Newspaper Page Text
" TOWSM AND COUNTY NEWS DALLAS, S ATURDAY,: DEC. 14, 1S72 Money Market. Latest New York Gold Qnotations.. .11 Le t in Portland: Buyin ...90 Selling 01 Dallas Produce and CommU&ion Market. Corrected Weekly, by Bolter and Wortley Merchants, Main Street,- Dallas, Oregon. W ! I E AT 60 fib f3 "p lush. CATS 35 $ 40 c. PARLEY 75c FLOUR $5 $5 50 T$ bll. " Sk$l'37 CORN" MEAL lc p lb. BEANS Cc. It. BACON Sides, 16 3 lac "r lb. " Sboutders.l tc. to 12c. jjX B. HAMS 23 i) 10c r tb. rOUK Dressed, t)(n.7ct3 ' Tickled, Sc. to lO.c. "r lb. BUTTER Firkins 20 ($ 2oc f lb. " Rol, 20 to L'jc. & lb. v5(JS--30ccr, 'bz. LAB D Bulk' 6c ; tins,20, POTATOES From Wagon, 37c T$ bushel. ONIONS $150 bushel. APPLES Green. 50c V bhl. Dried, Cc "V tb. CHEESE New Ore son, 2 25c lb. DRIED. PUTMS lfs V lb. WOOL 150c. lb IA 1,1., Aft CUUKCIl WKECTORV. M. E. Cntiu" Services on the 4th Sabbath Keaeh moll n. H A. M. and 7 1'. M. f-ahhath school very Sunday at 'J A. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. J. .fumes, raster. M. E. Ciit'RCH Sot t. Service on the 1st Sabbath o -each month at 11 A. M. Bcv. J. Lovcll, Pastor. F, iftisTCnvncK. Services on the 3d Sab bath of each month at 11 A. JI. Rev. I. Holmun, l'aitor. ICroiu tht JwMNyr kern thct the ta.w case3 at Monmouth arc progressing finely, Rev. T. F- Campbell of the Chris-tan Church picaehed here on last Sunday. Wo did not Jiear the Rev, gentleman but urirstaud he :nndo a splendid effort. Tho Hoathcn Chinee has made hi.- appear giicc in Dallas. Up to the present tiite Dallas has been exempt from thi curse.and we trus-t the people who have washing to do will gtv it to the poor. women who resides among us. Discrssi x, Rev. T. F. Campbell of Mon-ra-.uth, and Prof, Chancy aro to hold a discussion during Christmas week at Portland hs to tho Bible being an inspired book. B-.ih gentleman ire able and a !i-ly discussion it a utieit ated. Siartlirg Truth ! Thousands die annu r.'dy fr.un neglected coughs and colds, whi-h p on rien into coniun:p'.;or, or ether equally f.ital discaseH wf the luns ; wh:n by a timely jse ot a .-ingle bottlexjf Dr. W.gtar's JSalsarc ot WiM Cherry then- lives might have been j preserved to a greeu old age. The December nuiuber of the 'Af ;o.7.. i o j . . . i-1, i s 1. 1 .... . ;. i ,i-t,-fii cotue-i to us jmvu t: jui.-ioi-j t n irci foo I for the mind than any r.uiubr thai ha.i o -.-ceded it, we could -iot nor would not do without it. every family Ir. Oregf.n oi:gi,t. to read it, the suhscriptioti b'Ui are pen in this o!ft.-e (! at once. j I B. i iIom:. A festive rntmher of the O. (. re-iding at Independctce'.hasabnndoue l fiugle russe. oei, and like a to himself a wife. We did not get either an invitation to tho wedding or a piece of the cake, ytt we are magnani motis. and say, may tho bridi and groom "live happy anl die long." Eriund . Fickle, your turn coiiiC9 nest. ; I Ni:w ?