Newspaper Page Text
ghegilKral I publics n. HALLAS, SATUltlIY7NOVr30 A Stale Itulecl by Women. Among the Holland possessions tlu re i ti rbhitrrkabte little State which', ih its coastittHiou and 'original costumes bf its inhabitants, surpasses the boldest cfreama " of "American " emaucipatian JidjtfS.' JIpotj lJieTsU cC Java, be tween the cities of Bataria and Sanaa ran' lies' ' the Uipgdou of Ilantain. lAtrftougb tributary to Holland, it is an independent' State, politically without Smportarice, jet happy, rich, and since time immemorial, governed and defend ed by women The 'sovereign is indeed a man, but all the rest of the govern ment belongs to the fair sex. The 'King is entirely dependent upon his State codncil, composed of three woraeu. The highest authorities,all Stato officers court functionaries, military command erj and soldiers are, without exception 'of the female sex. Tho men are aprrU fculturists and merchants. The body uard of tho King is formed of the female elite. These amazoDS ride iu the maseuline style, wearing sharp steel joints instead of spurs. They carry a faointed lance, which they swing very gracefully and also a musket which is discharged at full gallop. - ho throne is inherited by the elde-t son, and in case the King dies without issue, a a hundred elected amnions assembly, fn "order to choose a successor among their own sons. The capital city of this little State lies in one, of tho most bicturesque parts of the island, in a fruitful plain, and is defended by two veil-kepi fortresses. Oalajttj. V fct J. T" 1 : JIathial PaospEAirY ani Morals. !tfd greater falacy ever prevailed than the opinion that panic, pestilence, apprehension and uncertainty of life summon men to duty. They crcate on the contrary, recklessoeas, futemper ance and nuxral -apathy, unhappiness, W&stk abd sorrow, when made the rule and habit of life. But prosperity, abundance, health, happiness aro the great friends-and -upholders of virtue and piety. Those who, from age to age ascribe 'the downfall of public moralaj to the growth of material pros Jerity. the increase of wealth, the diffusion of comfort and luxury, will one day be reckoned with, th,e dreamers who anticipated the rnin of England from the substitution cf machine work for hand labor, or froni' the passage of the Corn Laws. The more comforts and luxuries (for all comforts arc lux taries at first) you can secure to the people, the more do you increase their interest in order and peace, refine their sensibilities Jto moral considerations, and increase their amenableness to reason ind duty. Dr. H. IK Bellows. A Uuh paper says :- lirigham Young's smallest child has jt) mothers, 100 grandnothtrfj. 200 great.-grand-irrothers, 400 great-great grandmuih ers, and about x brigades of grptir fathers and great-grand fathers- ' The further back you go, the more grand fathers and grandmothers the child has; an 4 no doubt if we reached clear into the middle ages, we would fin I that one-half of the entire human race were grandmothers of that boy and the other half grandfathers. Jjrighain ilmself is annoyed and bewildered at he figures, and one reason for his marrying so much is that he wanted to straighten the thing out a littlo for his prosperity, and begin fresh again by making himself the solitary grand father of the children ef hia'uffspring. The Russian navy is thought to be ahead of other nations in the matter of a first class war vesel. It is asserted that the sea going turret ship Peter the " Great, is the strongest man of-war afloat. The vessel h a3 be cm designed by Ad miral Popoff.