Newspaper Page Text
IitgibrralSUfiublirnn UAjAAS, SATUI1J.AY, PEC. On Friday the Sth iost , Mrs. Par as, the wjfepf a farm laborer, left her ,biy wo the 4th congestion, Scairbpro, and went to her neighbor's, Mrs. Ham, about twenty rods distant, to borrow pome soft Soap, hlviitg' left her' three phildren, twq boys aged threp jears, 'and a girl two' years pltf ip the . bed a leep. After rcpiajpin about 10 or 20 minutes, and getting the soft soap, she started for home. On reaching Mrs. Ham's door she discovered smoke bursting from the sides of her cabin, 'pud shouted to Mrs. Ham that her 'house was on fire. Mrs. Ham ruu with all possible haste, and Mrs. J'ar sons rushed at the door and opened it, when a yolunje of smoke and flame burst in her face, which caused her to fall. She rose and again attempted o goin,i)ut the whole interior of the cabin was in a blaze. Mrs. Ham rais ed the alarm, and Mr. Murisoa and ton, and Mr. Ham who were working in a field about 120 rods off, heard her, fcaw the shanty on fire, :nd ran to gssist her but when they reached the cabin,the fire was bursting' out of all the crevices ffca cabin, aud tha heat had be 'pond sp Intense that they could do nothing. - So soon a$the building fell and the fire could be subdued, the remains of the three children wera found completely charred, lying in the jpositiop tjie mother had placed them n the bed. i The cabin was a single room, the floor open, and as dry as tinder It is supposed that the fire was caused by cinders dropping thraugh the cracks in the cooking stove which was yery pJ and much broken fiowu the crevces of the floorf Mark lain Canada) Economist.- - .- m m, CotXaADo. This youpg territory will soon be a State, as it is getting on apace. The assessed valuation of prop crty in thoj territory is . 24,000,000. It has a population of 75.000, .no public debt levies no tax for the year 3S72, aud raiaBeof -OYeiP,50,-500 in tf)er treaaufy The ToUbwing table is taker from the report: of the Auditor -for 1872: Horses, 15,000; Heep, 1,000,000; mules, 3,00; cattle, 150,000, -s wine, 8,000; goats 5,000. Buffalo, antelope, deer, bear and 'fcich like; though of considerable valuf4 are pot counted, because not Subject to control. Colorado gave tfs the first narrow-gauge railway, and by iiieans pf its extepsion all through her Hreat, ' grand, rich mountain?, her mineral health will le- brought out) Phrenological Journal. ',... t , . t ...... Sp?ak well of yonr neighbors or do not fpeak of them dt all. A cross nughborniay be made a kind one by kind treatment. The true way to be Iiappy ia to make others hippy To do good is a luxury. If you are not wiser and fetter at the end of day, that day ; is lost. Practice kindness, even if it be but little each day ; learn something each day . even jf is but to f speu a wotu. uo not seem to De wnat you are 'not. Learn to control your fejnper and your words. Say nothing behind one's back that yon would not say to one's face. ;The IjOndon Times, writing of the Envperor Germany's decision of the 8an Juafl iJifputes in favor of the "United States says : "Except in the dontirjgeycy of a, war with America, 90' consecjnence whateyQ.r could result from the decision. If such an improbable contingency should ever oecur,'the Island of San Juan would become in American hands a useful basQ of - operations against British Hijbial "This is looking toward an event which we believe will never ar rive, and the single immediate effect will be tiiewihdrawal of the troops stationedupon the' western portion of of the-island', J - - - 1 ' . .... MA K K ET It K V I . The following is the latest " market review taken from the last Commer cial Reporter. ' heat. The r.ports from 1'ortJand the United Ivingdom eince the commencement of the present harvest season, August 1 1&72, are as follows: Cleared. . ineoi vra 1 ccuuira vaiue Ocoier 2 Bp b'k Manila, 2?,407 , 8 Nr.'bk Electra,t 17,940 2627 u 10 u Navigator. 