-,;nnu M'ih the iss-ne of January 4ft! 1ST2, We will commence the publication of a thrilling sensational Rtory entitled Piebald Frayor the wild hunter of Deer Creek. It is liie joint produetioa of a quartette of hunters and from the advance sheet in our bands we prormnncc it deciJedly rich. The whole talent of the Court House are engaged in it, and w 'onfidently a.s?ure our readers it wiil repay peru -a'. S-tifebe for the paper erefbody. Vv'c met our old friend Ed DcLishmutt last Wednesday and as ever was glad to hear his jovial voice, but was sorry to learn that he had fjuic time sdnc hii right arm broken ; he is however reeovuring froia th? itijury and we hope will toon b ahla to uif h arm aguiu We take i'i opportunity to notify Uncle Ed, that the next lime he goeJ huoting and cetf his aniin or legs cr Aen, , we want him to .send word to th'ii office, bo that wo can publish it le fore be gets l! nnd able to come to town and inform us personally, Yk Tut TiiKitf. Aci.ount nf r Dkf.r Hi nt. The a i, RKtM i.v i, an enterpris ing journal. Every tiling f public importance is noted in its column, and neither labor nor expense is spared to mke it fully up to the time For a number of weeks past the hunting fraternity of Dallas,' have had n hankering after venison, and our reporter having heard u rumor of the intended hunt, prepared his spotted for the cppesial purpose of accompanying the Nimrodn. Accordingly, when on Friday of last week, Metier , Holmes, BictiHiotid, Daly and Vineyard, equipped with logs and guns, under the leadership ef ex Judge DclaahmiU took the road to Deer d eck, our reporter stole quietly after them deter mined to tdtow Our readers that, "a rhiil Ha riion' thcr.i tnkiit notrx." On the second daj' out, the Nimrcds who had been joined by Reu ben Card and a ton of Air. Del., came i,i view of "The happy hunting if round," end were startled by t'.io eight of a noble l,i..k th;rt came bounding along, to which im.i , .Bate cbao was given. reporter, idtt' ig on a log, took in tho MtuatJo,;, MensrK. U. Del. H. and V. yelling Eke a pack of Comahehc3 on the war pivth, rutliwd to ih several stand.s. each determined to draw tho first blood, lcav Ing to D the labor of unharnessing the horses. As a majority of our readers know Mr. Daly's skUl Avith horsos, it is needless to say that the task did not take long. Shortly after the start, oui reporter was thrown from the log on which he was sitting, by a concussion caused by a noise rcictnbling cither tho explosion of a ton of nitro-glicerinc, or the shock cf a small cited earthquake. Upon recovering himself his ears were startled by a noise, a cross be tecn a human voice and tho bayiug of a wound, ed deer,aud he rushed frantically forward to see what was up. On reaching the creek, our re porter found Del. .bleeding profusely. With D's assistance the wounded man was brought to camp. and placed gently in his " ittle bed." Meanwhile, the other Nimrous who had abandoned the clmae, returned to camp, aud found their generalissimo wounded in the lett band. The dying 'hero rallied at the sight of hid comrades, and in deep drawn tones exclaimed, " Gather round mo boys, I'm dying! A mighty good man is about to take bis departure for the happy hunting ground." AH this time D was vigorusly np- plying water from a camp -keltlo on the face and hands of tho silver haired veteran. In a! few minutes the sufferer rallied, and called out, "Where' my bosom friend, Davo Holmes? Come here David, my son, until I embrace yon, and then I' 1 pour out. my life-blood on your manly bosom' But Btlvid not bciug in the bloodthirsiy vein, failed te connect. At this juncture D who bad torn off l is m-ther gar ment for bsndnges until only the collar and slenves remainond, chimed in " Pli-nsc dtn't die. Jack ! but if you mutt, let it console you that yon arc among your ft fends." Suddenly a smile lit up the heavenly countenance of the Ex County Commission, and with a celestial look on his clas-de phiz he called on some one A v,.