- Ifis plan ditkrs in niany respects from the American and English ships of the tho Bame class. She jshrce hundred and thirty tf't't in length,between perpendiculars. Her xtrenie breadth is eity three feet. Her measurement is five thousand three lluudred and fifty two tons; draft twenty three feet nine inches. Her plating is twelve to lourtcen inches. ishc has no spur, but a very powerful plated stem. ' The recent census of the llussian Empire shows a total population, including Poland J and' Fiuland, of 71,207,794. Of these 53,1 G0,22'J are of the Greek or 'Orthodox Church, 7,200,4G4r are' Itoman Catholics, 3,009,179 arc Jews, 2,318,700 are Mobomctansi '2,505,344 arc Protest ants, and 255,975 are " Heathen." L In ltusswjf proper the town popalatiou ia only 5,743,880, and that of the country, is 52,253,097. There are 624,383 of the Xslergy, 633,091 landed gentry, and SfSim of the military.' A fractious wile threw a bottle of hair renewer at her DusbauU'tj he: J at -vtbich he qxclaimed : We part the dye iaf castl" There ia a man ly the name o" Willtatna iu Detroit, who is one h d- dred ane fifty years of age, it is csti R)fftid. He ia hale and hearty,' aul can pull hia boots 0u without apecta des. n' A liostou tuerehanr, huviug adver tised for a porter, was calied on next day by a stalwart Yankee,' who said '1 say, boss, be yoa the man what ad vertised for a porter "Yes,' setrnly replied the merchant, "and I expressly stated that all applications must bo made by mail. ' "Jest so, boss," responded the Yankee, "and ef I ain't a male, I'd be' 6bkeged ef you'd tell me what i am!" lie got the situation. HOLLOWAY'S Eycry Man Ms own PSysiciai OTTTIOISF- TIIE lmmen dVmnn.t for TTOr.T.OXVAY'S ril.1.8 ami OINTMENT hu tempted UnptiiipW.bpwtk4ccwuittfeit tbtso viila-a.M-3 moaifint'9. In order to protect tlie pulV nn.t outwItm, vo Yiwe Unv ui " Tttv-la Mtiik," )nist ingofftn Krptian circto of a st-rpent, with th'A' trtttvr II in the centre. Every Ux of uineiroLLow's TimjJ nrvl Ointment will have thi trade mark uu it ; noiio wro gtuumtj witliout it. N. Y. CutJfiCAi. Co., Solo Troprietow, TS Maiden Lun, Xe w Yui k. HOW TO CURE IT. At tbo couitnoufement ut tho liLiriluc, which alwajs ircH cJei n attack of tho Cholera, take a teaf poonful uf Pata Killer in augur an 1 wa ter, (hot- if convenient,) and then Lathe freely tho stomach and bowels with the I'ain Killer clear. Sliuuid tho diarrhn orcrauipa continue repeat tue- Uusoeverjr fen or JiUeen mm u-; un til the jAtieut is relieved. In extrtiut! cases, two or more tea.-poonfuls may Le given at a loe. The Pain Killer, as a remedy, has no equal. Ineaes of Chulcra, 5uiuixier C -n t.' Cf; I Ij- pepsia, Dysentery, Asthma it cures in one uiht by taking it iiittrnally, and bathiiifj ilh it fteely. Its action i. like uiagic, whew external ly applied to Oil Hvt., Burn, Scalds, and sprain. For STck lieadarhe and Toothache don't fail to try it. In short, it is a Vaix Kk.l- KK. Direetion.s accompany each bottle, The Paiu Killer issoid by all dealers in Med icines. Prices, 2b cents, 50 centsanJ $1 per Lottie THE UNDEH rONT'rv PRACTICAL Pititera has loeated in Dall-is. He known tho business and inn it. Ulas him a call. He feels cor. dcat that j will give entire sat efaction. liT.OWN'. MAIN STREET, DA I. LAM. rglTIIE UEST OI4" WINES AND LIQUORS j alff, aud porters di."pened at Ike bat choica Havana Cigars. (iiveus acnll and we guarantee eatisfaction, (JLAZi: X McCANN Pr's "GEM- SALOON "TIAIIV STKEET II'DE- " iE:aErc;E. rilhe best of wines, li'juors, ales, porters and f E.MPEI'iANCE CORDIALS always ou hand, fine Havana cigars, Free reading rooms attached to the