16,794 25,811 " 2 Tr. bk Loch Dee. 23,968 2b49 Not, 13, rTphlp8iam, 20504 29,953 19, Brbk3WDeer,t 52)00, 32,3 Work , , Cork. Against 5 vessels for the lik 118,929 182,439 tiroe,1871 99,029 257,27 Flour. Markets continues fair for jofe 1rwrf. the staudard, Ureaon tuL Jgalem and other standard brand ; $.r, jLtt) pr bbl for- extra ; Choice Country ?4 2Dtoi'75l pclr bbl-'Outside and superfine, $3 75. to 4 00 ner barrel. . Oats. TlfeVSan Francisco market is quoted at U 75 to 1 85 for lOOlbs Our; market i'qfwtablb at U 4 to 150 per 100 Ibai : Feed. Bran, at $15 to 18 ; chopf, flings, etc., at $27 to 37 pe5 too. . Iay-ScUin at $15 io'lB per ton. OuftQuoted at 1 ! to 2 cents per lb. San Francisco market. quoted nt3 centg fer lb. yoDltry. ilep And Kocetcra, quo- ted at $2 50 to 8 00 : Spripg chick ens, 2 00 to 2 50 -f Dupka, $6 per ZZ, Wto 'lO 00 per dcoj Turkeys 20 cents per lb. 4Iydes. ; Quoted at 15c to 16p per lb for l)ry,Jan '5c to 7o for Salted. Talloy. Quoted at 6to Sc per lbB Cattle leef is quoted at 6c to 7c per lb ; Sheep, $3 3 50 per head j Hogs, net for fat, Ge, delivered. The Great JMctQral Aniiqa. f Hostetter's Uqited States Almanac for I 73 for distribution, 5rraf,througbtout the United RUics. and all civilized countries of the Wes tern Hemisphere, is now published arjd ready for delivery, In the English, German, French, Norvregiaq, welsK ' Sedih, Holland, Bohe mian and Spanish languages, and all who wish to understand the true philosophy of health should read and ponder the suggestions it con tains, In addition to an admirable medical treatise on the cause?, prevention and cure of cure of a great variety ( diseases, it embraces a large amount of information interest ng to the merchant, tho mechanic, the miner, the farmer, the planter, and professional man : and the calculations havo been made for such meridians and latitudes as are most sujtatjle for a forrect and comprehensive National Calen dar. Tho nature, uses, and extraordinary sanitary effects of Hostetter's Stgmch Bitters, the sta ple tonic and alterative of more than half the Christian world, are fully set frth in it pajr,c3, wiucii. are also inters'p:rscd with pic.torq illustrations, valuable receipts for the uoa.'e bold and farm, humorous anecdotes, and other instructive and amusing reading mutter, orijri nal and selected. Among the annuals to appcaj with the openinz of the year, this will be one of the most useful, and may be bad for the auk ing. The proprietors, Messrs Ilostetter 4 Smith Pittsbnrg Pat on receipt of a two cent stamp will forward a copy by mail to any one who cannot procure one In bis neighborhood. The letters are sold in every city, town and village and are extensively used through the ontire civfli2d wojrld, TOLLOWAY'S E?ery Man lis own Pnysician. QA-XJTI03ST. TTTF ttnmonw demand for TrOTJ.OWAY'S I'ILIi and OINTMKNT ha taunted uirincjplcNl yutiu tacuue rfat these, Tlw-. In order to protect th jmji'ff n1 ourspt, we hAr isKitru a new " Tr.M'o Mark." coif(tJ inifofna EsrjpHft Circlb Cf a t