(,.Mt;,,i,,,. .,r i..r, i.... i : r . ing present, there wit' silence i-r a tew mm- j utes, whicii was broken by Vineyard ru.-hing to the rcfoiie.r.nd after soin ling tbo lo r tote wiih a three pron-ed tahJe-furk. he eouiu:enced in , .m, i. .. -.. --'--'"- . ! ha-n -a-a(-iiy home. but a:rinnih toe l,v ! -i - - i- i i , i.i i Comnwioner of schools ha-1 Oil th ad ,-vn- tages of tw tickets his girl didn't go to t:i blind P.'tc'or Rutin's sinking s.-h ho broke d. wn before he- had f.ui.-k. i 'the f!ft litie, Feeing that he conU nut g- t i? i t- Heacu, by tt at crowd, the dyin? in:in c .died for t!c Lord's prayvr, and To.i P.iehm i.d rjrer. ting on bis n the green n-1, 1. ,-', e forth wit!.. " T would nd live nlwa - ' B vva-' inteirnpfed by the;u in i r'.timm , Phiguo on it, T'm. t!mt' n- t tho Lord' Prater : trv it ati'. Tom'- c uroet io . i Wor. fi -nlL-d e pre ---'vol ! -r .i !' mitiite, i tut at Jostgth he c mniv.,ei-n in .-t ion t oo--, t ' M;ry had m little tamb," ,e, wi: . h w w fr- jiiently interrupted by the. v- tf.-i-t ;m)-:!5 ' am en '! of the wo;:ioh:d hunly:. Bv !);:. tirn. the doctor arrived on the ncene. ud inf -rmed i . t. i t .i i .... . i in i;:ei oi, v.';- in .4ro i ri : rr;ivi than hurt, a;d h- rat enrrii: I to a neighboring ! (;.,- Ni!0r t!:etj comtn-.-n.-ed ;l c;r - hunt but f"f tiro day could see ood. er. and j j ... , . , ' cttjf .,. amused at ejng the -t i . . r . uuntcr siggtng ' '. Alter an a-ceu ! O i lao it. i o sided, w.a--lg!.fie io'i son a In tp,s,' t itti, susd ihir wives und hoard' mi.-trf.-e ,:iy tJ,.y pniii'icd the iit,a!. u ii, it v en::.i-f. S" en .lel !: iiutit o the e.t.oi,, ;ii,d in ti,, language of John Cipnin we arc tcmpu-d vxelaiui, When they nr.! a r,'unt'.ng ,' May c be tin r? to :." P. f. V.'e jirc int'o-no-I by Dave l!o'.ee that tin-, fci! tit w" a f.ii. are for lh-; n- i-nu t'.i-st he forg-.t to bring his f.l r of lrih Biue-' a!'.' Weaiiier I'tciM-d tor o., !-;', Lat tt :r,' L-'.? iy 1, nn t.-nspt, I ' '. ,rain ' ;( i;, wind HI til 2 pf 44, rain &.'. in. wind South 3 -Jivralr. C.t't in u'i,:.J S.ui 4 4Z, rain in. wind North ,. cloudy wi-ot S.ntth 6 -s3, cloudy, wmki South 7 ,, 5., rain' In win I South 8 "i, rain f,P) in wind v-n:tti 1 ., '", rain e..',; jR wind S-tufh In :;6r rain ti.'AA i;i win! Suth 11 , .".9, rain 6.j"2 in wind South 12 ':,C, cloudy, wind'n 13 ,. 27. rain O.or, ir, wind ,Vrt- 14 M 27, rain tl.L;, i t wind N'or'i 15 30, clear, wind North H5 ' 1 . eier, wind North 17 ,. -2, char, wind North 13 ?-2. elcar, v..nd North '4 ,. I, cloudy,' .vi.i y.,,v.ih 20 ",, ?7, clear, wintl Nmth 21 .'i7, clear, n ind North 22 40, cloudy, wind South 2:$ S:J, ch ar, wind North 21 'Yi, el-iitf, wind North 25 cloudy, wind Nml' 2f 2V, clear, wind North 27 U, cloud , wind Not ih 2S 37, rain 0 o7, in wind North 2i) 47, cloudy, wind Soufh i'-O iifl, rain 0 .'51 in cloudy, wind K.oit! Duri"g the Month of November there were 18 rainy day, with I. J7 iuchjs wafer, elear dyis cloudy?, and two foggy. Mean temperature for month H -1 Highest ji, on the 2d Lowc?t 2- on tho 2 ' .Tn.Ft. Tit. tns a lew days ao, two native of tho Flowery Kindom appoar- j Sat unlay, to fi.,,1 Captain ..luck aud ed at Justice W alther 8 ofiice. nccoin- ; Scar fvo i Charhiy, !)nd induce them to panicd by two buxom lasses from the j come in 1 .rive themselves tip. Tho Kmcrald I.