saloon. R. M. Dean Pr. ' tl it 8 T1 4N Vy ''WV i r : r- jt r. t v -a -( The standard rcrotdy for Coilfflm, In Uucuza, fiorv Throat, " hoophig Couf;li, ('roup, I.lvcr Coniptaint, Ilionclillis, Itlcc-diii of . tlie Luiih, and every a fleet Ion of the Throat. I.uiim and thest, Includ ing ion. lstar t3'fcam docs not dry tip a Cough nut loosens it, clean es the l.tingN, allays Irritation, thust rcinoviiit; the ratine of the coin plaint. Vonc gtnuliic mtlesM Kigii cd I. ItlJTTH. Prepared by SET 1 1 W, I'OVVl.r. i SON, tlostoiu sold by iu;i)i)i(;io, iios TliTl iilt St CO.,, San Frauchoo, aud hy dealers generally. Mf-ly IV A T I o N X 1 BUSINESS CO L L E G E, PORTLAND, OREGON. A MODEL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE!! THE EDUCATION IO It THE TIMES TheImportance of a Practical Education .Was never mere Apparent than Now ! 1 T IS UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED JL that as wo grew in p perity we grow more practical, an tl at it is required of wtn that they educate themselves practically- ducata themsclvc in the best manner possible to meet the (leman'ls of the times. i i When Agesilaus, King of Sparta, was askvd what things he thought most proper for boyg to learn, here lied: Those things which tLoy I'.ould pracice whea they becw'ae metu" " Deliver all things in uuuober and weight, and put all in writing that thou givest ont orre c eivest iu," is a precept of universal application ; and there is a special necessity for its strict ob servance in all business transactions. Youd men the future welfare of this Coaook o YOU ! Are YOU prepared to meet its demands ? A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION to meet jth DE7IAIYDS oFTIIJE ACiE ! .The most thorough, and comprehensive COURSE OF BUSINESS TRAINING "ever introduced by tny ZS O iU ill JE It CIAt OR U VUS lN ESS C O L L E G E, combioing THEORY AND PRACTICE, by me .ns of, HAXKS AND BUSINESS OF ICES. i ThaCourHC is so arra Jged and Taught as euablo the btudcuti to mater it Iu the bhortest Time poeaiblo to Each Student, after passing tkfjga tLe THEORY COUUSH, becomes an actual HOOK KEEP EH AND MHRCVANl where, iu the space of a few WhKiiS, , u tains the eipetiuueu of an ORDINARY' LIFE TIME. The TELKdKAl'Il DEPARTMENT is now fitted up with tho Lest of iu trumeijts, and is iu complete running order. For FULL INFORM VTION, send for COL LEGE PAPEU. Addrts; DkFKANL'E A JAMES, 52tl Portlau'd, Oreja. C. S. S I Ij V E t Na. I3, Flrat Street, I'outia sn, - - - - oiti:t;t. Who'eat and Retail Dealer iu DRV HOODS, CLOTiliM, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, mAs AND SHOIW, IIATS Si VAVS Gil O CKIIIKS it- PR O VIS 10 XX, HighcstjCash Price pai I for all kinds f.f There i3 no such Vord as Fail. tarran:t's COWPOfNp i Extract of Cubcb ASM I COP A I ISA , A SURE, CKItTAIN S I I) K D Y emu: For all of the TJlaidrr, Kipnky.h and I'rtijfAHr VwiAsx, cither in the Maio or Female freuer'ly performing a perfect Cure in the sh.rt space of throe or four days : and always in less timo ,tlian any other preperation In the use of ; TAHKAiT'S COMPOUND ItXtUACT OF CUUE15S AKl COPAIBA f There h no need of confinement or change ef diet In its approved form of paste, it is en tirely tasteless, and causes no unpleasant sen sation to Ibo patient, and no exomro It Is now acknowledged by fhe most lenrnc I in the Profession that in all secret diseases Cubebs and Copaiby are tho only two Remedies that can be relied upon with any certainty bf Suc cess. NEVaH FAILS ! ) mas crcTi;nEosLT nr TA ItRANT k CO., 278 and 2S0 Greenwich and 1 00 Warren 8 ts., New York Sold by Druggists all