rpent. with the btr II in the wntre. livery Ux rf pi n uine Hollo wt' ami Oih-tmbii-c w.ll boT thiit trade mark on it ; uouo ore genuine without t.V - i N. Y. CoxmcAt, Co., Sola Proprietor, 78 Maiden Lane, Nw York. c II o 1, 1; TIOW TO CURE IT. At the eomincnceiiieiit 't the Diiirilne, which alwsys precedes an attack of the Cholera, take I a teaspoonful of Pain Killer in sugar and wa ter, (hot-Jf convenient,) and then bathe freely the stomach and bowels with the Pain Killer clear. Should tho diarrhea or cramps continue repeat the dose every ten or fifteen minutes un til the patient is relieved. In extreme cases, two or more tearpoonfais may be given at a dose. The Pain Killer, as. remedy, has no equal. I,.jQ;wes f Cholera, Summer Complaints, Dys pepsia, Dysentery, Asthma it cure 'in one night ty taking K internally, ana tainiug wyu n freely. Its action is like magic,' when external- 'y applied to Old SoreH, Burns, Scalds, ttn1 drains. For Sick Headache and Toothache I thin't fail to try it. In short, it w a . PakI KK. Dirfction! accompany each bottle, , .THi'Fiiin liiller is sold by ail dealers in Med icines. Prices, 23 cents, 60 oentsand $1 per bottle THE UNDERSIGNED PRACTICAL Pintcra has located in Dallas Ue knows tho business and msns it. Qlas him a call. Lb" leek' conhdllat at eil give nt.iT efaction. ' A BROWN. MAIN IBTHEET, OAliliAS, rpTHE BEST OIV WINES AND LTQUORS ales and porters dispensed nt tke b&t choice it?ra,ia cigars. . ' , ' - Give uh a'ui( uj wa guarantee satisfaction, tiLAE & McCANJi - , ; ;' 6 jfN Tl M ej r . 4- V A 'sTWTkV-f PEIDI3ICI3-;V;? Frihe best of wines, liquors, ales, porters and l TEMPKHANCK COU.DIALS . alwaya on hand, fine Havana cigars, - Free rending' roini p.ttached to the saloon,, K. M. Bean Pr. i ,. 1 h -11 W AT 1 O W A h BUSINESS COLI.EQP, POftTI,AI?D, OltE(301?; A W0DEI4 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE!! TI3 EDUqTION lOR TUP TIMES The Importance of a Practical Education was never mere Apparent tnan How x IT IS UiytJRSALLV ACKOWLEPQED that as we grc w iu y perity wo g o w more firacticul, aua tl at it is lequired of men that mey educate themselves practically educate theinselvej in the best U)anuer possible toiueet the 'emapds of the times. '" . When Agnsilaus, King of Sparta, was aekd what things he thought most proper for boys to learn, herejliodj ''Those things which ILey Lliould ni iie when they beco'op men." " Deliver all things ia nymlr and weight, aud put all in writiifg that thou gi vest on t or re cti vest in," is a precept of uuiversal application; and there' is a special necessity for its strict ob servance in all business transactions. "Youn men the future wtltare of this tJoaootf .0 Y O I i ! Are Y O U prepared to meet its demands ? A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION ' , to meet the Uf4I) oI TIIi: AGE I The most thorough, an4 comprehensive COURSE OF BUSINESS TRAIN IN Q Zm'jrvx Introduced by any O ill n M It V I A I4 OR BUSINESS C O L L E Q E combining AND nikcTICEjl THEGM by meuii of ..7. D ASKS AND BUSINESS OfsWES. Tba'Course is soarra jgtd and Taught as to enable the Students to master itaiu the c Sborteat Tiuat possible' Each, Stvdcn after passing though tie TiiEouv coua become; an actual liOQK KMffii AS1) Air.RClKiNI where, in the space of a few WhEKS, be ob tains the experience of an ORUUUKY LIFE TIME. The TELKUUAPli iiiVVKT.Hf NT is now fitted up with the bi!t oi iustrutueuta, and in complete running urder. Fur FULL IN fUftM