-ie, to wliom th,.y were ! ah.. , not btdicvo that married, according to tho haws of Sc.. bha '-v: 1 (Captain Jack Mssouri. Thena".io9 of (tic. parties ; ha i . - to i with the killimr 0f are thus on the SipiiroV j eettlcr. ;.ud thai. ii. Indians kiUin minute book: l)r..Ah l jfi. of Can j setters are a l.. . : underpin 'Indian ton China, to 3Iiss Ann .M. Kitst, of j known as Jim. i .2 Hoddy also t?ta Tidperajy, Jrehid, and Joe .Sin. of i ted that it was jim'.s n n tv who killrd Shanghai, to Mary Day is, alno of Iro- laud G IV E IV Wa. Y $ 10-00 WORTH to ever subscriber to OUR FIRESIDE Fill END, THIS I,UA11N FAMILY WHUIY' of A M ERICA. BEAUTIFULLY I L L U S T It A T E D. Full of reliable, in tdruetive and interesting reading matter, news and miscellany, short continued stories, sketcber and practiolo matter, JUST SUITED to the wauts 'aud wLsh:a 4f.- KYEllY" MAN KVKUV WOMAN KVKUY GUILD Whether living in city or country, WE GIVE to e.-teh yearly subsetiber u copy of our juag iiiueeul oil CUromo. ; IJ If T B. Printed in OIL COLORS. Io times from SIX TliEN Stones site, Itis'iO inches.- The sub ject H life sire K.vrtiisit and pleasing. It CANNOT UK from the original paint ing. and id really north 10 If EX EC E EDS iu b.-nnty, sue and value .any picture ever given with any ptibli-jU ion XO ONE JIUNN DRED DOLLAR PICTURE can give more pleasure or be a greater ornament in any household It can be : had FREE, And we ; L)U.N I ask suoscritiers to wait months lor it. but will ;-ud "u it r o;i.o, or it cm be had of our agjuts SiitiSTibcrs pay on delivery of pic ture no v.uitvo Pictures -now nv aov, and deiiverrd by os .it mice : If wu have X O A iJy K I T, . in vour n-d-hboro iod, WE WANT ONE. P I W 4-aM.only Con J Aetive Ageat rfDninV either 1'ic.U or canvasiin, a LUipiUJ wc almost give away a VALUA- 'en."V iio Aaserica iivo eyclu- ... 1 sive t irrory i.nd the P.ESi Tw,i.s m rn to work, it!, Our A ill Lit I- janiicnse siic ;;s, suj ! Agt.-nts Imving j m&kiog tro:u j $j t-- 1, per iJay, unti Ageti took -10 subscript i. ..i ;,. one day.-othera re- i iii iiu'u mu io jn;r irt .-"j eenii rn coic j ! ti.iii.-r fn I..1S- liis. i etr.. Mnt free i t - anv ad-!r".s 1 i ii- ' , . , i it.,i Hnu A 1 0. l.'J. to OUR HKEIDE 1 FIUENO, Ciiiea-e, 'i 5l'):'.Ht Ben aid It 'Ci'ied hy the proprietor of I Dr PieivVa ti,dd.;d' I U.-overy, t..r a medi'.-:ne that wiil e.t .; tS me of ail ';! t yi it " Liver .'w,;!t;..i iii:l" ai I ut) dtsvaiie i ;irUiii fixiia iiiipui iHiot ibo L'.od a Eruption J Pirop'v e !;!!' '. t'-do etc J TJIlfi SCIENCE OF HEALTH. vtf, Sr t'ON M.J ENlTNu JAN. 1T The S-i kzv cf Kealth having hun ; ( of rito.-t :iifu ' lie x i ' eef i t in.. pr. ( i i ilu ho t.itj.-ji tor i m-iHiug :... -.i-.m r "i.i it re ot t !. m !. j loav t" ! nl il" d"it..iud lor an hottest nod i i:i ?.f:itb:i.l ek .. oi rof ut lotf iivt.:;n- S v-tcsil i v- . j . 