ovej in o woriu- 2-rtm. SAf.EU JO. B EUNAltD, rKOPIilETOIt. Has just received a large Invoice o WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS His brands embrace the choicest varieties. cf Bo sure and GIVE HiM A CALL, and ho will mako you fool at home. 24-tf. jwnu.miMijDi'irifl The bee Jill eded Since tho exposure o f the attempts made by certain unscrupulous local dealers, palm oti their coarse astringents, made from cheap and imt.ii.A l. -I t ,:tt ll.i t.ra:it tin. 1 tional tonic, Hostetter's Stomach Dittcr8,public opinion has set strongly against these empirics and their preparation Their occupation is gone, or soon will be When the light islet into decep tion it soon wilt down Persons who triflo with their own health, by using unknown prepara tions, with no guar athem, when an established specific, proven by 20 years experience to be exactly what it is claimed to be ia within their reach, are sure to rer tnt the termerity' Many have done bo in this instance, but it is hoped that the truth plainly spoken has arrested the evil In tho meantime tho demand for tho leading protective and restorative medl cine ot America was never bo great as it has been this sca-on From th Fever and Auguo districts of tbo West, Sout'a West'and South, it U literally overwhelming, and it may bo said of the advices from all parts of tho country of tho cures it is effecting in dyspepsia, -bilious complaints, chronc constipation, that " their name is legion." Everywhere the importance of "hoJvUng fast that which is good," and of avoiding what is spurious and dangerous. Tho numerous " Litters," under variaus names which mercenary dealers endeavor to substitute for llostetter's Stomach Litters, should be avoided, for their own sakes, by the sick and the public at large. Ilostetter'j Bit teare procurable ia hjttldj oaly, ail njjr sold in bulk. ITTi;.TIO.! fllHE OVERLAND STORE, SALEM, HAS JL received a large lot of nice, farbknable dry good., together with a well selected toek of Doiiiesties, etc. (livo them a call. Highest priee vsi'l for produc-e. 7 if PXA NT ATI ON Hitters S . T .I S 0 O X . mills' pVDJCDnRFtTL VKH TAIUE l'.K ctura.ive is the sheet anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a touio and cordial for tho aged and langi:d it has no fii..( among stomachics. As a remedy for tho nervous weakness to whi :h wumui are e--pce:al'y sub- ect, it i up ret ping every other Miuiulan: Iu all climates, tropical, tt mperate or fi iid. it acts a a speoitlc in every species of difr I. r which un l.;nisn ;s tho b lily itrcigtU b mi,r c ar.imal fpirit. ali j MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT for man anii nf:.vsr. Probably few articles hare ever ha I so ex telicive a sale, while imne i)av heen in re uoi verallv lnefical than th celebrated M't CAN Ml'.STA.NU LI M ML MX. Ch'.l lr.-!i Adults, Iforfcg ant Domotio Animal', nr.: always liable to accident, and it i :ife t" -ay that uu fatnilj" can fa a single season tith-ut eotne ksnd t mollicnt bei:i iicces.iary. It b--comes a matter of isnpoj then to sccuie the best. Over three hundred livery stable in t!i. rity of Net Y'-rk alone are uiog the maiims Mt sTASG I.INIMKXT, in ail of which it gives uni versal satisfaction. CAUTION. Tho gentiinc is wripped in n fine tecl plate engravng wi h 'Q. V Westbrook, Clmit, and trado rrailr MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT, on graved across tlie Lvo of each wrapper. The wl.ole bears the proprietor's private United States Revenue rcamp, ;md not the conimou stamp as used by druggits. LYON MANUFACTURING CO., . 