Mi wy for COL LEilK PAPEK. Addres : ' DkFUANCK A JAMES, 52vl ' ! Portland, Ortgvn. V. S. Hi Ia VliK, (Uo. 13t, Firit Street, I'ouTLAMi, . . . cr;f;f)!V 'X Who'e.'ale and'Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLiPftU, HOOTS ANI SIIOI, II ATM A CAPS GROCERIES 6 PROVISION Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds of .Country iotlvicxe. There is no such Word as Fail. T A R p HIT'S covi'orxn Extract of Cubtbn A!n OOP A, I CAi A SUftE, CERT A, IN S P K B I) Y CUKE I For all Uie.t.!es of the Bi.ahokr. Kiosryh and Un.NAKV Ohoash, either in the Male or Female frciuenly performing a( rerfee Caxe in the short spce of theci ojf four' Jays : and always in les time than .any other prcpcr,atkn In ine uge 01 TAIIKANT rnnniTT rYrniPT ap 1AItUAT b COMI Ob.,D EXTRACT OF . ' CUBEBS ANLs COPA't B A There Is no need of confiueruent or change rf diet In its approved form of paste; it is en tirely tasteless, and eaueea no unpleasant sen sation to t'je yatknt, and 40 exposure V Is now acknolmlged by the mbkt learned in the Profession tkat ia all secret diseases Cuboba and Copaiby are theialy two Remedies tbat can be relied upon with any certainty of Bus cesa. - ; WEVKn FATT 3 MAStrFCTHRED !LY BY TARRANT t CO., 27A and 280, Greenwich and 100 Warren ts., New Ycrk Sold by Druggists all over th eWorld- . ? ' h ' CAP 1 -T AL A O QJ$ J9f BNABB, HtOPRIETOiT 'Has jest received a large invoice, e, WlfiES. UQU0R5Aim C1QARS .'"' . ' - Hisbrandsi; einbrace the choicest Varieties. v : "V 'i- ,, . ' '1 MI ;Be sure and , M , J GIVE HiEI A OAIJ,. and be will make you feel at home. , ( i " f '' -23-tf. ip J ) Ml THE OVERLAND STORE, SALEM, IIAS received a large lot of nice, fashicnable dry goods, together with a well selected stock of Domestics, etc. Cjive them a call, Jfigbest price paid for produce. , . 7 PLANTATION Bitters. 8 THIS 'WONDERFUL VEGETAPLE RE storatiye ia the sheet anchor of the feeble and debilitated. 9 tonic and cordial for the aged end languid it hu no eul among stomachics. As s remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially sub ect, it is superceping every other stimulant In all climated, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily, teqgtband breaks da.wn the animal spirit. Recutita! Woman! 4iACAN3 ic;oija ham gives to the Complexion the Freshuese Yonth, , of HA()AS'ii Magnolia Balm overcomes the flushed appeafqnee caused by heai, fatigue and excitement It makes the lady of forty appear but twenty, tod H natural and perfect that no person can deteet - its application. By its use the rougbest skin is made to rival the pure ra- d;ent texture ci A youthful beauty. It removes redness,! blotches and pimples. It contains nolklag (bat Tjill nure the skin the least. Maqsolia Jalx is ur ?d by all fashionable ladieein New York. L01. dun and Paris. It costs only 75 cents ier Buttle, an 4 is sold by all IruggUVs 0tOX P-9(fumer4 The originator of thlj wmderful medicine claims to have dijvered -uid i-fl.i(r with Ai'jiV.Vy tnr, of A'tfH-f m. t rrrtijn MrAU vyf tfrtir thn,n as ever tK.fwre couibincd ir oue uicdicine. The evidence of this fact i found ia the variety of uvit obstinate dicne. wliich it has be-n found to conquer. In the cure of tli'iHrkitit, Srrere (" A, and the early slaves of L-HifMHtjttu.H, it has atnuheI th Udal faculty, and hundreds of the bent phy sicians pronounce it fA tmitrmi m-UiVo di ,,rrry ,. iht ,j. WWU U cuics the everci Coughs, it trttigthen the system and puriftc the blHid. j its