1 1 oubhsh " 1 j ! -'? i aysioH'y, to-iy ,Ulttfi I. a ei.un I 'e I .t ",i i :i ! the structure nl I i-- ci 'ot i. i.i!.:;;; v i a. in . Auctions oMfca Eyo and Elf, with I on- l,ed t lit -1 t ! to !l ., flii'.r.te-, t'l- wboif fMigo oi in- : i i0S MIT ' i':ii dicae of t ne.e ! All Jrl'odical Sj .em. i. iog a hi-:-ry h ll i ii.?' ute.iiee.'s l!i.-iiri' tiijti ii iv- pie Ut! J in all -i; .- id the world Don; c.-tie Eeoneiry. Ii -i-U.-H Ur.-i;- l!y - ie.s- l.'i.okeiy, tin: .!-eliofi and Pr - -t v it; .n -i !'ol,et.; Tii- Ecctx-ar, of II? lit h 't'tlv tlr.o , i .i-e t.i vei i.i. i lh ubi--! ran I :tw.i,r of the f:o-.ii! .,? e:ri i d bv :!' ii'-H a-el unit V! w-,- ilVio - lie id,;,t;n iil: ii? :elit-' :;!!, ,'U; p.-ofle o the Oiled m,v, w .tj.i ;.av ano i.Uv m e th.t- one I 'I'.Hi.ind iniill ot il" l).,i-!j jo.! Mu ta'i-r.t.'t.t -4 v'ra a.; t it Mif.-atM iini'l'v. liiiit r ivc nil Labor l'rbl?ro, i'--rec; ibh, ,f :-v-i in w:l! enure the IjU-rer in I , S!r(Ii,'tU, .foii.le b Oi: o .-" ufi. o '.1 !" his I t arhiugs, and b, joo a f-c-urtiavtly ind-pndcnt i ileal '.h is Happin-?. Ab vt nV momdary .' . J i ' It. :til!S. . . 'U-r, ie lh it .of . Soi l! I M. :. ti1(. ' nii;:..! in a oouod hod v llesith io of uil r.-tortn Term. f'2 year' in -e; single nil ui- i.ef , 20 -ut : e i pies. and au txira j eopy to iigent A new ohl!fie heguts with the j i ...n.ii ry in m .-r 1 , i,.--B,.:,!,, , t,h are of. , . ,..,er,l premium-. a . t h,eh will l- -a! '-on. Aotcxm w.mti-I i7,nr ; ! '''; : " "r;""" K"r! S red i Order-, -r ..-u. r, I J ,;u- Ad i -tUrs li, I. W,u. AM' Broadwsy. ! 1 T1U,VUIZ iSI2J. f i ! Y rcka, rcc. the followin? letter been roccivcl. "lint Creek, Hec. 7th. "To JJ, () Dcwit: Wo have all th-i Hot Crook In'ltntis in. All quit at pi M;ot. . We don't want any per sons tovtmc to our help until we call for thf;t!,a.s vro arc srucc of blankets. We have m:iJe arrangements vvith the authorities to come and et tho Indiaus or meet ns on jleservation. " V'oui s, the road to the P.. A. Dorris. The above .letter w:is brought in by Wiiiiatii M.J lv, front whom we leant the fuliowiiio- atLlitiunal particulars : J. A. Faireliilds, J. A. J)jrris, Nat csvick and l! ic ii Hill j her husband, Sou .-.faced Charley and j Cuptain Jack not being io the band. V T IB Aid E NTS THE DISCOVERER DISCOVERED ! i ir, ijvin:stom; in ai'kica, The Adventures of a most Adventurous Lite. The j , St 2iuIcy-Liviit8toiic j i:pcdifion to Africa. ! Large octavo volume, just issued. Contains Incidents o the Wondertul Career of the ireat JTravc'-ur, tin Country, A niuiais. Na tives, Hunting, etc.. Full account of this most interesting part of the globo. ALSO TU SELL OUR, NEW WORK, i si;a3:v now. talk i AND' MEDICAL COMMON SENSE. No competition. There never was a book puldifhel like 'it. Full p'irtieulars by mail, ,ffe book wanted A.L il INCriOlT a CO., ! SAN FRANCISCO, CAE. a x x it i: x : h .i x us: S A L O 0 N. rg Hid FIXP-ST (ItTAl.lTY 2 AVini-.", Liquors, Ales Purler. Ci;ar etc.. ; etc., di.ptir-t I at this Tttople of Batxdius. A' j the State .t.-r-i kei-t on tile ir the iraoiii1' i room- t'jtll utol fee hi-Ji, Um Cling ;han Pro. siivcn c ran i tii i a i i'.. N .Totice tu-rt-ly given that lh partnership ! !u rt tKro 'is:i!g under the n.uif .in !). "v - "- . -.' ,,. , Hill lie re. liter - Cwiili i,ii- Ulolcr "le fi mi CI i ?. . . 