46 53 Park Flue New York. Tbo originator of tlii.? vrrnilerful medivino claim, to' have din-,,verel .uvl .mhi.i'iki with harntotny more of Xatu e in. t mm n'yn .'r ili. cal jtropt rtict than was ever oefore combined in one motlicine. . Tle evidence of this fact i. found in the variety of most obstinate diseases which it has been found to conquer. In the euro of llionchiti, S m e CujK,miA thecaily Ptagci of Ctwt'iiwptlaH, it has ajtoniidied the f medical faculty, and hundreds of the be.t phy sicians pronounce it the yrcatnt medical li coiery th atje. While it euies the severest Coughs, it strengthens the pyatem nnd purifies the blood, lly its yrtat and thr,njh ldod purify inj pntpcrtic it runs nil lumorn from the worst tcmj'uln to a 00111 mon Blau h 'impJn o Krtiprtnn. Mercurla Di.eaci, Mineral poisons, .Syphilitic and Vcnerial Diseases, and their ef fect arc eradicated and vigorous health and a iunt coiiHtitution established. Eryila, Salt ItltKinn, Scald Head, Fever A'im, Scaly or Hough Skin, in short all tho numerous di.-eases caused by lad ldiud We eoiu('.ro I by thi.11 owerfulr purifying and invigorating nicdicinc. or "Liter Cumplaint," Hilinun liimnder and f&bititnl Cvtmtip .twtt, it ban produced hun dred of perfect and permanent cures where othor medicine had failed. Tho proprietor offer $100 t ward for a medi cine that will 'e't.ilal "H in tho r ure of tho diseases for which it l recommondod. Dewaroof cunUw feitu and icorthlc imitation. Fee that my Gov ernment Stamp, which is a positive ynarttntce vj gennintutHH, is Upon tho ou.ldo wrapper. This) medicine ia Said I" I)rua,itit at ant iltlai' per butth: prepared by R. V. P1EUCK M. I)., sole Proprietor, nt his ehetnical Laboratory, Kill Seneca street, Rutt'alo N.Y. Juno 3d i.l :im. For tho very best photograph jjo to Ura l oy A. RiUolVs-in's Oallory withen.c STAIRS , r-Cf- ASCKNO IN Tllli ULUVATOR. tl'J JIonyu;cry, street, 8nu Fraucim), A l AILYAirnCLE. Agents make $12 50 per day, $75 per week AN ENTIRELY NEW IB WING JSIAOIIINE FOR DOMESTIC USE, ONLY FIVE DOLLARS. With The New Patent Hut ton Hole. Worker, Patented Juno 27th, J 871. A most wonderful an J elegantly construct ed SkwikG M.U'HI.mb for Family Wurh. Complete in all its. Parts, Uses, tho Straight Eye Fainted Nt (lit:, SkU TllitKADINO, direct upricht PosiriVK ilono.v, Self Fed and Cloth Guides. Operates by Whkkl and on a Eaule Li'jht IlvHniuj Smooth and noiseless like all good high priced machines. lIas'uf- 67 eek to prevent tho wheel being turned the wrong way. Jcs tho thread direet from the spool, Makes tho ElasVic Lock Sxjtch, (finest and tdrougest stitch known firm, du rable, close and rapid. Will do ail kinds of work, fine, and and courm, from Camuiuc to heavy cloth or Lkatiikk, and u.ies all discrip tions of thread. Ths Machine, ic heavily con structed to give it Mreugth ; all the parts of each machine being made alike by Machinery and beautifully finished and ornamented. It is very ea.y to learn. Itayiil, lf.ut and Smooth in operation. Reliable at all times, aud a Ph Atnt'A l, Scie.NTi no a Mechanical is ven tios, at (Jixitly rtduml price A gotd, Cheap, Family Sewing Machine at lat. The tirt aud only tuceess in producing a valuable, substantial and reliable low priced Sewing Machine. Its extreme low price reaches all conditions. Its simplicity and strength adapts it to all apaeities. while its many merits make it a uuiversal favorite wherever uaed,and creates a rapid deuvin 1. IT IS ALL IT IS RECOMMENDED. "l ejiu eueerruiiy and confidently recom mend its use to those who are wanting a xeaJly good Sewiug Machine, at a low Price." Mrs. j. P. Wilson, Kutherf' rk Park Bergen