ONLY K1VK DOJ.LAllS. Viih The New Patent llaltan Hole Worker, Patented Juno 27th, I S 7 J . A . f ... I ...r.. ! .. . i .i ... . . ; , .. .. . i 4 i jr. juo.ih.xk .r f ..' i -ti:. ; (;um,,Kto , u, P.,rt,, U,e., thotraiglu ; hjjt- l';t,ii, d A,-,,-, TKUi:.iliN, .lireet I ' "pri-ht i'uMnvfc .Mmiiun, Sell 1-ed an 1 Cith ! I eii S-.wiNjt iMAem.SK tor tn, Ho,. tiO.tli'V. t l.if rllt.'.-r Ilflrl .f. r4lll v .;.,., if. :.. ,i. a I -;.f ., r-iuooiu au.l ih.m-l-." t j like all go.,.! ii'gh pne.-.l machines. llas'.. :lt ! i '''i'- i' prt!lt l'4tt wheel hting In rue 1 tne "fl "V""1' AijU'-S 11,0 i'-'-v-ne- !, k Mii.ii, i line-taiid .-t rwiigert slueii known :) iir:n, .la- ' riiv. cj-ise and rapid. U'iil do ail iuii.-; of j i worn, - (in! ana , nim i. Miucir to ' , " . ,, , , l.eavy cloth or Lj: tiuKt;, and us-ss au utx-rip- , j u,,ui thread, 'i uis Machine i-heavily .u- jtiiuetcd to give u lrength ; uii the parte j ' ,. , ' 1 an t i-.-.utiiu.y n'li.-tied and iu itaiuente.i. it is ; ! w ry tasy to ll.mi. U il-l, and S,...,U. : in "peiaiioti. Ueliahle at alt time;, and a' V,,M ""T"",Ai.,MK.VM.:.a I .,;..', Chwai., f auiiiy ewitV Machiu at i iu.-t. 1 ue iirt ii-id only m -ccts i.i ptoJa ing ! 'l tua '-"'! 'ti: 1 reliable low prf,.i ; e .Vin g Maci,ii.e. II.- etr in-.; i-ov jijice rea: LvS j ai! C u JitiOU.-. Its roopiiciiy iii' ?tfviigtii I adapts it to ail ' ijij.teif a title I i,- ui a V ii;ifii ; inai.e it a I. n, .. r -.ti t.iv.aUo .v lu i . ..r uj.. i ,-i.alv4 a Tapil IT Is ALL IT 18 ItlX M.M3! LNHED. 1 "i can eneci-tuity an I c inti le'.tly re' oiii- ; i ttiei.d It- il --e ! li,o-..; V.'a-i i-l -- W iul::. . Iiaiij i I Se-aii:.; M... b.uC, l a i.ot I'l 10.: ." ir-. .1. I' l iIu:L..i r;. i'ar.. Uer.n ' i Co. ' . J . i ; I'rlie --.f .-eh Mii.-hii.c. -l'la-s A-" ""i.e," : ; a it atiU d lor tin' .Vi'il- v .- ; '. ! -a' . ' v i . Ii i j '.-' " a 1 1 " , ' ' j , -i ' . !. :!! ii! 4 to it. it.eln.ll-.l Ik. f i.-;;.;'hul..i , j ii 1 ..- h. ,p u'k. d in a tr o r 1 .. uu'i : ( '.;. i-rc-i l -j ,' ol Ki'.r t. t-iij. , hy ex; ! 'V. of ! , s : . 1 1 .. .-. i .4 . , i. 1 - .;.( j t e.e. . l' i- i .11 ir.. r i'.-' ii- .' :r.' ; : cia ; . . i. iv -leh .-la. -lit:!..' we w;i .: i, mi in -lt't e. c i - i - j, 1. :t 1 1.1.1 ot. :x f .! --e:,t l,v , ..v il.i... o lliiiii,!.. f tis :-t iiM.,-,j-! .ut .,:..! 1: ! l ik t a i S.v : i. Ti ,: at- I . ; a a , i' i . ' r . S i--, '. i : i ' -! . , .. l . i.i i K--i !- o-.r .Vi. .'d N if, '.' ni.i it : ii ' - i ., 1 y. si km,. f el i a 1 r ,- a--- i a -1 ! -. ii :' U : -, t . I . - e I - .-. a ; a - .i y;: r.i:: ii. 11 W l.M-T '.ii", " ; .V. ' 1 ' i i . -i 4 - V v , X v i (... : : : lustrce of the Peace ; da:,!. as i'iu:n'i' --. vi vumwy i i:i:ns, Mmrn; .u:s imwkrs or at. 2 y i"i t ey, sold o;h.r le,; i' .:;-r di .invu and 1. ui. .v iede.I, .,il Mioft Imliee. '...; ce ii, ihe I C'.uit ilou.-.-. 1 .1-1 f i ! ! ----- --- i Fan tii:: i: i 'i: imix. ! ; Vt 0 reipe.lV'Iy call tho attention of the i Pahlie to our Wi ll Sku ted Si.x k tf ! i I.alirs; Irtss CioodM, I,adii'3 and lissrs' Hats, j Jcuts' rarnthiiig tioods, C.Iavi'!, tJaitci. Illc. j Hard. rare j ;roccrI, Xfhoo ll.HlliS, Stationery, Ac, n fact Kvrrjthlajj l-'ouud in a 'ir.s ClaN Itetail store. 