1 .. , . . .. : to h e.t i" b-1 'e ! to thu ,,!d tirm. will jde.utt call j and t-el'lfc i'illi'-r t.y ijvt or coin. j j ' B Y Ni. ho! . I Ski:':. Ootid. lm, ATTENTION ; i i hva!lov jour 'vivesaud nautileiv ; to w call tht H' t yvs hell fli puvnaie one oi i4.e veieb rated IMFIiOVKI) 5i & n s-: s is ii t t fi i: W 11 s J 'vlAMC "1 lTIR iJSV JBJV3 J r.icrv bod f uf t!iem nn-l they 1 uuirti ' ,' M .n ih-n . They fnti f.iin ln? i a ( ! UMVWM X WOUTLV. i A;''ut for Polk I'l-iitifv SI'KCIAL XO TICKS. ! .J I. Si Paving and m-M j e.O ir business tor lo ;ii Agftii nnd Cttll- , err. uin v l-e secure i ny nu-jvsin, vt'H l-':tit.' i-K Khii-:m, t'hiengo. l.nil'.' ly. j Mh-V Mojo-y f?t and honorably. $120 I t.'r d.iK, 75 per wet-k. by at once npp'ving for u.rviuti, .!H,ht, (nhieh arc giJeV fn'o to j t l!r, w,? ,,r,.,, U5.f) . r r,,T; , , , j nirtg dewing Machine, and Patent Rim.,. l!olW..rker, ever iiseilorrDcmmend- ; , ,,v ....jjj,.,, r hoy one tor vmir own use; it i ; : H,.nt (rv; evcrvw'here by express. ,iil di'i s l l jiiiuii uiari',R iiioik i. it. uo at i Co. Cortur tlreenwi N'e v: Vork. i l OoiiHln'i'D St. Oetl'.l-fim. from justice, from Washinpton Tcr The nbov rownnt will bo paid on the receipt of nuy sher iff or j constable in the Statv of Oregon or Wafhiton Territory. that he is in safe cob tody. ! AlcCann i nbout 5 feet eight inches iu bight ntber light complexion, ditrk hair, one i;las oyp,profes.dt)ual dancing master, plays the violin and banjo, j JAMBS C.8KLLBS. Pepvfifcd by fhe Governor of Washington Territory. j Nov ?4th 1S72. Holjoways Ointment. The astonishing ra pidity; with which thifl prcpar lion extinguish es pttin produces external inllaaiation, heala Bores.1 remove? eiuptions titmnrs, tind rura if rheumatism givc-s it bound U-s.t popuhirily old S Muidcn Lane, A w York, Price, " sCi.ta ltyv u c er potk. As for new style j the old s. cotttiterfeUed. 'WADE- O WW n E A I' ll it s I IV HARDWARE, FARM MACHINERY, WAGONS, ETC. INCLUDING PITT CHALLENGER, l.L. M.LL, UA1.D.1.N, ,t , liELLIvil j THRESHER MOUNTED and DOWN ENDLESS CHAINS, HORSEPOWERS, HAINE'S HEADERS, wWb ctra heavy drapers And many other improvements exclusively 'VI A R S Ji ' HARVESTERS IoRw ; '"'-, ""-iu, i nj.-per,i,uciy',pr.gue i E.v . isior. New Vork. P-ttrlv. Porn l";!,-;,. -. -.x -: II'IIH- a,ut MOWEfts. ri BAKER, I'K'iriC, AND t i BAIN i'AUM an it HEAD EH Vt'AtiOXS ,! N . f i ifvt Ji roop''rti n and fitsixH, oil ' honied in wil. sinl foil v hrrotd' ' T rntiF. ; reatest variety of oood . so l M.Mh'.try iu the Stale, at the !aret l i ..-;'.'.! price, and Ituie gircti when desired. . i.i tiv i ibs-r, we pnt no man'a not in the Bank , eii.'o r in atein. i -irCiti t or an r rato i.-eo. t iv.i)p imowN ,v co , SIeui, Jcue i. 1 ?l. i I aio I',,-. ,.t it !.-r -e , -u!. or of i make in.. re iieony .-.j w.-fk for us in :!i ir par I uioinetits.! the'i'i a' att thiftir i make more m-oiey k for us in :!i ir pare I to.onet.K. at mII lh.. iim.. ffiau :i :f.s thin r ;;-,.'ulr, free. Adire,, ti. .Mmson a,-d ,', i P"iihuid. Maine J'-l 1 rrrw,eaeiwiEWWS l r"i-- 'in . - -';--tVf.'i 1$ .Vi' -vf' tk .iil? M .T. W, GILUKHT, A-ent. lTGui Salemi Oga. I 7 V e" '1 i"a..