Co N.J. Price of each Machine, "Class A-" "Oue," warranted for five years by special certificate, with all iii jixturi and tf rythiu-) complete belonging to it. including the sdl-thrcading needle. packed in a strong woodea box, and delivered to tiny pr'r( ,,f tbe country, hy express in- of further charges, on receipt of price, only iive dollars. Safe delivery, guarantee 1. With each Macliine we will scud, oil receipt of jue ;l ejtra the ue J i.teut RUTTON HOLE. WORKER. One of the m t important ami useful in !. So .iri.plc and cvrtain, venthin.- e! itie a. ;u that a child can wurk ths with regularny and ease lincst 1-uISou hole iruii and beauti- ! 1. .Stkcial Tkhms. nod xtrn indnct uicnfs to I Mai.k aod Fi..u.k A-j.t, More Keepers, Ae who will e.tai-h-u a.;i iicii through the eouiitr.v j .'nil k.'cp our ,Ntw m -v ins on r.iiuhou and j ' . Ci-uif v riubts jrivcn Miiart Hifents fiee. I " irtiii ? f iiutt'it ifi'ii' !iiriii-!. .1 wiMicut anv r. h . u ti i t.x. . t n ! oi tt.--,,it ui.eripuv e ! ; :l 'I I I i v trcu;.tr containing tntu". te.ti;iv.ntals Kn rav igs, Ae. Ac, s-.ii. kx-c. V aL- j ?-.ipply A ( at 1 V L' LT U It A L I MM Fl. K."4 i: X TS. Latest Paicirts .vil iiuf.rove:n?Jits for the Farm atui Warden, M i r-,!Icaj t r,,Cu!ti ators, Feed Culter, liarroWi, Farm .Mi'l-. Planter.- iiarvi-t.r, i'Urci i.:r.i an 1 all aril' n de for Farm wrk; S.v Is i t large varttx Norway Oats. fn-! w i.idcrt'al umhipyiin j i.ori rivN .itv l per hundred, Ac. AH oi' ii e in Pot Olio c Money Oi dt r.. 11 . i.-tered let trr, ira!t "1 I y espies? , will i ." at f.ii ri.-k ii 1 aro 4 t r'e tiy .-cure. .v'fe delivery of ail '. iir ( ( 'i .o guaranteed. "Ait oei ai.d ic-poiiMoln firm that sell the t't goods at ihe price, an l .ui be relied III j; ; j y our iv.l ier.-. I'm- ,i:f J'U"H,il ." )'o .-. A l ire - "r 1 er ji:;ii: ii.;isi'I)on Cviriier Grjeiviliaui;(; jar. lialt f,. KcvvYoik, Oetl'.i-Om. J. .f3. S5- -UXK 2T, 4 Justice of the Peace DALLAS PHr.ClVCT - Ilt County I"k EKD.S, .MORTC.ACJKS POWLHS OF AT W t ri ey, and other legal pai ers "r iwn and j acknowledged, on shurt liot'ue. Oil: ce in the Court House. ia-1 i w U amis I A cw i 1 o tl ! ! Wo respectfully call tho attention of Public to our Well Selected vStoek of. the Ladies' Dress Cioils, ladiea and Misses' Hats', ! Heats' rurnidilno; f.oodf, Olocs, Caittts, l'.tc. llard.yare, (Jrt'ccries, j School iJooks, Stationery, &C, ! in fact Kvcrjthrnff Kotid In a First Class Retail Store. We can n?.uro our Pat'on? that wo will bo up with tho times. Come aud Examine our Stock bcforjpur ! chating elsewhere. Country Pro.iure taken in exchange ft j Goods 1, j N. A J. LV LEE. ! Dalian April 22, 1871. 1-tl CLOSED. I All persons Indebted to (1. U. STILES are requested to call and settle up as soon as poss ible, as he has closed hi.iold books. He tins sold one half of hisbu me s l Mr, Phil Moiriam The now iirai of Stiles.4 A Merriain will carry on tho business at tbo old stand. It takes money to carry ou business; and I ask those who owo mo tj'oomo out." . " 2j-tf. i f A LL KINDS OF WORK, SEWING nosuiu aim i roiling, jtc., aone oy mjz Burnett on short noliee and on reasonable lerms. All orders left at the house, south-west part of Dallas, will be immediately attended to The Great uiv.uu .... ; Dr. WALXSH'3 CALII5Or.NI. ' VINEGAR BITTERS; . .41 2 Ilundretn cf TIioTisaads 2 JT . Bear ti'Ktlmonv to i!els VToer- i'rr '' fill t'.arxtivpt liO,n!j c ; Hi WHAT ARK THEV?s-?3 O r-. u -i 5BJ 5 3 c. - - .111.1 Alil Ut . 