rrer and th VmriJVH'J. irnrtirm it'ewr rroru the Worl Cr,,y "l" to a ootmuon Jlltlck I'imf.1 or Kt Hhtiuu. Mereurial liira , .Miueral poisons, Syphilitic and Venerial, and their tf fwts are eralicated and vij.roui hrafth and a ,Htiiulin etabhohrd. A.Vyyr'ti, Suit Jihtmu. Svu'l fftnrf, Frrrr Stun, ,SV(y ur l:..ugh Sl-in, in short all the numerous dicu?ei caused by Imtl ltvmi We cuincifrc 1 this powerful, purifying and in vyroj-jiting medicine. For Af? r Cvmylunt,"- HHiuV Jh'wurdri and llAbiiunl Cntfj .tton, it has produced hun dred of perfect and permanent cures where ulher medicine had failed. The proprietor o.Tcrs f 100 tf ward for a medi cine that will enal it n ther are of the disteanes for which it is reromm.end.ed. Iteware of counter feit aud trurthlr imitalinH. Jeo that my (Jov erniueut Stamp, w.lm'h 4 a ,',ttre ijHnrnntee fj jrMnicnf, t Bpon the outnide wrapper. Thii medicine is tSV y '-m n( one bwir fter huiile. Prepared "by It. V. PIERCE M. l., sole Proprietor, at b, is chemical Laboratory, I3:t Senec'a'fitrt, uffao N.. Juno 3d l3-3m. For the very best photograph go to Brad ey A. Ruloffson's Gailery without STAIRS , iitr- Ascend in xhb' elsyatok, t2 Slontgoaery, s. reel, San Ffihelsco. The gtan dard remeil fr Coufrit, In flttenxa , 8uru , TlMWijU,; Uliooplnp; Couj;U, Crup, Liver Complaint, llronchltU, ; .Dleelliir ..of f the Lunge, and every aTcctlon of the Throat. Lungs and Chest, Inclad iiiff CoiiBumption. ! Wiftt&ra Italeaiu iloea not drv up a,. Cough, but loostna it, clealteea the Lunge, allay irritation, thus ! removing ue reuse or tite com TETTEi; & CO., Han lantlsco, and. by Qcaicrs generally. IG-Iy HdWi n mnV iiHT,i inxz$hff?': ". . Jl f f? SI it tl I r I Jialnt Vone genuine tulc8 kIch d I. BUTTS. Prerarcnv,SETIl VT. FOvVLE Jk 4ox;itoton.. Sold by REIHHNttTON. IIO.S- A HI I k Y ARTICIiG. Agents make $12 50 per day, $75 per week AJj EpiRELV NEVy E WIN Q FOBv DOMESTIC USE, ' ONLY FIYK PUILAUS. With The Wew Patent HattQU fyU Worker, Patented June 27th, 18f 1. A most wonderful and elegantly construct ed SbwijjQ Macqink for Fn'ily York. Complete in all its Parts, Uses, the Straight Ege Painted Nettfe, Skls TuaBADiXG, direct upright Positive Motjom, Self Fed and Cloth Guides. Operates by Whbel and on a Tablk-1 Lijht Jivnuiitf Smooth and noiseless like all good high priced machines. lasV"' Check to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the spool, Makes the Elastic Lock Stitch, (finest and strongest stitch known ;) firm, du ruble, close, and rapid. Will do ail kinds of work,yj and and coame, from Cambkic to heavy cloth or Leatukh, and all diacrip tions of thread. This Machine r heavily con structed to give it strength; all the parts of each tr;achae being made alike by mmrhiuenj and beautifully finished and ornamented. It is very easy to learn. Jfajini, Silent and Smopth in operation. Reliable at all times, and a PSACTICAI,, 8fc$TinCAL,MeCHA!llCAL ISVK.t TIOK, at Greatly reduced price A goo4, Chap, Family Sewing Machine at last. The first and. only success in producing a valuable, substantial and, reliable low priced Sewing MftCQiae It extreme low price reaches all conditions. Its simplicity and strength adapts it to all rapacities, while its many merits make it a universal favorite wherever used .and creates a, rapid dtaad,. ' IT IS ALL. IT IS RECOMMENDED. "a en cueerruny and confidently recom mend its use to those who are wanting a really good Sewing Machine, at a low Price." Mrs. j. Vt YJ-soj, Rutherfork