-cr-i. tm rnitMtii, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Disease? Of the Throat and LurK, . such as Coughs, Colds, Whoopinc Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably tsever before in the vhol history of -medicine, lias anything" won so widely and so deeply upon th conlidt nco of mankind, fin tltia excellent remedy for pulmonary complaint. Through n long 8eriP3 f year, and anionK most of Ui ruceu oi men it has i ien liinrht-r and Jiigher in their estima tion, as it has become hotter known. Its uiii'orn j character and power to cure the various aiiVetiona I of the lungs and throat, have made it known an a re- liable protector against thi'in. Wiule adapted to milder form of li.-.easc ana io yonur cnuureu, iv m at tlm same time the tnot irtwAtuA remedy that can Le pvun tor iucipiont consumption, and Uie ilaiv gorous nircctions of Uifl throat and lung. Asa pro vision aicainst Midden attacks of Croup, it tbould be kept on hand m every lamiiy, ami m..uen us nil I are on.etinien pubject to cold and conhs, all ! Khnld bo nrovidod with titirf antidote tor tiifcio. i ... . j f . .. !.. ...I I.. Although MUtteU VOlUIHJHtoit i mou'i curable, fetill great nnmbmv of cases where tlie du casc seemed settled, have Jx cn completely ciuvd. and the patiftnt restored to Bound health hy tha I'herrtf 1' veto ml. .So complete? is it mattery ovr the lif.ordetrt of the Lungs and Throat, tua the most obstinate of them yield to it. When noth ing else could reach them, under tho Curry l'to torn! they .subid! and disappear. Shujvr nnd I'ubllc Spcuicc-rt find great pro tection from it. , ... Asthma, u alwnya relieved and oRen wholly cured by it. . , , . ... i ClK t't'tt I'evtorul in ?m:ti! and frequent donC.i. Hi t,,, hills h generally rmeu dj uun, uw notuoji, Urn c.ertiilcatcH of thorn here, or do n.o. lhau assure mc puon; uiai s quumrcs f ' main'yiued. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fev?r Mid Aarao, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever. Remittent Fever, Dumb Accuft, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c, and indeed nil tho ftfTections which ane ftfm malarious, marsu, or miasmatic poisonn. As its riamo Impliec, it does C're, and doei no fail. ontaininir neither Arsenic, Quinine, rtismutj,. Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous i-ubstan-x Ubatever, it' in nowise ininres any patient. " 3 number ami iniKi tanee of its cures In the ajrue h. ti i t, arc litcrnllv brvond account, and we lndievi without a parallel In th" M-'tory of Apme medicine. Our pride is jr ratified Pv the atknov. Icilgnients wn receive of the radical cures rflfectcd in obrtinaie, am! where other remeilios had wholly faileiL l"n xc. limated persons, cither reiJent in, or travelitn through irda-mfttir JocdTties, will be pro- te'-t.-d t,v fikiiiHie .tnm rr.T daily. lor I in r i'mnpl'titttx. :-;Wuz from tornKoty cf ;b- f.fvrr, it i sn ef r!h-nt, timulatiris ti.e T.iver into heaithv aclivity. V- v Il.Jious Disorders and Liver Comnl:tint, So evceJhnt Hrnely, prtMlorins mroiv truly , k.,-r iiiodn-iiie. h.n-l falh-Oi. ' f n j.Mred liv'lMt.'.T. C. Avi I! & Co., Pr.v t" l I ai d Aoidytieal fhend.its, Lowell, Mass., nd 4 ; aii round the woild. i'lUVJ:. SX.OO l'EJl HQTTLJE. Ayor's Cathartic Pilla, prpora of a LaxAtivo . ... lA V. . . . 1.. jfrf cm i i a uiiivcivalty ra ' Gr o'-'if'-d ! y everyoody :s rn'.'ir'n'Kjijrwai -ver ilv-x av i 't'- v...