'rii FANCY DRI fJ K.rir Va'lj' cf Poor Hum, WtiUItey, Prnf Spirits nml IlrfiiBe I.lHrloctorediilcei a:; 1 sweetened t pleaso tho Jastc, called "Ton ics',"" Appetizer," " Restorers," ac, that lea l tli 5 tippler on to drunkennces and ruin, but an . a truo Medicine, loadc from t!ieXative liooU anl Ilsrl.s of California, free frinti nil Alcohvllo SI i in :i la HIP. Tb6 aTe pic fittEAT III.OOI pi;icii'ir.; and i.ifkV;ivinu puin- CIPI.Ea pirfect Renovator audlnvlsorator of the F ystcw, carrying off all poisonous matter rcstoilntf tl:c Lloodto ahtajtlij condition. K persa can tike these Eiiteri according to Uro tioa and re::iah' long unwell. Vttr Itiflamnmlory mid Chronic Ilaaa iniitiMUi and (aut, D) :ei.ia tr Indl- treKiioo, I?ilioii., Ke;nl t lent and Inter iiU!t ;ii Foveifi, Ii..iif! ot'lbo Illoorf, Liver, Ki.'.aey. sn:l rVJtit;U-r, f.icso Hit lei ! b.iv. Ii.m.1 i i : t .::ccvsgfu!. 8u h Die--ai-M nro caussl 1 y Vitiated Itlood. w'alcli is Keacrally rroiufH by ueru:m.eiit cf thi I'Mi i v v Oi k:: uf. V. vspr.psi.v oir lnif.'ESTioN. il-lafhe. Pai.i 1 1 t'.n hho'iluc.r, Coui.'ii. Tig!.- ... ... v- r r ..t J. r ;..! I '? v..u":.r, i.i.Zj.u s:-, ijot-T i.a uc;siu. vi V.i; ft .m.i.!i, l'.i-d tit : i i tl;c Month D.IUv.s At tac:;c, 2V.';i i tl n f t i.- If -a r,, Ia.'aiu.i.ation cf t u; i.ti i lati'ir-.'loai efiheKidaeyo.aul r. t.uaUrvd ct.;cr i-i'.iH tympsu;, s,n the '!& ;r.:!i ( !ype..s. j"; y i ivl : -r.d ' t'.. ftTriCii n1 tp,rnilatqtlii t'-rpl-l I' v; r a ;d lnw . .-, i.ic.ii reader ll.eo! of ua-t-led: eti.--cy ia r;va..-io;x t.ij bio-d tf alt it,.; -r.t; .-., a id b!..rti.jjf o-. K.'s a-;-l rfjfor t'..o wli'-le ev" I-? N !H SEASF.S. T:ri'.: ti.:is.Tctto .;a.t ;oi.-u:.:,P.l-5.:!... ii"t-;, I bn,ks. Pustaier. A.,;'s.C..r v.i, lit..-- X K.rsM:-c:A.i-Uc:. l.Tor-J flv2. K.-y.i;- Itc'a. xr'. I !!. b.riti:sa t 'h: If-.j!!iou. ait Di-. vf ti.e Sli'u. f :..;!,r ;, i.n ! ruiisr . :.rc nu-r-Hy Uaj i, ir :, 1 o:;i ta.- h.teu; ! a t ler t; l-7 : .,( r, P. t!e.. Ow i'-ttV i t Mall r -, v. j ! rr- eii,ej a- ifcse i.-iretlul-ui ot thii ciiaUv ? ii - ci . ( :i- a.i. t-..; Vif.ftf I r.'.oo l Tv".ii:nvrr you firs ;.' i i. b'U -n' tliron.h tioif-Vitt lai'lui- 1, r.ra.ti'T.j4 it-i!i elratie H w Iu n joii X it "".;r.,.c;".l 1 fii:2j.ii-!i i'i tli" v rb-an ! it vvi.ta il !s f.o:, el y.iir feel .59 i t iciJ J.c.i wV.e.u Keep f e VI j pure and t:.J PIN, TA I'Kai I otlicr WtUtT". lir'ninln tiiv t jt in . f s-i jaanj t-ioa-.i id-, aro cC -t n ally .yr.l r.-t r :r. v'vj. v ,,r f ,j; i;r.. -ti oils, r ud carefiiily ti-. circular ar.mad tchh.a:k. J. WALK Prof-ri-tor. I!. iL. ir. :)N AT.D A CO.. Ir iiiu'Uts and G Ajn;.', fa.i Fraarfo, CaS., 2."a. 131 CVtaaic C" :r-.t. N:v Vori. solp rv a:.t. i':n?i;T?rs anp dealeR3.' ( THE NEW fOOD. r'': ...V'5S. fiiJ For a few cents you can buy. of your Grocer or Druggist a package of SFJ. MOSS FARINE, made from piire Irish Moss, or. Carrageen, wliicli Trill make sixteen quads of Hlanc Mange, und a like quantity of Pud dings, Cirstanls, Creams, Char lotte liusse, &c. It is tho, cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food In the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, an$ hns no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious "hang ! t THE GRKJAT T.'tHID' Tojacv Plantation Bitters. T!ii woiidoiTiil ve?jttl!e rclorativ in llto shcrt-aBi- for tho aol m.;l l:i:s.:Si1. It, lius 110 cQiml anions fitom n chics. Ah a rcmotly for tho ucrVcuis wcaUne l which women are c"5eci:i!l!y nl icrt, it U Mt iioiviccli 119 vcry oihirr ' stimulant. In nil C2i matos trj3ial, totnporntc or frhT29, il in xi sjjpcHIc in vvery icit of disorder which usnfertnlncH tht bodily MrciiKth a!i3 treakH .own the animal spirits. Tor sitlc Kty all lI)riH;iMs. TO THE PUJSL11V in m -13