Park Bergen Co. N. J. Price of each Machine, "Claaa A-n 'One," warranted f.ur ve years by special certificate, 'with all its fixture and ererythitnj complete belonging to it. including the eelfwib reading needle,packed in a strong woodei box, and delivered to V.nrt f tne country, by express free ef further cLage8,on seip of piee. only five dollars. Safe delivery guaranteed. With each Machine wo will send, on receipt uf one 1 w(ai tWu(V patent j BUTTON UQUE. WORE. One; of the tost important and useful in ventions ef the agn. & fiyiplc and certain, that a child can work tho finest button hole with regularity and ease Stroug and beauti ful. Special Tkums, aO'I t-rlra inducements to Malr and F&malk Ajel; ftore KerTS, Ac who will establUh ageuciei through the country and keep our New Macui us on Wtfii ani mate, CoAklj sigVti given to siart agents free, Agent's rumplrte fn'Jit furnished without any KXTH.v en a in; kx. Kainpl of ctcinj dicriptivi circulars con tutu ing ternis, U-stiiuonuls Kn graviugs, 4c Ac, vli; (roe. Wo &,lso supply AGRICULTURAL IMMPI.KMKNTS. Latent Patents and improvements for the Farm aud Garden, Mersl'trapcr, Cultivators.. Fed Cutlers, Harrow, Fnrm Mill. l'Uoterr llarve.tcri, Thrca-iheri and all articles utcdei tor Farm work. RireSeds iu laro vriet Norway 0tu. Th wndtrful mltiiftiu: tcrrTUsi Cuux $4 pt; Vdrwd. JLe. All uioii ey in Pot Otliec Money Urdi rs. Registered let ters, Drafts or by express, wiil Uo at out rifK aud are perfectly secure. Sale delivery ut aii our Mf'tun guaranteed. " Au old r-wittib!c Oru that sell the et g"J at the low'it price, and can b! relied upj.Mtn ly our rvalcrs. .i Nr Yyrk. AJdess 91er jiutom; it. HUDSON Comer Green jmchani tCoar.iaait .t,. ow.Yotk, OoUtt Cm. J. Xt. Ill llXli i l Justice of the Peace, DALLAS PKECjCT - - Polk County DEEDS, MORTGAGES POWERS OF AT tn.ey, and other legal papers drawn and acknowledged, ,on short notice. Office in tho Court House. 19-1 IYcv (woods ! New mOOIs!! FOll THE PRESENT SEASON. We respectfully call the attention of the Public to cur. Wey, Selected Stock of, ; Ladles Dress Ciooda, , Ladles and Uttsises Hats ; Cents Furnishing floods, i WfiXfis CVer Etc. llard.yaje, t groceries P T ScUooi iVok, ,-. .. .. , . . . ; ' "' Stationery, Ac, in fact Bvefythhiff Found In a First I u. Class Retail Store, "IW oa' If W.M be i up with tho tiuj.e Qome and Examine our Stock beforpur- chasing elsewhere. Cduntry Prpca taken iu exciaage ft... r r ' ; 0ooda . ' ; Villas, April Tl, IS71. l.ti CLOSED- All penpniBdaojLto a. B. STILKS are requested to call and settlo up as soon as poss lAo, as be has closed his old books. Ho has sold on,.ha.lf of bis business to Mr. Phil Morriaui T?rn6 flrm r 'Stilee A Merriam will' carry on the, busincM aJt to ud ftand. Tt takes money" to chrry on businefs; aod l ' ask those Who owe me to I'cotno out.1' ' ; ' 25-tf. TO THE IHJRMC. A LL KJNPS OF WORK, SEWING J. Washing and Ironing, Ac., done by Mr?, Burnett on short notice and on , reasonable terms. All orders left at the hauset south-weat part of Da'.las, will be immediately attended to The (tfi'di 'iHK-tu ; . , l ? i Dr. W ALKER'3 CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, Hundreds cf Thoucar.ds 9f Bear tfs?Irn-ny to t!u Ir Wouder lul CurUv Jillcc.tH. 6 O fiiWHAT ARE THEY? a .UET .HB yOT . ILE 2? Es r M IM O Y V It I 1? rv ?i;f 3 Mads of Poor Hum, Whisker, l'sxf Hplritnndltrfnp I.imradoctorcd,8plce4 and Ktveetcned to vK-asc im tatc, called " Too. leu,"" Appetizers," " Retorcret' c tli&i lea V.i tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but ar atroe Medicine, made from the Native Roots and. Herbs of Culifornlafrco frpin nil Alcoholle tsiliiiuln'nie. They are the (JUEAT UUM I IMI IKJt aud LIFE (iIVlX 1'ItlS, CIPI.Eaprrft-ct Hcnovator nd Invlgorator of ' the System, carrying off all pojonou matter a&4 restoring' t!ie MtKd tea ttcalthy eondttloD. person can tako thce PUtera according to 41rao tlu: aud remain Ions; nwcll. For Iuaauiq,(rr iid.ClirUs Ilaea mntlsm find iout, J)strpaia mr ladl Kcatloo, Ilillona, Hrtulttcnt and Inter tiiZftt'ul rVvrro Dlsrnacfl of tlio llloed, l.i-r, IClducvM, and llfailder, these Hit. UM-a l avs bee l i;ost successful. Huclt 1)1 -j , ennen arc itcd by Viilntt-d Itlood, which .In generally produced by tleranjjemout of tle I) vsrr.rsi a if iniiestion. lit-adacttC. Vain la Ilia lionlders, Coaglis, Tight; 'iiwsf.f tUO Clicst, iiz7Jnrs, fconr Eructations ot the R :unc?i, T-aJ tat;t lso Mouth J3.1ioa AU ack?. Palpitation f tUc Heart, Iiu1auiu:atin o( the l.ut:p,l'aii In I'.icrcijiitiis of the Kl.lueye.and almadr.d otlicr paiulu kti.-Jiu8, arc the off: i fprlnsn. f Iyirj-ia. TH- y iavisorUt.! t't PtomACh an f tlmulato th torpid livt'-r and buwvia. u hicit render then! of on-, .-ins'h d efllcacy 1 cUanj-itr the' blood of c ;m!iiritii . and nt,art1a- new life aad vigor t. tlHi whole Bjtm.T" FOUL SlilX OlSEASCS. r.rnrtronn.rerwr,, alt nhcnv.J, Spot. lTmplf. luntulcs rWU.Car'jiirielcs, Kin;-Worms, 5-rnt HKa,l, for ')-, K:i 1 v.Uc'i, Scarf. DUcV.orattor.a t f, ' )u SiJii, IlUu.or a: l;:as cftUe o Tlmtrer u ir r tuit ;r , arj literally duj no, .ti lrjrrUHl ont of th tviii a ahon time by. An ?f thts? lfclirri. One l -ttl-j tit ucV .vT.l rouviuwi Uciobt tacredulyu vf t.Ucr imti". o ,ircci. '.I. -ansa thj Vitiated TIaM whcnevcrTAn fln t : linpitrttieft the skin tnl'lm .Ick, r.ruptliiHSf cr i-oret-; clcaiikf It .h x v'J. in 1 It t)itit :c-l and tlu.s:ni ii Vh c.'nj Unc it it n, and your f'l ,s mU ..',1 yr w hen. Keep tz blood pure a id tha v alth cf t"; : ys! -mi v ill f,ll w. 1M . TA V i: a vl t ,er V It ZTr. l".rclB t . m yU nutf s i iiiany i'tnmi id. ar.i c;iVrii''T' loirojfd au 1 r -inov A. lr ft I! ilite -tiou. , &4 arefuJly lha circular sr-und ch in;. t. WAl.'i FTt. rroi ri tor. n. H. McDOV LI A ()., I)rniriri,t andtv-n. Ai'cnt''. Saa rranc!cog ' , aad Si an 1 SI Cita nj c Street, ew Vor'i. OU 11 V 'ALL D!UC.:!STS AND HEAT,TJS THE NEW F00E. For a few cents you can buy, of your Grocer or DruggM a package of SEA MOSS FARfSfcy made from pure Irish Moss, or CarragtHMi, which will mako, sixteen quart of Blanc Mange and a like quantify of Pud dings, Cuslard Creams, Chari Iott-e Russe, A:c. It Is tho cheajx;st, healthiest, and most delicious food a the world. It makes a splendid De&sert, and has no equal as a light and" dolicjite fopcl for Invalids au$ tihtldreu.' 1 A Glorious (Jhango 1 1 flotation Bitters. ; JPiii wonderful vegetable. rcMorntivo is - llio p.luei-nu- ehorof the feedlo ntia lcl;ili tntetl. As n ionic and cordial for th iirecl and languid, If lias u equal ninouir slom achlrAl As n remedy for ervous wrakni! to wliicli Wbmn nre! :eieelally sul- iect. It Is su'rse?lii every, other stimulant. lii all Cli mates, tronical, teinieniH X, liKhl, it nets us a ecJ0o Iu cn'ory siwcles of clisordcr u liicli littdermiiies tlic tddlly kjVcalli and breaks down tin ffuimal spirits. For sale by all Druggists 5 So -e 53 SI f89 til , IJLi'w-B rkeii Lx y-fct-4a"!!f v