- ft univer.: fl?H!f lv ad-fte.l hit u-e. iu V e'very eoiinlryand am cj A c?'ri f'" c'i i liii iniid t VJr.iT'' bnt t!iei.-nt vrjr;tiv( V J V'' l Ttn' olnijr. ie- V- . . --.. p.-n is. th-t it i i more r.- f-."?". ''ffiSv V ii'iW ""d fir more tffec- i;vv:-,7 trt-il ii t::na .v;V 'JSi-:,! ci!ie. Thoiw wh j hive ri.-d it, know t!:.d d ei:re.! t:i;n; V. t why ha i i-:kfi-1 VfT..r. l":,::: j j.,:,', it ',.!-.,- j xu s.i nny fau!t or negle. tof ! t c-ii!ir-ition, Wr have thou.nuM up-fi tiiou- atnl-. -if ce.-ti:i--.nte4 of tlxur remarkable euiv of tiii .lil .o.i; i:ix i'"llii.TiiH. itut ?.ti w 4ii c- wij ;q .ecfv neihh.-.'j...l, rad wo n.-od a H ptthlivh tiieoi. A l.ij.t i! io ill igc an t cn-:it !::-. H :.fl clitttt; '.-: ni. i-r ni nher crdo:n;l or aav d-ietin1udnig. hey ;.. be liken wiUi .;foty l y at-y -. y. Their i -a; ir !.."! a p r' serve ih:nVrcr fte?' an mnko4 1 n ..i.-i-viwt t tsUe, whtfe beitij pmiy refittnblo i oiroi ciri irtit: iitui i.k -i i.-"- o:ii -.i.-i-.iit i . Ihi V e perat' b.-th?ir powerful influenc on ttte lontn! ivtoi : t p.-M'y 1-1 and etimul:.tte it i ji.-.u!1 v avti ii rch te thrt )?tn;et:on? of tha -n. tjitrc-i, liver, n;sd other owm if thrt t ; Iv. r-torln i their tr .v ts-n ti lie.dth, ina "' -e f -; VC- .ill?. W o"!V VCf ftn'V CBt. AXlCll derange j 'XU on j , .x .-. t;,.. r . iu ta.p!:d;U-, u hieh Une 1 ;:. r.ijv.Hy cure : ! lor ir;ioj!' or wnatffriian, i.iti. ties, s. nifur ami jl,(v u f,eitii', mey il ia! I '.i taken io h rite!i tnu.ila: j t!u mo:n ; h an 1 i-t ui it li- iill.y t-! an t .-v-ti.s.. l.iviT (.'lint iilalui a l I it v.ii iou frm t-oiM, ?";tia "?JT ! i vt-.'. ;! 3Ci.t it tii, i Miinii ti n i-i - - - 1 - - - - - - - . w .... ..... -..-. -i ... . l , -...ii ... i... .i;o i - Iv : iki-n t r e r. to -o;-ret tiie diseei tt !ioti or rfiinf tU o'. ti'u.-t';.a whic!i e-anse it. t , I , .-iul.-r.r r DiurrUuiu, lij; one m-.'-l ;.-e t iT'-n-eaMv r.'q-.ticc b K.r tii-iiiil:!. lo. 3rTCT. 3vlfl. ui!n f th Iir4si. S'ii li f !!!, Ijtrli; a-el t! u. t'w.' s.ioitid t? con'.i'i;iiilv i-;i, as re j.iired, ! ehan t'.te -i'eaid s-rtio-icf .',. i. nifin. Willi .-ucn ch.inse tU -e eotnplal. !i,ip;'c ; For 31rp anl KiomIc xl f.-ft-f tllni ther , hMill tie t-ci i. Ir.iT" and f. inent -li'cn -. prc ! ! tit;" e.T '. t i f a d !?: pirve. For fciiijriori a lin e d",-c should ?e takoa s it prut i'? t'i. d.?ired efT"'! by sympathy. A s i ?i'ijier Pill, tine or two PiU K pro mot .lu'is'i vi nnd r'iis-v i r .?oni:ich. Kn o 1-; doie ? tbrrdr-.u. the aifl' oow.ds ini't hMlt'iy a tio:, rtre ihu .mpt-tHe, oi I invi.i-rstes Ci swt.-m. Itcn-e it it nn nd Tan'-ieo-is -.vhere nt soriom tvranr-:nnt exuts. .n-i w!o f.-l t d.n tblv ..!. n!i-i rtivl.i a -t jtO ' Of PHI m tke-. hn.l l'c! bHr. tront ( tii-n- t-levisinif aud icutiratiiv 3'.c4 on Uw dirv j ite aiip iratus. OK. C. A Yr.R A PO., Vrnctienl Vhtnitt$, JLOVTJL'LL. JbfJL5., V. Ji. ViJl sew everything neeiWl ia a ftraHyi frea the hovit to tht l;g'uwt t'.Lria. Thaj othor a.ftcfciiie. If then ii a Florence fWwii; Ma chine widiin ouo thousnud nulc of Hun Friu;isco not worhiu well ani giving entire KaU.-frtdit.n, if I nm ir tonned of-it, it wiii be uiteiultd to without vxpeuik) of unV kind to tin owner. SAMUEL HILL, AyU 19 Mew Motdti-rgry StitJ Grand Hota! Buildinc, Sn Frawiicu. fiend for Clmtltf wim-X. f tint tv ir A-, Aiil kf5etlj x it tt 'i k