1 Wo can aruro our Patron that wo will he up with tho time?. Couio and Examine- our Stack befor j'pnr ehasing elsewhere. Country ;Produro Ukon iu exchaarje f. Goods ! Dallas April 22, 18, 1. i.t, CLOSED- All persons indebted to O. Ii. STILES aro rc(1usted to call and settle up as soon as poss ible, hs he has closed his old hooks. Ho has sold one hair of his business to Mr. Phit Mcrritm The now firm of Stiles A M err him will carry on the business at tho old stand. Tl takes money to carry on business; and I ttsk those who owe me toj'couie out." 25-lf. " - TOTHI3 riBMC. A LL KIN.US OF WORK, SEWING V Washing and Ironing, Ac, done by Mrs. Jiurnett on hurt notice and Tn Teuconahlo terms. All orders lett at tbo house, -south, west part of Ua'Iad, will ho immediately attended to t r- v ii "i , i ' I '. i ; i s - .e m f"K c. . . j it' I I if 1 i i I s. I - " : ::. ' ' - .' - V s ' ' . r r i: wi.i.-ncr; i'r..r ; ". .'i ! " . .', ' I . ;.;: - '-.'I ir. ;'!, f ;.iee : . : . ' .!:!; L. .; U.-. , lfcd " 'i'o... 1 ..; r: :. .'' . ,"' ,'.:., t;.-t ita 1 ; : ' . : 1 i ' !-..'.... i i aia, h:.t :tra , r.: .-j- .'::' ' t'..-. Native l.ooiii Uii I (' . ' :. ,f. r:: ... .':. I : :, :i j. 1 1 A ! ok-! S.l ! . : : -: . ' ; t ;;:!:.;v ;; : :;n.i u i.m; ik.- C'l.'i.r p i " - a;.JIav2-:-st-"t f 1 t .-. . I : ...I p.H....Ov i;::;ttfir a:;l i : : ! . : : . !. : '..v -.;. ..i. N- i.. i .i'. t .'...' it. 1 ..(...oi'ilk.jr ilra I. 1 1. if i: f ; ..- h- It. ,'f'i- ru..'.i :-.y , i-iid f'hmwlf Ilneu .;::: .i.-.' vl ..1. I i . M ; t.r f T IaJ. i. . I, t; r .i', ; ; -;.t iiiiilhi;t ..: i',".-; . - . ),I t .. t :,. Uloctl, I...-, f.. lit '.:..-r, I : ii il- ........ . . u Oi-- i . ; , . i I . i f I ;il:cd, Vi, ,.. . . - I .-'. ... ... t eX l-a . . . . .. . . i :.. - .i'.'i -,e. , '--'iS, 'i l- 1 - .' : i i ft,.'' r : ' . . - .... , : : .1 . i . , .. f r .. ; i i u . i . . -. I .1.1 TFE M7J FOOD. :'.-y,; VY'; .-'-Y . - .. 1 ,. - ;- . .. -s 11 l".v cents you c:i:i huy 1 i!t'!-::2:Ton;.i:..HOss fahine, n:::.!o iVo:ti piiiv Irlsli 'loss, or Ci::i:i::(:!, nhkh will mako ? !x cv.i :t:;;irts of inane 3Iuugc, ui: I r. Hie ;i:r.::li'y of Pad ;Ii;:ts ('listings, Cirunis, Cliar-r lotto IJksso, Lc. It is tho cLepcsf, healthiest,, and most tlt'liclou ; f;;.l '.n Vao world. It i::::l:or; ii dendid Dessert, and hi:t no cqtial as r. Hgat and deiii:.i;o I.vU fcr Invalids and v. i.i.u, in. A (ilorh)UH ".liango !! Tin: OllKAT WOKbD S TOXICA Plantation Bitters. This vti!rvfu! 'vrj;tnPj ' rsioy;ativo is liti !ai!-:I!B t:iU'5. As a Sonic :i;d cm5Sn Jor zixvil tin! S:;:iia3 it 3ri i iso c;2:3;:l n.ncn Maa; iu Isics. As a lVKurily for cEjo wcrvoj vrt::Iino !t woitH'tt aro tpoci:iUy sn'r jvru U in Mi;crj.o:iisff every otlwa sii5!i!;sst. Iu nil sji:s3'si, tjpi5;-;ai, lecimfir or fi i?;3, fit acls as a tsjincinc la every of disorder, vt tsicU taaSirsaiae the txnSily si retit la aaul break down I lie animal spirit;, i'or sale by all Drarits- i 1 i5-;;-:;: